Menace of the Red Planet Ch. 06


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Sitting together Lorena began the conversation. A conversation that made the other tired men and women groan as they realised that their job was barely over if they were to escape the vengeful legions that even now must be gathering.

"We must leave soon, they will be sending legions even as we speak. We must save our people," she said softly.

"But where. All around us they Murit have fortresses which are fully manned and we can not fight them," Moran muttered with despair, he was exhausted and he desperately wanted to sleep. Silence descended as each wondered what they needed to do.

"We can't go south there are at least three legions in the fortresses there," Bran remarked wearily and then continued," To the east is Viridis and the rest of the Guard about two legions worth and to the west is the desert and about four legions that continually patrol from their fortresses.

"What about the north?" Hawk asked.

"Impossible no one has ever travelled through the ice. There are vicious storms that can shred the skin from your bodies. It is unmapped and the no one, no one has ever survived," Lorena remarked bitterly.

"North, we go north. There are no Murit there," Hawk commanded wearily.

He felt increasingly groggy and barely registered the looks of surprise followed by incredulity as the others realised what he was saying. Then there was a wave of denial and anger that almost struck Hawk.

"Over the ice but that is impossible," Moran exclaimed.

"No one has ever survived," Bran chimed in.

"Then we must try," Hawk said.

"If we want to survive we must do it," the Professor stated flatly.

As those words echoed through his head Hawk slumped onto the table that they sat around and passed into the comforting blackness. Blackness that stole away the pain that smothered his body.


The hot iron glided smoothly through the air and touched the smooth expanse of flesh just above the prominent clitoris and burnt the soft flesh. As the smell of burnt flesh filled the room Chan Li whimpered and tried to escape the pain by pulling away from the hot iron. The man pulled the iron away slowly as it cooled and he touched the scarf around his ruined face, beneath his bulky robes his scarred body screamed with agony with each movement of his body.

Toza the Terrifying was truly terrifying now. The exploding sexium had scarred virtually each inch of his body and the scars at best ached continually and at worst were needles of red hot pain that shot into his body all the time nothing could relieve the pain and the intense arousal he suffered from then. Yet it was worse with his face, or rather the half of the face that had been stripped of flesh leaving only beige polished bone. A face that would send the sanest man screaming with fear away from him. Yet with black humour the sexium had increased his libido to super-human heights.

The door opened and a Murit officer strode over the black marble floor only to sink to his knees before the permanently raging and now insane man. It was all he could do not to tremble before his dread lord. The silence stretched until the officer began his report.

"The Lord Thollan and half of the army is returning to the citadel the other half under Legate Quin Lee is continuing to the Great Valley and will destroy five cities killing all the inhabitants as you have commanded your Ferocity," the man ceased as he wondered if he could avoid telling the dangerous man in front of him the other news.

"And the rest," the voice said, it was as though the stones of the grave were moving slowly.

The man gulped and then continued," Legate Zhan Yoshie has searched the protected area twice and has caught about two hundred of the rebels. He did not capture any as they fought to the death or committed suicide before the chance came to capture them."

Toza exploded with rage and threw a heavy brazier at the wall opposite him over thirty feet away. He turned to the man kneeling before him and the man looking up saw the blood-shot eyes staring at him the insane rage sparkling in his eyes. Slowly he sat again and waited for the rest of the report. Realising that he was to live the officer started again.

" We have been unable to find any sign of the other T'lanta scum, though there are some contradictory signs that they may have gone north into the Ice," he stopped as the Emperor stirred but since nothing was said the man continued," The Legate has sent a legion onto the Ice but as you know your Ferocity the Insectoids are unable to function in the freezing temperatures and after we lost half of them, the legion was brought back. The Legate thinks that if they went that way the Ice Storms and cold would have killed them."

"How many would have escaped?" the voice from the sepulchre asked.

"From our count at the mines and the observatory about two thousand," as he spoke he remembered the T'lanta slaves that had been impaled before the citadel. There were over ten thousand dead men and women. They had died in a terrible manner as they had a three foot stake thrust into their anuses piercing their vitals so that they would die slowly on their feet. A few had bravely pushed themselves onto the sharpened stakes until it had pierced their hearts the others had taken days to die.

