All Comments on 'Nuclear Response'

by radk

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RehnquistRehnquistover 13 years ago
Fucking WOW!

An incredibly well-written, moving story. Sad to be sure, but thought provoking, original, and told in stark language that somehow helps the reader feel the protagonist's pain that much more.

My God, keep up the incredible work!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
sorority brothers?...really!

the story is not bad. but who goes bareback while pulling a train?

cloacascloacasover 13 years ago
HIV+? Really? You need to read more.

1. I know people who've been HIV+ for well over a decade. It's not a death sentence unless you live in the 3rd world. You can't tell an HIV+ person by sight at all.

2. It isn't transmitted easily vaginally because it requires a break or cut in the tissue and those happen more easily in the butt. Even then, it isn't transmitted that easily and condoms are extremely effective.

This kind of info is so common that as a writer if you don't know it then you've failed in your work. You put time into this story so do the work correctly.

amazon45amazon45over 13 years ago

I do like the whole storyline consequences are a bitch.Loved the complete part of the revenge and the ending was so absolute.keep up the good work.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Only a bunch of idiots would find this very very silly story interesting.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
where is the REVENGE?

anyone see any? his Wife is killed by her boss

the boss is killed by his wife

he sues some people

big deal,. this is awful

Harryin VAHarryin VAover 13 years ago
Rehnquist you are a fucking idiot

EVEN FOR YOU.... this story is vile nasty and a new low in pathetically stupid.


why does the dept of health want to check out the little girl/ daughter?

do they think the husabnd was fucking his daughter... ?? in the story there is no hint of that so why would the dept of health want to do that?


" I knew in my heart that Jenni was simply the victim...."

does THIS sound like a VICTIM to you?

from page 2

Journal Entry Dated October 20, 2007 (Saturday)

This past week was absolutely, fucking amazing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
You should pay attention to details if you are going to comment

Obviously those of you who ask "where's the revenge" failed to notice that Jenni was sent to meet (and we assume have a great deal of sex with) Butcher's friend "Manny" in a phone call that Randy relays to Jenni just after making a phone call of his own and "setting the plan in motion. In the end we find that Manny is also the name of Randy's Best friend who died of AIDS. That should point out where the revenge comes in...and just as Randy predicted, he is left blameless while those upon whom exacts revenge pay the ultimate price. And for those of you who want to fault the writer for allowing for some optimization of the effects of the HIV infection to suit the ends of the story...Give me a break, this isn't a medical journal it's a short story. If you can't just enjoy the story for what it is (and I certainly did) you probably need to look in another spot for you light reading.

Keep up the good work writer, and thanks for the story!!

PostScriptorPostScriptorover 13 years ago
Odd story.

I found the premise of this story -- the all-powerful company executive with the power over life and death blackmailing a female employee to become the company whore -- to be completely implausible. Bizarre. The imaginings of someone who has never worked for a large company. That alone makes the suspension of disbelief impossible.

Additionally, I found the insertion of the repeated lists into the text to be a kind of writer's laziness.

Too bad, because as I recall, some of RadK's stories have been much better. On the other hand, no one bats home-runs all the time.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

HIV can be past with a blood transfer, say Jana hurt her arm and was bleeding and Jenni had an open sore she could pass the HIV to Jana. All of those looking for the revenge, he gave a lot of them HIV (thru Manny) and the rest had a very public coming out.

demantoiddemantoidover 13 years ago
Very well written

I loved the pace of this story and the nobility of the protagonist versus all the scum around him. I particularly liked how the author did not denigrate the wife nor exalt her to some sort of higher level. There was a nice economy of words to this very dark and poignant story.

mallahmallahover 13 years ago
What a bunch of Morons!

This is a very interesting story. I like the fact that Manny was used as the instrument of revenge. When he fucked Jenni doesn't matter, all that mattered is that the collateral damages fucked over 400 people and their families. The company got fucked over. The chief and the security personnel that worked him over.Every one who fucked his wife did not escape unscathed.

It is too bad that some of the morons who commented about this story, asking were is the revenge, did not read this story closely. He did not need to get physical, they would have killed him. Instead he became more insidious by thinking about what he needed to do. It took me about a minute after I finished reading to realize what kind of revenge that the main character chose.

Some of the morons still think that the 'FICTION' on this site is somehow portrays real life. It does not matter how long an incubation period for HIV is, what matters is the story. Realism idiots who think that all stories in this category is somehow true need to get their medications adjusted.

While this story was not a reading masterpiece, it still was interesting. I so loved the revenge part.

jasonnhjasonnhover 13 years ago
Mixed feelings

He certainly got his revenge. I agree that there may have been some fudging about AIDs facts but the vast majority of the damage was done by people getting violent about having HIV. There WOULD have been a public health concern and investigation. How did Butcher find out he had HIV? There was no time to have symptoms. A routine health check? Not likely. While I understand that HIV isn't always spread on one contact, Jenni was a sex pincushion for these people and I doubt condoms were used. Butcher was probably doing her several times a week. With the frequent, harsh sex she was getting it was probably more likely that the virus would be spread by blood contact in sex fluids or anal contact. In short, this isn't a normal sex environment so I wouldn't be surprised to see HIV spread more readily. <br><br>

The journal provided a lot of nasty information about a company. I think the settlement amounts were ridiculously low. People get a million settlement for slipping on a wet floor these days. <br><br>

The beating he received and the continued intimidation made this a very dark story. There were a LOT of very bad people involved, including police and others. It's hard to believe such a perverse and oppressive environment centered around having sex with one person. The whole story felt like walking through a sewer so it wasn't enjoyable. The revenge was nuclear and he was not really suspected. He simply slipped a smart bomb into the group. <br><br>

All in all a reasonably well put together story but so dark that I couldn't enjoy it. Sometimes what happens is so bad that there is no way to get things OK again.

Average_WriterAverage_Writerover 13 years ago
Hmmm..well that was interesting.

A very sad story but one that did keep me reading until the end. I don't really know why a person would stay with such a woman as Jenni. I would leave her to her fate as soon as I knew what was going on and what she was doing. Forced or not she could and should have stopped what she was doing. I know that the saying "Revenge is a dish best served cold." But I don't agree revenge should be fast and hot.

Anyway the story was well written and it was a good read so thanks for writing it.

bruce22bruce22over 13 years ago
An Interesting Read

most of the time. I have to admit that the long lists of sexual activity (or was it laundry?) got boring and could have been cut. Someone will complain that since it is Literotica you have to have explicit scenes. My reply would be that there was nothing erotic about the story...

Still a well-constructed Fantasy.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Loved it

I would have added a way for butcher to find out and know he had been served by the husband. It would have been touching.

Loved the story and the payback they all got.

