Naked Bisexual Lube Wrestling


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I was sort of sitting this time, and managed to crash so my head fell into Emma's sticky cleavage. Oh no, what a hardship, etc. She giggled, all wobbly soft breast under my ear, before whizzing me back to the others.

I pantedf as I fell sideways, lube now on my face as well as everywhere else, but this pool playing was fantastic.

"How you doing, pet?" Becca asked me.

"Aw, this is all lush, babes! Loving it. I guess I know, now, how an air hockey puck feels!"

Becca looked thoughtful.

"Hockey," Rachel said.

"Bet you want your legs to be the goal," Emma told her.

"Now, now," Dani warned. "Nothing too shocking in public, thank you." I think that was more about what she thought Jen's sensibilities were about Ben, than wanting to protect Ben from corruption! I looked over to Ben, who was watching every glistening movement of our nude slippery bodies, hardly daring breathe for fear Jen would ask him to leave or that Tess or Lucy would stop lying on him.

"We could mark goals on each end of the pool. Where's that crap lipstick you wanted to chuck out, Dan?"

Jen marked out a couple feet square in basically a soft purple crayon. She threw it to Dani who did the other end, somehow holding her towel all round herself, dignified as ever.

"If Ali's our puck - insert your own Midsummer Night's Dream references - then we need another player on my team," Becca said.

"Jen?" I was well up for sliding Jen's body over mine again.

But Jen shook her head. "No. I'm bleeding like a stuck pig. I was just getting myself a heat pack." She ripped off her dress to show a cute black crop top and cycling shorts, opened the microwave, and took out a large squishy package. The sudden bulge in her crotch might have looked sexy, only she slumped on the sofa, face drawn with pain. The heat pack was in the shape of a cow, so there was a cute face of a black-and-white cow poking out of her waistband. Dani cuddled her. "I'm too knackered," she whispered.

If everyone else was exhausted from their wrestling - Tess, Lucy, Dani - then there was only one other option. I mouthed to Becca. "What about Ben?"

Becca shrugged. "If you want. Oh! You do, don't you? You filthy wee..." Out loud, she called over, "Will you be on my team, Ben? If you keep your pants on! I don't want to accidentally grab..." She mimed handling a cock, with distaste.

The request surprised Ben. "I mean.. I could...?"

"Get your kit off, get your kit off, get your kit off for the girls!" sang the Tess'n'Lucy fan club on Ben's lap.

"Not all of it!" Jen really didn't want to see her brother naked. The sibling thing was probably part of why she'd refused.

"I... I've got swimming trunks. Back in a mo. Excuse me?"

Lucy and Tess drunkenly moved aside to let the boy up. "Come on, get your shirt off now, where we can see."

He was flushed, not just from that last cocktail Dani had mixed for him.

"Off, off, off!" Lucy chanted, slapping the armchair in time with her words.

He turned away from his sister, grinned, and started to unbutton.

"Woo-ooh!" Lucy hooted.

He pulled off the shirt, swung it round his head like a stripper, and flung it at her. It landed over Lucy's head, where Tess tried to force it to stay. Lucy batted wildly against Tess, then figured out where she was hitting, and groped at Tess's breasts instead. This distracted Tess enough that she slid off her arm of the chair, on top of Lucy, which certainly didn't help Lucy's escape from the shirt!

While they were still occupied and Lucy blinded, Ben slipped back into the room. I'd been idly considering how he'd look in budgie-smugglers, but these short trunks were nearly as revealing. He had good legs, was too young for any tummy, had a decent firm chest. I reminded myself, I mustn't touch. Not without asking, anyhow.

Ben stepped over the side of the pool, skidded, and only the inflated side stopped him from landing flat on his arse. That, and Emma and Becca both leaning over to try to catch his windmilling arms, their breasts dangling for a perfect visual.

It broke the ice. "Thanks," Ben said, panting in relief. "You can let go now. If you want."

Rachel had grabbed me round the waist, to pull me out of their way. That was her excuse anyway - the fact that I now lay sideways between her legs, my face between those perfect satisfying round tits of hers, was pure bonus. Emma had fallen over her knee, so sprawled out by our lower legs, hanging onto Ben, whose bottom had nearly squashed my foot.

I'd have to be careful. With five of us in the pool, there was no empty space on the ground. Everyone's legs were getting everywhere.

I checked Jen wasn't looking, and made the effort to run my toes along Ben's cute young arse.

He looked over in surprise. I smiled sweetly. He grinned back, happy. Becca took the opportunity to tug his arm and yank him over to her end of the pool. He managed to remain sitting up, somehow seated in the pool's rigid corner.

