Stuck: with Each Other


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But go back they did, the last few days had been a ton of fun for all of them and nobody was looking forward to it but they put on brave faces and went home, after giving the bed-sheets a good wash of course. Nicola dropped Brendan and Megan off first then took Arthur home, Kevin followed in his own car with her luggage allowing Nicola to visit Arthur's parents before going home.

Neither David nor Penny were expecting Nicola but part of them weren't surprised, after what she said before she left it was inevitable this conversation was going to happen.

Unaware of the background drama, Arthur greeted his parents fondly, hugging his mum first.

"Hey hun, you have a good time."

"Yeah it was, it was fun to put it lightly."

David smiled, trying to avoid looking at Nicola. "You get drunk."

"Little bit dad."

"Well you're 18, you're allowed to be. Need help with your bags."

"Thanks but I think we got them."

Arthur took his bag inside leaving David and Penny with Nicola, a rare serious look on her face.

"Did you tell him?" Penny asked hopefully.

"No, I wasn't ruining my holiday with that. But now's your chance to make things right on your terms."

Neither of them had an argument to make, they knew Arthur deserved to know. Together they went inside just as Arthur came back downstairs, noticing the change in mood. "Is everything alright?"

"Arthur, your mother and I, we've something to tell you, something we should've told you before now. We've, uh, we've been..."

"We've been seeing each other again. Seeing how things turn out between us and I think we've agreed it's working."

Arthur's eyes darted between both his parents, a million questions racing through his head. "How long has this been going on?"

"A couple years." Penny answered, since the first party at The Fitz's, we slept in the same bed, the old feelings came back and we've been trying to make it work ever since."

"We tried to keep it secret because we didn't want to get your hopes up until we knew what this was, at least that's what we told ourselves. We were wrong to do that to you son, and we're sorry."

"Are you back together?"

David and Penny looked at each other, not sure how to answer that properly.

"Maybe, kinda." Penny hemmed and hawed. "It's hard to say right now Arthur, but it's more a yes than a no right now."

Arthur went quiet, trying to process what he just heard, Nicola took pity of David and Penny and spoke up. "Art, I'm not going to pretend to know what you're going through, you know the situation with my parents and that's not even close to what you're going though. They absolutely should've told you before now, you're old enough to understand, but they're still your parents and they meant well, you can forgive them."

Arthur stayed silent but eventually he descended the rest of the stairs, went to Nicola and hugged her before whispering into her ear.

"I've got this, go spend time with Kevin, I'll call you later tonight."

As much as Nicola wanted to stay by Arthur's side he spoke with such a rare confidence that she did as he asked and left. Arthur then turned to his mum and dad, both still embarrassed by their secret being revealed.

"Mum, dad, I don't mind that you kept your relationship secret, you're right I probably wouldn't have understood, I still struggle to understand why you divorced in the first place. But you're both intelligent adults, you know what you're doing and I'm not going to get in the way of that."

Arthur couldn't help but notice the small smiles on their faces when he said that.

"However, it did hurt knowing you didn't trust me enough to know so I do have something to ask of you, as a way of making it up."

David nodded. "Of course son, anything you need."

Arthur turned to Penny. "Mum, I need you to go home and get something for me, something very important but neither of you can ask me any questions or say anything about it, understand?"

"We do Arthur, but what is it you need?"

When Arthur told his mother what he wanted from her she almost instinctively made to argue but Arthur was adamant that no questions or concerns be raised. He had a plan and he was confident that this was the time to pull it off.


The next few months had exams on everyone's minds, their final year in High School and their final chance to set their future, Arthur took it the most seriously with several hours and days of studying under his belt, Brendan had a lot of catching up to do after his mental health issues held him back but he and Megan put their heads together to power through and Nicola, while perhaps a little too casual for her own good, coursed by with her primary focus being her Physical Education exam to help boost her prospects in volleyball training.

Soon enough though, it was over, and the end of their high-school time drew ever closer. In the final week of June, the 2019 leavers had their prom, set in Boclair House after Martin Allen's petition went though.

Because of the distance several students had ordered limos but since Nicola and Emily could drive they offered to give some of their friends' lifts, though Nicola told Brendan to go with Emily since she already gave up her space to someone else.

