All Comments on 'My Only Talent Ch. 35'

by conanthe

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AngryBovineAngryBovinealmost 7 years ago

Did not see that coming. Keep up the great work. Love this story.

laad4e08laad4e08almost 7 years ago
Thank you for the new chapter!!!!!

Thank you so much for the new chapter. I check daily.

I am excited for Robbie to go back to Europe!

in a lot of ways Suzanne has kind of been slipping away, so for her to drop out of the group wouldn't be the worse. However, this guy in the comma will not be able to give the kind of lifestyle she has become accustomed to .

DepressionBeardDepressionBeardalmost 7 years ago
Five Stars and a few respectful thoughts.

First of all, thank you for writing one of my favorite "Mind Control" series so far. I have enjoyed every chapter with a few sub-plot exceptions, which you have hopefully abandoned. Now onto a few observations and some constructive criticism. This is your story and you can write it however you see fit, the following statements are just opinion and nothing more.

When Suzanne was introduced, there was plenty of foreshadowing that she would be leaving the "relationship": Mike's coma, Eldee completely ignoring her, and her dominant personality shift being just a few. While I do consider her to be an important character, I hope she serves the narrative in having Robbie face heartbreak.

I understand that plenty of readers have grown attached to Suzanne, she is a great example of a dynamic character, but this is not her story. There is also no reason why she would have to disappear from it permanently either, plenty of ex's are friends, after the smoke clears of course.

I was pleased and disappointed with Mike waking up from his coma. A more visceral breakup following her gang-bang would have served to make Robbie seem more human. So far a LOT of things have gone his way and facing hardship is part of growing up. Mike seems like a softball toss compared to the hardball of Suzanne craving more men and Robbie having to face that reality.

There have been a few moments in your story that Robbie was growing and realizing things about himself and his situation. Sadly, it seems that those moments were fleeting at best. Example: Robbie and Suzanne fight in his dorm-room and he remembers what his Father said about getting girls that want what you want. That confidence,not ego, has disappeared since then and if anything he's let his girlfriends run HIM for quite some time now...

Thus ends my hopefully constructive "rant". Again, thank you for writing this story in the first place, I have nothing but respect for your growing talent.

sali6435sali6435almost 7 years ago
about damn time!

was wondering when you would kick this back up. love this story espeacily since.

the hero's ability is more empathic instead of direct control.

Susanne's leaving no shock there, bit doing it for mike was unforseen, way to bust her loose. I do agree with a previous post the women are leading him, not him being the alpha he is characterized as, but don't make him into a douche either.

all in all, please don't make us wait so long for the next installment.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

Finally a new chapter to read, thank you. I've really missed Robbie and his girls.

As for Suzanne, if this is the beginning of her farewell then so be it. Honestly I've been getting tired of her and her gangbang being at the center of so many chapters. I like Lara and Nora and would have preferred them to have had a bigger part of previous chapters instead of Suzanne's gangbang.

If this is not the end of Suzanne and she comes back could you at least please get the gangbang out of the way ASAP and be done with it.

BruceWoBruceWoalmost 7 years ago
A great story. A disappointing chapter.

Having said that, good to see back of Suzanne. It was fun while it lasted.

Can't wait till Ch 36. Hopefully a little less wait. Very happy to contribute via a Patreon site to ensure your good work is rewarded.

LynchjimLynchjimalmost 7 years ago
Great she's gone

Hi again great to get new chapter this series is one of my favourites.

I'm happy Suzanne is going she's being pissing me off for ages now gangbang this gangbang that ffs shut it for once haha.

But as for the rest I'm 100% happy with the story I love it cheers.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Please keep the story going.

Getting worried here guys. Lara going to away to school, Nora as well, Suzanne leaving to be see the now awake Mike (no great loss there). Chapters coming so far apart.

I'm really hoping that conanthe is not wrapping up loose ends so he can call it quits at the end of the semester.

I think this is the perfect time to reinvigorate the story, not end it. Go to England, get some new characters/babes. All new situations and fun, not tied down to any one place or woman.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Keep going!

Great story long time btw chapters hope you are ok and will continue to finish. Suzzanne is great don't know what everyone else is thinking. If you have a plan for the story stick to it and don't let other people's opinions sway your dream. Keep up the good work!

doofus67doofus67almost 7 years ago

TBH i was not been looking forward to the Suzanne gang-bang as i felt it would hurt their relationship so i was kinda glad that was put on hold for the time being. Also to have a break from the constant pestering, hinting and licking that damned upper lip is an added bonus.

