Menace of the Red Planet Ch. 02


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As his body bowed gracefully and reared again, it reminded you of the cobra as it prepared to strike.

"Your Ferocity our scannersss have observed a space vessel coming towardsss us from the planet Earth," Chan Li's sibilant hiss cut through the air to the others on the Dias.

Toza looked at the slim, small man before him and spoke with a dangerous softness," Did you not tell me that the Earthmen were primitive and have no space vessels or heat cannon Chan Li?"

"That isss our understanding and they have not discovered the attacksss we have been making on their planet your Ferocity." It was amazing Chan Li appeared to be nervous about what he was saying to Toza.

"So what are you doing about this vessel Grand Inquisitor?" Toza asked in a voice as cold as ice.

"I have ordered the heat cannon to bring down the vessel and bring us prisonerssss to question your Ferocity."

"Bring them to me when they have been captured Chan Li," Toza remarked with deceptive calmness.

As the Inquisitor turned to flee his master Toza spoke again," If you fail me again Chan Li I will make you beg for death after I start with your punishment."

Dismissed it would have been remarked had it not been dangerous to do so that the Inquisitor ran from the throne room. Behind him the court swirled and made plots against the Emperor Toza.


Hawk desperately tried to bring the mortally wounded ships nose up as it dove towards the rust cliffs in front of it. Cuts from the shattered glass covered his hands and arms as he struggled to control the pitching and yawing craft. Half-blinded by the air rushing through the window he saw the cliffs approach the ship with incredible speed.

With desperate strength he leant his hard muscular body over the joystick as he pushed the metal lever down. Slowly the nose of the ship rose allowing the vessel to scrape over the jagged edge of the red cliffs. The engines were unable to hold the craft aloft anymore so that it dropped onto the sand below and forced a spume of sand to fly high into the air. Hawk's head struck a bar of metal as the ship juddered to a halt on the soft sand. He slid down unconscious only held to his seat by the seatbelt strapped across his chest. Behind him both the Professor and Ronnie slumped across their chairs like broken rag dolls.

Looking from the black castle Chan Li spoke into the brass tube next to him. He had been impressed how the Earth vessel had taken such punishment that would have destroyed a weaker vessel. The armoured plate had protected the inhabitants in their shattering impact on the surface of Mars. Twirling a knob the Television's panel changed the grainy black and white scene and showed the black gate being opened as the sand skimmers sped towards the broken ship a bare ten miles from the fortress.

"You are fortunate that the ship was so strong or you would need to explain why the Earth beings were dead to the Emperor, Grand Inquisitor ," Chan Li heard a slight hint of gloating in the thin high voice of his assistant.

He turned to the red robed figure beside him and spoke," It is of no concern since it would not have been my fault."

"I do not understand Grand Inquisitor."

"That is because fool, you would have taken the blame," he smiled, as he said this a metal clad finger flicked at the other man's neck drawing a speck of blood.

His hand raised itself to the wound before he crashed to the ground and turned a shade of green as he laboured for breath. His tongue protruded from his mouth and turned black before a deep gurgling in his throat signalled his death. Turning back to the television screen he saw the skimmers halt near the ship and the Insect soldiers left the craft to claim the prizes that lay within the metal shell. As they did so Chan Li spoke his instructions to the Insectoid guards near him.

"You may take the body next to me for your pleasure and clean up the mess his death has made."

Efficiently and silently the creatures removed the body and cleaned the floor so that after a short time it gleamed spotlessly. Chan Li did not look as he watched the first to the Insect Men step into the ship's interior.

Inside the ship bloody sunlight washed the cockpit as Ronnie began to stir and felt the seat belt's harness press hard into her body. Around her she heard the scraping of metal on metal as the wind pushed the plates of metal together. Her fumbling fingers opened the clasp and she fell onto the floor beneath her. On her hands and knees she crawled painfully towards the Professor. Then she realised that there was no wind and that there was something or someone in the ship itself and it was searching for them. Reaching the Professor's harness she released it and helped him to the ground as she heard the sound of the door to the cockpit being opened.

