Reformation Ch. 09


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"You're welcome," Owen replied in a warm yet firm manner.

"I have prepared a special meal in your honour. I simply want to take care of you, this evening, Sir," Karen said before she raised her eyes up to look Owen in the eye.

"I see. Thank you," Owen replied with a raised eyebrow and a smile.

"May I get your shoes, Sir?" Karen asked, her voice and manner full of nervous hopefulness.

"Yes, you may," Owen replied with a smile.

Karen flashed a smile at Owen before she dropped to her knees and began to unfasten and remove his shoes. When she looked up at him from her place kneeling at his feet she felt his power and her body shuddered and her pussy wetted. Her eyes were drawn to the outline of the bulge in his pants. Longingly she traced the contours of his pant-confined cock with her eyes and remembered the exquisite sensation of being skewered with that monster; another shiver ran down her spine. Once his shoes were removed she smiled a nervous smile up at him and rose to her feet, his shoes remaining by the front door.

"May I show you to the table, Sir?" Karen asked nervously as she stood before Owen with her hands clasped in font of her.

Owen only nodded agreeably in reply and Karen turned on the spot and walked towards the dining room. Once they rounded the corner Owen was impressed as the whole room was decorated exquisitely. There was a fine red table cloth on the table, fine dishes and silverware was lovingly placed at each place-setting. Flowers adorned the centre of the table and candles were scattered around the room giving a soft glow to the whole room.

"May I change for dinner, Master," Taryn asked respectfully as they paused in the entryway and glanced over the dining room.

"Yes, Red," Owen said over his shoulder to Taryn before she turned and entered their bedroom.

Karen walked to the other end of the room and pulled out the chair at the head of the table, her own usual chair and bowed her head, signalling that Owen was to sit in this chair. Owen sat down at the head of the table and Karen pushed his chair in. Next she pulled out the chair immediately to his right and seated Taryn in it, much in the same fashion, once she arrived. Rosina then entered the room and sat down in the chair to Owen's left. The two other chairs at the side of the table remained empty and the chair at the other head of the table had been removed completely and no setting had been set.

"Is Ronnie coming to dinner?" Karen asked Rosina in a calm and subdued tone of voice.

"She said she's not hungry," Rosina replied calmly as she smiled sweetly at Karen.

"I see. Perhaps I'll go check on her," Karen said with a worried look on her face.

"She's still tired and going to rest for a bit, but she'll come out after dinner," Rosina added quickly, in a calm tone of voice.

Karen frowned but turned and walked into the kitchen and soon came out with one plate of dinner. As she placed it down in front of Owen he saw that dinner was a pasta dish that looked deceptively simple. Not only did it have pasta and a cream sauce but also there was bits of chicken and vegetables chopped up and mixed into the pasta dish. The aroma was heavenly and you could tell that care went into every detail of this dish, down to how it was arranged on the plate. Karen stayed where she was and looked at Owen expectantly. Owen picked up his fork and sampled the special dinner that had been served up especially for him.

"Delicious, you've outdone yourself, Karen," Owen said with a warm smile after swallowing his mouthful.

"Thank you, Sir. I am pleased you like it. May I serve Mistress Red and Cat, Sir?" Karen asked humbly.

"Yes, you may," Owen replied as he scooped up another mouthful of dinner.

Karen then returned with two plates of dinner and served Taryn and Rosina, in that order. Everyone in the room expected Karen to get her plate of dinner and was surprised to see that instead, Karen kneeled down on the floor between Owen and Taryn. After a minute had passed and Karen was still kneeling down beside Owen, he decided to speak up.

"Karen, what are you doing?" Owen asked as he continued to eat dinner while looking down at the kneeling Karen.

"I am here at your disposal in case you have a need. Is there something I can do for you, Sir?" Karen replied in a subservient tone of voice as she looked up at Owen with a loving look in her eye.

"Yes, you can get your dinner and eat with the rest of us. I don't believe in making those who serve me wait until I am finished eating before they eat," Owen said as he looked down at Karen with a firm yet loving expression.

"Yes, Sir; thank you, Sir," Karen said with a grateful smile to Owen as she rose to her feet.

