Naked Bisexual Lube Wrestling


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Gaby was the sensible co-parent, calmly supporting her wife. "You heard? You sure? OK, then, I'll put Bryony to bed and we'll see you after breakfast. Oh, you're so kind, poppet! Thank you so much!"

Bryony tried to calm her heart rate down. "Really, everything's all good?"

"All fine, lovey." Gaby managed to haul herself over to her shining coated wife and take her in her arms. "I know, first night away from him! Isn't it exciting!"

Bryony forced a smile. "I know! But it's... oh!" She buried her head in Gaby's chest, causing both of them to slide down into the pool. Their legs knocked Tess over onto Lucy and Dani, who all fell over like a set of curvy sexy dominoes. God, I wanted to be in there with them!

Gaby spoke. "Come on, Bry! Let's get you showered off and we'll get into bed. Just you and me, eh? No small overlord screaming! Jen - give me a hand?"

Gaby rose from the pool to standing, her hands in Jen's. She was a tall lean figure, naked, and sparkling thanks to the lube all over her body. A perfect centrepiece for our party! She stepped onto the old towel Jen provided as a foot mat, then reached to assist Bryony in the same way.

Bryony really did look like a goddess as she rose from the pool. Her short yellow hair made for a striking contrast with her pink body, as did a full triangle of golden-brown pubes against white stomach with red lines, and armpits dark shadows against her breasts.

Gaby was right. Bryony's body really was more lush than before she'd had the baby. Bigger, rounder breasts; softer, somehow. More curves round her arse. There was a sort of glow to her. Like she knew how powerful she'd been, growing an entire new person. And Gaby worshipping her, even more than she had beforehand. They'd always been a strong supportive couple; now, I'm sure an atomic bomb couldn't split them apart. I was delighted to hear Bry had physically recovered from the birth. Wouldn't catch me doing that! I wondered how a baby affected her - and Gaby - psychologically.

"I don't know. I should get back..." Bryony fretted.

"He's fine! You trust my sister, right?"

"Iknow. Just... " She grimaced. "And my breasts are aching already. I didn't bring a pump... Or even a toothbrush!"

"Spare toothbrushes in the bathroom, guys. All part of the service." Jen was the perfect host, as usual.

"Service? Are you going to soothe her fevered tits, too?"

Jen made an obscene gesture at Rachel, who'd made the suggestion.

Gaby realised both she and Bryony were covered in lube from head to foot. Even if it washed off easily, they'd need a shower before going near any bedding. "Can we have another towel, Jen?"

"Plenty in the bathroom. Feel free to use whatever you need."

"Right. Come on Bry, I'm taking you to bed. But first, a shower, and we'll relieve that ache. I'm not having you in pain. Let's get you in private, and you can touch yourself, and I can help. Suck, too. Any excuse!"

Bryony whimpered slightly, somehow small in tall Gaby's safe long arms. One nipple was leaking already. Gaby wiped up the milk and licked it off her finger.

"God, that's hot," Becca murmured in my ear.

"Mmm... Yup. Not that I'm ever doing that gestating thing."

"Me neither."

We might both not want to inflict our physical and mental issues on a new generation, but I caught Emma's shy look at Bryony, and how Rachel squeezed Em's hand. They'd be figuring out how to get Emma up the duff, I had no doubt. Rachel would be a good co-parent, I reckoned. Especially with Gaby as a role model.

Gaby bent to suck Bryony's big breast, not the nipple but a large area around it. Bryony groaned the happy noise of a woman being turned on via the mains switch. Gaby stood up again, grinned round the room. "Goodnight, guys. I've got a lady's vital needs to sort out. Thanks Jen, Dani. See you in the morning - if you're awake!"

Bryony saluted sleepily, and let her wife usher her out of the room towards Dani's bedroom. Via the shower. The lube made their skin all shiny, even if water-based gel did get absorbed fairly well into the skin. Dani had also got out, and showed them everything a couple might need for a night away. Meanwhile, Tess and Lucy were left to wrestle with much more space...

"Well," Dani said, once she'd shut the lounge door and we couldn't hear the erotic noises - even if they were dozy - from the other room. "We're getting to the right sort of tone for the evening. Who's up next?"

"Ha!" Tess exulted. "You have so lost, and I'm not even joking! Loser! Loser!" She straddled her girlfriend's hips, making fucking motions as she held Lucy's shoulders to the floor with ease.

It was hot as far as it went. But I knew what I wanted to watch. "Let's see some proper wrestling! Becca, go for it!"

"Yeah! Becca!" Lucy shrieked. Anyone would think she wanted to lie helpless under Becca, too. Good taste.

