Menace of the Red Planet Ch. 04


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"Please!!!! Make me cum!! I need to cum," he cried desperately.

As she started Lorena's tongue slipped along the shaft of the cock the hot flesh giving way to the brass wires that jailed his flesh. She felt the wires pierce his flesh and explored the connection with her sensitive tongue. With each touch her body responded to his need making her saliva an analgesic that numbed his flesh and eased his need a little.

When she reached his balls she took them into her mouth one at a time touched the flesh that had been almost completely encircled by the brass wires. As she explored she found that the wires dove into his body at the root of his cock. She sensed more than felt the energy source of the device buried there, She raised her head and looked at the Duke writhing in unmet desire under her touch. Licking her lips Lorena again took the head of his cock into her mouth. Now instead of exploration she began the effort to detach the wires from his skin.

Her tongue worked along and around the pierced cock at the lip of the head, then she felt a wire work itself loose from the skin and she felt a sharp shock as electricity touched her tongue. Quickly she drew back and sealed the wire so it could not return to the vacant hole in his cock. Again she bean over him and this time began to work on the wire attached to his left testicle. Slowly she detached the wires from the skin and felt the inflamed testicle grow calm.

Disaster struck as she tried to to work free the device at the base of his cock, electricity flowed into her body an she screamed in agony. It was only the quick action of Hawk who had been waiting outside that saved her. As he had heard her scream he had seized her and pulled her away from the flailing man. Flailing due to the voltage that was burning through his cock and sending waves of pain through his body.

Without her tongue to the device Duke Moran's body eased and he felt a soft discharge from his partly freed cock. Though still bound he felt pleasure flow into his body. He felt his mind grow less frenzied in its needs and he passed into a restful sleep for the first time in many days.

Hawk assisted Lorena to her feet and she sat groggily in a chair that was nearby. As a maid assisted the witch another tenderly cut the freed electrodes and bound the gently weeping cock. He was hard but some of the redness had vanished from his cock.

"It was just too strong,"Lorena groaned as Hawk helped her to her alcove," Damn Chan Li he booby trapped the cage and it almost trapped me."

Hawk gently led her to her bed and taking a wet cloth began to wipe her face. As he did the woman loosened her clothing and lay back on the metal cot.

"That's nice will you go lower," as she spoke she undid her top exposing her ample breasts and the large nipples that sat on top of them. Hawk felt his cock quickly rise as he looked at this attractive semi-naked woman. Using the cloth he swept it over the breasts and marvelled as they gleamed in the light. Then throwing aside the cloth he pulled her trousers from her body leaving her naked. Bending down he kissed her lips and touched the offered breasts.

"Hawk you are a wonder," Lorena sighed.

Looking at the man she saw his look of confusion and then laughed.

"Oh you didn't realise when a woman exposes her breasts to you she wishes to make love. Being a water witch means that often men do not want to give me pleasure since they are afraid that they can meet my needs," Lorena explained as she freed his cock from the loose trousers that fell to the floor.

"More fools them," Hawk growled as he pulled open her legs and knelt between them.

The cunt that was between them was already damp with the rich pungent juices that aroused him so readily and promised of even richer pleasures to come. He felt her need and instead of his normal foreplay he thrust his cock deeply into her happily waiting orifice. She cried with obvious pleasure as his cock thrust manfully in and out of her hungry cunt. As he thrust into her body Hawk kissed and bit at her firm ample breasts. Her nipples were the hazelnuts in his mouth as he suckled and nibbled at them.

"Yesss that is so good!!!" the woman cried as Hawks hands, cock and tongue swept her over the edge of her own orgasm.

There had never been such a man like this one who drove his cock into her body relentlessly until he squeezed orgasms that she had never known existed. Her breasts ached tenderly at the assault that they suffered. As he gave her pleasure, her body changed, enhanced the feel and smell that enveloped them. She seemed to smell of Cinnamon, lavender and other things as wonderful but yet unknown to the man. Her body squeezed and pummelled his cock in the most pleasant of sensations and he grunted and strained to thrust it deeper into Lorena's cunt.

Suddenly but with a familiar touch his balls tightened and string after string of cum rushed with intolerable pleasure through his cock and deeply into her cunt. She held him deeply in her and squeezed and massaged his grinding shaft pulling every drop of cum into her body. Speeding it on its way she guided it into an egg she had prepared in her uterus. It plunged through the wall of the cell to fertilise it and begin the start of a life she knew her people needed.

