All Comments on 'Real Life Tragedy'

by radk

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sugnasugnaalmost 11 years ago
Age Old Tale

How many times have we read this story before? This is the reason why adultery used to be illegal. This is the reason why the historical punishment for adultery was death. Marriage is too big an investment of money and emotions to be treated with the disrespect of adultery. Think about it, what was Max supposed to do? His wife didn't give a shit about him if she was fucking some guy in his bed. She knew that if they divorced Max would be raped by the courts and lose his connection to his child. What the FUCK was Max supposed to do? Was he supposed to just let her fuck around and maybe stay or maybe divorce him? What the FUCK was he supposed to do? This is all because this country and most of the western world has declined into this pile of shit we call culture! The disloyal cunt was looking for a better deal. She thought she'd find a new meal ticket and move on taking half of Max's money and 17% -25% of his income to boot. She was not a nice person, she was a user. You shame loyal wives when you write about these whores as if they mean well but are just getting a little sex on the side. Good women stand by their men, good men stand by their women and they don't fuck other peoples wives. Yes, there is right and wrong in the world, it is just that today's society is in denial of that fact and we are paying the price for it with every perverse act we allow.

leviayersleviayersalmost 11 years ago

heavy makes a man stop and think 5

likegoodwinelikegoodwinealmost 11 years ago
Very good story!

You might find some detractors (hey, it's Literotica), but don't listen to them. It was a fine story dealing with the dark side of love. Some readers don't want to face the harsh reality of the consequences of betrayal. Others only want a good ending with the cheaters being served a nice plotted revenge and the scorned spouse riding free in the sunset with a new lover in his or her arms at the end. Others want to avoid at any price to think that betrayal is a bad thing - if it's fun for me, it can't be bad...

For Max, it was a classic case of a suicide by policemen. Well presented.

I have a story a bit like that coming in a few weeks (I have two other stories that will be put online before as they are finish or almost)


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

I've never understood why these homicidal stories like this don't at least give the cheating wife are word or two at the end. It would go along way into show the readers her mind set. I know the article was vague so this all came from you imagination on the details. It would be nice to know if she just needed sex or was looking to trade up (neither are ok reasons for betrayal) to a higher tax bracket. I just don't understand why you would create all that tension and not even let her get a "fuck you" or "I'm sorry" in. Just a few simple words helps bring that tension over the top but this one failed in that aspect. Well written otherwise.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
shit happens,people are animals and lose control

he lost it after being told not to do anything stupid.. he should have confronted her before going off and killing, now the child is without mother and father. well never know the reason why she cheated but killing is not the answer. he had other avenues he could have pursued . he he needed revenge he could have done it with out the killing, he just lost it 3 people dead and a kid with no family. life can suck and throw us a lot of curves but if we think things thru it can give us better results

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

Thank you for the notes about your inspiration in writing this tale. It was very telling that the story was buried pages deep in the paper, and that the follow-up was weak, and non-reverential. RADK, it was like you were doing a service to this man's memory that other's possibly couldn't. Was there anyone left to tell his story, and if so, would anyone care? I do wonder though, in your imagining of the backstory, why there wasn't more mention of Max's son. I would think that being a father would give him the motivation to stay alive, and probably try to avoid prison. Don't misunderstand me, I fully appreciate that the purpose of this tale is to show the complete mental breakdown of a man facing his wife's adultery. But never again was a mention made to the fate of the son, now an orphan, and the biggest victim of the mistakes that BOTH parents made. As I read these events leading up to the senseless destruction of the lives in this family, thoughts of the son never left my mind. May be that is just because I am a father, but I find my sons to be the motivation and strength that get me through bouts of depression or hardship. I find the largest tragedy in the story is that Max couldn't find his in the arms of his young innocent son. I'd hope that if he could have, it might have turned out differently for all involved. Thanks again for a well crafted story that was successful in producing a gut wrenching emotional response.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
i always laugh

when someone says to not listen to other comments you know there idiots.

mikoli5763mikoli5763almost 11 years ago
Good story

It was a good story that I liked. The only other thing is be ready for more criticism for telling us we need to use our imaginations as to why. I got blasted pretty good for that in my original "The Fifty Year Lie". I've also come to realize that no matter what you do with your characters, someone will complain that you had them do the wrong thing. Burn the bitch and you didn't try hard enough for re-conciliation. Reconcile the couple and the guy's a pussy whipped wimp. Like many have encouraged me to do, write what you feel and ignore the negative comments.

jiminabjiminabalmost 11 years ago

But so is a lot of life. I liked the story telling but not the content. Thank you. Top marks

cantbuymycantbuymyalmost 11 years ago

a bit police blotter sterile with no real emotion from the characters just the situation.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

I orgasmed hard as he pumped those bullets in the traitorous whore...

