Of Course I'll Molest You

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He invited a couple of girls back to his flat.
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I was at a nightclub that was within walking distance of my place. I rented a unit that used to be the living accommodations for a shop. The shop owner had built a thriving little concern and built a nice house out in the suburbs. Being a thrifty man he renovated the living quarters and rented them out. It made a very nice little flat and was quite central to the city. My work was fairly close as were shops, transport, and sundry other businesses, such as the nightclub.

I'd met a couple of girls while I was there, Jennifer and Annette. They were college students, both around nineteen, which fitted in nicely with my twenty. They were nice girls, not too forward, but friendly. They were also watching what they drank, drinking in moderation and taking care that they didn't leave their drinks unattended.

They were much of a muchness in looks, both tall and slender, with curves in all the right places. Jennifer was, ah, let us say somewhat more stacked that Annette. This doesn't mean that Annette didn't have a decent bust line, because she did. It was just that Jennifer was a size or three larger in that area.

The girls were enough alike that I initially asked if they were sisters, being told that they were not.

"I wish," grumbled Annette. "If we were sisters I'd probably have more here." She patted her bust.

"I wouldn't worry about that," I told her. "You have a very attractive set yourself. Haven't you seen the guys eyeing you?"

She blushed slightly, her hand giving a little wiggle in a maybe type of signal.

As far as I was concerned the girls were the best part of the nightclub that night. Every so often they have live bands, supposedly to give local bands a chance to hit the spotlight. The bands playing tonight had slim chance of hitting the spotlight any time soon, if ever. In face the band that was currently playing was going to be lucky not to have the opposite happen, with the spotlight hitting them. I was tempted to wield one myself just to brain their atrocious singer.

"This is bullshit, to put it politely," I told the girls. "I'm departing. I live a five minute walk from here. What say we grab a six pack and adjourn to my place and watch some videos?"

"Um, what's your number?" asked Annette.

I gave it to her and she typed on her phone. A few moments later my phone chimed a message. Basically it said, 'gone with the guy who owns this number'. I wasn't the only recipient. Fair enough. Quite reasonable of her to cover their backs.

"Hey, just a moment," said Jennifer. "If we go with him how do we know he won't try to molest us?"

"She has a point," said Annette. "Will you be trying to molest us if we go to your place?"

"Of course," I said, surprised that they needed to ask.

"What?" said Jennifer.

"I said of course. Did you think for one moment that I wouldn't? That doesn't mean that you have to fall for my charms. You're quite entitled to slap me down."

"Well?" Annette asked Jennifer and she shrugged.

"We might as well," she agreed. "This band is going to give me a hangover without me needing to overindulge. Just excuse me for a minute. Are you coming, Annette."

Annette shook her head, making shooing motions with her hand. Jennifer turned and headed in the direction of the ladies room.

"Are you really going to try to molest us?" Annette asked.

"I am. I'm just considering what form the molestation will take. I think with Jennifer I'll have to start stroking her and let it build."

"I see. And what are your intentions towards me?"

"Are you sure you want to know?"

At her nod I smiled.

"Well, once we're in my flat I intend to bend you over the nearest firm object and remove your panties. Then, depending on your choice, I will bend you forward over said object or lean you back against it, and ravish you while Jennifer watches, shocked."

"Why do I get the choice?"

"You might like to watch as my cock penetrates you and if so you need to lean back. That's all."

"And what if I choose neither option?"

"Then you miss out and I switch to plan B."

"Plan B?"

"The gentle stroking as per Jennifer and letting it build until you're helpless against my wiles."

"You seem pretty confident that either Jennifer or I will succumb."

"I think you mean and, not or," I corrected.

Annette did a face-palm and giggled.

"You have such an ego," she said.

"I know. I had to have a special pack made to help me carry it around. Um, might I point out that even if you go to Plan B I still expect you to succumb first?"

"Me? What makes you think I'll succumb first, if at all?"

"Well, when it comes time for me to start stroking you'll be at a disadvantage of not having any panties on. I'll have already taken them off, remember?"

Annette was still blushing and giggling when Jennifer returned.

So we headed on around to my place, the two girls nudging each other and whispering every so often. I don't know what they were whispering and being a smart man I didn't want to know.

