Menace of the Red Planet Ch. 06


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Speeding through the gateway the walls quickly curved inwards until they were barely wider than the skimmer itself. Enclosed by the walls the engines and fans that seemed to roar on the open ice rose in volume to a high pitched scream cutting off any chance of speech. Behind him he saw other vehicles enter the canyon. When he looked up Bran could make out a narrow strip of pink sky then he looked to the front and gasped. Hawk had slowed the vehicle but even so he was moving with velocity that could be considered dangerous if they struck something or there was a wall ahead. The path seemed to follow shallow curves and there were even times when the sky was blotted from view by the towering overhead cliffs.

Then as quickly as he had thought of what was happening to them in the canyon they sped out of the constricting ice passage. Bran squinted as light flooded into his eyes blinding him for a short time. Blinking rapidly he was soon making out his surroundings and he suddenly opened his mouth in profound shock. Before him was a city with immense towers of brilliant whites and creams. In the distance he could make out a lake though he had never been here he knew this place from the stories and legends of his people. Looking again at the city which had softened from a white to shades of cream and pinks taken from the sky he said but one word.


Slowing Hawk guided the skimmer through the open gates. One of the iron gates lay overthrown from its hinges. Here and there they could see blast points where it seemed as though a creature had bitten deeply into the walls and left black stains behind. Slowly they passed along the avenue towards the centre of the city. The avenue was a wide as any of the major roads in New York thought Hawk. He now knew that this is where they needed to be and he felt the familiar tug as he moved the skimmer towards the centre of the city.

There was an air of emptiness as the slowing vehicle travelled through the main street. The fans moving the skimmer blew fine dust into the air. Looking behind them Bran saw other vehicles following them into the city. About them they could see toppled statues as they moved further into the city which finally opened up into a vast square. The skimmer slowed to a standstill before a majestic marbled portico and the stairs that led down to the square and the empty fountain in its centre. Slowly Hawk and Bran climbed from the stationary skimmer and looked about them. As they did so other skimmers and lifters joined them spilling people onto the red stone pavement.

Seeing Hawk the others of his informal council hurried over to join the man who looked as surprised to be here as they did, they looked about themselves in reverent silence. Other than the sound of the fans and engines there were no other sounds in the deserted city until Lorena spoke.

"How did you know of this place Earthman?" she asked carefully.

Hawk looked at her and then slowly as he seemed to gather his thoughts he began to speak.

"I don't know. I thought I heard something that was calling to me on the ice out there and then all I remember is being here," Hawk replied his face showing the confusion he felt.

Standing before him Lorena looked deeply into his blue eyes and he felt as though there was a great pressure inside his head that threatened to burst open his skull. Nodding Lorena moved away and talked to the others who had waited for her to finish.

"He is speaking the truth. He does not understand that he has rediscovered Arvanth City of the High Clouds, City of the High Kings of the T'lanta," she said the last in a loud voice.

"But I thought Arvanth had been destroyed?" the Professor asked.

"So did we. When the Murit invaded our city no one survived and they destroyed the great bridge leading to our city. After a time all our records about this place were destroyed except for legends, myths and a prophecy," Lorena explained.

"Prophecy?" that was Ronnie asking.

"Yes a prophecy that said that when the city of Arvanth was again in the High King's hands then the Murit would be no more our masters," Lorena proclaimed with a light shining from her eyes.

"We can discuss that later. Tonight we stay here," Hawk cut through Lorena's explanation in a decisive voice. Though confused it felt good to be off the ice and this place seemed safer than many he had been to lately.

"Duke we need to put pickets where they can keep watch in case of unwanted visitors, Bran you can help. Lorena I need you and Toots here to see if we can find food and water and start setting up a kitchen then see where we can sleep. Toola and the Prof will see where there is some water to be had in this place. Once were settled down and rested we can think about what we are to do next."