Looking forward to the eventual England trip and what Robbie will get up to there. Maybe we'll meet Bright Eyes Elizabeth again.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
A Different Take… (and some kibitzing)

For those thinking Suzanne is leaving Robbie, my thinking is No Way. I agree with the signs pointing to Suzanne not being in Robbie's life long term but none of them were definitive though. Eldee ignoring Suzanne before the marathon in Dallas while being so uncharacteristically personable with Nora and Lara is a strong point. However, I see it as Eldee being more perceptive in that both Nora and Lara were fully committed to Robbie heart and soul even if they hadn't admitted out loud at that point, while Suzanne was in love with Robbie but still had a piece of herself attached to Coma Mike. Suzanne had unresolved issues surrounding Coma Mike that needed closure before she could give herself completely to Robbie and THAT is what Eldee astutely sensed not some future prediction. Remember, NOTHING was decided in this chapter. Suzanne wouldn't just be leaving Robbie, she'd have to leave Lara and Nora also as they are both head over heels for Robbie and planning, on some level, to bear him children. This seems unlikely (though I acknowledge that it's the authors prerogative). And Suzanne is also deeply in love with Robbie. I think this will get messy but Suzanne stays, I'm sure.

Some nit picks, it's Cactus Jake WARNER, not Garner. Cactus Jack Garner was the guy Robbie did a comparison paper of Warner to in high school. You did this to Arturia Colorado also when she suddenly became Arturia Brown in later chapters. We have never resolved the percentage point bonus money that Robbie earned for getting Abelard Peters' projects insured. It was mentioned at a $300 million dollar project. Even at a single percentage point (well below avg for sales) Robbie would be a multimillionaire. I'm confused as to how Lara graduated as she was an undeclared sophomore at the start of this year but I get that you want to clear space for future characters. Speaking of which, odd quirk, are you aware that Lara is the only multi chapter character that has no last name given? Or that her father has NO name given. You've even named Lillian Gush, his love interest but not him. Just odd.

I like where this went but this is clearly a stopgap chapter though a good one. Many happy returns as I await the future of this story

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Great chapter

As usual another great chapter.... I just wish you would post them sooner than you have!!! It's torture waiting to see what happens in the next installment.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

Long time fan, first time posting a comment.

while I do love the drama and story, I felt this erotic story was missing the erotic part...

Waiting 5 months for 3 pages was cruel as well but I understand you have a life to live as well. :(

Other than the above, story is excellent.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Horrible, horrible, horrible tease!

I am constantly checking to see if you've posted the next chapter. Very well written story line. Intelligent and so sexy. This chapter made me upset. Glossed over sex and the biggest tease ending you've ever done. Not fair. Not right. Get the next chapter out soon, please.

ColoradoKinkColoradoKinkalmost 7 years ago
Man, can you tell a story!

The depth of the characters, the number of characters, the little details, it feels so real. Amazing job, please it going! Oh, and thank you, thank you, thank you.

BruceWoBruceWoalmost 7 years ago
Anyone seen or heard from conanthe

Would love an update on what's next or if that's all she wrote

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Suckey fuckey?

This chapter bored me. Suckey suckey.

JasonRTaylorJasonRTayloralmost 7 years ago
You are a consummate tease.

For a while (after shooting his mouth off about his talent) all I could think was:

"Oh shit, he really did pooch it, didn't he!?"

You left that up in the air for now... not that I'm at all shocked, you do so like to keep the suspense ramping ever upwards!

Then there was the gang-bang.

I was certain he would do it, for the same reasons I mentioned last time, but as his stress levels rose in dreaded anticipation of Suzanne's arrival I figured he'd spike every one of the guys with an involuntary Mega-Limp signal and have to deal with that fallout...

but no.

You bastard! LOL, you unequaled prick!

One of the best bait-and-switches I've seen in many moons.

I did appreciate the move by Lara, what a gal!

Only problem of course is that by dragging this out - and not giving any detail on Mei's lay - you kinda pissed off the weenie whackers in your crowd :)

eh, lettem bitch ;)

I'm really looking forward to knowing what happens, but there's very little doubt in my mind that Suzanne will eventually come back to Robbie.

I'm guessing it will not start that way, and I am not looking forward to her leaving. Hopefully she'll talk to them, and not just shut herself down and run away. My guess is that she'll come back, pack up and move down to be with Mike, and each of her lovers will have their chance.

The girls will be sad for him, but really, they are all splitting up for the summer so they would have the time apart regardless.

I don't think Nora will put a lot of effort into changing Suzanne's mind - she's not invested enough to start with and consequently she would only want Suzanne to be with them if she was 100% invested.