"OK, guys?" Dani took control. "Ali, can you curl up in the middle like a good little puck? Flat hands or forearms only on her, thank you. Anything else we need to know, Al?"

I loved Dani's tact. "Mind the tops of my hips, if you can. And no, no shoving fingers in my cunt. I'm not a fucking bowling ball!"

Becca giggled. "Aww! If you insist."

"It could be arranged," was Rachel's throwaway comment.

"Some other time," Emma suggested.

Poor Ben just went red again.

I tucked my knees under my breasts, my arms folded in between.

"Bec? Put me fairly in the middle, would you?"

She spun me more than necessary, but decided I was roughly in the middle of the slippery field. My four players knelt upright, giving the appearance of actually taking this game seriously.

"Go!" Dani called.

Four sets of hands landed, simultaneously, on my wet naked body.

Normally that kind of erotic vulnerability is Becca's thing. She's the one with the bondage fetish, I just like how she responds to it. But all these hot sticky hands on my back, my arse, my breasts... Ben pulled one hand away, as if my tit had burned him, before placing it on my shoulder instead. I blew a kiss at him, reassuring him I wasn't going to complain about the sexual touch.

For a long moment, I simply received stroking, gentle presses in eight parts of my body. No-one knew where I'd end up, but for sure I wasn't going to be in control of it. A majority of the hands in unison resulted in my slow turn clockwise.

Becca was well into the game, pushing against my back and shoulders, her feet against the pool wall, shoving me into the wall of flesh that was Emma and Rachel. Ben was more tentative, not wanting to hurt me, not sure what he could do.

Which gave Emma and Rach, united in their keenness and their knowledge of my body, the advantage. Emma pressed my arse and thigh, Rach my lower leg, both of them prostrating themselves as I was shot in between Becca and Ben, spinning. My feet bounced off the end of the pool.

"Goal!" Rachel yelled.

Becca nodded at Ben. "One. Two. Three." They both pushed my knees and bum. I went flying back to the other end of the pool before Em and Rach could get themselves up.


"It makes a noise," Rach commented.

"Enough of that 'it', thank you," I told her. "Emma, teach your girl some manners!"

"I try! It's an ongoing project. Rachel, behave."

"Ooh, promises!"

Becca swam a sort of breaststroke over to me, checked the grip was OK, and hauled me back to the middle of the pool.

"One-all," Dani announced. "And we bully-off again."

Ben mirrored Becca, following her lead, pushing my back towards the girls' blockade. It was like a naked Red Rover, and wasn'tthat now a fantasy of mine? I wouldn't be able to do it myself, but watching Becca and most of her roller derby team, kit off, fighting rather differently on the track...

Maybe I'd be their princess behind the wall, needing rescue? I pictured Becca in all her naked glory, head down in determination, forcing herself through a wall of bare-breasted lesbians to rescue me...

It seemed I was under the bare breasts of a lesbian already. Emma fell on top of me, her nipples grazing over mine. She copped a quick kiss while she was at it, then pulled me into her lap. "Cute little puck, aren't you? Shame to push you away. Here goes."

She got her hands under my bum, thumbs sliding in my crack more than needed, and threw me just like her shot-putting days. Javelin, more like: I whizzed through the lube layer on the pool, and landed in Ben's arms. He was still kneeling; I was now between his legs.

He was hard. He'd caught me before my knee could do him a mischief, but I felt it. He knew I knew, and was blushing again. Poor boy. He was the lone man, practically naked, surrounded by naked women, and not just naturist respectable naked women, either. We were all a bit drunk - Lucy and Tessa very much so, cat-calling from the sidelines.

"Oi, Ali! Get off my brother! You horrible tart!"

"Not my fault! He'll have to push me."

"Here goes," Ben said.

He used all his force round the sides of my back. It propelled me to Emma, who tried to catch me with an arm, but, like a greased seal, I slipped underneath to the end of the pool.

"Yay!" I yelled.

"Hey, who's side are you on?" Rachel objected. "New ball, please!"

"I'm sure a cricket ball appreciates a good bat," Becca retorted.

"I'm sure yourarse could do with a good bat! Knocked for six - six of the best, same thing, right?"

"A six in cricket isone hit!" Ben, aghast at Rachel's apparent ignorance of sport basics, had to comment.

Oh, dear. If he hadn't figured out our common interest in kink, he was about to.

"I know that. I'm not a heathen!" Rachel took advantage of Ben's distraction to shove me, hand on each breast, back towards Becca. I couldn't hold my knees up any more, and sprawled out, face down.

"OK?" Becca checked.

"Hell, yes!"

