Satisfaction Pt. 05: Ch. 20 to End


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Bill feels warm inside. Full circle he thinks to himself. He remembers the unconscious favor she had done for him ten years earlier. He recognized her immediately despite the hat.

He recalls how the management had installed surveillance cameras in the store he managed. His lovemaking with her had been recorded. He can still feel how he reacted when he was fired unceremoniously.

He recalls the struggle and the decision to get his own store. Bill feels the anxiety of making it work, the mortgage payments and the growing clientele. His present success and his partners are all due to that one afternoon of love with this wonderful woman, Madeline Treasure. She surely was a treasure. He was determined to explore what they had for a moment.

Yet a moment of annoyance crosses his mind as he thinks how she had not given any hint of recognizing him. But he quickly pushes this poisonous thought away, telling himself that after contracting alopecia with its attendant hair loss and the weight gain, it was not surprising she did not know him. He looks forward to the following evening.

Madeline's hasty retreat does not stop until she is halfway back to the center of town. She stops and looks at her reflection in a shop window to adjust the angle of her hat. The comment about what she would wear had hits her like an erotic demand.

She was at the same time both appalled and aroused by the suggestion. Rather than deal with it in her normal manner, Madeline chose not to confront the conflicting emotions but let them slide to the back of her mind, yet the notion of blue panties rattled around like a sense of déjà vu.

A fine lunch at the newly renovated downtown hotel, and renting of three videos, all quite forgettable, sees Madeline through to bedtime.

From the moment Madeline wakes the next day to mid-afternoon time flies by as she copes with the crisis of her sick Persian cat, Mustifer. It was not until she arrives back at about teatime does, she even think about collecting the shoes. She thinks of phoning and collecting them the next morning, but she was unable to find the number in the phone book, and rather than call information, she is sufficiently collected herself to reconsider. She knows if she settles down there would be plenty of time to catch the five-thirty bus.

To get rid of the stickiness the rushing around had caused, Madeline showers and as she dressing she once more thinks about the imperative she was under. Madeline looks at one dress and then another, before settling on a simple white shift with a scooped neck and no sleeves. The hem falls to just above her knees. She knows she had some blue thongs but consciously decides to wear white panties and bra, to match her white thigh-high stockings... a concession to the request.

The shoes she wore the previous day match the ensemble. Madeline glances at the clock and rushes to the door only to see the bus turning the corner and disappearing into the distance.

"Why can't the darn thing be late when you want it to be!" she mutters to herself. Madeline googles to find a local taxi phones and calls them.

It is suddenly important to get to the store before it closes. The wait for the cab was only about ten agitated minutes. Madeline hates being late for anything. The journey takes about another fifteen minutes. Madeline finds herself before William Edward W. Quinn's door just before closing.

As she enters into the sunlight interior, Madeline is almost knocked down by a thirties-something couple laughing as they bustle out of the door marked "Staff Only". She looked at them and concludes they looked more like customers than staff. The store then becomes suddenly quiet after the hubbub dies. Madeline looks around and sees no one until Bill emerges from the storeroom at the back.

Bill Quinn anxiously sees the taxi arrive, after starting a debate with himself as to how long he would wait for Madeline. He concluded he would give only five minute's grace, notwithstanding the fact he intended to be at the store for a number of hours.

It was with some relief he scrambles into the stock room in order to make a grand entrance to greet Madeline.

"Well, right on time. Perfect." Madeline smiles and gives a small, cute curtsy.

"I have your shoes, but first I would like to give you this envelope. It's not to be opened until you are about to leave, OK?"

"Sure. Whatever," Madeline replies.

She is preoccupied with the gleaming thigh-high boots she saw in the window the previous day. They were now on a small display table in the store. The afternoon sun shines on them like a spotlight. Madeline could not take her eyes off of them.

Madeline's attention returns to the present.

"Well, don't you want to try them on?" For a moment she thinks Bill refers to the boots but then sees her new shoes.

"Oh, sure."

Madeline sits, facing the boots. Bends to kick off her shoes and try on the new ones. Both feet fit better than any other pair of shoes she has ever bought. Bill offers her his hand, and she rises from the chair and paces along the carpeted area. She does not know she was wearing shoes they are so comfortable.

