All Comments on 'Saving Her Marriage'

by swingerjoe

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AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Some of the worst dialogue ever written

Of course that what you can expect from this dipshit writer. One star. Boring as fuck.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Ok but...

Didn’t you put out a story about a woman facing temptation from a man she’s carpooling with already?

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
This is the guy who's always throwing shit at everyone.

I wouldn't read it if you paid me, but I will give it a one for being an asshole.

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggover 6 years ago
Cyprian Cohort Extolling a Contraband Kink Leads Main Character to Crossroads

The Top 5 Foremost RIGHT and wrong literary features employed by swingerjoe To multitudinous effect in my estimable and yet oh so HUMBLE opinion. 

1) Right: LOVED the lead-in image of Jessica's shaking hand tentatively reaching for doorknob. Exactly what portal and who was she considering opening up to ? The author answered that question with virtuoso ancillary touch like a conductor leading with emotionally charged opening movement before leading into subsequent main musical passages where main orchestra comes in.Kudos.

2) WRONG : This is more of a nitpick. I wanted just a quick glimpse of her interacting with Devin , post tipping point, booty - call hotel room door raps. She is switching shifts so their car -pooling fraternization would seem to coming to close.

3) RIGHT : I liked the amorphous nature of the couple as character-pair. Only when Jessica returned from airport to find Matt asleep with toddler daughter on lap did reader know the trajectory and integrity quotient of these two individuals.

4) WRONG :  Another nitpick : Devin was portrayed as pure horndog from his introduction to closeout scene. To me , he and Jessica should have had " a moment " where he affirms her as human being and validates her in way Matt was currently not. Yes, in end analysis, the road to marital ruin ran thru him - but giving him ephemeral gravitas would have hiked dramatic tension at aforementioned tipping point.

Maybe next time.

5) RIGHT : I have to boomerang back to story starting of Jessica's hand reaching for door knob. This is called an " In Medea Res" ( in the middle of things) introduction . From there swingerjoe led many readers ( including myself ) to assume a conclusion drastically different from one he chose. Yet upon review of story in its entirety - her decision wasn't out of line with select core background facts given.

Well played, as in Gustav Mahler Symphony no 2 level ( Bruno Walter conductor , New York Philharmonic ).

Bottom line(s):  Jessica was indeed a young blonde with an itch , but that didn't define her. In the end , she saw the thread of causes that was weaving pattern of her marital fabric and took decisive action. It could have gone either way, thanks to swingerjoe 's skill that reached alternated primeval intensity with tender minuet-esque moments.

Ergo the obvious rating. 

Full marks * * * * *

WyldcardWyldcardover 6 years ago

Man... folk rate and comment by writer popularity. You write a story where the wife facing temptation and marriage problems, chooses not to stray and instead make other changes in her life to protect her marriage and her integrity, and people still crap on it.

Thanks for the story, and to be fair... I think her grandmother's advice was good. I had similar from an elder business mentor: Don't do anything in business you wouldn't want to tell your grandkids about. Generally positive advice.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Anyone else would get a three for this meh

This fuckwad gets a one.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Good story

What did you ever do to piss off so many readers? Are they the trolls often mentioned?

ReedRichardsReedRichardsover 6 years ago

I never base my votes on my opinion of the author rather than the story.

TwentysevenTwentysevenover 6 years ago
Nice Story

Once again proving that you, unlike most others, can write on a range of themes and still be interesting. Of course, you could write the Gettysburg Address and a dedicated minority would still cane you.

javmor79javmor79over 6 years ago
Great job.

You will never be rewarded justly for your storytelling ability in this arena, but I'm sure you know that. Stick to the stories, stop bashing BlackRandi, and don't try to save Loving Wives. Its not going to change. Accept it for what it is.

We all have those we like and those we don't. Its not worth it to take every opportunity to let them know that. You become no better than those you fight against.

Anyways, nice job.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Karma is a bitch

After shitting on so many other people's stories, SJ is getting some of it back. Poetic justice. Didn't he just put out several really bad comments on other people's stories over the last few days?

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Stop bashing BR? Pigs will fly first. How long has that been going on? It's not just BR, it's everyone in the place who writes stories he doesn't like. He brings it all on himself.

