Satisfaction Pt. 05: Ch. 20 to End


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Madeline thinks, "And mine."

Once more Bill sits at Madeline's feet and starts his slow massage using the pale powder. He works the toes slowly and spends time on the sole of the feet. The sensuality of the experience draws Madeline into her own pleasure.

She remembers her regrets from the previous day and as Bill's hands advance beyond her knees to her inner thighs, she opens her legs wider and wider inviting Bill's hands to advance beyond the point he stopped yesterday. Bill accepts the invitation, and he brings his fingers to the entrance of her vagina. Madeline moves herself to the very edge of the chair so her vulva hangs out in mid-air to facilitate Bill's ministrations.

"I guess you will be taking the boots?"

"I might like to leave them here to ensure they are well cared for, and I may have to take regular fittings," Madeline almost purrs as she rises slowly on the wave of pleasure rising in her lower body. Bill only has to touch the clitoris to induce a spectacular orgasm in Madeline. She arches back into the chair and howls a primitive incantation to the molded plaster ceiling.

Bill knows how to back off as she comes down from her heights. Slowly he starts to slip on the boots onto Madeline's feet and pull them steadily up. "Stand up." Madeline responds to the imperative in the voice. Bill pulls the boots up as they cling snugly to all parts of the legs, including the thighs, where they had been loose the day before.

Madeline notices that the outer seam had been emphasized with a strip of dull leather that seems to loop in a decorative way. She did not think it adds anything to the design, but then it did not detract particularly either. When Madeline stands her skirt falls and hides much of the boot. They approach the mirror together and Bill once moves in closely behind her. Looking over her shoulder, he whispers in her ear, "Raise your skirt and keep it up." Madeline complies but takes a time to raise the hem of her full skirt to a point where they both can see her pussy.

Bill's hands come around and grip her in the pubic area. He hooks his finger deep into her cunt. Madeline's knees buckle at the suddenness of the motion and the stab of pain and pleasure she receives. She leans back into Bill for balance and comfort. She retains her grip on the skirt.

Bills hands leave her pubes and quickly find the hooks on the waistband of the skirt. He undoes them and a button in one smooth action. He pushes Madeline away from him and says, "Let go!" The skirt falls down into a puddle of fabric at her feet. Once again Bill draws Madeline to him, naked from the waist down.

Bill has released his large erection from his trousers, and she can feel it against and almost between the cheeks of her ass. Bill's hands return to the work he had started a few moments earlier. He inserts his hooked fingers into Madeline's cunt. This time Madeline is ready and opens her legs in invitation.

She feels his cock, wet and sliding from his own pre-cum, moving up and down between her ass cheeks, as he brings her to her second orgasm. She then feels the warmth and the coolness of his jism as it spurts up her back and drains down between her cheeks.

They slump into each other and their eyes meet in the reflection in the mirror. She sees the pleasure smile, and in that moment an uncertain road ahead. She suddenly recognizes Bill from the event ten years earlier, smiles and, for some reason she does not understand, wishes to keep the events separate, so says nothing.

"Let's sit for a minute."

"But I'm all wet."

"The leather will clean up. Don't worry."

As Madeline's emotional state returns to normal two things intrude on her comfort; the leather sticks to her ass as she tries to move it, and she needs to pee. As she looks down at her new boots she fills with a flush of pleasure at her courage to undertake the dare, and also pride of ownership of such a lovely piece of workmanship.

"Is there a washroom down the back? I need to pee."

"Yes. You have just anticipated an invitation I was about to extend to come and see our back room. As we go down the access corridor the washroom is the first door on the left. When you have finished come to the door at the end."

With that, Bill sweeps up Madeline's skirt and moves to the door marked for employees and holds it open.

"You won't be needing this," Bill states without any room for debate, as he holds up the skirt. Madeline starts to object but is somewhat startled by the authority in Bill's voice and says nothing. They enter a very poorly lit corridor. Madeline gropes along the wall until her hand hits a door frame and then the doorknob before she realizes she has found the entrance to the washroom.

"Come down to end when you are finished."

