Millionaire's Harem Ch. 01-03


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The final section was a health plan, I ticked moderate in the diet line as I wasn't really interested in making either of them anorexic, despite Acacia's comment in her form saying she wished to be thinner. Then workouts that focused on fitness, flexibility and glute muscles.

For the rest of that week, I didn't see either of my two colleagues but was kept busy with my own training schedule. I was nervous where my schedule had come from after creating the ones for my colleagues. I hadn't filled out a form, so this was either just going to be like the previous week or someone had filled out a list and just not bothered about my limits.

As the week went on, it became apparent that I wasn't going to be given any modifications. The installation of my chip was easy, they gave me a gas mask to knock me out. I woke up half an hour later lying on the same bed as before without the slightest ache, only a small cut that had been glued. As someone who had barely spent three hours in a gym up to two weeks ago, spending three hours a day in a gym was far worse than the implant as it was both painful and dull. By the end of the week though, I could already see a difference in my muscle definition however I was so exhausted I doubted I could lift as much as I could at the start of the two weeks.

03 - Party Preparations

The day before my new boss's birthday, I had dinner with Acacia and Amira. They both looked as tired as I felt but I could tell that at least all the physical changes I had ticked off for them had been done already. These observations were rather easy given both were wearing tight dresses with either very little or nothing underneath them. That evening we all talked about both our experiences the past weeks and our lives before then.

It was comforting learning that they were happy with the changes, and both admitted that they were excited for more. I was also able to confirm that both of them were intelligent and interesting people and by the time we all went to bed, I was looking forward to working alongside the pair. The following morning was very chill, and we were once again able to spend time sitting and talking. Today they both seemed intent on learning more about me and found it amusing that I had ended up in such a situation without being particularly dominant and, more significantly, a virgin.

After a small lunch, we went different ways as we were taken to get ready for our boss's birthday party. I was taken away by the tall muscly woman who despite being in control of my training for the last two weeks, still hadn't actually introduced herself. Over the next two hours she ordered her two underlings about. I was slightly taken aback by the amount of preparation that was required. Despite the two young women working efficiently together, it still took the full two hours.

The most I had ever done was shave and brush my hair, I don't think it had ever taken over 45 minutes. I had to give it to them, they were very well trained and thorough in their duties, including a shave, haircut, using a candle to deal with my nose and ear hair and finally a whole load of different things being put on my face. The one task that felt out of place from this little beauty treatment was when they instructed me to use a douche on myself. At least for that part they gave me some privacy, talking me through it from the other side of the shower-room door.

At the end, I was able to look in the mirror and I don't think I was surprised to discover that despite putting lots of things on my face, I wasn't wearing make-up, so I have no idea what they had put on my face unless it was just ten different moisturisers. Next was my attire, I had assumed that I would be in some form of staff outfit. Instead, they took out a very smart suit from the wardrobe. As I went to take it, the woman holding the outfit slapped my hand away.

"Strip, we'll do the rest." The intimidating woman ordered. Nervous about being naked around a group of women, I paused for a second. However, I quickly started stripping when I made eye contact with the muscly woman who looked far from impressed. Once naked, one of the young women sighed and turned back to her desk full of equipment.

"Zahra, that is not how you have been trained to react. Kneel at once." The tall woman roared. Despite not being directed at me, I couldn't help but flinch and take pity on this young woman as she immediately turned back and dropped to her knees, head down.

"I'm sorry mistress, sir." She stuttered while clearly suppressing a smile.

"Jamila, deal with that. Zahra, follow me." The tall woman said, waving towards my unshaved pubic area before walking out the door with Zahra hurrying on all fours behind her.

"I'm sorry, I didn't expect to be naked in front of people today. Will she be ok?" I say, trying to hide my insecurities about having a cute young woman between my legs shaving my pubic hair.

"Don't worry sir, she only acts out like that because she likes to be punished. As for your hair, this is part of our job, it isn't a problem." She replied, putting me slightly more at ease. Soon however, my member started betraying me, although Jamila didn't pay it any attention I could feel my face go bright red.