BTTapBTTapalmost 11 years ago
Good story

I liked the style. It was sparse, but had some humanity in it. The kindness of the brother, and concern of the neighbor contrasted with the lack of attention to the wife; with her, the only thing that mattered was the betrayal. That dichotomy was played out, tragically, in the protag's own soul, to tragic consequences. I liked the use of language and your descriptions were vivid.

Only negative is that it was a little bit one-note, at least on the surface.

Saxon_HartSaxon_Hartalmost 11 years ago
Good story

So many times we write these fantastic revenge stories where the man gets everything and walks away a millionaire, while the cheating ex is forced to sell blood to get bus fare. In reality the man gets raped by the courts and the ex gets half of what she never earned.

We get blasted by commentors when we have a piece where the spurned husband or wife takes a rapid and violent approach to ending an affair. Why? Because often times the bullets take away our ability to find out why. I applaud you for doing this story because it is real.

We read about these cases all the time. Three weeks ago just two blocks from my home a guy stabbed his wife to death along with another man. The couple's son was also killed trying to defend his mother.

Once again I applaud you for writing this story even though the why can't be answered and it might not be the most popular. Thank you for writing this.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
A word about guns

Police no use longer revolvers. A revolver only fires 6 shots.

dinkymacdinkymacalmost 11 years ago

Might be a little too realistic for some people, but you got 5*s from me.

IronDragonIronDragonalmost 11 years ago
Great interpretation.

That's the way it usually happens in RL, from what I've read as well. A good dose of reality in an otherwise fantasy fueled genre.

5 Stars.

harbormaster1harbormaster1almost 11 years ago
great story

full and complete..a 5*

FireFox59FireFox59almost 11 years ago
Good Story

Fucking around on your husband can be fatal.

OneShotOneOneShotOnealmost 11 years ago
A few small quibbles...

But 5 stars for a terrific story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
I Almost did the Same Thing

I should have wrote this as a story but its true. My Ex-wife loves to fish. She wanted to go so bad I finally said Ok. She got drunk and stoned. My kids were 7 and 12 at the time. She was supposed to be back for a party we were all going to go to. She would not come home. I took the kids to the party only a few miles away but decided to go back and see if she was back. My "friend" that took her had his truck parked in the drive way. I walked into the kitchen with my gun to see her up against the table and him with his face in her twat. She saw me and freaked out and ran into the bedroom. He turned pale as I pointed the gun. I had the trigger back and I had as one writer wrote here, "A Moment of Clarity". I did not do what Max did but I beat him senseless. What happened after that is for a story. I still regret not pulling the trigger. Alas poor Max.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
1/5. Because even a fictitious story has to be consistent.

You never load a clip to capacity then store it. You will ruin the spring in the clip. Second: if money was so tight, how could he afford a $700 dollar weapon when he couldn't afford to take his family to dinner? Third: how did the wife go from supporting and understanding her husband to hard core fucking her boss IN HER HOUSE? In front of their neighbours? Literally, in front of their neighbours. Fourth: too many coincidences. George calls when wife is getting plowed and the moment he gets up to take a leak, she disappears. Then, as soon as his brother leaves to do some work, George calls to tell him his wife is there.

I could continue to point out the flaws; but it was a good story

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

It really should be legal to kill a cheating whore of a wife and her lover. Especially when the husband is out busting his ass ato support the cunt

Captain MidnightCaptain Midnightalmost 11 years ago
Service revolvers?

From the number of shots fired (28) from two guns, it means the two officers would have had to reload their revolvers at least once apiece and twice for one weapon (28=6+6+6+6+4). That would have taken a while. Probably way too long. Maybe the chief meant "service weapons," the Glock 15-round automatics that you see on TV now and which most real-life police officers carry. Even at that, 28 rounds seems like a hell of a lot of ammo to blow: besides the obvious dangers of stray bullets flying around, the officers would have had two bullets left between them (15+15-28=2) to deal with another assailant if there had been one or more than one. (Recalling the shooting death of Amadou Diallo in 2000 by New York City cops who wound up firing wildly at each other, thinking Diallo was firing at them.)

