S.A.D., the S is for...


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And it wasn't just any hunter who had captured Angie. I had been so startled to see my friend that I didn't at first register that it was Paul who undoubtedly was about to spank her. He seemed to be in no hurry and took his time to take in his prey. With Angie's black dress pulled to her waist and her underwear stretched between her curled knees, her position rendered her utterly exposed.

The right thing to do for me would have been to backtrack before someone saw me, but my mind wasn't making rational decisions that day. I kept staring, paralyzed by my conflicting emotions. There were hints of sadism in there, and I realized I desperately wanted to watch my friend get spanked. It served her right for calling me judgmental and uptight. At the same time, parts of me craved to be in that humiliating position under Paul's control. His hands wandered decisively over Angie's slender legs, down over her naked ass and up the other side. I expected I would be upset by watching my crush grope my best friend, but any jealousy was dwarfed by other emotions. His entitled manner as he prepared Angie for the spanking made him look utterly desirable. His face was calm and collected, but his eyes betrayed his excitement.

Angie's eyes were closed, as if not bearing to watch her longtime friend grope her submissive body. But when his first slap landed on her ass, her eyes flung open.

As they did, they looked straight at me. The blonde's mouth fell open in shock. I didn't know what to do with myself. I wanted to duck down, but I was already caught. Angie's face kept changing its expression, one moment wrinkling her brow in a mixture of anger and confusion, the next cautiously smiling with her mouth twitching nervously. But her face melted into a mixture of pleasure, pain, and humiliation each time Paul's hand landed on her ass. I stared wide-eyed as my friend took her spanking.

But spying like this was how my problems began. Fifty slaps would pass quickly at the pace Paul administered them. I forced myself to flee before it was too late. My friend's wailing faded as I fled the scene.

I dashed through the bushes, finding it hard to shake the image of what I had just seen. My head was spinning, and I forgot all about my plans to trek back to the starting point. I still heard the unmistakable smack of a firm hand against a soft ass, followed by passionate female moans. My flustered mind didn't register that these sounds were in fact increasing in volume.

Too late, I realized that I had fled one spanking scene only to rush straight into the next. The black hunter who nearly caught me after spying on Theresa's spanking was sitting on a log with Mai across his lap. Her cosplay skirt was pulled up and her panties pulled down. On her lower back, she had a single black line, indicating she was receiving her second spanking. She kicked in protest each time his hand landed on her bare ass, but she made no attempt to escape her position over his lap.

Absorbed by her submission, the Asian girl had her eyes closed. The spanker sat facing me but looked down on Mai's ass as he groped her between spankings. Hoping to go unnoticed, I started slowly walking backwards.

"I'm almost done," the man said suddenly, grinning slyly as he looked up. "You can have your turn in a moment."

His comment made Mai fling her head around and stare straight at me. She looked like she was about to say something when a sharp slap against her ass made her close her eyes and throw her head back. I turned and ran for all I was worth. This seemed to be the game's epicenter, and I needed to get as far away as possible. I darted through the forest, feeling my pulse racing.

Two things in particular made me wary. First, all three women I had stumbled on were in the midst of their second capture, being spanked bare assed with their underwear pulled down, just like I had received it from Paul. But the other women must have played for an hour before I got myself dragged into the game. By the rate I was caught, I wasn't just participating—I was losing.

Second, I had no idea what the next level would be. According to Angie, the embarrassment increased with each capture. The rational part of my brain that fought for control didn't want to find out what would happen if I was captured once more.

I stopped as I reached the forest edge, looking out over rows of vines. I knew this place. On the other side was a small path that led back to the starting point. Walking in the open was too risky, but there were dense bushes on the other side that could keep me covered. All I had to do was to rush across the two hundred yards vine field. The vines were not high enough to cover me, but it seemed better to quickly make it to the other side than hunkering down. Ensuring myself the coast was clear, I scampered across the field. The vines on my sides were tied up on lines of string, creating a narrow corridor for me, which probably made me feel like I was running faster than I was.

I was more than halfway across the field when a man appeared from the bushes in front of me. This was the blond hunter I'd seen the back of before. We both stopped, looking at each other. Heart racing, I turned to run back to the forest I came from.

