Menace of the Red Planet Ch. 04


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Passion burnt into her soul but she felt the woman's desire and lust from the woman between her legs and it called to her to assist the woman. Ronnie's fingers reached down and she pulled the woman's body around until her pussy was just above Ronnie's mouth. Inside her mind Ronnie felt an insistent plea and demand from Toola's body that was next to her body. Her hands kneaded the breasts pressed to her body expertly. For some reason her body seemed to know exactly how to enhance the younger woman's pleasure and she raised her head to bury her tongue deeply into the other woman's cunt.

Toola squealed softly as she came. Ronnies tongue and then her fingers found her clit and touched and manipulated it in ways that brought more pleasure than she could believe and she passed into an eternity of intense pleasure as orgasm after orgasm rushed through her body. Ronnie laying beneath her felt Toola's pleasure wash through her enhancing her own orgasms. It seemed to Ronnie that she could see the orgasms as well as feel them, she became caught in the beauty of the creation and experience. Ronnie felt her own body making them grow and where pleasure would be most intense.

Ronnies own body came but she seemed to be able to distance herself though it wracked her muscles with pleasure. Then Toola pulled away from the Earthwoman and panted heavily as she tried to bring her own body under control. Lorena had once done something like this but it had not been so powerful so all-encompassing in her soul.

"Enough my Lady we must escape from this place of wickedness," Toola begged as her body cried for more pleasure.

Ronnie her pleasure stopped and her senses aroused looked at the young woman before her and felt again the passions and desires in her body. It seemed that she glowed a deeply sensual rainbow of colours that shifted and merged in chaotic abandon. Ronnie felt there was a purity in her that was unlike the sharp odour of depravity about this place. As she looked about her she felt the hard, cold emptiness of scurrying Eunuchs, the alieness of the Insectoid guards and the confused sexuality of the women in the harem.

"You are a lesbian?" Ronnie asked, for some reason it did not bother her anymore that a perversion had been practised on her body.

"Lesbian?" the tawny haired girl asked as she dressed in her ragged shift.

"A lover of women." Ronnie explained.

"Only when there are no men my Lady,"Toola was confused by Ronnie's questions," Is it not written in the Water Chronicles that it is healthy to take pleasure of both men and women and enjoy their friendship and love."

As the girl spoke Ronnie realised that this woman had a similar attitude as the Ancient Greeks had to sex. That all sexes were pleasurable, as she considered this she realised that she would enjoy some more caressing of this young woman's body. Then she remembered what else the girl had said.

"What is your name?" Ronnie snapped at the woman.

"Toola my Lady and we must get away now whilst most sleep." The woman was earnest in her warning but Ronnie needed to know more.

"Why do you want me to come with you? I have no place here," Ronnie remarked as she dressed in the emerald spider-silk robe that Toola had brought with her.

"I need your help my Lady. I was sent here to rescue the Princess Suzann who is the last of her line but they guard her too well for one person to rescue her. When I realised you were a Water Witch I felt that my prayers were answered."

"A Water Witch?" Ronnie snapped.

"Do you not have Water Witches on your world my Lady?" Toola's mind whirled with the thought," Why they heal and guide us using their gifts that Sexium triggers in their bodies."

"Yes that might explain why am feeling strange within my own body. Well lets amscray as my people would say and rescue this princess of yours."

As she said this Ronnie drew the broad-bladed knife that Toola had brought and she silently padded along the edge of the central pool. Toola followed close behind her as Ronnie felt where everyone was, once they had to move behind a curtain as a fussy Eunuch rushed past muttering to himself. Then Toola touched her arm and pointed to a small alcove guarded by a Eunuch whose head nodded as he drowsily tried to keep awake.

Stealing silently through the shadows Ronnie stepped from behind a pillar reached down and slid the blade of the knife through the Eunuch's fat neck. Coolly she pulled him back through the curtains and looked into the darkened room. Leaving the body in the corner she stepped towards the bound woman on the bed. As the woman slept she tensed and untensed in a vain attempt to touch and manipulate her Aphrodesia-induced burning body. Behind Ronnie Toola stepped into the room and looked for clothing to dress the princess on the bed.