The officer waited for his orders but was relieved instead to find that he was waived away. Everyone who entered Toza's presence shuddered and feared for their lives. It had been like this for the five days he had been brought back to the Citadel by the woman on the rack. It was said that she had saved him and made him promise not to kill her. Sometimes it was wondered if she regretted that promise as he applied the irons to her naked body and promised of even greater torments to come. As he left a scurrying inquisitor hurried towards the Emperor behind him was dragged a mobile rack and the beaten body of the old Legate Zhu Han, behind the rack walked the Legates wife.

The inquisitor threw a quick glance to the woman on the rack and then prostrated his body before the man on the throne. He moved his scarf and laughed softly. Gathering his thoughts he asked a question.

"The mines?"

"Very damaged your Ferocity, it will take at least a year to have them back into production. Until then it is suggested that we do not commit our forces to any offensive action since it would use up the sexium in our stores and we can not replace it with ease," the inquisitor said, in reply there was only a grunt.

"You are a poor excuse for a man Legate," Toza's voice lashed out suddenly, his eyes on the naked man on the rack.

"Though you saw the flames of the explosions you did not send the legions from the Citadel until two days had passed. You allowed the rebels to escape and I almost died. I have decided on your fate after much thinking," then Toza fell into a hysterical cackle that seemed to stretch on forever.

"You shall be skinned alive and then your organs removed from your body as your wife pleasures me," as he said this he lifted his hand and the guards grabbed hold of the kneeling woman and ripped her dress into ragged strips that did not cover her. The last time she had been here she had been honoured to be near the Emperor who had singled her husband out for praise.

The Legate stifled a sob as he watched as his wife was dragged towards the monster on the throne. Before he could speak a gag of hard leather was slipped expertly between his teeth, as they did so he sobbed again. Yet it was not for her he sobbed but for himself he had seen this punishment and it was truly barbaric.He heard a trolley with the skinning instruments being rolled nearer. They would leave his face intact he knew that but would skin the rest of his body and then cut him open.

The woman thrown at the base of the throne looked with dull eyes as the Emperor stood before her. He stood near her and she smelt his spicy sexium laced breath on her face as the scarf was parted to allow her to see his face. As she saw the thing before her she stifled a scream in her throat, yet the sexium that the Emperor exuded was already betraying her mind as her body began to respond to its aphrodisiac.

Toza looked down at the shivering woman, he enjoyed looking at this woman. Her long black hair tied back severely, her almond eyes and deep green eyes, the high cheek bones and slim body that her tattered dress clung to. Even though slim her breasts were full and waiting for him as they heaved with each breath. He had enjoyed the way she teased her servants by allowing them to see naked parts of her body in better times. He had also enjoyed as she had peeled the skin off those servant's backs when they had grown erect at the sight of her body. It was said that when she had them whipped she was a vigorous lover.

"If you do not smile and look as you enjoy sucking my cock off and then having my cock fuck you in the ass you will die like your soon to be ex-husband," Toza's voice whipped through her body.

Slowly the woman's head came up with a fixed smile on her lips and a desperately glassy look in her eyes. Toza wondered if someone had given her drugs to ease the pain, no matter he thought as he felt his cock grow heavy and hard, his balls felt enormous, time to start he thought. As he thought Toza slipped off his scarf and it was a great effort to stop herself from screaming and running from the room and to her certain death. Lowering his face he pressed the polished bone to her lips and she accepted his kiss even opening her mouth to accept his slug-like tongue in her mouth. She felt her body grow inflamed as the sexium flowed into her mouth.

Drawing away from her he settled back onto his throne and slipped the black silk trousers aside exposed his imposing hard cock. Smiling desperately the woman fumbled at her ragged dress until she felt a blade shear through the resistant knot allowing the cloth to fall away from her body and gather at her feet. No longer clothed she was exposed, her delectable naked body something that everyone could enjoy.

