My Holiday Treat, an MMF Threesome


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"Shame it's all over Christina, isn't it?" Tom muttered clinking his glass again mine and looking deep into my eyes.

"Yes, yes, it is, it's been lovely knowing you guys."

"Well, it doesn't have to end, does it?" Mike muttered almost unashamedly looking up my skirt, as men often do but think women don't notice.

"No?" I mumbled feeling a little embarrassed but at the same having a little shudder run through me.

"No, we could meet up when we get back couldn't we?"

"Well Oxford's a long way from Essex," I murmured.

"True and Essex is a long way from Oxford, maybe meet in the middle."

"How do you mean?"

"Well, there are some nice hotels just off the M40," Mike said quietly.

I could hardly believe what I thought he might be suggesting but the sheer thought of it began exciting me. I said in a near whisper. "What meet for lunch?"

I was trying to work out whether he was trying to date me or was it Tom? Or was it both of them. Surely not a throuple I thought remembering reading about that latest craze in The Sun that I was ashamed to admit I read online. I was now confused and couldn't work out whether it was them or the wine and now two flutes of Champagne that was doing it.

"Well if you insist on lunch Chrissy yes, why not?" Mike said standing up and walking around the low table that was between us. He propped himself on the arm of my chair his legs almost touching mine as he went on. "You must realise Chrissy what we mean?"

"No, no Mike I don't," I said in a near pathetic whisper as Tom standing behind me put his hands on my shoulders and kissed the top of my head.

"Are you sure?" he asked as Mike took hold of my hand and kissed the back of that.

I was now in a total quandary but a quite pleasant one. I liked the two guys. I hadn't got a partner. I hadn't had sex for months and I have quite an appetite for it. On top of all that I had no one to be loyal too and I owed Tom and Mike nothing. They had no idea where I lived, we hadn't exchanged emails or phone numbers yet so I could do whatever I wanted with them without any likely repercussions. If they thought I was a bit of a slut, so what? I could be that and pay no later price at all as after whatever happened tonight, I could walk away and face no consequences whatsoever. All this was going through my mind as they both got closer and clingier and as I got more and more interested and aroused.

Tom was gently stroking both sides of my neck with his fingertips as Mike placed his hand on my leg just above my knee and squeezed very gently. The combination of the sensations from three places on my body was beautifully intense and sent a shudder through me.

"Are you getting our message now Chrissy?" Tom went on speaking quietly as Mike slid his hand a little way up my bare leg almost making me drop my Champagne. Looking into my eyes he whispered.

"Are you Christina?"

"Yes, yes I am," I said in a whisper.

"You know that we want to make love to you, don't you?" Tom asked running his fingers downwards and along the top of my shoulder taking the neckline of my dress with it until he reached my bra strap.

"Yes, yes I do," I croaked now burning up with desire. I couldn't remember a time when I had been aroused as this but also confused as I couldn't think what would happen if I said yes. My sexually and alcohol befuddled mind couldn't take it all in and work out how making love to two men would work and rather inanely I asked. "You mean now?"

Kissing the top of my head again, Tom said. "Yes of course now and when we get home. May we Chrissy?"

"Oh God," I groaned unable to think of an appropriate phrase as Mike persisted with.

"Please Crissy let's do it can we?"

"I don't know," I started but Tom interrupted with.

"You don't need to know, just enjoy it, ok?"

Somehow, without me consciously thinking about it, a low, "yes ok," slipped out of my mouth. Then I felt Tom sliding the zip down on my dress but it got stuck where my back was pressed against the chair. He whispered. "Lean forward for me babe please." I did as he asked and he slid it all the way down to just past my waist. At the same time, Mike was kissing my hand as he slid his further up my leg so that it was just under the hem of my skirt.

"What are you going to do?" I asked as Tom fumbled the dress down my arms after I put my glass on the table.

"Make love to you," Mike replied his hand reaching my panties.

"How, what do you mean there's three of us," I completely stupidly asked as Mike took hold of my dress and started to pull it down my legs. Of course, it got caught where I was sitting on it and without thinking, I lifted myself up from the chair and he pulled it further so it was bunched around my knees.

"Oh wow Chrissy you look fantastic," he said ogling my Perla underwear.