Ronnie did not look towards Toola but she looked at the woman who struggled beneath her. Somehow she saw inside Princess' body. Looking at the young woman she saw the hormones that raged through her body causing the unnatural desire that flooded through her. Deep within Ronnie's body she felt her body tense, become malleable as it created an antidote for the poisons that flooded through Suzann. Then without thought but with great desire Ronnie bent over the girl and she touched her swollen lips with her own, Ronnies tongue dipped into the Suzann's parted lips.

As she felt her lips pushed aside and the tongue slip into her mouth Suzann kissed back with great passion, Suzann's body hungered for a human touch, a slaking of her sexual torment that held her body, a torment that was driven by the changes that the Aphrodesia bugs had induced in her body. Desperately Suzann grabbed hold of the kiss and wanted more pleasure for her desperately hungry body. As she was kissed she felt the antidote enter her body, Suzann felt an ease enter her body as the antidote took hold. It was an ease that brought peace to Suzann's body. Quickly Ronnie released the girl's bonds and moved to the massively enhanced breasts that thrust upwards from the woman's narrow chest.

Lips wrapped about her elongated pink nipples and suckled hard on the sensitive flesh. The merest touch of breath on Suzann's flesh sent a driving orgasm through her body. However like the kiss at her lips Ronnie's suckling of her breasts eased the harsh demands that the Aphrodesia bugs had triggered in them and the young woman on the table began to recover some of her sensibility and began to weep for what had been done to her.

"Ahhhh yes suck on them, it is so good!" she cried as she screamed with pleasure.

Instead of the harsh burning in her breasts she felt a gentle warmth that spread through her body and though Suzann wanted and needed the touch of flesh on her own but it was no longer the driving hunger that it had been. Ronnie's caresses continued as she eased the pain of the young girl. The girls legs opened and Ronnie touched the smooth skin above her cunt. There was a gentle cry of desire that escaped Suzann's lips as Ronnie touched the protruding lips. She felt the girls body grow rigid as she cam, her cries of delight were ceased by Ronnie's lips being pressed to the girls.

Opening her lips Ronnie slipped her finger deep into the woman's cunt. Slowly she pushed her finger in and out of the Suzann's hot flesh. Ronnie avoided the large erect clit that stuck up from between the lips since she felt the almost continuous orgasms that flowed from her just touching the walls of the cunt. The woman under her gasped and cried with pleasure into Ronnie's mouth. Suzann's body squirmed and bucked under Ronnie's inspired fingers.

Finally Ronnie felt an ebb to Suzann's need and desires. Ronnie knew that the girl would continue to make love until she collapsed with exhaustion but she had been sated enough that she could think clearly. Ronnie stood and licked the girls cum and juices from her fingers, it tasted sweet to her and deep in her groin she felt a gentle orgasm build and wash through her body giving her strength and energy that seemed to pulse inside her with a life of its own.

"We must go your Highness," Toola spoke to the young woman who sat on the table.

Suzann brushed aside Toola's hands that carried a robe and looked at herself in the mirror. Naturally a small woman she looked like a dwarf with the massive breasts that she carried on her chest. They were large cones that were tipped by nipples that were hard and erect even now. More they were larger than a large acorn. It was fortunate that the bugs had strengthened the muscles that held the breasts up otherwise they would have drooped down to her waist. Looking down Suzann thought her waist seemed unnaturally slim compared to the flaring hips that sprouted above her bare cunt.

It was the cunt that was most changed, the lips hung at least two inches below her cunt barely covering the limp clit that would grow to a long three inches of pure nerve when she was excited. Even now the action of walking was exciting her.

"Who will want me now?" the girl sobbed.

Toola wrapped the girl's naked body in the dark green robe she held and dried her tears. Ronnie watched them carefully and felt others move about the chamber. Realising that they were moving towards her she realised that they had to escape now or they would be trapped here.

"We must go now," Ronnie spoke sharply and Toola dragged the young woman behind her.

Using her new found senses Ronnie guided them quickly unobserved to the main door to the Harem. There on the other side she felt the coppery Insect Guards and she planned her next move. In hurried whispers she outlined her plan to both Toola and an uninterested Suzann. Then nodding her head she opened the door and walked through.

