Succubus Sabbatical

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A succubus skips out on work.
5.8k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 05/03/2021
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Succubus Sabbatical

Limbo. It was almost fifty years since the last time Reika had visited. Every time it was a bit more crowded. More lively, so to speak. Peopled by all those souls not doomed to Hell, but not yet cleared for entrance into Heaven.

It was a destination of mixed merit for a succubus skipping out on her work to take an unapproved vacation. On the one hand, it was, technically, in the jurisdiction of Heaven's minions. Many of which would just as soon smite Reika as look at her. On the other hand, there wasn't a Hellspawn alive that would think to look for her here. No worries about getting caught by a superior. And anyway, in her experience, Heaven only ever sent piddling cherubs and functionaries to check on Limbo - and those never gave it more than a cursory once over.

Near the center of Limbo, ranged in a circle many miles in diameter, stood pairs of runed stone monoliths. In each pair of pillars was stretched a portal -- a mystical doorway through which souls were shunted onto the plane of waiting. Having always stayed to the outskirts, well clear of those population centers, she had never had any trouble.

Now she flew up along a particular cut in a particular mountainside, tracking a series of waterfalls. Her old campsite sat on a patch of dirt and mulch next to a beautiful natural pool fed by one of these waterfalls, and feeding those further down in turn. The camp consisted of a small, squat cabin-like structure furnished with a crude chair and table, all of which Reika had knocked together herself. She was looking forward to swimming, sunbathing, and forgetting about quotas.

Presently she crested a ledge and spied her little cabin, still apparently intact. On a whim, she swooped in, deciding to angle down and torpedo right into the cool waters. Using her innate, if limited, ability for shapeshifting, she folded her wings and quickly reabsorbed them. She was mere feet from the shimmering surface when movement off to one side caught her attention. It was far too late to stop. Just as a pale figure bobbed up, Reika sluiced in headfirst, her cinnamon curves disappearing into the water and creating only a flat bloop and one long spit of crystal droplets in her wake.

When her momentum had spent itself, Reika reoriented herself. Turning herself in the water and scanning above and behind her, she spotted the lower body of the mystery interloper. They were naked, and definitely female. Snaking to her left, Reika was able to view the opaline figure from the neck down. The glinting, mirror-like effect of the surface made it impossible to get any impression of the head that bobbed above. She lingered there, watching the woman tread water and wondering what it was about this particular soul that was giving her a bad feeling.

It was strange that any spirit would wander so far afield that they'd discover her particular swimming hole, but to climb all the way up here... This was one intrepid little nymph. Brushing aside her apprehension, Reika kicked off for the surface, mulling over what she'd like to do with, or to, such a visitor.

Always a slave to her flare for the dramatic, Reika burst up amidst an explosion of water with her wild mane of crimson hair whipping back and her breasts thrust gloriously forth. Drawing a deep breath, she flashed her most lascivious grin, glinting canines and all, at her visitor. The woman was still treading water in the same spot. Reika's eyes took in the long blonde hair tied and held up in jade combs, the fine features, the startling blue eyes. And then, in a flash, her smile twisted into a silent snarl of disbelief. A soft glow illuminated that blonde hair.

The glow from a halo.

Sinking again, Reika almost inhaled a lungful. A buggering angel. All the trouble of hiding out in this backwater corner and this is what she got. Unbelievable. She almost flailed to keep from surfacing again, just so she wouldn't have to deal with this ridiculous situation.

Instead she rose just enough to breath through her nose, eyes squinted angrily at the Heavenly trespasser. The angel, for her part, openly regarded Reika. She wore a faint smirk. Reika was still trying to conjure something clever and cutting to say when the blond began to approach. Reika fought the sudden urge to backpeddle. Instead she tipped her head to speak up, but again the angel preempted her.

"You're out of bounds here, Hellspawn." she began. Then her smirk became a fierce smile and she added, "And out of your depth."

Reika arched an eyebrow incredulously and blew bubbles. This angel might be capable of erasing her from existence with a word, but Reika was damned if she would give her the satisfaction of showing fear. If that was the angel's intent, pleading mercy would be futile. No, if smiting was in her immediate future, Reika would die like a true Hellspawn; with defiance and obscenity on her lips.

"Go fu-" Reika began, warming to the idea of weaving some new and memorable verbal filth before perishing.

Just then the Heavenborn blond disappeared beneath the surface. Reika growled as she watched the glow from her halo dissipate as the angel sank. Maybe she should just take the opportunity to flee.

