My Daughter, The Nudist


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When it was over, Leah excused herself to bed, reminding me of our plans to go to the beach the next morning before kissing me goodnight.

I retired to my own room, and it was only then, now alone with my thoughts, that I again struggled to control the sexual images that kept jumping unwarranted to the fore.

I tossed and turned for some time before finally reaching for my phone.

"Hey, Madison, you still awake?"

"Yes, hun, why? What's up?"

"I know it's late, but would you be up for a quick Zoom session? I can Venmo you the funds."

To her credit, Madison understood the situation immediately.

"Sure, Daddy. 😉 Couldn't get enough of me, huh?"


"I still don't understand why we couldn't just go to the beach closer to home," I grumbled as I trudged along the long, sandy pathway between the dunes.

"Oh, stop complaining," said Leah. "Trust me, this beach is so much nicer, and far less crowded with kids and tourists."

As we crested the dune, the pathway opened up to a view of the beach, the bright blue of the ocean off in the distance.


I should have known.

Leah caught my look before I could open my mouth to object. "Look, just give it a chance. It's not what you think. There's no orgies, no swingers, no sex. It's just a beach, like any other beach. Except here, people are allowed to be naked."

I sighed in frustration. "Yeah, but I didn't agree to this, Leah. I've indulged your desire to be a nudist at home, but now you're putting me in a position where..."

"Relax," she interrupted. "You don't HAVE to get naked if you don't want to. But maybe once you see how it's not a big deal here, you'll be more comfortable with the idea."

Leah continued walking, turning back to me when she realized I wasn't moving. "Look, I'm sorry. If I told you ahead of time, you wouldn't have agreed. But you're here now. So I suppose you need to decide if you're coming, or gonna go sit in the car all day. Your choice."

Resigned, I followed her lead.

Leah was correct; the beach was far less crowded than the usual places we'd frequented. No screaming kids, no noisy families.

The few people I spotted as we made our way towards the water were older, many appearing around my age.

Everyone was spaced out with a respectful distance from each other, which I was happy about. Although we did pass several along the way as Leah searched for our own spot to claim.

The first people I saw up close were an elderly couple, both heavy set, both prone on their blanket. They looked like any other couple one might see on a beach, except of course that their asses were fully exposed.

Opposite them were another couple, perhaps in their forties at a glance. While the man was on his stomach on a towel, the woman beside him was sitting in a beach chair, reading a book.

Her breasts were spectacular. Whoever her plastic surgeon was, he'd earned every penny. I had to tear my eyes away so as not to be caught gawking.

Leah finally chose a spot and I gratefully plunked down the cooler and beach bag I'd been carrying our supplies in.

The day was still early, but already hot. Leah quickly removed the light coverall she wore over her bikini. But of course that didn't stay on long either. She was naked in moments.

"Such a beautiful day," she chirped happily. "The water looks amazing! Gonna go for a swim. Wanna join me?"

"Maybe in a few."

I tried not to stare at Leah's swaying bum as she jogged off to jump in the surf.

Instead I spread the blanket out, then found the sunscreen. I'd kept up with my tan at our pool enough to not worry about burning too much, but wanted to be cautious.

Peeling off my shirt, I lotioned myself thoroughly.

I felt awkward being the only person still wearing a suit. Several people wandered by, of various genders, shapes and ages. None of them so much as looked my way, and I tried to return that favor. Still, it was difficult not to look directly at the variety of genitalia.

Leah returned a few minutes later, and I found myself again grateful for the sunglasses I wore, because I couldn't help but stare as she approached; nude, dripping wet, a vision of pure beauty and, I realized, innocence.

She was my daughter. Not some stranger, not some female friend or coworker I might secretly harbor sexual thoughts about or imagine what they might look like under their attire.

For the first time since she'd walked into the kitchen naked three days ago, I started to think that I'd not just be able to tolerate her nudity, but fully accept it.

Leah sat beside me, her smile as bright as the sun above as she toweled herself dry. "The water is perfect! You really should try it!"

I returned her smile. "I will soon. Think I'm just gonna enjoy the sun and fresh air for a moment."

Allowing my eyes to again wander the area, I watched as the other nudists would pass us by.

Again, most of them never so much as looked our way.

I did catch a few of the men stealing glimpses at Leah as they passed by. And I suppose I couldn't blame them, really. She was the youngest and most attractive woman on the beach.

I was only offended as much as any father would be at seeing a man check out his daughter. But I also realized they'd be doing the same thing on a regular beach with her in a bikini.

Men are men; we can't help but look sometimes.

But no one leered. No rude or suggestive comments offered.

As one couple passed us by, the woman, who was quite fit and curvaceous, glanced my way and offered a friendly smile and nod.