BobecheBobecheover 6 years ago

I liked your story and I thought the approach was refreshing.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 6 years ago

"As long as I keep him happy in the bedroom" - Maybe Jessica should try that!

It may come as a surprise to some, but I'm not as down on Samantha as much as might be expected, especially as she at least CLAIMS to have the same attitude towards her husband. However, I think we all know what would happen if she or her husband were the protagonist of a LW story. One of two (maybe more) things could happen. She might decide that it's so easy to fool her husband that she decides to try cheating closer to home, with predictable results; or one of her playmates is in her town and bumps into her and her husband at a restaurant, again with predictable results!

"We're expected to maintain our homes as well." - Isn't Matt helping in that area?

"she seemed to crave the affirmation that she was still as sexy and desirable as ever" - Why do sexy women in these stories always seem to need "affirmation" that they are sexy?

"Devin seemed to be constantly horny for a man his age" - "For his age?" Just how old is he, 35, maybe?

I'm sorry, I know we need it for the story, but a married woman whose carpool mate pulls out his cock stops riding with him!

"The marriage rate declined in the late 19th century" - I'm too lazy to look this up myself, but don't you mean "20th century"?

"Maybe an exciting affair was just what she needed to re-energize herself" - Samantha is playing out of town, with men that she is unlikely to run into, Jessica is fantasizing about a man that she works with, carpools with, who her husband is sure to run into,

"You know I always keep my promises," - Including the promise to be faithful?

Of COURSE, she can't refuse Devin!

"always so complimentary of her. He made her feel special" - Not saying that she doesn't deserve the compliments, but he'd say it even if she didn't, because he wants to get in her pants! "Special"? We all know that if her husband tried to make her feel "special" it wouldn't mean anything because "he's her husband, he HAS to say/do that!"

I also wouldn't count on him "having as much to lose." Maybe he doesn't care. Maybe he has an open marriage. Maybe he's NOT really married!

Did she really write that part of her paper in first person?

Don't faint, but nice job, Joe!

silentsoundsilentsoundover 6 years ago
Nice tension

Enjoyed this short and the tension.

Also liked the reference to her grandmother who was married for so long with integrity.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Well !

The only thing worst then a swingerjoe story is reading a sbrooks103 x or a LSD comment. All three are blow hards who think people care what they think.

payenbrantpayenbrantover 6 years ago
A wife who thinks it through?

Very pleased with this story. Sure, Jessica did go too far, but in the end she made the right decision. Let's hope she Continues to do so....

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
re:anonymous-good story

As if you don't know. Trying to be cute, are you? One has to fan the fire or it will go out. True?

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 6 years ago
@Anonymous Re: "Well !"

If people didn't want to know what we think they wouldn't allow comments to enable us to say what we think!

As for other reader, unlike you, I have an ID. If you don't care what I think, skip over my comments! SHEESH! That's what I do with LSD's!

TheKrrakTheKrrakover 6 years ago
Great story

The fact that she thought first before acting is what more people need to do. There is a great lesson here people - learn it.

Good angst in such a short tale.


imanononeimanononeover 6 years ago

Well thought out and well executed. Please keep writing LW. Thanks for the offering.


AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
@anonymous, "good story"

No the author is the troll so often mentioned. The worst troll around.

SelqSelqover 6 years ago
Good, solid story.

Swingerjoe, the writer, is always a solid read. It's nice to read a story about facing and then overcoming temptation. Nice change of pace from what is normally posted.

Your story will not score as high as it should simply because many people cannot separate swingerjoe the writer from swingerjoe the commenter. You reap what you sow, I guess.

Thank you for writing, I enjoyed 5.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Not a fan of your's SJ ....

.... but this was a well thought out story! Gave it a "4".

Another BTB Anon

imanononeimanononeover 6 years ago
Please correct me if I'm wrong

Selq - Although somewhat ambiguous, I do not believe the point was that she overcame the temptation with workmate. She sexed him at the hotel then later read her grandmother's notes on fidelity and integrity and is now out of remorse and guilt trying to change herself to regain her integrity. At least that is my take on the story.

Still 5* for me.

