My Only Talent Ch. 35


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Big Bones walked out the door and down the hallway where I knew Cisco had already scrambled the video cam. He made his way down one level and out to the pool area, where Suzanne and Lou Baby had recently played their little sun tan oil scene for the weekend condo couples. We had a perfect view out the big picture window that overlooked the pool. Big Bones was recognizable, especially in ESU's backyard. Several bikini-clad women immediately asked him to take selfies with them, and he obliged them. As they tweeted and instagrammed and snapchatted, more people arrived, including TMZ. No one was paying any attention to us. Hooray.

I began to relax a little bit. Then I got tense, thinking about what was about to happen to Suzanne. At least it wouldn't be televised. I remembered the old Texas governor who infamously advised to "just relax and enjoy it". Tell my stomach that. It was doing flips and flops, and it wasn't because I was hungry. I couldn't relax, but maybe I could enjoy it, at least my part of it.

Suzanne was now overdue. My blood pressure went up even higher. I began checking my phone every minute. Kevin, Ralph, and Husky avoided looking at me.

My phone suddenly went ping. A text, from Suzanne: "MIKE AWOKE AND IS ASKING FOR ME! On my way to San Antonio. More when I know. S."

Suddenly my ears were roaring and my heartbeat sounded just like when I finished that marathon. The lights got brighter, and I couldn't breathe right. I hadn't felt like this since I hit my head on the net support pole on the tennis courts of the old country club. I swayed and fought to stay standing. Was I the guy that said she had an 'unconditional release' from our relationship if Mike recovered? Big of me, but now I was going to die! I needed to sit down, but I was afraid to move at all. I just knew she was going to leave me forever, for a cripple!

Another text pinged in on my phone. It was from Cisco. "I am okay with this. Go for it!"

What the hell? I don't give a flying fuck what Cisco thinks! He is okay with me losing Suzanne! Screw that. Wait a minute, how the fuck does he know? Suzanne didn't include him in her message. I had already typed "FU"... to respond to him before I remembered his SMS hack. He was replying to something he had already seen, but I hadn't.

A text popped up from Mei Ling. "Robbie, Suzanne texted me she is going to SA. I am going to take her place for the surprise party! See you soon."

So THAT was what Cisco was okay with, eh? I'm not sure I can even get it up for Mei Ling if I lose Suzanne. What the hell is happening to me? That means I do love Suzanne. A lot of good it will do me! I want to die, and now!

Husky walked over to me and put his hand on my shoulder. "Robbie, your face turned completely grey! Are you okay?"

No, I am not okay. I may never be again.

He tried to catch my eye. "Are you really on board with what is about to happen to Suzanne?"

I was not sure I could speak. I squeaked. "No, but it's not what you think."

He looked really worried.

I choked. "Suzanne had to go to San Antonio at the last minute."

His face fell. "Why?"

"Mike woke up."

He looked confused. "Who the hell is Mike?"

I choked again. "Suzanne's first love. He got hurt in a wreck. He has been in a coma for two years. I thought he would never wake up." I forced out more. "She is on her way to San Antonio to see him." I actually sobbed.

"Jeesh, Robbie, That's not good." What amazing insight. He was Stanford graduate school material for sure!

He looked sad. Was he commiserating with me, or thinking about missing his shot at Suzanne?

"I guess you just have to wait and see, huh?"

Yep. If I didn't die of a broken heart in the interim. "But the party is not cancelled." I tried to smile. "Mei Ling wants to take her place!"

He looked worried again. "You mean the girl Cisco dates? I heard she was the female Bruce Lee. I heard she could kill you three ways with one hand!"

I looked up at him. "Well, I guess you better do your best to please her, then, shouldn't you?"

He got a faraway look in his eyes. "What about you?"

"I'm out, buddy. I can't think about anything but Suzanne right now!"

"Well, maybe what you need is something to take your mind off Suzanne. Mei Ling is might be perfect for that."

Mei Ling was hot, and I occasionally had some amazing dreams about her, and I had a pretty good idea she was my kind of girl. But my heart and mind were not my own right now. I wanted to get in my car and drive until it didn't hurt anymore. But that would take a lot more than one tank of gas.

Another text from Mei Ling: "I'll be there in 30 minutes, boys!??"

