All Comments on 'My Wife's Friends Come to Town'

by clarkoverns

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Nightowl22Nightowl22over 19 years ago

Yep, DIVORCE. That's the solution.

Just cuz he got a hardon doesn't mean he likes having everyone fuck his wife.

gnfgnfover 19 years ago
The wife is 26

and she has not been to any reunions with her friends. Most reunions start at 5 years after graduation. The average length of time in college is 6 years to complete a 4 year degree in the U.S.

If she started at age 18, she would have only been out for 4 years at the most and maybe only 2 years. These were supposed to be college friends not high school.

Whatever, you have a wife who wants to get screwed and does so. You don't say anything except to "have fun" while you stew about it. As far as she is concerned she has your tacit approval to do as she pleases. Since everybody was playing around and your wife wanted to be the center of attention what was keeping you from following suit? It sounds like there were plenty of women who would give it up to any and all, you did nothing to dissuade your wife from getting it on, why not join in?

Now that she has given you the ultimate hand job; are you going to wait for the V.D. and pregnancy tests before climbing back onboard? Just because you got a hardon and she got you off does not mean that you agree with what happened.

Maybe you will get a gift that keeps on giving, STD's or children. I am sure that your wife never thought of that when they were only putting it in for a little bit; but shooting all that harmless white stuff way up inside her.

I know this is only a story however there are some people out in cyber space who will think that this is just great. There will be others who will rant and rave about killing her or dumping her naked out onto the street or wishing some horrible STD on her or that she gets knocked up.

The questions: What are going to do now? What kind of man are you? What beliefs guide you through life?

You told the story very well, and it fits the category as described by literotica, you just left the ending completely open for the readers to form their own opinions. Was that intentional or are you going to write another chapter?


sacksackover 19 years ago

I liked this, as the author truly understands how to write a strip poker tale, in that the clothes came off gradually. He describes the kind of underwear, making it even more sexy for the reader. Sure, the husband could have gotten his own nooky, but this wasn't necessarily supposed to be an orgy. Maybe they have an open relationship, who knows. And if you would take so long to write about the illogical reunion because of "x" years passed, you're probably analyzing the story way too closely....I doubt it if that was what the author intended!


AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
What to do, what to do?

I read this looking for some resolution of the conflict. At the end, we find the husband unable to act on his feelings.

I don't think this couple has a future. But this isn't my story.

I'd like to see these characters and plot developed, both forward and backward in time.

This could include some of Susan's history, the beginning of her relationship with her husband, and the final resolution of the current conflict.

I liked it and would like to see more.

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
Slut, Whore, Wife?

If this was my wife she better damn well have a friend for me to make sure I do not get upset over her showing off. other wise she would have been thrown out of the house.....

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
what is she a wife or a slut........

if that was me she would either make sure i was ok with this by having ALL her girlfriends FUCK .... or id toss her ass out and she could have all the other guys ... id have kicked her ass from there to the next county

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago

At least Susan knows that if she gets knocked up or an STD, her husband didn't give it to her. Also, if she is knocked up from the party, (1) it is not her husbands, or (2) the other guys that didn't cum in her.

She loves her husband enough that she jacked his cock off. What a gal. A man could really be proud of a woman like that. After having all that cock, she still cared enough about hher husband to worry about him having a headache.

And the best thing, she didn't go home with any of the other guys. She even showered the remnants of her evening off the outside of her body. Douching would have been nice but you can't have everything. What a girl. A fellow could be so thankful to have a loyal and loving wife such as Susan.

Marilyn37MWFMarilyn37MWFover 19 years ago
Poor things---So many pathetic wimps who can't....

even read a fiction story, get it a FICTION STORY about a married woman having sex with another guy without having a minor temper tantrum---Get over it boys--Any wife of your's would have to want the company of a MAN

sweetivylynsweetivylynover 19 years ago
My Wife's Friends Come to Town

Great Orgy story...more spanking please!