To Joe - Keep writing and try to ignore the people that attack you because they do not like the plot of your story or claim they do not like your style because they really don't like the fact that it is not a BTB. In reality they like your stories or they wouldn't read them and wast time commenting. They just get emotional and can't control themselves. This is a problem. I can't remember his name but there was a story in the past couple of weeks by a good writer that was something like "The Shrewd Wife" and he said he would write the second part in two days. Two days came and went weeks ago but no second part. The comments were taken down and I believe the only reason they were was because they were so negative. We may have lost another good writer of LW because of our vitriolic negativity. I encourage readers to express their opinions, which they have the right to do, in a way that is not destructive or meant to humiliate. Remember, the authors are not getting paid and we the readers get this service free. We need to remember that if we want this site to continue and there to be decent LW stories.


thecarolinadreamerthecarolinadreamerover 6 years ago

Joe, I once wrote in a comment something like, “You may not agree with SJ’s supposed lifestyle, but the man can write.” This story proves the accuracy of my statement. It’s good to see you back at LW.

I think javmor79’s advice should be taken seriously by both of us; I’m not sure just why it’s okay for some readers to have and express their opinions but not for others who differ, but if I did I’d probably be a progressive also. Wouldn’t that be a kick in the teeth? (Case in point—the Anon @Javmor79’s comment. Would somebody please explain the difference between what Anon is doing and what he accuses Joe of doing,)

Anyway Joe, I gave you full marks for what I consider a well written story. Thanks. cd

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Wow...what fantastic story. 5* for this lovely story

The author did a tremendous good job on this tale. Congrats to the author ;-)

This story is very well done, wonderful context, creative, well written and so true!

As a married woman and mother of two kids, I can see myself as Jessica....and I always choose the integrity.

Thanks for such enjoyable and nice story.......and please keep writing more stories like as the LW readers are in need of goo quality stories like yours.



AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

ah yes the cuckold way of saving a marriage by cheating. where did she hurt you cuck boi.

ephesiosephesiosover 6 years ago
great job

Good job! You're a great writer, no one can say otherwise. This story, in my opinion, is one of your strongest submissions yet.

Your views and statements come off as aggressive, so you're typically faced with a lot of hostility on this site. I say ignore the pettiness and let your stories speak for themselves. Keep writing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
good work

glad to ur back. full marks from me .One thing tho don't sink to the levels of the trolls on this site.these are the same little minds that troll social media and tell people they should "just kill themselves" . Just bullies

bruce22bruce22over 6 years ago
Very Good Story

Wow SJ that was quite a cure ball that you threw us.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

It looks to me like plenty of people say otherwise. It isn't just the ones who commented, it's the ones who didn't. Some hacks, has beens and never weres are the only ones saying anything good about this shit. It's boring, cliched and the characters talk like badly programmed bots. All the interesting writers and commentators we usually see saying nice things about good stories and writers haven't said a word. If it was good, they would. Who decided you were the final word on who's a good writer, anyway?

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Very realstic

Very believable story and well written. The build up was very good and despite the turn at the end I found sexy as hell. Look forward to other stories you might have.

rnebularrnebularover 6 years ago
Decent flash tale

Not sure I understand some of the criticism that SJ got to this, aside from the fact that there are readers that don't like him personally.

This story is pretty basic, but well told. The wife is tempted, has an opportunity and turns away from it. Sure, she was putting herself in a risky position, but in the end she did what she felt was right. If she had given in, well, that would make this a totally different story.

As for the writing, I thought the dialog was good and felt real to a point. The friend seemed a bit vapid, but most of us know at least one person like her. Overall, nice work. I haven't loved ALL of SJ's stories, but this one was good.



NexttimeroundNexttimeroundover 6 years ago
Well written

with a pleasant surprise of a conclusion.

InsigniaInsigniaover 6 years ago
Really good story

That is open ended and while there are signs pointing to what may or may not have happened we are in a Lady and the Tiger scenario that is very readable, entertaining and thought provoking. Joe like to play in gray areas and to me that is the appeal of many of his stories. Well done. 5*

tazz317tazz317over 6 years ago

have to put balls to the walls and try...try,,,,,try, TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Great story!