While I of course admired her naked beauty, I impressed myself by merely returning her silent greeting and not lingering on her body as she continued along with her man.

Everyone around me looked so relaxed, so comfortable, so completely free of self conscious worry about their appearance, or their complete exposure.

Feeling inspired, I decided it was time to truly test myself.

I stood and untied the strings of my suit. I hesitated only a moment, taking a deep, calming breath, before sliding them down and kicking them off.

Leah watched from the blanket, grinning up at me as I stood there, naked to the world. "How's it feel?"

I considered her question a moment before answering. "Liberating."

Feeling impulsive, I ran off towards the water. It was cold, refreshing, and glorious.

I splashed around for several minutes, enjoying my newfound freedom.

My self consciousness kicked in again slightly once I left the water to return to our blanket. The chill had left my penis rather withdrawn and shriveled, and I suddenly felt like everyone on the beach was secretly laughing at how tiny it currently appeared, despite the fact not one person was actually looking at me.

I quickly pushed those fears aside. This wasn't about sex, and I had nothing to prove to anyone. I was confident enough in my manhood, and it's not like I was there to impress women anyway.

Rejoining Leah on the blanket, I reapplied the sunscreen, making sure to get the bits and pieces normally covered by my bathing suit as well, although I did keep the towel over me as I did so.

But once lotioned, I put the towel aside and lay on my back beside her, enjoying the feel of the sun on my naked body.

Later, I joined Leah when she again wanted to cool off in the water.

We swam together, talking and playfully splashing, and despite the bounce of her breasts and hardness of her nipples from the chill, I no longer looked at her nudity as a sexual thing.

Nor did I worry about her seeing my penis. It was just another body part, one that meant nothing to her in the context of our relationship. Other than it being the thing that helped create her, I suppose.

By the end of the day, I wasn't thinking about being naked at all.

And it was with some reluctance that I put my suit back on to leave.

After an early dinner at an outdoor café, we arrived home. Sweaty, more than a little sandy, but happy.

"Thank you for a lovely day, Daddy." Leah kissed me on the cheek. "Gonna go shower. Maybe after, we can play some chess, if you're interested."

"I'd love to, princess."

As I washed myself off in my own bathroom, I thought back on our day. My mind wandered as it often did in the shower, images flashing through my mind.

How clear the sky had been. How the sun reflected off the water.

How happy Leah had looked as we swam together, bouncing playfully in the surf.

The beautiful tits on that brunette sitting across from us. But not nearly as beautiful as my daughter's full, natural ones.

Leah's tight, round ass, as she lay on the blanket, her legs kicking in the air while she texted a friend.

The quick glance I'd taken at her plump vulva peeking out from between them, her delicate labia glistening with lotion and...

My cock was hard. I'd been stroking it without realizing it.

"Fuck! What am I doing?"

I was angry and disgusted with myself. I'd managed to go the whole day without once thinking about my daughter sexually, but now here I was, jerking off to my mental images of her.

I'd thought I'd gotten past that. But apparently, it wasn't so easy.

Determined, I shunted my taboo thoughts aside. My cock fought me for a few minutes, refusing to go soft, but eventually gave up when it understood I'd no longer feed its fantasy.

Finished my shower, I returned downstairs to find Leah in the family room, setting up the chessboard.

She looked confused as I entered. "You're dressed? I kinda thought you'd gotten past your discomfort."

I joined her at the table. "Look, Leah. I really did enjoy myself today. I understand it a little more now, so thank you. But I still, I don't know... now that it's just you and me, alone, it still feels a little weird to me. Not you being naked, I can handle that now. And maybe at the pool, or if we go to the beach again, but..."

"Hey, it's okay," she smiled. "I understand. Baby steps. Go at your own pace."

We chatted amicably during our game, Leah telling me more about her adventures overseas, and about her classes and plans for the upcoming semester.

During a break while we enjoyed some snacks, Leah looked suddenly nervous.

"Um, I wanted to ask you about something. I have a... friend. Elise. We met at the villa in France. She's in town, and wanted to come by to visit tomorrow, if that's okay?"

"Of course, your friends are always welcome here."

"She's..." Leah blushed furiously, struggling to speak.

Call it intuition, but I suddenly understood. "It's okay, Leah. Just say what's on your mind."

"She's more than just a friend, Dad," Leah managed. "She's my... we're..."

I took her hand. "Leah, you don't have to explain. I understand. I look forward to meeting her."

"Really?" Leah let out an audible sigh of relief. "Thank you, Daddy. I was so worried about what you'd think of me. That you'd... disapprove."

"Oh, Leah," I smiled. "Look, I know I haven't always been the best father. But don't ever think I won't accept you for who you are. Hell, I've learned to accept your nudist lifestyle. What makes you think I wouldn't be able to accept your girlfriend?"

