My Wife's Revenge With My Friends Ch. 02

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Kat further excited and humiliated her husband.
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Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 10/30/2022
Created 06/10/2013
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It had been almost two weeks since my wife had sucked by friend's cock in front of me while my two other friends enjoyed her. I had certainly not forgotten the event, but things seemed to be back to normal for the two of us.

Immediately after the football game that nobody watched, things had been a little awkward with Kat and I. We didn't talk about what happened. I felt a little hurt about what she had done, and a little ashamed by how turned much it had turned me on. She seemed content to let me stew and make sure I had learned not to embarrass her again like I had at the party.

After a few days, we had sex again, and... it was pretty amazing. I fucked her hard, wanting to show I owned her, and she loved it. When she sucked my cock I remembered watching her sucking Tom's cock, and this only made me harder. I even started to lick her ass as part of foreplay, having seen how much she enjoyed Cory doing so.

What really stood out was the spankings. The first time I spanked her after that night with the boys I spanked her harder than normal. She yelped as I reddened her ass, but it was clear she loved it. The next night Kat spanked me even harder than I had spanked her, and I found that I loved it as well. I had learned that my Kat was wilder than I had ever known.

Things after the football game had also started awkwardly with my friends. I saw Cory the next day at work. Perhaps because he worked for me, he avoided bringing the incident up altogether, but there was a clear tension that had never been there before.

When I saw Cory, Tom and Kevin at our week football get-together a week later, Tom had not been shy at all to allude to what had transpired. As soon as I arrived Tom slapped me on the back and asked after Kat, telling me how lucky I was to have such a little minx for a wife. My head sunk a little, then he turned to Kevin and rubbed it in a bit further noting she had given him one of the best blow jobs he had ever had, and he had had a lot.

"So enthusiastic." he had taunted.

The game had otherwise been a pretty normal Sunday, although Tom did tell me to get the beers whenever it was his turn. I didn't want him to bring up how submissive I had been with Kat the week before so I just got them for him. As the game went on, this seemed to become the norm, not just for Tom, but for everyone. I was expected to get everyone the beers or snacks. In the bigger picture I was ok with it. They had, after all, seen me jacking off as they took advantage of my drunk wife. Tom would make the occasional comment about Kat's amazing tongue or how firm her tits were, and Cory joined in after many beers telling us all how perfect Kat's ass was and how sweet it has tasted.

I wondered how I would handle the situation when we were due to be back at my place for the game. That was still three weeks away though, and I had a more immediate concern. There was a birthday party for a woman we knew from college and Tom and Kevin, would both be there. Kat had surprised me by saying she'd be glad to go.

I tried to calm myself by remembering I didn't have to say yes to Kat any more. I could defuse any situation by telling her to cool it, or even by taking her home. Still, I was awfully nervous for her to see my friends who had last seen her almost naked.

I took note of what outfit Kat put on as we got ready. I knew she would look hot, she always does, but I hoped she wouldn't push it too far. She chose a blue dress that showed a good amount of leg, but nothing outrageous. It did hug her ass rather tightly, showing it off to splendid effect. It also featured ample cleavage. I decided not to say anything as I didn't want to create a problem. I took took out a joint to help me relax before the party. Kat shared with me and I did feel better.

On the drive to the party (I had booked a car to take us), Kat was affectionate, as she tended to be when she was a little high. I stroked Kat's bare leg and told her she looked great. She said she was glad to make me proud, which left me wondering if she was being ironic or simply oblivious. I hoped she would be discrete tonight. In addition to Kevin and Tom, there were going to be many people I knew at the party, and I wanted to avoid any scenes.

When we arrived, the party was already hoping and sure enough Tom was right there. It was as if he had been waiting for our entrance. I wondered irrationally for a moment if Kat might have texted him. Anyway, he went in for a kiss and Kat affectionately kissed his cheek. Tom grabbed a handful of her ass even though I was standing right there. Kevin then approached. Kat kissed him on the lips, but not for an inappropriately long time. Tom suggested I get Kat a drink and asked if I could refill his scotch. Kevin also gave me his glass, and I left to go fetch everyone a libation, a little leery but still optimistic.