"Wonderful. Come over to the mirror and look at yourself in them."

Madeline approaches the mirror and Bill comes up close behind her. She looks at herself and sees Bill close behind her. She can feel his body heat through the back of her dress. A shudder runs down her spine. Then she notices him crouching down a bit and suddenly realizes he has caught the hem of her dress at the sides and is lifting it slowly.

"Stop that at once."

Madeline freezes before the mirror as some distant memory keeps escaping beyond her grasp. Like a word on the tip of the tongue, the memory will not materialize. More and more of her legs appear and the shape of her legs seems to slim as the hem rises. The thicker stocking tops come into view. A wave of pleasure at the gesture continues to prevent Madeline from stopping the lifting motion. The hem does not stop its slow inexorable rise. Her white panties come into full view before Bill stops.

"Oh, they are not blue!" Bill whispers in mock disappointment. "But I was partially right."

"What?" Madeline stays in the same position and leans back into Bill body. In her arousal she can now see a damp patch on the panties. The increased transparency allows the pubic hairs to show quite clearly through in small panel at the front.

Gathering herself and pushing the skirt down, Madeline manages to squeak out, "Thank you. The shoes are lovely." and slowly walks back to the chair to collect her purse.

Bill holds his breath before blurting out, in as controlled a way as he can manage, "I saw you looking at the boots earlier on. Like to try them on? They're expensive, but you can try them. I won't pressure you to buy."

"How much?"

"Five hundred."

"Oh, much too much." The disappointment in Madeline's voice comes through. She really wishes she could have them. They are so outrageous and sexy they became a symbol of all the rebellion in her.

"Please try them on? For me. I'd love to see how they look on you. Just for a few minutes... do you have the time? Please, pretty please." The last statement is said with the broadest of smiles.

Madeline knows no harm could be done by just trying them.

"OK, but I cannot afford them. And in any event when would I wear them?"

"Since you will not be buying them, do you mind if I apply some powder to ease getting them on and off? As you can imagine they are tight and meant to be that way. The powder helps them slide on."


Bill sits at Madeline's feet and opens a box with some pale colored powder in it. He removed Madeline's new shoes and his hands deftly rolled her stockings down and off. Madeline is again immediately restored to a state of arousal by the feel of this stranger's hands on her bare legs.

"You may wish to pull your hem up...I don't want to get this powder on your lovely dress."

Madeline sees the logic in the need to get her dress out of the way and raises the hem right up to almost her waist, lifting herself to help the transition. Bill starts to apply the powder to her left foot. The powder feels a little cold on her skin. He works it between the toes and pressures the foot in a comfortable, yet firm, way.

The massage is soothing as Bill rubs in into the foot. Almost immediately Madeline begins to relax and an inner warmth creeps up her legs. Bills hands seem to be led by the sensual wave rising to her knees then to her crotch. Bill's hands stop short of the highest point of the upper thigh, and Madeline feels a momentary wave of disappointment.

Madeline becomes drowsy. She allows the foot and leg massage continue for about ten minutes in total. She relaxes thoroughly and rests quietly in a state of sexual tension.

Madeline comes out her reverie by the question,

"Shall we try them on now?"

They pull the boots on. Although tight, they slip on easily, and when Madeline stands, they were clearly too loose at the top. "Come over to the mirror."

Madeline does as requested, now feeling a complete loss of control of the situation as she approaches the mirror.

"Raise your skirt" Madeline raises her skirt to the same level as before.

"Beautiful, beautiful. But they need some adjustments at the top make them stay up. You have slender thighs. May I take a photo?"

Before Madeline knows it, Bill has a camera in his hand and takes a shot of her with the skirt right up at the front. Madeline returns to her seat and struggles to get the boot off on her own. Bill comes over and gives her assistance. He then wipes her leg with a wet warm wet towel to remove the residue of the powder.

"I am going to adjust the width across the thigh." Madeline is about to object, telling Bill she could not afford them, and then suddenly realizes that the feet fitted perfectly. He must have already stretched the right foot to make them comfortable.

