Reformation Ch. 09


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"I don't know," Karen said with a deep sigh as she looked down before looking up. "I want to, but I'm scared . . . scared of what it will mean, what will happen to us . . . all of us if I do . . . and then there's Ronnie, what about her?" Karen said as tears welled up in her eyes and tears started to flow.

"Let it out, Karen," Owen said as he pulled Karen tighter into his comforting embrace.

Karen sobbed her tension and confusion out as Owen patiently held her. After Karen had sobbed and cried for a bit, the warmth and comfort of Owen's embrace ate away at her sadness and soon she found herself with dry eyes and wet cheeks gently swaying in Owen's embrace. She looked up at him and smiled, wordlessly saying thank you.

"You need a day off, you deserve a day off." Owen said confidently with a smile.

"Sure," Karen chuckled as she started to break the embrace. "I have work to do," she added as she turned to walk into the back.

"No, not today," Owen said as he grasped Karen's arm to stop her. Karen looked up at Owen with a puzzled expression just in time to see him say, "Today is your day off, get out of here and don't come back till dinner. Go shop and relax; do whatever you want, but not here."

"Are you kicking me out of my own Spa?" Karen replied with a chuckle and a queer look on her face.

"Yes," Owen said with a serious look on his face that was betrayed by the turned up corners of his mouth.

"Thank you," Karen said with a grateful tone of voice before she kissed Owen in a lingering kiss which ended up in another intimate embrace.

After that, Karen did leave the Spa and walked around the neighbourhood for her day off. It was the first time in as long as she could remember she had free time on a Saturday! She almost didn't know what to do with herself, part of Karen felt guilty for leaving her Spa in the care of others as she took this time to herself. It was something she would never considered doing on her own, yet part of Karen knew that she needed this time to herself. As she walked the streets she understood part of the benefit of having a Master, Owen made her take this time to herself because he saw that it was what she needed but couldn't bring herself to do. Even though they were not really involved and he was not her Master, he was still looking out for her.

Karen walked around the trendy shopping neighbourhood, browsed through countless stores, and felt her troubles float away as she played customer on the busiest retail day of the week. As she passed by a trendy clothing store, known for its daring outfits, something in the window caught her eye.

Karen stopped to look at what it was and found herself looking at a manikin wearing an all-too-familiar dress; Taryn and Rosina's "around the house" dress to be exact. Karen looked at the garment and remembered that she herself had worn one last night when they went out to celebrate. She had always been a little put off and disgusted by the dresses that Taryn and Rosina wore, but now she felt drawn to it, but why? What had changed to make her desire that dress? Was it her attraction to Owen? Was it her desire to make him want her again?

As Karen pondered these questions the real reason hit her and sent a chill up her spine. Karen wanted that dress because she knew that it would please Owen to see her in it. Karen took in a quick breath of shock as she covered her mouth with her hand when she realized that she already felt the need to please Owen. Karen knew what that meant; it meant that she was already feeling drawn to him as a Submissive is drawn to a Dominant: her need to please him. Her experience with Veronica had taught her that as it was that need to submit which drew her back to her daughter's feet time and again. Karen knew very well what it was to serve and be the Slave of her own child, yet only during Playtime.

With a fearful, yet curious, look on her face and her heart in her throat Karen walked into that store. It seemed like a dream as Karen picked out her size and tried on the dress. As she looked at herself in the mirror she was shocked to see the hot and desirable woman looking back at her. Karen was amazed at how she looked in that dress and even more shocked at how she felt in that dress. Karen felt sexy and desirable and even though she was nowhere near Owen she felt closer to him just by wearing it.

As she put her head in her hands and sobbed she felt overwhelmed by the feeling of belonging. At once she felt like she belonged to Owen but also belonged with Taryn and Rosina, like she was truly becoming a part of their family. It was all too much, too soon, yet she could not deny feeling drawn to Owen with such an overpowering force. What repercussions would happen, she did not know but it seemed inevitable: she would submit to Owen again and perhaps for the rest of her life. What of Veronica? Could she really hurt her daughter that much by turning her back on their relationship?

"Is everything alright?" came a soft voice which accompanied the light rapping on the change room door.

"Yes, fine," Karen replied in a broken voice.

