New Older Man


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"Let's go to the bed," I whispered.

John lifted me up and soon I felt the bed on my backside and his glorious lean body draped over mine with his hard member pressing urgently on my inner thigh. I ran my hands up and down his back as I felt his finger work over my clitoris. Soon I was feeling the first of many small orgasms.

"Turn over onto your back," I whispered.

Soon John's hard member was being bathed by my tongue. I began to study his penis. It was long like he was tall. He was circumcised and he had a beautiful ridge running down the underside of his penis. All of these things I took time to explore with my tongue. I ran my tongue over his head in a swirling motion, and then I licked it from tip to bottom. John groaned and ran his hand through my hair. He kept looking down at me as I took his length into my mouth. Eventually I found myself bobbing up and down and using my hands to stroke his balls.

"That's it babe...feels so good. I am so close," said John between moans.

By now he was grabbing my hair a little harder and was pushing my head up and down his penis. It had been forever since I had done this and I loved watching the pleasure wash over his face.

"I am going to come," he groaned. I lifted my head up and began rubbing his penis and stroking his balls. With a groan he came over my hand in white spurts. I watched his face as he came. John had his face tipped back his chest arched up. His eyes were closed and he admitted a low moan.

"That was fantastic."

"Glad you liked it. Would you mind returning the favor?"

"I think I can handle that.

I found myself on my back with my legs wide open heading for a major orgasm.

Chapter Four

That morning I woke up at 6:30am. John was asleep next to me. I nudged him, and then began kissing him and nibbling his earlobes.

"Mmmm, I could get used to that wake up call."

"C'mon get up. We're going to be late for work."

"But we're just getting to the good part," complained John.

"Good parts come later...after work."

"Cruel woman."

"Watch it or I'll show you how cruel I can be," I said as I grabbed his balls. "You're both a cruel and tempting woman. Get me all worked up and now you're hopping out of bed."

I stuck my tongue out at him and ran to the shower. I took a very quick shower, and applied my make up just as quick. With a towel wrapped around me I stepped out of the bathroom and right into John's arms.

"Hello beautiful. What's with the towel? I've never known you to be so modest before," said John, as he ripped off my towel and began groping my breasts, while kissing me.

"John you're going to make us late. I don't want people to talk."

John sighed and pulled away. "I can't wait for you to get on birth control. A morning quickie sounds wonderful."

"I agree," I said, while smiling rather forlornly.

I dressed while John took a shower. I put on a pair of panties and took them off right away because I hadn't realized how wet John had gotten me. I had a severe urge to rub my clitoris, but it was getting late. I put on a new pair of panties and slipped on my outfit for the day. John got out of the shower and put on the clothes he wore yesterday.

"I am going to run home and change. I'll see you at school," he said, while leaning over to kiss me. "Don't forget to call the doctor today about the birth control. I'll take you if you want. "No, that's okay. I'll call during my lunch break today. Bye John."

I wanted to say more to him. Like what? "Love you sweetie, see you tonight." Love? Was this love? Sex, lust, companionship had all crossed my mind, but never love. In all this time I had never thought about falling in love again. Did John feel the same way? He obviously cared for me. He offered to take me to the doctor's. He helped me with my impromptu garden, and he didn't have any problem worshipping and sexing my body into oblivion. But were all these things love? The thoughts disturbed me a little, which seemed silly because falling in love isn't a bad thing. Still, if I fell in love and even married a 50 year old man, does that mean I would never have children? Did I even want children? Jake and I had never really discussed having children. We had been married almost three years and having children didn't seem important. Having children now didn't seem important. All I wanted was John's companionship, and yes, even love. This revelation startled me. I was falling in love with John. Or was I? I had known him a week and already I loved him? Maybe this was just a serious case of lust combined with fantastic sex. I didn't know what to think. I was seriously confused and that's all I knew.

* * *

"Calling the doctor for any particular reason?" asked Beth.

She tracked me down in my classroom during lunch. I didn't go see John in the teacher's lounge like I usually did. But I had called and scheduled a doctor's appointment for later that week to get birth control. I couldn't face seeing John right now. My feelings for him were so confused. It didn't help when I thought about the birth control and the sexual freedom it would give me.