Before she can raise an objection, Bill speaks. "Time to open the envelope. Remember I gave it to you before I knew what you were wearing under your dress."

Madeline picks up the envelope, curious to see what was in it.

She reads: "Madeline will not wear blue panties as I have requested. She will wear black. If I am wrong, then the boots are Madeline's providing she returns at just before six on Wednesday, wearing no panties at all."

Bill then comments, "I had a bet with myself. Indulge me. You can walk away, no harm done. Or you can return and, if you meet my condition, the boots are yours."

Madeline once more feels a sudden rush or arousal as Bill utters his words. But is also rendered speechless. Madeline collects her new shoes and stuffs them in her large purse, nods to Bill with a smile and no commitment, and once more leaves the store in a hurry.

Madeline fights, all the way home, the urge to think about what had happened. She suppresses the urge to give in to the pleasure she feels deep down. Madeline mounts the argument to herself that she would never have occasion to wear such boots, yet at the same time remembers the very expensive diamond bracelet Alfred had given her for which she also has no occasion to wear.

The self-developed counterarguments annoy Madeline. She turns her thoughts to her kids, her work and then to the cat. As Madeline enters the house Mustifer comes to the door and rubs herself against her mistress. Madeline picks her up and luxuriates in the warm soft fur. The sensuous feeling immediately brings back Bill's gentle touch on her legs as he removed her stockings.

Madeline busies herself with preparing herself an omelet and goes down to the cramped washing area in the basement. She strips off her panties, her dress and for good measure her bra and stuff them into a white-wash.

Grabbing one of Alfred's shirts she covers herself. But as she bends down her bottom leans into the drier as it hums away with the sheets washed the previous day. The warmth once more casts her mind back to the feel of Bill behind her at the mirror. She rests her ass against the machine, and then as the growing pleasure mounts, hoists herself onto the machine and sits with her whole rear end being vibrated. It does not take more than a few moments for Madeline to reach a shuddering climax.

Madeline slumps and then pulls herself together. The sense of pleasure inside her is now more distant from the self-induced relief, but somehow feels firmer in its foothold in her being.

Some television and catching up on the news in the paper brings Madeline to bedtime. She potters around putting off the time before she gets between the sheets. Madeline knows her sensuality will once more rise as she gets into bed. She tries very hard to go straight to sleep but her thoughts keep returning to the sense of disappointment she had that Bill had not touched her when he was behind her at the mirror.

She wanted him there and then. Madeline also wanted him later as he massaged her feet and legs and as he toweled then cleaned after trying on the boots. She curses herself for not giving in to the urge to open her legs wide as he worked on her.

Madeline slowly finds herself touching herself. With slow sensual movements gets more and more aroused until she is hammering her clit as fast as her hands can move. Once more she brings herself to an orgasm and rides the afterglow into sleep.

In the morning the stretchy moments after waking prove to be even more sensuous for Madeline than the previous evening. But her will is also stronger as she leaps out of bed, pulls on some sweats, feeds Mustifer, and starts out on a long walk.

Once more the arguments are marshaled in Madeline's mind. Why do I need a pair of thigh-high boots? Halloween? The cadence of her vigorous stride as Madeline walks suggests a deeper more primitive rhythm. She slows down. Why not be fanciful? The internal debate ranges back and forth without solution.

Once home, Madeline is both heartened and annoyed to see Mustifer easily leap up on the counter to greet her return. She accuses her of being a fraud when twenty-four hours earlier she could hardly breathe let alone leap around. The soft fur under her hand once more acts as a sensual trigger to her aching desires.

In the shower Madeline uses the handheld water nozzle, set to pulsing, to bring relief. Madeline dresses sensibly and proceeds to be the perfect model of a housewife to suppress all the raging fires within. Vacuuming, making muffins, and even, as an act of desperation cleaning the oven occupy Madeline's time to displace the "other" thoughts.