More more please please

HarddaysknightHarddaysknightover 13 years ago
This story was riddled with

just about every cliché we have ever seen in the "loving wife is blackmailed by the boss" story. Of course the wife has no choice but to submit to gang bangs, unprotected sex with strangers, superiors, pizza boys, and probably a donkey or two. So for revenge, we infect dozens of bad men with HIV, kill some folks with it, and for good measure, infect some innocent wives, lovers, and girlfriends. They had it coming, didn't they? If this story had used fewer gang bangs, fewer bosses tapping the wife, fewer people willing to have unprotected sex with a very obvious whore, and fewer people die or contract HIV, it would have been better. My next to final question would be why this received a green E for editor's choice when the works of The Chief Justice, The Man of Steele and the Buckeye never have? It was an entertaining read, but the green E is reserved for special stuff, isn't it? Maybe HIV should be the one to designate who receives the Green E? We know he would never toss them out indiscriminately. (Were any donkeys or pizza boys harmed in the writing of this story?)

Harryin VAHarryin VAover 13 years ago
there are sooooo many things in the story that are badly done

the wife being somewhat submissive is a key thing to this awful stiry but that fact is not intrduced untl we are almost half way into the story.

THIS story is about the A the Boss the cunt whore wife and the lsesr husband.

the story is called NUCLEAR RESPONSE... those words are used to imply certain things are going to happen...

NONE of which happened.

The SUPER WIMP husband had the Journal and CDS... as PROOF of a vast CRIMINAL conspiracy with the way compnay does business.

Suing some "other men" who are tangential to the story is NOT getting revenge on the Boss who took your wife body spirt and her mind... who turned her into a whore.

The Boss had the husband almost beaten to death while the wife stood by and perform sex acts on the boss... then some quack doctor threatens to give him drugs that might kill him.... OR plant false evidence of Kiddie porn

and the hsuband plan is SUE some folks???!?!???


THAT is Nuclear response? are you people fucking blind?

It is A response but hardly a Nuclear one.,

Then it turns out the Boss' wife killed him so thus husband didnt even get a chance to do THAT!

and Rehnquist thinks is a GTEAT story???

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Yes indeed what a bunch of MORONS .RADK is the biggest one of all.

I stopped reading about page four. Listen mr writer..A character is only as smart as the writer..Smart writers write about smart people..Dumb ass writers(RADK is the stupidest one of all) It is a creature that is on meth of something similar and his scribbling shows it..I could go on and on about what the husband could have done but he was handicapped by RADK's stupidity,,I can't go on or I will go nuclear on stupid writers...

MickMichMickMichover 13 years ago
Quite Interesting

I found this story a little lacking, but it did keep me interested to the end. Personally I prefer revenge by pain, but confronted by a complex opponent including the police chief requires much thought and planning so this ranks as a good story.

I think though that Randy here was delivered the perfect gold mine when Butcher gave it to him in the form of the DVDs. Along with his wife's journal, you don't get better evidence to prove sexual harassment at the workplace than with that. In fact, with the additional elements of extortion sexual assault would likely be charged too.

Butcher could have been sent to prison for rape where he could get HIV the hard way.

Mongo837Mongo837over 13 years ago
I will not

be discouraging to this author . After page 3 , i started skimming just to get the general idea . I like stories where the fucked up people get a disease and may DIE . Fact is that today , the fags seem to have gotten the message about being careful or even concerned about HIV , its now the rest of us who are now so arrogant to think we CANT and WON'T get it . That and a whole list of other shit . I like dark stories that delve into places where few authors dare to go . Why are their so few of them ? Because they dont have the balls to go there ! and they are lazy , a deep dark story takes effort , most others don't want to take the time . That is why we have so many crappie quickies like JPB shits out . So do I think this story is fantastic ? NO . Did I like all the elements he put in ? NO. Did I like that the author went down the path seldom traveled ? HELL YES ! Do I want him to keep writing and putting forth the effort he did with this one ? DAMN RIGHT ! Keep writing on the dark side !!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

I will say I liked it. The author kept his revenge carefully guarded and yet it was devastatingly effective. There were holes and lots of cliches, but the mystery of it was well done and not until the end do you find out the means of his revenge.

curious2ccurious2cover 13 years ago
I decided to leave a comment on this one.

First, the author put together a story that could possibly happen in real life... maybe. There is plausible reasoning behind the theme.

The writing itself was fairly well done. I found only a couple of errors overall. I do hope that radk keeps writing and keeps improving.

About the characters:

To be quite honest I ended up not liking most of the characters.

The wife became an over-the-top slut.

The boss pulled off a scam that drug in far too many before it all came apart.

The husband... well, he nuked them, but in the process he nuked quite a bunch of innocent spouses and others too I imagine. All for 'Nuclear Response'.

In the end the only likable characters I could possibly find were the husbands daughter, his best friends son and mom... and that is only because they weren't really brought in directly to the story to be made bad.

The husband should have quite the journal once he learned enough to bring it up to the wife.

He should have taken it to the cops and let them see the blackmail aspect and investigate it all. He would have still had the option of walking away from his wife if he so chose, but the bad guys would have eventually gone down.

In handling the situation in this manner, many innocent victims would have been spared a possible death sentence as well.

'Revenge is a dish best served cold.' should have been one of the quotes and the husband should have really thought it out a bit more. His means to an end did destroy her boss and all those others that drug his wife down... but at a cost that I can't find logical nor acceptable.

So, in summary I give the story a '5' for writing ability but the theme, to me wasn't. Perhaps a '2' on the theme at best in my opinion. (I know... I've written some stinkers too.)

So an overall score of '3.5' if it were possible... since it isn't I will have to go with a '3' as the characters are what are supposed to hold a story together... and I couldn't find much sympathy for most of them.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

fucking a! that was one hell of a story and it had a nice twist at the end. i dont care what any of you think, this was a great story and i loved the nuclear response. you can look it up but there have been similar events, albeit less over the top, but still. i loved how he wasnt some rambo wannabe-every guy wants to think he can pull off a rambo- and his nuclear response....was amazing. honestly, i kinda wanted to see him kill everyone, ya know, with a bomb or poison. this has to be one the best revenge/drama/loving wife stories that ive read, fucking awesome! now, to the technical aspects of the story- well written and barely any mistakes, characters are a little over the top but otherwise passeable.

RHinSCRHinSCover 13 years ago

I kick reality into neutral when I read these stories. With that in mind, it was fairly good. I love fallout, there was plenty of that here. There is one thing that is for sure and for certain....I do not want anyone with the disease within ten feet of me. I don't care how other people think you can catch it.

bluengraybluengrayover 13 years ago
A very dark and sad story!

