Nymphomania Pt. 02


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But what did that tell me about him? What man wouldn't arrive at a woman's door with at least half an erection if their wife gave them a letter and told them to take it to her friend and fuck her when she smiled her acceptance?

My palm folded around the shape of his half-erection and began stroking it, albeit while still contained in his trousers. He murmured favourably like he was enjoying my touch while I began to react to his palm rolling over my breast. He managed to tweak my nipple to hardness even without skin-on-skin touch.

Having read Carla's unexpected letter while her husband watched me had been surreal, but it was becoming weirder having Brad kissing me and each mutually fondling each other. I tried to forget it was Brad and to solely concentrate on my need to quell the distracting sexual fantasies and that recurring itch that could only be quenched by a hard thrusting cock.

I felt a loss when his hand left my breast, but before I could protest, I felt those fingers better occupied by unbuttoning my blouse. Our first kiss had been deeply passionate with a lot of tongue action. When it at last ended and we each broke for air, his lips quickly switched to my neck, now bared by his hand having pushed the unbuttoned blouse from my shoulders.

His lips roamed along my neck until they found that spot, the place where when kissed, a cold and hot shudder seems to roll through your body and your thighs involuntarily separate of their own accord. He hit that spot and I sighed a loud expressive "Ohhhh!"

"You like that?" he checked, his lips mumbling against my skin.

"Oh yes!" and I tightened the grip of my palm around the shape of his growing cock. I felt his lips pressing harder at my neck and reluctantly I pulled away from his kiss, "but no love bites."

"Sorry! I got carried away."

I felt I needed to spell out some ground rules, "This might seem so easy for you, Carla knows you're here so you figure you can go all out. But Mark won't know, not for now ... and maybe never. So please respect me Brad, or it all stops here."

He wouldn't realise that I couldn't mean that? Once started, my sexual need was such that I couldn't ... I wouldn't give up until my body had been totally satiated. With my condition, it was already too late, there was no turning back.

I felt his fingers at my bra, he seemed to be trying to pull the cups off each breast without any attempt to release the bra. What was he? I assumed from the way Carla raved about his finesse and style over the years that Brad would be a competent lover. But twice in two minutes he had disappointed me. Was I judging him too harshly, should I just lay back and let whatever happens happen?

I had to use both hands to unclasp my bra so Brad didn't rip it in trying to expose my breasts. That meant releasing my hold on his still hidden hard-on. Once I had released the bra and the two cups parted in front, my two hands instead switched to releasing the belt and unzipping his flies.

Free now to get at my breasts, Brad slid his face from my neck to my chest, and I felt, as much as saw, his lips close over first one nipple, then the other. My fingers had succeeded in lowering the zip in his trousers. Now I pulled downward and his trousers came free of his hips, sliding down to around his knees.

He wore boxers with just a gap for a fly in front. I reached one hand in and folded my fingers around his shaft that had definitely grown since I had been fondling its shape within his trousers. Now that I could see it for myself, I tried to recall all the things Carla had related to me over the years that she liked about Brad's cock.

So there we sat alongside each other on my sofa, my best friend's husband and I, my body half turned toward his and he now leaning in toward mine. My fingers wrapped around his smooth slick shaft, tugging on it aggressively while his lips positively devoured my nipples with tongue and teeth in avid support.

Before Mark and I married, whenever I didn't have a steady relationship with a guy, I would call up an old boyfriend and ask him around when the demands of my body became too much. I pondered why Carla would hatch this plan to send her husband to me with express orders to make me sexually happy again. Was she so touched about how seriously my medical condition affected me that she would place the sanctity of her marriage at risk just to see her best friend happy and content? Sending her husband to service me was an extreme act of goodwill, way above what most good friends would be prepared to do.

With his lips totally occupied on my nipples, I at last felt action starting lower down. Brad's fingers touched my knee, pushing my summer skirt up before it as his hand traced upward between my spreading thighs, his fingers caressing the smooth skin. Switching between one inner thigh and the other, those fingers inexorably inched ever upward, hopefully destined to reach my pubis.