Karen retrieved her dinner from the kitchen and sat down in the chair next to Taryn and began to eat her dinner along with everyone else at the table. Talk at the table was limited to typical dinner conversation and not the lively dinner talk that usually took place at the family table. The questions on everyone's mind centred on Karen's odd behaviour. Taryn and Rosina knew better than to raise the subject before Owen did. Owen decided to let the issue wait until after dinner. Once dinner was finished, Owen took a sip of his wine and leaned back in his chair. Karen instinctively started to gather up the dirty dishes.

"Karen, Leave them!" Owen said in a commanding tone of voice and instantly Karen placed Taryn's plate back in front of Taryn.

"Cat, do the dishes. Red and Karen follow me to the living room," Owen said in an unambiguous tone of voice as he rose from the table.

"Yes, Master," Taryn and Rosina said together.

"Yes, Sir," Karen added, her voice lost in amongst Taryn and Rosina's voices.

Owen did not stop and left the dining room. It was only then that the three women got up; Rosina started to gather up the dishes while Taryn and Karen walked out of the dining room and into the living room. Owen walked over to and sat in the large chair. As Taryn approached with Karen in tow, Owen looked at Taryn and pointed at the couch. As Taryn walked over to the couch, Owen looked at Karen and pointed to the floor in front of him. Karen took the cue, nodded to Owen and kneeled down submissively in front of him.

"What is the meaning of this evening, Karen?" Owen asked Karen in a firm and confident tone of voice.

"I just wanted to thank you for all you have done for me, Sir," Karen replied in a subdued tone of voice, still looking down.

"No, cooking dinner is thanking me for being nice to you. You are acting very submissively tonight . . . you are acting like my Slave. I ask you again, what is going on?" Owen asked again in a calm yet firm tone of voice.

"I . . . I wanted to see what it was like to serve you," Karen said in a wavering and nervous voice as she continued to look down at the floor before her.

"If you wanted to initiate some sort of 'Playtime' with me, you should have talked to me, asked me first," Owen asked Karen with a puzzled look on his face that Karen never saw because she was still looking down.

"I also wanted to let you know . . . to show you . . . that . . . that I was . . . r . . . ready," Karen replied with a quiet and stammering tone of voice.

Ready? Ready for what?" Owen asked incredulously "Just this morning you were telling me that you didn't think you could be involved with me knowing that it would mean eventually becoming my Slave and here you are now, kneeling at my feet telling me that you're ready. How can you be 'ready' when you can't even say the words?" he added with a chuckle.

"But I am ready, Sir . . . I'm ready to serve you," Karen added with shaky confidence as she swallowed hard.

"Serve me? Serve me how? Say it! Tell me exactly what you want or don't waste my time! I will give you one last time or I will dismiss you from my sight!" Owen said in an aggravated tone of voice.

Karen paused for a moment and took a deep breath before she looked up and into Owen's eyes and smiled a loving smile at him. Finally it seemed that she had found her confidence as she looked at Owen with a proud expression on her face. Taking a deep breath she prepared to speak a speech that was clearly rehearsed.

"I Karen Basilone, kneel before you Owen Thompson of my own free will and humbly ask you to take ownership of me. I beg you to claim me and make me your Slave. I swear I will serve you faithfully and without question until death claims me or you release me," Karen said in a strong and confident manner while looking deep into Owen's eyes.

"You're serious, aren't you?" Owen asked with a pale expression of shock.

"I have never been more serious, Sir," Karen replied with an equally confident tone of voice.

Owen fell silent and didn't know what to say, or what he should say. This was new territory, while Karen had made it clear that she was not technically Veronica's Slave, Owen knew that Veronica had other ideas. Veronica had come to him begging him to help her make Karen her Slave, not for him to take Karen on as his own Slave. Yet it seemed that Karen had made up her own mind and genuinely wanted to become his Slave. If it wasn't for Veronica, this would be an easy choice; he would take Karen on in a heartbeat as she fit into his family so very well. However, there was Veronica to consider and she was also family. It seemed that either way he went on this someone he cared about would be hurt. Either he would reject Karen and spare Veronica or he would Collar Karen and hurt Veronica. As Owen pondered all this over in his mind trying to find some compromise, someone else voiced a very good question.

"What changed? What happened today to make you change your mind?" Taryn asked curiously as she leaned forward slightly.