Access to my unit was via a set of stairs attached to the side of the building. It was probably a fire-escape originally, but the owner had it changed to a proper set of stairs as part of the renovations. We went up the stairs and I let the girls in. I'm not sure if it was deliberate or not but Jennifer went in first, followed by Annette, with me bringing up the rear.

The entrance leads straight into the main room of the unit, with bathroom, kitchen and bedroom leading off it. The laundry was incorporated into the bathroom. Altogether a snug little bachelor's pad, one I liked.

Closing the door I took hold of Annette's arm, turning towards the right where a big stuffed couch resided. A very large and old-fashioned couch that was very comfortable and had those big poufy arms on it.

"Just take a seat for a moment, Jennifer," I said, my hand on Annette's back, gently propelling her forwards so she found herself bent over the end of the couch.

"Hey, what the hell?" she yelled.

"What's wrong?" I asked as I flipped the back of her dress up. "I told you that I was going to do this and I suspect that you told Jennifer about it."

Even as I was talking I was lowering her panties while Annette was frantically trying to cover her bottom and other parts with her hands. For her part, Jennifer was just watching, giggling.

"I thought you were just kidding," Annette protested, starting to squirm a little as my hand closed over her mound, massaging her quite intimately.

"Not so. You might have hoped I was but I'd put my money on you thinking I wouldn't dare."

By this time I'd also unzipped and my erection was now making her acquaintance. Not her intimate acquaintance, but it was certainly brushing against her with that intention in mind.

"Wait, wait, wait," she gabbled out. "Plan B. Switch to Plan B."

I backed off a little, taking this moment to push her panties right down and take them off, thoughtfully stuffing them in my pocket so they wouldn't get lost.

"What do you mean, Plan B," demanded Jennifer.

"Plan B is where I have to try to seduce her slowly," I informed her. "I told her about it when I told her what I wanted to do."

"Forget Plan B," said Jennifer with a giggle. "You've got her nicely positioned. Just do it."

"Jennifer!" protested Annette.

I laughed. "No, a deal is a deal and I did make that stipulation," I told her. "Tell you what. I didn't make any sort of stipulation where you're concerned so while Annette parks this on the couch why don't you come over here and take her place." I gave Annette's bottom a friendly spank.

"Me? Why me?" gasped Jennifer.

"Why not you? You seemed happy for me to attend to Annette right away so you should be willing to have the same happen to you."

"Yeah, like that will happen," muttered Annette, which was also my own thought. Apparently she didn't mutter it softly enough as Jennifer heard and got offended. She gave Annette a nasty look and stood up, moving towards me. Despite my surprise I simply took her arm and guided her into leaning over where Annette had been. Then it was lift up her dress and lower her panties.

Once again my hand cupped a conveniently located pussy and started massaging it. My erection was still on display and I moved a little closer, letting Jennifer feel it brushing against her rump.

I now received another lesson in the folly of thinking I knew how a woman would react. While I'd given it a fifty-fifty chance that Annette would go along with it I'd also given it a zero chance that Jennifer would. The fact that she was now bent over my couch sans panties went against all logic. I was still sort of assuming that she'd back of at any moment, screaming for Plan B.

I was stroking my erection along her slit, moving it up and down, letting her know without any doubt just what was touching her. I finally came to a halt, my cock pressing lightly against the entrance to her passage, her lips yielding, indeed reaching, for me. A little pressure from me and I'd be sliding home, probably to the sound of a horrified scream and a cry of 'I've changed my mind'.

What I got was a groan and Jennifer pressing hard towards me, pushing herself onto my erection with me not having to do anything. (Not having to isn't the same as not doing. As soon as she thrust herself onto me I reciprocated, pushing firmly into her, fully sheathing myself with that first thrust.)

Now it was a case of Jennifer crying, "Yes. Do it. Harder. Why are you waiting?"

For my part it was a case of, "Just hold up a moment while I get your bra off, damn it."

I pushed her dress higher, my hands going under it and unclipping her bra. Then my arms went around her, hands covering her breasts, and I started playing with them, rather roughly, too. The reason I was being rough on her breasts was because I was also being fairly rough with my cock, banging in hard and fast with Jennifer cheering my on. (Okay, not exactly cheering but certainly demanding everything that I was doing and more besides.)

