Stuck: with Each Other


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"Sorry, couldn't find the fucking thing, we all good."

"Just waiting for you bitch." Megan chuckled. "Let's go."

Nikki chuckled and started the car again, she tried to keep a smile on her face but something must've shown as she felt Arthur's hand on her shoulder.

"You ok?"

"Yeah, just a little pissed at myself. I'll be alright."


After a long but uneventful drive, Nicola pulled up outside the cabin a little after 2pm, she'd seen the photos but seeing the place in front of her eyes was something else entirely, it was absolutely massive, it looked like a wooden palace more than a cabin.

Nicola's mouth was agape when she got out of the car. "Holy shit, I knew it was big but Christ."

Emily sauntered down the steps of the porch, arms outstretched in a welcoming pose. "Built specifically for wanderers, travellers and swingers, we have 6 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 2 fully stocked kitchens, a working fireplace and best of all, free Wi-Fi. It is one of the most expensive rental homes in the United Kingdom but split between the 14 of us, it's an absolute steal.

Nicola did a quick count in her head of all the bodies on the trip. "Wait, no there's only 13 of us, right?"

"There was 13 of us, but we had a surprise guest waiting for us when we got here."

Emily stepped out of the way, allowed Nicola to see, standing against the door-frame, a wide smile on his face, was her brother Kevin.

"Hey sis."

Nicola dropped her bags and stormed over to him. "You! You twisted, fucked up, lying speck of cunting little shitebag bitch."

Immediately she threw her arms around him and held on for dear life. "Don't you ever fucking do that to me again."

"It's good to see you too Nicola."

With the shock over with Nicola introduced Kevin to everyone, obviously he knew Arthur, Brendan and Megan (who couldn't look him in the eye without giggling) but the rest of her friends were new blood. Emily and Frankie had been in on the trick from the beginning and introduced themselves earlier, Emily's brother Leon had brought his friend Josh Renton, someone the team had met a few times over the years, with both of them being openly gay men they appreciated the eye-candy Kevin offered.

While not all the volleyball team was there since not everyone could make it there was still a god number, Sarah Campbell, Tina 'Shep' Shepard, Lindsay McClure, Carly Everett and Charlotte Green made up the last members of the campers and all were ready to let their hair down.

As the team's leader and mastermind behind the trip, Emily led the group into the cabin, throwing on a green poker visor that nobody realised she had until she put it on.

"Alright ladies listen up, we've 6 bedrooms and 14 bodies so we're gonna need to team up, Arthur and Nikki, you got the double-bed by the backdoor to yourselves, make use of the privacy."

Arthur immediately turned bright red but Nikki stroked his arm and kept him calm.

"Frankie, you and me got the room opposite theirs, I put this shit together so I'm getting rewarded with a good fucking."

Francis gave a mock-salute to his girlfriend. "Aye, aye ma'am."

"Leon, as my brother and because for some reason you brought another gay guy that you're not gonna fuck you can share the big room upstairs with Lindsay, Carly and Sarah. Josh, you and Brendan get the twin-room next to the kitchen."

Josh winked at Brendan. "Shame it's not a double huh."

A quick blush flashed over Brendan's face but he said nothing.

"Charlotte since I swear to god that Shep is finally gonna seduce you I'm putting the two of you in the corner room upstairs, Megan there's an extra bed in there if you want to leave your stuff in there but if you'd rather not listen live to the lesbians then there's a fold-out bed in the big room."

Megan looked over at Shep and Charlotte, Shep being the only open lesbian on the team made it no secret she enjoyed the female forms of her teammates while Charlotte, while a little more naive, was experimenting with bi-curiosity and clearly saw something she liked in Shep.

"I'll take the fold-out please skipper."

"Taking one for the team, I like it. That just leaves you Kevin, and since you're our guest of honour, you get a room all to yourself, back of the house, double-bed in case you decide to partake any of our lovely ladies."

"Hands off my brother you little hussies." Nicola shot a warning to the group.

"You're no fun Nikki." Kevin tried to protest her ruling.

"Consider it punishment for your little trick ya cunt."

Emily snapped her fingers at the squabbling siblings. "Hey, save it for tonight. Everyone get to your rooms, unwind after the drive and get back down here for six, me and Frankie will head into town for food."

Still wearing her visor, Emily threw the house keys to Nicola and left with Francis, Kevin picked up his bags and watched her leave.

"She's good."

Nicola smirked. "She's the best, that's why she's the captain."