"Are you sure?" the soft voice asked again as the door opened up.

Poking her head in the small change room was the young store clerks. She was in her early twenties and had long flowing blonde hair and a plump, round figure. She wore a dress not to dissimilar to the one that Karen was wearing but on her larger, rounder and plumper frame it seemed odd. While most women of her larger size would wear baggy clothes to hide their frame, this woman was openly flaunting her body.

"Wha . . . I . . ." Karen stammered as she looked at the plump blonde come in and sit down beside her.

"In case you're wondering, I don't usually walk in on customers in the change room but you seemed a bit shaken up when you walked in and when I heard you crying, I thought I would check on you," the plump blonde replied in a genuinely concerned manner as she patted Karen's thigh.

"Thanks . . . Lisa," Karen replied after glancing at the plump blonde's nametag.

"So what is it? It can't be the dress because you look amazing in it! Hell, seeing you in that dress almost makes my reconsider my stance on not messing about with another woman . . . almost," Lisa, the plump blonde replied as she glanced Karen over, and the two shared a laugh.

"Thanks, you're too kind. I'm just at a bit of a crossroads, that's all and I don't know what I should do," Karen replied, not sure how much to tell the kind stranger.

"That's easy, what will make you happier?" Lisa replied with a confident tone of voice.

"That I know, but . . . but I don't know if I could be his S . . . it's . . . it's just not normal! What would people think, if they knew?" Karen stammered out as she fought the tears of her confusion. Karen rested her head on Lisa's shoulder and began to cry as Lisa hugged her.

"If it makes you happy, I say go for it. Who cares what other people think?" Lisa said as she started to rub Karen's far shoulder.

"You don't understand. What I want, is not normal, I mean maybe I could do it now and again but I know it would end up as an 'all the time' thing and that's what scares me," Karen replied while the last few sobs sob out of her while still being held by Lisa.

"What is normal? What seems normal to someone is abnormal to someone else. Don't let what other people think stand in the way of your happiness. If you can be happy being his Slave, then go for it, who gives a shit what someone MAY think IF they find out." Lisa said calmly and at once Karen looked at her with wide eyes of shock and was speechless. "Oh, please it was pretty obvious what you were talking about, besides do you think you're the only woman who has wrestled with Domination and Submission?" Lisa asked with a queer look on her face.

"Well I . . ." Karen replied in a stuttering, red-faced manner before giving Lisa a raised-eyebrow, inquiring look.

"Don't look at me that way. Sure, I tried it but I didn't like it. In case you're wondering what makes me 'not normal' is that I only date older black men. To them, I'm hot just the way I am and that is why I dress very provocatively. Many people would have me be ashamed of my body and try to hide it but I'm happy with my life and my body. I don't give a shit what other people think and neither should you," Lisa said as she shook Karen by the shoulder and Karen looked up at Lisa with a tentative expression.

* * *

Rosina had finished the dishes and cleaning the house when her thoughts drifted back to Veronica. As she put the vacuum cleaner away and closed the closet door she looked down the hall and wondered how she was taking all this. Rosina walked down the hall and wanted to talk to and comfort the woman who felt like her sister. Knocking on the door she waited but heard no response to her knocking so she knocked again.

"Go away," came a sorrowful, tear-filled reply from behind the closed door.

Rosina detected Veronica's pain and hurt in her voice and more importantly, her subtle request for comfort so Rosina opened up the door and walked into Veronica's bedroom. Veronica looked up at Rosina with big, wet eyes and tear-stained cheeks as she lay on her stomach across her bed, clutching her pillow. She was still wearing the jeans and T-shirt that she had on during breakfast but otherwise she was a pitiful sight and Rosina's heart went out to her.

"Are you deaf? I said get out!" Veronica snapped as Rosina walked over to the bed with a look of compassion on her face.

"I know," Rosina said with an understanding tone of voice as she neared the bed.

Without saying a further word Rosina sat down on the head of the bed and pulled Veronica to her. Veronica didn't fuss or fight as she moved up and clutched Rosina tightly, resting her head on Rosina's chest and proceeded to sob uncontrollably. Rosina held Veronica tight and stroked Veronica's back in a soothing way as the young woman cried her hurt out. Time stood still as Veronica cried on Rosina's shoulder and eventually she was all cried out, yet still Rosina said nothing. Rosina just held Veronica and soothingly stroked her back in a comforting gesture.

