Megan & Jessie #05


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"You stay here, and um... work on the clothes some. You again have access to all my clothes. I mean we want to be as presentable for our guests as possible, right?" I asked.

"Of course Ma'am. I will be all prepared by the time you get back," she said.

Having her not question orders was actually almost relieving. Normally I'd really have to twist my words around or beg her to do anything. Now I just had to ask for it.

"Thanks a lot Jessie. I'll be back really soon!" I said, as I hugged her. I sort of didn't think about the hug, it was mostly out of relief. I had forgotten she was still pretty nearly naked. My hands on her lower back could feel bare skin and silk. In front, I could tell how easily her apron shifted between our bodies... her naked body just on the other side of that thin layer.

I quickly released the hug and excused myself. I was out the door and in my car.

The ride to Stacy's and back wasn't much. I explained to Stacy about what was happening. I told her about the test, and Megan acting as a very proper maid. She told me she really wanted to see what Jessie was like when seriously working.

It's funny, hearing her say it, it did make me sort of miss the carefree Jessie more, it's one of the things I love most about her.

Well, I say I love it, yet it nearly gave me a heart attack as we got home.

Once back home, Katie was already parked outside. She didn't know Jessie would have let her in probably, so she was waiting for us. Stacy quickly explained the whole maid thing; she seemed almost excited about it. Katie thought it sounded cute, and we head towards the front door.

I open the door and let Stacy and Katie. I follow right behind, and suddenly there Jessie is, still in just the panties an apron!

"Welcome home Mistress and friends. I am happy to have you all here," Jessie says as she bows to us.

"Whoa! You didn't tell us about this!" Katie says.

Stacy gives me a sly grin. Once before she had suspected something between Jessie and I. This was not going to help that.

"One second guys, "I say with a forced but nervous chuckle. I let Jessie stand and pull her to the side.

"What is this; I said deal with the clothes situation, what's going on?" I ask her.

Jessie looks at me, not sure what I mean. "Miss Megan, I've started washing your clothes, don't worry. Everything is set as you asked. It's just the load is full already, so I am not able to fit the rest," she explained.

I couldn't believe. She really somehow misunderstood me. This was going to be hard to explain. Even if I told Katie and Stacy that it was Jessie who put herself like this, surely they'd wonder why I was letting her stay like that.

"Well, um, could you give Katie, Stacy, and I some time alone? Go um... check on the clothes or something..." I say. Jessie formally excused herself and left, Katie and Stacy still shocked.

"Well, that's one hell of a kinky bet. I didn't know she'd be a stripper maid or something," Stacy teased.

I had to think fast. "She's not a stripper. I didn't set the conditions either. This is just how it is I guess. I couldn't say no, Jessie doesn't like to step down from bets," I explained.

"She's... a little... well exposed though, isn't she?" Katie nervously commented. She was blushing too. Katie didn't know Jessie as well as Stacy and I do, so maybe she didn't really know how... carefree about exposure she was.

"Well, like I said, she insisted she act on the bet. I only agreed because I knew I'd win, I don't know if I could handle being dressed like that," I tried explaining.

Stacy gave me another sly grin, "Oh, I thought you and Jessie were nudist buddies? I didn't think wearing a bit of a skimpy outfit would bother you."

"Sh-sh-shut up Stacy. I told you not to blab about that... it's different than that," I tried saying. I tried to think of a reason, "I mean, nudists are ok with nudity, but I mean a sexy outfit is still sexy, regardless."

I knew it was a lame excuse, but I think Stacy was satisfied with how red my face became and how much stammering I was starting to do.

"So Jessie is a nudist?" Katie asked.

"Sort of, something like that," Stacy said with a shrug. "Perhaps you'll 'see' it for yourself one day," she joked. The joke was pretty lame, as evident by Katie not reacting much. I definitely just blushed, because I instantly thought about Jessie being naked. Katie was definitely a fellow shy girl, because all this talk of nudity still had her sort of red.

"Ma'ams, would you all like to sit down for some drinks and entertainment?" Jessie suddenly requested as she re-entered the room.

I didn't know what to say, but Stacy was quick to make a comment, "Ooo, entertainment you say? What kind of stunning entertainment does a naughty maid like you have to offer?"

I couldn't believe how openly flirtatious Stacy could be sometimes. She defiantly had more backbone than me. I know she said it in jest, but it still made me a little jealous. It would be nice if I could learn to flirt with Jessie a bit better.