"You're looking more nervous than the last time I saw you." The boss's PA laughed, both Jamila and I turned in surprise due to her quiet entrance into the room. "I didn't think that was even possible, I'm impressed. And I don't just mean due to that." She continued, making my face heat up even more.

"I thought we had another hour; do you need him now?" Jamila asked with a slight panic in her voice. Although Jamila was panicking, I couldn't help but internally sigh in relief that I didn't have to respond to the PA's comment about my size. Although I am short, my member is about 7" which on my small and lean body looks quite big. Jamila's small hands working around it also probably helped.

"No, he isn't needed for almost another hour and a half. I just have some things I need to go through with him before then though. But please continue with your work Jamila, don't mind us." She replied, causing Jamila to noticeably relax.

"What can I help you with?" I asked the PA, hoping to take my mind off of Jamila who was now fondling my balls as she carefully shaved them.

"I am aware you are a virgin, which made me curious." She said, clearly making my attempt and avoiding awkwardness fail abysmally. "Just how little have you actually done?" She asked with a raised eyebrow. Aware of the note of judgement in her voice, I was reticent to confirm that I was as ignorant as she clearly thought I was. Due to my lack of response, even Jamila couldn't help but look up at me with a smile.

"Seriously, what about kissing?" Jamila said. "Sorry." She immediately added as she turned her attention back to her job. Rather than receive the scolding she clearly expected, the PA simply laughed as I unconsciously looked away from both of them.

"That's adorable, twenty five and you haven't even had your first kiss. You're not even ugly or an idiot, how on earth have you managed that?" The PA chuckled as she sat down on chair facing me.

"Not ugly, but also not exactly attractive. And I've never been interested in one night stands so that hasn't helped. Anyways, why are you asking me this?" Finally managing to find my voice again.

"Jamila, you finished yet?" the PA asked Jamila.

"Almost Mistress", Jamila answered.

"Let me know when you're done. He isn't exactly a riveting conversationalist." The PA said, once again chuckling at her own comment. Turning her attention back to me, she said "You are going to be working for a beautiful woman and have two others work for you. Surely being able to make a woman happy should be a crucial skill for you to know?" Remarked the PA, finally answering my question.

"My job is to help with business investments, not ..."

"Done Mistress." Jamila tells the PA, cutting me off mid-sentence.

"Thank you, Jamila. No, don't get up just yet." The PA replied, making the young woman return to her knees having started to get up with her shaving tools in hand. Now both her and I looked to the PA to find out what was next.

"Sit on the edge of the bed, then put this on and lie back." She ordered, her tone becoming more serious as she hands me a blindfold. Although I accept the blindfold, I am hesitant to move from my seat or put it on as this woman clearly intends to do things that I was not comfortable with. She might be a beautiful woman, but I was not only her colleague, but I didn't even know her name.


The suddenness of the action caught me completely off guard, I hadn't even flinched before the blow had struck across my cheek.

"You are an employee; you will learn the hierarchy and obey those above you. Failure to do so will result in punishments. I am above you; you will obey me. It isn't exactly complicated; will I have any more issues with you?" She said, a cold look in her eye.

"I understand that you are senior to me, but I also know that I have limits that you must account for." I reply, hoping the rules around the forms for my two staff also apply to me.

"Did my orders cross your limits?" She retorted.

"No," I conceded. Rather than replying, the PA simply stood waiting until I accepted defeat and carried out her earlier order.

"You haven't filled out a form, so give me a summary of your limits and I won't gag you in case you think of anymore. Be aware though, if I find out that you tell me limits that you do not intend to keep, there will be serious punishments waiting for you down the line. A final point, until I hand you over to Kat or Petra, I am your mistress, and you will refer to me and treat me as such." She tells me, sitting next to me on the bed.

"I won't have sex with someone unless I'm in a relationship, and I want my first kiss to be on my own terms." I start, expecting that given my current predicament, I'll be laughed at. When there is no reaction from around me, I mentally go down the list Amira and Acacia had ticked off. "I don't want to be mind controlled in any way where I am either unaware or to forget anything and I don't want any body modifications." I say, thinking that that probably covers a lot but it's a tad difficult to think straight whilst naked on a bed, blindfolded and a woman is stroking your thigh.

