One More from the Attic Pt. 01


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I locked myself in my room that night, and fired up my laptop to spy on my busty cousins. That wound up amounting to very little. They were very tired after the long road trip, and quickly fell asleep. They both wore flannel pajamas, so that there was really nothing for me to see in the two minutes before they turned off the light. I was surprised to turn to the video feed in Hope's bedroom to find her thrashing all over her bed as she masturbated like mad.

That was the first time it occurred to me that we had not had any sex since we got here. I had gotten laid plenty over the course of the week, but obviously she had not. At that point, I began going back through the video footage of the past two weeks. I figured out a lot of what had been going on before we arrived, and filled in little bits that hadn't made sense to me earlier. I saved some amazing footage of my parents having sex while Colleen masturbated in her bed listening to them.

I stayed up far too long watching all that video footage. By the time I finally turned it off, the sun was coming up. I remembered to unlock my bedroom door before I fell asleep.

* * *

Our house is not small, but even that four-bedroom ranch house seemed crowded after Cathy, Annette, and Danielle arrived. It wasn't just the eight adults who were now sharing the place, either. We had a slew of visitors over the next three days. My mom and her sister had a lot of childhood friends in the area, and they had not seen Cathy in years. There was an awful lot of drinking going on in the house. I think I was the only one who didn't get drunk, and everyone else's inebriation made me very nervous.

My mom and sisters would get really flirty with me when they had a few drinks in them. I was worried that they would say something that would give away what we had been doing. More than once, with a bunch of guests in the dining room, living room and kitchen, my mom or one of my sisters would plop down in my lap and wiggle their sexy bottom. Mom actually giggled when she did it, and I knew that drew some looks.

Two afternoons and evenings passed like that, and I was really on edge. I retreated to my bedroom a few times, but someone would knock on my door loudly each time. I didn't even have a chance to jack off. With all of that attention and touching, I was constantly aroused, and that just made me more paranoid. With Aunt Cathy sleeping on the living room couch, it wasn't even possible for me to have a late-night rendezvous with one of my sisters.

The craziness culminated on New Year's Eve. We had a fairly loud party at our house. There were at least thirty people, and it was so crowded that I had trouble getting around. I was trying to relax and talk with the people I knew. I had a few sips of some alcoholic fruit punch, and that seemed to help calm my nerves. Hope came up to me and planted a big, wet smooch on my cheek. That drew some chuckles from the people I was talking to, and I could smell the alcohol on her breath.

I finished the plastic cup of punch and tried to work my way through the crowded room to get a refill. Hope playfully pushed me onto my butt on the couch and then she slid her shapely ass into my lap. I gasped and then bit my lip when she started basically dry-humping me right there in the living room. I looked around quickly, and didn't see anyone looking at us.

Then I saw Annette. She was watching open-mouthed only a few feet away. I saw that she had one of those plastic cups in her hand. Her eyes remained glued to Hope's hips gyrating in my lap when she drained that cup. She wasn't looking at me directly, so we never had eye contact. I could not help but notice when she reached up and squeezed one of her rock-hard nipples through her blouse.

I was nervous—hell, I was terrified—that Hope was going to get us busted. Seeing Annette so obviously aroused coupled with my sister's hot pussy pressed into me was still too much stimulation. I was getting as hard as a rock. My erection pressed between the folds of Hope's horny pussy, and she actually started shaking in orgasm. Once again, I was looking all around. To my paranoid mind, it was unbelievable that nobody else noticed what was going on.

Annette sure noticed, though.

As soon as Hope recovered, she leaned back and kissed my cheek again. Then she stood and started working her way through the throng of people to refill her punch. Before I could do anything, Annette squeezed between two people who were standing in front of the couch facing the other way. I was speechless when her soft bottom slid into my lap and her cheeks squeezed my hard cock.

She pulled her long blonde hair out of the way and laid her head back on my shoulder so that her lips were practically touching my left ear. Despite the loud music and all the voices, I could clearly hear her.

"You don't mind, do you?"

I was so stunned that I could only shake my head in response. Annette and I had barely even talked since her arrival. She groaned softly into my ear as her hips began to rotate. The heat coming from her crotch was intense. My rock-hard dick could clearly feel the folds of her hot pussy through our clothes. I had a clear view over her shoulder of her generous cleavage.