Leah looked close to tears. "I just... I didn't think you wouldn't accept it. But I... worried."

"Seriously?" I chuckled. "You didn't think twice to worry about me accepting your nudism before walking into the kitchen, but you worried about me accepting your sexuality?"

That brought a smile back to her face. "You're right. And I'm sorry about that. It was pretty... drastic. But I've been wanting to tell you I'm gay for a long time. I think maybe it was my way of, I dunno, testing the waters or something."

"Oh, I'm far less shocked about you being gay than being a nudist," I laughed. "And it certainly won't be as difficult an adjustment for me."

"Well, it might be," Leah grinned. "Because, I hate to break it to you, Dad, but Elise is a nudist too."

My smile remained, even as I shook my head softly. "I suppose I shouldn't be the least bit surprised by that. It's fine. I'll deal with it. And I promise to try not to leer at her. But just do me one favor. I understand she's your girlfriend. Just try to keep any... physical displays of affection... to a minimum around me, okay?"

Leah smiled knowingly. "I understand. And I promise, we won't torture you that way."

We both stood at the same time. I hugged my daughter tightly, and despite her nudity, my thoughts remained fatherly.

"Thank you again, Daddy. For everything."

"Of course, princess."



Leah and Elise splashed playfully in the pool together as I watched them through the kitchen window.

For the most part, I'd given them their privacy, enjoying the sunshine with them earlier for a short while before volunteering to step inside and fix us all some lunch.

The girls were naked, of course.

I, however, still remained clothed. As far as I'd come in my views on nudism, I wasn't quite ready to flash my wares around my daughter's beautiful young girlfriend just yet.

As promised, I'd been respectful. Elise had stripped almost immediately after arriving, Leah having already informed her it was okay.

I didn't really get a good look at her body until she and Leah had come downstairs from the bedroom to head out to the pool.

She was taller and thinner than Leah, her frame slender when compared to Leah's more prominent curves.

Still, she was lovely. And apparently made my daughter very happy.

I watched as they embraced in the pool, their lips meeting, kissing playfully but with a hint of their, for now, suppressed desires.

At least they had waited for a moment when they thought I wouldn't see them.

I turned away, wishing to respect their privacy, and made a show of struggling loudly with the patio door before stepping outside to bring them lunch.

We ate together at the patio table, and I chatted amicably with them, getting to know Elise a little better, before eventually excusing myself to go back inside, with the excuse that I needed to tidy up the kitchen, then handle a few quick emails.

In my office, it wasn't my computer I reached for, but my phone.

"Hey, Maddy, it's Phil. Are you available this evening?

Her reply, as usual, was prompt:

"Sure thing, hun. Same time, same place?"

"Perfect. See you then."

I hesitated for a moment, but finally decided to send another message:

"You wouldn't happen to know a friend who might join us, would you?"




We all have fantasies and desires.

Some, for people we know we will never have, and know we shouldn't.

Learning to control those desires and understanding the difference between fantasy and reality is the heart of this what I hope was a fun and not at all too serious little tale.

A special thank you to EmilyMiller for being my Beta Reader and her input, as well as NoTalentHack for letting me pick his talented brain for advice.

Feedback is always appreciated, and if you enjoyed it, please don't forget to rate it.

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

She didn't negotiate with her father she emotionally blackmailed him! That's dispicable and highlights the low character she learned from her mother.

luv2custripluv2custrip8 months ago

Beautiful story, the daughter’s nudity and her father’s reactions are wonderfully described. Yes, we’d all like things to get more intimate at times, but this was a very realistic reaction from a father not ready to go that far.

Great writing.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

That’s quite the tease, but well written and good fun. I liked your leads and how their relationship evolved. Another chapter for future developments would be great!

ScreenplayerScreenplayer11 months ago

Idiotic. What the heck is the matter with Phil (aka you?) She's not a child, and he wouldnt be "exploiting" her, for gods sake. In fact she's far less of a child than he is - she could have taught him so much about intimacy. Theres so much more to mature sex - physical bonding - than Phil denied to them both, with much permanent damage and estrangement, because of his/your thoroughly fatuous (fat-headed) attachment to childish Sunday school mumbo jumbo, and archaic Augustinian control mechanisms. And yet he/you embraced prostitution, and the amorality of all that tawdry, scripted deception and secrecy.

Life is so short, with so few chances of experiencing something special, without a harmful downside.

You've saddened my whole day.

TotzmanTotzman11 months ago

Very well written and erotic. Of course I was hoping Phil and Leah would have sex but his acceptance of her nudity by the end felt like a satisfying resolution.

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