That said, this is a powerful and wrenching story. At least up to a point, it captures the heartbreak of victims of adultery and the devastation and anger they feel.

MattblackUKMattblackUKalmost 11 years ago
Sad but a real 5 star effort

You told the story well.

I recently covered a murder story for a newspaper. It is turning out to be a good deal more unpleasant than it first appeared. Maybe a good basis for a LW story? We'll see.

hawkeye0007hawkeye0007almost 11 years ago

I could feel Max's pain. I could envsion myself doing the same thing. True love can make a man insane.

chytownchytownalmost 11 years ago
Good Read***

Thanks for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
You had me till the end!

First, good story, Really got into some solid questions as to why people go off the deep end and why that has been increasing in the last few years.

Second, this was not a shooting "in cold blood", it was in the heat of passion. Cold blood means that there was no immediate provocation or emotional involvement.

Third, "or was her marriage with Max in jeopardy"? You have to be kidding! if she was fucking around on him the marriage wasn't in jeopardy - it was over!!! There is no such thing as just meaningless sex. I can guarantee you that it will mean something to the spouse who has been cheated on. I have never cheated on my wife and would leave her in a heartbeat if she cheated on me and we have been married for over 30 years and I love her more than my own life. Yet, if she cannot love me enough to be faithful, she is gone.

Fourth, there is no slide on a service revolver (it is a revolver) and service revolvers will not hold more than 6 rounds (I carried a badge for years and own two of them.)

Again, good story. wish I could score in tenths of a point, would give it a 4.8 (high praise from me!)

bruce22bruce22almost 11 years ago
Good Story 5*

In my internal world, I feel that the scene he saw is not just a reason for a violent aggression, but it is, in itself, a violent aggression! I really wonder if this is a case of excessive response or not! After all, basically they just destroyed his life. No, it was excessivo, too many shots were fired, two or four would be enough, if it was a cold-blooded murder. That means temporary insanity (he threw away money here)

Nope we will never know what really happened or why but I still feel that Adultery should be a crime punishable at the same level as assault.

EngineCo1EngineCo1almost 11 years ago
Oh My God

Absolutely fantastic.

Rates right at the top of best stories ever!


JounarJounaralmost 11 years ago
5* a great read

A sad story that happens I imagine quite a lot in the real world.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333almost 11 years ago
Loved it

Excellent telling of a heart breaking story.

tazz317tazz317almost 11 years ago

and all your guesses will never be true TK U MLJ LV NV

tazz317tazz317almost 11 years ago

is a good writer can always make any story a good one, TK U MLJ LV NV

SparksWillFlySparksWillFlyalmost 11 years ago
Hard Core

Good reads don't have to be pleasant reads. Most of us whose wives cheated on us relate to the raw feelings. This story represents the extreme end of the spectrum of possible outcomes, but it does resonate. The tragedy is really that I (he) could have just walked away and started a new life.

LickideesplitLickideesplitalmost 11 years ago
Four Stars and one Limp Dick

Talk about a downer...whew! Very well-done downer, for sure!

Why not FIVE stars! Hubby would NOT have gone 'zombie' until his kindergarten daughter was seen to be safe and secure. I think she was not acknowledged, even by the newspaper, after her existence was mentioned to the reader!

Commenter JPF53 is obviously not aware of the Ruger Police Special .38 revolver with the expanded (law enforcement & military) cylinder. Awkward and ugly, it is also notoriously inaccurate due to balance problems AND the 'chambered nautilus' type of spiral cylinder that extends TWO inches over the barrel sight-line and also pushes the trigger placement behind the handle!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Please Do Some Research

Your story was very good but please do some research when you put a firearm in your story. A "Clip" is a device for rapidly loading ammunition into a magazine. The only firearm of any significance that loaded a clip into it was the M! Grande of WWII and Korea fame. All automatic pistols are loaded by a magazine. When you use "Clip" instead of magazine you are showing ignorance or laziness. Please get it right. Oh, and arguing that everyone uses clip and not magazine is just saying everyone is repeating misinformation.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

This is the most admirable story to come out since the pressure cooker bombs at the Boston Marathon. Both stories show that men of honor will go to any extreme to protect that honor.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Talaband Love

God wants us to kill adulterers, it says so in the bible. Don't listen to what that wimp Jesus said. We good people have guns o kill bad people, or good people when they need it. It is my duty to do this. My honor requires it. My friends gave me a gun, so I have to use it.