"Duly noted. Just to be clear, oral in both directions is ok?" She says, the softness in her voice returning for the first time in a while.

"Yes," I reply, trying to supress my growing excitement. Sharp nails pinch my right nipple causing me to groan and quickly add "Mistress". She releases my nipple and gently pushes on my chest. I lie down and slide the blindfold down plunging me into the ignorance of darkness.

"Well then, lets tick two things off of your to do list then. Jamila, you deal with this." She says, flicking my penis hard enough to make me flinch and move to cover myself. "Hands to your sides, I can't be bothered to tie you up but I will if I have to. And there will be a punishment for time wasting."

I do as she asks and feel her moving on the bed towards my head.

"Now for the more important form of oral sex, hope you're thirsty." She chuckles. My mind was distracted by Jamila who had started swirling her tongue around the top of my dick. Only when something soft and damp starts rubbing gently on my nose do I compute what she had said.

"Can I at least know your name?" I get out just as she sits down and mutes me.

"Layla, but although Jamila has been doing a poor job of following the rules, both of you will call me Mistress." Mumbled Layla, more focused on using my face as a sex toy than responding to my question.

"Sorry mistress." Jamila says quietly before fully taking me to the base. Barely able to move my head due to Layla's thighs, all I can do is groan as Jamila pushes me quickly towards the edge.

"Jamila stop." Layla ordered, clearly sensing my impending orgasm. Barely able to breath, I am helplessly left at the edge of release. "Joey, you seem to be forgetting what this lesson is focusing on. If I spank you too hard, then you won't be able to sit at dinner later and that would make for a very bad first impression to your new owner." Layla continued, not slowing down her grinding on my face. Luckily, her excitement was causing her to speak both slowly and loudly allowing me to hear her over the noise of her sliding over my face.

Whilst barely clinging to consciousness, I stuck my tongue out and started licking her pussy as is slid back and forth. Within seconds however, I started suffocating as liquid filled my nostrils. Instead of lifting off of me as I start bucking, Layla stops her grinding and simply puts her full weight on my head pinning me in place and forcing my nose and mouth further into her wet slit.

"Ten seconds after you stop moving I'll let you breath." She orders, causing me to immediately focus on fighting my natural reactions and remain still. "In future, you will have to earn the right to breath. Work hard, get rewarded, simply lie there and let me do the work, and you will suffer the consequences." As she finished, she lifted herself off of me, but only slightly. I gasped for air, her smell imprinting on my mind as it comes back from its oxygen deprived state.

"Ready, let's try this again." Not waiting for a response, Layla drops back down, although she doesn't put all of her weight on me. Over what feels like twenty minutes, I am trained in the art of cunnilingus and get to a point where Layla is happy, and I am able to breath enough to not need any breaks. Throughout this time, Jamila played with my balls and shaft with her tongue to keep me hard but without ever letting me reach orgasm. Eventually, I managed to bring Layla to an orgasm, and she collapses with a sigh on the bed. I lay there exhausted but filled with content at a job well done, uncaring about the now very soggy blindfold stuck uncomfortably to my face as I waited for instructions.

After a minute, they are peeled off by Jamila, who led me by the hand to the shower. Surprisingly unsteady on my legs, I am grateful for her support and stand there under the hot water as she rewashes me. Still without release, I was hoping when Jamila got down on her knees that she was going to finally bring me to orgasm. Sadly, she quickly and efficiently finished cleaning me and then helped me once again get dry and brush my hair.

As Jamila was drying my hair, Kat and the tall muscly woman walked into the room. Upon seeing Layla who had now fallen asleep sprawled on the bed, Kat started laughing. Apart from with Acacia and Amira, this was the first time I had seen someone react in normal human way. Both this uncommon behaviour and the laugh itself made it seem almost musical.