I didn't want to watch, so I didn't want to stay. Was that being rude to Mei Ling? Did I care?

Another text pinged. It was probably Suzanne telling me to lose her number for good.

Nope. It was from Lara. "Just heard about Suzanne and Mike. How are you taking it?"

"What is the emoticon for clinical depression?" She probably knew it.

She took several minutes to respond, but then she shocked me. "Snap out of it, Robbie, don't be a punk. This is Texas. Mike was QB1. You know the unwritten rules. He can't lose his starting job to an injury. If he recovers he gets to play again. And you have to keep playing your best for the team."

I just sat there. I read it again. I was completely numbed. I couldn't respond.

She called and I picked up the phone and held it to my ear. "Robbie, you are either a top or you're not! I want you to make sure that Mei Ling gets the nastiest gang bang and the toughest kind treatment of you ever gave me. That's what she craves. Otherwise, maybe you can crawl back and be my little bitch! Maybe THAT is what YOU really WANT! And you can leave Nora to me to, if you can't handle it!"

I felt a white-hot poker stuck in my gut. Pain like I had never experienced before. I was losing it all. It was over. They say contemplating your execution clears and focuses the mind. And death was certainly at my doorstep. I needed help. My last appointment with Asa had already happened. The only shrink I had left to consult was my Mom. Just like that first day of school that scared me so badly that I didn't want to go. Work through all the possibilities, Robbie. What was the worst that could happen to me? How could I deal with it?

Well, I could lose Suzanne, Lara, and Nora, drop out of school and kill myself. That's the plan! That's exactly what I felt like doing. From the highest high to the lowest low, all in two quick semesters at ESU. It would be best if I did it before Millie and Jay got married in July. Don't want to rain on their parade, you know. The sooner the better, I guess. What's the best way?

Believe it or not, a GANTT chart appeared in my mind, just like in Engineering 101. Like project "Spank Lara", but this one was project "Die Robbie"! How many days before the July 4th wedding should my funeral be? How many days between my death and the funeral? What was the indicated calendar date for me to die? This was not nearly as much fun as "Spank Lara" had been.

What was the next worst outcome. I could lose all three girls, drop out of school, but not die? Not much of an improvement. What's that minimax algorithm thing again? Choose the least worst alternative? Keep looking.

I could lose Suzanne, and Lara, who would never respect me again for being a wimp, drop out of school, and somehow keep Nora. Nope. Not realistic at all.

Lose Suzanne, Lara, and stay in school, and keep Nora. Possible, maybe.

Lose Suzanne, but keep Lara and Nora and stay in school. Maybe that's what Lara was telling me I should do.

Lose Suzanne for a while, keep Lara and Nora, stay in school, and have Suzanne come back to me when she sees that I am better for her than Mike? That sounds a lot better.

As above but make Suzanne crawl and beg for me to take her back, when she realizes she would never be happy with Mike? Yeah. I like that one best of all so far.

That white-hot poker of pain inside me expanded and grew into a giant white pillow of heat, anger, and cruelty that filled my gut. My id ruled me. I felt a hotshot of testosterone flood my system. I would decide what happened!

Lara had waited a long time for me to speak. "I will deal with you later, slut! You are mine! To do with as a please! Never forget that! While I am fucking Mei Ling like she has never had it, you can wish it was you."

Lara drew in a big breath. "Yes, Master!" and hung up.

My heart was beating like a trip hammer. I felt my chest and shoulders swell up. I stood taller. I was excessively hetero-normative and damned proud of it!

A text pinged in. It was a picture of Lara, naked and on her knees in her apartment, wearing only that tight little smile I loved so much. Suddenly I was hard as a rock. Where the hell was Mei Ling?

The doorbell rang. Kevin opened it. He was expecting Suzanne. I'm not even sure he had ever met Mei Ling, although he might have seen her at some parties. He looked shocked. So did Ralph.

Mei Ling looked around and smiled. 'What's going on at the pool?"

I was back on my game. "Just a little diversion. Nothing to worry about. Your full attention is required here."

I made the formal introductions. I finished with Kevin, our host. "Gentlemen, Mei Ling is our slut for the evening."

I pushed her down to her knees.