When I came back Tom and Kevin were chatting up Kat, along with a guy I didn't know. The three of them were in a half circle around her as she leaned against a wall. She looked like she was enjoying the attention. I handed the three of them their drinks and said I had to go back to get myself one. Tom introduced me to his friend Miguel. Miguel was tall, fit and swarthy, very well dressed. He greeted me heartily shaking my hand. Tom suggested I get Miguel a beer when I went back to the kitchen.

When I returned I noticed that Tom had his hand on Kat's back as she listened to Miguel tell an animated story. I handed Miguel his beer and he gave me a nod as he continued to talk. I stood awkwardly, just outside of the group and noticed that Tom had not moved his hand away from my wife.

When Miguel finished the story everyone but I laughed. I hadn't really been able to catch up, and being s little further away it was a little hard to hear over the noise of the party.

Kat gave me a wave indicating for me to join her, which put my heart at ease. I squeezed in on the other side of Tom and touched her arm in a possessive way. My presence did not put off Tom at all, in fact he had let his hand drift down to the top of Kat's ass. I thought of saying something, but it was innocuous enough that I didn't want to create a problem where there wasn't one.

Tom turned the conversation to Kat, telling Miguel how lucky I was to have such a hot wife. He mentioned that I was much older and asked Kat to remind him how old she was. When she answered she was only 22 Tom groaned as if just the number turned him on and pulled her close in a joking way. He noted she was much closer to Miguel's age than mine.

Kat pulled away slightly from Tom, but stayed closer to him than me and his hand was now more on her ass than her back. Kat asked me if I could get her a another scotch. I had never seen her drink scotch before and looking at the flush on her face I could see the harder stuff was having an impact on her. I agreed, even though I was reluctant to leave her with Tom. Tom and Kevin chirped in asking for refills as well, so I placed my half finished glass on a table, realizing my hands would be full coming back.

I tried to rush so as not to leave them too long, but met up with Eddie, an old friend and former client in the kitchen while I was pouting the refills. He was a nice guy but a bit of a bore and I tried to focus as he told me about the new car he bought. I shuffled anxiously as he went through the details of how he had gone from dealer to dealer, how he at looked at new and pre-owned before he paid off the story with how he had got a steal on a new BMW. I took that as a cue to leave, but when he asked me about my agency potentially taking on a new campaign for him, I had to stay and do a bit of selling.

When I finally left I realized it had been at least 20 minutes and I tried to move as quickly through the crowd as I could with three scotches in my hands. I was a little panicked when I saw that they were not where I had left them, but then hard Kat's laugh and saw they had relocated to a couch across the room.

As I approached I saw that she was squeezed in rather tight between Tom and Miguel. Tom had his hand on Kat's leg as her skirt had ridden up. Miguel was whispering something in hear ear that made her laugh then playfully swat him. The scene made me angry but I also felt my cock twitch with excitement.

Tom saw me as I arrived "There's our boy! Tom, you took so long, it was lucky Miguel was able to get us some tequila shots!"

I looked at the table in front of them and saw size empty tequila glasses. Had Kat had two shots? She was certainly even more flushed than when I left her.

I placed the drinks down and stood awkwardly for a moment, wondering if either of them would get up so I could sit with my wife. When nobody moved I pulled up a chair.

Tom spoke a little loudly, "I was just telling Kat that she should try modeling. She has such a cute face and of course a body that won't quit."

As he talked about Kat's body he stroked up and down her leg. His hand now rested perilously close to her pussy. Kat dress was now pulled up high, and she was exposing all her legs to us and anyone who passed by. Kat seemed unaware of this and of Tom's hand as she lay back into the soft couch. I felt myself harden just from seeing my wife's lovely legs, but also from seeing a man's hands exploring them and seeing how complicit she was as he did so.

Miguel jumped into the conversation telling Kat that he enjoyed amateur photography. "Perhaps you could model for me sometime?"