Recognising the common sense of his instructions and accepting again the leadership of the Earthman the others busied themselves with their tasks and hurried away from the man. Left alone and without anything else to do Hawk decided to to explore the building behind him. As he stood at the bottom of the stairs he heard voices organising the people arriving and giving everyone purpose. Nodding to himself he decided he wanted to see what was in this building.

It must have been important since it seemed to dominate the square, and seemed to have the structure of a palace. Above his head he saw a brilliant white balcony so he began to climb the stairs. With each step upwards towards the columned portico saw his shoes crunching on something and looking down he saw a broken femur and then other bones. It had been smoothly polished though he could make out the toothmarks of animals on the bone.

He again climbed the stairs avoiding bits of of bones until he stood on the covered veranda high above the square. It seemed so high from the ground below though he knew it wasn't, a couple of people saw him and he waved to them before turning away and entering the entrance hall behind him.

Inside the sunlight fell upon heaps of old skulls. Mosaics had been defaced with blood that had blackened with age, there was no furniture left and what tapestries lay on the floor crumbled with age when Hawk touched them. Above all was a sense of doom and desolation that pervaded the building. Walking forward he passed through a series of doors passing the remnants of battle until he came to the throne room where the greatest slaughter must have been. At one end a stone throne had been defaced but was still usable.

A sudden sound made Hawk turn with pantherish ease to see Ronnie behind him. He relaxed as she joined him and looked about only to turn back to the man.

"Lorena had everything in hand and I felt like an extra wheel," she said," What happened here?"

"A massacre, it must have been a charnel house Toots, they must have been taken completely by surprise but they fought back you can see some chitin amongst the bones," Hawk spoke with reverence.

He suddenly found Ronnies hand in his and they walked behind the throne to a door that led to private rooms. Entering the rooms they followed the corridors to the start of the massacre, the High-King's bedroom. Unlike the other rooms it was relatively unmarked by the battle that had occurred and there was even some ragged tatters of mattress and bedclothes. Seeing them Hawk felt an intense tiredness that seeped through his body. Without warning he staggered to his knees and collapsed into the soft cushioning material.


Moran leant against the skimmer as he gathered his energy. After he had been satisfied where the picquets were he had left the efficient Bran to see that they were properly in place and supplied. Tired he had made his way back to the square to find organisation rapidly settling amongst the refugees as Suzann and Lorena hustled his people into the tasks that were needed to feed and give comfort to them tonight.

It felt strange being in this city, this city that had been only a legend to him only hours before Hawk had led them here. It felt like a miracle to be here. As they had explored the buildings that had been the heart of the government of the T'lanta and the centre of their people Moran and the others had found evidence of the killing that had occurred here. Tenderly they had cleared away the fallen bones and had buried them where they could and had then prepared sleeping places where the refugees could rest tonight. Moran had been quickly been able to confirm that there were no two footed or four footed predators still in the city and had been pleased to find out that there was some food still left in the warehouses that could be used and near the city there were meat animals that could be hunted and killed. The Professor and Toola had been able to coax water from the shut down water system and the fountain was filling up as the spouts dribbled water into the stone bowl. The two of them were looking to see if there was anything else they could find to increase the amount of water available.

Moran sighed and then smiled thinking on what they had discovered today and wondered again how the Earthman had known that Arvanth lay here. He turned as he heard someone walking towards him only to find Lorena next to him. He was a head higher than the woman and smiled softly to her. He felt that familiar attraction he always had when he was with her. Looking at her he admired her body that was covered in rags that barely covered her prominently thrust breasts, that caressed and framed her curved hips and the well formed cunt between her legs. It was only with difficulty and sorrow that he ceased his train of thought.

"Would the Duke care to come with me I think I have found a place where we could set up some sleeping quarters," Lorena said.

Even such a simple sentence like that assaulted his ears and aroused him. He ached to touch, hold and take her. Even when he had met her with his wife he had wanted her, it had been something that he and his wife would laugh over. The mere thought of his wife still brought back pain to him and he quickly drew his eyes away from the curved sensual hips that were before him.