He was a slow lover, those fingers seemed to take forever to reach the soaked crotch of my panties. Maybe it seemed longer to me than it would to most women due to my more urgent sexual cravings. At last, I could feel those fingers tracing the line of my labia through my silk panties. Why silk and not cotton? I have always liked the way silk clings to my skin, particularly around my pussy and my bum., so I wear silk panties and camis all the time, even when I'm out shopping and don't have any expectation of a male getting to see or touch those garments.

Brad's fingers were continuing to stroke and caress on the outside of my wet pantie-covered crotch, tracing the crease of my nether lips. I was floating now, surprised at how this Sunday was turning out, warming to Carla's bold plan more and more the longer this foreplay developed. Brad was really getting into it ... 'What a bonus for him,' I thought, 'happily married to Carla and suddenly out of the blue, he's asked -- maybe more like told -- to go and make love to another woman, one he doesn't know all that well ... but no repercussions, just go and enjoy the sex.'

Is this how it would be for women having an affair? I was so accustomed to the way that Mark makes love to me, so finding myself in the arms of another man, little frustrations began to appear. His lips and tongue and teeth on my nipples, all over the globes of my breasts in fact, were feeling wonderful, but I needed him move it along. Brad's persistence in touching my mons through my panties instead of getting his fingers in there was starting to drive me crazy.

"Take them off!" I urged in a husky whisper, "my panties Brad, take them off."

"What?" mumbled Brad, seemingly preoccupied with a mouthful of nipple, his lips muffled.

"Take off my panties, I want to feel your fingers on me and in me."

Without his lips breaking contact with my breasts, he reached his other hand up under my skirt, rolling it into a bunch at my hips, and with both hands, he drew my panties down. I did what I could to help, straightening my legs, laying them across his thighs and raising my arse up off the sofa until I could feel the rolled furl of my panties being tugged down toward my ankles and then off my feet altogether.

Now naked from the hips down, I could spread my legs wider apart and his fingers returned to at last touch all of the intimate parts of my exposed pubis. This is what I was anxious for. He slid those fingers between my wet nether lips, intimately stroking up and down, running the pads of two fingers over and around my budding clitoris.

"Yes, oh my God, yes!" I gasped, my breathing becoming laboured and heavy from his intimate touching.

I felt those two fingers that had stirred my clit to peak excitement sliding lower, seeking out my vaginal entrance and then plunging in deeply, finger fucking me, expertly finding my g-spot up on the roof of my passage, paying special attention to arousing me there. This was better, maybe the difference of being with a woman other than Carla had made him nervous at first.

I lay back into the corner of the sofa, giving my body completely to Brad, now confident in his ability to satisfy my cravings ... he could do whatever he wanted with me now. I rested one hand on the back of his head, using it to steer his lips this way and that while my other hand continued to tug on his cock, but gently now so as not to bring him on too quickly. My guiding hand dragged his lips off my breasts, pushing his face lower on my body, over the crunched-up roll of my skirt to my bare belly ... going lower still.

"I hope you don't mind going down on me?" was it a question or a statement from me? I expected nothing but an affirmative answer or action.

"This is where I was always going to end up," his lips mumbled against my skin just above the top of my pubis, "I was side-tracked by your wonderful breasts."

"Hmmm! You did spend a lot of time there, you must have liked them."

"I better not admit how much, I wouldn't want that to get back to Carla."

"Don't worry Brad, I can be discreet."

"Oh Lisa, you know what Carla's like, you know she'll call you tonight or tomorrow, and she'll want you to tell her everything."

"Yes, you're probably right. I'll be careful Brad, I won't tell her how good I think you are."

"We're not there yet, don't pre-judge me on how good or how bad yet."

"Oh, I'm not expecting anything to be bad, Carla's always telling me sex stuff that you two enjoy together ... now I get to experience it for myself."

"Umm! It is a worry how much you two tell each other."

While we talked, Brad had slipped off the sofa and onto his knees on the floor, his face smiling up at me from between my spread thighs, both of my hands resting on either side of his head now that his erection was beyond my reach. He stared up along my almost naked body, gazing up into my eyes warmly.

He withdrew those two fingers that had so deliciously played inside with my g spot. I wanted to complain that he hadn't finished what he had started, but rationally, I knew this was about to get better when his tongue touched my clit. Carla has often boasted how good he is at that. I bent my head to see his face fit perfectly into the inverted vee formed by my thighs. I felt as well as saw his tongue stretch out and paint flatly up against my spread inner labia.