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
Divorce Papers

If husband John is normal, which is highly unlikely after his passive role in the party, he will rush off to his lawyer, have divorce papers drawn up and bring them to Susan when she wakes up. He can explain to her that without him she can have fun every night in the week with friends as long as she does it somewhere else away from him. He can also have her sign a disclaimer saying the STD she gets is not from him. Sad, sick story. the Ct. YankeePS You're right--why do I read Loving Wife stories? I guess I better give them up.

the Troubadorthe Troubadorover 19 years ago
Almost from the beginning

of the story we knew how this would come out. What stunned me was how stupid the man was that you wrote in as the husband. Holy Golly Gee, Red Rider! And he keeps WONDERING what the "wife" means or is doing.

Usually with this genre of hateful wives I see some reason for the wife to want to keep the husband around. In this one I haven't been able to come up with a single one. As stupid as this jerk is it can't be my usual fall back, she wants the money he earns. He doesn't have enough intelligence to do a job above the level of ditch digger.

Wait! Wait! Yes there is one! She has been such a slut, no other self-respecting man will have a thing to do with her! With this fool she has someone to give her nookie when she's too tired to go out and get it herself.

Well, I've figured that one. Now I just have to figure out why I read it.

Thruster9Thruster9over 19 years ago
So why did you read it?

I am amazed at people who read a story about a guy who is obviously going to watch his wife get fucked by someone else and then complain about it. If it annoys you, why read it? I think the attraction of these stories is reading about a woman who is so obviously turned on. The husbands' reactions wouldn't be mine, and I would definitely fall in the throw-the-bitch-out school if it happened to me, but it's only a story.

phoenix764phoenix764over 19 years ago
Where is the consequences?

Ok, this story shows that the wife has no (or very little) respect for her husband by having sex with numerous guys, and violating her marriage vows. What happens next when they wake up in the morning? The husband at the very least should be extremely upset. Maybe he will talk to his wife about why she broke her marriage vows. If she has no regret about doing it, it is divorce time. If she does have regret, I'd still file for a legal separation and have her sleep in another room or on the couch. He shouldn't have any sexual contact with her ( could he even stand her touch without getting sick?) for at least 6 months. During that time she has several STD tests and of course a pregnancy test. If the STD shows positive, immediate divorce. If she is pregnant insist on an abortion. Both of them should be in marriage counselling. Maybe she could redeem herself after 1 - 3 years, but the marriage will never be the same.

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
Agree with thruster9

It's a fictional story. I would not have let her "excapades" carry on but then again that's me.

The story itself wasn't badly written and that is one thing I look for.

Keep writing. Continue this story if you want to.

fumunda cheezefumunda cheezeover 19 years ago

It was written more of a humorous satire for cuckolds than a serious attempt at telling a story. we all know that this scenario would never happen in the world of reality. It is strictly fantasy land.

No man would ever let stuff like this in real life. No wife would even take a chance on losing her financially supported situation by this behavior. Now, granted she might get around ro a re-fuck for all the guys there, but not in view of her husband. even a gangbang, but not in her own home while her husband was there.

Maybe only under one situation, if she was the breadwinner, and he was a house husband, and lived off her.


AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
Great story

What the fuck is wrong with you people?! This is clearly a FICTIONAL STORY! Good god, at the end the guy even writes that the story is inspired by another author!

If you didn't like it because you thought it sucked, then that's fine, but if you didn't like it because you think it's real, then learn to separate fantasy from fucking reality!

Well written and well paced, if you ask me.

medleymedleyover 19 years ago

There are always a bunch of negative comments on cuckhold stories, fer cryin out loud people the work is fictional, and highly specialized erotica, if it upsets you so much screen your loving wives stories, because 95 percent of them are a bit 'cucky'. Great work, I enjoyed the light tone and easy flow of the story.

jaggers0053jaggers0053over 19 years ago

everybody has their own kink and some (apparently a lot) people enjoy cuckold stories. just wish there was some kind of rating system to put as preface so readers would know what their getting into. 1-thru 5 or something. 1= being mildly cucky to 5=being a wimp who will let wife walk all over him forever!one commentor wanted to know why we read this if we don't like it and my answer is how do we know until we read it.personally i would have rated this story a 4 under the rating system i suggested ( with an asterick advising extremely stupid husband inside). believe me with that rating i would not have read it.