"Birth control," I responded.

"Ah," Beth said while raising her eyebrows.

"Condoms just get annoying after awhile."

"Did you tell John?"

"Yes, we discussed it last night. He even offered to take me to the doctors."

"Wow, this is sounding more serious by the minute."

"Tell me about it," I said while turning my back to Beth and walking to my desk.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, just tired."

"I could almost believe that if I didn't know you better Jan. Now, tell me what's wrong?"

What was I supposed to say? "I have very confused feelings for John and I think I'm falling in love." It sounded so stupid to me.

"I know what this is," Beth said with a knowing voice.

"What?" I asked a little too quickly.

"You're falling in love with John!"

"No, I'm not!" I most definitely denied too quickly.

Beth raised her eyebrows at me and gave me a look that said "Yeah, right!"

"Well, maybe I am a little. I don't know...I am just so confused. Maybe this is just a bad case of lust. Hot sex will do that."

"You have a lot of sex right now, but it's not the only thing you do. I don't think this relationship is built on sex alone. The sex is so good right now because both of you have been without for so long. Enjoy it. You're a big girl with a right to enjoy a man who definitely knows how to please you."

"I guess you are right, but maybe we should lay off the sex for awhile and develop other parts of our relationship."

"Maybe you should talk to John before you make decisions about yours and his relationship without him."

Beth's remarks stung a bit, but I knew she was right. I didn't know where to start a conversation like that with John. What if we ended up doing it before ever talking? At the moment he was very irresistible to me. I needed time to think.

After school John found me in the classroom. He walked in and tried to kiss me. I pulled away and hissed "Not here."

"I just meant for a quick kiss. Although you standing next to your desk in a skirt seems like an invitation to do more."

"Don't you dare," I said while backing away from the desk.

Before John could make a move, one of my students walked into the room. Luckily John and I were standing far enough apart that we looked innocent.

"Hi Sara. What can I do for you?" I asked the student while breathing a sigh of relief. I wasn't ready to discuss my thoughts with John just yet. Especially not in my classroom.

"I'll be sure to return that book as soon as I am done with it. Have a good evening," said John and then walked out of the room.

After I helped the student I quickly made my way to the parking lot and drove home. I didn't want to meet with John at school.

Much to my dismay I found John waiting for me in my driveway.

I got out of my car and greeted him.

"Can I kiss you here?" John asked as he made his way toward me. I was trapped. I didn't have the classroom to protect me any more. I soon found myself wrapped in his embrace and enjoying his kiss far too much.

"Come on, let's go inside and I'll take care of you properly," John whispered into my ear.

I almost went with him, but then I pulled away.

"I can't," I said, wanting to cry.

"Jan what's wrong with you?"

"Nothing...I don't know...I'm just so confused at the moment. I just need time to think and sort a few things out," I said while walking to my front door.

"What do you need to think about? Having sex? What? I don't understand Jan."

"John if you really care about me you'll give me some time."

John looked hurt and confused. I wanted to run to him and hold him, but I just couldn't. Instead I turned and unlocked my door. I stepped inside and shut my door without another word. I waited at the front door until I heard John get in his car and drive away.

Later, after some moping around the house, I found myself practically drowning in a tub of hot water and bubbles. I had poured myself a nice glass of wine and was trying my best to enjoy myself. Enjoyment and confusion do not make good partners. Ultimately I found my thoughts wandering to my feelings for John. I knew I cared for him deeply, but I didn't know if I loved him yet. Maybe this was the beginnings of love, but I wasn't sure. Beth was right; I did need to talk to John. Casting him aside like that was unfair. I found myself getting out of the tub and drying off. I had to go see John right then. Even if I wasn't sure about whether or not I loved him, he was the best thing going on in my life right now. I wasn't willing to lose him over some confused feelings.

On my way to John's I got nervous. I wanted to turn around, but I didn't. I kept telling myself to grow up and handle this situation like an adult. Soon I found myself at John's house. I got out of my car and shut the door lightly. A motion sensor light came to life as I did this. So much for the element of surprise. I walked up to his door and reached up my finger to ring the doorbell, but before I could, the door opened.

"Jan, I'm so happy to see you. You had me concerned."