"I can't believe I'm loosing her," Veronica said in a sad tone, finally breaking the silence.

"You're not loosing her, she's not going anywhere," Rosina said in a consoling tone of voice.

"I waited for so long to have her, and after finally making her mine, she says she can't handle being my Slave after all!" Veronica said in a wavering voice which broke into sobbing once she finished speaking. "I'd still have her if I only had a DICK!" she added before breaking down into tears once more.

"You don't know that!" Rosina said, again with an attempt to calm Veronica down.

"You were there! She said that she needs a man and that since I am a woman, she can't see herself being my Real-Slave!" Veronica said with an angry tone of voice.

"But she did agree to continue with Playtime with you. She never was your twenty-four-seven Slave, so you really haven't lost anything," Rosina said with a cheerful lilt to her voice.

"But the whole idea was to make her mine, all the time mine. All I have ever wanted was to take care of her, to be her full-time Mistress. It's clear now that will never happen!" Veronica said as she looked up into Rosina's eyes with a pained look on her face.

"Yeah, I see what you mean," Rosina admitted with a reluctant sigh.

"I don't know what to do, it hurts so much. I only agreed to that 'Playtime' thing to appease her. I had hoped that after some time had passed that 'Playtime' would turn into 'all-the-time'. I just don't know what to do." Veronica said as she looked into Rosina's eyes with a piercing expression of hurt and pain.

"I suppose you should treasure the times you do share," Rosina said as she brushed the hair out of Veronica's face. "Perhaps it is time to move on . . . find someone new," Rosina said with a bright smile and a hopeful lilt to her voice.

"I see what you mean," Veronica said with a sparkle in her eye just before she leaned in and kissed Rosina on the lips with a passionate kiss.

Rosina's eyes went wide in shock as this was not what she meant. Rosina fought against Veronica's forceful kiss and after a moment she was able to pry Veronica's lips away from hers.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Rosina spat with anger while she held Veronica at bay.

"Moving on, what does it look like?" Veronica said as she pressed hard again to force the kiss once more.

"I didn't mean with me! I'm Collared!" Rosina replied indignantly as she gave Veronica a hard shove.

"We had sex last night. You said you liked it! Owen didn't seem to mind then, c'mon lets play around a bit, I NEED it," Veronica said with a husky growl as looked at Rosina with flaring nostrils.

"We were all drunk last night!" Rosina spat back with a roll of her eyes.

"Let's just mess around for a little while, please. Nobody will know! It'll stay just between us girls . . . PLEASE?" Veronica begged in a sorrowful manner.

"It's not that simple! I am Collared! I may only have sex with anyone other than my Master if he orders me to! So if you REALLY want to have sex with me, you'll have to ask him first!" Rosina said as she got up and out of the bed, storming towards the door.

"NO! I WILL NOT LOSE ANOTHER TO HIM!" Veronica shouted as she leapt from the bed and grasped an unsuspecting Rosina by her hair and hip. "Let's get something straight, I am in charge here and I say that we're going to have a little fun!" Veronica growled right into Rosina's ear. "Is that clear?" she snarled as she took a long lick of Rosina's cheek.

* * *

Karen returned home to the Spa a little after four in the afternoon and Owen looked at her and at his watch in an obvious way. Karen stopped immediately and waited for some sort of reaction from him. Owen was dealing with a customer at the time but still he let Karen stand there for a brief moment, just long enough to prove that she was obeying him and waiting for his permission to enter. Owen smirked at Karen as he nodded his approval, only briefly taking his attention away from the customer he was dealing with. Karen smiled and nodded in reply and walked quietly past him and straight downstairs.

When Karen opened the door to her small basement home she found it spotless and in pristine condition, with Rosina sitting on the couch watching TV. Rosina had changed to her usual attire that she wore around the house, her slim-fitting dress and Slave collar. Karen smiled to herself as she remembered that she had three dresses in her size just like Rosina's, in one of the bags that she was carrying. One glance around the room revealed no Veronica and Karen was concerned for her daughter.