Her eyes have adjusted enough to see Bill gesturing towards a vaguely visible door at the end. Madeline ruefully reflects that she has no alternative, without her skirt. Madeline, now relieved and washed using the tiny sink, approaches the rear door with some trepidation. She inhales deeply and tells herself this is just another step in her adventure.

A brighter light switches on suddenly as she reaches the door. Momentarily she is blinded but sees the door in front of her open and Bill beckons for her to enter. She is once more plunged into a state of near blindness as her eyes once more have to adjust to the low light levels in the room. Madeline is immediately hit by the warm, soft yet humid, atmosphere, saturated with the smell of leather. But beyond that smell she can detect the earthy odor of human sweat.

She notices the shapes of all sorts of clothes hanging from the ceiling. Most are vague in shape and definition and Madeline has a problem focusing on them before she realizes most are in black, or dark colors.

Madeline approaches one larger outfit that seems to be a wet suit of the type divers' use. Feeling it, she recognizes the material to be of a soft, supple leather.

"Like to try it on?" Bill's voice seems softer and more persuasive than earlier.

"No, not really my thing. Anyway, I can hardly see it. Can we have some more light?" As if by magic the light intensity increases just a fraction.

"Your eyes will get used to it in a few minutes." Madeline jumps at a voice is that was not Bill's.

"I did not mean to startle you. My name is Tom, I am a partner of Bill's." A tall blond man in his mid-thirties moves forward into Madeline's vision.

It was now sufficiently light for her to see he is wearing a leather apron that stretches to his knees, over nothing else she could see - apart from large boots.

"I make the goods. I am a leather artist. I adjusted your shoes and boots. Do you like them?"

Flustered, Madeline replies.

"Yes. You did a wonderful job."

An honest sentiment, for Madeline is truly impressed with the shoe and the boots. Madeline is also impressed by the specimen of manhood before her. His shoulders and muscular, but not overdeveloped, arms shine with a light sheen of sweat. She instantaneously appraises his configuration as one concerned with action rather than physical conceit.

Then quite suddenly Madeline becomes aware of her nudity below her waist and thrusts her hands down to cover her pubic area. Tom laughs a genuinely spontaneous and musical guffaw.

"Bit late for that, Madeline. But I have a solution for you. If you'll remove the rest of your clothes, I'll fit you up with a leather outfit. I bet you have never had leather next to your skin, except for shoes. Right?"

Madeline thinks that of course Tom is correct, and he knows it but questions whether she is ready to remove the rest of my clothes. She decides.

"Do you have a changing room?"

"No. Our clientele sees no need for one, usually but you can hide behind that rack of clothes if that's what you want. But let me select you something. Do you mind if it's a little outrageous, but it will go beautifully with your boots."

"Sure, why not?"

Suddenly Madeline refocuses on the adventure she was experiencing and urges herself to suppress her fears and "go for it". Madeline watches Tom as he walks around the racks. Madeline can now see the racks quite clearly. They are a substantial grid of iron squares painted black and supported from the ceiling by heavy rods. The grid covers the large room.

Madeline can also discern a series of glass display racks with glass doors along one wall, but due to the glass reflection cannot see what is in them. The other wall makes the room look twice the size with its full height mirrors stretching its full length.

Tom hands Madeline what seems to be no more than a few strips of leather. The softness of the beautifully tanned and prepared leather is immediately apparent. The way the tangle of pieces should be worn is not clear.

"You can put it on over there." Tom advises pointing to a corner that partially obscured with a screen. Madeline is not going to ask how the garment was to be worn. She determines she could work that out.

Behind the screen she turns the intricate and joined pieces of leather around and around until she determines the most obvious part which is the bra section. She notices the bra does not have snaps at the back but is laced shut. By carefully going through the untangling process, that takes her back to her childhood when she was the family champion at unraveling string balls, she finds how the various parts of the garment were to be worn.

She sets the complex web of strips and metal rings that join them on the floor in a way she can climb into it. Madeline removes her blouse and bra, realizes she will be clearly visible when she crouches down to pick up the outfit but decides 'to hell with it" bends, and start to thread her body into the webbed garment.