"I miss her too Mor," Lorena said as she glanced back over her shoulder.

Silently they passed through an open doorway into a hall that like the others contained the evidence of battle but that evidence disappeared as they climbed the stairs to the rooms above. Like all of the rooms here they belonged to trusted members of the High King's household. Lorena signalled Moran to batter down a locked door and with a couple of well-aimed kicks with his booted feet the door sprang inwards.

Light streamed in through the shredded curtains onto some smashed furniture and torn bedclothes. Lorena knelt to see if they were usable exposing her shapely thighs and hip to his gaze. It held him and he felt his cock growing hard again. Clearing his throat he spoke.

"I know you miss her Lore but it seems just yesterday that she was with me," Moran said slowly.

"She wouldn't like you moping, my dear. She always believed in living life each day, to remember the dead but live for the living," the woman said as she stood and walked to be in front of him.

"My sister would have wanted you have a bond partner by now Mor," as she spoke Lorena stroked his beard lined chin.

Moran knew that Lorena was right but it had never seemed possible with those who had offered themselves. In time he had learnt to be happy with the intense and brief physical contact of the Women of the Water Temple. As he said this Lorena snorted with disbelief and angered the man's temper.

"Very well, no woman can replace my wife she was one in a million," he spoke hotly.

"None Mor not even me!" as she spoke she pulled down her top to expose her breasts. Large breasts topped with dark nipples, as smoothly as exposing her breasts she allowed her skirt to drop to the floor so that she was naked to him. How he had wanted this to see her naked and wanting him. The sight of her excited him tremendously and his cock strained against the trousers that covered it.

Shivering he gathered her clothes and offered them back to her.

" I can't your a Water Witch, you have other responsibilities," he said flatly but even to his ears the sound of his despair was there for anyone to hear.

Refusing her clothes she stood naked before him and spoke with that seductive trill in her voice," Can't Mor. Don't you think that Water Witches get lonely. This will be a new age Mor the Eathpeople have started that. Think about it. We are in Arvanth and we have defeated Toza and the Murit, when was the last time we did that?"

As she spoke she stepped closer to him and he felt her breast touch his forearm. It was that touch that saw his will break and he flung aside the clothes he held in his arms only to gather her in them. Her head leant upwards as his lips found hers and she opened her mouth allowing him to delve deeply into hers with his tongue. While they kissed he felt her hands loosen his belt and allow his trousers to drop to the floor. His naked cock pressed against her thigh and he felt the shock of it.

"I must have you!" he cried as he swept her from her feet and let her fall onto the pile of ancient bedclothes they had found. Shrugging out of the rest of his clothes he joined her on top of their makeshift mattress. Slowing so he could enjoy each moment he felt the hard pounding of his heart as he admired her body. He enjoyed the sight of each soft curve and crevice of her body.

Then throwing his body next to hers he found that her hands touched his face and brought his lips to hers. Passion pulsed in the air and he felt her thigh rub against his hard cock. They gasped and gulped air as they rolled and kissed. They felt fierce lust drive them on and quickly Moran was on top of the woman pressed between his legs. He could smell her excitement and it excited him more. He felt that this would be the culmination of his desire and she opened her legs allowing him to see her juice plastered cunt hair.

Tender hands guided his cock to the waiting cunt. So driven by passion they was no need of foreplay and there was a sharp grunt as he drove his cock deep into her cunt. Lorena began to murmur endearments and encouragement into his ears as she curled her legs about his waist and she felt his cock drive hard into her body. She gasped as her body came and felt her clit pulsing with intense please. Reaching between their bodies she began to rub hard at the swollen organ and lost herself in the intensity of the orgasms that shot through her body.

Lorena knew that she could have controlled what was happening but for once she wanted to feelings to come unbidden and to lose control completely. She could feel Moran's ass muscles clench and unclench as he drove his hard cock into her, she could feel his cum gather in his balls and when it rushed through his cock he gasped with the pleasure. Cum shot deep into her cunt and she ground her clit against his body tripping off a mind-numbing orgasm.