"Thanks Mike," I replied straightening my legs so he could pull my dress off. I was pleased to see him folding it and laying it on a spare chair as Tom stroked my shoulders and said.

"God yes Chrissy you look fabulous," kissing my neck.

Lying in the chair in just my underwear that I knew was completely see through and that my nipples, bald mound and pussy lips would be on show to them I suddenly felt embarrassed. Rather ridiculously I felt like putting my arms across my boobs to hide my nipples but of course I didn't and instead I rather revelled in the admiring stares. I watched almost transfixed as Mike's hand slid up the inside of my leg and came to rest on my thong. We smiled at each other and he raised his eyebrows as if asking for my permission to go further. My nod was the affirmation he was looking for and as he slowly rubbed the gusset of the thong and thus through it the lips of my vulva. I was already starting. I could feel it all over my body and I tried fighting it. Gritting my teeth and closing my eyes I told myself not to let go and cum just yet. I didn't know whether one or both of them realised that my orgasm was starting but I felt embarrassed that they might. It seemed daft that they had hardly touched me and already my heart was pounding, my breasts felt so full and heavy and my body was tingling everywhere.

"Ok Chrissy?" Mike asked pushing the material of the thong between my soaked lips.

"Yes Mike, yes fine," I groaned through gritted teeth and closed eyes. Then I felt Tom's hands on my breasts and that did it. It tipped me over the edge and I started to cum. "Oh my God," I moaned gripping Tom's hands as they slipped into my bra and cupped my breasts. They both clearly knew what was happening to me as Mike slipped his fingers inside the thong and right onto my clit whilst Tom squeezed each boob and pinched my nipples.

"Ok Chrissy, come on go for it," one of them said as the other muttered.

"Cum for us baby let it all go."

Forgetting my embarrassment I opened my legs, gripped Tom's hands tighter and moaned. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, yesssssssssssssssssssss," as my orgasm exploded.

As I lay back in the chair, they left me and Tom poured us all more Champagne. I said that I needed to use the bathroom and went there and cleaned up. As I did that, I was thinking deeply about what the hell I was doing letting two guys undress me and get me off so easily. Also, I was wondering about what would come next? I wasn't thinking deeply enough as my mind considered sex to mean being fucked. It wasn't going beyond thinking if they would just do that one after the other, whether one would watch as the other did it, would one leave the room or stay and watch and how I'd cope with any of those? I took my time in the bathroom applying some more make up and doing my hair as I kept thinking, 'was I being a slut'? Was what was happening any more sordid or sluttish than if it had been with just one of them? I didn't have any answers really other than reaching the conclusion that at least for the short term I'd go along with what they wanted.

As I got back into the sitting area of the room I was surprised to see they had both stripped down to their boxers.

"Ok Chrissy," Mike asked as they looked me up and down pleasing me as they told me how lovely my lingerie was and how good I looked.

"Yes, yes I am thanks," I said following them into the bedroom area and noting that there were two queen sized beds turned down. Tom was leading the way and stopped by the first bed, turned and faced me and putting his arms around my body pulled me against him. He was reassuringly erect which I had noticed previously by the bulges in their boxers and that felt good as he pulled me against him and kissed me. He was gentle with the kiss and knowing with the way he used his lips and tongue which came into play almost immediately our mouths met and his tongue probed mine open. That and the way that he used his body against mine and how his hands moved slowly up and down my back visiting the fullness of my cheeks which, in the thong were bare made me feel good about our further lovemaking. I put my arms around his neck and ruffled his hair with one hand as the other, almost as if with a mind of its own slid down, and inside his boxers onto his taut buttocks. They felt great.

As the kiss went on and on, I still didn't really know how this three-way sex was going to progress although my earlier doubts and inhibitions had all but gone. Any slight lingering ones, however, vanished when I felt Mike's arms also coming around me and his body pressing against me from behind. That gave me one of the biggest sexual thrills I had ever experienced and my arousal went up to yet a higher plane. To have erections pressing into both my front and rear was amazing and gave me a hint of how the three-way sex between us might proceed.

"Do you need this anymore?" Mike asked plucking my bra strap.