Naked she knelt between his legs and opened her mouth as she allowed his cock to slip between her lips. Soon she was allowing the heavy instrument to push in and out of her mouth in a natural rhythm as she heard the muffled screams of her husband behind her as the skilled torturers began their work.

As she sucked and licked at his cock the familiar spicy smell of enriched sexium filled her mouth and nose. Already aroused from the slight smell from before, the full power of the drug aroused her and allowed her to ignore the scene that was being played out behind her. As Toza watched the inquisitors slice the skin off the man who futilely struggled against bonds that held him to the iron frame the woman's mouth slipped over his glans and her tongue massaged his burning flesh.

The mouth slipped away from his head and she began to nibble at his balls and on the sensitive skin beneath them. The groans of pleasure from Toza's throat mixed the the stifled groans of pain as her husband watched as his wife was taken by his murderer. Then pain would flare in his body again as the inquisitors continued to remove his skin with agonising slowness. They had told him that only his face would be left intact. He felt the blade of the skinning knife touch his ball sac.

The woman felt Toza's hands on her head as it bobbed up and down on the cock in her mouth. Aroused with the sexium fumes in her mouth and nostrils her hands moved without thought so that they were between her legs and two fingers pushed between the smooth naked lips deep into her wet hole. She pushed them in and out to the rhythm of the cock fucking her mouth. Closing her eyes she felt the first of her orgasms.

With the fingers deep in her cunt her juice spilled onto her thighs to drip onto the floor. The muscular walls of her cunt pulsed and throbbed with pleasurable intensity and then her orgasms began to rip through her body as she masturbated with demonic energy. Another orgasms struck her and she felt the bucking of the spurting cock as it flooded her mouth with Toza's hot spicy cum. Cum that she swallowed with greedy pride as she did not let one drop fall to the ground.

Pulling her head away cruelly he turned her around to see the thing that her husband had become. They had stripped away the skin from his body leaving only his face as it was, tears of pain and grief spilt from his eyes as he looked into her face. His body seemed to glow with a dark throbbing red which she realised was the blood flowing around and over his naked muscles and tendons, even his cock had been stripped of its skin. Little blood had been spilled and she wondered if he could have lived like that, an inquisitor touched a twitching muscle in his leg and he arched away from the hand in obvious pain.

"Look how you hurt him," Toza mocked her as he pulled her hair and bent her over in front of him so that he could caress the full toned cheeks of her ass. He opened the crease seeing the cleaned hole that would soon be the resting place of his cock.

"What a slut you are not to care that he is in incredible pain, tell me do you love me slut?"

"I love you with all my heart your Ferocity," the fearful woman's reply was muted as she was facing away from Toza. He had heard though and he slapped her ass cheeks in jest as he laughed and stood up, a servant rushed to his side and lifted an open bottle on the tray she carried.

The woman felt cool liquid poured onto her ass as Toza began to rub the oil deeply into the ass cheeks and between them. Then she felt a finger massage the oil into her tight asshole and as it was massaged into her flesh, her flesh began to burn in that strangely arousing way that sexium had on human bodies. Toza was using Aphrodesia oil and that excited her. The woman reached between her legs and found her clit and rubbed at it vigorously. The way she was feeling the nub of flesh felt like a huge cock and when she touched it her body felt as though a huge rocket had ripped through her as she came.

Slowly with great insistence she felt something hard push through her sphincter and rotate just inside her ass, the muscles opened as she felt something smooth and arousing slipping in and out of her body. A murmured groan made her look up as as a scalpel slid along her husbands stomach cavity cutting through the muscles that held the organs in his body.

She watched as the curtain of flesh was pulled aside and they started to remove the intestines onto a table next to the man. As she watched her husband's organs being removed with expert care to ensure he did not die or pass out she felt something being pushed against her relaxed sphincter. Even relaxed it felt as though it was tearing her apart as Toza pushed his cock against her ass-hole. The pain drew her mind away from what was happening before her eyes and she tried to relax further as she closed them so that the nightmare happening before her did not engrave itself into her memory. Then the head of his cock slipped past the tight ring of muscle into the soft tight passage behind it.