"I was walking down the street and I saw this dress in the window. I was drawn to it and so I tried it on. As I saw myself I the mirror I knew that Sir would be pleased to see me in it, and I realized at that moment how deeply I wanted to please him . . . how much I wanted to serve him. I wrestled with my feelings and pondered what that meant and what I should do but eventually it just came to me," Karen said in a peaceful manner as she spoke directly to Taryn.

"What came to you?" Taryn asked with an intrigued manner.

"This is where I belong. This is where I would be happiest . . . serving you . . . as your Slave, Sir," Karen replied as she looked back to Owen.

"Holy Shit!" Rosina said under her breath, in shock as she stood beside the entrance to the dining room, her mouth agape.

"Cat, be quiet!" Taryn hissed at Rosina as she pointed beside her on the couch.

"What about Veronica? You know that she loves you and wants to be your Mistress. What about her? Have you given that any thought?" Owen continued as Rosina slinked over to sit on the couch where she had been directed to.

"She helped me to discover my Submissive side and I am ever grateful to her for that. But I know that I could never submit to a woman . . . any woman full-time. I know we were all drunk last night and if we hadn't been none of it would have happened, including you and me having sex . . . but it did happen, and it awakened within me my need for a man. After that it all just clicked. I am a submissive who needs to submit to a man and you are such an amazing man and Master. After seeing the way you take care of and treat Mistress Red and Cat that nobody but you would do. If you refuse me, I don't know what I would do!" Karen spoke in an urging and needful tone of voice as she looked up at Owen with a desperate look in her eye.

"I can't Collar you without first consulting Ronnie. She is family and we have to consider her feelings," Owen said firmly as he looked down the hall before he mused aloud the question, "Where is Ronnie, by the way, is she still sleeping?"

"Oh shit! If you wish, Master, I could go get her," Rosina asked in an uncomfortable and slightly nervous manner.

"Yes Cat, wake her up, we need to talk to her about this," Owen said in a firm tone of voice to Rosina.

Rosina walked down the hall swiftly and after a moment she could be heard and then seen walking slowly down the hallway. As Rosina drew closer it became evident that she was being followed by someone who could not walk that fast. When Rosina walked into the living room holding a leash Owen's eyebrow raised until he saw behind Rosina to what the other end of the leash was attached to: Veronica!

Veronica was totally nude and from her tear-stained cheeks and mortified expression it was clear that she had been crying for some time. Around her neck was a collar with spikes on and the leash that Rosina was holding was clipped onto that collar. Veronica could not speak due to the ball-gag that was firmly attached around her head. She could not struggle or release herself from her bonds because her forearms were tied together behind her back so that her back and her hands touched the opposite elbow. Her legs ankles were tied together spacing them only one foot apart, thus she couldn't walk right, she could only shuffle along. To add further insult to Veronica, she was being bound up by her own bondage devices. The collar, leash and ball-gag she had bought to use on her mother and never imagined that they would be used on her!

"What is the meaning of this, Cat?" Owen shouted angrily as he pointed at Veronica.

"She deserved it!" Rosina replied with a pout.

"Did you do this to her?" Owen asked with an expectant tone of voice.

"Yes, but you don't understand, she . . ." Rosina started to reply defensively but she was cut off.

"Did she consent to this?" Owen asked angrily.

"No," Rosina said as she shook her head.

"Release her at once! Then I'll deal with you!" Owen commanded as he shook his head in disgust.

"Yes, Master, but please let me explain why I did what I did!" Rosina implored passionately with pleading eyes.

"Fine," Owen replied with a heavy sigh.

"Thank you, Master," Rosina replied as she tugged on the leash and once again Veronica continued to follow Rosina.

Rosina led Veronica until she was standing in front of Owen and beside Karen. With a tug of the leash Veronica started to kneel down. Rosina assisted Veronica until the bound woman was kneeling beside her mother, in front of Owen, still completely bound up, with Rosina holding the leash.

"I know what I did was wrong but she made me so angry! It wasn't so much what she did to me, it was the insult she committed against you that pushed me over the edge. I will accept any punishment you deem appropriate for my actions, Master, but I want you to understand everything that took place, first," Rosina said as she stood submissively, still holding Veronica's leash.

"What happened?" Owen asked with a forced-calm tone of voice.

"After cleaning up the house I went to check on Veronica. I went to her to comfort a family member who was hurting. Instead of simply taking my comfort for what it was she chose to insult you!" Rosina said with an angry tone of voice, shooting Veronica a harsh glare when she was finished.