I especially enjoyed the ending. Maybe there is hope for marriage yet.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
saving her marriage

"My wife will be spending several hours a week with another man, alone. Yeah, it's a little concerning."

You know that's DISCONCERTING, correct?

Interesting tale of unrequited love, or something, when the desire is clearly evident. Nice twist for a conclusion.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Your best yet 5 stars

Felt real. Very thoughtful story about a real loving wife. I didn't think you had it in you. Great job!

Reasonable man

ForensicFossilForensicFossilover 6 years ago
Late 19th Century??

The author, using the voice of Jessica's essay, notes the decline in marriage at the same time the divorce rate climbed. In context the author clearly means late 20th century-the 1900's. But he calls the period the late 19th century, which because of the arithmetic conventions of the BC/AD system means the late 1800's. The first century AD is 1-99. Thus the second century is 100-199. Notice the second century is composed of years begining with "1". This sequence continues to the present. This mistake is common amongst persons with little historical knowledge.

swingerjoeswingerjoeover 6 years agoAuthor
To the nitpickers

Yes, I’m aware of when the 19th century took place. Clearly, quite obviously, Jessica meant to write “1900’s” or “20th century” instead of “19th century.” Somehow my highly-paid and highly-trained team of editors missed that typo. Mea culpa.

Yes, “disconcerting” can also have been used in that line of dialog, but “concerning” is also perfectly valid in that context.

You all do know I wrote this free-of-charge, right? LOL.

I thank you all for your constructive criticism, kind words, thoughtful feedback, hilarious attempts at insults, and venomous hatred. It’s what makes this site to rewarding.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Nice work

And my grandfather said integrity was like a balloon. It either holds air, or it's pretty useless as a balloon.

tnoldguytnoldguyover 6 years ago
Good story

I really liked this story. It really brought to light her moral dilemma. It didn’t need a lot of character development, because that wasn’t what it was about. It was about facing choices, questioning herself, and analyzing the possible effects of a decision on all parties involved. I liked the way you brought her problem to resolution, including showing her reasoning.

Good job. 5*

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Good job

Good story about temptation and making choices. Doing the right thing.

luedonluedonover 6 years ago
Great to see you back in form, SJ

I came rather late to this party of the commentariat, but several commenters actually said some nice things about the story. Even the dreaded Anonymous KP gave it a "Lovely". (Most authors get a "Freaking Retard" from her.)

Once again, Joe, you have surprised with your ability to range across themes. I have always liked the character development in your stories and this story didn't disappoint.


Ps: I much preferred the new note on your biography page explaining your return. Not so much your first returning comment on the Feedback to a LW story. Far less confrontational and more explanatory.

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggover 6 years ago
One Writer/ Member of Commentariat Who is Usually " Regular as Rain " for any Story of Significance is Conspicuous by Their Absence.

In a way, that customarily highly opinionated and virulently loquacious persona not deigning to weigh in, is the highest compliment of all. I imagine Salieri was pretty circumspect as well after 'Le Nozze de Figaro' premiered. It's kind of an Amadeus thing . Cue Kermit theme song with full Orchestral treatment . " It's Not Easy Being Green". Let two unmuted basses double for pizzicato effect for sepulchral thump underlying each note.

patilliepatillieover 6 years ago
Dont have time to read the other comments

But this was good. I always thougjt SJ had an afenda, much like the gays, to convert as many to his lifestyle so it was less infamous & out of norms. But this was the opposite, so 3 cheers to you Joe!

26thNC26thNCover 6 years ago

Finally, a wife who comes to her senses before stepping of that cliff. Great essay on the real meaning of integrity and doing what it right. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

I think the reason no one with any respect will have anything to say about this story or this guy is because they don't want to get smeared with his shit. You don't seem to mind, but most regular people don't like the smell.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

"Well, there's no reason to be concerned," she said, "unless you don't trust me."

"I trust you," he said. "It's Devin I don't trust."

"You don't even know him!"

Yeah. That's a great reason to trust someone alone with his wife for hours every day. "I'd be a little wary, but I don't even know the guy!"

Still a very good story. Thanks for sharing.


AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Good story But....

But....Playing Devil's Advocate here, I can't help but wonder if there is another way to read this.