Talking to each of her three kids on the phone proves the best distraction. Madeline is lucky to catch each of them at their desks and after about thirty minutes, in which each child thinks Mom is having one her manic highs, or is very lonely, they all politely let her know they have work to get on with. Her daughter senses something more and lets the conversation run on for about an hour yet was no wiser as to what was troubling her mom.

Afternoon soaps do not help Madeline at all, so she sits herself in front of a mirror, and does a careful appraisal of her looks. Madeline concludes she is not bad at all for a middle-aged woman. As on the previous day Madeline thinks about phoning and letting Bill know she will not be coming over. Then in a moment of insight and firm conviction Madeline realizes that the true experience rests in the process of getting the boots, not the boots themselves. It is the adventure she promised herself, not the destination that is important.

In that moment, Madeline resolves her own inner conflict and out loud says, "Enjoy the ride!" The challenge now, as Madeline sees it, is whether she has the courage to go without panties, to claim the boots. As quickly as the doubt arises Madeline answers herself, "Go for it!"

The agony now transferred itself as to what to wear. Madeline selects the white blouse again and this time couples it with a sky-blue full summer skirt that comes down to below the knees. No stockings and a midnight blue lacy bra that would show thorough the blouse quite clearly. Madeline phones to book the taxi for 5:40 precisely, emphasizing the need to be right on time.

Madeline quivers through the strawberry bath she draws for herself but resists the urge to masturbate once more. Makeup is applied carefully, using more eye shadow than normal for a dramatic, almost gothic effect. Dark lipstick. Hair greased back into a smooth almost androgynous look. Madeline is ready thirty minutes early.

The taxi arrives ten minutes early. Madeline is ready and leaves immediately. She sets out to get a pair of boots and find an adventure. Madeline's heightened sensibilities register the sound of the ancient bell on the door, as she enters the store. The smell of leather is strong and masculine.

Bill looks up from the customer he is serving, smiles widely, and gestures to a chair. Madeline sits and looks around. She sees no sign of her boots and feels disappointment. She is also conscious of her absence of panties for the first time and has a rush of panic and pleasure.

The customers are two women. The older one elegantly dressed and the other looks like her daughter. Madeline feels a pang of jealousy as Bill is clearly working diligently on the young teenager's foot, although she cannot see exactly what is going on. She remembers the massage.

After about five minutes of this careful working on the girl's foot, Madeline becomes more and more agitated and decides to walk around to see what is going on and make her presence very clear. Just as Madeline is about to rise, the girl stands and takes some tentative steps on the carpet. Madeline is mortified. The girl walks with a very pronounced limp and she can see that the poor girl has one leg much shorter than the other. Bill was all the time just fitting the built-up special shoe. Madeline feels a lump rise in her throat and she settles into a sympathetic peace with herself.

As Madeline relaxes as an elderly man struggles through the door marked for employees only. She recognizes him from the church, but he does not see her, preoccupied as he is with the large parcel he is carrying. Madeline considers she has just had a narrow escape such is her expectation of adventure between these four walls. But then she rationalizes she could have just been buying shoes like the other couple.

Madeline watches as Bill ushers the mother and daughter out of the store, throw the bolts and turns off the store lights. He turns and looks at her in the light coming from the windows. "So, you are here."

Bill blushes at the banality of stating the obvious. He immediately attempts to recover by striking the more positive note of what will follow. "Come for one final look, or to take the boots away with you?" Madeline's heart leaps.

"That you will find out after I have tried them on."

Bill disappears through the employees' door calling out he would be a few minutes. Madeline, alone in the store, wanders over to one of the mirrors and looks at her image in the soft light. She raises her skirt with two hands and keeps moving it up until she could see her own pubic hair. The thrill of the adventure had started for her.

Little did she know Bill was observing her through the glass of the two-way mirror along with Tom, who whispers his admiration to Bill. Bill whispers back some instructions to Tom who nods his understanding.

Bill re-emerges from the back, carrying the boots, to find Madeline sitting comfortably. Bill presents the boots telling Madeline that they would now fit well. Madeline now regrets not wearing stockings to be pulled gently off. She boldly asks, "Do I need the powder?"

"I don't think so" Bill teases, "but, for you, ma'am it would be my pleasure."