"Excellent volunteering of your lady there," Rachel said.

"Of course," I agreed, hiding my sadness I couldn't properly fight anyone. Maybe I'd just join Becca after the fighting was over, to slide around in drunken giggles.

"Emma? You're the only one with a chance of taking down Bex, sorry, Becca." Rachel's 'resting bitch face' turned nearly to a simper, as she hoped for a positive response from her partner.

Emma is naturally smiley. She's the calm, friendlycalm friendly one out of the two of them. But this was definitely a real grin. "Achance?" she scoffed. "I can take Becca, no problem!"

"Oh yeah? That's fighting talk!" Becca would probably have defended herself, even without a few of her disgusting alcopops inside her.

"Yeah. I'll pin you, shorty!" Emma promised. She'd probably had to trash talk the competition in the Olympics. "You and your little dawg..."

"In your dreams! I'll get you on your back, begging for it...Blondie!" I loved seeing Becca so viciously passionate, spitting out her challenge.

"Right. Fight it is."

"Fight, fight, fight!" I chanted, getting everyone into the spirit.

"Get your kit off, get your kit off..." Rachel sang, waving her bottle of cider wildly. That stuff was over 8%. Almost scrumpy! I wasn't going to let Rachel near scrumpy, ever. I don't mention it to Becca any more, either. You know how everyone has one type of alcohol they've been put off for life? Yeah, well. Scrumpy is Becca's.

Becca stood up, ripped off her tank top and bra to show off her mighty ripped chest supporting those grand tits, and dropped her shorts.

Whoo-hoo! I cheered. Those pills with my beer had done the job. I'd have celebrated even without them. Becca in the nude is an amazing sight, every time.

Becca saluted the room, hand held aloft. Stark naked. So brave, my girl. Then she eyed Emma. "Come on, if you're hard enough!"

Emma said nothing. She often doesn't, unless she's really got something to say.

A minute later, Emma had ditched that elegant velvet shirt and the jeans that accentuated her mile-long legs, in favour of just showing us said amazing legs. And her firm arse, as she strolled nonchalantly to the paddling pool, bent over - great view - and carefully stepped in.

Becca had got into the pool without mishap. She sat, leaning back on one firmly-inflated end wall. Emma took the other end, and tickled Becca's feet with her own.

"So," said Becca.

"Ready to rumble?" Emma asked, casual as could be.

"Oh, yeah."

"Good." Emma nearly growled her next sentence. "You're goingdown!"

My pussy tingled from her words. I couldn't wait to see my girl fight.

Becca got to her knees and shuffled forward, wary of the treacherous surface. Worse than ice. Maybe just because you don't go ice skating naked.

Emma might have done. She told me once about ski-ing near her mum's, in Norway. Locals, who don't fall often, go in T-shirt and shorts. Or a little bikini, for that perfect winter tan. It works, apparently, with the light reflecting off all the snow. Even, she swears, the odd naked guy.

"Ibet they're odd," Becca had commented.

"Some. Some just think they're god's gift. Which makes it funnier when you 'accidentally' bump into them and their perfect bronze body, and they fall over..."

See? Emma sounds all peaceful mellow hippy, but she'sevil. Emma also knelt up, looming over Becca, who must be a foot shorter. Emma's over six foot.

Becca attacked first, lunging to the side of Emma's crotch, grabbing her by the thighs, and attempting to throw Emma over her back as Becca carried on sliding past.

It almost worked. Emma landed on Bec's arse, and groped her legs. Quite high up. Becca went splat under the weight, lacking any friction to help her stay on all fours.

"Gotcha," Emma hissed, trying to manoeuvre herself about on Becca's not-yet-slick back, attempting to pin Becca's shoulders to her sides with her legs.

Becca pushed Emma's legs apart, then twisted. Those core muscles did their thing; Bec rolled until she was face-up. Still under Emma, though. Emma's knees were round Becca's head, always a sight to remind me of some wild parties. But then Emma's body slid off Becca's.

Becca sat up, panting.

So did Emma, less obviously out of breath. This time, Emma went for Becca. It was a clash of titanic tits. I'd love to be in between the pair of them. Except for the getting mashed and injured, obviously.

Becca's superlative lower body strength got her out from under Emma again. They both crashed to the ground, sliding. But Emma's arm muscle plus superior height and limb length gave her the advantage. She could toss a leg over Becca, then hang onto Becca's bobbed hair. Was my girlfriend done for, lying on her back, held down? Maybe she should have shaved her head, again?

Becca yowled, then head-butted Emma in the breasts. Oh, yeah!