But before I reached the forest edge, the black hunter emerged. I turned back again, only to find myself facing the blond man. I looked desperately for an escape route. The vines were mature, with branches that created sturdy barriers on each side. I thought about breaking through, but that would just get me tangled up in vines and strings. There were only two ways out from my aisle of vines, each of which were blocked by a hunter.

I was in a frenzy as I turned my head back and forth between the approaching men. They weren't even running, merely strolling slowly towards me. They knew I was trapped—and so did I. I covered my face in my hands, barely believing my bad luck.

"Hello Jonas," the black man said.

"Hi there Daniel," the blond man apparently called Jonas replied. "Good game this year?"

Daniel grinned. "Always good. I saw this one earlier, but she escaped. You?"

"Not bad. But this one is new. What do we do now? I've never co-captured one before."

"Hold on, there are rules for this," Daniel said.

The black man brought out a pocketbook. I stared in disbelief as he flipped through the pages. Apparently, the game had a printed version of the official rules.

"Here we are," Daniel continued. "If a prey is captured simultaneously by two hunters, it still constitutes as two captures. The hunters will share the spankings and administer 25 spankings for each level."

He handed the booklet to Jonas, and the blond man hummed as he read the paragraph.

"Ah, yes. There is an exception here for the final capture, but this gal is dressed, so that isn't an issue."

I didn't like the sound of that. Was I about to lose my clothes? The two men got behind me to inspect the number of lines in my lower back.

"Ah, this should be interesting," Daniel said. "So, how shall we do this?"

"I don't know," Jonas replied. "I usually mix things up a bit. Do you have any preferences?"

It sounded like they discussed the etiquette of how to split the last piece of cake. I loathed their objectifying tone and loathed even more that I was getting turned on by it. It was the nature of the game, and everyone knew their place. I was a delicious treat for them.

"Let's get her down to her underwear first," Daniel decided and turned to me. "Go on, darling, lose the blouse and skirt."

My eyes darted between the two men. Stalling for time, I began slowly unbuttoning my top button. The hunger in their eyes suited the situation, and I felt like prey under the gaze of my predators.

And prey don't give up without a fight. I abruptly turned and started running for all I was worth. They hadn't actually grabbed hold of me, which, by my understanding of the rules, meant I wasn't technically captured. Without much of a plan, I dashed for the forest.

The element of surprise gave me a head start, but I didn't even make it out of the vine field before Daniel grabbed me from behind. I knew I was caught, but the instinct to fight awoken inside me. He locked his arms under mine, securing me by pulling me back against him. I writhed against his grip, but the harder I struggled, the tighter his grip got.

Jonas smiled as he stepped in front of me. Without a trace of wavering, he grabbed my blouse over my chest with both hands and forcefully ripped it apart. I gasped as my buttons went flying across the vines. My breasts swayed in the confines of my bra as Daniel pushed me against Jonas and pulled my blouse off my shoulders. As I struggled to keep my balance, Daniel yanked down my skirt.

And just like that, I found myself in the middle of a vine field in nothing but my bra and panties. My captors' powerful display vanished my will to struggle, and I slipped into a liberating state of surrender. Whatever they were entitled to, I would oblige. My knees felt weak as I leaned forward against Jonas, bending at the hips.

"Do you mind holding her like that," Daniel said.

The blond man chuckled. "By all means, go ahead."

"Oh God," I panted as Daniel slowly pulled my panties down to uncover my ass. He ran his hand over my cheeks, familiarizing himself with his target. I both dreaded and yearned for the inevitable.


I let out a muffled moan as my spanking began, my face resting against Jonas's chest. His embrace had started out as a means to keep me from escaping, but now I was grateful for the support. The humbling sensation of submission was even stronger when under the control of two men. My juices were flowing, and I realized I arched my back just a little bit more after each slap.

"Alright, your turn," Daniel said, his hand lingering on my ass.

Jonas turned me around and made me lean against Daniel. His face was a mixture of authority and comfort as he smiled down at me while I steadied myself against his chest. I locked eyes with him, and I didn't break my gaze as Jonas started to spank me. Having Daniel watch the erotic humiliation unfolding inside me amplified the sensation.