Kat laughed as if it were a joke, but Tom pushed it further asking me, "Oh she'd be great wouldn't she Mark? Kat has a perfect ass that would photograph nicely. Why don't you give Miguel a peek Kat?"

Kat looked up at me with her big eyes, "Mark, would it be ok to let them see my ass?"

I was taken back to the football game when I had had to say yes to her, but I pushed it out of my mind. "No Kat, not now." I implored looking around the room. Why had I qualified it? Of course she shouldn't be showing other men her ass.

I needed to extract her from the escalating attention. "Oh Kat, there's a client I want you to meet." I said as I spotted Eddie across the room.

I walked to the couch and held out my hand and Kat reached up to take it. Tom and Miguel groaned that they were losing her, but Tom helped Kat up by pushing her ass cheeks from behind.

Kat was a little unsteady and held my arm as she tottered in her high heels beside me. I felt much more at ease with her having listened to me and now staying so close, but I could see she was quite high from the drinks.

Just before we got to Eddie, a woman approached. Sandra who was an ex flame from more than a decade ago ambushed me.

"Maaaaark!" Sandra, who was also clearly drunk, slurred. "Has been a long time!"

I politely greeted Sandra and re-introduced her to Kat who she had met once before.

"Riiiight... I remember you. Such a pretty young thiiing. Kat, you know Mark used to be... we were pretty... it was crazy back in the day... "

Sandra went on with a drawn out story about a long forgotten (by me at least) party where I had misbehaved, noting that Kat was just in grammar school then. Sandra touched my arm as she went on and Kat took the opportunity to excuse herself to go to the bathroom.

When Sandra finally finished her story it felt like she was coming on to me, telling me how much she missed those times and asking me to come by one night to catch up. I promised I'd be in touch and after repeated attempts managed to separate myself. Eddie saw me walking by and introduced me to his VP of Marketing, which led to a repeat of the pitch I had given Eddie earlier. AT least I might get some new business out of this party I thought to myself.

When I finally finished up I couldn't see Kat, Tom or Miguel. I looked all over the floor, bumping into a few people and chatting, then looked in the backyard. No sign of them. I called Kat but there was no answer. I thought to call Tom, but had to take a piss. There was a line for the bathroom on the main floor so I went upstairs.

As I got to the top I heard a buzz of excitement coming from one of the rooms and then heard Kat's laugh. I saw a few guys in the doorway and tried to look over their shoulders. My heart sank when I saw my Kat, on the bed on all fours. There were more empty glasses on the table beside her and it was evident she was very drunk. Her dress was hiked up and she wore no panties. Miguel was kneeling by the bed taking picture of Kat with her bare ass raised. Tom stood just beside the bed. Kat was looking back over her shoulder at the camera with a pouty look, taking Miguel's direction.

I tried to get through the men to save Kat from herself, but one of the guys stopped me, telling me I had to wait my turn. I recognized him as the boyfriend of the birthday girl. I noticed that he and the two other guys in the doorway were also taking pictures with their phones.

"Raise it a little higher for me." Miguel instructed, and Kat raised her ass as she was told.

Tom stepped towards Kat and grabbed her ass. I realized he was pulling Kat's ass cheeks apart for a better picture of her asshole and pussy. Kat accepted this without complaint. In fact, I could see, even from my vantage point that she was wet with excitement.

My heart sank, and yet at the same time I was incredibly aroused. I was actually stroking my hard cock through my pants, without giving it any thought.

"Mark!" Tom yelled suddenly. "Hey boys, let him in, you'll have your turn, it's just her husband."

I wasn't sure how to take that, but I appreciated being let in. Kat looked over at me with a surprised smile.

"Ohhh... I hope it's ok Mark. They really wanted to see my ass, and then Miguel told me he could get some great pictures for us."

Well, of course it wasn't ok, but it was rather awkward that I was the only one who thought so. I took a step forward to whisper in Kat's ear that we should get out of there but Tom jumped in between us and put his big hand on my shoulder.