My sexy blonde cousin was not as drunk or obvious as my sister had been. I doubted that anyone saw her grind her horny pussy atop my cock, or noticed when she shivered slightly on top of me. I couldn't be sure that she had come, since she was so subtle. She did whisper "Thank you" in my ear before she gracefully slid out of my lap.

I was painfully and obviously hard, so I tried to hide that behind my empty cup and made my way to my bedroom. Initially I was annoyed to see that my light was on. I had hoped to have some privacy and perhaps change my clothes, but someone was in there. I pushed the door open, thinking of what to say to politely ask them to leave. I froze with the door only inches open instead.

My Aunt Cathy was on her knees, sucking on some guy's dick! She was really going at it, too, moaning and slurping and bobbing her head.

It seemed like I was standing there a long time watching that, even though it was probably only a couple of seconds. Cathy looked incredibly turned on while she worked that shaft with her lips. She pulled back and eagerly lapped at the tip with her tongue. Then she groaned and started working her lips up and down his length, really fucking that cock in and out of her mouth.

The guy just stood there and stared down at her open-mouthed while she worked him over. I looked at him carefully, but I really had no idea who he was. It was all I could do not to cry out in surprise when Hope came up behind me and squeezed my ass. I carefully closed the door and turned to face her.

Someone came out of the bathroom and Hope squeezed up against me to give them room to pass. I saw the back of another guy's head as he went into the bathroom. Hope's face was flushed as she leaned up on tiptoe to kiss me on the lips. I leaned over to whisper in her ear.

"Someone's in my room," I said.

She turned to look toward her own bedroom behind her. It appeared that her room was empty, since there was darkness under her door. She pulled me along as she opened her bedroom door. She dragged me inside and closed the door behind us, then turned on the light. A groan from her bed caused us both to snap our heads in that direction.

"Dammit!" Hope muttered.

Danielle was passed out in her bed. She threw her arm over her head to shield her eyes from the light, but then she lay still. I could not help but let my eyes wander over Danielle's lush body. She was wearing a dress, but it had ridden up to expose her creamy thighs and the curve of her ass. I could even make out where her white panties were snugly pressed into her puffy pussy mound.

Hope turned off her bedroom light, and we left Danielle sleeping in there. My sister muttered in frustration. It seemed equal parts annoyance that we weren't having sex and the invasion of her bedroom. We got separated in the crush of the dining room, and I found myself in the crowded kitchen once I had a fresh cup of punch. A glance toward my parents' bedroom showed me that my parents were in there with four or five friends, talking loudly.

I kept moving slightly, forward or back, to give people room to pass. I was trying to keep my front pressed against the kitchen cabinets to hide my hard-on, but that wasn't always possible. That preoccupation distracted me. I was surprised to see that I had finished that second cup of punch. It was more than I had ever had to drink before, and I was feeling it. I just didn't know any better—I should have stopped drinking at that point.

I made my way back through the press of people to the dining room table, refilled my cup, and retreated to the kitchen again. Aunt Cathy came up behind me as I stood there pressed against the counter. I felt her gigantic breasts pressed into my back as she leaned up to whisper in my ear.

"Did you enjoy the show?" she asked throatily.

I gulped down the mouthful of punch. Her eyes were glittering merrily when I turned to face her.

"Oh, you're so precious!" she giggled. "You look like a deer caught in headlights."

Now, I had spent some time talking with Aunt Cathy over the past few days. It was always a challenge to maintain eye contact. This was far worse for me—not because I was tempted to stare at her breasts, but because I had no idea what to say. Seriously, what do you say in a situation like that?

"I'm sorry, Daniel," she said. She was leaning into me so that she didn't have to shout to be heard. Her massive mammaries pressed into my belly. "I should have asked you before we went into your room..."

Her eyebrows rose when she felt my erection pressing against her. Her eyes dipped briefly before returning to mine. Her breath reeked of alcohol—the fumes made my eyes water. She was clearly drunk, but that didn't make her next words any less shocking.

"Mmm. Maybe I should have been taking care of you in there. It feels like you could use it."