True to her word, Emily returned shortly with four large pizzas and a few small items for snacking, once six o' clock hit Emily put the ovens on and called everyone downstairs to get drunk. Everyone gathered round the fireplace and the large wooden table in front of it where there was a selections of nibbles, spirits and card games.

"Everyone." Sarah stood up once everyone had settled in. "Let us toast to our fearless leader and everything she's done to bring us all here together."

"Hey, Nikki and Megan helped out, they deserve credit as well."

"Ah shut up you modest bitch." Nicola teased her friend. "This was your idea, you planned it all and you bought the booze, take the fucking compliment."

Before Emily could argue the rest of the group broke out in applause and Francis leaned in to kiss her. Emily quickly wiped a tear from her eye to keep the others from seeing her cry.

"I'm gonna miss you cunts when we leave school, I know we'll still be friends but we'll never get the chance to do this again."

"Then let us get fucked." Screeched Lindsay.

As Kevin and Charlotte got glasses for everyone Brendan turned to Leon and Josh. "So how did you get roped into this?"

"Me and Leon go back a few years, both went to the same primary school, played on the same football team till he fucked off to the amateur leagues."

Leon rolled his eyes. "I told you, you're welcome to audition at the trials at any point."

"And I told you that I already know I'm better than you so why embarrass you so easily? Anyway we kept in touch and when Emily put this together he asked me if I wanted to tag along. Told me there'd be some fine young things on offer."

Brendan throat suddenly felt dry so he quickly grabbed a drink to clear himself. He quickly gave Josh a glance, he was an attractive young man, obviously kept himself in shape for football, had the lean athletic body to show for it but a youthful face and nice, thick curly hair that would be perfect to grab while...

Brendan took another drink to compose himself. "Ah, um, you two aren't..."

Josh laughed. "No, no, both gay but not interested, we've spent too long as friends for that. Beside I'm not Leon's type, he prefers his men shorter and angrier..."

"Shut the fuck up or I'll knock you out."

Josh smiled and shut up, sensing the conversation was over Brendan did the same, though he couldn't help but think of his and Leon's teammate, the short and angry James Simmons, and wondered what that meant for Leon.

As the night went on and everyone loosened up with the alcohol - even Arthur cracked a few jokes to everyone's surprise -- Emily revealed her secret weapon.

"Listen up bitches, clear the table cause we're playing a new game and everyone's in so don't bother trying to escape."

Before anyone could object, Emily put an empty wine bottle in the middle of the table and spun it round.

"We're playing spin the bottle."

The news elicited a groan from everyone. Carly spoke up for the group. "Seriously Em, we're not twelve."

"Yeah but it's my party and I wanna see you fuckers make out. But since I know some of you will puss out there's a couple rules. 1: You spin the bottle and you kiss whoever it lands on, and do it fucking properly. 2: If you refuse to kiss who the bottle lands on then you do a tequila shot and you'll keep doing tequila shots until you realise how much of a fucking baby you're being. And 3: The only exemption is family members, I'm not making out with Leon and I don't think Nikki and Kevin or Megan and Brendan want to play tonsil hockey either. Now let's fucking play."

Seeing as the game was Emily's idea she took the first spin, having the bottle land on Josh to begin with.

"You ever kissed a girl Josh?"

"You ever kissed a gay?"


The two of them smiled and leaned in for the kiss, neither of them willing to back down and both making a good show of it. Josh pulled away first and licked his lips.

"Not bad, but not enough to turn me."


Francis tapped Emily on the shoulder. "You know I'm right here babe don't you?"

"I know, and it's your turn so don't get jealous till you see who you get."

Francis wasn't the jealous type, he knew Emily had a strong personality, hell it was one of the reasons he loved her, but whatever happened tonight was fair game. He did as he was told and spun the bottle, when it eventually landed on Lindsay he smiled, partly cause Lindsay was one of the cutest members of the team, but mostly because he wasn't a fan of tequila and didn't fancy the punishment.

Lindsay looked over at Emily. "You sure you're ok with this Em?"

"Damn skippy, now get to it."

Nervously the two of them moved close to each other, without even thinking Francis's eyes darted downwards towards Lindsay chest where he realised that due to her smaller chest, Lindsay didn't have a bra on, and that leaning forward made her top bellow outwards allowing him to peer at both breasts unobstructed. He was so distracted he almost forgot to kiss her, it wasn't as full-on as Emily and Josh but Francis knew better than to back-down, both of them sat back with contented smiles on their faces.