The pain after the initial sharp thrust stopped and her body took on a warmth that spread through her and she again reached through her legs and began to stroke her clit and along the lips. The man being slowly killed became a softer blur as they removed his liver and kidneys. All she concentrated on was the feel of the cock thrusting back and forth into her ass. An orgasm made her gasp with pleasure as she drove two fingers deep her cunt.

Toza's cock thrust harder and faster as she realised that soon he would be cuming. She ground her hips against his as she felt his cock thrust into her. She felt a stiffness pass through his body and she frantically rubbed her clit making herself cum as she realised that he was about to shoot cum into her hot body. Then a piercing scream of rage burst from his lips as his cock shot forward and pulsed streams of cum into her ass. Each thrust brought another stream of hot cum until finally he stopped. Her ass felt red raw since with each thrust he had spanked her ass.

Grunting Toza pulled out of the woman who was thrown onto the floor as he violently stood up. She looked up at the Emperor her face shocked. Toza looked over to the man slumped against the iron bonds that held him to his frame the organs piled beside him. In one of the inquisitor's hand Toza saw the still beating heart that had only just now been ripped from the body of the legate. As the woman followed Toza's gaze she broke down into heaving sobs that wracked her body as she realised what the lump of flesh meant and what it meant to her.


Hawk's blue eyes moved restlessly over the ice. He did not try to stare at it too long so that he could avoid snow blindness. The cold wind bit through the rags of his clothes but tried to ignore it, it was during the Ice Storms and the night that the cold brought death. Today they were again blessed with clear skies and fair ground.

He sighed as he turned away nothing was different only a horizon of ice shading from dazzling white to a light blue where old ice showed. His ribs still ached but his powerfully built body was recovering swiftly since the battle over five nights ago. They had been fortunate to have a whole day to gather much needed supplies and to rest before they began this insane march over the ice cap.

He shivered as he remembered the first night on the Ice when the storm had struck them with a ferocity he had not believed possible. Over two hundred had died that night and it was only the portable ovens that the Professor had jury rigged that had kept the rest of them alive. Somehow they had kept out the worst of the cold and they had wrapped themselves ever more warmly with whatever clothing came to hand.

For two days they had fled north huddled in the overburdened lifters and skimmers. After the storm others had lost their lives in the most desperate of circumstances. Sometimes the firm ice had given way opening onto deep fissures which would swallow the machines whole. Another time three lifters had wandered over dry ice and the fans had caused an almighty explosion as the gas turned from solid to gas immediately destroying both man and machine. Finally others had separated from the main convoy never to be seen again.

Three days ago they had started moving in a vast south west arc away from their northerly bearing and Hawk worried that he had led these people into a trap coming to these frozen wastes. A trap that they would never leave alive. Looking over at the bearded Bran who smiled and Hawk found that he had a smile to return. Looking out again he saw a slight dip in the horizon and felt an insane need to head towards there. He felt that there was something there that would help them. The feeling grew stronger the more he looked at that part of the horizon.

Shrugging he signalled Bran to steer towards it. The roar of the engines stopped any chance of conversation and on the ice one direction seemed the same as any other.

There was something about the notch that attracted Hawk, that spoke of destinies and futures. With the fine weather and the smoothness of the ice the skimmer sped towards the destination at over forty miles an hour. Hawk watched hungrily as the ice cliffs rose before them and then filled the horizon. Turning to the west the fleeing horde followed the hundred foot walls until Hawk spotted a shadow in one part of them.

Again the voice in his head told him to aim there and taking control of the skimmer he turned towards the wall and charged towards the shadow. Bran stirred as they rushed towards the wall of pink tinged ice. He thought about warning the Earthman but decided against it. Yes Hawk seemed to be almost in a trance but he had been lucky so far also there was something about this place that called to him as though he knew this place. Something that seemed to speak of a home where they could be safe. A quick glance back allowed him to see the others turning and following their skimmer. Then looking back he saw the entrance to a narrow box canyon of ice.