I was saved—sort of—from having to form a response. Someone in the living room started a countdown to midnight. We joined in at, "28, 27, 26..." When the countdown reached twelve, though, Aunt Cathy pulled my head down and she buried her tongue in my mouth. My eyes were wide in surprise. Then my gaze caught my sister, Hope, standing between the living room and kitchen.

She was pissed. I had never seen her looking so furious, ever. All the time that she had shared me with Brittany, and even when she had seen me with our mother, she had never seemed jealous. If anything, seeing me with those other women had turned her on. I did not know what to do. I just stood there as my drunk aunt basically tongue-fucked me right there in the kitchen.

Other people began pairing up and kissing, and one of those couples came between me and Hope. I gasped around Aunt Cathy's tongue when her hand groped my crotch. She started stroking me through my pants, and then I was kissing her back. She finally released me with a much more appropriate peck on the lips, and then she sauntered away. Without thinking, I drained that third drink.

I never got black-out drunk that night, but things did get a bit fuzzy for me. I remember when the cops showed up. These were two off-duty police officers—long-time friends of our family—who had agreed to drive inebriated guests home. I watched dully as they drove my sisters away. Hope and Colleen would spend the night at Colleen's apartment. It would give me time to figure out what to say to them later.

I went to my room, but there was already a couple in my bed. I recognized them as a married couple. The guy worked with my dad. Next, I went to Colleen's door, only to find another married couple passed out in her bed. I'm not sure what I was thinking when I stumbled over to Hope's room. I think I had some half-formed idea to check on Danielle to make sure she was alright.

I turned on the light in the room and stood in the doorway looking at Danielle as she slept. She looked really sexy, and my eyes lingered over her exposed legs once again. I also realized that the dress she wore showed a lot of her creamy cleavage. I heard the bathroom door open behind me, and quickly turned off the light and closed the bedroom door.

My dick was throbbing, but it made me feel like a pervert as I staggered away from that incredible sight. I wandered out to the living room, and realized that the rest of the guests were gone. My parents' bedroom door was closed. Only the little light over the stove was still on. I stood there between the living room and dining room, trying to figure out where I would sleep.

Aunt Cathy had slept on the couch the previous two nights. I heard rustling from the front room, and it took me a while to figure out that Annette was there, getting the hide-a-bed ready. I heard my bathroom door open again, and turned to see a sight that took my breath away.

Aunt Cathy had changed. Now she wore a full-length black gown that came down to her ankles. Only, that was a completely transparent, barely-there garment. She wasn't wearing anything underneath it, either. I could not help myself. My eyes took in those impossibly large breasts. The bottom curve of those massive orbs almost obscured her belly button. Her nipples were huge, too, and pressed out visibly in front of her. I could clearly see her neatly trimmed pubic hair and the front of her pussy lips poking out from between her thick thighs.

She just stood there, smiling up at me as my eyes feasted on her voluptuous body. It felt like that spell was broken when the sliding doors to the front room opened and Annette stepped out. She was wearing flannel pajamas. Annette stopped and stared in obvious disbelief, just as I had.

"Mom...?" she asked, as if she could not make sense of this either.

I was relieved and confused at the same time. Annette's reaction made it clear that my Aunt Cathy normally didn't dress like this, so my reaction was not nearly as embarrassing. On the other hand, I had to wonder. Had she dressed like this for my benefit? How drunk was she?

"Let's go to bed," Cathy said softly. Then she led me and an equally confused Annette into that front room. Cathy slid into the bed first, and then turned to look at us as we both stood there uncertainly.

"Daniel," she prompted, "You don't plan to sleep in your clothes, do you?"

I shook my head.

"Well, go ahead. Take them off."

I started to slowly take off my shirt, and Annette slid into the other side of the bed. They watched as I pulled off my shirt, pants and socks. When I was down to my boxers, Cathy motioned to me to remove those as well. Annette looked over at her sharply. In my inebriated condition, I dropped my underpants without thinking. When I stood back up, I realized that I was still completely hard and that my aunt and cousin were staring at my dick.