The part between her legs is two separated strips like crotchless panties, each strip sitting comfortably either side of her labia. The strap around her waist that hold the crotch pieces up is tight and a connecting ring at the front, requires Madeline to suck in her tummy as much as she can to engage the hook of leather onto the ring.

The bra feels very weird to Madeline notwithstanding her small breasts. I donut-shaped padded ring built into the bra presses somewhat uncomfortably, and the material seems much thicker than the rest. Madeline engages another strap with rings on it around her ribcage just below her breasts but is baffled as to how to lace the back of the bra without help, and gives up on this aspect of dressing, but is able to keep the bra in position by holding her arms at her sides.

Stepping out she asks,

"What do you think? I need help with the lacing at the back," expecting Bill to step up. Tom moves in quickly. In passing she notices he is wearing shorts under the apron.

"Lean against the wall at an angle, with your hands out. That's right." Madeline adopts a position she has seen when cops want to render a suspect immobile when being searched. Tom threads the laces into the eyes and starts pulling it tight. The initial touch is sensuous to Madeline but feels more and more malevolent as Tom starts to tighten the laces.

Images of Victorian ladies' dance through Madeline's mind, but she does not flinch. As the bra tightens, she has the sensation that her breasts are being pushed to the front pointed part by the padded ring built into the cups. The compression gets more and more intense to the point of pain.

"Stop. Stop. That hurts."

"OK. OK. But you'll have relief in a moment"

Madeline thinks Tom is going to release it as he ties the laces off.

"Now for the gloves. Give me your arms."

Madeline straightens up, turns and presents her arms. Both Bill and Tom are there to push one glove on each sleeve. The softness of the leather going up both arms is sensuous and erotic for Madeline. Suddenly Madeline knows what has happened. Each glove ends like a sock. Her fingers and thumb are free to move inside but there is no opening or way to grip anything.

The gloves are secured by buckles at the wrist, below the elbow and at the top of the arm. Madeline finds herself helpless. Then she notices a series of rings sewn into the gloves. Bill comes around the front of Madeline who is about to say something, anything, if the words would form in the cauldron of terror and erotic submission that churns in her mind.

As the words begin to surface, and as she looks him in the eyes, she feels a tug at her breasts and a tearing noise as a small patch of leather covering the nipple attached by Velcro is removed. Madeline feels the pressure come off the breast at the same time her nipple pops out through hole in the center.

The words die stillborn and are replaced by tears. The padded rings act to push the nipple out to what seems like an impossible length to Madeline, and as if it was being extruded. The other breast receives the same treatment.

"Now you are almost ready for the next stage" Bill says solemnly.

In all the confusion churning in Madeline's mind, she hears a new voice from the rear of the store.

"Hope I'm not too late?"

Madeline's terror rises to a new level as she tries to bring some semblance of control to her shattered thoughts and jumbled emotions.

She thinks to herself, "Oh, not another." Another voice deep inside her being whispers, "So babe, you wanted an adventure. Now you've got a real doozy!" Somehow this reminder of her own objectives relaxes and calms Madeline once more.

The roller coaster of erotic play and terror once more switches to the objective of getting pleasure out of the situation rather than fight it. Madeline recognizes the hopelessness of the situation she finds herself and asserts her ability to gain some degree of control once more.

"Wow, you guys sure know how to spring a surprise party!" Madeline blurts out with as much humor and conviction as she can muster.

That unknown moment of reaction, for which Bill and Tom are never able to anticipate the outcome, was past. On many occasions they had just let the unwitting and shaken "customer" leave. They bought the silence of the reluctant clients by citing their willing participation in the fun that had already passed and gave warning of photographs getting into the wrong hands.

The always erred on the cautious side, yet still found many new friends because of their activities.

They, of course, did not let on to Madeline that many withdrew at this stage. Madeline, for a few seconds, thinks some madness has gripped her when she was going through the trauma, for, before her was a man identical to Tom, who stood in clear view to her right.

Bill's voice, also from the right, introduces the new man.

"Tim, meet Madeline. Tim's Tom's identical brother and our other partner. Tim is our roving sales representative for our fetish wares."