"That was nice." Lindsay said in a soft voice."

"Yeah, it was."

"He's not talking about the kiss Linds" Emily nearly cackled. "You just gave him a free tickets to see the girls."

Lindsay immediately turned bright red and covered her chest, but the smile never left her face.

Carly went next, quickly putting on her jacket to hide her bust, she wasn't one to be shy but she wasn't as drunk as her friends yet. She carefully twirled the bottle, keeping her eye on the end until it finally stopped in front of Arthur.

Simultaneously both Carly and Arthur looked up at Nicola, who for what it's worth had started laughing.

"Fuck it, the bottle picked Art, go for it. And don't pussyfoot for my sake."

Moving a little uncomfortably, Arthur straightened his glasses and positioned himself to give Carly a kiss, being only the 2nd girl he'd ever kiss he was afraid he's fuck it up somehow, but Carly took the lead and gave him a soft but passionate smooch. As they pulled away Arthur found himself smiling like an idiot, but he quickly took Nicola's hand to show she was still number one.

Lindsay went next, a little excited over being the first double-kiss of the night, she put a good effort into her spin. To her surprise the bottle stopped almost exactly across the table towards Charlotte. The two girls locked eyes, chuckled with embarrassment, then Lindsay looked at Emily.

"I'm sorry Em, but I'll take the shot. Charlotte I love you, but I think Shep might actually kill me if I trespass on her territory."

"Boo, you whore." Emily jeered as she poured Lindsay the first tequila punishment. To her credit, Lindsay took the shot without complaint, though her face screwed up at the strong taste.

Arthur's turn was next, he was still nervous about another kiss that wasn't Nicola but he'd come this far. He gave the bottle a whirl and to everyone's surprise, the neck stopped directly in front of Nicola.

"Bullshit." Shep yelled. "I call hacks."

Emily pulled down her visor and went full on ref mode. "Tina Sheppard, if you're accusing another playing of cheating then you show me your fucking evidence. Or do you wish to rescind your statement?"

The girls giggled and Shep sat back. "I'll keep quiet Captain."

"What can I say girls?" Nicola said as she wrapped her arms around Arthur's neck. "Fate loves us."

By far the most passionate kiss of the night was the two young lovers, already comfortable and well-versed in each other's bodies. The snog lasted for several seconds and by the time it was over, both Arthur and Nicola forgot that they weren't alone for a brief second and had to force themselves apart. A silence passed over the group as everyone sat, stunned at the scene they had just witnessed, a silence broken by Shep.

"Fuck the pair of you. And fuck your fate."

Nicola gave Art one last kiss on the cheek then took her turn, when the bottle stopped in front of Kevin everyone burst out laughing. Kevin looked up at Nicola and chuckled with them.

"The Lannisters send their regards sis, shall we?"

"KEV! Shh, don't give away our secret just yet. Do I get a do-over?"

Emily took a sip of her booze, still struggling not to laugh. "Not unless you wanna make this night weird."

"Well he's only my HALF brother so it wouldn't be..."

"Spin the bottle you sick cunt."

"FINE. If you incest."

Before Emily could think of a comeback Nicola had spun the bottle again, this time the bottle landed right beside her, pointed at Megan. Shep gave out a small cheer at the result.

"YES, finally something I wanna watch."

"What do you say Meg, me or tequila?"

"Well given the choice I'd rather you but..."

Nicola took Megan off-guard by grabbing her shirt and pulling her forward for a surprisingly intimate kiss, after the shock had worn off Megan found herself falling into it, her tongue slowly caressing Nicola's and her hand holding the back of her head. By the time Nicola pulled away (giving one of Megan's breast a gentle cup as she did) Megan was re-evaluating what she knew about her friend, and a little about herself.

Still with a massive smile on her face, Nicola turned to Arthur, loving the look of shock plastered all over him.

"Nikki. If you say yes I'll marry you here and now."

"Later hun, calm yourself down first."

"Fuck Nik." Emily tried to find the words to explain what she just saw. "Where did that come from?"

"Curiosity, plus Megan's the prettiest one here so I couldn't pass up the opportunity."

"Well you've fucking killed Shep, shit."

Nicola looked over at Shep, stuck with a thousand yard stare as she processed everything that just happened. "That was the hottest fucking thing I've ever seen."

Kevin nodded in agreement. "Yeah, too bad it was my fucking sister."