She ran a hand up my thigh, then, just as the pressure between my legs got good, my horrible tease of a girlfriend pushed me away again. Whoosh! Over the floor again, but this time lying on my front. My breasts bumped over a wrinkle in the plastic.

It was just as well I was covered in lube. It would hide how wet I was.

My head hit the far end of the paddling pool. My body was now in a straightish line, and I'd slid underneath Emma and Rachel's hands. Accident, or on purpose?

As the pair of them steered me about, it occurred to me theymight be pushing on my arse and pulling round my chest just where my breasts were, in efforts not to hurt me. But I doubted it. Plausible deniability, more like!

Another fast skim across the slippery surface. My nipples got flicked by that fold in the floor sticking up, making me gasp. I gasped again when I ended up sideways, across both Becca and Ben, who sprawled together. Becca seemed to actually like Ben, which was unusual for any guy. Maybe, one day, she'd suggest I do something with him? I wouldn't ask. Just asking would be pressure, in her book.

Becca gazed lovingly down at me, helped me turn onto my side. I supposed getting her to massage and soothe my bashed nipples would be cheating. She stroked my hair. Ben just lay his hand chastely on my thigh, arranging himself to block access to the goal.

The opposition got to all fours and stalked over to us. Me, rather.

They pounced.

Emma tried to pull Ben away - he must be a fair bit lighter than Becca - while Rachel's plan was to drop her top half down onto her elbows and push me where he'd been.

What happened was Rachel just propelled herself backwards, and Ben tucked his arms round two sides of the pool, leaning back as nonchalantly as he could while trying to kick Emma off him. The pool creaked ominously, but hey, it wouldn't be a disaster if it popped. Becca tried to fold me round - or just ran her hands up my legs for no reason, it was hard to tell - then slipped and landed over me as Rachel clung onto one arm.

I'm all for Becca's tits over my face, but on the unforgiving hard floor it was a bit too much like asphyxiation.

Ben came to my rescue, pushing me out from underneath Becca's slicked-up breasts. Becca collapsed in relief, dropping to the ground. Which also helped shove me in the right direction. Rachel was still hanging on to Becca's forearm, lining the side of the pool. I just needed to stretch my leg out...

"Goal," I said.

Emma shuffled on her knees over to me. I looked up at the majestic sight of her body, glittering and near-white. A genuine blonde, I could see from very close up. She leaned over, but didn't lose her balance as she carefully lifted me under the knees.

I pivoted on my arse. Normally I never let others control me, never submitted to anyone, but this freedom of flying around the pool was great. Even if it was tiring on the tummy muscles and all the ones involved in laughing too much.

"We'll shoot you, my pretty."

Emma channelling the Wicked Witch was too much. I giggled, uncontrollably.

Which made Becca concerned enough to lie down next to me, and left Rachel the chance to push my body, torpedo like, at the goal. Using the handy angled bit between my legs... My pelvis joints groaned, but I loved it. Tomorrow, I'd get Becca to distract me from any pain by giving me lots of pleasure, instead.

Ben diverted me off course slightly, pushing at my side in approved chaste but I still slapped the end of the pool with my head. My hair must be sticking out at all angles, wet from slick.

It was near the corner of the pool. "Hey, does that count as a goal? Ref!"

"Yes, yes it does," Dani confirmed.

"No way! It was offside, outside the markings!" Ben was getting into this.

"The referee's a wanker, the referee's a wanker!" Becca doubled down.

"Do you want a yellow card?" Dani glared down at Bec.

"Ooh, is that a promise?"

Ben coughed, then spoke. "It's not slander, it's a statement of fact! Danika, were you, or were you not, engaged in a masturbation competition earlier this evening? Yes? Right, it's proven beyond all doubt; the referee really is a wanker!" I couldn't stop laughing. Ben was being so polite about it!

"Ref's a wanker, ref's a wanker, now she's blind and cannot see..." Becca adopted the tune ofClementine.

Dani's dignified response was to pour the rest of the bucket of lube over Becca's head.

A pint or so splashed over Ben, too, sloshing all over. It made me go splat on my front, again. I'd only just stopped laughing! This was painful!

Emma and Rach approached again, on the warpath on their knees. Trying to control their own giggles.

Only to splay their limbs and fall, in the new lake of slipperiness.

It only took one shove from Becca, in my side, to send me spinning towards the other end of the pool, for a definite goal.

I collapsed, my core muscles, and most others, utterly exhausted. "Time!"

"Five-two. What do you win?"

Becca appeared to have already won Rachel and Emma on top of her.Perfect. I glanced over at Ben, who had managed to get back to his corner. He was watching the writhing women making up one big puppy pile.