A claw appeared above the door and then a hideously disfigured face appeared through the entrance. Ronnie screamed with fear but ran to the door and smashed it shut on the creature that was coming in. There was a sharp shriek as the iron door severed the creatures neck. The Professor grabbed a free swinging lead pipe and prepared to use it as a club as the Insectoids pushed back the heavy iron door throwing Ronnie heavily against the wall and charged into the cramped cockpit.

The Professor's iron bar struck one of the creatures head shearing through the neck and sending green blood shooting into the air. Ronnie screamed again as a chitinous claw closed about her wrist and black-faceted eyes looked into her face as the sharp mandibles snapped closed with a threatening click. Liquid spewed onto her face from the creatures open mouth. Acrid fumes burnt her throat and nostrils as she felt her body grow heavy and she fell unconscious with a shattering crash to the floor below.

She may have heard the Professor's cry of dismay as he saw her fall into the clutches of the horde of Insectoids about her and using the lead pipe in his hands charged into the five foot tall creatures. He towered above them like a giant as the pipe cleaved through the leathery chitin and shattered both Insect faces and bodies. Claws tried to hold him but he fought as a man possessed, as he clubbed his way through the creatures. Green blood made the floor slippery and his feet slipped out from beneath his body. The foul creatures piled on top of his prone body and immobilised it for a short while until the boom of thunder threw them away from the man.

The smoking Colt revolver was held in Hawk's right hand while he used a jagged sliver of armour plate as a spear. The Professor rose from the dead and dying creatures like a giant shaking away fleas from his body. His green covered club rose and fell with a dangerous regularity sweeping away the chittering creatures that continued to flood into the spaceship. A shattering roar crashed through the ship as the gun was fired again sweeping the red coloured creatures to hell. Though the creatures were suffering high casualties they continue their attempts to take the two men prisoners, so that they could be questioned.

The Professor was pushed to the floor again and this time did not rise as Hawk fired the gun again and again. Then the hammer clicked futilely as it struck empty chambers. Throwing the black metal handgun into the face of the nearest Insectoid Hawk took up his razor-sharp spear and thrust it through the tough chitin.

"Die Goddammit you bloody ants!" Hawk cried as he waded into the short Insectoids his spear thrusting and killing.

His fist slammed into the face of one of the creatures and it flew away from the man, its face smashed into unrecognisable pulp. He turned towards the sound of a high-pitched buzz to see an Insectoid pointing a thin dull blade at him. It seemed to be oversized in its claw as it circled in the air. There was the smell of ozone and the creature thrust towards the muscular body of the Earthman.

Hawk grunted in pain as a bolt of electricity shot out from the blade into his body. Bolt after bolt shot into Hawk's dazed bruised body even though he killed more of the Insect men. Then his body crumpled to the floor amid the sea of of red creatures that swarmed through the corridors of metal. The spaceship grew quiet as the Insectoids gently moved the human crew out of the broken craft and into the waiting skimmers. Chan Li watching on his television screen allowed himself a slight smirk as the craft lifted off and sped towards him with the bound captives.

Suddenly he stood and smoothed out his robes. As he did so he instructed the soldiers what was supposed to be done to the captives when they arrived at the citadel.


Lancing pain again thrust deep into Hawk's brain and brought him quickly into consciousness. Trying to shake his head away from the pain he realised that he was firmly bound and that the pain continued to thrust in his brain rhythmically and that combined with it was a high pitched squeal in his ears. It ended abruptly, hands unleashed the tight metal band about his head and he was able to move his aching skull. He saw the brass metal earphones lifted above him, the black rubber cord that led to a bank of flashing lights were gathered into thin, graceful hands.

A sharp raising of the table that he was bound to sent a sharp reminder into his brain of the pain that he had only recently suffered. As the pain diminished his blurred eyesight sharpened and he made out the bald figure dressed in crimson robes before him. Even as he watched he was repelled by this figure, there was something vaguely reptilian about this man. He appeared inhuman, his dull golden skin stretched over a thin snakelike bald skull. His black eyes reminded of a creature that was dead, they seemed so flat and lifeless. Hawk looking at this man realised that he was looking at a natural killer and that he would kill with little provocation.

The creature moved to Hawk's side and smiled mirthlessly at the bound man. A shark would have had a friendlier smile. Then his sing-song voice whispered to Hawk, "So creature of Earth how do you feel?"