On the evening of the prom, Arthur stood in front of the mirror, putting the final touches to his suit, straightening out his kilt, checking his pocket and making sure everything looked perfect for Nicola. David and Penny watched him pace the floor, Penny had her camera ready but knew Arthur was too nervous for photos just yet. Thankfully the doorbell rang not long after and Arthur opened the door...

And fell in love all over again.

Nicola was wearing a slim, light blue, figure-hugging gown, brought in slightly at the waist to accentuate her hips, she wore her hair up with none other than the ornate lily hair clasp holding it up. She looked perfect.


Nicola giggled. "Glad you approve, but give Megan some love as well."

Arthur suddenly realised that Megan was standing behind Nicola, her dark red dress was a little looser but looked great on her with a slight cleavage to show off her bust without going overboard.

"Well, you look amazing too Megan."

"Thanks Arthur, I wasn't sure about this dress but I guess red is my colour."

As Nicola went inside to show off her dress Megan spoke in a low whisper to Arthur. "Nikki told me she shared a certain picture of me when we were at the cabin."

Arthur gulped, remembering the nude pic Nicola had shared with him.

"Don't worry Art I'm not pissed at you, but since you have seen my tits now I'm gonna ask you to help me get her back. I'll tell you when I have a plan, just need your word you'll help me."

"I really shouldn't, but if it's not too bad then I'll see what I can do."

The two friends joined Nicola in the living room where Penny was admiring her dress.

"Oh Megan, you look beautiful."

"Thanks Ms Hamilton, I figured I'd show myself off a little bit tonight, might not start the night with someone but I can hopefully change that before the end."

"I wouldn't be so quick to think like that." Nicola said cryptically while looking at her phone. "our mystery guest is ready for us."

On cue the doorbell rang, Arthur went to answer it but Nicola stopped him and looked at Megan. "It's for you."

Confused, Megan opened the front door, and was greeted by the form of Kevin on the other side. Without thinking Megan threw herself into his arms, the two of them had been talking through social media but they hadn't seen each other since the cabin 3 months ago and Kevin had given no indication that he was coming. Once the shock had worn off Megan smacked Kevin on the chest.

"You bastard, you should've said something."

"And miss the look on your face, never."

"Christ you're as bad as your sister."

"Come on, we both know she's worse."

Megan had to laugh at that, knowing it was true, she moved to let Kevin inside, he went straight for Nicola to hug her.

"Thanks for coming, I know it's a long trip."

"Well I wasn't going to pass up the chance of round 2 with the hottest girl I know."

"Kevin, it's just the two of us, you can drop the macho act, you like her."

Kevin looked over to Megan, she was talking with David and Arthur while Penny got them all a drink, Megan caught Kevin's eyes and waved at him, smiling, Kevin couldn't help but wave back.

"Yeah so I got a thing for her, no big deal. Not like we can do anything about it, the long distance thing would kill us."

"Maybe, but also maybe not."

Before Kevin could reply Penny called them through. "Alright you pair, come here I want to take some pictures before you go."

The siblings joined the others and posed for Penny's pictures, Nicola saw Arthur getting a little uncomfortable but she put his hand in his and felt the calm wash over him. Arthur turned and leant in for a kiss, a moment his mother instantly caught on camera.

"That's one for the scrapbook, Nicola tell your mother I'll email her the photos so she has her own copies."

"Will do, thanks Penny. You need anymore?"

"No, I think for my son's sake that'll do for now, go have fun."

Everyone went to pile in Nicola's car, Arthur stayed to quickly grab his phone but was stopped by his dad.

"Do you still have it?"

Arthur checked his pocket. "Yes."

"And you're sure about this?"


David smiled. "Then good luck to you."

Arthur gave his father hugged then ran to join his friend, tonight was going to be special."


Boclair House was a little out of the way but it was a perfect location for the prom, it was primarily a hotel but acted a venue for weddings and proms with a massive dance floor, a bar had been set in the corner where everyone was allowed one free alcoholic drink except for designated drivers who were allowed two free soft drinks.

The four of them walked inside and straight away they were spotted by Emily and Francis, Emily was wearing a dark green gown with a high slit up her left leg and Francis was wearing a full suit, one of the only men in the place without a kilt but it suit him better.