He had screamed with his pleasure as he came but even then he felt her own orgasm flow back into his body building and bring in even greater pleasure to his own. Spent he softened and as he slipped out of her he kissed her mouth softly. He held her to his body and felt a slight change in her body that seemed luminescent for a reason he could not imagine.

Sighing softly he sat up and stood getting dressed.

"Your leaving aren't you?" she asked softly.

"Yes I promised to free those men in the mines and I must still find my friends who came here from Earth with me," he answered gently but firmly.

Lorena felt a sadness catch in her throat but knew that he was steadfast in his intention. Every muscle in his body screamed what he intended and she nodded her head silently.

"How will you do that Earthman?" a deep voice spoke behind him.

Both whirled around to see Duke Moran standing there his body clothed in loose trousers and his face though tired and drawn not burning with the madness that had been there only an hour before. Seeing their surprise Moran walked slowly towards them and offered his hand to Hawk. Hawk took the hand and shook it firmly watching the other man's face.

He could see traces of the madness there but also there was sadness and fierce determination.

"If you will have me I think I can help," the Duke said softly.

Suddenly released an Indian whoop that filled the air and he slapped the man on the shoulder.

"Well with your help Duke God help those ants because nothing else will," Hawk laughed as he spoke.


The three women carefully walked through the darkened corridors, Ronnie seemed to feel an overwhelming sense of pain and fear in this place. As far as she knew that was true for all of the castle city but here it seemed to be a part of the air itself. They had fled here after the corridors leading to the slaves barracks echoed with the clattering claw-steps of the insect soldiers and cries of alarm from various courtiers.

It had been strange but the alarm had started from the quarters of the Inquisitors and not the Harem as Ronnie would have thought. It had been with great reluctance that Toola had entered this wing of the castle. She had only come at the last minute when the soldiers had been about to enter the corridor that they were walking along. When Suzann had heard that they were in the halls given to Lord Thollan she had merely smiled and held her knife more firmly. Both Toola and Ronnie worried about this since she seemed unnaturally alert and bright about them.

"My Lady there are sounds of movement ahead of us!" Toola whispered urgently.

Damn Ronnie thought the stench of fear in this place upsets my new powers. However once Toola had spoken she heard what the woman meant. Ahead of them was the slow soft tread of human feet . Peering intently into the Stygian blackness Ronnie willed it to vanish. For a short time it seemed to lessen and she seemed to see the outline of two figures making their way slowly along the corridor.

Suddenly a smile broke over her face and she walked forward and called softly.

"Professor Markov how did you get here?"

The man stepped into the dim light with a smile on his face and hugged the woman warmly. She was surprised at how he had changed in such a small time. He had changed physically being hairless and there was a hint of milky white skin beneath the vivid crimson robes, however there was a new toughness in him. She felt his desire of her and with his desire she felt her body respond. Just as she felt her body demand pleasure she saw the woman with him. She watched them with eyes that showed awe and reverence.

"My Lady," the woman sunk to her knees and exposed her breasts to Ronnie.

Toola quickly stepped to the girl and grabbing her hands brought her to her feet. Covering the girls breasts Toola spoke urgently," There is no time for that, we must get out of this hell-hole. We are fortunate that Thollan has been told to sweep the wastelands near Viridis for rebels and those trying to escape."

The girl nodded in a daze, her eyes on Ronnie with a look that made the Earth woman feel uncomfortable. Stepping away from the Professor she looked about and noticed that Suzann was no longer with them and she looked to see where she may have gone. Suddenly she saw a guarded light ahead of them and nudging Toola she hurried after the light. As she walked slowly she felt the others follow after her.

Finding the black door she stepped into room that had the stench of pain and fear, beneath it was a pervasive aura of lust and dark passions. Everything in this place screamed at her to run away and never return. The lights came on as the Professor closed the door and turned the brass switch slowly. As the light increased Ronnie almost felt as though they should leave themselves in darkness. The room was filled with glittering glass and metals.

Yet though the sharp tang of chemicals filled the room there was the smell of corruption here as the bodies and parts of bodies were flexed and exposed beneath their silvered metal attachments and colourless liquids. Her eyes would move from one blasphemy to another as she saw the experiments. In front of her was a battery of cocks that would rise, ejaculate and shrink in clear liquid only attached to wires to their scrotum.