This is without doubt a very dark and sad tale, and while the story-line may be a bit of a reach, the story itself was well-written and very interesting. The author gave us a hint at the very beginning that the revenge might be hard to swallow and clearly he did not disappoint. And with a title such as "Nuclear Response", it would most certainly imply that there would be collateral damage with many innocent people hurt and/or killed. Given the situation that the husband found himself in through no fault of his own, I'm not sure that I would reacted any differently.

sharkandpensharkandpenover 13 years ago

I was surprised so few saw the revenge, because I know immediately when he set up the date and pretended her boss had, what he had planned. I would have liked to have seen some more explanation as to why someone who was dying of AIDS and was supposedly a good person would contribute; but none of these things took away from the story. But, yes, I could have stopped reading after he sent her off to the hotel because I knew what the revenge was.

Anyway, I am surprised so many dislike this story so strongly

woodmanonewoodmanoneover 13 years ago
Vengence is mine sayeth the Lord

or so the quote loosely goes. But sometimes, just sometimes, the Lord is too busy and needs help. That's what this was. Good show and I too liked the non Rambo reaction of the husband.

Putting aside what he could have or should have done, I liked the story.

Another quote goes something like "When you plan revenge, first did two graves." That's what the husband did: he dug a grave for all those that had hurt him and his daughter and one for himself. He will have to live with his actions for the rest of his life.

The best thing about this story is that it is just a story.

Thanks for you hard work and good job.

oldcdawgoldcdawgover 13 years ago
Best story in Loving Wives yet

This was a great story with an even better ending. I was stuck to my computer to the very end. This story just shows one more time, when one spouse cheats, nobody wins.

Mongo837Mongo837over 13 years ago
As far as

the collateral damage is concerned , the way these people behaved and lived , the chances of innocent spouses getting infected with HIV or any other thing was very high anyway , this guy just made sure to speed up the pace . Good job and keep on writing ! the darker the plot the better with the good guy winning in the end .

Vulcan_in_OhioVulcan_in_Ohioover 13 years ago
Did not like this much

This story could have fit better into a different category -- non-consent/reluctance or maybe non-erotic. I also think the story is totally lacking in credibility, assuming we are talking about modern day USA. I could see this happening in Mexico, however, where the drug cartels are in charge and violence appears to be out of control.

This story reads like an extension of the "Stepford Wives," or possibly, "Invasion of the Body Snatchers." Hence, my suggestion regarding a non-consent category. There were a few places in the story that some editing would have helped ("He even made me give five of his sorority brothers blow jobs"), but generally it read smoothly and was not badly written.

I recall, many years ago, I was in a fraternity and was physically overpowered by five or six guys. Not having weapons, and not being Chuck Norris or Bruce Lee, I elected to get revenge in a stealthy way. The "bullies" always took my chewing gum, among other things. So one day I substituted Fenamint (a very potent laxative) for the Chicklets I always carried. Let me tell you, they all had terrible cramps and spent two days in the bathroom.

But the "revenge" was not real revenge, because I could not tell anyone about it (or they would have practically killed me). And I think that is one problem I have with this story. Those "revenged" upon, will never know. So there can be no gloating, and it is much less satisfying. Thanks for writing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Karma can be a bitch eh!

Loved this story. Revenge can be a bitch sometimes but I loved the detail and the ending. You have a talent as a writer, keep up the good work.

digdaddyrichdigdaddyrichover 13 years ago
I enjoyed this tale of sorrow and the author does a good job of story telling.

A well thought out storyline and a well edited piece. Very interesting to read even though I had it figured out how he would get his revenge in around page four.

Still in all a very good but sad story. Thanks

eagle14eagle14over 13 years ago
Nuclear 206

A sad story but also a poorly named story. where was the nuclear response?

Personally my idea of nuclear is quite simple.

The cheating whore (I mean wife - I mean no disrespect to all the working women out there but a cheating spouse deserves to be called much worse - perhaps traitor or terrorist) and her pimp (I mean boss/lover) can't be protected 100% of the time.

Once you get them and nail them to the floor of an out of the way shed you play the game nuclear 206.

You see the adult human body has approximately 206 bones.

You simply crush one bone in the whore's body then one in her pimp's body.

Wait until they have settled down again and break another bone. Continue to do this one bone per piece of shit per turn.

The winner is the last one alive - the prize they get to watch the other player die first. Also an opportunity to run a book - who dies first, how many bones are broken. Just think of all the fun that can be had by all those people whose lives they destroyed. And the other good thing is you can let their other cohorts in crime know what to look forward to.

Now that's what I call a 'Nuclear Response'

RehnquistRehnquistover 13 years ago
Jeez, Harry . . .

Quit picking on me already! Okay, I liked the story and you didn't. Frankly, though, I think HDK's comments are a better critique of the story. I agree that it was riddled with cliches for this genre.

Nevertheless, as you well know, most of my stories have that warm, fuzzy, happy ending, and this one had anything but. Most of my stories have at least one character that most--though not all--readers can identify with and like. I hated every one of the miserable shitheads in this one. Most stories are told in much more flowery, descriptive prose. This one was sparing at most, which I think is difficult to do well. (Want to know what I mean? Read The Road by Cormac McCarthy; while RadK isn't there yet, his writing is closer to that category than most on this site.)

So yeah, I give him kudos. I don't want to read the same shit every time. I'd rather see some authors do what I'm not doing: I want them to write original stories that frequently piss off people. When you've got 50/50 that love it or hate it, he's certainly provoked reactions.

And yeah, I also know that even crappy stories can provoke reactions. Still, I love the written word and I love stories that don't go where I expect them to go--even if all of my stories are predictable.

So while I may be a fucking idiot, I at least have a method to my madness!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
My two cents...

First, I have to say that I enjoyed the story. I thought it was reasonably well written, and the author obviously took a good bit of time outlining the chain of events before he sat down to flesh out the tale.

Yes, it was full of "clichés" elements. However, given the fact that there are now over 17,000 "Loving Wives" stories posted on Lit, and that roughly 50% of these stories deal with cheating wives and husbands seeking revenge, it would be somewhat difficult to write an absolutely original tale that did NOT involve at least one "cliché" element. If you stop and think about it, even the notion of the cheating wife and the husband who wants revenge is, itself, a cliché. The "trick" is to create a plot in which those cliché elements are properly used, and I think that RADK pulled it off masterfully.

I'll agree with HDK's criticism, as it's aimed more at the Editors of Literotica. If this story deserved a Green E, then there are a whole lot of tales (including some penned by HDK, himself) that also deserve such designation, but have failed to receive it.

As for the pathetic loser who calls himself "HarryinVa", he's never written a story, but believes himself qualified to criticize everyone else's writing abilities. I do so wish there was a way to get him banned from commenting.