"What insult?" Owen asked curiously.

"I think SHE should tell you. It would do her good to confess her sins!" Rosina snarled as she tugged on Veronica's chain, jerking the woman's head down.

Rosina then reached up and unfastened the buckles of the ball-gag and removed the device, tossing it lightly behind Owen's chair. Then she reached into Veronica's mouth and grasped what looked like a piece of white fluff and pulled. To Owen and Taryn's amazement the white fluff kept coming out until in the end it was clear that the fluff was a pair of panties, Veronica's own panties to be exact. Veronica opened and closed her mouth a few times to work the kinks out of it.

"What happened, Ronnie? Why did Cat tie you up?" Owen asked Veronica in a commanding tone of voice.

Veronica's eyes got wet once more and she hung her head and sobbed a few sobs. Her red and puffy eyes and tear-stained cheeks were indeed a pitiful sight. In the back of Owen's mind was that Rosina had NEVER done anything like this before. Rosina had a very long fuse and would not have done what she did without serious provocation. Rosina tugged on Veronica's chain and that jerked the woman back to reality. Veronica looked up at Owen, cleared her throat and prepared to speak.

"I tried to force myself on her," Veronica said in a remorseful tone of voice. I was upset because mom had told me this morning that she would never be mine . . . not really . . . not like Red . . ." Veronica started to explain but a swat with the end of the leash across her right breast caused Veronica to stutter. "MISTRESS Red, sorry. I asked her to mess around with me for a little bit. I thought that since you didn't make an issue of it last night, you would be okay with it," Veronica said and looked up at Owen with an expression that begged pity.

"And when I explained to you that you would need Master's permission in order to have sex with me, what did you do?" Rosina prompted with an angry growl.

"I assaulted you from behind and tried to force you to have sex with me. If you hadn't overpowered me, I would have tied you up and had my way with you . . . I'm so very sorry, I don't know what I was thinking," Veronica admitted as she hung her head in shame.

"I don't know what to say. I'm shocked and disgusted with both of you!" Owen said with an amazed expression on his face as he glanced at both Veronica and Rosina. "Cat I know that you meant well but, no matter what anyone does to you, you don't have the right to use Bondage in this way! If it happens again, refuse their advances and come tell me. . . I will deal with them, is that understood?" Owen said to Rosina in a firm and controlled angry tone of voice. "For the next week you have lost the privilege of clothes. As long as you are downstairs here, you are not to have a stitch of clothes on, the only thing you are permitted to wear is your Collar, is that clear?" Owen commanded sternly.

"Yes, Master," Rosina said in a deeply respectful tone of voice as she bowed a shallow bow before she started to remove her dress.

"Ronnie, I am shocked and outraged! You should have known better! No matter how frustrated you are, just because you are a Dominant, that does not give you the right to force yourself on someone else! ESPECIALLY A COLLARED SLAVE!!" Owen said as he shouted right into Veronica's face and at the end of it Veronica burst into tears, once again.

"I'm so sorry, Sir! I don't know what came over me!" Veronica sobbed as she started to double over.

Out of instinct Karen wrapped her arms around Veronica and pulled her daughter to her and comforted her. Veronica leaned into the embrace and put her head on Karen's shoulder.

"I'M NOT FINISHED!" Owen roared and instantly Veronica stopped crying and Karen positioned her daughter upright and released her. "You came to me and asked me to help you, to train you to become a proper Mistress, is that right?" Owen asked Veronica with a stern and commanding tone of voice.

"Yes, Sir," Veronica replied in a shocked and subdued tone of voice.

"Your actions of late, even before this, have demonstrated that you are not yet ready to Dominate anyone!" Owen said with a firm growl as he scowled at Veronica and paused for a moment. "You disappoint me, Ronnie, I had higher hopes for you," Owen said with a sad tone of voice as he shook his head and looked away from Veronica.

"I wish to learn, Sir. I want to get better. I want to make you proud of me! Help me! Teach me!" Veronica begged Owen in a needy tone of voice as she shuffled towards him on her knees.

"Do you really wish to learn how to be a good and proper Mistress?" Owen asked the nude Veronica who was now kneeling so close that her knees touched Owen's shins.