Suburban Sweetheart Ch. 06


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Emma got the snacks. We had eaten salad for dinner, mixing the items from the supermarket. "It's like tapas, but not." she had laughed as we picked bits from each tub until there were only a few scraps left. We made tea and coffee and then settled down on the sofa, a blanket over us and Emma grabbed a bowl of snacks and drummed her fingers on the side of it excitedly and I pressed 'play' and the opening credits to Young Frankenstein flashed onto the screen.

"Don't tell me what happens." Emma laughed as she snuggled next to me and my arm went around her. We laughed, even though we knew the lines and I smiled to myself and how wonderful she felt as she pressed against me and laughed loudly at the dance scene.

"THAT, is a fucking great film." she said when it ended and I had to agree with her. We sat on the sofa for a while, curled up together and kissing until Emma stood and held out her hand. "Come on, I want to see some fireworks," she said with a big smile and then led me to the bedroom.

We were both still a bit worn out, "She is a bit tender." she chuckled as my fingers stroked over her mound. "Be gentle." she added and then laughed, "Because normally you are SO rough." and then moaned into my lungs as our lips met and a fingertip danced over the tip of her clitoris. We caressed each other and kissed softly, "Both sets of lips have seen so much action recently." Emma had said with a big smile as we took a break to breathe. She turned and I slowly kissed down her back and she whimpered and sighed. I licked over her sphincter and felt the heat from her as I held her lovely firm buttocks open to kiss her tight dark hole and then I put my tongue out and ran it all the way up her spine until I opened my mouth wide on the back of her neck and there was a deep groan and I chuckled and said "Oh, you like the cake." in reference to a scene from the film and Emma laughed.

"I just asked what it was." she replied, her back juddering as she laughed.

"But you made a yummy sound." and I gently bit the back of her neck and she groaned again whilst still laughing.

"How to get me into bed, quote Young Frankenstein." she chuckled.

Around the world 2005 was sliding into 2006 and I slid into Emma again, loving the feeling of her body as if it was the first time, the tight grip making me shudder as I went deep and looked into her dark eyes. She lifted her legs and wrapped them around me as her arms pulled my head to hers and my tongue entered her. I'm not sure we could be more connected as we pressed together.

Emma laughed as I lifted my head. "Normally I just see fireworks, not hear them." she said as we stopped moving.

"We're missing all the excitement and fun." I replied.

"Don't think so." she said, her hand stoking my cheek.

"Happy New Year, sweetheart." I whispered as I pressed my nose to hers.

"Happy New Year, darling." she replied and her hips pressed to mine and we both gasped. Her eyes sparkled and I sensed something was coming, there was a naughty look in them.

"New Year, new hole." Emma chuckled and she squeezed her thighs around my waist. "You haven't been in there since... let me think... last year! She misses you." and she tried to keep a straight face.

"If you insist." I said and I moved back as Emma relaxed her legs, but kept them high and open and I left her pussy and held my cock to move it across her perineum and pressed up again. She closed her eyes and let out a soft yelp and I slid into her anus as she wrapped around me again.

"Happy New Year," she whispered and then started to groan as I slid up and down in her rectum.

There were still fireworks cracking sporadically as we lay together, my penis softening in Emma's anus. Our fingers travelled slowly over each other as we just sighed and kissed as another day began, this one the start of a different year. We began talking, Emma asking about my past loves. "Did you ever want kids?" she said and I saw the hurt in her eyes.

"No. Not bothered. I figure there's enough in the world already. Same with dogs and cats." I said quietly as she smiled.

"So, me being older and unable to have them isn't an issue?"

I smiled at her and for the use of 'older'. "No. Older means nothing. I tried internet dating and got annoyed when there was someone interesting, but it would say 'you are not in their age preference', like that really mattered. Anyway, it's just numbers really. Raymond Chandler was married to a much older woman, she even forged her birth date on their marriage certificate, he didn't give a fuck." Emma chuckled and gave me a quick kiss. "As for kids, no. If it really was an issue, there's adoption."

"My first left me because of it. He wanted them." She said quietly.

"What happened, I mean, how did you..." I struggled to find the words.