Lara, despite her snapping Robbie out of the funk he was sliding into (did I mention she's a smart girl?) and back to sliding into a hot Asian chick, is going to come undone on Suzanne for what she'll feel is betrayal.

I'm not sure what Robbie will do, past numbly accepting that she's leaving him now that he's finally figured out what loving her means, but none of that matters.

Two years is a helluva long time, commitments aside, and in that time Suzanne has changed substantially from the person who made those commitments. She can't help recognizing that her needs - and not just sexual - cannot be met by her re-awakened lover.

I hope!


notsooldpervertnotsooldpervertover 6 years ago

I did not see that coming, despite the title of the next chapter. I'm perfectly ok with Suzanne going back to Mike and staying there. Country Crissie can take her place. Or maybe pre-med Candy. Suze is physically a super hottie, but the entire spring semester i was increasingly ambivalent toward her.

I was hoping Nora would be spending the summer in London. Of course she's an overachiever so she's starting her MBA in the summer. That makes sense for Lara since Robbie is gone for the summer anyway. I have the feeling he's going to be putting a big dent in his dad's frequent flyer miles over the next few years.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
I like smart persons

I like this whole story (so far). I like that there are intelligent people doing fun things -- with plot. I don't like stories that are nothing but "good parts". Boring. When I used to watch video tapes I often fast forwarded thru "the good parts" to get to the plot. I prefer text to video. A text story makes use of my imagination, which is not bound up in what the actors look like and act like.

Keep up the good work!

servant111servant111over 2 years ago

This has got to be the lamest plot twist EVER!

servant111servant11111 months ago

Gotta did the most over the top Deux Ex Machina off state entrance I have ever seen with Suzanne instantly out of the story going back to a resurrected Mike... No forshadowing...just the plot hole of Suzanne's impending out of control Suzie whore betrayal instantly obviated by Mike's instant resurrection. In Short LAME... and well below the standard of the earlier chapters...

2 stars

Jackspeed2uJackspeed2u8 months ago


Yeah… nah… FIRST OFF Suzanne comes back in just a few days realising that mike is a little boy years behind her in life and personal growth. She just basically goes home AND THEN fucks it all up so bad her dad has to have her restrained in a govt facility out of the public EVERYTHING. Then Robbie and the girls AT THE DAD’S REQUEST do a sex thing to break her down and then build her back up. The dad begs and begs Robbie to take her back AND HE WOULD HAVE NEVER EVER BEGGED BEFORE IN HIS LIFE. Robbie says no way in any reality could he take her back. So that’s right near chapter 50 so her decline is long and painful for all the characters.

SECOND… it’s not God out of the Machine. You see that requires FORESHADOWING that even you said doesn’t exist here. EVERY DOCTOR AND SPECIALIST has said he is brain dead so unplug and kill him. So that’s not foreshadowing as there isn’t the merest hint of him waking. SO NO DEM HERE AT ALL. Deues Ex Machina REQUIRES at a previous point in a story that something is said or done or a thing or object or device or whatever is mentioned and one of its features or functions is XYZ and that XYZ has no meaning or usefulness at that time. Then when the story has painted itself into a corner or it’s all gone to shit and nothing can help or you need the story to take a new direction AND THEREIS NO LOGICAL WAY TO DO THAT WITH THE STORY AS IT IS then you as a writer go back and insert at an earlier time period in the story a deues ex machina artifact that you then rely on out of nowhere when you need to fix your story writing fuck up down the line. So right at the beginning when Suzanne says “My boyfriend I was serious with and was thinking I’d marry him was in a car accident and was burned to fuck. He’s in hospital still years later and every doctor says he is brain dead and to switch him off and kill him but his parents won’t.” So to deues ex machina that… you add at the end of her last sentence….”So his parents got this specialist over from Thailand where they have so many burn victims and he has radical techniques that aren’t FDA approved. SO THERE’S A CHANCE BUT A SLIM TO NONE CHANCE FOR MIKE.” That’s foreshadowing / god out of the machine.

So your whole commment is trash as you state that it’s the most over the to DEM and then say that there is no foreshadowing at all. THEY ARE THE SAME TNING one written in Greek and one written in English. DEM is literally when foreshadowing is used later to save an otherwise fucked up storyline that can’t otherwise be fixed. Also for extra crispy DEM points the foreshadowing is never mentioned again in the story until it’s used and the foreshadowing has no other meaning or purpose or use in the story other than to save it later. Extra extra DEM points has the foreshadowing being even nonsensical or useless or of no value or sense in the entire world that the story is set in, that is until that one and only time it’s used to save the story.

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