Office Games

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Things heat up and turn sexual in the office.
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Feel free to send me an email telling me what you liked and disliked. I even enjoy getting emails from people helping me with my grammar and technical issues! Please help point out any mistakes or spots that could be written better. My skin is pretty thick and as appreciate people pointing out flaws with my writing.

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I would like to thank everyone for his or her feedback and help with editing! You know who you are

Feel free to send me an email as it's my drug of choice! I would love to hear what you think about my story.

This is a multi part story with a minimum of three parts.

Wanted to thank Tom H for many long hours of editing

(The idea came to me after reading many sexy stories so I can't take full credit for this story)


Today was one of those days that I woke up in a funk. I just wasn't feeling that good and was lacking energy. With news of the recession and the incessant negative political advertisements, there just isn't any relief to everyday life. After a long day at work, one of my guilty pleasures is to enjoy a glass of wine while watching mindless television. Even that has been ruined by all the political advertisements. What difference does it make whose in office as my taxes are going up? How do they think that I can afford to pay more in taxes?

One of the worse inventions in all of history is the automated dialers that deliver political advertisements; worse yet, has the pollsters asking dumb ass questions. Why do they call? I'm on the "do not call list". Do they think I'm just sitting around waiting for them to call? Why can't they understand that all most people want is a better life for us and an easier life for our children? Is there such a thing of an honest political leader? It really chaps my ass when I see these political leaders living a lavish lifestyle while I'm struggling to make ends meet.

I would love to see a law passed that anyone who is in office must live in his/her district. Yeah, I'm sure that this is already law but my part would be that the leader must live in the worst section of that district. Now, I don't mean what Jayne Byrne did. The Chicago politico, after all, took over a complete floor in Cabrini-Green to make as her condo, complete with armed guards. What better way to make change then make a politician live the real life in the poorest neighborhood?

So after the third phone call I gave up on watching television and turned my phone off. Yes, I still have a home phone but that is due to security in my condo complex which requires a land line to open the gate and, at least so far, the security system doesn't work using a cell phone. That really irks me and every month when I write a check to CentryTell, I like to write little nasty comments in the memo section. What value am I getting for thirty dollars? And why does ½ of my phone bill go towards taxes? Nuts!

Okay, I'm getting on my soap box and talking about political stuff is raising my blood pressure; time to take a deep breath and a sip of my wine. With that last phone call I realized that it was time to break out of my rut and escape the negative political & network news.

This will sound horrible but one of the things that I like to do on funky days is to dress a little slutty. Now for a very important question: what should I wear tomorrow to the office? My mother always told me that a lady never wears black hosiery to work as black hosiery stirs men up. Well, that is the first thing I knew that I had to wear. What's better than black stockings, 4-6 inch heels, and a skirt that's a little too short? You know the type of skirt I'm talking about, one which makes me careful when sitting down for fear of flashing the world. Scratch the heels, since winter has shown up, it's time to pull out my favorite CFM boots.

There is something about having other people checking me out that helps lift my spirits and when I catch a couple "hotties" stealing a glance, well that just gives my self confidence a boost. Funny thing is that I know how popular I will be at work in my sexy little skirt, hose, and CFM boots.

I knew what I wanted to do, knew who I wanted to tease, with the goal of getting their attention. We've flirted and danced around the issue long enough. Now I wanted you to take notice of me.

All that I could say about tomorrow was: let the male wreckage begin!

Knowing that you were on your way to my office to grab some files, I decided to put myself in a vulnerable position. Just on cue you walked in while I'm leaning over my desk, my skirt riding up my thighs showing you that I wasn't wearing pantyhose. Oh how I enjoy the feeling of having you watching me, my thighs being exposed to your gaze really started to arouse my body. Even more thrilling for me was my knowing your eyes were glued to my tight backside.

Part of me wasn't ready to see any emotion on your face I wanted to be absolutely sure that you had to have me before I eased your discomfort. Hearing you clear your throat, I took my time turning around. I wanted you to enjoy the view a little longer. Was that wrong of me? I didn't want to make you too uncomfortable, but I did want to whet your appetite for me.

Even though I wasn't facing you I could feel your presence. I knew you were standing behind me, and now its time to start my tease. I took a deep breath, trying to clear my head in preparation for our game. Then I begin to ramble on about not knowing where the forms were that you need, all the while knowing they are under a manila folder. Like a master of the game you don't say a word; instead you move closer 'til your hips are pressing into mine.