sermon over,


gizzmo301gizzmo301over 19 years ago

But I would have loved it if the hubby had alittle back bone in him. At lest kicked her out for a while. Truley she didn't care about his feelings at all

gizzmo301gizzmo301over 19 years ago
additional comment

I have read several stories here and injoyed this one. Most are about cheating wifes or husbands. Hubby dosn't know or knows but dosn't do any thing about it. This is more real life with the way things are now days than the husband getting even story.... couples over look it buy the I will never cheat again story or divorce. In divorce one party gets screwd again anyway. Give me the fiction... no cheating or getting even

the Troubadorthe Troubadorover 19 years ago
You left this story completly unfinished

You have the totally amoral wife ignoring and/or showing comtempt for her husband. Well maybe not contempt or igoring, instead she tells him by example how little respect she has for staying "his" woman.

Then you have the husband becoming upset when he realizes what a completely immoral bitch she is. You also have him showing stupidity and total wimphood.

Then you leave us with nothing. You gave us raw tension and angst, but made no attempt to resolve the situation. If he is as stupid as you have writen almost anything would be accepted by him. If on the other hand he thought he had a marriage where both partners loved and respected one another he has little choice other than tossing her out.

But you just left it hanging!

And people say I never 'finish' my stories.ww

smiler03smiler03over 19 years ago
I loved this story

I thought it was absolutely fantastic, the Wife in the story sounds incredibly horny and as footloose and fancy free as I wish my own Wife was and all other Wives for that matter. Some of the negative commenters here still can't differentiate sex and love, and if they can't handle this type of story, what are they doing reading it in the first place? The category is all about loving Wives. I suspect they have the fantasy but can't deal with it.. silly idiots. Many thanks for the story, it was really stimulating, it certainly gave me a hardon :)

Ian, UK

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
Fantastic story, I love your wifes attitude.

Great stort, am printing it out to give it to my wife to read. I would love her to be oggled and more like your wife. Id love to see a picture of her (email to

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago
Wife is unfair

The wife clearly new what she was going to do but wasn't honest about it. She didn't bother to worry about her husbands feelings and hurt him. I don't understand why people would write or enjoy reading about this type of behavior.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
Go for it!

All you critics need to loosen up! If you don't like it, why read it? And if you got turned on, then be honest. Personally the story rings quite true -- my girl used to have about the same attitude as 'Susan' in this story, and you do get mixed feelings. But a hard-on tells no lies. The interesting bit comes when hubby takes a bit of the action himself and you see whether the party girl gets jealous herself. Yep, we humans are an imperfect lot.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
Issues... Huh

"You can have me any time you want lil gurl...". But 'getting me' and then makeing me feel all broken hearted and disconnected only makes me wonder.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
Hot! Keep Writng

I also hope you willl add the element of extramarital pregnancy and a wife giving her husband a lovechild to raise from her activities in future stories.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Ok story

I like cheating wives stories in general, and I guess this was just that. A general cheating wives story. The idea of old party buddies rejoining has been done over and over, sometimes better, sometimes worse. I guess the biggest problem with the story is that everyone knows how it goes. Not just how it ends, but every step of the way. You have surprisingly good writing skills, but you should in my opinion use them to write a new story, not a copy of old ones.

With that said, I trust you pay no attention to the people who love to hate cheating wives stories. They are obviously all that is wrong with the world.

And I'm looking forward to reading your next story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Read between the lines

The story is about power - Power the wife has over the husband and how he likes it. She psychologically makes him except that what she is doing isn't "that bad". Its a power-play story, and not a bad one at that

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
Very Good

My wife was what she herself called " a college party girl." She was not in a sorority, but she and a couple of her girlfriends dated and partied guys from a fraternity. And though she never did come right out and say she had sex with any of them, she let out enough to let me know she slept with at least a half dozen different guys from that frat while she was in college.She's also continued to see a couple of those guys from that frat occasioinally during our 11 years of marriage. She's also gone back to homecoming at her college several times with a girl friend of hers and though; she hasn't come right out and said she had sex with anyone those weekends; she has thanked me for not being so jealous as to stop her from going, and made comments like- "Other men would worry about their wives cheating on them during trips like that;"--AND- even," Honey, college frat guys and just as horny as they ever were, and I wish I had taken my diaphragnm."