"Not sure. I was quite sporty as a kid, mainly as I was hugely insecure at being so ugly... and don't say a word, young man." she laughed. "I ran, swam, that kind of thing. Sports for a girl wasn't really a thing back then, so, maybe those who did it had to try harder. Anyway, there was a suggestion the exercise and diet may be a problem at that crucial age, but no one really knew, it may have just been me. When my periods started they were erratic, sometimes not coming for months, I tried the pill for a while to try and settle my hormones down, but it didn't work. When I met him, we were both young and we just mooched around together until we started getting serious. We got together properly after Uni and moved in together. Then he wanted a family, but nothing happened. After a couple of years we had tests and he was fine, he had good swimmers." she chuckled at the last bit. "So, it had to be me. I still wasn't having proper periods and then they pretty much stopped, maybe a few times a year." I gave her a little kiss on the nose as she looked sad and she chuckled, "Anyway, he left as he wanted a family and I couldn't give him one. Seems he liked my womb more than the rest of me. He's married with four kids now, well, maybe more. Probably got a whole football team, which is what he wanted, although I have no idea how many in a football team and I have a feeling you don't like the sport." she chuckled.

"No, more a cycling person." I replied.

"Maybe he's got a cycling team, but, again, no idea how many in that. For someone who was good at sports I know next to nothing about it." she laughed.

"Nine. Nine in a cycling team. Well a Tour de France squad. Depends on the size of the race for the number of riders." Emma stared at me.

"Well, get you and your sporting knowledge. Yes, he probably has his own little bunch of cyclists now."

"A peloton." I said and Emma just stared at me again. "It's the... oh, no matter." I laughed. "Anyway, I think a football team is eleven."

"Like a Spinal Tap amplifier." She mumbled and I started laughing loudly and then she did the same.

"Come on, let's go wash the part of you that's still in my bum before we fall asleep." Emma said after we had started to go quiet and drift away, "Before one of us spontaneously combusts." she added and we were both laughing hard as I pulled my hips back and the head of my cock pulled her sphincter open enough for me to leave her.

We stood by the sink as Emma held me and she washed my soft penis, pulling the skin back and running her soapy hands over it. "Need to go." I mumbled as the water ran in the sink and over my genitals. Emma smiled and pointed my penis at the plughole and I started to urinate as she held me.

"That is actually very cool." she said as the liquid flowed out and she aimed it at the plug. "I can feel the liquid running up the shaft." When I finished she looked up and smiled at me, then sat on the toilet and drained her bladder, passing me the paper again and laughing. "You are the best assistant." she said in her serious voice and then led me back to bed where we snuggled up and any talk was lost as we drifted into the first day of the year.

There is a certain disappointing feeling about waking on the first of January. Nothing has changed and the air smells of used fireworks, the smoke hanging in the atmosphere to make a New Year taste stale. That is, unless you wake next to someone you are slightly crazy about and the first thing that happens is that she kisses you.

"Happy New Year." Emma said quietly as she lay on her side and stroked my chest, her breasts pressed to me. She gave me another kiss and then laughed and fell back on the bed as I moved onto my side and her hands pulled me onto her as her legs opened and she lifted her knees around my hips.

"Happy New Year, Emma." I said between gasps as I lifted up and looked down at her as she closed her eyes and groaned loudly as she had an orgasm, her legs wrapped around my body and shaking as my hips pushed against her. Her eyes opened and shone as another cry came from her as she shook and pulled me down so my body pressed against her trembling one and her pulsing pussy drove me to release the first stream of semen into her depths as we gasped together.

"So, we need to shower, then breakfast and then behave, I have a date tonight." Emma said as we cuddled up in bed.

"Does that mean I need to take my cock out of your pussy?" I replied and she turned and screwed up her sweet face.

"Yes, sorry." and she shrugged her shoulders.

We followed her plan and I helped Emma tidy up her room and the kitchen, then we had the last of the food from the previous evening as a light lunch and I gathered my things, got dressed properly and left, Emma waving goodbye from the door as I walked to the street, feeling very alone and already in a panic about later.

We had arranged to meet at six thirty, outside the station and I arrived ten minutes early, my stomach churning with nerves. The evening was mild, but a chill was settling in. I walked about and found two restaurants open and both were good. Then I stood and waited as my heart raced.