"Did you enjoy that, Ben?"

He couldn't contain his pleasure. "Oh, just dip me in lubricant, and throw me to the lesbians... I never want this moment to end!" he sang, changing the 'chocolate' from the original Jerry Springer musical line.

I just lay there, totally dog-tired. Despite not actively moving about, being shoved about and all the laughing had exhausted my abdominal muscles. And my others. But, like Ben, I was very happy to watch.

Despite the power of her thighs, Becca couldn't fight both women at once. Though I'm not sure how much she tried! Emma had got Bec sitting back between Emma's own legs, and Rachel kneltknely between their open legs, kissing and fondling down Becca's body, all the way down.

I spoke up, from my position on the floor. "Oi! Get your tongue out of my girlfriend!"

Taking her time over leaving Becca, Rachel lazily slid over to me. She knew I was joking. "Why? Is there somewhere you'd prefer me to put it?"

"Sadly, I'm too exhausted. Give us a kiss."

She's a friend with excellent benefits, Rachel is. She pulled my body along hers, and we lay there kissing, our hair forming wet strands in the lube, until I was too tired even for that.

Emma and Becca were doing the same, only with more energy and definitely more probing hands! Ben tried to look casual, looking down over us as he sipped the beer his sister had given him, but his legs were crossed. Trying to hide another erection, no doubt!

I vaguely noticed Dani had showered - her hair now shone in a classic wet way. Jen got up. "I love you all, but I'm going to bed. If any of you crash on the sofa, I'll see you in the morning.

We all wished her goodnight and hoped her cramps would be better by the next day.

Dani closed the door behind her. "Well, guys! No sister to traumatise, now. What happens at Danika's, stays at Danika's. Just saying."

Ben blinked. His mouth went round. I don't think it had actually occurred to him that he might get any action tonight. Bless.

I was suddenly tempted. He was a sweet boy, and tonight had proven his decent standards of behaviour. He really should be rewarded. I looked at Becca.

But Becca was busy. Emma's hands covered her nipples, though the rest of her breasts spilled over Emma's forearms. Gorgeous. Rachel had crept back to Becca, too, to recommence her good oral work between Becca's legs. Too tired to move, I managed to keep my eyes open. They were on the same level as Becca's juicy cunt. Rachel straddled one of Becca's legs, which left me a reasonable view from the other side.

Becca's free leg kicked.

"Hold that down, would you, Ben?" Emma said. "Thank you."

"Are you OK with that, Becca?" Ben asked, as he did as he was told. He did have lovely manners.

"Don't... Don't you dare move..." Becca moaned. It took a lot to make my girl come, sometimes, but with a three-person team on the job, she might just manage it! Plus she knew I was there, watching. "Oh!"

She was looking at me. "I love you," I told her.

Becca really was gorgeous. Ripples of muscular flesh up and down her belly, as her great thighs quivered and wanted to clash together above Rachel's head. Emma gave my girl a wicked smile, then dropped - more hastily than planned, given the slippery situation - to plant her face over the centre of one of Becca's great tits, still toying with the nipple on the other.

Rachel spared a moment to stroke her greased-up lady as she landed alongside, then returned all her attention to Becca. Becca's welcoming cunt really does have a pearl of great price above the entrance. I could, and would, and have, licked it for ages, until my shoulders seized, just to feel how my girl responded. Getting someone else in to assist isn't just perverted, it's sensible!

Rachel applied four fingers to Becca's juicy, squelching pussy. A bend of her knuckles got Bec squealing. Becca's thighs threatened to clap together, whacking Rachel's ears. Bec was trying to control herself, not give in to the urge to jerk every muscle.

I wanted to see my girl losing all control. She was already sticky and slippery all over, at the mercy of two women. It wouldn't take much more to have her lose it completely, not even caring if she kicked someone in the head.

Ben had his hand on one ankle. I grabbed round Becca's bent knee with both arms, holding her calf to thigh, and indicated to Ben he should copy me. Confused, he did so.

There you go, babe! No escape! Four of us, all making sure youwill experience pleasure! You're completely at our mercy, now...

It worked. The suggestion of bondage and helplessness sent Becca's legs rocking violently, and her hips bucking up into Rachel's face. I don't think Rachel got any blood in her mouth, nor would have minded much if she had! Bec needs to feel she doesn't have to be the one in control. It was difficult, for a while, when I didn't have the hand strength to restrain her properly, but we got through that with a bit of imagination. Nowadays, I want the Velcro restraints on her before fisting her. We both know it's to protect me from injury, but it also turns her into a gushing, desperate mess.