Emily hugged Nicola, trying not to smudge their make-up. "Nikki, you looked incredible, love the lily."

"Thanks, Art gave it to me, don't often get the chance to wear it."

"Well it's beautiful. And Megan, damn girl you clean up nice, bet you're loving the chance to let the girls breath."

"Well so long as my date can look me in the eye when he talks I'll be ok."

At that moment Brendan arrived, having got a lift from Emily earlier, he'd come alone to the prom but was still intended to have a good night.

"Why the fuck would he want to look at your ugly mug?"

"That's rich coming from a guy who can't decide if he wants to fuck girls or guys."

"Double my chances of a good lay."

The cousins laughed and hugged, happy that their relationship had mended, the group dispersed to grab drinks and socialise, Arthur checked his pocket once more, only this time Nikki caught him doing it.

The night went down spectacularly, while things obviously had to keep calm because of the teachers people let loose a little bit with the dance floor never being empty the entire night. Arthur and Brendan sat watching the others enjoy themselves, neither drunk enough to dance just yet.

"So what made you decide to come alone?"

"Not really got anyone worth coming with, in hindsight I probably could've asked Leon so he could've come but honestly I figured what's the harm, might as well enjoy myself without worrying about how I'm treating my date."

"I'm glad you're doing better Brendan, really. I know things are gonna change once we leave high school but we should plan something for the summer, meet up and just go into town."

"I'd like that."

Just then a third body sat down at their table, Martin Allen. Arthur saw Brendan tense up at the sight of him.

"Hello boys, having a good time."

"We were." Brendan replied, not even trying to hide his anger.

"Oh come on, what's done is done, you were hurt, I was punished, the world moves on, no reason to let the past hurt us anymore. Surely I've proven myself by putting this all together."

"It is a nice place." Arthur had to admit.

"It's like I told you before Arthur, I'm doing this for Brownie point s so I can get the fuck out of this town, this benefits all of us. Now if you need anything just come find me, alright."

Martin got up and left, Brendan still seething. Arthur tried to look on the positives. "He does seem to have changed, maybe he's telling the truth."

"Yeah, but did you notice he still hasn't apologised for beating the shit out of me, just said that it happened."

At that moment Nicola sat down beside Art. "Hey, just saw Martin leave, everything alright."

Arthur kissed her cheek. "We're fine, I don't know if he was just making his presence known or if he's genuinely changed but no harm done."

Out on the dance floor Arthur saw Megan was slightly off-balance and laughing about it. "She seems to be having a good time."

"Ha, yeah, Shep snuck in some Absinthe, and I think Megan had a little too much."

Brendan soured his face in disgust. "Absinthe? Fuck that stuff's rank, it's fucking paint stripper."

"Yeah well Megan's having a good time and wanted to join in the fun. She'll regret it in the morning."

The sound of microphone feedback caught everyone's attention as the DJ made an announcement. "Alright this next one's for all you couples out there, it's a slow one guys so don't worry, get on up and spend some good time with your loved ones."

Nicola looked at Art, her eyes saying everything he needed to hear, he sighed then nodded and the two of them took to the dance floor, joining Kevin and Megan, Francis and Emily, Shep and Charlotte and all the other high-school couples in their year. Arthur checked his pocket once more then wrapped his arms around Nikki's waist as Can't Help Falling In Love With You by Elvis played over them.

"This has been a great night." Nicola spoke in a low voice.

"It has." Arthur smiled but something in his eyes seemed distracted. And Nicola knew exactly what was on his mind.

"Art, I know what you have in your pocket."

The colour drained from Arthur's face, was his surprise ruined already? Before he could speak Nikki continued.

"I don't want you to make yourself uncomfortable just for me, I appreciate the gesture but I promise you, if you wait till we're back home, till it's just you and me and nobody else in the world, I promise I'll say yes."

The light in Arthur's eyes lit up, he didn't know how Nicola knew about the engagement ring in his pocket but hearing that Yes, even though he technically hadn't asked yet, was the best noise put to his ears.

"You mean it?"

"Art I love you, I've loved you for nearly five years now, you said yourself that you're prepared to fight for me, I'm telling you there's no reason to, we're stuck with each other.