"I'mmmmm Cumminggggggg," she screamed and then felt the energy sapping aftermath steal over them as he stopped plunging his cock into her and withdraw tenderly from her cunt.

She could feel the cum move deeper into her body and find an egg in her tubes, an egg that fertilised and when it did she wondered what she would do with two sons by different fathers. Fatalistically she decided to leave that problem to another day and she smiled. Let the future deal with that as she felt Moran spent and for once happy slip beside her and smile at her. The look of tenderness that crossed his face made Lorena's heart leap and she kissed him again this time tenderly and she felt his cock stir slowly as she touched it.

Before they could continue a murmur from the square interrupted them and Moran padded naked to the balcony near them. Looking about them he suddenly froze and reeled back in shock.

"Lore, the Earthman...." he gathered himself and then started again," The Earthman is standing naked on the Stone and looking down at the city."

With the words in her ears Lorena shot up and walked with authority and joined the Duke though she was also naked on the balcony. Looking across the square she saw the naked man just as Moran said and saw the people gathering in the square strangely silent as though waiting for something. Hawk must have seen the two opposite them and he waved to them. Yet to those below it would look like he was making a salute to them. A deep sigh spread over the people in the square.

"By the Gods he doesn't know what he is doing, Mor we must get to him," Lorena shouted as she ran to the door.

Naked Moran followed after her wondering what this day meant to his people.


The Professor turned the bronze wheel slowly and felt it slowly move. His muscles were hurting as the wheel broke free of its lock of dirt, sand and air finally allowing him to open the valve. Before he had freed the valve beneath the fountain and that had started a slow leak of pent up water to the dry stone but this valve would release the water to the city itself. After three complete turns he left the wheel and heard a slow gurgling and rush fill the empty pipes as water moved again from the ancient reservoirs that were filled from the lake near the city.

Toola had found the door next to the fountain that led them to the underground passages that ran alongside the water and sewage pipes. Though useful the Professor guessed it was not just for these things that the passages had been made for but there were other things they hid. The torches seemed to burn well here which suggested that there was air being fed into the tunnels.

Suddenly he heard the familiar rush of water behind him and turning around he saw Toola turning a tap and tasting the water. Looking at him she smiled and signalled to him to come over and taste the liquid. Drinking from the tap he tasted a slight copper taste though the cool liquid was sweet to his parched throat.

"We did it then," he said to the young woman with him.

Toola smiled at him brightly and then licked her lips provocatively while thrusting out her ample breasts. The sight of her excited him as she wanted to and he walked over to her and kissed her passionately. Drawing back he then smacked her firm ass.

"Ow what was that for!," she exclaimed.

"For being a little minx. A small animal on Earth that can't stop rutting," he explained seeing her confusion.

Smiling broadly she rubbed herself against the man's hard body feeling his cock grow hard.

"Well this little animal likes to rut with her Professor," she purred in his ear as she ran her hands over his bald head.

Since their job was done the Professor considered fucking her there and then but was interrupted by the sound of voices coming towards them and the flickering of torches. Both of them stepped back and waited for the people to come to them. Stepping around the corner was the small Suzann and Bran who towered over her, seeing the other two people they smiled broadly.

"Professor just the person we wanted," Bran exclaimed excitedly.

Then as there was no question of who he was talking to he continued,"Since we have water and our hunters have been able to find some meat animals to go with the wild vegetables we thought we should explore the tunnels under the city since it would appear that the Murit did little damage to them. I think that they were unable to find them since they are very cunningly concealed."

"But why should we do that?" the Professor asked.

"Well we think that we could stay here and use the city as a base. It seems to have enough food and water for us," Bran spoke as though trying to convince the other man. Then he continued with the real reason," And this is Arvanth one of our great places we can't give it back to the emptiness!"