"Oh my God, yes oh yes, just there, yes that's good ... oh suck my clit Brad."

He was wonderful, exactly what I needed this day, moving his tongue around and up and down within my pussy ... long flat licking strokes from my perineum -- just short of my arse -- up to my clitoris, and then taking the clit between his lips and sucking on its sensitive tip. Then just when it seemed he was locked into a rhythm on the outside, he would stiffen his tongue and push it deep inside my vagina, sucking the freshest juices from out of my passage, coating his tongue with the intimate taste of my bodily secretions.

I so wished now that we had moved to my bedroom, but it all developed so quickly that there didn't seem to be a defining moment where I could have easily stopped us to relocate. I lay back into the corner of the sofa, making myself as comfortable as I could, clamping my upper thighs tightly around his ears, his head, loving what his tongue was doing to my whole pubic region.

I willed the wonderful sensations pulsing through my body to last, but realistically I knew once I felt his tongue down there that I would likely cum quickly. My thighs began to shake, my lower body trembled and a pulsing began from deep within. I was mouthing guttural panting sounds although I doubted Brad could hear them, his ears muffled by my trembling thighs.

And then I was there, my body throbbing from deep within, the spasms of my orgasm so strong that my arse was bouncing up from the sofa, only to be driven back down by Brad's driving tongue pushing deeply into my vagina. My climax was fabulous and while my hands scrambled around Brad's head, now trying to dislodge his lips from my nether lips to allow some respite, his unrelenting tongue strokes quickly brought on a second surge ... more throbbing, more panting.

Brad rested his head on my bare belly as I came down from the double-barrelled orgasmic peaks he had put me through and I casually ran my fingers through his hair affectionately. "Oh, Carla was right, you are very good at that," I managed to murmur when my breathing had calmed, "although I never expected to experience it from you."

He lifted his head, again looking up along my near naked body. Our eyes engaged and I noted his warm affectionate smile. Silently, he rose to his feet ... the trousers I had already unbelted and unzipped, dropped to pool around his ankles. He stepped out of them. My eyes were immediately drawn to his boxers, his erection pushing out through the fly opening where my hand had left it, a clear bubble of pre-cum about to drip off.

Appearing to be eager to get on with it, he shucked his boxers down to join his trousers on the floor and stood before me totally nude. I had never ever expected to see Carla's Brad naked like this ... I paused to admire the horizontal stretch of his hard-on projecting impressively out from his body, already beginning to think of how it will feel coming up inside me at any moment now. But on the verge of indulging in full-on sex, the sight of Brad's cock jolted me back to reality, his was un-cut while Mark's is circumcised. And that comparison caused me to think of Mark laying unknowing in his hospital bed as I prepared to relieve my itch.

He was watching me check out his equipment, "Does it get a pass mark?"

I didn't mention my comparison, "Umm! Looks good to me." He began to drop to his knees again, "Just a minute," raising my hand to keep him on his feet, "do you mind if we change places?"

"What, do you want me to sit and you ride me cowgirl?"

"No Brad, I don't mean change who's on top. I mean, can we change rooms? Will it interrupt the flow if we move upstairs to my bedroom?"

He didn't seem at all disappointed at my suggestion, "You'd prefer for us to be in bed?"

"Yeah sure, I want to be more comfortable, I'm too cramped up in the corner of this sofa." I rose up to my feet, "Come on lover, let's go get really cosy."

My skirt bunched in a roll just below my waist was a useless and unnecessary covering now. I slipped it off my hips to carry it and, now as naked as he, reached out to take Brad's hand. Together we walked down the hallway to the foot of the stairs. Unlike young Josh who hung back to watch the undulations of my arse, Brad wrapped his arm around my waist and we climbed the stairs together.

I steered us into the main bedroom and directly to the large king-size bed where I had similarly entertained Josh four days ago, "Do you have a favourite side, are you right or left-handed?"

"I'm right-handed so I do prefer to be on this side."

"Ok, I'm fine with that, I'll go over there," I told him as I crawled across to the far side on my knees, laying down on my back. A thought flashed across my mind of how strange it felt to be naked with this man in my bedroom and to so matter-of-factly be deciding where each should lay before engaging in non-loving fucking.