The world around them shut off, in that moment there was just a shy nerdy guy and a confident, mischievous girl, and the kiss that sealed their future. They let go of each other just as the song finished, a few of their classmates had seen the kiss and started clapping, Nicola feared that Arthur's anxiety would act up but he kept her close and everything was good.


About an hour later on in the night, Arthur stood alone at the bar waiting to be served when Kevin came up next to him. "Hey Arthur, how you finding the night?"

"It's been fun, of course your sister's been a big help with that, not usually my scene."

"Yeah I bet she has. Hope you don't mind but Nicola told me, about the ring. Don't worry she only told me cause I'm her brother and I'm not telling anyone else, I just wanted to say, congrats man. I know me living halfway across the fucking world means we've not exactly had the chance to get to know each other, but I like you and if Nicola's happy enough to marry you then that's fine with me. Just look after her, ok."

"You know I will."

Kevin paused for a second, then brought Arthur in for an embrace, they were going to be brothers soon, it made sense to act brotherly.

Behind them, a very drunk Megan slip and crash-landed on the floor, she kept laughing but Nicola quickly picked her up before any of the teachers came over.

"Alright Megan, time to take you home so you can regret this tomorrow."

"Mind if I come too." Brendan asked. "I've had about enough of this place."

"Sure, let me just grab Art then we'll head."

Having seen the fall, Arthur went over to help them with Megan. "Hey, what's going on?"

"I'm taking Megan and Brendan home, you ok to leave?"


"Great, meet you outside."

Nicola ran to get her car while Arthur and Brendan helped Megan get outside, ignoring the sniggering of their classmates. Nicola parked at the front entrance and ran to open the door for Megan when she was stopped by an approaching Martin.

"Hey, if you guys are leaving you mind if I get a lift?"

"Why would I let you into my car?"

"Cause I need to get home and I don't have a car."

"Which was your own damn fault." Brendan spat at him.

"Look fuck that whole mess, I need to get back and if you're leaving I can get home now instead of later, just give me this lift and I swear I'll never talk to you again. Ok."

Nicola looked over at Art, trying to work out the seating arrangements.

"It's ok Nikki, I can get a lift off Emily."

"Fine, you can come Martin but if you piss me off I'll leave you on the side of the fucking road."

"Understood, and thank you."

Martin climbed into the passenger seat so that Brendan could look after Megan in the back, Nicola silently cursed herself for going through with this, then got into the driver's side and drove off. Arthur watched as the car drove out of sight, behind him Emily, Francis and Kevin came up to see what was going on.

"Where's Nicola going?" Emily asked, a tone of concern on her voice.

"She's taking Megan and Brendan home, Martin Allen asked for a lift as well."

Emily fell silent but the ugly note in her stomach refused to leave. "Frankie hun, get my coat, we're leaving."


The drive in Nicola's car was mostly silent save for some mumbling from Megan, it was a little after 1 in the morning so the roads were mostly empty, the long stretch in front of them showed only one other car on the other side of the road. Nicola looked over and saw Martin wasn't wearing his seatbelt.

"Put your seatbelt on Martin, my car, my rules."

"Why, there's nothing here, we're not going to get into an accident at this time.

"I don't care, put it on."

Martin ignored her and turned back to face Brendan. "So I hear you've been fucking guys now Brendan."

"Fuck sake Martin, what the hell has that got to do with anything?"

"Nothing, just wanted to say I'm happy to hear it. Nice to see you finally embracing the fact that you're a faggot."

Nicola gripped the steering wheel. "Martin, that's your first and last warning, keep your mouth shut or I will kick you the fuck out."

"I'd to see you try, it's cause of this cocksucker that I'm here at all, you fucking owe me for not having my fucking car."

"Owe you, you fucking beat the shit out of Brendan."

"Cause he tried to spread his faggot germs all over me."

"That's it, next stop I see I'm kicking you out, I fucking knew you were a piece of shit."

Martin looked out the window and saw the approaching car was mere feet away.

"You think I'm a piece of shit? Fine, then I'll act like one."

And with that Martin grabbed the steering wheel and forced it upwards, sending them straight into the path of the other car. Nicola tried to turn the other way but she smashed into the other car, sending it flying off the side of the road and sending them into a spin, every move she made trying to stop the car just seemed to make things worse.