"Mein Gott," the Professor gasped in horror," This is an abomination."

"Let's get Suzann and get out of this place," she was surprised to hear her voice so in control and calm.

As she spoke she saw the woman on her knees in front of a metal frame. Hurrying over to her she looked at what the girl was looking at. There in front of her was the stump of a human body. His arms and legs had been removed. Wires snaked to his scrotum and into his left eye-socket. Looking at his face she saw the remnants of a handsome man, his muscles stretched in agony as the wires moved slowly and sinuously about him. About his cock a tube sucked cum into a clear receptacle in front of him.

Then his eye snapped open and a blood-shot brown eye looked at the face of the woman in front of him. Though she had changed under the treatment given to her by the Eunuchs still he saw the girl he remembered.

"Daddy!" Suzann spoke softly.

At the sound of the girl at his feet the man looked down again and pain chased across his face. An agonised no slipped from his lips as he watched the woman and a tear slid along his cheek. Again his eye looked at Ronnie and with great effort he spoke to words.

"Save Me!"

Ronnie felt his need and pain strike deeply into her body. Then there was a shadow that stepped in front of her, she saw a blade descend through the air and strike into the man's chest to pierce his heart. She did not know if he whispered thank you but she felt it in the air. The Professor stepped back from the man he had just stabbed and hugged Ronnie in an effort to ease the obvious distress on her face.

Toola had reached the Princess and had her embraced securely as the weeping woman tried to escape the embrace and reach her dead father. The small woman scratched and struggled all the time calling to her father who hung lifelessly amid st the tubes and wires. Ronnie moved quickly and slapped the hysterical Suzann across her face and spoke harshly into her tear-stained face.

"We must go now!"

The sound of running feet at the hallway spurred her words and she felt the aura of the soldiers moving towards them. The Professor appeared as though from thin air and signalled them to follow him. He opened a doorway that led downwards into a dark cavern. Securing the door behind them the women followed the man. With each step Ronnie felt a nameless dread seize her and she wanted to flee from this place even back to where they had fled. The air grew heavier as they moved forward, it seemed to be filled with moisture and a smell unlike anything that she had smelled before, even the torches did not seem to dispel the darkness that seemed to cling about them.

It came as a shock to feel the soft sand and the flat ground when they entered the cavern. They moved silently avoiding the walls and trying to find an exit.

"There is something here," the Professor spoke.

He was not answered since any word in this place seemed to be threatening in this place. As they walked forward the taint in the air seemed to grow stronger and each step seemed to be harder than the last. Ronnie did not notice that the Professor's companion move away from them towards a darker shadow nearer the walls. Her fingers fumbled at her hastily tied tunic and it dropped to the ground as the black shape rose in front of her. Unlike the soldiers this creature was more than seven feet tall and she saw the arms reach for her.

Gently they took her and pulled her to the cold carapace of the creature. Its scent made her swoon and her arms were drawn back behind her body. She was so vulnerable and she felt her body become aroused as the middle limbs parted her legs so that her cunt was perfectly placed for the black arrow that extended from the body of the creature that held her. The woman could make out white bubbles at the tip and she felt her body arch as she tried to offer her cunt to the thing before her.

The slim arrow slipped quickly between her lips and then with incredible power ripped through the walls of her uterus into the empty cavities in her belly. Yet she did not feel pain but an intolerable pleasure that wracked her body as the Queen Insectoid laid its eggs deep in the woman's body.

At the cry of pleasure the others whirled towards the sound and saw black forms part from the walls and stalk towards them. Looking about them Toola saw the bleached bones on the sand and cried with fear.

"We are in the nest, they will lay their eggs in us we must get out of here."

Yet before they could move the scent of the Queens swept over the four of them and paralysed their bodies. They watched as their doom walked slowly and softly towards them.

Please join me in the next episode to come: The Battle under the Stars.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
Writing takes time

If you don't believe me then just try it yourself. I'll be patient for the next episodes.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
Speed it up

Whats with you great writers like you- you people take an eternity to add a new episode- this one comes after nearly more than three months, it looks you need more encouragement Stephen King style LoL

BTW great take on the Flash Gordon Series, though you could have retained the orignal character names- still great work look forward to the next installment in the series.

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