"In bloody pain after the beating I took."

Hawk tried to loosen his metal cuffs but he was firmly bound and there was little that he could use to lever himself free.

"Yesss you were very difficult for the soldiersss to subdue. It is rare for someone to stand up to the electro-swordsss so well."

As the creature before him spoke he touched where the blade had sent a searing bolt into his body. He yelped with the pain that shot into his body. Then he realised that they were not speaking English at all but a language unlike any he had heard before. The man smiled again this time it was broader than before. Then he spoke again as though in answer to Hawks unspoken question.

"Oh yes you miserable Earth creature the Educator has given you an understanding of our language and culture. A waste but His Ferocity has requested that he question you and your friendssss."

Friends! Hawk realised that the others must also be alive and he tried to break free from his bonds. As before it was a futile waste of his energy, he was able to move his head a little and saw Ronnie also bound to a table. One of her magnificent breasts were free since her overalls had been ripped open. There was a deep groan that came from behind him and he recognised the Professor's baritone as he mumbled to himself.

"Let me loose goddammit!" Hawk exclaimed. The regretted his shouting as his body ached some more, he felt breathless, the air seemed to be so thin and he found he was clawing for enough air.

The man smiled into Hawk's face and touched a button slightly on the gold covered metal bar that ran down Hawk's body. Electricity shot through his body wracking it again in incredible pain. As quickly as it came the pain left his body and he ceased the sharp hissing of his breath as he slumped in his bonds. Looking down his nose at the man Chan Li hissed his sibilant statement.

"Such ill mannersss you Earthmen have, consider that a lesson. Should you talk like that to Hisss Ferocity he will kill you slowly and painfully," then he talked more happily," But then he will probably kill you anyway."

As he spoke he slipped out of the dark cell leaving the three people there.

"Hawk are you alright," Professor Markov whispered.

The man groaned and then groaned his response," I'll live Prof and if I ever meet that scumbag in a dark street I promise you that he wont be walking out of it."

"What will happen to us?" Ronnie piped up.

"I don't know Miss Sherwood," the Professor spoke and then continued," Have you noticed how we gasp for breath that is because Mars has a thinner atmosphere. More like the Andes. That means we will find it difficult to do things very energetic for a long time but you will find we are very strong here since the gravity here is less than a third of Earths. So we can probably take more physical damage than would native born Martians."

Before he could continue figures in red robes entered the cell and unchained the trio from the wall and led them out into a dimly lit hall where the black insect soldiers stood silently and ready to quell any rebellion that the Earth trio could make. Chan Li greeted them with a condescending smile. A quiet word and the party walked along the dark corridor, the chains jingled as the prisoners trudged towards their meeting with the Emperor of Mars.

Light broke through the gloom as the party entered the throne hall and moved quickly to the Dias and the throne that was above them, the figure above them leered down at them. Stepping reluctantly upwards they reached the top and Toza the Emperor of Mars in his full terrifying presence. Behind him his two children watched with interest and lust. The Grand Inquisitor bowed deeply and seeing that the Earthmen had not moved signalled to the soldiers. The electro-spears lashed out and swept them off their feet so that they were on their knees before this obscene creature who gazed with obvious lust at Ronnie.

"The Earth-creaturesss as you asked for Your Ferocity," Chan Li announced, then he continued," The smaller one is the scientist that created their vehicle the larger one should be killed as he will be a troublemaker My Lord."

"Father give him to me," Thalia spoke with a low seductive voice. She had seen the muscular Hawk and wanted him, she thought of his cock deep in her hot cunt. Even clothed she had seen that he was bigger than any Martian man, except her father's champion Quandi. Her half-brother stirred ever ready to want what his sister wanted and to take it before she could enjoy the pleasure. There was little love lost between the two siblings as many knew.

"You have Duke Moran, seek no more!" Toza growled," Let me see them naked. Let us see what they are like uncovered."