Would be the same in rural Pakistan.

Husband deserves to die

On a critical note, it would be more nuanced if he was fleshed out a bit. Less noble work to support the family, and more character development on the part of the wife..

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

Coulda spent the flight being a little social to your neighbors. Instead you came out with this crap. Where is the sexy slut in this depressing saga? 1*

Captain MidnightCaptain Midnightalmost 11 years ago
Serviced revolvers part 2

I see that you showed Max's gun as holding 17 rounds and the police weapons holding 14 each. OK. Still, they were automatic or semi-automatic pistols rather than revolvers. I don't know of a 14-shot revolver. And they WERE out of bullets, which means they would have been up you-know-where creek without a paddle had another shooter arrived on the scene.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Not bad,but...

What happened to the kid? Just one throwaway line?

TheUnoriginalistTheUnoriginalistalmost 11 years ago

She shat on your life. You shat on it further. She might have lost, but you didn't win.

I will give you credit for not enacting some dog turd fantasy where our hero murders in cold blood and then goes off to live his happy little life and pretend he's not a monster. You slathered this one in real emotion...something half the authors on this site (including some of the most popular) aren't talented or brave enough to even try.

Just another sucker on the vine.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
A solid "1"

as usual.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Next time

Just drive muthafucker. U think really FUCKED UP with idle time on your hands.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
good story telling

other than some errors as pointed out by others(guns etc) and the omission of anything concerning the child's future although would assume the brother would take. a good reconstuction of a possible reason set behind the article....

betrayedbylovebetrayedbylovealmost 11 years ago

Just shows the consequences of cheating. Is it fair that three lives were lost? No, of course not. Can seeing your spouse with another drive you to the point of insanity? Yes, of course. Should the cheaters be punished? Absolutely. This is where the imagination comes in. All excellent writers have their own scenarios about cheating and infidelity. The bottom line is cheaters will cheat and spouses will get hurt. It all goes to the state of mind of the offender. Excellent tale of "What If's."

JackorChuckJackorChuckalmost 11 years ago
Spur of the moment

Too many people act without giving any thought to their actions and then wonder afterwards why they did not think of the consequence of their actions. Husbands who act on the spur of the moment when they catch their spouse cheating probably constitute a fair percentage of prison inmates. In this story the main character gave no thought to his young daughter who will no doubt be scarred by his actions for the rest of her life.

DunaDunaalmost 11 years ago
5***** for a Consequence story

A tragedy story..............5***** I think to write good revenge story is a help to prevent others to kill.......

spud65spud65almost 11 years ago
In my opinion.....

Interesting to read all of the comments about "What he should have done" ect... But not being any Mental Heath type I can only state " how do you know how you would react until you experience the same highly emotional event in your life?" A very tragic story and for those of you want everything to come out with butterflies and roses and were suitably disappointed the author wrote the ending as it was, sorry sometimes life is tragic. A well written story that definitely tugged at my heart strings. The only compliant is I wish the wife's character had been a bit more fleshed out. Still an excellent effort kudos.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Good writing but unfulfilling

The writing was good and I do believe I understand leaving everything unanswered but the ending left me feeling unfulfilled. I would rather have had the wife live at least a few days knowing that her husband was dying too and that she caused it. I am a BTB guy and want the cheater to suffer. Otherwise I think it was great.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

Wow, what a haunting tale. When I was going through troubles with my ex-wife the only thing that kept me from doing something similar was my little daughter and her growing up without either parent. This one hit too close to home.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Well written story with a large dose of reality

Reviewing real life murders where adultery and passion are involved frequently results even after conviction of the killer leaves the detectives with far more questions than answers for the actions and motivation of the participants. As to Virginia in this story it would seem to me to be her co worker saw her as easy prey. If he would wine and dine (something her husband could not affort at the present time), if lavished her with attention and flattery (her husband did not have the time and she craved someone telling her how attractive and sexy she was larger because of her age). She never had a chance with a sexual predator. So as to why she did it the previous things mentiooned and her flimsy ego led her to take him to her bed. The fact that she fucked Tompson ine her and her husband's marital bed showed how little she cared for her husband and their marriage. Lust was a strong component but also pleasing her fuck toy was also for her very important. In my opinion she was no longer worth being married to, but there are other more subtle ways to destroy the adulerous paair.