She had her Vietcong Full Metal Jacket movie hooker outfit on. "Hi, GI! Suckey Fuckey?" She had that magic little smile down pat already.

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Jackspeed2uJackspeed2u8 months ago


Yeah… nah… FIRST OFF Suzanne comes back in just a few days realising that mike is a little boy years behind her in life and personal growth. She just basically goes home AND THEN fucks it all up so bad her dad has to have her restrained in a govt facility out of the public EVERYTHING. Then Robbie and the girls AT THE DAD’S REQUEST do a sex thing to break her down and then build her back up. The dad begs and begs Robbie to take her back AND HE WOULD HAVE NEVER EVER BEGGED BEFORE IN HIS LIFE. Robbie says no way in any reality could he take her back. So that’s right near chapter 50 so her decline is long and painful for all the characters.

SECOND… it’s not God out of the Machine. You see that requires FORESHADOWING that even you said doesn’t exist here. EVERY DOCTOR AND SPECIALIST has said he is brain dead so unplug and kill him. So that’s not foreshadowing as there isn’t the merest hint of him waking. SO NO DEM HERE AT ALL. Deues Ex Machina REQUIRES at a previous point in a story that something is said or done or a thing or object or device or whatever is mentioned and one of its features or functions is XYZ and that XYZ has no meaning or usefulness at that time. Then when the story has painted itself into a corner or it’s all gone to shit and nothing can help or you need the story to take a new direction AND THEREIS NO LOGICAL WAY TO DO THAT WITH THE STORY AS IT IS then you as a writer go back and insert at an earlier time period in the story a deues ex machina artifact that you then rely on out of nowhere when you need to fix your story writing fuck up down the line. So right at the beginning when Suzanne says “My boyfriend I was serious with and was thinking I’d marry him was in a car accident and was burned to fuck. He’s in hospital still years later and every doctor says he is brain dead and to switch him off and kill him but his parents won’t.” So to deues ex machina that… you add at the end of her last sentence….”So his parents got this specialist over from Thailand where they have so many burn victims and he has radical techniques that aren’t FDA approved. SO THERE’S A CHANCE BUT A SLIM TO NONE CHANCE FOR MIKE.” That’s foreshadowing / god out of the machine.

So your whole commment is trash as you state that it’s the most over the to DEM and then say that there is no foreshadowing at all. THEY ARE THE SAME TNING one written in Greek and one written in English. DEM is literally when foreshadowing is used later to save an otherwise fucked up storyline that can’t otherwise be fixed. Also for extra crispy DEM points the foreshadowing is never mentioned again in the story until it’s used and the foreshadowing has no other meaning or purpose or use in the story other than to save it later. Extra extra DEM points has the foreshadowing being even nonsensical or useless or of no value or sense in the entire world that the story is set in, that is until that one and only time it’s used to save the story.

servant111servant11111 months ago

Gotta did the most over the top Deux Ex Machina off state entrance I have ever seen with Suzanne instantly out of the story going back to a resurrected Mike... No forshadowing...just the plot hole of Suzanne's impending out of control Suzie whore betrayal instantly obviated by Mike's instant resurrection. In Short LAME... and well below the standard of the earlier chapters...

2 stars

servant111servant111over 2 years ago

This has got to be the lamest plot twist EVER!

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
I like smart persons

I like this whole story (so far). I like that there are intelligent people doing fun things -- with plot. I don't like stories that are nothing but "good parts". Boring. When I used to watch video tapes I often fast forwarded thru "the good parts" to get to the plot. I prefer text to video. A text story makes use of my imagination, which is not bound up in what the actors look like and act like.

Keep up the good work!

notsooldpervertnotsooldpervertover 6 years ago

I did not see that coming, despite the title of the next chapter. I'm perfectly ok with Suzanne going back to Mike and staying there. Country Crissie can take her place. Or maybe pre-med Candy. Suze is physically a super hottie, but the entire spring semester i was increasingly ambivalent toward her.

I was hoping Nora would be spending the summer in London. Of course she's an overachiever so she's starting her MBA in the summer. That makes sense for Lara since Robbie is gone for the summer anyway. I have the feeling he's going to be putting a big dent in his dad's frequent flyer miles over the next few years.

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