"Anything my Mistress asks for," she said. She ushered us to the living room, and has all sit down. Stacy and Katie got the couch and I was given the recliner.

"So, she'll do anything we ask?" Stacy wanted to confirm. She then added, "anything~" as if to really test it.

I was afraid Jessie would confirm that she would, it seems like the type of trouble she'd let herself get into. I interjected, "some drinks would be nice." Jessie left to get our drinks.


Megan and Jessie #5 Part 3

By Jappio

"Wow, she really is your maid, it must be nice," Katie commented.

"Eh, a little stressful..." I said truthfully, not wanting to comment on the truth, I quickly explained myself in a different way, "I mean, I didn't expect her to be so diligent and such. It's almost exhausting to think of things to ask her to do; I mean it's not very natural to be the boss."

"Oh, I bet there's a few things you could come up with that you'd love to have her do," Stacy mentioned. I didn't want to know what she meant by it, and chose to ignore it.

When Jessie returned, all eyes were on her. Stacy wasn't shy to look her up and down. It didn't look like she was into Jessie or anything; I didn't feel threatened at least. Stacy seemed to take some kind of other enjoyment from it. I think she likes seeing people in tough situations. Even if Jessie seemed perfectly cool with it.

Katie was a bit more timid. I could tell she wanted to look, but she usually looked away. She really was a shy girl. I'm sure it was weird for her to have another woman around who was so exposed.

"Wow, these are really cute, where'd you get them?" Stacy asked, sticking a finger into one of the loops of the panties. I almost thought she might try to pull the satin down Jessie's legs.

"Oh these cute little things? They are pretty great. Yet they are Miss Megan's," Jessie explained.

My heart instantly stopped. My face heated up right away. I slowly looked at Katie and Stacy. Both had immediately turned their heads to me.

Now the few times that maybe the girls had seen my underwear choice thanks to locker rooms and such, they had seen some pretty plain stuff. I'm pretty shy, and something as kinky as those panties were probably pretty surprising to see me have. Heck, as I said, I never intended to wear them.

"Um..." I tried to say something. Nothing came out though.

Oblivious to the whole ordeal, Jessie turned and returned to the kitchen, "I'll prepare some food for everyone," she called.

Katie and Stacy both looked like they were looking for answer. Katie was almost concerned, and Stacy looked like she knew something was up and she was about to find out something even better.

I knew they were looking for more info than just about the panties. I mean that was bad, yet I also explained the outfit was Jessie's choice. Now all of sudden Jessie was wearing my panties.

"They were a gift from an old boyfriend!" I lied. "I never wore them once, but Jessie had found them I guess when she was getting changed for the bet... you know Jessie, always forgetting stuff... like her panties..." That last bit wasn't much of a lie, Jessie did go commando a lot.

"So I mean, the deal was apron and panties, and I wasn't going to make her go around without, I'm not some pervert!"

The two actually seemed to believe the story enough.

"Oh, one sec, that was the buzzer! Be right back mistresses," Megan called as she passed us to head to the basement. The washer sounded ready for a new load.

"A shame Jessie lost the bet. I think I almost would have preferred to see you squirming around in those naughty little bits of lace," Stacy teased.

"You're an ass, you know that," I said, her teasing being tough to deal with sometimes.

"I know," Stacy laughed.

I tried leading the conversation away for a bit, by turning the TV on. It almost worked, but Jessie returned, and we all noticed something pretty fast.

"Whoa, someone lost her panties!" Stacy called out. Instantly Katie and I turned our heads towards Jessie.

"Oh, I wouldn't lose Miss Megan's cute panties so easily. They are being washed," Jessie explained.

I couldn't believe this... Jessie actually stripped back down to just her apron again! I didn't know how to feel. On one side, my embarrassing panties weren't there for everyone to see now. I also had the perk of seeing Jessie's naked butt again.

Of course the bad thing was that Katie and Stacy were right there.

"Jessie... umm... are you sure you should be um... I mean..." Katie tried to say. It was nice to know someone else was looking out for Jessie.

"Yeah Jessie, you didn't have to," I tried saying.

"You said I should get to all your clothes Ma'am," Jessie explained.

I didn't know what to say, "I mean... well I didn't... um..."