monkcalmmonkcalmover 10 years ago
the only person

who matters was max, the cunt and fuck nuts got what was coming to them, in your marital bed, really, shooting was to good for the cunt, i would pray for my brother and dump her ashes down a public rest room dirt to dirt shit to shit. An to the author yeah she had to die we got to many whores out of work, and shanks are only good for land fill she was taking up a whores job.

phil2213phil2213over 10 years ago
Excellent story of love betrayed

Love is very serious stuff for most. Life is full of struggles and this illustrated the complexity of that struggle and fragmentation of a loving couples marriage by the wife's infidelity. The author didn't take ownership of the facts of this story, which could've been mainpulated to unfold more interesting detail of the mayhem. Literary privilege was available but not spent on this story when that economy held back the greatness factor.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
HUH? This is a porn site for gods' sake

What are you doing writing this stuff here? I suggest Readers Digest or the "Who gives a flying fuck" magazine.

ValerionValerionover 10 years ago
A true tragedy...

I feel so sorry for all the men that end up in Max's position. It's a shame that the days are gone when a husband would be commended for shooting his wife and her lover dead. What happened to honor and decency?

TavadelphinTavadelphinover 10 years ago
This is a site which has all kinds of stories -

This one paints a picture of great pain and suffering for people who did stupid things around sex - they paid huge prices - all of them.

Some may have deserved what they got - some may not -it makes little difference the reality of this one was 3 people died out of shear stupidity somewhere.

You have done an exceptional job of painting a possible story behind the headline - excellent work - good imagery and the end is what it was as satisfying or not as real life can be.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Have to agree with anon.

This is a porn site.

although the author writes well his stories should be posted on a different site.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Flap Holsters?

Good golly, was this story set in the 1940's because that's about the last time cops used holsters with flaps. You have them draw "service revolvers" and then mention after the shooting the "slides are locked back"? Huh? Make up your mind; are they using semi-automatics or revolvers? Then we're back to the police chief and he says "service revolvers" again. 28 shots apiece? Since revolvers (with a few exceptions) holds 6 rounds this means they reloaded 4 times. Back when revolvers WERE standard most copes (and I was one in the 80's) carried no more than two speed loaders and perhaps a belt slide with 6 more rounds. So they what, went back to the car to resupply?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Keep going

Good story keep writing and I will keep reading.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Porn Site?

It is not a porn site you fucking idiot! It is meant to be LOVING WIVES, although it is mostly cuckoldry and fetish lately.

MisterBillBillyMisterBillBillyover 9 years ago
Too bad gabby.....

Shit like that happened in my family, I still have questions, but nobody can answer that/them. So life goes on and it is what you and only you can make it.


sugnasugnaover 9 years ago
Dead On

This is a common outcome for adultery. It is why in the past adultery was a crime and in some places is still punishable by death. You simply cannot fuck with a mans marriage. Marriage is the most basic support system in human existence. It is the primary tool for survival. Fuck with a man's marriage and you are threatening his life. That is why whatever happens to cheaters should be legal, including killing them. If you want a divorce, fine. At least that is honorable. If you want to turn a man into your personal workhorse, and then fuck around on him you get what you deserve.

tazz317tazz317over 9 years ago

when imagine is all we have. TK U MLJ LV NV

krosis666krosis666about 9 years ago
At least

At least she she got to suffer than brief moment of KNOWING she was about to die, of KNOWING that her selfishness was about to make her kids into orphans! Fuck all cheaters, they deserve whatever punishments they get!

jimbo103jimbo103almost 9 years ago
the truth of life....

we may know a little... some of us may know a lot..... but nobody can know everything.

update: ashley madison hack: 36million male, 12k female a/c . nums may not mean much but they can never lie.

my point being (guy here!) men cheat more, but when wives cheat the hurt is more.

the only logic i see behind it is the line by harvey dent in the dark knight "you either die a hero or live long enough to become the bad guy" i.e we focus sometimes abt our spouses cheating, that we end up doin it. its like if you shine a torch in the dark, the darkness is not gone, its just waiting for the light to go out.

so is all doom & gloom? maybe, but the fact is nobody can make that choice for you.