"Ah, hey! What in Hell?"

Something was catching at her legs, restraining her movement. Something, which Reika suspected was not unrelated, was also nibbling and sucking up along her thighs. Then bumping gently against her crotch. She gasped sharply when something rubbed firmly over her clit. Without thinking, she reached down into the water with grasping hands. No sooner did her hands find a hold than the water around them suddenly began to bubble violently.

"Gaah!" Reika screamed, lurching back and drawing her scalded hands from the water.

The angel bobbed to the surface. She wore that insufferable smirk again.

"Poor foolish Hellspawn. Don't you know better than to touch a halo?"

Reika glared while tentatively dipping her hands back into the water in hopes of quelling the worst of the pain.

"Come on, Demongirl. Let's get you up from here and I'll heal those hands." the angel slipped around behind Reika and hooked her arms under Reika's armpits.

There was a brief flurry of overlayed sounds - like the tearing of cloth, the creaking of stiff joints, and finally the beating of massive wings. The water around Reika rippled and her wet upper body was chilled by the wind from the angel's wings. The angel lifted them both clear of the water and set them down on dry ground a dozen feet away.

Reika twisted around where she knelt to watch those vast ivory wings fold and collapse smaller and smaller until, with an odd swish and crackle, they were gone. The angel, at her leisure, sauntered around until she stood before the kneeling demoness. There she struck a haughty pose, hands on hips.

"Now, hold out your hands and say 'please'."

"What? Fuck you!" Reika spat angrily.

"Fine, fine. Clearly you're in pain. Just hold out your hands."

Still scowling, Reika held her hands out before her.

The angel took a slow breath, her eyelids drooping to half mast. Her right hand rose to touch a spot low on her tummy, then crept lower. As her fingers curled in against her sex, Reika's scowl became one of confusion. The angel rolled her hips slightly and spread her fingers. A stream of hot, crystal clear urine sprang forth to splash over the demoness' hands and spatter down onto her naked form.

"You fuck-buggering cunt! You could've just-" Reika got out before noticing the pain in her hands fading.

"Oh. But did it have to buhfrrpffft!" This time her complaint was cut short when the stream of urine rose to arc down directly into her face.

"Sorry," the angel's tone was heavy with arousal, "I just really get off on this." A shiver ran up and down her frame.

Reika wanted to be angry, but, as a temptress of the vile creatures known as men, she had a rather high threshold for debauchery. Being pissed on wasn't all that unusual for her. The fact that it was an actual angel doing the pissing lent it a certain thrill, though. A few thoughts occurred to her all in a flash. It was news to her that an angel could come up with anything as perverted as pissing on someone - even if that someone was a demon. And even if they could, why would they use it to heal a demon. Unless... unless of course they weren't as keen on the whole big war as everyone let on. And last but not least, she thought that if this angel were initiating a session of perverted-sex-fun-time, it was her and not Reika who was out of her depth.

Turning her face back up, she opened her mouth in a wide smile. Eyes closed, she tipped her face so that the crystal shower flowed down into her mouth. Sweet and salty, the angel piss pattered down onto her tongue, overfilling her mouth and dribbling from her chin. Reika gargled loudly, swallowed once, then opened up again to catch another mouthful before the stream weakened. As the strength of the angel's flow petered out, Reika pursed her lips and, like some devilish fountain statue, squirted a stream of collected urine back up into the angel's rather surprised face.

"Ugh! Is that how you say 'thank you' in Hell? I should have expected no better from an imp." she sputtered.

Reika grinned beatifically, her piss-slick body glinting.

"Aw. You don't get off on that? Maybe we should trade places and I can piss on you."

For a moment Reika thought the angel was angry. Then she discerned the faintest blush rising in the woman's cheeks and realized she was flustered. Was she embarrassed about her fetish? A wee bit shy even? Maybe she had thought it would be okay to indulge her fantasies with a lowly demon. It wasn't as if Reika would be spilling the beans on her perverted tastes to any other Heavenly authorities.

"Don't be absurd. Now I need to clean off. Lucky thing I was planning on swimming again anyway." she frowned and held her hands up in an indecisive manner, as if afraid to dirty them by wiping the piss from her face.

"Don't be absurd yourself. You helped me. Now let me help you." Reika argued, quickly rising to her feet.