She made that statement a little over a month after one of her homecoming trips to her alma mate,and our first child was born exactly nine months after that weekend.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
who is jet lag?

just wondering who is jet lag, love the story...

voraniovoranioover 14 years ago
the comments speak for themselves

the number of comments for this story is overwhelming, and i have read my share of stories on this site. The fact that you can stir up so many people's emotions implies that this is a GREAT story. keep it up, love to read more.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
very erotic

but damn what a pussy husband. Watches 3 guys fuck his wife and then goes to bed to let her fuck the rest of them. Loving wife stories are best when the cheating sluts get kicked out, lose the life they've worked for to get a quick fuck. I realize he's just her little subby fuck but shit who'd put up with that shit.

IftheshoefitsIftheshoefitsover 14 years ago
I loved it

You write excellent cheating wife stories. I wish you wrote more of them.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago

good one

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Its a STORY -- and a good one ...

Can't believe all the negative punishements for this gal! It's a **STORY**. I don't want to be married to her, but I LOVE reading about her. That's what FANTASIES are .... Keep writing. Enjoyed it. Thanks!!!

ErotonautErotonautover 13 years ago
It's just a fantasy, folks

It never fails to amaze me how many people get hot under the collar about these fantasy stories. (Funnily enough, as I was reading it, I was indeed reminded of several stories by Jetlag, which I must have read at least five years ago.)

deadonedeadoneabout 13 years ago
Pathetic wimp

Everyone, and especially the "wife", are laughing their ass off at the wimp. He would be the biggest joke around.

He is no good in bed, his dick is to small and has no staying power.

Everyone gets her cunt, he gets a hand job. Husband is nothing more then a paycheck any more, no love just manipulation.

p.s. What would she say is he had some fun? She would burn him at the stake!

Nope, he's is a pathetic wimp, she's a worthless slut.

DocCISDocCISabout 13 years ago
Very well written...

Regardless of the negative comments (which for this section are normal) very well written story. It would have been better to have the husband see her used instead of the short recap, but hey, there's always her 27th birthday to look forward to! ;)

Good job and continue on writing!

DWornockDWornockalmost 13 years ago
Watching her get fucked gave him a hard dick.

Therefore, that is what he wanted and approved. so he has no right to complain.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
The story would have been better if he was approached n the wife did care about her husband at least at end of the story she brought Margaret to their bedroom to get a surprise he would liked.

The story would have been better if he was approached n the wife did care about her husband at least at end of the story she brought Margaret to their bedroom to get a surprise he would liked.

BetterEndingBetterEndingover 12 years ago
Entitled to an Opinion

Marilyn37MWF, I suppose any husband of yours must love being married to a whore, eh? That is the term us non-wimps use for a woman such as this.

The fact is that those of us that do not like seeing cheating glorified are entitled to our opinions. And make no mistake, this was a cheating slut. I did not see where she asked her husband if it was OK to fuck her friends ahead of time.

However, this could be a good story if there was a next chapter containing some appropriate consequences. He could start the next morning by secretly recording a conversation where he got her to explain how much she enjoyed fucking all of her friends. Then he could tell her he did not want to touch her again until she had been tested for HIV and STDs. Of course that would just be a delaying tactic while the divorce papers were prepared.

She obviously had no remorse about any of her actions and could display extreme surprise when he had her served with the divorce papers. Some crying and begging on her part would add a nice touch. He could remind her that when he said "forsaking all others" he meant it and thought she did too. As someone else said, he could explain that he was just setting her free to do what she obviously desired, which was to fuck every guy she could every chance she got.

In the end, she could end up on the street with nothing but a venereal disease. I know that sounds harsh, but this bitch deserves it.

tazz317tazz317over 12 years ago

throw the slut out the door and quickly. TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Oh, come on Tazz

he liked being humiliated and a wimp. Just ask the slut that calls herself a wife. No way is he going to throw her out the door, most likely wishes a repeat performance. That's how all the cucks want it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
great start, more of this hot wife!!!

awesome, please continue to write here.

bipilotbipilotover 12 years ago
Loved it!