My panties had fallen to my knees during the spanking. When Jonas was done and Daniel let go of me, I quickly pulled them up. My captors gave me a curious look.

"No point covering up, honey," Jonas said.

"Oh, of course," I said, not wanting to reveal that I didn't know the rules.

I hooked my thumbs into the hem, and standing tall before my captors, I pulled my underwear back down. With my pussy on display, I stared straight ahead, not wanting to meet their eyes. My dark pubes gave me at least a minimal protection of modesty, but I could tell I was dripping wet. Revealing how turned on I was by their treatment heightened my embarrassment.

"All the way off," Daniel said eventually.

Without hesitation, I bent at the knees to remove my panties. "And the bra?"

My voice sounded more eager than I intended. I justified that it was better if I removed it myself. I liked that bra and didn't want it ripped to pieces by my captors. My large breasts made it challenging to find models that were both sexy and supportive.

The men nodded in unison. I couldn't deny that there was a more deviant explanation for my eagerness than merely protecting my bra. I was well aware that my breasts were appealing. The sensation that they were a prize for my captors filled me with sinful pride. Not only was I willing to let them give me another humiliating spanking—I felt a desire to assist them by making myself ready for it. I held my breath as I unclasped my bra in the front.

I felt my breasts sway as I set them free. My nipples stood at full attention, begging my captors to admire them. There I stood, naked and exposed, savoring the attention of their objectifying eyes. I blessed the game for relieving me of responsibility.

My excitement made it hard to stand straight, and I was in part grateful when they decided they wanted me on my hands and knees. Assuming this position, naked on the ground with two men looking down at me, made me feel terribly vulnerable. And I loved it.

The men kneeled on either side of me. I yelped submissively as their hands indulged. I was their prize, and I didn't object when they played with my breasts. The sensation of their fingers grasping my excited nipples sent jolts of excitement through my nipples. Having four hands explore my body was beyond anything I had experienced before.

It wasn't long before they included their designated spanking in their attention. The stinging sensation as their hands landed on my already red ass sent jolts of submissive pleasure through my body. They roamed between slaps, and, since they were only permitted to 25 slaps each, they seemed prone to drag it out. Nearly no part of my body was left untouched.

With one crucial exception, however. The rules of the game prevented sex, and apparently that included touching my aching pussy. They moved ever so close, but never quite to the point of touching my intimate details. When Angie first mentioned the lack of sex during the game, I was relieved to hear there were at least some sensible limits. Now it felt like the cruelest form of torture to bring me to this point of overwhelming arousal without doing anything about it.

At first, they spanked at will, but, as the spanking progressed, they began synchronizing their slaps. I moved with the impact, making my heavy breast sway. They gave me the last five as sharp consecutive slaps, each one harder than the previous. I wailed and threw my head back as they pushed me along the thin line between pleasure and pain.

I remained on the ground when they stopped. My dark locks created a shelter around me to hide in as I tried to regain a minimal level of composure. I flinched as I felt each of the men draw a line in my lower back. They helped me to my feet.

"Thanks," I said and gently rubbed my radiating ass. Not knowing what else to do, I began collecting my clothes.

"Nice try," Jonas chuckled, and snatched my clothes away from me. "You'll get these back after the game."

I stared wide-eyed as the men divided up my items and put them in their bags. Was I supposed to run around naked?

"I wouldn't linger if I were you," Daniel said. "Those screams of yours would have been heard from a mile away. I'm sure there are others who are eager to capture you again. I know I am." He paused and looked at his watch. "Shall we say in three minutes?"

He winked at me before he and Jonas each disappeared in the direction they had entered the field. I remained standing, naked and confused. But Daniel was right. I had to get out of this field. I ran quickly back to the forest I came from.

If I'd felt like a hunted animal before, it was nothing compared to this. I crouched behind bushes and rocks, constantly scanning my surroundings. How on earth had I ended up naked in the middle of nowhere with nothing to cover up with? And how could I get myself out of it? I couldn't exactly show up at the starting point stark naked with a reddened ass and pretend I had just dropped the hat and medic bag. The mere thought that someone would see me like this filled me with shame. Yet, I couldn't think of a scenario where I wouldn't be spotted sooner or later.