Suddenly the deep concern affecting Madeline lifts. She almost feels elation at the explanation. She sees Tim is dressed identically to Tom and wonders why that would be if he is a salesman. The similar muscular frame sends a shiver of pleasure through Madeline.

Bill knows they were past that moment when the customer wants out, but an after-reaction sometimes leads to the woman pleading to withdraw. Bill wants to forestall Madeline's defection not only because having a willing player in their games was always delicious, but also Bill recognizes he had already developed an affection for Madeline.

Bill approaches Madeline with arms out wide and moves in for a protective hug. For Madeline this gesture of acceptance and compassion is immediately tempered by the erotic reaction of the hug on her distended nipples poking through holes in the bra. Madeline finds the sensation to be a strange amalgam of pleasure and discomfort.

As Bill backs off slightly and plants a sensuous kiss on Madeline's lips, she has no problem recognizing the dominant sensation of pleasure. Bill kisses very well. Bill's hands run up and down Madeline's spine, caressing and massaging. Bill then releases the bun that holds Madeline's long black hair. Madeline's heightened sensitivity registers the caressing fall of the hairs on her back.

Madeline then realizes that Bill's stroking motion has been supplemented by one more pair of hands on her back. The second pair work their way around to her nipples and a body presses into her back. The nipples respond by hardening and being very sensitive to the gentle rolling motion they are subject to. Bill continues to kiss Madeline and works his tongue over hers. Bill bites her lips with ardor but no pain. The hands move from her nipples and fuss along the sides of her body.

Madeline suddenly experiences a strange sensation as the weight on her feet lessens and the leather straps around her legs and crotch tighten. She suddenly realizes she is being lifted by a harness and finds herself supported.

She first thinks of herself as a window washer on a high building, but as she enters the moment Madeline is transported back to her carefree days as a girl on a swing under the sweeping maple tree at her grandparents. As Madeline's thoughts wander to the past, each gloved hand is then also trapped by hooks through the loops and tightened with her arms pulled outwards and above her head.

It is all done so slowly Madeline observes with some curiosity and wonder as the black ropes snake over pulleys as the twins pull down hand over hand. The harness supporting Madeline moves back and forth a little adding to the sensation of swinging.

With detached fascination Madeline observes Bill move back and her body rises even further such that the swing is at shoulder height. The twins move round to her legs and attach more black rope to the loops on the sides of her boots at ankle level. The ropes are threaded over pulleys to either side and the twins again start their gentle pressure.

Madeline at first resists the tension pulling her legs apart, but soon gives into it. The exposure of the wetness already generated between her legs feels cold and sends a pleasant shiver through her whole being. Not only are the legs are pulled apart they lift as well. Madeline now finds a mild giddy vertigo disorienting her.

The slow lifting of the legs tilts her backward on the central harness so her head dips and gets lower and lower. As the surprise of the sensation wears off, Madeline once more is thrown back to her childhood play on the swing. How she loved to grab the supporting ropes and turn herself upside down.

Memories of her dear grandmother flood back to her as she recalls being scolded for showing her underwear while upside down. A wry moment of humor distracts Madeline as she wonders what her grandmother would make of her at this moment.

Madeline feels her hair tugging at her scalp under its own weight. Perched at about sixty degrees to the vertical, head low, legs akimbo, hands thrown wide, Madeline feels the weight of her vulnerability. But due to the cunning design of the harness she feels weightless at the same time.

A faint humming sound precedes the feel of a vibrator on her inner thighs above the boot tops. Two vibrators, held by one of the twins, one on each leg gently massage up and down never quite reaching her vulva. Madeline immediately feels her arousal rising with each circuit of the two synchronized vibrators. Before she knows what is happening to her, she has an orgasm that shudders her whole body and the harness as well.

Madeline starts to relax and finds that she can feel warm breath on her vaginal area. A tongue starts to explore and open her labia. The tongue touches her stiffened clitoris, and the past orgasm is history and a new journey to the next has begun. As her pleasure starts to increase from the tongue, some impulse causes Madeline to open her eyes. She faces the strangest sight.