I crawled into the bed between them and flopped down on my belly. I was too embarrassed and confused to know what to do. Eventually, though, I had to roll over. I just couldn't breathe with my face pressed into the pillow. My aunt giggled next to me.

"I love the show, Daniel, but why don't you get under the covers with us?"

That was really awkward. The hide-a-bed wasn't really big enough for the three of us. Aunt Cathy spoke up softly. "Annette, why don't you turn off the light?" When she got up, I was able to lift the covers and slide under them. Aunt Cathy gently turned me onto my side, facing away from her, and spooned up behind me.

Annette slid back into the bed. She let out a soft gasp when her soft bottom pressed against my throbbing boner. When that happened, she froze and remained rigid for at least a minute. Finally, she moved again, sliding her back into my chest. I lifted my right arm, unsure where to put it. I tentatively rested my hand on her shoulder.

Annette sighed and squeezed my hand with hers. She held my hand after that, and intertwined her fingers between mine. I got distracted when I felt Aunt Cathy pressing her body against me. She was rubbing her nipples against my back and pressing her pubic mound against my butt. That insistent humping motion was pushing me against Annette in front of me. The head of my hard cock slid against the flannel of her pajama bottoms and lodged between her ass cheeks.

My head was spinning from the alcohol and my arousal. I could not think straight. At the same time, I was too confused and scared to make a move. In sober retrospect, it's probably a good thing that I didn't try anything. We were all drunk in that bed to some degree, and it could have been a real mess if I had done something with Annette or Aunt Cathy that they regretted later.

Instead, I just lay between them, impossibly turned on, until we all fell asleep. I think I was the last one to fall asleep. I know I was the last one to wake up. When I did wake up, I was alone.

* * *

I was not the only one nursing a hangover the next morning. Annette and my dad were the only ones that weren't. Even Colleen and Hope, when they returned to the house later in the morning, seemed to be dealing with the aftereffects of too much drinking. Hope knocked on my door after she had showered and changed clothes. She came in and sat on my bed facing me. Her eyes searched mine for an uncomfortably long time before she finally spoke.

"Daniel, I want to get out of here. Today," she said softly.

I thought about it for a bit before nodding. "Okay," I replied, "but why?"

She pursed her lips. "It's just been too crowded and too crazy for me the past few days. Plus...I really want some time alone with you before I have to go back to work. If we leave today, we'll have a whole day together in our place. Please?"

I leaned forward and kissed my sister tenderly. "Of course," I said. "That sounds perfect."

I took the lead, explaining that Hope and I wanted to get going. "Once we get our stuff packed and out of your way, you'll have our bedrooms for the rest of your stay," I said. I was facing Aunt Cathy when I said it, but Annette and Danielle both nodded.

That little hide-a-bed was not the most comfortable place to sleep.

We packed up the car and hugged everyone before we left. My aunt and cousins seemed to really press their bodies into me when we hugged. It felt like everyone had things they wanted to say, but couldn't. When I drove away from the house and looked into the rear-view mirror, they were all standing in front of the house and waving. I just got the feeling that I had missed something important, something that I should have caught.

I didn't have long to dwell on it, though. As soon as the house was out of view, Hope was sucking my dick. She was really aggressive, too. After thoroughly bathing me in her saliva, she pulled back and kissed the tip. "God, I've missed this guy," she groaned. Then she was deep-throating me and moaning around my shaft.

I was so worked up after the last three days that I did not last long at all. My horny sister slurped down every drop I had to offer her, and kept right on sucking me. She knew exactly how sensitive I was after orgasm, so she was careful and gentle after she drained that first massive load. We were a half hour out of town when she nursed that second load out of me.

We pulled off of the highway a few minutes later. There was an abandoned lot where a car dealership had once been. I got between Hope's legs and licked her to a long-awaited climax. She stopped me right after that.

"I needed that," she said, "but I'm going to stop you now, before you wear me out. I'll drive so you can get some sleep. I want to get home as soon as we can so we don't have to hold back anymore."

Since she had drained me so thoroughly, I had no trouble falling asleep. It was only some time after I woke up that it really struck me. Hope had called our apartment "home." She was comfortable there, with me, in a way she no longer was at our parents' house. I looked over at her intent face as she focused on the road.