Feeling your body against mine sends waves of pleasure though me. I'm sure the wall is enjoying the view as my nipples are now visible now rock hard.

I feel you unzip my skirt, holding my breath as it falls to the ground. Skillfully you move your hands right where I love feeling them; gripping my hips, pulling me even closer to you. Being the naughty one that you are, it didn't take you long before your fingers start to slip under my thong, pushing them down to comfortable rest on the floor on top of my skirt.

"Where is the paperwork that I asked for?" You whisper gently, your warm breath tickling my ear.

The heat from your breath is making me warm and wetter. Simply knowing that we could get caught at any minute is turning me on.

You breathe into my neck, "I think you should always leave your panties at home, don't you?" You take my ear in your mouth, "Honey? I love how you look without panties."

I don't answer, but instead cover your hands with my own, and together we begin to touch my most intimate womanly parts without regard to others in the office. Freeing one of your hands, you slip it under my blouse. Your fingers gently tease the skin of my abdomen. Lightly you tease me by moving your fingertips over my stomach, ribs, and then cup my breasts through the fabric of my bra. I moan as your lips touch my shoulder.

Finally I was over the edge and had to have you. Enjoying your touch sent me over the edge from normal decadence to a wanton woman; I was ready to give myself to you. Slowly I turned around pressing my body into yours trying to merge us into one. Now my body was desperate to taste you, kiss you and by tilting my head I was signaling to you that I was yours. I raised my hands to touch your face, then into your hair trying to pull you into my mouth. I've waited for this all night and all morning.

When your lips finally touched mine, waves of pleasure rippled though my body. Slowly our tongues started to tango in my mouth. I love the way you use your tongue to explore my mouth. Oh, how I've missed feeling your lips.

You shock me by taking control, causing me to involuntary moan while you back me up into the cold filing cabinet. Your thigh slips between my legs and presses into me applying pressure. My clit starts to throb, craving your warm wet tongue or the dexterity of your fingers. I grind my hips into you trying to get relief as I feel myself become increasingly aroused.

I had to have you, had to have you in me now!

"Wait." I slowly pull back.

With a few inches between us, your hands found their mark. Slowly you move your hands under my blouse to pull it up over my head. I smile at you while looking into your eyes, as you focus on my breasts. My nipples are visible thought the thin material but we both know that my bra will be on the floor in a matter of moments.

You smile just like a kid at Christmas, "You look so sexy." With a quick flick you unclasp my bra exposing my breasts. You lean forward kissing my chin, neck, and then collarbone. My nipples ache for your attention.

I watch as you take a deep breath, your eyes never moving away from my breasts, "I love the way your breasts look."

I smile as I've always appreciated your attention.

Subconsciously my back arches from your touch, I enjoy the sensations as your fingers move to caress the firm undersides of my breasts.

I moan against your mouth as your lips press more urgently against mine. This time the kiss is deeper, more passionate. My hand slides down your back, feeling lean muscles contract under the fabric of your shirt as I press you closer. Moving my hands lower, my fingertips slip across your hard, perfect ass, which I have always admired and desperately wanted to feel.

We stay in this erotic position for a while as I massage your cheeks through your skirt, my fingernails playing between them. This pushes your sex firmly against my own. Slowly, we grind our pelvises together. Our bodies are melting into each others. Desperate to touch and to feel your smooth skin, I slip my hand beneath your skirt, reaching towards your sex.

I pull back from you; a surprised, questioning look on my face. You laugh quietly, biting your red, well-kissed lips.

"I've wanted you for a long time." A moment passed before you continued to explain, "I decided to take mine off before joining you."

I love the way you look at me, the way you bite your lip. The desire in your eyes takes my breath away. I see that you want me. I know you want me. Your face shows all the telltale signs of how much you want me. Oh, how I want you, too.

Having already removed your own panties, you are clad only in a bra. My hands are everywhere . . . exploring, touching, feeling. I caress your breasts, and knead your ass. Then, your hands move against my burning sex and I gasp. Sensing my urgency, you gently spread my legs with your hands. I open further for you as your fingers slide over my mound finding my wetness.

I watch as if this is happening in slow motion. You taste every inch of my body, your tongue skimming and your lips making me glisten. My eyes close, my mouth opens slightly, and a sigh of ecstasy escapes. I watch as you remove your shirt and turn to undo the buttons on your skirt. I shake my head in disbelief at our boldness. The moment of nervousness disappears and I am drawn to you again with such urgency and hunger that it makes me shiver.

