Sarina 'n Steph's Lezzie Lick Slave

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Cute coed runs afoul of her bi-curious housemates.
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As Katryna turned her key and opened the front door of the house she shared with 7 of her college girlfriends, she prayed to herself that Steph and Sarina weren't home. Katryna was hot and she knew it - at 5'2 and 115 lbs. her dimensions were perfectly petite. Her c-cups were large, but perky, and were the perfect size for her small physique. Her skin was a subtle almond brown, as were her eyes, what many would call a Mediterranean complexion. Her thick and slightly curly hair was as close to black as you could possibly get while still being brown. She most certainly wasn't a sorority slut or skankily-dressed party girl - she was hot in that subtle classy way and she knew how to play that angle to garner whatever attention she desired from guys.

At the beginning of her junior year in college, the prospects for an amazing fun-filled year of living and partying with 7 of her absolute best friends in the entire world had seemed inevitable. Having all lived in the same dorm for their first two years of college, they had become a best friends super-group of sorts - they were smart, they were hot (some more than others), and they did practically everything together. At the beginning of their junior year, they had decided to get a house off-campus together, and that's exactly what they did. The first few months in their new house was as they had all expected it to be - they had parties every weekend, everyone got along, and their collective friendship was surprisingly drama free. The spring semester is when things started to change.

The group had begun to drift apart - it wasn't really any particular girl's fault - they just weren't hanging out as much as they had in the past. Two of the girls specifically, Sarina and Steph had extremely busy spring semesters and their tolerance for the constant parties that had been the norm was decreasing rather quickly. They were sick of waking up on Sunday mornings and having to tiptoe around cans, solo cups, and puddles of beer to get the kitchen and get a bowl of cereal. They had also grown sick of the way almost every one of their guys friends drooled at the very sight of Katryna. And what was even more infuriating was that while she WAS flirty, and DID command the attention of a room strictly by virtue of her appearance, she always managed to toe the thin line so that her friends had no real basis for being angry with her. She did, after all, stay away from any of the guys that her girlfriends were truly into, and so Sarina and Steph held their tongues. But as time went on, they're continuous tongue-holding lead to a general hatred of Katryna that they only spoke about with each other. And even though they weren't overtly mean to her, Katryna started to notice a definite coldness in their attitude and demeanor towards her - a kind of passive aggression that can only be met with opposing passive aggression in the crazy world of female psychological battles.

And so as the weeks went by, the girls became more and more cold towards one another, until one fateful night in which one side reached a boiling point. It was a Friday night, and the official beginning of the weeklong college excuse for debauchery known as spring break. The girls were having a party to celebrate before everyone departed the next morning for home or Cancun or wherever else people go for spring break. One of the girls' good male friends, Carl, was there. Sarina had an extremely large crush on Carl, and had confessed this to her housemates many times. On this particular occasion, Sarina and Steph had gotten into a huge fight with Katryna earlier in the day over something as trivial as who would load the dishwasher after dinner. The exchange had been heated and there was still a palpable sense of tension between the two parties. As the night wore on, and the drinks piled up, Katryna decided that she had had enough with her former friends' bullying and she was going to show them why they shouldn't fuck with her.

Making sure Sarina was watching, Katryna seductively walked up to Carl as he leaned against the wall, awaiting his turn at the beer pong table. With a quick sideways glance in Sarina's direction to confirm she was still being observed, she leaned over and whispered into Carl's ear. She then grabbed his hand and led him upstairs to her room, a room she shared with Steph. Not particularly thrilled at the idea of partying on this particular evening, Steph just so happened to be in the room, reading a book when the groping inebriated pair of Katryna and Carl stumbled in. Katryna giggled for a second, and then turned to Carl and said "Let's go to your place instead." As the pair made their way out the door, Katryna, in a voice loud enough so Steph would hear giggled " She's so pathetic: just cuz she can't get any, doesn't mean she's gotta make sure I don't either."

And with that the pair was gone, and Steph was more pissed than she had been in her entire life.

Katryna got back home that night around 3am, quite content with her night of vindictive achievement. As she made her up the stairs and towards her room, she could make out two voices on the other side of her bedroom door. She put her ear to the door and heard Sarina and Steph angrily discussing how much of a bitch she was and all of the horrible things they would do to her if she was here right now. Still slightly reckless due to the liquid courage she'd imbibed earlier in the evening, she pushed the door open and stared haughtily down at her two foes.