Now, someone asked the question about how Butcher found out that he had HIV, and how his wife found out. There's one simple possibility. Corporate officials at Butcher's level are usually covered by a life insurance policy paid for by the company. Typically, such policies have what is called a "double indemnity" clause, that provides for a payout of twice the coverage amount in the case of Accidental Death or Dismemberment. If the face-value of the policy is below a certain level, it's usually issued without question. But, when the payout of the policy is over that amount (currently the average is $500,000) an annual physical is required. In the physical, an HIV test is standard. And, if that test is positive, the insurance company is required by law to turn over the results to the state's public health office. The Health officials, in turn, automatically contact spouses to let them know. That, too, is by law, and there is no "invasion of privacy" committed.

Anyone who still can't see where the "revenge" entered the story needs to go back and re-read the part where Hubby told Jenni that Butcher wanted her to meet a guy named Manny at a hotel, for a little romp - and then re-read the last few paragraphs of the tale, where we find out that Manny was an old friend of Hubby's, who was dying of AIDS. (How could anyone - other than the brain-dead HarryinVa - have missed that little detail?

roadbirdroadbirdover 13 years ago

a little different type revenge story...its something i have thought about as a way for revenge...n i know that this story is not completely plausible..but again its not totally wrong either...i do know that what he did if what happened to him was me id do the same thing...this is just a great revenge story..and should it ever happen...wouldnt it be great to watch a company that we all know n hate watch it happen to them..just a great story

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
I'm confused

His wife is being blackmailed and if HE is forced into silence to protect their daughter, why can't his wife be forced in order to protect her family? So why blame the victim? Why not go after the person responsible? Oh wait, it's because he was a complete chickenshit! Sorry, my bad.

Also, where was his "going nuclear"? So far as I read, if it hadn't been for his wife's diary and the fact that she was murdered, there wouldn't be any revenge. What's next...blowing his daughters head off if she gets poor grades? Busting a cap in his mom's ass if the neighbours dog shits on his lawn? Hijacking a bus load of Nuns because the stock market crashed? He blames the wrong people for their actions and justifies it because his feelings are hurt. Boo-fucking-hoo loser.

The only despicable perosn in all of this was hubby.

mike2710mike2710over 13 years ago
Reading the comments

Did not read all just spot check from day to day. Did all who question the going nuclear not realize that his friend died of HIV and that his wife gave the people blackmailing them HIV? Just maybe he had something to do with it.

Some times you have to use the big sex organ and not the small one.

Thanks for the story.

size14shoesize14shoeover 13 years ago
sick and confused

I'm with Anonymous "confused" and risq. Risq as to the quality of the story and "confused" because I hated the asshole who faulted his wife. He blamed her for not stopping when he couldn't stop it himself. It was clear as crystal she was involuntarily doing it. So she, her body, enjoyed it. It's the way we are built. A quick end to it all was a gift to her.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
At first I wasn't going to leave a comment, but I changed my mind (^_^)

Reposted 11/02/2010 5:22 pm EDT

URLs Removed

11/02/10 By: Risq_001

I for one believe if you're going to paint a big picture you're going to need a "Big frame" to wrap it in once your done. Sorry this is so loooonnnng, but it needs to be said.

First off I would love to say no one is "this stupid" but personally I can't. My wife, while to the best of my knowledge hasn't done something like this, has pulled some major "not thought this all the way out" bone head things.

Heck I've even pulled some. Like the time when I was 22 and fresh out of college desperately looking for a job, and I let someone stupidly convince me that I could work my way into the engineering department by starting off in sales first because they had no more openings because he came and recruited me for the job. Trust me it was stupid but I still did it. Looking back 20 years later it was the stupidest thing I could have possibly done, but at the time I was so desperate for a job that I believed him.

I know another guy right out of high school who joined the army but was only willing to join if he could be a radio operator. His recruiter said he would make sure that he could, and so he signed up and off to boot camp he went. Problem was he was in the army for a year before he got out under breach of contract because they never sent him to any training for it like they said they would. They said they would have him in a class with-in 3 months, and 6 months at the latest.

Teenagers and young adults are the "WORST" at making bad decisions like this. And if we're honest with ourselves I'm sure "ALL" of us have done equally bone head things at some point in our lives.

Anyone who claims to "never" have done anything bone head (maybe not to the degree of the wife in this story) that someone else may easily laugh at them for later is lying. Everyone does something stupid sometimes, and sometimes the things are harder to get out from under.

So claiming that someone blackmails someone into being their sex slave, first by making it look like they stole a "large" sum of money, then later using video's they shot of them having sex with their blackmailer is actually plausible. It depends on the person, but if you make someone feel desperate enough you can make them do anything. The news papers are full of people forced into situations where they did the wrong thing because they felt trapped into it and just weren't bright enough to see their way out of it.

That's a fact of life, unfortunately. And just because I wrote down someone is blackmailing me, without any other proof, doesn't make it fact. A good defense attorney could argue that she was working on a novel and used the names of people she knew. Look at Paula Jones's claims against Bill Clinton. That was a case of someone doing a "he said/she said" where she accuses a governor (later president) of sexual misconduct, using a state trooper, and no one believed or cared about what she had to say. So it "DOES" happen a lot more than some of us want to believe.

Second I looked up HIV transmissions on the AMA website. If you read the story, the wife was screwing around for what, 9 months before anyone was aware that she had HIV? Her boss was doing her daily, she was doing the full gambit with him, including his doing oral on her.

Looking at the AMA website there is a linked article on it:


About 1 in 5 have HIV and never know it etc.

What I'm getting at is is the story about her infecting folks plausible given how often she was having sex with these men? Yes, but it does stretch the given stats, but ask your dentist something. Most of us get sores, cuts, and abrasions all the time in our mouths, but unless they bother us most of us never notice. Think about that the next time you have hard shelled taco's and then give someone oral (^_^)

But anyway, unless he wanted to make the story "clinical" and not entertaining, he could have gone that route too, but reading all the material on HIV I just did, I would rather read this than all the links to HIV on the *** URL REMOVED *** website.

Second, when there is an outbreak of a disease the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) goes after "everyone" to try to contain it. It doesn't matter your relationship to the exposed, if you show a long term history of exposure they check you.

And in the story, since the husband couldn't tell them when the wife was infected (that was his story and he was sticking to it) and since you can carry HIV for "years" before an outbreak, as far as the CDC was concerned the wife "MAY" have had it and might have possibly nursed their small child when she was a baby and she might have it now as well. Just go read:



And with the CDC, in cases where there is an outbreak and no one knows who has it, where it started, or how its being transmitted, they will check "EVERYONE" you may have had any contact with. Even the police do that when investigating a crime that has no witnesses or no one is talking, and in this case, when it started, the two people who knew everything (the wife and her boss) were dead and could no longer talk so the CDC would check everyone.