With their inhuman speed they turned to bar the door to Ronnie who smiled as she drove her broad knife deep into the carapace joint between the chest and head. Almost decapitated the soldier slid to the floor and the other slumped as Toola smashed her knife deeply into the other guard's head. The women pulled the bodies down into corners where they would not be usually seen. Being night there were few people who could possibly see them.

Quietly and with confidence Ronnie guiding Suzann followed Toola towards the servant's quarters where she hoped to escape to Lorena who waited outside in the wastes outside Castle Viridis.


Professor Markov felt the strap give way on his right wrist and stopped his movement. Though it was night and there were less Inquisitors around there was at least two. The torments and pleasures had grown fewer as they calculated what they needed to do from the measurements they had taken before. Next to him the woman lay waiting for his recovery before he could be made to come again. Their use of aphrodisiacs had made him insatiable and he found that his cock was rising as she played with his spent member.

"I need you help to get away, will you help me?" the Professor whispered.

The woman looked about them carefully and nodded her head once. He had seen how she had looked at the Inquisitors with deep hatred and fear. The Professor knew that he had told her what their plans were for her and that she believed him when he described how they intended for him to murder her.

"We must fuck once more and when I cum you must stop the Inquisitor at the far end from raising the alarm," he instructed the woman.

She smiled and then began to rub his cock with increased vigour and determination. Quickly it rose to its impressive length and width and she rubbed at her clit allowing her cunt to fill with the needed lubricant. Though forced to fuck him the Professor believed that the girl enjoyed having his cock deep in her, she never seemed to fake her orgasms and she seemed to try and fuck him whenever she could.

Satisfied with her handiwork she knelt over his groin and eased her cunt down his length stopping every now and again to tease him and to prepare herself for the rest of it to go into her cunt. Finally with the hard arrow deep in her body she began to rock slowly back and forth moving his cock a short distance in and out of her body. A hand touched and massaged her clit as she did so.

With each moment she grew more excited and aroused so that she pulled her body up and down on his cock quicker and with greater ferocity. He felt the small orgasm trip through her body and rise in intensity. This time she did not try to delay his orgasm as she often would do but drove her cunt up and down his cock until he felt that he was about to explode. As he readied for orgasm he pulled his hand free of the restraint and tried to think clearly about what he had to do. The Inquisitors continued to read their instruments as he prepared his body for what needed to be done.

Then he felt the familiar rush of cum erupt through his body and shoot into the woman. As he came she threw herself into the air and landing on her feet rushed towards the Inquisitor on the far side of the room. As she did that The Professor looped the cords that led to the instruments about his fists as he broke through the other bonds about his wrist and ankles to wrap the thin wires about the Inquisitor's neck.

With his superior Earth strength he raised the struggling Inquisitor into the air and watched as he vainly tried to move his legs as though running on thin air. Slowly the movement slowed and then stopped as his pale face turned blue with lack of oxygen. The Professor looked to where the other Inquisitor would be and saw that the man was face up with his metal pen protruding from his eyeball. Next to him the naked woman was kicking his dead form with a look of supreme hate and satisfaction as she looked down on the dead Inquisitor.

The Professor moved to her quickly and pulled her away from the dead body. As he held her by the shoulders he felt his lust for her grow and instead of demanding that they leave he smothered her snarl of defiance with his mouth. Her mouth hardened and then softened as he thrust his tongue deep into the woman's mouth. He felt her conical breasts thrust into his chest. Her nipples drilled into his own and he rubbed them over hers in an increasingly desperate rhythm as his cock slid effortlessly into her wet cunt.

The walls tightened about his cock and he held her legs up so that his arms carried her entire weight as she wrapped her legs about his waist. He moved as he thrust into her, it seemed that he danced a fast wild dance as his feet moved and his hips thrust back and forth so that his cock would ram deep into her cunt. Sometimes he could have sworn he felt it touch the walls of her cervix. She gasped to the beat of the tattoo that his cock was creating in her flesh.

He felt her cunt drip liquid honey as he thrust and through her lips he heard the grunts and sighs of pleasure as she came. He thrust into her the beat increasing in his mind and his cock slid into her faster, more insistent as he felt the pressure build in his balls. Then he felt the sheer joy of orgasm rush through his body and he gulped down air as it was driven from his body by the bolts of pleasure that shot through him.

