Pleasure Boat


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And work she did. He was having a difficult time holding still against her violent thrusts backward against him. Her voice was getting louder and louder as she moaned in pleasure. "Now, Tom, darling! Come with me, dear, come with me!"

Tom came with her. He poured come into her pussy while she reached between her legs and milked his balls.

Tom fell off onto his back. Carole rolled over and lay beside him, her heart still pounding and her breath coming in gasps, both gradually slowing to normal.

"Tom, honey," she whispered weakly, "I'm most definitely going to come to see you for a week or so. I think that we should be able to fuck each other to death in a week, don't you?"

"Easily," Tom said panting. "No doubt whatsoever."

Again, they fell into a light sleep. They woke in about an hour and staggered sleepily back into the bedroom. John and Lisa had gone to their own room. Carole and Tom fell into the bed, covered themselves and were asleep in no time.


Tom woke about seven-thirty. He got out of bed without waking Carole and put his clothes on. He went into the spacious kitchen and began making coffee.

"'Morning, Tom."

Tom jumped at the sound of John's voice and almost dropped the coffee can. "Good morning, John." He turned to finish up what he was doing. He felt vaguely uncomfortable; not embarrassed, exactly, just at a loss as to what to say to the man whose cock he had sucked just a few hours ago.

"You're up early, Tom."

"We're going to have to leave today. I just wanted to get the boat ready so we can get an early start."

"Say, Tom, about last night. I just wanted you to know that I understand about what happened last night. You can rest assured that no one here will ever say anything about it. That's one thing I like very much about the Meadows folks. They mind their own business and prefer that others do the same."

"Thanks, John. I needed that."

The coffee maker signified that it had finished brewing the coffee. Tom poured a cup for John and himself and brought them to the table. He raised his cup to John.

"And thanks for allowing me to satisfy my curiosity. Enough said about that." He took another sip of coffee, remembering the feel of John's cock in his mouth.

"Did you enjoy the weekend here?" John asked.

"How could I not enjoy it? Carole is just about the most exciting woman I've ever met."

John snickered. "She has that effect on most men. I've seen more than one man try to talk his way into her pants. She just smiles and tells them to get lost. Of course, she does it in a way that makes them glad to do whatever she asks. I did notice that she took to you right away. That means you can't be all bad."

Tom laughed with John. He felt a strange sense of relief, a sense of kinship with John but it was mostly relief at having been accepted by this man as a friend, rather than as a rival for Carole's affection.

They both turned to look at Carole when she came into the kitchen. She was wearing a long T-shirt and sandals. Neither man could resist staring at Carole's lush breasts bobbing around under the thin cloth. And neither missed the thrust of the nipples against the form-fitting shirt. Then and only then did they look at her and smile.

"It's nice to know I'm a face, too," she said with mock sarcasm. She walked over to Tom and gave him a thorough kiss on his lips, then did the same to John. John looked quickly at Tom, but Tom was busily engaged in drinking his coffee.

"Breakfast, guys? Name your poison." She posed with an upraised skillet.

"Yes!" They both shouted in unison.

"Just start frying eggs and bacon and we'll tell you when to quit," John said. "More coffee, anyone?"

He poured for the three of them. Carole put the bacon on and joined them at the table. "I'm going to miss you guys," Tom said quietly.

"You know you're welcome here any time you want to come." Carole said.

"Especially if you bring that little charmer with you." It was Al and he looked like he'd been put through the wringer. It was the smile on his face that gave the reason for his somewhat disheveled look.

"Did you finally come up for air?" Carole asked.

"Sara finally let me up. I didn't think I was going to get out of there alive."

Tom and John laughed in sympathy with Al.

"You gotta admit it wouldn't be a bad way to go," John quipped.

"It's the way I've picked for myself," Tom said.

Lisa staggered in just then, eyes still puffy from sleep. "Anyone know where I can get a cup of coffee?"

"Right here, dearie." Carole poured a cup and put into Lisa's hands.

"Oh, thank you, whoever you are." She took a quick gulp and looked around. "Thanks, Carole. Let me get my heart started and I'll give you a hand with the cooking."

"Are you sure I can trust you with fire and hot stuff?"

"I'll be okay as soon as the coffee takes effect." She slumped at the table next to John, holding desperately to the coffee cup as though someone would take it from her.

Sara came in then, laughing at some little joke. She greeted the rest of the party and sat at the table. Carole handed her a cup of coffee.

"Well, my dear," Al said, smiling, "Did you enjoy your sleep?"