I loved the story. I am very quiet and closed in about my feelings so instead of confronting her I would just walk away also. I am also the very jealous type but at the same time, love seeing my gf flirting and dancing with other men. It really turns me on. I would probably do exactly what he did altho I'm not sure I would be able to walk away. But hearing about it after would really turn me on. If this happened I think it would start a whole new type of open relationship for me.

johnstang2johnstang2about 12 years ago
I dont care what the other comments said

This guy is a complete and utterly wimp and the wife is a sleazy bimbo.

I would have packed a bag, left for parts unknown, then divorce the bitch as well have several 'alienation of affections' lawsuits to the so called friends. After all they are her friends not her husbands.

Nuff said.

Great story, thanks.


RePhilRePhilalmost 12 years ago
Another Creampie Eater. Oh yeh! NOT!!!

I guess some people like WACC stories. I guess it takes all kinds to keep this fucked up world turning. Very sad a depressing male character. Sometimes you think some characters would be better off pushing up daisies

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Right Classification?

This story should be under BDSM or Erotic Horror.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
A Box

A box of shotgun shells and a 12ga woulda made a bigger show and a happier hubby. What kind of moron would let this kind of disrespect happen in his own home. It would be different had they been swingers or had discussed having a open lifestyle, but to just be handed this situation cold turkey......naw just have to rack one in the chamber and start cleaning house.

tazz317tazz317over 11 years ago

and off to sleep!!!!!!!!!????????TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

He married a full bore slut and past and future whore. She didn't do anything for him and she did it would have been sloppy thirds or fourths. Time to get his shit in order and once he has his shit packed and finances in order just get in his car and leave while she recieves divorce papers at work for infidelity. Fuck the bitch. Also dont have sex with her as she probably has a disease now and tell her this. Before he has sex with her she has to pass a std test. That will give the time to get his shit in order. She just betrayed him and showed and told him he was no a man and his dick just wasnt enough and forced him to accept it as it will become a common thing now as they had probabbly planned this beforehand. Better to dump the slut and live or stay and posibbly get Aids or Hiv.

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveover 11 years ago

The husband has two choices. One call the attorney and have him draw up the divorce papers or throw the wife out right then and now and call it a day. Fucking slut.

Huedogg2Huedogg2over 11 years ago
Betrayed you left out option 3

become a happy little cuckold, this is a WACC story if you didn't allready know.

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveover 11 years ago
Yeah I Guess

I guess I give the guys too much credit sometimes. Yes he could be a cuck. If he is, he should die in agonizing pain. Yeah

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
betrayed and cuckdogg sitting in a tree

see you see kay eye enn gee

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Must have more

I can't wait to read more of your stories like this and hope this continues. Maybe one time the wife will try something very new with a different guy?

x_witless_xx_witless_xalmost 11 years ago
Absolute fucking filth.

Loved it. 5*

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
gave you 5 stars

but ... but... you made a cuckold out of the husband, a turn off. put it simply I would have written the story once he discovered her sex romps, I would have stopped the party, gave her a kiss..... on the cheek, told her to kiss his ass, and ask any of them men to take her to their home, she no longer lives with him. I would have written the end or departure... he would not want sloppy seconds.. stay away, her belongings are on the front lawn and divorce proceedings start first thing in the morning and happy birthday... I would also have the husband record each event of cheating sexual activity to use in the divorce and of course smeer too

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
cock lover

I wish it was my wife I would encourage her then lick the cum out of her cunt

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
What he saw?

Was that his wife was a cheating slut. Why would there be any questions? He nearly puked while he watched. He saw her behavior for himself. This obviously wasn't the first time and won't be the last. At least he knows and can get a divorce. What a bitch.

Your dumb conclusion that he liked her behavior and got off is simply confusing a physical reaction with his about to be ex-wife jacking him off and NOT an approval of her behavior. Just god awful.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Great wife


AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

You need another chapter to complete last next chapter you should have husband film next party with her friends fucking and devorce her slut ass. Good job I liked it.f4f,2

SolonarjrSolonarjrover 9 years ago
Liked it!