Brad joined me on the bed but before he could start to take charge, I bounced up and pushed him onto his back. "I know that you and Carla planned this especially for me to satisfy my needs, but while I've been stroking your cock, I've had this crazy desire to blow you." Not even waiting for any response, I lowered my lips to the proudly vertical stand of his cock and wrapped them over the head, sucking all of that and a bit of his shaft inside my mouth.

I have always enjoyed giving Mark blow jobs and I consider I'm pretty good at it. I was drawn to Brad's cock ... it looked good, it looked clean and it looked like it would fit into my mouth nicely. As I began to suck on him, I began to ponder whether I should pursue this blow job all the way to the end. The man was around 40, how long might it take him to recover if I let him cum? I didn't want to be sitting around for an hour or so while he got hard again.

As it turned out, I didn't need to make that decision. After a wild couple of minutes of my blowing his cock, I felt his hands grasping my head quite strongly and lifting my lips up off his erection. "Hey, I was just getting into that," I protested.

"So was I, but you're much too good at it Lisa, how about we come back to it later, but for now, my mind is on the main event."

"What did he mean 'come back to it later?' How long was he intending to stay, had Carla placed any time limits on how long I had her husband here for?

"Oh, main event ... should there be a fanfare?"

I had enjoyed giving Brad a blow job and would have been happy to finish it, show him how I enjoyed swallowing. But Brad hadn't called it the main event for nothing. This was why he was here, why Carla had the idea to send him to me. I hadn't had a cock inside me since Wednesday ... yes, only four days but already I was overdue for it. I reverted to laying on my back and watched him move over to straddle me, his knees alongside my hips, his hard-on 2 or 3 inches short of my pubis.

Brad moved his knees between mine and stretched out full-length above me, bringing the head of his erection - the tip already leaking pre-cum - slipping into the sopping open slit of my pussy. I tried to peer down between our bodies, to see our connection occur ... hard and primed, the tip leaking bubbles of his juice, he was ready to enter my eager body.

From above me, he looked down into my face and smiled as I felt him positioning the head of his cock in the groove of the opening of my vagina and then he thrust forward forcefully and I felt the head and a couple of inches push into my passage tightly in one deep slide. "Ummppff!" I grunted at the forceful invasion of his cock, probing my inner depths.

"Are you okay with this?" he checked, concern on his face that I did appreciate.

"Yes, I'm good Brad," I told him, thinking that I guess every man has their own individual style. Mark is good, he eases it in, that's what I'm used to ... but hey, I'm not about to complain. If hard enough to take my breath away works for him, then go for it ... I so needed this.

"Sorry babe, perhaps I was a bit over eager. Of course, I haven't been with anyone but Carla for years. You've got me so horny, I just have to be inside you, fucking you."

"There are times when every woman likes to hear that, the exciting urgency of it."

He looked down on me a moment longer and then again, with little warning, he plunged forward burying more of his hard shaft deep inside me. After the initial shock of his hard thrust, I wriggled my lower body around, adjusting the angle slightly to accept him better. He continued to watch me, adjusting himself inside me, then when he must have thought that I looked comfortable again, he pushed the remaining inch or so up inside me until I felt totally full of his cock.

While his style of entry might be a bit abrupt in comparison to Mark and others when I was younger, I had no complaint as to how good it felt once he had buried it totally within me, "Oh that's nice, feels good in there."

"Then let's do it!"

After the abruptness of his entry, I did half expect that this might be a typical 'wham bam thank you mam' type of fuck. So I was delightfully surprised when, after his original forceful thrusts to claim possession of my passage for his cock, his first moves were slow and gentle. He eased his shaft back until only the barest part of the head clung to my pussy lips, and then slowly pushed all of it deep, deep down inside me until the tip felt like it was touching the entrance to my uterus.

Brad proved himself to be a competent lover once he got into it, although quite slow to begin with. His thrusts felt nice although not at a pace I am accustomed to. It took a long while for my first orgasm to build up. I did eventually cum and it was good but as we continued on, his strokes still didn't pick up pace at all. I folded my legs up over the backs of his thighs and began kicking my heels into his arse cheeks, "Harder Brad, I want it harder."