"The place looks great, Cat. Where's Ronnie?" Karen said as she pushed the door closed with her foot.

"She's resting in her room. She'll be out for dinner, though," Rosina said with a slight anger in her voice that she tried hard to suppress.

"Is she okay? I should talk to her," Karen said as she started to walk towards the hallway.

"NO!" Rosina said in a panicked tone of voice as she bolted up from the couch. "I talked to her and straightened things out. She's just resting right now," she said in a forced calm tone of voice as she stood in front of Karen. "What do you have in the bag?" Rosina asked in an eager tone of voice as she started to peek into one of the shopping bags.

"Oh, just a few things I picked up," Karen replied as she moved the bag Rosina was looking in away from her. "I just did a bit of shopping and window-shopping, I'll just put these away and I'll start dinner," she added as she started to walk towards the hallway.

"I'll help, you," Rosina added in a pleasant tone of voice as she called after Karen and immediately Karen stopped where she was and turned to face Rosina with a serious expression.

"I appreciate the offer and on any other night, I would welcome the help. But tonight, I need to do this myself. I just want to make a special dinner to say thank you to Sir for the day off today," Karen said with a calm tone of voice and a peaceful smile on her face before she turned and continued down the hall.

As she opened the door to her bedroom Karen thought she heard some muffled noises coming from Veronica's room but shook her head and dismissed it. Karen had a big evening planned and not a lot of time to prepare things. Depositing her bags in her room she immediately left it again, heading to the kitchen.

* * *

Owen closed the front door of the Spa after escorting the last of the customers out. It was a little past five-thirty when Owen locked the front door. Taryn was already counting out the float and closing out the till, as she had done countless times before. Both were a little weary from the long and busy day at work, but the receipts for the day showed that it was worth it, the Spa had just had its best day in weeks. Once the deposit was made up and locked away in the safe, Owen and Taryn walked downstairs arm around each other's waist, happy that the day was over. The happy look on Karen's face when she retuned from her day off was all that Owen needed to see to know this hard day was worth it.

When they opened the door to the small basement suite they saw Rosina sitting on the couch watching television and looking rather frustrated about something. As the door started to open up, Rosina scrambled to her feet and scurried into a kneeling position near the door. By the time Owen set his foot inside the basement suite Rosina was kneeling with her head bowed and her hands folded in front of her.

"What's for dinner, Cat?" Owen asked as Taryn closed the door behind them.

"I don't know, Master. Karen won't let me near the kitchen. She wouldn't even let me set the table. She has something special planned. The only thing she would let me do was wait in the living room for your arrival," Rosina replied in a frustrated huff tainting her submissive demeanour.

"What were you to do, once we arrived?" Owen asked curiously as he spoke to the bowed head of Rosina.

"I was to humbly ask you to wait in the living room as I informed her of your arrival," Rosina replied in a calm and submissive tone of voice, still kneeling appropriately in front of Owen.

"Alright, do as you've been told," Owen replied as he looked at Taryn and shrugged his shoulders.

"Yes, Master," Rosina replied submissively before she rose to her feet and walked into the dining room.

Not long after that did Karen walk out of the dining room and both Owen and Taryn drew a breath of shock once their eyes fell on her. Karen was wearing a dress exactly the same as the one that Taryn and Rosina wore around the house. Karen's dress fit her perfectly and was light gray in colour and her whole body was showcased in a way which was most unlike Karen. The slender slim cut of the dress which flowed seamlessly over her curves announced that she was nude under that dress. Around her neck Karen wore a one inch, brown, leather strap which buckled up in the back. Her hair fell down her back and was restrained only in a few clips to keep her hair out of her face as it spilled down her back.

As she walked towards Owen and Taryn, Karen took small steps and clasped her hands in front of her and always looked down. In a word, Karen looked submissive and before she took one step towards Owen, his cock was hard and throbbing. Karen stopped a few feet away from Owen and Taryn and shook slightly as she gathered up her courage to speak. Owen said nothing but waited for Karen to speak.

"Good evening, Sir. I want to thank you both for allowing me to take this day to myself. I want to thank you specifically, Sir, for being there for me this morning." Karen said with a shaky and nervous tone of voice, still looking down even after she spoke.