As she drunkenly pranced into the room, she said "Could you guys find somewhere else to babble on about the lack of dick in your lives - Carl gave me a workout and I'm beat." She then went over to her closet and began to undress. Suddenly both of the girls were upon her. With her bra and panties the only two remaining articles of clothing on her, Steph secured and held her hands behind her back while Sarina began to unmercifully slap Katryna's face back and forth with successive forehands and backhands, all the while screaming "stupid", "bitch", or "slut" between slaps. After about 30 seconds of vigorous slapping, Sarina stopped and taking Katryna's red, tear-stained face in her hand so that the now defenseless girl was forced to look into her eyes, she said "We're gonna teach you a lesson bitch! You fucked with the wrong girls, and now we're gonna turn you into our own little lezzie-lick-slave." She then turned her gaze to Steph and said "Hold her there for a sec, I'm gonna get some things from my room."

As Sarina left the room, Katryna quickly tried to take advantage of the one on one scenario and break free from her captor but her attempt was feeble. Both Sarina and Steph were much larger than the petite beauty. Sarina was 5'9 and weighed a "voluptuous" 180 lbs, while Steph was not quite as tall at about 5'5, but weighed nearly 200 lbs. - a major factor why Katryna's earlier comments about her failure to attract men had cut so deep. Sarina came gleefully back into the room holding a pair of handcuffs and a large vibrating dildo.

"It's a good thing I was a sexy cop last Halloween" she exclaimed. Steph then tossed Katryna onto her own bed and within seconds the two bigger stronger girls had Katryna's hands cuffed to her headboard, completely helpless to stop either of the girls from doing whatever they wanted to at this point. Sarina then quickly ripped the defenseless girl's panties off and stuffed them in her mouth so that she wouldn't make noise and wake the other girls. She then began to take her own clothes off while Steph secured the tiny girl's legs to the bedposts using some belts from her own wardrobe. As Sarina removed her panties, she taunted Katryna: "I'm sure that mouth's tasted alotta dick tonight, let's see how you like a new flavor."

And with that she climbed up onto the bed and sat on Katryna's chest with her head between her legs. Sarina then pulled Katryna's panties out of her mouth and began to violently rub her own recently worn underwear all over the girl's pretty nose and mouth. She then tossed her own panties to the side, and began to straddle Katryna's face so that both her nose and mouth were completely smothered by Sarina's pussy and asshole.

In the meantime, Steph had gotten undressed herself, and picking up the leather belt Sarina had been wearing from off the floor she began whipping Katryna's stomach, thighs, and pussy while ordering "I better start seeing some good lezzie licking action for my friend or I'll start hitting harder."

Sarina smirked as mere seconds later she felt the undeniable tickle of Katryna's lithe tongue fearfully and tentatively lapping at the bottom of her now soaking wet pussy.

"I don't know if she's giving it her absolute all Steph, maybe a little more encouragement is in order" Sarina said as she began to grind up and down on the breathless girl's face, falling into a rhythm so that each lap by Katryna was met with a grind that ensured her tongue penetrated both pussy and asshole.

Sarina was in complete and total ecstasy - she'd always had a weird attraction to dominating other girls, but she'd never acted on her secret perversions until now. She knew Steph had experimented with girls in the past, but the sheer ecstasy mixed with the utter domination of her most hated foe was more exhilarating than she could have ever imagined. She rode the defeated girl's face for about ten minutes, cumming twice, before she finally unmounted from her captive unceremoniously, and turned around to look down and see if she'd wiped that haughty smirk from the bitch's face.

"Guess you picked the wrong bitches to mess with, didn't you slut?"

At this, Katryna mustered most of her remaining defiance and spit as much of a lugey as her small mouth could muster at Sarina's face, followed by a "fuck you cunt!" At this, Sarina turned in an almost amused sort of way towards her accomplice Steph and started to laugh while shaking her head. Steph returned a look that said "ooh, she really shouldn't have done that." Sarina then picked up the belt Steph had been using earlier to encourage their little lez-slave to lick, and approached the bed with a red glint in her eyes.

"Until I hear you say 'I'm a little lezzie lick slave and mistress Sarina and mistress Steph own me forever', I'm gonna whip your poor little pussy into oblivion!"