"What would you like me to do next Miss," Jessie asked, doing her little curtsey again, this time everyone else got to see the thigh flashing sight.

"Oh, she could do some vacuuming if she hasn't already?" Stacy said, quickly taking charge.

Jessie though looked at me. "Is that what you would like Miss Megan?"

Although I didn't have to agree, I did sort of want to diffuse the situation some. So I let her get to that.

Tension was rising again, and I tried to calm things down. Jessie had something going in the oven, and was getting the oven out.

For the next couple of minutes, Katie really learned that Jessie wasn't very shy. Jessie did little stop us from getting looks at her bare butt, or between her legs when her apron shifted. She was so nearly naked in that thing, and it was obvious to all of us.

Eventually the pizza Jessie was making was done, and she served us it. Again, she excused herself from us.

As we ate our slices though, Jessie returned, and this time, every one of us gasped out loud.

Jessie no longer had her apron on. She was completely naked.

"Jessie, your apron?!" I asked out loud.

"Hm? Oh, in the wash Ma'am. I finished with the cooking, so I figured I didn't need it anymore," was Jessie's answer.

"Classic Jessie," Stacy commented, already undisturbed by it.

Katie was staring, open jaw. I couldn't blame her. Jessie was stunning. Well maybe that's not why her jaw was hanging, but that's why mine was.

Stacy was surprisingly nice all of a sudden when she offered, "Katie, you think it might be time to go?"

Katie had to recollect her thoughts, "what?" she asked.

"We have, something do, right?" she almost half asked. I could tell something must have been up. "We also should probably leave these two alone," she said, as if almost hinting something. Again, I didn't want to know what she thought.

"Oh yes, I guess we should. It's been a lot of fun guys!" Katie said, getting up.

The two quickly said their goodbyes. Jessie and I led them out of the house, Jessie still naked. I couldn't believe she really would do that, especially in front of someone like Katie, but that just goes to show you how little she seems to worry about nudity.

With them out the door, I turned towards the kitchen. I needed some air. What I had hoped would make things easier seemed to make things work.

Yet it was hard to be mad or upset after spying Jessie cleaning up the table. I know I go on about her beauty a lot, but there is more to her than that. Like for instance, she was going through with her bet and cleaning up after everyone left. She was so helpful and kind.

She went into the kitchen, and I followed.

"By the way, thanks Jessie. I mean it's a bit weird, bossing you around, but you're a real sport, you know that," I said. "I really mean it, I love having you over," I said. I was almost trying to tell myself I should be honest with her for once. I wasn't able to make it happen, and turned to my side, unable to look her in the eye.

"Of course Miss Megan, anything for you. By the way, I've been meaning to do this," Jessie said as she approached me. I didn't know what was going on, but my naked maid got really close to me.

Jessie actually started to embrace me! Without a single word, Jessie had her arms around me.

"Jessie..." I said, feeling her bare chest on my arm. She was so close to me, this was something else.

"Yes Ma'am?" she asked. Her hands began to slide along the waistband of my jeans. They focused on the button.

"What are you doing?!" I asked.

Jessie looked at me and smiled. "Why what I'm supposed to do Miss Megan. I am your servant today. I am to perform every task I can to make you happy. I must perform every service that is physically possible for me to do."

After a line like that, and her lowering the zipper on my jeans, I didn't know what to do.

"Jessie! You, you don't have to do that!" I said in a panic. Yet even though that's what I said, I didn't physically try to happen. I know I said I can speak Jessie-ese, but right now what she said could only be exactly what she said.

She started to pull my pants down my legs till they were pooled at my ankles. This was all moving so fast. Jessie was able to stare right at my blue cotton panties.

"Miss, please lift your legs," Jessie requested. My brain was on autopilot, and I did as she asked. She took my pants from my legs in moments.

I then heard the front door open. "I forgot my phone!" Stacy called out as she came inside. I was right near this little half window that was between the kitchen and living room. Stacy could thankfully not see a single thing below my stomach.

"Keep hidden; don't let her know you're here!" I whispered down to Jessie. I just knew that if I didn't say that, she'd give us away. I couldn't believe I was so close to one of my dreams and Stacy had to come and ruin it.

"What was that?" Stacy asked.

"Oh, nothing!" I said as Stacy began to look around the couch for her phone. "Where's that naked maid of yours anyways?"

"Who, Jessie? Um... she's... cleaning the floors and stuff..."