Geesh I could go on, but most of this is plausible, over the top revenge yes, but entirely plausible.

I also admit having a lot of people in on breaking a piece off of her was a bit over the top, but again not completely impossible. I mean if Hollywood madams can have everyone from sports figures, actors, and politicians having sex with her girls for money and favors, why can't a "MAN" do the same thing to expand his business like they have had for years?

I won't say I completely loved the story, but it was different and I guess I did kind of like it as something new and different given how often we read the same stories told over and over but with slight variations.


gatorhermitgatorhermitover 13 years ago
Sad Story. Ending not a Surprise. Interesting Comments.

I don't think I've ever read HDK flaming a story before, but must concede that he did raise some valid comments. Interesting that the evil boss blamed his blackmail victim for catching HIV - as much as they all screwed around it could have been anybody. To be honest, I think a more realistic scenario would have been Jenni arming herself and blowing the perps away. <p>I think I like PapaToad's "Pyro Petey" story much better in terms of revenge. To be honest I skipped all the sex scenes involving the wife and skimmed to the end. Sad story, though - depressing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Glad to see the slut & boss get what they each deserve!

Stupid whore was as much to blame as the bastard who was the boss. Only decent thing out of this story is that the husband walks away with the money, his daughter and his pride. Way to go author - keep them coming!

ArubanArubanover 13 years ago
Crime Yes, Grime No

I liked the story as a crime story. I cringed at most of it (both the crime and the punishment), but the author was clear, up front, that it was going to be rough. I also applaud the author for plotting out, actually finishing, and then presenting the entire story at once. It's very tough to do; I speak from experience.

I did not like the story as a LW story. Even for this genre, the wife was so grimy, it distracted me from the crime and punishment theme. Not for a second was I able to think of the wife as a character instead of a mere plot device. However, in defense of the author, this formula (extreme cheating wife + extreme prurient details + solid revenge / "no wimps!" conclusion) sells well, and many other authors are enjoying terrific ratings and comments for following it. I'm shocked that this story does not yet have an "H" to go with the "E."

I think the crime story could have been served by the wife going along with the sex out of mortal fear for her family's safety. Compared to what the villian unleashed on the husband and what else he threatened, hooking the wife with a set-up over a modest amount of money seemed pretty weak. On top of that, her enjoyment of the first blowjob and everything that followed seemed gratuitous, not to mention unbelievable (and again, that's a word to wield with caution in this genre).

That said, congrats to the author on the hard work, not to mention the "E"!

To those interested in blackmail as a premise for a LW story, I recommend a series S-Des wrote ("True Meaning of Sacrifice," I think). It's not without controversy, and his later stories received more accolades, but it presents a wife who gets drawn into a similar set-up but doesn't go "crazy slut" five minutes into it. It also has the husband and wife addressing their relationship in light of the blackmail and what the wife is forced into doing; something this author rendered moot by making the wife so vile that not even the wimpiest cuckhold would have considered trying to save the marriage.

You might also check out "DHS" (hope that's the name) by K.K. Not quite a blackmail story, as I recall--more of a "woman wants to get ahead in her career" story--but it has similar crime-and-punishment elements surrounding a cheating wife. She's a pretty despicable character, but at least she's a character; the author offers a developed psychological portrait of her. I just wish she had gotten the "nuclear option!"

GenghisKhanGenghisKhanover 13 years ago
silly story

the drummed up, fake revenge was done, what?, by telepathic power? "I didn't mean for Jenni to die like that; I just wanted to leave her behind, to suffer a whole life time." <p>

so the hero used his telepathic ability to induce Jenni's pimp boss to club her to death, from the back, while she's at work, at her desk. Okay! <p>

the boss was bailed by his wife, 10% of $1M is 100K, and then she put half a dozen bullets to his head and he's one bloody corps. okay. <p>

and then the list of dozens of men/women who fucked with Jennie's now HIV positive.... Wow, what an exciting revenge story, done via telepathic mental power by our hero, who's so egregiously wronged! <p>

wow! <p>

but, seriously, dear author: if you had written a story about our hero having the hots for his best (dead) friend's mom.... with or without any fucking scene, the story would likely have been at least 98% better and more erotic than this... the "revenge" could have easily been worked into THAT story, too: let's say, you made the best friend turned out to be a real jerk, the antithesis of her beautiful, honest, warm, and caring mother... and our hero finally got her... and the punk who pretended to be our hero's best friend had to die for leading some hellish, dishonest life, just to hurt all who had cared for him despite his ugly nature... <p>

THAT "revenge" would have been better than this total moronic, freshman "revenge" story based on undescribed, inexplicable telepathic-like ability of our hero here in THIS story...

PistolpackinpetePistolpackinpeteover 13 years ago
Ha! Ha! Ha! folks are all fucking stupid.... least the ones after the first, oh let's say right up to HDK, yeah everyone after him (does this include repeats, like Reinquist-brilliant author to Harry one day, idiot commenter the next)-you're all losers cause you haven't been up for 42 hours like me thus impelling me to read the comments before I invest my time on a 6 pager! Comments this diverse never bode well for a story. Sometimes writing ability doesn't compensate for over the top stupid plot devices. Plus that last story was lame.I truly owe all commenters and without reading this I'm going with Harry on this one. Is that legal? Ha ha ha

zed0zed0over 13 years ago
Fucking Awsome Story!

As with any work of fiction the ending was a bit contrived, but still was way more believable than some of the reconciliation at all cost shit that we've been forced to endure of late. Your sense of humor adds just a hint of levity and kept the story from becoming too dark and pedantic. Since it was a such a long well crafted story, I'm surprised you didn't spend more time and detail on the most deserved demise of boss Butcher and his henchman, I mean wouldn't you have just loved to see the look on their faces when they realized they had just been killed, but weren't dead yet. Too bad the slut wife was killed relatively quickly, rather than suffering a long lingering, painful death, alone. Now that could have added some serious merriment and/or drama. Anyhow a happy feel good ending was had by all the good guys, and it was a fun enjoyable read.

You're probably gonna catch hell from all the R A A C wimps.

MissouriUSAMissouriUSAover 13 years ago
Good writing as usual.

I like a good ole' "torch the bitch" story once in a while. But when people start dying, that changes the genre of the story for me to something less entertaining and less enjoyable. But that's "snuff" said about that. You are writing all kinds of stories though and I appreciate your efforts. We'll look forward to your next one.

sanman52sanman52over 13 years ago
Too over the top

This story is interesting and took an unexpected (at least for me) turn for the revenge. I was wondering how the husband was going to get revenge on so many people and yet have himself and family remain safe and out of jail.