"I enjoyed everything about last night, Al, honey", she said with mock coyness. She fluttered her eyelashes at him and giggled.

"Why, Al," Carole said. "Just what did you do to that nice, innocent lady?"

"Innocent? You call her innocent?" Al was practically sputtering. "She showed me tricks that would make the Devil blush!"

John and Tom were laughing, now, not trying to suppress it any longer.

Sara sat on Al's lap and gave him a long, wet kiss.

Al, honey," Carole said. "Would you you mind giving me a hand with the food for these people?"

"Sure, as soon as I can get this woman off my lap."

Sara put her arms around his neck. "Please don't forsake me for those others."

Al managed to extricate himself from her grasp. "I gotta, or I'm a dead man." He kissed her lightly, then got up.

"Now," he said. "Let's get it on. Get some more bacon, I mean."

Carole got the makings out of the refrigerator and laid them out on the counter. Al picked up the bacon and filled a large frying pan with strips. Carole began breaking eggs into a bowl.

"I guess scrambled is okay with everyone?"

"Sure," they all said together.

"As long as they're not raw," said John. "Can I make some more coffee?"

"Please do," Carole said. "I'm sure we can all use some."

Breakfast finished, Tom got up presently and patted his stomach. "My compliments to the chefs," he said smiling. "I've got to get down to the boat and start getting ready to leave, much as I hate to."

He went down to the dock and made sure they had enough fuel for the return trip. He walked back to the house and began gathering up his and Lisa's things, then went back to the kitchen.

He and Lisa made their goodbyes, left addresses and phone numbers and went down to the boat.

Carole came after them. "Remember, I'm coming down to visit you two very soon."

Lisa exclaimed, "I hope so. I already miss you and we're not even gone, yet."

"Me, too," Tom said. He hugged Carole and felt those wonderful tits against his chest. He let her go finally.

Carole hugged Lisa. Lisa liked the feel of her. She was already having fantasies about their next meeting.

"We'll be waiting for you, Carole," Lisa said softly.

Tom got aboard and started the engines. Lisa finally let go of Carole and jumped aboard. As they pulled away, Carole waved at them. They returned the wave and headed out into the strait.

When they were out of sight of the house, Lisa said, "I have a feeling our next meeting will be something to remember." She pressed herself against Tom and let her hand wander over him.

"I think you're right," Tom said. His cock was already beginning to stir. He put an arm around Lisa and fondled a breast.

"She awakened me to some really nice feelings," Lisa said.

"Like what?" Tom was getting harder and more excited.

"She showed me that a woman doesn't have to be gay to enjoy the attentions of another woman."

"That's funny," Tom said. "I was just thinking the same thing about a man. But, I must admit, it's more fun if there's a woman around, too."

"What about two women and a man," Lisa asked.

"Now you're talking."

"You know what I want to do when Carole comes down?"

"No," Tom said. "What?"

Lisa squirmed, grinding herself against Tom's erection. "I want to eat her pussy while you're eating mine." Her hand became more inquisitive. "And I want for you to eat her while I'm sucking your cock." Now, her hand became demanding.

"You've got all this figured out, haven't you," Tom asked. His erection was throbbing even harder.

Lisa unzipped his pants and took him out and fondled him shamelessly. "I've been thinking of nothing else since last night."

"You have a lovely imagination," Tom said, teasing her nipples.

"There are so many things I've never thought about before. Sex has always been pleasant for me, but it was always so one-dimensional. Now, there's this big, wide world of experience out there, and I want to taste it." She knelt in front of him and took his throbbing erection into her mouth.

"Lisa, honey," Tom said breathlessly. "You're driving me crazy."

"The crazier, the better," she said around her mouthful of cock. "I want to do everything with you and with Carole."

Tom came into her hot mouth. He almost collapsed, but held himself up with the wheel.

Lisa stood up again and zipped up his pants. "That's for bringing me on this wonderful weekend."

"Well, it really wasn't all my doing, you know. Carole was really the instigator."

"I know, but she'll be rewarded also." She stayed pressed up to him the whole way back home.

Two weeks later, Lisa ran to answer her phone. "Hello," she said.

"Lisa, this is Carole Meadows. How are you?"

"Carole! How nice to hear your voice again! I'm fine, how are you?" Lisa's pulse began to race.

"Just great. Listen, do you know where Tom is? I tried to call him at home, but I got his machine."

"He's probably out on his boat. Where are you calling from?"

"From the marina store."

"You're here?" Lisa's heart pounded.

"Yes. A friend of my had business in Seattle and she flew me down in her float plane."