"She then added her own experience as well, and confronted the question of whether she could ever cheat on her husband. .... The answer to that question would be the ultimate conclusion to her paper."

"She rose from the bed and slowly walked toward the door. She stood facing the door for a moment, paralyzed with indecision. She reached for the door and noticed her hand was shaking."

It implies it, but at no point does it say that she didn't cheat.

And finally this:

"Matt was fast asleep sitting in his chair. Hayley was asleep as well, sitting on his lap and wrapped in his arms. Jessica stood for a moment and watched the two of them. A tear trickled down her cheek and she wiped it away. She snatched a tissue from the end table and softly blew her nose."

She is crying now because she RESISTED TEMPTATION?

Then ending with trying to strengthen her marriage, the thing that was fixable, unlike her lost integrity? Perhaps she fudged the personal testimony on her paper?

Perhaps not read as intended but still, possibilities?

Written with good use of subtlety and without the fearful preaching overtones of an alt lifestyle agenda.

Not usually a fan but this is very well done.

Great work Joe.

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggover 6 years ago
@ anon with wondrous olfactory capabilities

Yes . I freely confess that when a story is perused off my screen that I'm limited to judging solely on perceived literary merits presented visually. Kudos on your stupefying synthenesia abilities . Wonder if applying a rubber sheet is de rigueur for scrutinizing French and Italian cookbooks in bed ? Gia de Laurentiis tomes would be stacked from floor to ceiling if I had your abilities.

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveover 6 years ago
My Turn

Decent tale. I believe everybody has the right to fantasize about anything they like. Although Jessica considered being a cheating wife like her cunt friend, she resisted the urge and remained faithful. The asshole co-worker tried to seduce her. It didn't work. Some women (and men) actually care about their integrity. As far as other perceptions, I read this as it was written. And I rate it as such.

Five Stars

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Shutup, jackass.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
a fat cock smoked...

a cornhole buggered, betrayed!

boatbummboatbummover 6 years ago
Nicely Done

The class assignment was a great touch, allowing Jessica to verbalize her thoughts and feelings "on paper." And grandma was correct, of course. Integrity IS quite rare in our society. Just look at all the bozos in DC if you want some poster children for complete moral decay!

Next time I'll tell you what I REALLY think! ;-)

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 6 years ago
@luedon Re: "Great to see you back in form, SJ"

I also read Joe's new bio, and I'm afraid that I will make every effort to make Lit boring enough for him to leave again!

As with you, if he has a pertinent comment to make, I may respond, but given his remark about "knuckle-draggers" I don't have much hope for him in that regard.

I was always taught that you can disagree without being disagreeable, and I believe that Joe has failed that test repeatedly.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

usual shit from another WIMPY FAG "author".

WhackdoodleWhackdoodleover 6 years ago
Great story. 5 stars.

We all go through bouts of temptation, unhappy in our lives, relationships, etc; but it's nice to read a story where someone does the right thing, even when it's difficult.

MechTeckMechTeckover 6 years ago
5 stars

Great story

luedonluedonover 6 years ago
You really do try to be no fun, SB

Fortunately, you don't always succeed.

"I will make every effort to make Lit boring enough for him to leave again!"

Variety is the spice of life, SB.

SJ adds to that variety.


luedonluedonover 6 years ago
Ps. It didn't take long

I note that SwingerJoe has already returned to No.50 in the list of all-time top commenters on the Public Comments Portal. That didn't take long.

(About a week ago SB rose from 15 to 14 in his present 103x persona.)


sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 6 years ago
@luedon Re: Top Commenters

You know, I never even knew that there was such a list until it was pointed out to me that I was on there twice.

I had to check it out, of course, and here's a little tidbit for you to chew on. In the past I had another ID, and it is ALSO in the top list!

Good luck figuring it out!