I have to admit to a bit of confusion at the funeral as to what his friend's death from aids had to do with his wife's having HIV. Was this revelation going to sour his memory of his friend, believing that his friend had sex with his wife. And that his wife had expanded her list of people to have sex with from not only company employees and company customers but to anyone, including her husband's closest and dearest friend. Then the lightbulb went off and I realized that the husband had arranged to have his wife have sex with his aids infected friend by relaying a bogus message from her boss to meet a customer at a hotel for a sexual tryst. Obviously, that customer was the husband's friend, who infected her. His wife would then spread it around to all her employee and employer's customer sexual partners. Being exposed and/or infected with a sexually transmitted and potentially life threatening desease and all the ramifications that go with that would be his revenge.

As others have mentioned, the author has gone over the top with the use of sexual cliches. To me, it also requires a suspension of reality to believe a large part of the story: 1) The shear number of sexual partners, 2) the wife's unabashed turn into an insatiable sexual animal, 3) the husband's friend agreeing to have sex with his friend's wife (especially knowing he had aids), 4) the wife's seeming to ignore the fact that she has completely trashed her marriage yet continues to live with her husband believing that there is hope for their marriage after her whoring is ended, 5) no one turning down sex with his wife, 6) the evil boss controlling everything and everyone, 7) probably the worst being that everyone has unprotected sex with someone they know or should have known has had sex with multiple partners.

All in all the story was good enough to keep me reading with a good revenge twist.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
good writing but pooor story

If he was so rich, why not just hire a hooker, some one going to trouble for a woman he loves, seems real but beating a husband, keeping track of him, even going to the degree where you can hurt a child, he must be biggest moron in the world, he has contacts and money, he could have used hooker or professional prostitute and could have saved his ass, there are many holes in this story. Character, behavior, ability of Boos is changes very frequently in this story.

First he need to make her emotional to have sex with her.

Then he need to blackmail her.

when everyone knows what is going on, he march into their home, and tells the husband what is going to happen,

if he was so powerful and confident then went to so much trouble in first place.

you have written many stories like this where you have very good idea of what you want to do in the story but you dont work on plot, you just make it. Try harder next time.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

I had a few issues with the plot and the number of people of involved, however, I fully enjoyed and appreciated the husband's response to his situation. Some have commented that it was over the top but I thought it was great! Sometimes revenge isn't revenge unless the response to the initial wronging ends all further attempts at retaliation. Kill them all and let god sort them out.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
awesome story (love a good revenge story)

i personaly love the fact that the bitch died becasue of the husband and i noticed that the way the husband justified it was cleaver and morally justified (she should have done it to her self instead of acting like a whore, she would have taken down so much evil in the world) i was very happy that he got back into the fight no matter the means he took down a lot of ass holes.

BigJohn601BigJohn601over 13 years ago
The worm turned!!!

And he got the whole flock of buzzards. Well thought out and written.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

There was a lot to this story and I found it very entertaining. Well done. R.T.

killerwhale681killerwhale681over 13 years ago
A Rather thorough killing of the rats

Kinda reminds me of that line in "Kill Bill", when the heroine is asked why she needs such a sharp sword, she allows as such that she has many rats to kill. Actually, the plot line shows a deep understanding of aberrant behavior. Using HIV as a weapon ain't a stretch at all, is it? Especially if the transmission vector is hot and sweaty.

Some folks are gonna be offended by the idea, but really, fuckin' grow up a bioweapon, HIV is a very slow acting agent, and yes, Virginia, innocents would be killed in such a scenario. Personally, if I had been fucked over to such an extent, it would be a weapon of choice. The only other real choice would be a high order explosive event that would kill even more "innocents".

Popping the wife wouldn't solve the problem by itself. After his child was credibly threatened, Thompson as an entity had to go. A chemical weapon would have resulted in our hero being arrested for mass murder. Plus, there's that tricky problem of targeting everyone in a population of 150 or so....Radq, 5 stars, and a double favorite to ya, well done! Like the Old Texas Ranger saying goes, "Sometimes folks just need killing."

Aberrant sexual behavior and extreme humiliation produce homicide. I figure most stories in the LW category gloss over that nasty little fact.

swimwriterswimwriterover 13 years ago
This was crap

and thank god it was fiction, i would kill that guy you called hero here. So many innocent lives, was he fucking crazy, what about childeren coming in touch of these infected people. come on man, his wfe cheated, he should behave like man, and fugh not kill so many innocent people like coward, where he did nothing like a real man. He shud be ashamed of himself, you shud too, for putting so much feasible and dirties idea in the head of crazy people who will follow this FICTION.

stories like this should not be allowed.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
The only downer is that he didn't get to tell Butcher he was the angle of death....

oh well

Fiend6609Fiend6609about 13 years ago
Literotica needs more stories like this

Awesome piece of feel good revenge without the hubby having to be an ex-special forces soldier or a secret agent.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
I didn't like it....

Too many perps got off Scott free, the sheriff, the goon bodyguards. Mostly the head asshole never knew who oilers him. I would have made it personal....somehow....maybe a different story.

ginrunnerxginrunnerxalmost 13 years ago
EXCELANT !!!!!!!

you got this one right. the cheating bitch got what she deserved , in spades!!!! I know that some people have said that you were too easy on the other perps but a death sentence is not getting off easy, and having your name and life ruined is hardly easy. the only ones that got off easy was Jenny and her boss, they didnt have to put up with the embarrassment and humiliation of going through life AIDS and the life sentence that holds, never getting insurance, or having a descent relationship with anyone ever again, yeah they got off easy, the rest are going to suffer for the offenses that they heaped on her husband !!!!

Now thats PAYBACK, i loved it, ijust wish there was a way to give it more than a 5.... BH

DunaDunaalmost 13 years ago
It is not super, but hyper, Hyper and HYPER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Excellent super revenge story. One of the best cheating wife husband revenge stories. During thousand years, the writers wrote joyfull stories about cheating wives and cuckolding husbands. And this time I read the better and better revenge stories. I became a fan of these stories. If Boccaccio turns in his tomb???!!!!

DunaDunaalmost 13 years ago
We become wiser....

In the normal life a average husband starts a divorce, looks for connection to the FBI (local police involved). After this he starts law suit against the sex practice company destroying his marriage. The event was criminal thing: blackmail, sexual harrasment, etc..

Yes that commentars are right, to harm innocent people HIV was a bad thing, however the husband became desperate after his insult.

DunaDunaalmost 13 years ago
This story is very provocating

I think more about this story. There was 2 time point, where they could escap from this devil company and the local police and many inocent people and his wife would have avoided the HIV virus.