The prey instinct prevailed. The only thing that made sense was to run—to hide—to escape. Every second I remained unseen felt like a precious triumph. I had never felt so alive.

I froze as I spotted Daniel up ahead. The hunter moved carefully, as if listening for game. I looked at my watch. Yes, my three minutes was up. He hadn't spotted me yet, but he was moving in my direction. It was only a matter of time.

Stealthily, I moved backwards. An exceptionally large and hollow tree caught my eye, and I quickly dodged for it. There was no way I could outrun Daniel, so hiding seemed like my best bet. The opening faced away from him. If I was lucky, he might just walk on by without even realizing someone was hiding inside the tree.

But it turned out I wasn't the only one who had found this great hideout. The tree hollow continued up the trunk, and as I looked up, a pair of eyes stared back at me. I gasped, the instinct inside me perceiving all eyes as potential threats.

"Get out," someone hissed from above.

"Is that you, Charla?" I asked as my eyes adjusted to the murkiness above. The black woman was wedged into a crevice, hidden from the outside.

"Yes. Now get out."

"I can't. There is someone out there."

"Who?" Charla asked.


"He's going to find you. Run away!"

"I can't. He'll catch me."

"He'll catch you here too!" Charla hissed. "And then he might catch me too. Run away!"

I shook my head. "No."

Charla climbed down. I could usually hold my own, but, naked and exposed, it was impossible not to feel vulnerable under Charla's glare. The black woman shook her head in disbelief and peeked outside.

"Bitch," she muttered under her breath and took off sprinting.

Seconds later, I heard steps approaching as Daniel went chasing after. He turned as he passed the tree to look where Charla had leaped from. He nearly fell over as he abruptly broke his stride, staring straight at me where I hunkered down by the tree opening. I wanted to escape but froze like a deer in the headlights, staring straight into the illuminated fact that if he just stepped over and grabbed me, this would be my final capture. I would have to face the shame, and I didn't even know what the punishment for losing would be. What was only a few seconds felt like an eternity as we stared at each other. Then, Daniel grinned and took off, chasing after Charla.

I remained huddled on the ground, hyperventilating as I tried to make sense of the situation. Why hadn't he just captured me? It would have been easy for him. I clearly didn't understand the subtleties of the game. From afar, I soon heard Charla shouting.

"Fuck you! Ouch... I'm gonna get you for this, you... Ouch! Son of a... Ow!"

I leaned against the tree trunk, listening to the distant sounds of another woman getting spanked. I tried to shake the impression, but part of me felt cheated. Assuming I'd be on the receiving end of that spanking, my body had surrendered and now expected another humiliation.

But as Charla's protests silenced, I forced myself to get moving. Daniel might come back and look for me, and, while part of me craved another spanking, it meant I'd lose the game. That would force me to explain to everyone how I got dragged into it. Every moment I postponed that humiliation was a small victory.

I found some dense bushes to hunker behind. It seemed to be a good hiding place, and I didn't see or hear anyone for what felt like a long time. I checked my watch. It had only been around twenty minutes, but everything had happened so quickly up to this point. One moment I was strolling around, wondering if the game was made up, and now I was hiding out naked. What if the game had ended without me noticing? I tapped the device on my wrist. I had wandered deep into the forest. Maybe the reception was bad?

Then again, Isabella's property covered a lot of ground. It wasn't unexpected that no one else roamed in my part of the forest. I decided to leave my shelter to at least look around for signs that the game was still going on. At first, I moved with stealth, stopping at every tree to cover myself from at least one direction.

But when I didn't see or hear anything, I grew increasingly careless. Along with the thrill, a deep sense of sensuality built inside me. What a sight I must be—a red-assed wood nymph strolling naked through the forest. I felt like a very desirable trophy and was oddly content with my ordeal. It sure was a contrast to the fourteen-hour shift at the hospital I'd be at now if I hadn't come along for this strange Valentine's celebration. The eroticism that flowed through me felt oddly empowering.