As she stepped closer to the angel, she held her hands up, palm forward, placatingly. The angel hesitated, eyeing the demoness suspiciously. Reika leaned forward and gave the angel's cheek a dainty lick. She made a show of settling back on her heels, then leaned in again and licked the tip of the angel's nose. And just as the other woman began to visibly relax, Reika slid in close, pressing their bodies together and squeezing her in a hug.

"Wh- Damnit, you've gotten me..." As she started in, Reika ran her hot, moist tongue up alongside the angel's alabaster throat, then nibbled on her earlobe, "...all... wet." the angel's voice trailed off.

Reika sucked at the soft spot just behind the corner of her jaw before whispering in her ear.

"Are you all wet for me, angel?"

There was a brief, slippery moment before the angel replied.

"You- Wh-" Having a hard time deciding what to say, she settled for, "I have a name, you know."

"Something like Lady Fire Hydrant?" Reika teased.

"What does hydrant mean?"

Reika stifled a fit of giggles.

"Never mind. What is your name then?" she asked.


"Mmm, Alyssa."

"My name-" the angel began indignantly.

"Or Lenny."

"Alyssa. Call me Alyssa." the angel rolled her eyes.

"Okay. Alyssa, call me Reika." the demoness replied before stealing a kiss.

Alyssa tried to pull away at first, remembering all that piss spilling from Reika's slutty grin. Her resistance faded quickly, though. Reika was a succubus, and as such boasted all sorts of alluring pheromones on top of her considerable skills.

"Mmp mmp... mmmm..." the angel melted against Reika, moaning softly into the kiss.

The demoness alternately caressed and massaged the soft, sleek contours of the angel's back. She worked her hands down to give Alyssa's ass a squeeze, before trailing her pointed nails back up over the angel's alabaster cheeks. Alyssa arched her back, rolling her perfect rump back against Reika's hands while pressing into their kiss with new fervency.

Reika purred happily into the kiss, reveling in the taste and feel of her new playmate. She was pleasantly distracted now and then by the angel's small, cool hands delicately gliding over her back, sides and hips, pausing sometimes to squeeze when a new rush of ecstasy flooded through her.

Eventually Reika slid one hand back down, curling her middle finger up into the deepest, darkest part of the angel's crack. Hopeful of a fun reaction, she slowly nudged her fingertip up and down over the angel's pristine pucker. As she watched, Alyssa's brow furrowed, though her eyes didn't open.

"Mm-mm!" the angel complained, moving her head side-to-side ever so slightly.

Reika broke the kiss, sucking the angel's lower lip between her own before leaning back, a single strand of spit stretching between them before breaking. When Alyssa's eyes finally opened, Reika pouted. She still held the tip of her middle finger pressed ever so gently to the angel's doubtless- virgin anal ring. Using a bit of her inherent magic, she caused the claw-like nail of that finger to round off and shrink back almost to the quick.

"Please, don't. I- I'm an angel. I can't-"

"But I thought I was the one out of my depth." Reika teased, though her tone was sympathetic.

"Damnit," Alyssa groaned pitifully, clearly trying to fight the arousal that was undermining her willpower, "Hellsp- Reika, please just not there."

Reika twisted down enough to take Alyssa's right nipple between her teeth to nibble and suck.

"Oh!" the angel gripped Reika's shoulders, eyes closing again.

When Alyssa tensed at the first nibble, Reika felt her tight little pucker spasm. Just as the angel began relax again, the demoness sneakily pressed just the end of her finger up and in. Alyssa's sphincter squeezed her smallest knuckle fiercely. Instantly the angel stiffened and rose on tip toes, gasping loudly. Her opaline fingers clamped down on Reika's shoulders in deathgrips.

Alyssa began to tremble all over and Reika wondered if the angel might cum then and there. She had other ideas. Relinquishing the stiff pink nipple with a final suck, the demoness straightened somewhat.

"Alright, Blondie. We'll try something different, okay?" she cooed, nuzzling her face against the blonde's.

As Alyssa began to nod, Reika wiggled her finger, then withdrew it from the angel's hole. There was a squeak, followed by a long shuddering breath. The angel felt Reika ease back from their embrace, gently prying the pale fingers from her shoulders.

When nothing happened for a few moments, she blinked her cerulean eyes open. The demoness had disappeared.

"Even an angel should try this once before they die. Trust me, Beautiful, I'm really good at this." Reika's voice rose from behind the angel.