"Don't worry, we're just taking some pictures. Besides, Kat loves being a model." To emphasize the point Tom slowly ran his other hand down Kat's back which made her purr slightly. He followed her back to her ass and again separated her ass cheeks to further expose her to the room, but this time he put two fingers into her wet pussy. Kat arched her back even higher to receive Tom and moaned softly.

"It's ok if you want to jack off while you watch. Is that ok Kat?" he teased.

"Ohhhhh... yes... that would be hot Mark. Jack yourself off while you watch them take dirty pictures of me."

I couldn't believe she thought this was ok. I saw Miguel taking pictures of my friend's fingers penetrating my wife.

"Dude, if you don't whip yours out I'll whip out mine." Tom warned.

I didn't want his cock near Kat again, so despite real concerns with the crowd watching, I unzipped my pants and pulled out my maddeningly hard cock. Tom laughed and told me I could move over for a better view. I watched and stroked my cock as Tom pushed his fingers in and out of my wife, as she moaned appreciatively. Miguel moved to the other side of the bed and instructed Kat to take off her dress. When she struggled with doing so Tom pulled his fingers out of my wife and he and Miguel helped her by unzipping the dress and pulling it off as well as her bra. My wife was now completely naked with five other guys in the room, and she once again crouched on all fours as if it were completely natural to to so. She looked so hot.

Miguel took some pictures of her tits hanging as Tom on the other side of the bed groped her ass roughly. Kat batted her big eyes at the camera as if she were on the runway instead of a stranger's bed in front of five (six including me) horny men. Miguel set his phone on the table beside the empty drinks. I watched as Tom teased Kat with his fingers until she begged out loud for him to put them inside her again. When I turned back I saw that Miguel had pulled out his cock. I choked on my words as I saw him move to Kat, grab her hair and tell her to show him what a good cocksucker she was. Kat did not seem to object as she took him in her mouth. She was sloppier than normal, basically letting Miguel do the work, but Miguel didn't seem to mind as he pushed in and out of her.

Tom suddenly spanked Kat with a loud swat. Miguel looked alarmed but Kat groaned and lifted her ass for another. Tom spanked again hard, and Kat gasped a little. Suddenly she was bobbing her head up and down Miguel's cock, making a loud slurping sound as she did so. Tom continued to spank my wife while she sucked his friend. I couldn't last as long as Miguel, cumming uselessly on the floor. Miguel came soon after and Kat let much of it dribble down her chin.

Tom told Kat what a good naughty slut she was. I looked at the other men who seemed anxious to have their turns and wondered if my life would ever be the same again.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Love it (❤-): 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟- [5- (4.6/5=92% not bad at all)]! This story is my cup of tea. Period. The storyline was inteligently conceived and mastefully crafted.

The story is a fantasy but in my lay opinion it is NOT unrealistic: it's just that the aithor squeezed several real-life situations and let them each take place during a party.

The photoshoot-cum-groping scene was there (a) for valid artistic reasons, and (b) it was skillfully crafted.

The narrator (the protagonist) is constantly of two minds about his wife's slutty behaviour: his brain knows he should intervene & tell all the men involved to leave her alone because she is drunk, - but his very strong kinky side (voyeurism & wife-sharing fetish) wants her to be naked, groped, & fucked.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
"Be the same"?

Only a fool would even consider life being the same. His wife shows him, by her actions and words, that she has no love or respect for him. His friends show him that he needs new friends. Not really much of a decision to file for a divorce, tell all his friends wives and girlfriends that the men are cheaters and hit the road for greener pastures. 1 star for unfinished drivel.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

very good story of a LW, annony is an asshole he hates everything.

CuckyJimmyCuckyJimmyover 9 years ago
So hot

If you are a cuckoldwannabe like me, you had to have enjoyed this story. For guys who do not like humiliation, why read it. Why go on to part three. I can't wait to read the next part.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Well if He needed any further evidence that she was a slut

He got it. And pictures to boot! Judges LOVE pictures to confirm infidelity. It will make his divorce so easy. Because who would stay married to this lowlife woman who has repeatedly demonstrated she has no love or respect for her husband? Dumb, dumb, dumb.

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