MikeOrMikeyMikeOrMikeyover 6 years ago

Man - what a great story. I loved the twist of doing the right thing!

luedonluedonover 6 years ago
I knew you'd provide entertainment, SB

Now, as well as 103 and 103x, we have to puzzle over where else can the ubiquitous SBrooks be lurking. I'll be awake all night wondering.


enderlocke77enderlocke77over 6 years ago
liked it

but i kind of feel like she cheated anyway, and why do yall make women so dumb, every LW story i read the women are always falling for well hung hunk player and their dumb ass lines sorry off topic injoyed the read ty

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Boring as heck. Had potential, you know that this is not Walt Disney. It's SUPPOSED to be SEX stories.

stillaonewomanmstillaonewomanmover 6 years ago
so close

To cheating. Integrity is what cheaters give away. Not sure I understand cheating but this story cleared it up. 5 stars for keeping them noncheaters. Date nights are great.

luedonluedonover 6 years ago
Re: Top Commenters -- SB comment

SB said "You know, I never even knew that there was such a list until it was pointed out to me that I was on there twice." It was me that pointed it out to him some time ago.

The list is on the Public Comments Feedback Portal, which I consider to be the best part of the whole Literotica site. If SB "never knew that there was such a list" then it suggests he hadn't visited the Feedback Portal. The list is very hard to miss on the page.

Time and time again we see comments on LW stories denigrating that story and saying "there were no good stories today". The only way anybody could say that is by entering the site via the Loving Wives portal and going nowhere else. True, there may be no good LW stories on that day, but look at the Feedback Portal and the New Stories list and you're bound to find a few good ones.

And for those who say "I only want to read LW stories", there are a lot of stories about loving wives (by the LW definition) in other sections such as Erotic Couplings, Romance, Inter-racial, Mature, and so on. Today in Erotic Couplings a Welsh lady had an exciting affair in Spain.

Maybe the authors know about the insularity of the LW commentariat and they are just avoiding you?


oldbearswitcholdbearswitchover 6 years ago
Thanks SJ, well written, lots of thinking

You avoided the stereotype of the insecure idiot going nuclear on their marriage by listening to a skanky friend. Saludos.

luedonluedonover 6 years ago
Both of us, Anonymouse

Both Lue and Don know about it.

(Although conducting trans-Pacific affairs does involve considerable ingenuity these days, especially since your president is categorising various countries as 'shitholes'. He said that his phone conversation with our prime minister was the worst he ever had, so we could be next.)


AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
most people know that

LW cat means closet cuckolds - these chimps want to read, spank a tiny monkey, then leave a nasty comment in a fit of shame and denial. better that than gunning down co-eds in SB for sure

unh0unh0over 6 years ago
Totally Unexpected!

You got me. I figured, along with everyone else, that I knew where this was going. But I didn't. You did good! Nice to be surprised sometimes. It's a well thought out and written story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Just read your latest bio "swingerjoe"

So, other sites are boring? You'd rather fight with the old men who swing pick handles? May I suggest you spend more time on analyzing stories and less time bashing other writers and readers. Your agenda on this site is well known, and guess what, nobody really believed you left, just commented anonymously. You may think you've fooled others, but the only one you fooled is yourself. I have nothing against your stories, some are actually good, but the constant bickering trying to proof a point is getting tiring. We all live our lives according to our own upbringing and morality, so if venting here doesn't meet your approval, I can only say, live with it. No amount of bashing is going to change anything, hasn't done so in all the years I've been reading on this site.

jharpjharpabout 6 years ago

I gotta admit SwingerJoe I KNEW where you were going with this story and even as I read it I was preparing my counter response to this irresponsible wife and her lame excuses for cheating.

Then you took an unexpected right turn and suddenly I saw her in a different light. She went from a Villain in the making to a woman who resisted temptation. She became the Hero of the story. She took responsibility for her marriage and took steps to fix it. Let me offer my sincere heartfelt praise and say well done. Words I never thought I'd give you.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Hey Dumbasses

Emotional cheating is as bad or worse than physical cheating. She looked at his Dick and did not tell her husband. She thought about him a lot even during sex. She may or may not have gotten physical with him; we don't know. Don't commend the character.Hopefully Devlin will let something slip at a future party and then let's see how the husband character reacts. Say what you want she is a cheater!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Did she or didn't she?

I guess author wanted a happy ending?

Jessica can't stop thinking about doing the same thing her best girlfriend is doing...cheating on her husband to improve her marriage.