"Then I'll come down and pick you up. You can come over to my place and we can call Tom later." Lisa's hands were shaking so badly she almost dropped the phone. "I'll be there in about ten minutes."

"Wonderful, " Carole said. "I'll be waiting."

Lisa hung up the phone, grabbed her purse and raced out to her car. Lovely thoughts ran through her head. Thoughts of Carole and other lovely things.

When she arrived at the marina store, she stopped and jumped out of the car. She hugged Carole. "How nice to see you again so soon," she said, gripping the redhead tightly, as though she would escape.

Carole hugged Lisa back just as hard, delighting in the feel of the lovely brunette's body against hers.

"Let's get your bag into the car and we can go." Lisa took the bag herself and heaved it into the back seat.

They got in the car and Lisa drove, a little too fast, back to her place. When they arrived, they went into the house. Lisa put Carole's bag down and invited her into the kitchen for some coffee.

While the coffee was brewing, they chatted about the time that had passed since they had seen each other. Lisa's eyes drank in every curve of Carole's lush body, particularly the redhead's full breasts. Carole reacted to the stares by pulling her shoulders back slightly to accentuate the curves. She noticed a slight flush on Lisa's face, and smiled inwardly. This would be an interesting visit. This would be an exciting visit. She would have both Lisa and Tom, in turn, but she wanted Lisa first.

She moved beside Lisa and touched Lisa's cheek softly.

Lisa pressed her cheek to Carole's hand and smiled. "I think we should go upstairs," she said softly, nervously.

"Yes, perhaps we should," Carole said. She moved her hand to Lisa's breast, squeezing it gently.

Lisa's heart was pounding. She pressed Carole's hand to her breast, then gripped it and led her upstairs to her bedroom.

They just faced each other silently. Then Lisa said in a quavering voice, "I-I want you, Carole. Oh, God, how I want you." It sounded a little weak to her, but she was close to fainting.

"I want you, too," Carole said softly. She took Lisa's hands and put them on her breasts. Then she held Lisa's breasts for a moment, then began unbuttoning Lisa's blouse.

With shaking fingers, Lisa did the same to Carole. Her heart threatened to break out of her ribcage.

Finally naked, they moved to the bed. Carole let Lisa make all the moves.

Lisa pushed Carole so that she sat on the edge of the bed. Then she knelt between Carole's lovely thighs and spread them apart slightly. Her head moved forward slowly, tentatively. She looked up at Carole.

"Yes, Lisa," said Carole. "Yes. Do it. Kiss my pussy."

Lisa almost came. She finished the short journey and let her tongue wander up and down Carole's wet, hot pussy.

Carole lay back on the bed and spread her thighs the rest of the way. Her hands rose to her breasts and held them, teasing the erect nipples with her fingers. She slowly lifted her legs and put her heels behind Lisa's shoulders and gently urged her forward.

Lisa felt Carole's touch and pressed her face tighter against Carole's pussy. Her tongue moved in and out, then up and down, pressed against Carole's clit.

Carole moaned and put her hands behind Lisa's head. "Yes, yes! Oh, Lisa, honey, you're wonderful! Don't stop, I'm there!" She bucked and writhed as she came in Lisa's mouth.

Lisa drank in the lovely juice and redoubled her efforts. She was rewarded by Carole's muffled scream of pleasure. Lisa moved up to lie on the bed next to Carole. She put her lips to one of Carole's firm tits and kissed the nipple. "Carole, you're delicious," Lisa said softly.

Carole rolled over on her side and held Lisa to her, rubbing her tits against Lisa's. Lisa helped.

Then Carole sat up and moved between Lisa's legs. She spread them and began to kiss and lick her way to Lisa's pussy. Lisa trembled with anticipation.

"Now, my sweet Lisa, it's my turn to make you come. I've been thinking of this for the whole trip down here. Hold tight."

Lisa sucked in her breath when Carole's tongue-tip touched her clit. She moaned. Now, it was her turn to hold Carole's head against her seething pussy. It was her turn to cry out in pleasure as Carole's tongue moved around and around. A detached part of Lisa's mind told her to pay attention to Carole's technique. She wanted to do to Carole what Carole was doing to her.

Lisa's orgasm caught her by surprise. She didn't think she was ready yet, but Carole's ministrations brought her to an intense climax. Her hips writhed and churned as she came into Carole's seeking mouth. Finally, she lay there, Carole beside her, playing with Carole's tits. "Shall we try Tom, again," Lisa asked.