"I want to apologize about earlier. I really wasn't myself," I said softly.

"Come in before the bugs get you."

I stepped into his house and noticed he had been keeping it much cleaner.

"I see you notice my long lost cleaning skills are slowly returning.

I nodded and smiled.

"Let's go sit in the living room. You can actually sit on my couch now."

I followed John to the living room and took a seat on the couch. I expected John to sit next to me. Instead he sat in an easy chair across from the couch.

"I can see you need a little space right now," explained John.

What a completely wonderful man. He might have wanted to jump my bones, but he was giving me space...willing to hear me out. Falling in love with him didn't seem so hard.

"John," I began, "I feel our relationship is getting more serious by the day. We haven't known each other very long, and already you are conjuring up certain feelings in me."

John smiled wryly, "I'm not the only one guilty of that."

"So you have certain feelings for me too?"

"More like a certain feeling."

"Love," I whispered.

Within a second John bounded across the room and scooped me up in his arms.

"Yes, Jan, love. I know it's only been a week, but I feel like I am falling in love with you. Even if it isn't love right this minute, I think it will happen very soon. We are both just so nervous right now. Both of us were involved in very committed and loving relationships, which ended far before we would have liked them to. Now we have each other. You make me so happy Jan. Where ever this relationship takes us, I am willing to stick with it if you are."

"Yes, John, I definitely want to stay in this relationship. You make me so happy too."

John leaned over and kissed me deeply. I couldn't help but to respond. My body craved his touch, his lips, his nearness...

"Come on, let's go to the bedroom."

I followed him silently to the bedroom. Once there, John made beautiful, passionate love to me. We explored one another almost as if we had never been together before. I ran my hands across his body, savoring his muscular build, and the smooth, softness of his penis. He in turn explored my body with his hands and tongue. He cupped my breasts and sucked my nipples. His fingers slid through my moistening folds, arousing me even more.

"John," I moaned, "please make love to me."

John dug out a condom, and soon I felt his penis sliding deeply and fully into me. It felt wonderful. I ran my finger over my clitoris, bringing on multiple small orgasms. John increased the rhythm and I began rubbing even harder. Soon we were both coming and crying out together as we did. For a long while we lay holding one another. I felt his heartbeat slow to a normal rate along with his breathing. I felt so peaceful and content. A thought occurred to me then.

"I want you to come with me," I said.

"I thought I just did."

"No, not that way. Don't get me wrong, keep coming that way with me, but I meant to the doctors to get my birth control."

"Ah, I see. So you made an appointment. That'll be nice. What day?"

"This Thursday, after school."

"I'll discretely follow you in my car."

"Yes, we still need to be discrete. Eventually we might be found out. But I'm not ready to share yet."

"I agree," said John, "We'll have to keep this a secret as long as possible. My guess, though, is that you have already told your friend Beth."

"Yes, I hope that doesn't bother you."

"No, not really. I think she likes knowing things other people don't."

"No doubt, but you can't knock Beth too much. She is the reason we're together."

"How so?"

I told John the whole story, right down to the threat Beth made to pass a note that asked John to circle yes or no to dating me. He had a good chuckle.

"Sometimes you women are too conniving for your own good."

"Conniving? That's such a harsh word. I prefer to think of it as very extensive planning on our part. Besides, you ended up pretty well off because of our so-called conniving."

"Can't argue with that. Let's get some sleep. I'll set the alarm early so you can go home and get changed in the morning. I want to jog anyway."

"Hmm...maybe I should try jogging," I said as I drifted off to sleep.

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rightbankrightbankover 9 years ago
she is right to suggest slowing down

and his pace changed as well. he went from wanting to get to know each other first, to trying to bend her over her desk with the lights still on and the door open.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
One of the best

This is one of the best stories, and best written stories, that I've read in a long time. This story would be good, sex, or no sex; I was very surprised to find it here, and glad I did.

galbubblesgalbubblesalmost 13 years ago

Love this. Hope you post more soon.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

This was well written. Thank you for your obvious time and effort. You need a good editor to polish it for you, however. A (small) number of distracting errors - punctuation, word choices [whole vice hole], etc). But again, well written. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
Sooooo good!

Loved it! I'm in the same situation with a man 18yrs my senior.

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