"I was wondering what was taking you so long. I am glad you aren't dressed yet as there are two orders of business to attend to before I take you to dinner and they require you in your current attire." Kat tells me. "I'm afraid you'll need to go back on the bed again though."

"Mistress, I don't think we have time to wash him again before dinner." Jamila says as I start going across the room. Still exhausted from my activities with Layla, I turn back around hoping that Jamila has saved me another workout.

"Don't worry, I have no intention of creating the sort of mess that Layla is known for. And I certainly won't be letting him wash me off of him that quickly." Kat responds. I sigh and start sitting on the bed.

"Not there, that's sodden. Slut, move Layla onto her own mess. I don't intend to get her juices all over me." Kat orders the taller woman.

"Yes mistress." She responds and picks Layla up as though she weighed nothing before dropping the woman who was just starting to wake onto the damp part of the mattress.

"Ugh, come on." Layla groaned as she woke with a start. As her eyes open, they lock onto Kat's face. "Oh, sorry mistress. I didn't know you were here yet." She says nervously, aware Kat is less than pleased with the state of the room.

"Clearly. The standards around here have fallen since I was last here. All three of you sluts, lie on the bed and present your asses. And you, I have already given you your orders." Kat instructs, the last part aimed at me. We all quickly start moving into position, me across the middle of the bed facing up whilst the other three women are face down on the mattress with their knees on the floor.

As I lie face up, I see Kat climb onto the bed with a wooden cane appearing in her hand as if from nowhere. Before I get a chance to dwell on it, she sits on my face.

"We haven't got long, so be quick." She tells me. Unlike with Layla, Kat simply rests gently on me and stays reasonably still. Although I hadn't minded the taste of Layla, Kat is slightly sweeter which made it easier to delve right into her already damp folds. Just as my tongue found her clit for the first time, I heard the whistle of the cane as it fell on its first target. The next few minutes seemed like a ten second tape on repeat. A whistle of the cane, slap of it meeting its target and then a squeal. The only other sound was that of me slurping away at Kat's pussy. The consistent tempo gave me extra drive to bring Kat to orgasm as it was clear that she would keep spanking them until I had finished my job.

Eventually, her pussy started clenching and her whipping ceased. Instead, her hands started clawing at my chest making it a challenge to keep my focus. Finally, Kat starts shaking and her weight falls fully on my face before she collapses forward on top of me. As we lay there, I notice that her face must have fallen right next to my very erect member as I can feel her breath on it. Like before, I felt an odd wave of happiness pass through me after I managed to please another woman. Due to my inexperience and the events of the last hour, her heavy breathing on my sensitive member quickly brings back my desperation for release.

Eventually Kat picks herself up off of me and I am able to breathe a sigh of relief. I sit up and wipe the liquid out of my eyes so I am able to see. The other three women have remained in position, their butts all now very red. I am glad to see though that none of the hits broke the skin.

"Don't worry, it will be your turn in a moment. But go wash your hands first." Kat said, noticing me stood admiring the three asses on display. "Don't wash your face though." She added.

I do as she says and return to the spot on the bed I was just on. Instead of lying on it like before, I copy the pose of the three women. I can't tell if it's the room that stinks of sex or simply the sticky remanence on my face, I guess probably both.

"You three, get up and start putting salve on each other. Then tell me when you're all done." Kat told them. Just as she finished her sentence, the first strike landed on my butt. Without the expected whistle of the whip, the sting caught me completely by surprise making me almost jump all the way to standing.

"Stand up again and I'll whip your feet until you can no longer stand on them." She threatened. "And when I spank you, I expect you to count and then thank me for it."

Settling back into position, I mumble an apology. I wait, muscles tensed for the next impact, determined not to jump. The next blow doesn't come though so I start to turn around. Clearly waiting for such an action, the next blow lands before I have even turned my head ninety degrees. Having stated to turn though, I had seen the movement and so was able to reduce my movement to a small flinch. Being so focused on not moving, I almost forgot the other part of her instruction.

"One, thank you mistress." I hastily stuttered.

"You will speak clearly or not at all, try again." Kat ordered.

"One, thank you mistress." I repeat with more conviction.