Pappy7Pappy7over 8 years ago
Wasn't a bad little story.

Well written and seemed true to life in a lot of ways. And John Lennon wasn't right about anything, anytime.

jimbo103jimbo103over 8 years ago
why discharge 28 times???

protocol says you need to fire warning shots & when deemed necessary fire to subdue...

today they seem to skip the subdue & hop to kill or at-least maim.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
An Extremely Realistic Tale

A friend of mine was murdered. Family and friends never knew why. Another friend, a beautiful young mother of four died from an apparent self-inflicted gunshot inside her car at the home of the mother of her estranged husband. Although ruled a suicide by police, many family members and friends believe she was a murder victim. Many unanswered questions. Many other apparent suicides come to mind that left important unanswered questions. But that is real life...not stories of fiction. This story reads of real life tragedy. Great story.

Danger09Danger09about 8 years ago
I liked/enjoyed the story ---but

I absolutely HATE when I read/see the news about situations such as max and Virginia's. I think he threw his life away over a woman who wasn't worth it. I completely understand he loved Virginia (obviously more than he loved himself) and what happened to him was just too traumatic--I get it. I honestly even saw max in my minds eye going nuts, With that being said--NO cheating spouse/SO are worth DYING or going to PRISON for.. I thinks it's the ultimate disrespect to NOT only cheat but to do it in a house that was meant to a home--just pure desecration.... I just feel really sorry for max.. I Wish he would've talked to someone. I wish he would've taken the time to analyze the situation... She truly wasn't worth it. She supposedly loved him but not enough to not spread her legs--in their home--in their bed.I've been where max was, only difference --I couldn't find my gun,(he removed it from its usual place. He knew he'd be dead) only reason he's still breathing today. I thank god everyday. He wasn't worth even the thought of blowing his balls off... Let alone putting a bullet between his eyes..sad story.

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveabout 8 years ago
You Know

A lot of unanswered question. The bottom line is the cheaters were punished. The betrayed spouse committed suicide by cop. That's it. No more, no less.

dissmissdissmissabout 8 years ago
tragic story

It ended as suicide by police shooting. So sad.

Poor Max's mind was unbalanced but I think a decent lawyer would have got a reduced sentence on a temporary insanity plea.

Viginia didnt deserve to die, she was as much a victim in her own way as Max.

Just as Max was over doing work, Virginia was slowly going out of her mind, trying to run the house etc on her own, short of money all the time, no husband to have time to talk to, to be close and share moments with.

So she gets a job to try and help out financially and her colleague starts giving her attention ...... attention she isnt getting at home.

Its not an excuse, more of a warning.

One night a week set aside for just the two of them might have saved this tragedy from happening.

CrkcpprCrkcpprabout 8 years ago
Not a pretty picture

My, this was a heart breaker. Truly a scenario that I'm sure has played out in real life before.

Although the wife's side of the story isn't discussed other than superficially at the start, the results were just tragic for everyone.

Man and wife dead , their kindergarten age daughter an orphan . Her lover dead , no mention of him or his family , but sorrow from someone on that side as well.

What Max did , I ,nor any sane person would condone , but too often when a person is pushed to the breaking point , very bad things occur.

Every cheater must understand that if they get involved with someone's spouse , this is a possible outcome. Is a little on the side worth it ?

4*'s Not an easy story to score

rightbankrightbankalmost 8 years ago
realistic, but depressing

The story was a reality show on two levels.

The cheating couple and the idiotic way the husband dealt with a bad situation. The daughter is the real tragedy, I am guessing Ed has a new responsibility to assume.

Three out of twenty eight is incompetent and disgraceful, and in the era of a camera in everyone's hands all too common.

I recently read a newspaper report of two brothers who were apprehended in a parking lot by several officers. The officers positioned themselves around the two brothers to prevent their escape. No one knows what started the shooting but an investigation following the incident found that the bodies of the two brothers were riddled by bullets, and that they were unarmed. Three of the officers were struck by cross fire and seriously wounded.

ju8streadingju8streadingover 7 years ago

when the heart breaks hard enough the mind snaps, anything is possible.

given the same circumstance, there was probably no real thought just automated reaction.

not sure i wouldn't have done the same thing.

tazz317tazz317over 7 years ago

for the rest of us its just a guessing game. TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Big bad world out there

Best not to fuck with primal shit if you can help it.

enjayemenjayemover 7 years ago
Pretty bloody dark

But well enough written for me finish it. You did a pretty empathetic job with Max, the rest, maybe not so much. Suicide by police is a lot more common than we think!


AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Hot Blood

Homicide when the shooter empties his magazine and/ or sprays the room is unlikely to be a cold, calculated event. Ditto for shooting dead bodies multiple times. This is a disorganized crime of passion. Ol' Max jumped or broke a sanity fence. At the time of his shooting in the park, he was unsure whether his wife was dead or alive. On another note, I enjoyed the build up to the first shooting as Max unraveled. Decent tension. Wish there was more, but the story works better as written. 5 stars. Thanks for writing. JPR

Pappy7Pappy7over 6 years ago
Someone in a comment asked why

the police officers shot 28 times. Panic shooting. They saw a gun and went into a state where they were out of control. That's why only 3 hits on the victim. Does sound to me like they need more time on the range and at least some time doing scenario shooting. Build your reflexes to fit the situation, not just blast away. I can see why Max snapped, he was already on edge from working 7 days a week. I also agree that wifey wasn't worth dying over, but a fevered mind doesn't think rationally. Not a bad little story. A real possibility.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

No mention in the report of Max's gun being loaded or not at the time he was shot

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

Do not have slides and hold no more than 6 rounds, normally. And 28 shots fired between two officers? That's over 4 reloads each. That sorta keeps from having panic firing.

Liked the story but bit of a mistake when it came the the officers weapons.

26thNC26thNCover 5 years ago
Don't cheat

Surprised this doesn't happen more often with the number of civilian hands now. No one truly knows how they would react in this situation if they were put in it. I would make sure they knew who killed them.

neilnblowme2neilnblowme2over 5 years ago

why is it tha the cheated on spouse always suffers and the offending spouse doesn`t?

goes to show you the more you give your wife the more she wants.

it`s really sad when a husband has to kill someone and commit suicide to get justice because he would have been raped in a divorce by a judicial system that is so fucked up when it comes to divorce

makes you really think if married life is worth the trouble

murder and suicide are wrong no matter what

just trying to imagine his life after a divorce from the cheating bitch ,,,, if he`s working 80 hours a week now after the divorce he`ll be working 120 hours a week so he can at least have one meal a day

what are the incentives for him to keep on living?

so fucking frustrating for the cheated on spouse

tazz317tazz317over 5 years ago

what can friends and family do. TK U MLJ LV NV

neilnblowme2neilnblowme2over 5 years ago

we know the who the what the where and the when and the WHY is irrevelant and makes no difference unless you want to know the excuses

go to the cheaters manual find the section on excuses and pick one anyone of them and there are tons to choose from

as far as i am concerned excuses are like assholes ... everyone has one and they all stink

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
The man snaps kills end of story

The man snaps .kills wife and lover. A true to life story. He overworked his business trying to stay Afloat. His wife and himself lost there way . A sad ending.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Happens too much

Bad on passwords etc liked story too many glamorize cheating usually consequences normally not this physically tragic but emotion and mentally quite often

GymShortsGymShortsover 4 years ago
A pebble thrown in a pond creates a lot of ripples...

There is so much collateral damage from these types of deaths. Cops need to talk with therapists after being involved. Brother, Ed, would probably blame himself for the rest of his life, because he bought the gun. Neighbor George will also blame himself for telling Max about the affair. What about the daughter? She lost her parents. Cheater Mr. Thomas, did he have family? who will no longer have a spouse or father. His parents, the ones still living, have lost a son and any siblings have lost a brother. Same for Virginia and the rest of Mac's family..

26thNC26thNCabout 4 years ago

Tough story, but again I think this happens too often in today's world. They played, made everyone pay.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

i want one of those 14 shot revolvers

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

It's often true that cops are terrible shots. I've read several articles in which it was clear that all the cops did way "spray and pray" .

Well executed story. The author really drove home the pathos of the situation. As far as I'm concerned, the adulterers deserved to die, but it wasn't the wise choice. Of course, the point in the story is that that sort of betrayal can drive people over the edge. Well done...

InfiniteCycleInfiniteCyclealmost 4 years ago
Tragic, but realistic.