I heard footsteps on the glazed station walkway, then more. A train had arrived and I felt awkward as people shuffled past me whilst I scanned the crowd for Emma, wondering if she had cut through the side entrance to get here, as well as looking down the road. A few minutes later and all was quiet again and I stood away from the wall, where I had cowered as the passengers bundled past me, to stand and look down the street for Emma. I felt slightly sick, I knew where she lived, but wondered would I dare go back if she didn't turn up tonight. I still had neglected to get her number. My mind races with possibilities, maybe she was ill, so I would go and check up, that seemed sensible and not stalker-like at all. I looked at my watch again, it had been a whole fifteen seconds since the last time and there was still a minute left for her to get here.

More steps clacked on the stairway and I dithered about moving towards the wall to let people pass, or stand further in the pavement. My eyes strained to look up the street, but she was nowhere to be seen. I fought the urge to be sick and turned.

She looked stunning. A long green coat covered her, but it showed her shape and the belt around the waist emphasised it. Ear-rings spangled under the strip-lights of the station and her eyes sparkled as she looked at me. She had a small woolly hat on, but strands of hair tumbled down either side of her face, the rest seemed to be pinned back. I felt the air leave my lungs as she smiled.

"Hi." she said and I felt like crying with joy.

I mumbled something, my brain stumbling and words failed me, so I reached out and gave her a small hug and she giggled.

"Not late, am I?" she said softly and I shook my head and still tried to speak, but failed. She laughed and her eyes went down to the small bunch of flowers in my hand.

I held the flowers out and felt very shy. "It was hard to find flowers on a holiday." I mumbled and she just looked at them and then me and I realised she was the one now struggling to find words.

"They are lovely. Thank you." her voice cracked a bit as she spoke and she looked down at them and turned them in her hands. When her eyes raised I saw the wet shine.

"There's a pizza place down the street, or noodles." I said as Emma just stared at the flowers. She lifted her head slowly and stepped forward and put her lips to my cheek.

"Noodles?" she said quietly and there was a little sniff as she looked at the flowers again.

I reached for her hand and then we walked to the noodle restaurant. I had been there before, it wasn't romantic, but the food was good. Emma squeezed my hand as we walked held the flowers up proudly. "These are lovely." she said several times in the two minutes it took to walk there.

The restaurant was quiet and we were ushered to a four seat table by the window and Emma carefully placed the flowers on the table and then opened the belt and unbuttoned her coat to place it over the back of the chair next to her and then stood looking at me with a big smile on her face. She was wearing a black dress down to her knees. The waist curved in beautifully and the swell of her breasts was highlighted by the dip at the front, not low enough to show much cleavage, but just enough so you got an idea of the shape of her. The sleeves went half-way down to her elbows, but the shoulders were nicely exposed so that her neck was displayed, the ear-rings leading my eyes to it and I gasped softly as she tilted her head and the skin went taut on one side. I suddenly felt very shabby in her company.

We sat and looked at the menu and discussed our choices, "There is a good vegetarian selection here." I said and Emma looked at me.

"Are you vegetarian? How did I not know this?"

"Mainly as we haven't been to dinner before." I said and she chuckled.

"And I never feed you." she added. "Well, not food anyway." and her naughty smile flashed at me.

After we had ordered she stood and walked to the toilet and I watched as her bottom swayed in the dress, the material swooshing as she moved. She returned a few minutes later and I watched her again, this time she was smiling at me. "Nice view?" she laughed as she sat and I nodded.

We talked about work things and life in general and my hand drifted to hold hers and she giggled and as her head lifted, the strands of hair swayed. "I like your hair." I said and she smiled. "And I love your smile." I added and then she blushed.

"Flowers, compliments, I'm not used to this. Actually, I'm not used to dates, so take it slow." She looked away and then back at me. "I cannot actually remember the last time I went on a date." she laughed.

"You must have been asked."

"No. Well, one guy at work did a few years back, but I wasn't interested. That was the last time anyone asked until now." Her eyes clouded for an instant and then shone again. "Before that..." There was a pause. "Nope, no idea. At least three years. Had a couple of single dates, never went to round two." she chuckled. "Probably because..." Emma looked around, but there were only four other people here and they were on the other side of the restaurant, but still she leaned forward to talk and I tried not to stare down her dress. "I don't shag on a first date." she blushed and laughed. "Sorry." she said. "Can you get a refund on the flowers?"