1. The wife should have told his husband everything, when she had been blackmailed and his boss made her wore sexy cloth in the job. She should have accepted the prison and his husband had waited for her after the prison. It may have been she and her husband would have found a rout to the FBI and she would have avoided the prison (and his boss, the head of the local police would have gone to the prison).

2. Husband would have set up a escape with his daughter (with his mother) to a other state, to ask for assisting from the FBI (witness deffence program) etc.

What do you thing about them who lives in the USA?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Ground zero

or maybe more correctly Collateral Damage. So many innocents damage by Randy's complete inability to zero in on the villain. Dude, buy a really excellent rifle, learn to shoot, and move your daughter to a safe place. Squeeze.

TavadelphinTavadelphinalmost 13 years ago
Fascinating -

And as billed - no one wins in revenge - perfect example.

He used his best friend to kill all those people directly or indirectly. The human mind can rationalize almost anything Jenni did, He did, we all do - none of us is essentially better than Jenni.

What separates us is how we deal with the stressors and the stimuli that challenge our integrity and our nerve.

Great job on showing the MAD option in action -

norcal62norcal62over 12 years ago
Just seems like a story dreamed up so the author's

alter ego could go on a power trip. Some emotional stuff thrown in about daughter, threats, etc., but not much in the way of real emotional pull. Wife and husband seemed too distant from each other to generate much feeling for either one.

MystykOneMystykOneover 12 years ago

most impressed! good story

tazz317tazz317over 12 years ago

of one for another. TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Not just nuclear...


jiminabjiminabover 12 years ago
Hairy in Viagara

You are such a fucking idiot. And I suspect drunk most of the time. All you do is shit on people who give us free entertainment. You just dont shit on them you insult them. You are the lowest of the low in my books. Show me a story. YOU CANT. So please fuck of. Sorry radk for the rant. But this idiot really pisses me off.

JLRemoraJLRemoraover 12 years ago
Nuked and then nuked again

If I were going to write a loving wives story, this is the one I would want to write. The story might or might not have lived up to the title, but the comments sure have. And isn't that what it's really all about? I checked my dosimeter and all the filters are smoked.

Well done story, with a very unusual twist. It's so original, I really really truly liked it. Honest.

Keep them coming, radk.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
HIV is in the WBC

Wanna Be Cucks post negative comments on many stories after we spank our way to oblivion while reading them. HIV is drunk, but not on alcohol, he is drunk on jizz. WBC get our jollies from cuckhood, cuckoldry, cuckdom and leaving negative comments.

tazz317tazz317over 12 years ago

but on the real level this could happen, maybe no the way this was portrayed but in a closed environment, who knows. TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

Thank you for writing a story where the husband does do something in response to what is happening to him. Yes I've seen the other comments and some are truly showing symptoms of weak minds. The husband did get retribution in an effective way. How else do you take down that many pieces of shit and still be there for your child? He kept proper perspective seeing what odds he had to go up against including the law. Fucking a+++++ story!!!

hawkeye0007hawkeye0007over 12 years ago
Nuclear Response?

There was no nuclear response. This story was stupid and I fail to see why it received such high marks. The husband should have taken his evidence of blackmail and extortion directly to the DA's office. Why did he allow himself to be beat up and wimped is beyond my imagination. After having the bad guys arrested for various crimes including assault and threatening his daughter, he should have dragged his slut wife into the gutter and be done with her. What were the people who praised this story thinking about?

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
cuckeye0007: misogynist, incest lover(motherfucker) and now a SNITCH too.

What a A1 piece of shit humanity.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
cuckeye a snitch?

he might be a cuck but you obviously don't know what the definition of snitch is, obviously you've never been in prison or around criminals

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
if their a writer who wares a dress

this writer is the one.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Liked it

I liked it - payback is a bitch and he did pay them back. best part is that manny is a common name and that no one can trace it back to his friend.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
I liked it ...

...he couldn't go to the authorities with the police department being in on it and the rest of his family in danger. I don't understand those that call Randy a wimp. He took on a massive plot involving powerful people with greater resources then his and won big. He tried force and it cost him big to continue with force is the definition of insanity. His response reminds me of Washington's siege of Boston. Excellent story 5 stars.

shaman43shaman43about 12 years ago
What bullshit

I don't care about whether the hubby was a wimp or if the price people paid was concomitant with the grievousness of their behavior. What I know is that in this plot line many who were completely innocent of any wrong doing were punished. How is being a faithful wife, a good son or daughter the reason for being punished. Collateral damage is a name for it. The collateral damage in this story is so great that the main character is as great a villain as the boss. It is evil to hurt others who are innocent like the main character did. I am certainly disappointed in Rein, one of my favorite authors. R you had better read some Lawrence Kohlberg and the transcripts from the Nuremberg Trials. This story raised my anger as few others have. The comment section even more. I wonder how we can call ourselves civilized after reading them. Sick just sick.

PTBzzzzPTBzzzzabout 12 years ago
I would like to see a story

written as the reverse of this, the genders reversed with all the actions exactly the same. It would be interesting to see if the remarks are the same. Think about it....

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

She may have been forced into it at the start but after that she made no effort to get out and in fact probably like all worthless, cheating wives lived for the moment when a cock was sliding into one of "diseased" holes ........ SHE GOT WHAT SHE DESERVED ... WHAT A SLUT!!

phd70phd70about 12 years ago
Not very logical, Hubby made no real Revenge Response

Wife should have refused boss demands from the first. She should have immediately seen a lawyer. No job is worth that and was not real blackmail. .Proof of her stealing funds was likely not provable. Just say NO! Call HR and file harassment suit.

Husband should have immediately gone to State Attorney General, or the FBI when he found the diary, especially when he found police chief was involved. He should have entered witness protection program and obtained armed protection.

What was Epilogue? No connection to the story at all! What gives?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Loved it.

A great idea, maybe not the best execution, but certainly well laid out and believable to an extent. In the end, no one is innocent and all are destined to die eventually anyway. Certainly a tale of a desperate man with a devil-may-care attitude, but in the end, these kind of people will always believe the ends justify the means and there will always be a crowd shouting in outcry, but such is life and different moralities, and there is no sense in arguing with them. He lost his wife, and seems like punishment enough.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

The self imposed devistation from them was something, and a primary person that died at the hands on one he gave a death sentence. Manny was apparently not quite what he projected to others. There was a satisfactory resolution, and the edit could have been tighter, but all around, good.

PhotoproffPhotoproffalmost 12 years ago
"The meek shall inherit the earth"

The husband did get his revenge. His friend Manny, who he knew was HIV positive was the nuclear response. Very good story I am sure I will visit again..