Jessica finds, flirts, & carpools with a handsome co-worker she is attracted to and a possibility if she decides to improve her marriage as her friend cheating. She knows he wants to bed her.

She makes love to her husband one night but not really; she is think about sex with her co-worker instead through their lovemaking.

She shares her previous three-some adventure in college story with her car-pooling co-worker & he shows her his dick in the car.

And she is hot & horny thinking about him & her girlfriends solution to saving her marriage by cheating.

All the above is at a minimum emotional adultery.

Then, the author tells us she gets drunk enough at the hotel bar that her speech is slurred & her co-worker has to walk her to her room. Then, at the very moment she is going to let her co-worker into her hotel room, the 'drunk slurring, horny for weeks' Jessica has a flash of integrity, morality, & wisdom????

I don't think so. She opens the door and screws her co-worker. After all, as she says in the story she needs to find out if her friend's marriage solution works to finish her college term paper.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
What’s wrong with people?

Why do they need things spelled out in monosyllables?

She’s changing her shift! She’s focusing on her husband. She focused on integrity. If you need things spelled out more than that just get a crayon and some construction paper and do it yourself.

BillandKateBillandKatealmost 4 years ago

Great ending -loved it - thanks. 5*s.

Huedogg2Huedogg2almost 4 years ago
Its not bad but not great either

you know they say birds of a feather flock together.....dump the cheating slut friend now, while you can because if she gets caught you may get burned in the fire.

lujon2019lujon2019almost 4 years ago

Smart of the cheater to leave a journal entry claiming she never cheated

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
For once

an author has written a woman as something more than an immature bimbo struck by the Martian Slut Ray. It's refreshing. I thought the denouement was especially well done. Interesting plot, good execution.

Just_WordsJust_Wordsover 3 years ago
Good wife?

Tempted, but stayed true? That sounds like life. Good job.

john_sixfooterjohn_sixfooterabout 3 years ago
Great story of a woman with integrity

We've all been tempted, it's nice to see a woman who sides with integrity! Kudos!

whateverittakeswhateverittakesabout 3 years ago

Way to go, girl. Glad you looked in that mirror.

DGHear2DGHear2about 3 years ago

Worth the read. Gave it a 5

DG Hear

etchiboyetchiboyalmost 3 years ago
So very true to life.


AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Refreshing to read about the wife meeting temptation and not falling into it, ultimately ruining lives and family.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Definitely refreshing. Almost everyone meets temptation at some point in their life. Weak ones succumb to it, strong ones resist. Glad she didn't fall but realized what was important, what can be fixed and what cannot.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Grandma was a wise woman! Jessica can carry on where Grandma left off. A quote from the movie Unfaithful,Richard Gere and Duane Lane, "infidelity always ends badly"

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Def a 5 star. That integrity quote I've heard before and it's still as true as the first time I heard it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Meeting temptations nd not failing? Wow that’s deep!….where do u draw the line of ‘not failing’?

Talking sexual stuff with a man not ur husband? Touching his penis? Planning a tryst? Booking a room? Dressing up in anticipation of sex with another man? Were these all not falling for temptation?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

To comment below it is being human even if it deosn't pass the spouse "test" it is, to me at least forgivable

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

great suspense in a well written story. 5 stars.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Well congratulations, you haw perfectly described a woman that doesn't pull her weight in the relations ship.

A selfish one that complains about every thing

RubiconXRubiconXover 1 year ago

Well-written tale of an extremely close call. Some commenters with an all or nothing philosophy see Jessica’s talking about sex with Devin and his showing her his cock as infidelity. I see this behavior as definitely not passing the spouse test yet only at the stage of “temptation leading up to” infidelity. Jessica is tormented by her inner conflict (which is something we all have) and finally overcomes temptation and pulls away. This is a win because she did not follow through and actually engage in any sex with Devin. The writer presented the dilemma, the conflict, the situation and the people very well.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Her friend Samantha is an evil woman. She did cheat even though she didn’t actually do much of anything.

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Update, 4/23/19 Every once in a while, I forget why I don't write here as often anymore. Then I submit a story and remember, "Oh, yeah! That's why!" This site, and especially the Loving Wives category, used to be a great deal of fun. But then some spammer began leaving anonym...