"They are for you, I'm not good at dates, but I felt they were deserved." I said, my mind racing from what she had said, but not really caring. Maybe a second date would be needed.

"They are very lovely. Sorry, I was just being silly, I very much appreciate them, just not used to this." she blushed and looked away and when I turned I could see her looking at me in the reflection of the window. I reached and squeezed her hand and she put her other one on mine and held it tight. "Really, it is very sweet. It threw me slightly. Also, I am very nervous." she giggled.

"Me too." and she looked up and smiled at me and the nerves vanished for a second. Luckily the food arrived.

We had ordered some green tea to go with the food, but wondered if Emma wanted anything else.

"I don't drink alcohol." she said, her voice slightly dismissive, "So, sorry, you can't get me drunk and..." She looked away and I realised a nerve had been touched.

"Neither do I." I added. "Just wondered if you... anyway, the tea is fine." She looked at me and smiled and the looked away quickly again to try and hide the pained look in her eyes, but wasn't fast enough.

"Ok, the freak would get me drunk... that's why." She said and I reached and held her hand. "Sorry, but he left a lot of mental scars. You may want to run away after this meal."

"I'm walking you home, no running for me." The smile was warm as it spread from the other side of the table.

"You are the perfect gentleman." she said. "And I actually mean that."

"Not perfect in any way." I added and she stared at me and grinned.

"Who doesn't believe the compliments now?" and she chuckled and carried on eating.

We sat talking for a while, declining the offer of desserts, but settling on a coffee and we sipped slowly, watching the occasional passers by and mostly just looking at each other.

"This had been a lovely date." Emma sighed.

"Is it over?" I said.

"Guess you still have to walk me home." she giggled.

I paid, despite Emma's offer to go halves and then I helped her on with her coat and she turned and put a hand to one cheek and her lips to the other. "Thank you, that really was lovely." and she picked up the flowers and we walked into the chilly air.

"I would suggest we walk slowly, but this coat isn't that warm." Emma laughed and I watched the vapour swirl from her lips. She hooked her arm through mine and we headed back to her place, me still totally uncertain what to do. "The flowers were really lovely." she said quietly as she sniffed them. "You really are quite a charmer." she giggled. "It is very sweet, especially as you seem to have no idea you are actually charming." and her eyes shone at me.

"Am I? I just thought flowers would be nice and you might like them."

"See, not a blimmin' clue." she laughed.

"So, can I interest you in another date? Maybe tomorrow, if that isn't rushing things."

"This one isn't over yet." she said and I saw a small smile on her lips. "There's still plenty of scope for disaster and you'll run away."

"There is also plenty of chance for me to screw it up." I added.

"That's my forte. Plus, you may get annoyed as there's no shagging on the first date." She said as we strolled along, the only ones on the street

"Do you kiss on a first date?" I asked and Emma stopped and stood in front of me and stared into my eyes. She placed a hand on my cheek and placed her lips so softly on mine the main feel was of her frosted breath. Her mouth opened slightly and took in the top curve of my bottom lip and I felt it being gently pulled as her lips opened slightly more and then closed as she moved away.

"Been known to." she smiled at me and then leaned forward again and her lips opened wider on mine and I put a hand around her waist to hold her close and there was no sense of her pulling back. I opened my lips and hers responded and I felt her tongue brush onto mine and her hand reached to hold the back of my head and we both grunted softly into each other as we pressed closer.

Emma moved back slightly and smiled a few minutes later and I took a deep breath.

"Then it's no problem." I replied, thankful we weren't walking as my legs went wobbly.

"Really?" I saw her eyes twinkle in the streetlight as her head twitched.

"Yeah. I mean, I'd love to have another date with you, so..." I decided to be quiet in case I screwed up.

Emma chuckled and shook her head. "Abi-normal." she said and then resumed walking, pulling my hand to break me from the spell and follow her.

We reached her place and my heart sank. Emma turned to face me and I put my hands to her waist and she leaned into me and her arms went around me. "Shame it's such a cold evening, we could walk, or find somewhere to smooch." she said, her eyes shining.