He felt his cock shoot cum deep into her and he felt that it could never end. Yet it did end and he stopped as his cock softened and he let the woman's legs touch the floor. They panted for air and looked about them. Quickly the Professor realised what had to be done and he stepped back to the throttled Inquisitor and stripped him of his strangely rubberised silken robes. As he did so he whispered orders to the woman who swayed overcome by the emotion and passion that she had felt only moments before.

"Quickly push the body over by the chemical table and come over here. We must get out of here before someone comes in," the Professor calmly said.

The robes he pulled on were quickly adjusted and he was thankful that he his hair had been removed so that he would look superficially like one of the Inquisitors. The girl had dressed in her ragged linen shift that barely covered her body as she had come to him and he was able to lift the naked Inquisitor onto the table that had only recently held him helpless. Even to look at her inflamed the drugs in his body and he felt his cock grow rigid again.

Turning from her he pulled down one of the electric lamps and placed it near the caustic chemicals on the trolley. Soon it would start a fire and he hoped that in the confusion he might escape to the servants quarters for a short time.

Forcing himself to be calm he opened the door only to look into the monstrous face of an Insect Guard. The girl squealed but he struck her cruelly but necessarily if he was to be believed to be an Inquisitor. Forcing her forward he walked past the two guards without thinking.

"One second sir," the voice that almost made him cry out was made by a voice box that was not human. Turning he saw one of the guards looking at him his electro-spear ready to strike.

"We have not been told that the girl is to leave," its voice grated against his ears.

"The Grand Inquisitor has told me that he wished to see the worm so that he could consider what she could perform with the Earthman," he hoped his voice was as pompous and sarcastic as those he had heard before. Then he continued," The Grand Inquisitor will be displeased if you do not let us go."

The creature seemed to consider this and stepped towards the Professor. There was suddenly the sound of breaking glass as the chemicals on the trolley shattered their glass containers and began to burn. Hearing the sound both creatures moved towards the door and he moved down the corridor as they opened the door to be greeted with black acrid and flames pouring out of the laboratory. A ringing began warning that a fire had started in the citadel and he heard footsteps rushing towards them. Seeing a darkened corridor that seemed empty he pushed the woman towards it.

At first she seemed to refuse and he hissed urgently to her,"We have to go there otherwise we will be recaptured. "

"Do you know where this corridor leads to my Lord," the woman whispered urgently.

The Professor shook his head.

"Down there my Lord is that evil snake the Lord Thollan and his henchmen," she hissed at him and then continued passionately.

"His evil knows no bounds and he is mad. He has personally slain hundreds in battle and then thousands that were at his mercy when they begged for mercy. We call him Death-Stalker. He humiliates us and commits obscene depravities on the T'lanta. On my people," the woman was now in a red hot rage that forged her words. "He has taken newborn children and taught them to suck on his cock giving them his foul seed instead of their mother's milk."

Professor Markov started. Was that not something that one of the Caesars was accused of but the woman continued.

"Once one of my friends had to deliver a message to him and when she came back it was a blinded mewling stump,"she began to weep as she stopped and the Professor held her as she grew calmer.

"We must go they will be seeking us and they will find us here," he spoke calmly and then began to lead her into the darkened corridor.

Silently they walked into the dark corridor and moved as softly as they walked into the hell that Lord Thollan had created.


Lorena touched the artificially hardened cock. Her head ached with the pain she felt radiating from naked man tied to the bed. He was resting for a short time before he tried again to break the heavy leather straps and to escape back to Princess Thalia. Before he had raged and threatened her in a futile effort to get her to release him. Duke Moran was almost insane with lust as the device attached to his cock excited and aroused him, all the time denying him an orgasm.

It was looking into his eyes that was most difficult, those eyes that shone with madness and pain. Sometimes she swore she saw intelligence and when that happened he would be cunning and try to convince her to untie him. Lorena waited for his struggles to end and then bent her body until her mouth was above the brass clad cock. She felt him tense as he felt her breath touch the dripping head. Slowly she reached out with her tongue and touched the slit at the tip of his cock and heard him groan in desperation.