And with that Sarina brought down the belt, with brutal force, right into the Katryna's helpless pussy. The scream that reverberated around the small bedroom was quickly drowned out as Steph put her hand over Katryna's mouth to muffle the sound. After another couple of good thwacks with the belt, Steph took her hand off her mouth and Sarina looked expectedly at the quivering Katryna.

"Well? What are you?"

A tear rolled down Katryna's cheek as she tried to hide the tremble in her lower lip by biting it. She then weakly shook her head and feebly muttered "no, I won't."

Sarina rolled her eyes and began laying even more viciously into the exposed crouch of her captive, while Steph once again muffled her screams. After another minute or so, Sarina stopped once again and nodded at Steph to uncover her mouth and see if she'd been defeated.

"Please stop," Katryna whimpered "I can't take it anymore, I'm sorry about Carl, I'm sorry, PLLEAASE just don't hurt me anymore."

"I told you what I wanted to hear" Sarina said authoritatively, "I can do this all night."

Katryna looked up meaningfully at her captors' faces, and in a whisper that was barely audible, mumbled "I'm a little lezzie lick slave"

"You forgot the second part slut...who are your mistresses and how long do we own you?... and speak up, I want a lickslave I can hear when she talks"

Finally, with a tone of utter defeat, Katryna feebly said "I'm a little lezzie lick slave and mistress Sarina and mistress Steph own me forever"

As Sarina reveled in this new level of degradation she had brought upon her foe, an idea of pure genius and evil popped into her head.

"Uncuff her Steph, I wanna see her play with herself while she says it"

As Katryna felt her hands being uncuffed, she realized that even though she found the thought disgusting, she knew she was going to do whatever Sarina said - she had been broken. Closing her eyes in an attempt to escape to somewhere far away, she brought her hands down to her sore and beaten pussy and began to play with herself, all the while repeating "I'm a little lezzie lick slave and mistress Sarina and mistress Steph own me forever."

"Smile while you say it! I know a little slut like you is enjoying playing with your pathetic little pussy!" Sarina yelled.

She complied, sinking her fingers deeper inside herself and putting on her best act of someone being sexually aroused. After a minute or so, her repetitive statement of defeat was interrupted by a pair of high-pitched evil giggles from the direction of her captors. She opened her eyes for the first time since this latest humiliation had begun and was horrified to see Sarina holding a video camera, taping her every move. Sarina closed the camera gleefully and popped out the SD card that held the key to her ultimate plan of conquest.

"Now I don't think you want this little gem up on facebook, do you?"

Katryna furiously shook her head, a sense of deepening despair coming over her already defeated psyche.

"Well then, from now on, you WILL be our little lezzie lick slave, and whenever mistress Steph or myself request your services, you better drop what you're doing and make it to wherever we are to satisfy us, otherwise every twitter page and facebook newsfeed on this campus is gonna know what a dirty little dyke you are! Do we understand each other?"

Realizing the complete and total hopelessness of her situation, Katryna tearfully nodded her understanding.

"Well now that we understand each other, I don't believe mistress Steph has had the pleasure of cumming tonight yet. I'd make that my first priority right now if I were you."

As she said this, Steph had laid down on her own bed and now had her legs invitingly splayed apart.

Katryna slowly climbed out of her own bed and began to walk over to her roommates' when Steph harshly crowed " Crawl over here bitch! I didn't say you could stand!"

As Katryna dropped down onto all fours, Sarina produced a dog collar and leash and deftly fixed it around Katryna's slender neck. She then proceeded to walk Katryna over to the bed like a dog.

As they arrived at the edge of the bed, Sarina pulled up on the leash and commanded "Up! Lezzie"

Without skipping a beat, Katryna climbed onto the bed and positioned her head between the legs of her new mistress.

Sarina handed the leash over to Steph and turned away from the scene, evidently looking for something in the room.

Steph immediately yanked Katryna's head forward directly into her crotch using the leash.

"Start licking" she commanded.