He sat back and watched as the Insectoid claws cut or tore easily through the clothing barely touching the skin of the people beneath. Naked they stood before the degenerate court who gasped. Even Professor Markov's cock was larger than many a Martian his body was well-built though against the the huge bulk of the Hawk he appeared a midget. Many eyes lingered over Hawks naked form and they devoured his cock with their eyes and licked their lips in lust. Only Quandi looked at Hawk's form with hatred, this man was the only rival he felt who could beat him.

Though Hawk dominated the others standing there defiantly it was Ronnie that Toza raped with his eyes, his cock stirred and he wanted to thrust it deeply into her cunt. Her breasts were even larger than Princess Thalias, her pink nipples hard and long, he wanted to bite into them and have his teeth tearing into their soft silky flesh, her cunt lips stuck out beneath the hair that covered her cunt, it was a cunt that demanded to be split with his cock as he humped his body over her resisting form, her curved firm ass cheeks wanted to be spanked and violated by his hands and cock. However it was her long gold hair that held them all. No Martian had such a colour and he lusted to hold such riches in his hands.

With a flick of his wrist Toza drew attention to himself and the Lord of Mars rose," Let the woman be taken to my Harem and prepared for my eventual pleasure. The scientist is yours Chan Li and as for the troublemaker let him be given to the arena as a gladiator for our amusement."

With his command the soldiers swarmed over an angry Hawk who struggled against his bonds. Even frequent electric shocks seemed to be unable tame him and still struggling they pushed him away from the throne. Men in costly yellow robes came to Ronnie and led her away to a door behind the throne. Ronnie could barely register what had happened and she was surprised at the eunuchs pale green faces. As she was taken Chan Li led away the Professor.

Unseen by all Princess Thalia hurried away.


Again Hawk was being led by the silent Insect Soldiers of the Emperor, no matter how hard he struggled the metal cuffs about his hands held him helpless. However he did not despair, his Texan humour demanded that he struggle against his slavery. Yet even he could not see a way to escape here.

Suddenly blades flashed and the Insectoids taken by surprise died silently and quickly. They were replaced by men covered in black silks who taking the chain led him away from the depths of the citadel and into lighter quarters. He was surprised when they released his bonds and silently led him into a large room dominated by a large sunken bath. As he stepped into the room Hawk scanned closely the room.

Naked women slaves waited on their mistress bathing in the creamy liquid. Thalia looked at the naked Earthman and smiled. Her father would be very angry but to have this man was worth the price. She rose from the bath of mother's milk and stepped into the waiting bath robe. The bath had been filled from the breasts of Martian women who were kept for this purpose. Briefly she let it dry her body before she dropped it to the floor leaving her body lustfully naked to this man. She knew that the Earthman would be watching, her breasts rose and fell with her breathing, her nipples were extended in their brown aureoles. Her bare pubis was well evident and a quick glance showed that the man was becoming aroused as his cock rose into the air. Again she admired his immense cock and thought of it pushing in and out of her body.

A naked man knelt at her command and she sat upon his naked back. A quick glance told her that the Earthman was following her into her bedroom, near her she heard a groan and she saw the Duke held firmly to the metal frame of the cage that held him. A woman was sucking off his hard cock, her head boobed up and down with the hard flesh in her mouth. He groaned again with dismay as he felt the warmth of the metal ring and cage attached to his cock again stopping his orgasm. He felt that he was slowly going mad with lust and desire. When he saw the man come into the room with Thalia he wanted to kill him with his bare hands, was Thalia not to be his Mistress to give him the cum he so badly needed.

"So what's up Toots," the American drawled.

The Princess was shocked, how dare did this creature talk to her like that. She would whip his back raw to teach him proper servitude. Then he was on top of her and he pulled her against his body. His lips bruised her lips as he kissed her masterfully. His tongue pressed between her lips and for the first time in such a long time she submitted to him. Her body felt soft against his and he held the flesh of her breast cupped into his hand. The nipple drilled a hole into his palm.

"Get your hands off her you ape!" Moran screamed angrily at Hawk. He would crush this creature as he tried to protect his beautiful mistress.

Hawk looked over at the man as he tried to escape his bonds. He saw the light of madness clearly in the man's face and he looked back at the panting Thalia whose passion burned in her eyes. His cock twinged and he wanted to push it into her shaved cunt. Somehow he was able to control his raging lust and he turned back to the Princess.