I love watching my wife fuck others. She can get so turned on that she will let anyone put their dick in her cunt. She has done it for years now! Don't worry about me ... I have had my share of women in return! Today, we love each other as much as ever. It has been an exciting and ... erotic ... life!

impo_60impo_60about 9 years ago
I didn't like it...

I didn't like it...why? 1st - the husband showed he was a spineless man with no self-esteem; 2nd - The wife showed she had no respect for him and above all she didn't love him. So why in hell did they married? I agree that this story should have a part 2, where he divorced his whore wife...1*

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

First we have UKRESEARCHER AND NOW THIS AUTHOR why is it necessary or erotic to have a wife completely shit on her marriage vows, dishonor and disrespect her husband and the story character wife thinks its ok? How about making the story with some realism, like, the husband has enough, yanks her rings off her finger, tells everyone to get out if they refuse, cool, quietly gets a large bag of weed, places it in the dinning room and quietly calls the cops reporting what he found. lets see how scary everyone will be now... and have the cops take the wife too because in her purse is crack and weed too.. and tell her she will be served in prison so get used to the soap sharing.

TrevorvichTrevorvichalmost 9 years ago

Very erotic. Thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
great story 5 for your effort

fuck you annony

vastiesmith2vastiesmith2over 8 years ago
what an asshole annony is!! He reads every damn one of these stories

and bitches about everyone of them. I gave it a 5

LickideesplitLickideesplitover 8 years ago
Agree with Troubador's second post

Sweetie's 'adventurous' nature was well-established! Then a conflicted and confused Hubby gets a hand-job. And the story STOPS! Despite being long and elaborate, there is relatively little tension, except inside Hubby's head ... and even that provides little drama for We-The-Readers! Because It becomes clear early on (for some of us, even before the party starts) that Hubby will not intercede in ANY fashion ... kicking folks out of the house, confronting guys who act inappropriate with Sweetie, telling Sweetie to calm everyone down, telling her to stop flirting, or being subtle by calling in a complaint of excessive noise to the police with a guest's 'borrowed' cell phone!

So, the REAL LW aspect will start in the morning (or whenever Sweetie gets over her hangover.). How do Hubby and Sweetie interact to re-gain some semblance of mutually accepted standards of behavior? Failing that, which seems more likely, how do they establish that their differences are non-negotiable and arrange their separation?

HotGirlWifeHotGirlWifeover 8 years ago

This is great story

Ducky7Ducky7about 8 years ago
sluts and wimps that is all that was

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
☆☆☆☆☆- (5-) 4.55/5.0 = 91% = A

I like stories by clarkoverns

col_lovercol_loveralmost 8 years ago
Susan was a bit of a slut.

But hubby should have taken control, he should have taken Susan to the bedroom tied her up and fucked her and then told the rest of the guys to Gang Bang her. The other girls would have joined in and it would have been her best ever birthday party.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Just a story....but...

Even so, with my wife and I there are no surprises. We know up front what to expect and what most likely will happen. We are ALWAYS naked at our house and when we throw a party , our friends know what to expect and start by removing their clothes as well. Our friends are like us and are exhibitionists and voyeurs and love sex. Some more than others. For the most part, most of us are into oral sex and my wife is in demand as she gives terrific "gushing" blowjobs which usually draws an audience. The majority of our female friends love to be face fucked and have their pussies licked. A few of the wives/girlfriends are into bukkake or gangbangs but only as long as it is all consensual and out in the open. BARE469

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Two Adolescents!

From the way everyone talks especially Susan they sound like they are in grade six. He shot his stuff way up in my cooch....give me a break! Did he wee wee his pants too or did his little dickie feel real good in her pee pee! Just too stupid of a story!! A 2 and that's too much!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
A waste of time...