Emma slapped Becca's breast. Becca clawed her hands and scratched back, along with kicking aimed at Emma's thighs. Their legs were interleaved, hips bucking up and down as if they were fucking.

It was as hot as watching them fuck. So much energy and bare skin, all gleaming and slippery. Becca whacked Emma in the bum with the heel of her foot.

"Ah, fuck!" Emma complained.

"Not tonight, darling." Becca joked despite being out of breath. "I've got a fit bird to go home with."

The teasing promise made Emma chuckle. Just enough distraction to enable Becca to kick Emma off her, followed by a push off from the pool wall into Emma's chest. I thought my girl had her now, barrelling on top of our sexy Swede, but no: once again Emma's height was an advantage. Becca tried to curl up, tucking her legs in round Emma's, not leaving any body parts to pull on.

It didn't work. Emma gripped Becca's arm like grim death. Becca's attempt to yank Emma's hair didn't help - her hair slipped through Becca's fingers.

This was a full-on classic bitch-fight, and I was loving it. Rachel and I grinned at each other, both delighted with how our girls were acquitting themselves.

Becca had Emma's shoulder down for a couple seconds, but Emma burst out of the hold. Emma had her revenge seconds later. Becca managed a backwards somersault to escape, going splat in a puddle of lube, squelching as she moved. Emma gathered herself up and tried for another grab. She was tiring. Her fast breath hit Becca's face.

Becca was tiring, too. If there had been a medal in it, or her life depending on it, I'm sure she'd have found more energy. As it was, both of them grappling for an advantage on their sides, rubbing their bodies together, she offered an out.

"Call it quits, and get them to bring us another drink?"

Emma agreed. "You're on. Waitress! Another Kronenbourg, please."

"An orange WKD, please, Dan."

They lay back at the kitchen end of the pool, glossy, flushed red all over, both beautiful.

Emma called softly, "Join us, Rach?" Rachel didn't answer. "Are you coming in, Ali?"

"I can't wrestle." I shook out my crap arms. "I dunno."

"That's hardly a hardship! We can just slide about. I don't want to accidentally pull your leg off!" Emma would be careful, I supposed.

Becca pleaded, "Come on, sweetheart!"

How could I refuse Becca, after she'd been practically making personalised porn for me? "Mm. Yeah. All right."

Becca called out, "Take her top off, Rach!"

Rachel did that raised eyebrow thing at me. I nodded. So Rach squatted in front of me, undoing buttons on my dress shirt, then stood to sweep it back off my shoulders.

"No bra? You sly horse!"

I told her, "If anyone gets to see under my shirt, why make them waste time getting to the good bits?"

Also, either I take about ten minutes to get the bloody thing on, or I give in and get Becca to help. Given I'm not running nor jumping, my breasts don't really need support. Especially at this kind of party.

"Fair point. They're very good bits!" Rachel peeled off her own slinky top, then her boots, and her leather jeans. Her men's jersey shorts highlighted her arse rather well. Fondlable. I gave her bum a squeeze. She'd have been disappointed if I hadn't.

Rachel paused. "Em?"

"Just take the pants off. Come here, love."

Ah, Ihadn't been mistaken earlier. Rachel was packing. Her crotch was accessorised with a nicewith nice fat purple cock in a black rubber harness. Emma liked a partner with a cock, so Rachel obliged, quite frequently. It showed off her smooth bum and legs nicely.

I flicked my eyes to Ben, wondering what he thought about not having the only cock in the room. I bet - knew, actually - that Jen owned a few, which was probablynot a fact she wanted to share with her brother!

He blinked a few times, probably confirming to himself Rachel's phallus wasn't flesh, but otherwise the guy seemed remarkably chilled. Having Lucy and Tess adopting the roles of his personal cheerleaders probably did that. They perched on either side of him, still naked from the pool, Tess wrapped in her towel on the arm, Lucy settled next to him, towel under her protecting his trousers from the lube, but failing to hide anything above her waist. As I admired the view, Tess's towel gave up on keeping any modesty. She didn't react, just passed him his beer bottle.

It was like a remarkably chaste lap dance - the same composition. Only without that desperation behind the eyes of dancers deciding what they'll do for more money, nor the lordly look of the punter. Here, the chair contained just happy giggling. Similar 'looking, no touching' rules to the classier type of strip joint, I supposed.

Ben looked at me. He liked what he saw. I mean, straight men usually like any topless woman, especially if they're remotely young or slim. I'm not trim and muscled like I used to be, but I've still got it. And very nice tits, if I say so myself!

He nodded approvingly, still too shy to say anything. He probably knew, or had cottoned by now, that Becca and I weren't monogamous, at least with women.