If you've read my comments before, you know my stance. If you cheat and are busted, you have no control of the consequences, and those consequences can range from almost nothing, if the partner is either weak or just doesn't care.... all the way through to this.

The apologists will always rant and rave about just how wrong Max was in his reactions, how we all should just be happy to slurp up sloppy seconds like good little boys, but that will never change the outcome here, will it?

Ok, the body of the story is fiction, even the newspaper articles are altered to make them fictional, but as the author maintains, this is based on a real case where the people died in similar circumstances... three real, living people whose lives have been erased, and if it was a husband shooting a wife and lover in his bedroom, then the body of this story rings true.

Well done, excellent story, gripping and tragic, and inescapable in the conclusion. No morals. No excuses. No manoeuvring out of responsibility.

Just an end.

InfiniteCycleInfiniteCyclealmost 4 years ago
Had to read the comments after this one... and after adding my own.

Had a laugh at those who nitpicked at it.

Revolvers/pistols? Fuck, does it matter that much? You get the gist of the story. So details aren't really that important when you're thrashing out a quick tale on a flight.

As for the daughter... Max lost the plot. His life obviously revolved around the idea that he had a solid relationship with the love of his life and when it all went to shit he was left in a dark place. He lost his way. He lost his reason to live. Not saying he was right, what I am saying, is that his rational mind was no longer in control.

If this reflects a newspaper article, then the fact remains, 3 people are now dead in sad circumstances. If there was a daughter, then she'll get damaged, and I hope there are people to care for her, but she was not part of the psychosis, she was not in the action, and if you are intelligent enough you can surmise the outcome for her for yourself, not everything has to be spelt out, surely?

As for those whining about no closure, no angsty begging from the wife, no fleshing out of characters, and no eroticism, this story said all that it needed to say.

There are thousands and thousands of stories here, you want a wank tale, go read it. You want a 20 page diatribe, you'll find that too. This story belongs here as much as any other, and stands tall in what it is.

Maybe if there was more of this, someone might think twice and wake up before they fuck up everyone's lives, and maybe then those people would not be dead.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
While cleaning up the house Ed found Virginia's diary.

Maybe it would have some reasons as to why this triple tragedy occurred.

After reading the diary he was stunned.

Virginia's affair had been going on for nearly 3 years. She blamed her husband for the affair starting. Apparently she was tired of him always working and ignoring her. Sure she understood his need to keep the company afloat but she needed her husbands affection as well. She was also sick and tired of scrimping and saving and getting nowhere. Again she knew that eventually things would get better but she was hurting now.

So when Jon Thompson saw her one day in the coffee shop and sat down at her table and said "A penny for your thoughts lovely lady". She just could not restrain her tears any longer and let it all out. All the pain all the heartbreak all the anger.

He commiserated with her for several hours buying her coffee and cakes and just providing her an ear. He did however start saying to her how beautiful she was and how much an idiot her husband was to ignore her. She initially shut that down as she said her husband worked hard to provide the essentials. After talking to her for some time he said to her that he had to go back to work but that if she was interested he would meet her in the same coffee shop the next day.

The next day when he got to the coffee shop she was sitting there. When he first sat down she apologised for the day before and she didn't mean to burden him with her problems. He told her it was ok and he was just pleased he could help. Well on the third meet up he managed to get her to his apartment and had sex with her. She was shattered and riddled with guilt but at the same time excited by the naughtiness of it all. It took several weeks before Thompson convinced her to do it in her marital bed.

After that day it became a regular occurrence and they did it 2 or 3 times a week in her house.

Her last entry was the day of the shooting. She had written that she was going to end the affair with Thompson as she realised that if her husband ever found out it would devastate him and she still loved him deeply. This was going to be the last time with Thompson.

Ed cried when he read this. If Max had have left it one more day the affair would have been over and him none the wiser.

Ed also did some checking into Thompson and found that he had quite a reputation as a Lothario especially with married woman. He had been named in a few divorces but still kept his predatory ways. He was just a dirt bag who preyed on married women.

Ed handed the diary over to the Police so they could fully close the case and knew the reason for the tragedy.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

I can see why Ed would keep his brother's ashes but why the fuck would he keep the cheating wife's ashes. Just flush her down the closest public toilet.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

It's called "Suicide by cop".

calibamma707calibamma707over 2 years ago


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