Stupid story, and a waste of time. Stupid, totally unrealistic wife. Even if she did enjoy teasing and playing around with her friends, did she really think screwing 3 guys in front of her husband was remotely OK? Also, (as someone else pointed out) she talked like a 6th grader ("they all felt up my boobies"?). I'm sorry I read this story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
You saw the end

of your marriage if your eyesight is anywhere near 20/20

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Loved it

5 Stars, Andean turn on for me.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

If he allows another party at his house then he deserves what he gets. he married a bimbo who thinks it's okay to screw guys in front of her husband. There should be more to this story. Like she discovers that her hubby didn't like what happened and should at the very least tone down the sexual horseplay. By the way they are not her friends if that is the way they treat another man's wife in his own home. There is a such thing as proper decorum. I don't believe in changing someone's story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
I really like this story, gave it a 5- (*****-). The story is very erotic & totally realistic.

Actually this story is more realistic then some people believe.

A man in a similar situation gets totally mesmerized when his wife behaves inappropriately or lets other men touch her inappropriately.

My first wife was sometimes wild at the parties.

Once at a big back-yard party one of the bosses from her work found an empty chair just beside my wife. I was sitting 7 feet away facing them. He acknowledged me by waiving at me. He was a bit tipsy. As he was talking to my wife he kept touching her knees and bottom part of her thighs. When he liked what she said he would pet her bare upper arm. The music started. He asked me: "would you mind if i asked your lovely wife to dance with me. Please." I said i did not mind & it was a mistake. He talked ever so briefly with the DJ & a round of slow music started. I vould see he was hard & his hardon was pressing against my wife's silk dress & her body underneath it.

She came back from the dance floor first. 3 - 4 minutes later he came with drinks for all 3 of us. He was now touching my wife's upper arm & the lower thighs vloser to him way more ofter & way more brazenly. He would include me in conversation from time to time & while talking to me he would nonchalantly caress my wife's knee.

He said he had to leave the party. He appilogized to my wife and me about that. BEFORE HE LEFT US he said we MUST come to his cottage one Saturday or Sunday.

"I do have a guest bedroom for the 2 of you." He looked at my wife: "Tell your husband you two will be my favorite guests." I promised we eould come if we can. He gave me a hug. He hugged my wife too & kissed her on the cheek.

When he left i asked my wife in private: "Why did you let him touch you that much & that brazenly? Why didn't you say something."

She goes, "You are my husband & you were present all along. Why DIDN'T YOU SAY SOMETHING. I am not mad at you but the fact of the matter is YOU KIND OF WERE ENABLING HIM. The more you talk with him the more he was squeezing my thigh... each time closer to my minge. Take back your criticism right now, you essentially offered me to him on a platter. Am i right or wrong?"

That day my wife realized that i was ready to give her a hall pass.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

-5*'s, it sucked on so many levels!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Are all you writers cuckies?

You must be! You don't even have the balls to tell your wive's the truth, you would rather whine about it. In this case the wife and husband have about the same IQ....around 50. The premise of the story is the same old shit that 1000 others have written....but I guess that is what you cuckie's like best! Gave it a 1 and that is toooooo much.

allsop72allsop72about 6 years ago
total crap

early on she told him everything goes he is a wimp sack of **** 1--------- can't get lower

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Nothing new here.

Same old cuck shit. I watched my wife fuck other guys and my cock got hard. I've noticed that cuckold and the lack of imagination go hand in hand.

fairway9fairway9about 6 years ago
Did not like theending

The ending sucks. He should of pack his bags and left. While leaving he should of said. I didn’t know I married a whore.

Leaving her screaming no. No it was just for fun. That way you could have a follow up story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
No Man At All

I see something that looks like it...sounds like it, both her and the guy are done. He should have put a stop to it on the drive over. "Loose and Playful"... so Honey...? Yes dear...uhmm..No! You are married...there will be no "Loose and Playful" with people you have screwed in the past. How the hell do you write this with someone who does not know what anyone means by 'hooked up with'!