As Katryna went to work, Sarina came to the foot of Steph's bed where Katryna's ass was now stuck high in the air as she pleasured the bed's owner. Holding the dildo she'd retrieved earlier in the night, she smiled a syrupy smile at her partner in crime before flipping it on and going to work on the already sore and sensitive pussy of her newly acquired slave. Katryna heard the whirring of the sex toy before she felt it and so had the slightest of warnings before she felt the powerful object jammed up inside her. Despite the violent nature of the night so far, she had heated herself up quite a bit when she had been playing with herself, and felt herself begin to respond to the advances of Sarina and this new tool of humiliation. Sensing Katryna wasn't solely focused on the task at hand any longer, Steph once again yanked on the leash and then swung her meaty right leg up and over her captive's head, locking her right foot beneath her left knee. This, in effect, locked Katryna's head firmly between Steph's thick thighs, and forced her face into constant direct contact with the large girl's pussy. Steph topped the domination off by grabbing a handful of Katryna's hair, using it as a handle to ride her face with greater force.

Meanwhile, Sarina's handiwork was beginning to pay off as Katryna began to buck and grind against the whirring dildo now being plunged in and out of her swollen pussy. To add to the fun, Sarina stuck two fingers in Katryna's ass as well, now working both of the tiny girl's holes simultaneously.

"You better not even think of cumming until I come, dirty slut!" Steph said.

Katryna moaned her disapproval of this new stipulation, but the sound was extremely muffled, coming from in between Steph's thighs. Using her handle of hair to control Katryna's head, she began to use Katryna's nose as a convenient little nub to rub her clit with. A minute or so later, Steph finally came, crushing Katryna's head with her convulsing thunder thighs. She then released her captive's head from the brutal leg lock she'd employed, still keeping a firm grip on her handful of hair.

"You didn't cum yet did you? I want you to ask your mistress's permission before you cum!"

Katryna looked up pleadingly at Steph: "Can I please cum?"

"Can I please cum who?" Steph chided.

"Can I please cum mistress Steph?

"What a pathetic little slutwhore, go ahead."

Having held it for many minutes at this point, Katryna groaned as an earth-shattering orgasm was ripped from her feeble and trembling body by Sarina's "double-pronged" attack. Letting go of her hair, Steph once again yanked on the leash so Katryna's head jerked up, while Sarina brought both the dildo and her fingers up to Katryna's mouth.

"You made a mess, clean these off" Sarina commanded.

Katryna woefully took the dildo into her mouth, cleaning it as best she could with her tongue. When Sarina felt the dildo was sufficiently clean she took it out and brought her assfingers up to Katryna's nose. Katryna balked for a moment, completely disgusted by the idea, but was met by a hard slap from Steph, who still held the leash high in the air, almost choking the defeated girl. Tearing up yet again, Katryna opened her mouth and began licking the fingers that had so recently been buried in her asshole. Once this was done, Steph got up from the bed, dragging Katryna off the bed by her neck with the leash. Sarina began to pull her clothes back on while Steph slipped on a nightie, and laid back down on her bed.

"We're done with you for now bitch," Sarina said as she began to make her way towards the door, "but don't worry, we'll have fun like this every night from now on."

And with that she made her way out the door and down the hallway to her own room. Katryna crawled up onto her bed, turned her head towards the wall, and silently began to cry herself to sleep. This was going to be a long semester.

To be continued...

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DomaldDomaldalmost 3 years ago

Ah, this seems to be the first chapter. The three stories should really be arranged in order.

satedandwaitingsatedandwaitingalmost 3 years ago

Lezdom humiliation stories are great. Looking forward to more. If you continue this, may i make a suggestion? Take it slowly. Have them let her keep her daily routine. Sure she gets seriously dominated at night, but let her keep that hope that she can maintain her normal life during the day. Then slowly, SLOWLY encroach on it. A butt plug here, pantiless there, clit jewelry one day, nipple bands another. Small tasks followed by small tasks to engrain her submission and obedience. Have her get used to each new demand, then another, get used to it, and repeat. Slowly her independence erodes as she's doing slutty tasks here and there, rewarded for success, punished for failure (and sometimes just to remind her they can beat her at will). Exposing herself in small ways at first. An upskirt here, braless tanktop there. A faceless photo of a degrading position, a faceless video of a humiliating act, escalated as a growing catalog of her degrading submission is built. I'd love to see this haughty, beautiful girl, spoiled by how people usually treat her, stuggle to handle the string of humiliations along this journey. Really explore that. I look forward to seeing where you eventually decide to take her.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
carry on

carry on the good work can`t wait for the next instalment

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

gotta love lesbian humiliation. especially well written stories like this....

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

dude.... this is amazing. good work. when are we going to see some sequelss?

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