Carole looked deeply into Lisa's eyes. "No. I'm not through with you yet."

Lisa looked at Carole fondly. "My God, Carole. What else can you do to me to give me so much pleasure?"

"You'll see," Carole said. She shifted so that they were both feet-to-head. Then she interleaved their legs so that her pussy was pressed against Lisa's.

"Oh, Carole," Lisa whispered. She moved involuntarily against Carole's wet, hot pussy.

Carole moved in counterpoint to Lisa's movement. "Do you like that?"

"Yes! I love it! I can't seem to get enough of you. Just when I think it can't get any better..." She stopped talking because she had started coming. "Carole, darling, I'm coming, I'm coming!"

"Come, my sweet Lisa, come with me." Carole, too, began her orgasm gently, then almost screamed as it built to a crescendo.

They lay there for a moment. Finally, Lisa moved to lie beside Carole and kissed her lips. She could taste her juice on Carole's mouth.

"You're delicious, Carole."

"So are you, Lisa, honey. I'll be forever glad that we met."

"Me, too, Carole. I've never known anyone like you and I've never known such all-out pleasure and ecstasy." Lisa blushed. "I think it's even better than with a man. Oh, I still like a nice hard cock, but a man doesn't know all the little secret places that a woman does."

"If you trust the man, you can teach him." Carole's hand moved over Lisa's trembling body. "Then, you can both have more fun. I like it best when I have both a man and a woman to play with at the same time. I can indulge all my fantasies."

"God, you're a sexy woman, Carole." She put her hand on Carole's pussy and let her finger tease the wet lips.

Carole moved her pussy just slightly against Lisa's hand. "Let's get Tom over here and fuck his brains out."

Lisa giggled and reached for the phone.


Lisa dialed Tom's house. The phone rang several times, then a breathless Tom answered.

"Hello," he said.

"Tom, this is Lisa. Guess who's with me at this moment."

"Oh, Lisa. Is it the President, again?"

"No," she said a little peevishly. "It's Carole Meadows."

"What? When did she get here?" He sounded positively elated.

"While you were out. We're at my place, uh, relaxing."

"I can just imagine how relaxed you are. Are you coming over?"

"Why don't you come over here. Actually, we're not dressed."

Tom's cock began to stir. "Give me about a half-hour and I'll be there."

"If you are going to shower, do it over here. It'll save a lot of time."

"Lisa, you are something else. I'll be there in ten."

"We may be waiting, we may not."

Tom laughed. "I'll be leaving instanter." Tom arrived in less than seven minutes. He didn't even bother to knock. He ran into the house and up to Lisa's bedroom.

Both women were waiting for him, wearing only short robes.

"Come on, Tom. Shuck those duds and come with us." Lisa held her hand out to him.

He stripped as fast as he could and followed them to the shower. Lisa turned on the water and dropped her robe to the floor. Carole followed suit, watching Tom's cock stiffen.

"Yummy," Carole said. "This is nice. Dessert, followed by dessert." She took Tom's cock in her hand. With the other, she pulled Lisa toward them. The three of them stood for a moment, then got into the shower.

"Let's soap him down good, " Lisa said to Carole.

"An excellent idea, Lisa. Then Tom and I will soap you down, then you two can soap me down, then, we'll be ready for some real lathering."

Lisa lathered her hands well, and handed the soap to Carole. Lisa ran her hands up and down Tom's body, paying particular attention to his erection. Carole soon followed suit, concentrating on his balls. Tom sighed.

They rinsed him off and handed him the soap. Tom started with Carole's breasts, concentrating on those magnificent nipples. Lisa's hand captured Carole's pussy and held her, one finger teasing the clit.

Carole sighed and put the soap back in the soap dish. She took Lisa's pussy in her hand and returned the caresses. They almost forgot about Tom, until his erection suddenly ended up in Carole's hand.

"Enough of this," Carole said. "I'm about to explode."

"Yes," Lisa said. "Let's get down to some serious fucking." She turned off the water after they had rinsed off and handed them towels. They dried quickly and almost ran to the bed.

Lisa lay on her back and pulled Tom toward her. Tom put his cock in Lisa's raging pussy with a lot of help from Carole. "You're wet, Lisa, and I don't mean with water."

Lisa moaned as Tom's cock filled her. "She's had a little practice," Carole said. "And she's a hot little minx."

"You taught me, you wanton."

Tom fucked Lisa with slow strokes. Lisa and Carole must have done a little one-on-one before he got there. It excited him and filled his head with fantasies of how they must have looked as they gave each other pleasure.