The guy would have had his face smashed in, clearly sending a message to the rest, and the wife...a slap across her face. Time to go home.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

Totally a wow...again! Why are there not stories of what would really happen with a 'real man?' I see someone grabbing my wife's tit...that ass is heading to the dentist. If we were open swingers...there would be rules and boundaries in place. If my wife is getting dick...I'm getting pussy...! There are no single instances... This clown...lights go down...turn them back is your house you pussy! You see something getting out of stop it..."I was mad at myself for not being able to do anything..." WOW! Fully and all; walk up, swift hard kick to the shins, pocket knife to the chin...handful of hair...walk the asshole out the front door. Everyone will know to not fuck around. If the wife doesn't like that...thank you for my rings back...your copy of the house key...go find a hotel and fuck your friends all worries...just don't ever come back here. I'm good.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
LIKE IT VERY VERY MUCH: 🌟🌟🌟🌟+ [4+ (4.4/5 = 88%)]


Rwa4768Rwa4768about 5 years ago

The biggest thing I didn't like was her taking a shower before coming to bed and not having her wimpy husband clean her pussy with his mouth to make him feel more included in the action.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

Re anon 01/10/18 "I really liked your story..."

At the end of his comment, he depicts a conversation he had with his wife. Belive it or not my wife i had an almost identical conversation after a party we hosted.

Excerpt from the comment follows:


When he left, i asked my wife...: "Why did you let him touch you that much & that brazenly? Why didn't you say something."

She goes, "You are my husband & you were present all along. Why DIDN'T YOU SAY SOMETHING. I am not mad at you but the fact of the matter is YOU KIND OF WERE ENABLING HIM. The more you talked with him the more he was squeezing my thigh... each time closer to my minge. Take back your criticism right now, you essentially offered me to him on a platter. Am i right or wrong?"

That day my wife realized that I was ready to give her a hall pass.


AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (100%)! The story is very erotic! All in all it is a fantasy but similar things in a milder form happened to many people, some of whom we probably know.

This story is very well received by the readers. So far it's got 443,827 views & 294 favorites. That's approx. 0.66 favorites per 1,000 views.


tkh3nkey2110tkh3nkey2110over 4 years ago
Pure Porn!

Just straight up debauchery. I was wondering why it took so long for hubby to figure out that Susan is a slut? He knew she had been a party girl in college. He also stated that he encouraged her to show off her body, and flirt with other men. He has no business being upset when she totally loses it. He should have just enjoyed the party, and tried to hook up with Margaret.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

When that first guy goosed my wife I'd have kicked him in the nuts. That would have certainly set a different tone for the party. If any of that other shit had taken place, there would certainly have been dead bodies involved and the cheating slut wife would certainly have been one of them. What kind of shit is this? No man would stand for this shit if he loved his wife and had any little bit of testosterone in his system.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
This writer is sick in the head.............

I think he turned his wife into a whore for other men and writes about it. ONE STAR for this GARBAGE, One thing for sure the willing cuckolds must love this writer, just down their alley. The wimps are foaming at the mouth reading about how to turn their whore wives into sluts for other men. Do you guys even call yourself men? Look between your legs and see if you got a set of balls left.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Is that all this author knows how to write, sick willing cuckoldry trash?

1*, Nobody in their right mind would willingly, knowingly turn a wife into a whore for others. Only a sick mind would get turned on by that. Do these guys even have a set of balls?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

5 (*****)

GoofyRobGoofyRobalmost 4 years ago

There's a part of me that wants to give it a 5 star. The other part says only one. I can see this being real. I can also see a marriage swiftly collapsing. Sad.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Marriage falling apart

My wife talked me into a similar party. I was a little nervous about it because I didn't meet very many of her College friends. She said you don't mind if I have a little bit of fun tonight? I said as long as he honored her wedding vows that was fine with me. She said oh honey don't worry you know that you are the only one that I really love. Has a party win on drinks were flowing freely and I could see things getting a little out of hand especially the way the guys was playing around with her she seen me looking and came over to set on my lap asking if I was okay with the saints that have been going on. I said Just remember this will not be a one-sided deal you do the mission was to say boys I will surely be messing with the girls think about what you are doing. Later I caught her in the kitchen bent over the table and one of the guys was hoping her. I looked at her slamming my fist on the table and saying are you serious I am out of here please don't be upset please don't leave too late b**** by

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