"No, I don't think I do, do either of you?" I replied grinning as he undid the clasp and I enjoyed the release of pressure on my boobs.

"How about turning round now Chrissy, he's had enough," Mike said with a laugh. I did as he asked and he and I repeated the situation I'd had with Tom who kissed my shoulders, neck and back and pressed his erection into the crease in my bottom. At the same time Mike had moved the top of his body away from mine a little way and had eased his hand between us to cup and squeeze my breast. It was lovely.

We alternated like this a few times with me still wondering how this whole thing would be played out although, with all the kissing and body writhing, I wasn't too fussed as just what we were doing so far was brilliant.

Then, as I was being kissed and was kissing Tom, he started moving backwards taking me with him until he sat down on the bed. As our mouths were clamped together and our arms were around the other's neck I was left bent over at the waist. I put one knee onto the bed between his opened legs and continued our kiss. Being bent at the waist my bottom was naturally sticking out and inevitably, I guess, Mike grabbed me by the hips and pressed his erection against me. I felt him taking hold of my thong and he started to pull it down. For some ridiculous reason I panicked and went to grab the thong but only managed to take hold of Mike's hand. He stopped pulling and said. "You don't really need it do you Christina?"

My first reaction was to stop him going further which, given that apart from the red, strappy heels I was naked, was rather daft. But a guy removing a woman's last vestige of clothing, her panties, is always a big deal. It's the final barrier, the last hurdle to cross, the sign of her total acquiescence yes, it's her agreement, albeit tacit, to be fucked by him. But in this case, it suddenly registered with me it wasn't r my agreement to be fucked by him but by them. The enormity of that hit me hard. But it wasn't just the realisation that I was going to have sex with two guys that hit home it was also the excitement of that and the prospect of being the centre of their sexual attention that got to me and prompted me to let go of Mike's hand. He slid the thong down my legs and off my feet and I was naked with everything about me that was womanly on show to him.

"Oh baby," he sighed, stroking around the lips of my pussy, "what a beautiful cunt you have and so wonderfully wet."

"You've taken her knickers off?" Tom said in a muffled voice as his mouth was sucking on mine.

"Yes, that was ok wasn't it Chrissy?"

"Mmmmm," I groaned back as I felt Mike's fingers stroking my lips.

Tom started to move more onto the bed pulling me with him. Mike followed so that the three of us were lying side by side with me in the middle. Mike gripped my chin and pulled my face away from Tom's. He kissed me as he pressed his erection against my left hip whilst Tom's was against the other side. That was a marvellous sensation and got me even more into the situation. I wanted to feel their bare cocks against me, in my hand, rubbing on my bare flesh or pressed against my face. In short, I realised, I wanted some cock and I nearly giggled when it hit me that I could have two. Thinking that gave me the pluck to mutter. "I think some of us are overdressed," as I rubbed both cocks at the same time through the cotton of their boxers.

Watching the pair of them hurriedly struggling their boxers off made me smile. Then seeing the two hard for me penises almost leering at me made me smile even more. I am not one of those women who has a big cock imagination. I don't really enjoy looking at photos of men's equipment and I never wonder what's inside a guy's pants. But having said that, when out of the cold light of an unaroused moment and in the heat of a sexually aroused situation when I am up close and personal to a dick then it takes on a totally different persona. I revel in the size, hardness, shape, warmth and smoothness. I enjoy the rocket ship appearance and get turned on by envisaging the object of my immediate desire sliding up me and ramming itself in and almost out of me. Now, seeing two of them well within touching and holding distance was almost enough to make me swoon.

"Mmmmm lovely," I grinned from one face to the other as I looked at the two gorgeous erections and reaching out for them asked, "Ok guys?"