"Can we get back to the fucking game?" Brendan shouted a little too loudly, he'd finished his drink and was getting a little antsy.

Megan composed herself and took her turn, silently praying for who she wanted it to land on, and those prayers were answered when the bottle stopped on Kevin. Carly wolf-whistled at the outcome.

"Fuck me, you're popular tonight ain't you Kev?"

"It's the McAllister blood, we're lucky in love."

Nicola scoffed. "Shut up and kiss her you pansy."

Fighting through her nerves, Megan pushed herself forward to kiss Kevin, unlike Nicola this kiss was slower, softer, but somehow hotter, maybe it was because she had been nursing a crush on Kevin for the last four years that only got worse every time she saw him. But damn was he a good kisser.

Despite that it was Megan this time who pulled away, she'd gone braless and could feel her nipples starting to dig into her shirt so she wanted to get away before anyone noticed. As she sat back she felt Nicola wrap an arm over her shoulder.

"So, as the only person who can officially verify I have to ask. Who's the better kisser between me and my brother?"

Megan immediately raised her palm. "I plead the fifth on that one."

The group laughed then Josh went for his turn, but rather than spinning the bottle, he very slowly and deliberately pushed it round so that the end was pointing at Brendan. Having sobered up slightly Brendan could only look at the bottle, wondering what Josh was playing at.

"That's not how the game's played."

"Fuck the game. I'm pushing the odds in my favour."

"What the fuck's been going on with you all night, look I don't know what you heard but..."

Josh switches seats with Leon so that he was right next to Brendan. "I've heard enough about you Brendan Richards, the bisexual who can't kiss a guy. I'm here to remedy that."

"Look I don't need you to..."

"Yes you do, I'm here to help Brendan, take a chance and let me."

Josh lifted Brendan's chin so they were looking into each other's eyes, a kind smile on his face as he slowly moved forward, placing a gentle kiss on Brendan's lips. Josh felt a slight tremble from Brendan but he knew it was just the nerves of intimacy and kissed him again, when he went in for a third Brendan finally reciprocated, the two men fell into a fervour as years of repression fell away from Brendan at last.

Leon turned to Nicola and Megan and whispered. "I brought Josh along to help Brendan out of his shell, the guy does not lack for confidence but he knows how difficult coming out is. Seems like it worked."

By the time Brendan and Josh had finished Emily had taken the bottle off the table. "This just got way to fucking serious for me, everyone just get drunk and fuck if you're gonna, I'm putting on the music."

Shep looked around pissed at the exclusion. "Hey, where's my fucking turn?"

"Shep if you had any plans other than fucking Charlotte tonight I would've given you one but you don't so shut the fuck up and get on with it you dyke cunt."

Surprisingly it was Charlotte who made the first move, placing her head on Shep's shoulder to nibble her ear. "Come on Tina, let's ditch these jealous bitches and enjoy ourselves."

A devious twinkle shone in Shep's eyes and she stood up, picked Charlotte off the couch and threw her over her shoulder like a caveman, spanking her ass as she did. "Oh my young apprentice, you have much to learn. If you hear screaming, don't come to help."

Kevin found Nicola in the kitchen and stood gobsmacked as the two women went upstairs to bed. "You're team isn't exactly shy, are they?"

"You can blame Emily for that, she taught us never to hide anything, makes us a stronger team."

"Think that can apply to us?"

Nicola looked over her brother, wondering where he was going with this. "Why, what do you want to know?"

"Just want to know if you're my wingman tonight."

"Oh fuck you, I'm not having you fuck one of my friends."

"Nikki, I'm not asking you to set anything up, just tell me who's worth talking to and I'll do the rest. If it doesn't work out it's on me."

"You're a pig."

"And you're a dumb bitch who shacked up with the first guy to call you pretty, so I guess we're even."

Nicola laughed then figured what was the harm in helping him out, despite the trick he did come all this way for here, besides it was only sex and clearly that was an agenda for most of the group tonight.

"Well obviously Shep and Charlotte are out of the picture, not that you ever had a chance with Shep, you'd fuck me before you got anywhere with her. Emily's also a no-go, she's too focussed on Frankie to even consider you, Lindsay's a maybe but the way tonight's going I think she'll be the third piece of a threesome."

It was then Nicola spotted Megan chatting away to Arthur by the fireplace, remembering how gaga Megan got whenever Kevin was brought us and their kiss just moments ago, Nicola decided to help both of them with a push in the right direction.