Before Alyssa could move she felt Reika's fingers splay over her hips, pulling her back. And then the demoness' face was pressing up into her nethers from behind. Warm Hellspawned cheeks shifted side to side, parting pale Heavenborn cheeks, working Reika's face in until she could slide her tongue out and flatten it against the angel's rear hole. While the angel moaned and clutched at Reika's hands, the demoness lapped at her, painting her crack with hot saliva. The angel's restraint began to crumble in earnest when Reika pressed her tongue out, like a fat meaty snake, to press at her now slick hole.

"Ohh, mmph, fuck! Why...Why's it... feel so good?"

Alyssa shifted her legs further apart. She rose up onto her toes, her whole body curled into a quivering tenseness as Reika's tongue finally gained entrance. She groped up from her midsection to firmly cup her own breasts, hardly aware of what she was doing. The momentary pain when she pinched her nipples only added spice to the strange new pleasure threatening to overwhelm her.

And then Reika reached her right arm around Alyssa's hip to strum her fingers over the angel's clit, and suddenly it was overwhelming. Little lightnings arced and crackled along her halo as orgasm wracked Alyssa's body.

Reika gave one more good poke with her tongue. Stilling her hand, she switched to grinding her fingers over the angel's sex with a tight little rocking motion. Alyssa's hips jumped and twitched as she came. Catching half a breath, she loosed a few broken cries before even that became impossible.

A hot splash of fluids gushed between Alyssa's legs as she peaked, running down one pale leg while stray droplets added to the glistening film already covering Reika's lower body.

Reika slowed and stopped her grinding fingers as Alyssa's pleasure topped out. She smiled and gently finished worming her tongue back out of the angel's tightly gripping hole. Gradually she eased her hand away, keeping her arm around the angel's hip in case she needed help standing. When Alyssa finally settled flat-footed, Reika nuzzled her face in that heavenly ass one last time before rising to embrace the angel from behind.

Eventually Alyssa's breathing slowed. She leaned back against Reika and ran her hands over the demoness' forearms.

"Alright, I suppose that is worth trying once," she admitted, "but you could have asked permission first."

"Permission? Sorry love, never heard of it. Must be something they teach in Heaven." Reika joked.

"Indeed. Hey, why don't you hold onto my halo for a minute?" Alyssa teased in turn, tipping her head back.

Reika shied back, smiling even while complaining.

"Oi, stop! That thing really burns, you know."

Alyssa straightened up again. She considered the tacky residue squelching where their bodies touched.

"Can we wash off now?" she suggested.

Reika slid her hands down the angel's front to graze her sticky sex.

"Aw," she cooed in Alyssa's ear, "you don't want to roll around some and see how dirty we can get?"

Alyssa cleared her throat.

"I admitted the... the thing with your tongue... was good, but I have my limits. I'm not dirty by nature like you."

"Mm, that's okay. That's part of what makes this so fun." Reika replied.

"Very well. Let's take another dip."

The unlikely pair returned to the cool waters to clean themselves off. At Reika's insistence, Alyssa left her jade hair combs at the water's edge. Before joining Reika in the pool, the angel pulled her golden mane forward over either shoulder. She smirked at Reika, who watched as the lengths of hair fell to cover her pale, pert breasts. She lost the smirk when Reika averred that with a little training, she would make a fine succubus.

Stepping into the pool with all the unconscious grace and poise of her kind, Alyssa turned and pulled a handy lump of soft moss from a nearby boulder. Moving further from the shore she dunked herself once before approaching Reika.

Without speaking, Alyssa held out the lump of moss. When Reika took it, putting on a curious expression, she turned about and lifted the great glimmering skein of her hair over one shoulder. Mindful of the angel's halo, Reika began gently but firmly scrubbing Alyssa's neck and shoulders.

Seemingly unable to resist an impulse toward physical mischief, Reika hooked her legs around the angel's middle. Alyssa tensed for a moment, then relaxed again, resting her hands on Reika's warm, smooth thighs.

"I think the water would have done the job just fine." the succubus suggested.

"I'm an angel. We like to be very clean."

"Ah. Well... I guess that's one way to go." Reika shrugged.

As she reached around to scrub over Alyssa's collar bone, the angel gave a long sigh of contentment. Reika grinned, pressing in closer.

"Oi, you really like being pampered, don't you?" she spoke softly, in a breathy, seductive tone.

Alyssa turned her head a bit, half opening her eyes.