You give me that wicked smile, "I have to taste you."

I stop you, "No, me first." There is a slight hesitation in our mutual need. "Please? I need to taste you."

You nod and I see that some of your earlier confidence has changed into uncertainty or arousal? I decide it is both.

I stop thinking and launch my sensuous assault upon you; your sex is my objective. I'm on my knees in front of you and I press forward, spreading your engorged labia with my mouth and moving to capture your clit between my lips. I love the way you feel, how soft your lips are against my fingers, how slickly wet your pussy is and how your arousal coats my fingers. So soft and slick, my finger easily finds your opening and slowly one of my fingers enters you. I feel how hungry you are as a second finger easily slips into you. I've never been with a woman before and even though I've masturbated a million times, feeling your pussy is incredibly different. Now, with my face so close to you, I had to know how you tasted. I move into you slowly and gently nibble. I draw your clit in firmly, sucking hard, thrashing you with my tongue, making your hips lurch involuntarily.

I flick my tongue back and forth deftly, firmly, massaging your sensitive flesh. You reach with your hand, pulling my face more deeply into your body, into your sex. You watch, aroused by the sight as well as the touch of my mouth and tongue working on your clit.

I slide my fingertips into you shallowly. Penetrating, wetness coats them. I slowly slide a single finger in deep. Your breath catches in your throat, and you cover your mouth with a hand to muffle a scream.

Instead of a scream I hear you whisper "Goddess, please . . ."

I push my finger deeper, filling you completely. Your hips move, grinding, as if to pull more of me in. You feel my finger thrust in and out of you, while my mouth still pulls on your clit.

Your thoughts are gone. I can see that you are focused on your building climax. You groan deeply, tilting your hips, wanting to yell, to scream for me to fuck you . . .

You groan again quietly, "Yes, God, yes!"

Your orgasm approaches: "God yes, so close . . ."

With my mouth still sucking hard on your clit, you tighten your legs around my head. I push my tongue more firmly onto you, thrusting with my finger, fucking you. I move my lips over your clit, licking insistently, my tongue dancing along your distended labia, then sliding quickly upwards. My lips grab at your clit again and pull at it gently. I suck you in deeply.

You're back arches, your legs quiver, your hips jump and thrust repeatedly as I lick and suck, caressing you, tasting you. Suddenly you take a deep breath, and then freeze. I can see that you are holding your breath, waiting.

My tongue flicks faster now, my finger penetrates deeper, curling, moving in and out. Your body is rigid; your hands grip my hair, you pull my head against you even more firmly as your body floods my lips. Wet, shiny and glistening, my chin is covered with you. I wait, not moving, letting both of us enjoy every last drop your orgasm.

You relax, breathe, and gently stroke my hair with your hands. I glance up and see you slowly open your eyes and smile down at me. Dare I ask? Yes, I do.

"I know I shouldn't ask you this but what are you doing for dinner tonight?"

Smiling brilliantly, your voice husky as you reach for me, "You?"

Time to be a little coy, "And will this be takeout or eat in?"

I wasn't sure what this was or what we were. No reason to ask or put a label on what we were doing. We tried our best to gather ourselves and look presentable. Neither of us was sure one could be presentable after what we had just done. I felt so naughty, yet so alive. Never in my life had I done something so exciting before. I liked it.

After a moment, you said, "Well, first we should get something to eat and then I want you."

On the way to the restaurant neither one of us spoke. This was very unusual.

When we arrived at the restaurant, I began to feel differently. I knew that it was just my mind playing games as I felt that everyone was looking at us. Normally that is a good thing but now, I felt as if everyone knew that I had just gone down on you. Sure, everyone loves the lesbian-chic of 'I kissed a girl' but it isn't easy being that type of girl. Well, or it isn't easy for me just yet.


The end, of this part

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AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
"5" For The Heat!!!

This one was a 5 for the heat, alone! However, the rest of it was off the chain, as well. If there isn't already, there, simply, has to be a sequel. 'Nuff said!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

I want to read the next bit

i want you in my bed

fuck me plz

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

that was reallly good. i just fucked myself to an orgasm.

belvoriangarathbelvoriangarathover 13 years ago
absolutely loved it.

wow, that was hot. too sexy.

gotranegotraneover 13 years ago
Great Start!

Great start and can't wait for the sequels! Had to give a four(4), because four (4) is as high as I go without pantyhose. Well, maybe next round.

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