Totally taken aback was the way to describe me. I'd envisaged having to take it slow and easy to get into Jennifer's pants in the first place and then to have to be very gentle in the way things proceeded. This frantic rush for pleasure left me slightly shocked, not that that was stopping me from enjoying it.

I glanced over to where Annette was sitting to find that she wasn't. She'd got off the couch and was standing to one side, watching what was going on, face flushed and breathing hard, lips slightly parted. I wondered if she was seeing herself in that position, seeing she so very nearly was.

I put that aside for the moment. One girl at a time was my motto and right now Jennifer was that one girl. Jenifer seemed to want it rough which made me wonder just how rough she wanted it. Leaving one hand to torment her breasts I freed the other one.

Timing it nicely I swatted her bottom firmly while I was pulling back. Jennifer screamed and redoubled her efforts. Another swat and she screamed again, demanding more, harder. Was she referring to being spanked or fucked? Not being sure which I increased my efforts in both cases.

It was a case of efforts successful as Jennifer climaxed, very noisily. I didn't. (I was looking to the future. After all, Annette was still here.)

Once we separated and Jennifer headed towards the bathroom on wobbly legs I sat down on the couch.

"Don't just stand there," I told Annette. "Come and sit down."

I snagged her arm and drew her towards me.

"Not there," I said as she went to sit on the couch. I guided her to sit on my lap.

"Wait a minute," she protested. "If you think I'm going to sit there you're..."

"Absolutely right," I murmured. "Don't worry. All you have to do is sit."

A bit of helpful guidance from me and she was sitting, sliding down my pole slowly and carefully. As soon as she was comfortable I leaned back a little, an arm around her waist. I also adjusted her dress so that a casual glance there was nothing amiss. Just a girl sitting on a man's lap.

We stayed like that, neither of us moving. That didn't mean we couldn't feel each other. We well and truly could. After a while I loosened her top, a hand dipping beneath the neckline, finding and cupping a breast, playing with it quite gently. We stayed like that, doing nothing much until Jennifer returned.

While waiting for Jennifer I'd grabbed the remote and brought up the list of movies that I had. I let the girls pick one and started it playing. Jennifer snuggled up next to me while Annette stayed just where she was, barely moving. I'm not sure how I'd have reacted if she had started moving.

The movie started playing, a romantic comedy that the girls seemed interested in. As it played I could tell that sitting on my cock was starting to get to Annette. (Actually, it had probably got to her as soon as she sat on it, but now it was really getting to her.) She started getting a trifle restless, moving about a little, which in turn was making me a little restless. I figure we were ten minutes into the movie before Jennifer caught on that something wasn't right.

She suddenly lifted the front of Annette's dress, exposing what was going on underneath. She looked shocked and then started to giggle.

"How long do you think you can stay like that?" she asked.

In reply I pulled back a little and then thrust back up into Annette. She gave a small scream, and I started moving in earnest, pulling back and sliding home. I wasn't being terribly energetic, just determined, pushing firmly into her with a little extra oomph. For her part Annette started sounding off as she bounced, giving her all quite generously.

As could be expected in this sort of situation we were both so totally worked up that things didn't last long. We both climaxed, Annette a lot more noisily than me. After that we all settled down to watch the video, the girls curled up on either side of me. My hands may have gone wandering but from that point on it was all harmless petting.

When they were leaving I extended an invitation for them to come and visit me anytime. Whether they would follow up on that I didn't know. I did have a quiet word with Katherine that might encourage her.

"Next time you're here," I told her, "I'm going to spank you properly. After that I'll make you straddle me and sit there without moving. I wonder how long you'll be able to stand it."

She blushed and looked away. I suspected that the idea would nag at her, encouraging her to come and see what it would be like. Maybe she'd even bring Annette along.

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AnonymousAnonymous20 days ago

Who's this Katherine, and when did she join the group?

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Your stories always have a slight silliness combined with a tongue in cheek approach which makes them endearing, fun, and a read without any angst. Just a fun read. Anyway, I like Katherine and Jennifer…

jbdeepjbdeep12 months ago

Great except Jennifer became Katherine at the end.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

You frequently inject humor into you stories. Makes them great. Your are an amazing wordsmith. PS the spanking scenarios are fabulous.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Jennifer became Katherine in the end but otherwise a nice quickie

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