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

There are several great things about this story that people for some strange reason don't pick up on.

1 - Why Jenni's boss killed her. She infected him with HIV and he found out she was responsible, maybe because she was his only whore? He's a control freak and this situation was completely unacceptable, stripping him of all control, so he killed her.

2. The nuclear response - What is a nuclear attack, what does it do? At ground zero, it results in death, kills and injures many within its immediate radius. Further into its radius, the environment is toxified, lives are destroyed for long years after. An apt metaphor for the Ground Zero of Jenni becoming infected with HIV. Hundreds of the men and women who fucked her are infected, their families and thousands of lives are ruined by the divorces and further outbreak of HIV when those who fucked Jenni fuck their other wives, lovers or in the worst case, children. Nuclear toxicity.

3. Randy's hypocrisy - Jenni becomes a whore to protect her husband and child from the prison sentence she would certainly have received for the set-up she was blackmailed into. He expected her to be willing to go to jail for him, endure imprisonment, prison rape, perhaps death in order to retain the sanctity of her vows. Yet he is unwilling to do the same. Faced with a beating, he immediately pulls a Jenni, becomes a cuckold and when it finally comes time for revenge, becomes the worst kind of monster, doing far worse than anything she could possibly have done. Yeah, she eventually became a cheating whore rather than a blackmail victim, but at least she's not a mass murderer of *innocent* people.

This would probably be better labeled 'Erotic Horror' than 'Loving Wives', but despite certain factual failures (see comments about HIV), it's a very well-written story about a man who loses all sense of proportion just as his wife has done, and ultimately becomes the perpetrator rather than the victim.

I know people like to pull the "but his life wuz destroyed!" card to justify the husband's actions in stories like this, and it's bullshit. His wife left him, he got over it and still had his little girl to take care of, a paying job and a possible love interest. That's not having your life destroyed, it's finding a new one. There is no rationalization for what he's done. Causing divorces is one thing, because you're saving a family from the cheating spouse, but killing those same innocent family members with HIV is just plain wrong.

It certainly was a nuclear response, that of an "unjustifiable toxic attack against innocent victims" and Randy is every bit as evil as the weapon he used.

On its own merits, that makes this a fantastic story about insane responses, and to answer the other anonymous's question: that's what makes an Editor give the tag. Taking a revenge story outside of the normal "blam blam cheating wife and lover are dead".

Great story-telling. Not quite a full 5*, but consider it a 4.5*.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Not very

Not very believable. Wife never went to authorities . The lawyers were never sic ed on the company. The husband cucked out and never left at least one body lying in the dirt by his own hand. Everything relied on was the remote chance that everyone might get infected with HIV because of the one time she was with Manny. He never factored in the possibility that some people still use condoms. Yes I know it only takes one time but the conditions have to be right. He was taking a big gamble everything would just fall into place. This aspect could've been the icing on the cake to pushing the red button and going ballistic on those close to the source. Overall the story was well written but the storyline should have had more thought.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Cheaters deserve to die or be dropped divorced and left alone for life

No CHEATER ever deserves a second chance in their spouses life and should be kicked to the curb. Getting a HIV person to fuck them is simply outstanding all those that have been cheated on should pay one to fuck their spouse.

Then they can truly live with a decision they made for the rest of their life since they couldn't keep their wedding vows.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Great story...

Going nuclear.... The only way to go....

Danger09Danger09over 11 years ago
Awesome story.....😜

Wow she was a total fucking slut! 411 people! Wow... Live by the dick, die by the dick... I saw her catching HIV, that's what happens when you go around fucking anything... She was a cheap dirty whore.... Good riddence...I would've felt sorry for her except she was a total moron as well as a dirty slut, her boss tricked her into becoming the companies slut, instead of her saying fuck you dickhead I'd take my chances in court she willing suck'd & fuck'd 411 idiots to "payoff" a $24,000 debt that she knew she didn't owe nor stealed, I knew it was bullshit too bad she didn't know it or maybe she did she just enjoying the fucking. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that her boss was lying throw his teeth about the missing money. It's a shame she destroyed her life & family all over people that didn't give two fucks about her. I thought that the settlement from the company was a little low, I mean after all they were running a brothel. 411 people... I've never even slept with 20 people I can't imagine fucking 411... I'm glad this is fiction, it's scary to think that individuals such as these are walking amongst us.

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveover 11 years ago

How can you not be moved by a tale such as this. First it was the blackmail that turned the wife into a company whore who came to enjoy her role and the revenge gotten by the husband by setting her up with his sick gay friend put them on the same level. It took a great talent to write this and you earned all top marks for this tale.

87,002,336 Stars

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
she cheated and allowed herself to be blackmailed

you don't just get blackmailed and cheat on your spouse. Nothing is bad enough to cheat and if you let it happen then you deserve whatever happens. Spouses saying oh i still love you and i didn't mean it are full of shit this ending while massive was great all cheaters and those that fuck married spouses deserve the same fate. I am just sorry the kids got involved other than that goodbye to them all.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Them feels...

Nuke it from orbit, its the only way to be sure

phil2213phil2213over 11 years ago
good story a desperate mam took desperate measures

The story was loaded with emotion great description. The plausibility is beyond hope of reasonable comprehension. The characters were almost comic book quality. The theme was comprehended as wife setup blackmailed forced to be whore enjoyed being same. Perhaps there are people that could fall into this sort of mess but I've never encountered one in my own experience. I'be seen permiscuous woman that needed no excuse but 411 men is not possible even for the most aggressive prostitute. The husband could've responded as a real man packed it in and moved. The wife never discussed any concerns prior to any goings on that may have quelled this problem. Then when hope was lost her husband sets his wife up to get HIV. The story is ugly with no redemption and the revenge only served to hurt people in an awful way with many innocents in the path. As gruesome and distasteful as this story was and implausible, it was written well but not enjoyable by me.Thanks anyway.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

what about all those innocent people who got aids? the unsuspecting spouses of all the cheaters?? it would have been better to kill the cheaters one by one rather than doing this....SAD.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

Bravo, a truly amazing and gripping story!!

h4751h4751about 11 years ago
Bravo 2

I agree. A truly gripping story. Well done. Hard to believe someone could have so much sex, but easy to believe about the controlling asshole boss. Nice to see some retribution on such a large scale.

TexarManTexarManabout 11 years ago
Desperate mesures

The tital of the story tells it all when all is lost and the only reponce left is the scorched earth. While some have problems with the number of people that had direct contact with her I chose to look at the positive parts. I wished that there was more time spent on the sheriff and body guards at far as what happened to them. I wanted to hear how they suffered from the outcome. I enjoyed the story but we all know its just that a story. fiction not no-fiction.

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