"Oh yes," they groaned as I grasped both at the same time sending an ultra-strong surge of arousal through me. Still holding both guy's dicks as they alternated kissing me on my mouth, I was beginning to get just what a threesome with two guys was all about. In short that was me. I was the centre piece, the main attraction, the focal point and the face and body around which everything else revolved. As that dawned on me the prospect of the sexual attention I was likely to receive for the rest of the evening and maybe night as well gave me such a big kick. So many amazing things were beginning to happen. I was being kissed by the two men at the same time. Having one mouth clamped to mine as the other licked and kissed my neck and shoulder was fantastic. Being kissed on the mouth and having the hands of two different men fondle my breasts added to it and then as our lovemaking progressed feeling their hands and fingers exploring between my legs that I so willingly opened for them was simply wonderful. Then looking down and seeing two faces 'servicing' me there was simply incredible especially as at the same time their hands were on my breasts. At differing times, I had two mouths and two tongues, different guy's fingers, fingers and a tongue and them alternating licking and sucking me down there.

Now getting used to the situation and circumstances, I relaxed, began to enjoy it and I participated more. Whilst inevitably and quite willingly I was the focal point of it and the two guys attention was wonderfully on me I started to play my part and to reciprocate. I kissed them back, pressed my breasts against them and, of course, stroked and rubbed their manly areas. But, wonderfully, most of my attention was on what they were doing to me. So much so that I almost forgot about what usually happens between naked men and women lying on a bed. Yes, my concentration was so focused on the two mouths and tongues, four lips, two hands, twenty fingers and two delicious erections that were doing such stirring things to me that being fucked hardly occurred to me. Well, it did, of course as I was aching for it, but it didn't seem to have the urgency it usually does. And that situation increased even further when somehow a cock was rubbing against my cleavage at the same time as my lips and clit were licked and sucked. As I groaned my pleasure at what was happening between my legs I couldn't stop my hands, even had I wanted to which I didn't, from taking hold of the hard prick and kissing it. It had been so long, maybe a year, since I had done that and the taste and smell brought back so many memories. As if from afar a voice said, "Mmmmm lovely Chrissy," and that made me realise who was doing what to me. It seemed such a natural thing to let Mike push his cock into my mouth as Tom licked my pussy and pushed a finger or two into me. Then, as I fellated Mike and Tom performed cunnilingus on me both of them squeezed and rubbed my breasts. If there is a sexual heaven, then there and then I found it. The combination of all the things the guys were doing to me plus the feel of Mike's cock sliding in and almost out of my mouth quite reasonably made me cum and I enjoyed a lovely, quite long and very intense orgasm.

As I had found them at the dinners and around the pool, they were considerate and understanding and that extended well into their sexual habits. As I shuddered and groaned my way through a nice, long and pleasantly intense climax I forgot that I was the centre of attention. It went out of my mind that every slight convulsion, every sound I made and what I did with my hands would be watched by the two guys. That is until with both of them cuddling my body and planting little kisses all over my face, shoulders, breasts and nipples I came down from the extremes of the orgasm and I opened my eyes. Immediately my gaze met theirs and I smiled as they asked if I was ok?

"Oh yes guys, yes, yes, yes, very ok," I muttered quietly my voice probably suffering from the extremes of my climax.

"Was it good?" Mike asked.

"Is the pope catholic?" I smiled feeling so close and warm towards them.

"Well babe there's plenty more where that came from," Tom told me.

"Mmmmm what a lovely thought," I said just before his mouth closed over mine as Mike sucked my nipple. Tom's kiss was slow and gentle but deep with lots of tongue work but suddenly stopped as his mouth was replaced by Mikes. Then they were both kissing me at the same time and I was turning my face from one to the other. Again, as they kissed me, so their hands went downwards arousing my breasts and stimulating my nipples, caressing my stomach, stroking the insides of my thighs and then fondling my lips and clit.

To get so much attention so soon after my second orgasm was simply quite amazing. I revelled in what they were doing to me and wondered just how long this would go on and what they would do to me. Lying between them still with my heels on I suddenly thought to myself that I would let them do whatever they wanted, it was more their show than mine, I was just the puppet on their strings. They were earning that and the pleasure and sheer sexual arousal they were giving me was so wonderful that they deserved me being amenable to whatever they wanted. But as lay there with two mouths sharing my face and mouth and four hands wonderfully exploring on my body, it struck me that I didn't really know what they wanted and, in some ways more crucially, nor what I really wanted either. That is other, of course that I wanted to be fucked. However, I couldn't visualise what that would be like with the pair of them. As again I held and rubbed both cocks at the same time one or both of them, I could no longer work out who was talking, partially solved that for me.