Bec has never done a man and is very happy that way. Me, I like men's bodies, some of them. Ben had the little goatee that so many men his age had, but unlike lots of them, it didn't look too bad. Wouldn't mind fucking him, if Bec was OK with that - she often encourages me to get dicked, if she knows the guy. It's a shame Andy, my old flatmate, moved up North. Whether Ben would be interested in me, who knew? Not in front of his sister, naturally, but in general? Maybe...

I stood up, let my blood catch up getting to my brain, and wriggled out of the rest of my clothes. Facing Rachel, who'd appreciate that, and my back - my bum - to Ben. My arse may not be muscular any more, but it's still round and curvy and very definitely female.

Tess and Lucy wolf-whistled, so I guessed I'd succeeded in looking cute, even if he was too polite to comment.

Rachel grinned at me. "Want a hand getting in?"

"Oh, just crawl, both of you," Emma grumbled.

Emma likes bossing Rachel about. She's the only person in the world Rach will take it from. Doesn't mean I'll listen!

I took a dozen careful steps to the paddling pool. Its rubber wall flexed and bulged as Becca propelled her naked body around it. The pool was clearly slippery as fuck. I got onto my hands and knees, conscious that Ben, Lucy and Tess would all be getting a perfect view of my buttcrack.

And, as I took Becca's arm and slithered over the side of the pool, second leg waving wildly in the air until I collapsed on top of her, they'd also be getting an eyeful of my cunt.

Hey, bodies are meant to be shown off, right? The tattoos on my hip still look good; I'm confident about showing them off. Always wait for a recommended artist, folks. The number of smudged stamps you see every summer, seriously? Not sexy, looking like a marker-pen scribbled on you.

Not that I'd ever say that to Lucy or Becca; I have some tact. Lucy's are the trad 'I got drunk at a festival' tats; Becca was more trying to change herself into something she could live with, trying anything she could afford, in desperation. So they're part of her history, they mean something. Her semi-colon on her inner wrist is small and perfect, as are the tiny letters which come after. I hope she won't need to commemorate another survival.

I ended up lying on her, my lovely Becca. I kissed the smeared bird on her breast, then along her side.

The effort pushed me backwards, which made me slip down her, trying to catch myself. My mouth went over her tummy button so I licked it, knowing she's ticklish. The lube tasted ok.

"Eh, no! No eating her out in this pool," Jen called out.

"I'm only at her navel!" I objected, no matter that Becca squirmed just as if I was in her cunt. She slid away. My chin then hit bristles, where she'd trimmed her pubes short.

"I've met you," Jen retorted. "Give you an inch, you take an ell... of a liberty!"

"Yeah, Al," Becca grinned, then bent her legs, put her feet on my shoulders, and pushed me away from her with all the strength of her quads.

"Whee!" I flew across the pool, landing on the far side and Emma's thigh.

"Hello, love," Emma beamed down at me. "I know we can't grab onto you or pull on your joints, but is pushing all right?"

I assessed my body. "Not here or here," I tapped the corners of my hip boneshipbones, sore as usual. "But anywhere else should work. I think?"

"Curl yourself up safe, then," Rachel suggested. I tucked my knees to my chest, lying on my side.

"One, two, three," Rachel chanted.

She and Emma pushed my back and bum, spreading their force across their four hands. I shot across the pool, crossing a couple yards in an instant, until Becca caught me between her open legs.

"Goal!" she yelled.

"Again!" I begged her. She span me round on my back, placed a firm hand on each shoulder, then shot me back at Rachel. Rachel was careful not to knee me in the face, so I bumped into the inflatable wall.

"That's where the goal should be," Emma decided, twisting round to turn me and fire me back towards Becca's end. Emma thought my arse cheeks were the best place to push. She wasn't wrong, on both safety and fun grounds.

I'd just stopped rotating and got my bearings, when I spotted Emma and Rach wrestling. Rach was managing better than I'd expect; she must have been hitting the gym in Spain, but then Emma applied her superior height and strength to force her partner's shoulders to the ground.


"For you? Ya think?" Emma was cheerfully sarcastic.

"OK, I submit!"

That seemed to be the magic phrase, because Emma grinned, lifted herself off Rachel's chest, then grabbed Rachel's strap-on cock. A few nudges, and she was making Rach slide in small circles. Then, just like with the discus, Emma applied more circular force. The spin and momentum sent Rachel flying towards me and Becca, the girl's legs and arms all flailing wildly as she screamed.

Partly so I didn't get squashed, Becca shoved me back towards Emma. I yelled out in joy. It had been a while since I moved so fast, so easily. And it was well fun, skimming across the pool, slicked up, bumping into my naked sexy friends.