Just as I was saying this, I felt Jessie's knuckles against my waist. Her fingers were burying into the waistband of my panties!

I tried to give her the evil eye, but Stacy was looking my way, so I didn't want to look down at Jessie suspiciously.

"Cleaning the floors? What, are you making her do it with her tongue and that's why she can't say hello to her friend?"

I knew it was a bad lie, but there was too much happening. My heart was beating like crazy. Just below me, Jessie was pulling my panties down slowly, as if not to make a sound. Then on top of it, I was scared with how close Stacy was with the "Cleaning with her tongue" comment. I shivered at the thought. I wonder if Jessie would go so far to actually do that, with Stacy there.

I didn't know how to stop any of it though. As I tried to mumble out an answer to Stacy, Jessie had my panties at my thighs. Jessie was getting an up close view of my lips and everything.

"OH... umm... Jessie was mopping here, but is um... downstairs with the wash now! It's probably too loud to hear you..."

"Well, I found my phone, so you behave and do anything with her I wouldn't!" Stacy teased as she turned to leave.

Jessie was at that moment holding my hip in one hand, and had a hand on my thigh. My panties had hit the floor, and Jessie was rubbing my thigh and hip. It was such a tease, but it kept me standing. "Bye again Stacy, have fun!" I called out as she left.

Jessie had now gotten the panties from my feet. I stood bottomless in the kitchen, her kneeling right in front of my naked lower half.

"Jessie... you really aren't going to..." I tried saying. I really couldn't believe this was happening.

"What, clean with my tongue?" She asked, having heard Stacy of course.


Megan and Jessie #5 Part 4

By Jappio

Oh my god! I couldn't believe she'd ask me like that. Was I supposed to say yes? Did she just want to hear me say it out loud? Oh my god, I don't know if I could handle that. Yet maybe that's what Jessie always wanted. Maybe Jessie would like me more if I told her to do stuff like that. She might actually be a submissive like she's been playing all day.

Jessie began to rise. She started to push my t-shirt up my body. I was wondering if she was going to strip me.

"I don't know if you really want me to clean with my tongue. It would take me awhile, and I have a lot of things to do," she explained. Now it was like she was playing hard to get, trying to get me to beg for it.

"Well... no... I wouldn't make you do that," I blurted out. I really wouldn't want to make her do it if she didn't want to.

"Then in that case," Jessie said, pushing my shirt up over my head. She was quick to get to my bra. I was in such a daze that I hardly had the mind to fight her off from stripping me naked. I wanted that in so many way after all.

"I will draw you a bath and wash these for you," Jessie finished. I was suddenly somehow more lost. At least moment before I had thought I knew what was happening. Now I wasn't sure at all.

"Wait, what?" I asked.

"Well Ma'am, I figured you might like a bath. So I'll take your clothes to be washed and kill two birds with one stone," Jessie explained.

Without thinking, "What about..." I was able to stop myself.

"What about what?" Jessie asked. She looked me over. I was now blushing as I covered myself. I should have known better. Jessie wasn't at all planning to do anything sexual with me. I couldn't believe how dumb I was. "Oh, you mean clean the floor? Well I though the tongue thing was only a joke, but if you wanted me to clean the floor too I could."

I was so thankful for Jessie's ability to completely glaze over stuff sometimes. "No, I don't think they need cleaning. I was just mistaken about something. A bath would be nice."

I kept my body covered as I went to go sit down. I would have put up a fit about being so undressed, but after what just happened, I needed a break, and a bath would be nice.

So Jessie set up a bath, and set up the laundry as well. She told me the bath was set for me, and I went inside.

As I shut the door and made sure I had a towel ready, I tested the water. Jessie had put some bubble bath in, and the water temperature was perfect. I had to admit having someone pamper me had been nice.

Then I heard a knocking. "Miss, why did you lock the door? Wouldn't you like me to wash you Miss Ma'am?"

My heart went right back to its erratic beat. "No thanks! Just attend to the clothes!"

I lay down in the tub, and tried to re-relax myself. However it wasn't long till thoughts of Jessie joining me in the bathroom, bending over so she could wash me... her hands all sudsy, running over my sensitive skin.

I was actually quite sensitive. The day with Jessie had been crazy. After all the moments, and all the naughty visuals, and just in general being so close to Jessie, I was a bit on edge in more ways then one.