Succubus Sabbatical


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"Don't you?" she countered quietly.

This drew Reika up short. She stopped what she was doing for a moment.

Alyssa arched an eyebrow.

"Sure." Reika grudgingly agreed. "Who doesn't."

"Hmm. Here. Let go." Alyssa tapped at one of Reika's thighs where it encircled her below the surface.

Uncertain, Reika did as she was bid. Alyssa turned to face her, taking the damp clump of moss from her. She raised the impromptu sponge to trail it gently down one of Reika's reddish-brown cheeks, then the other. Reika regarded her incredulously.

To the demoness' mild surprise, Alyssa took her chin firmly in her left hand to tip it up. With a very matronly air, the angel scrubbed up and down her neck, under her chin, and out to her shoulders. She dunked the moss and squeezed water from it before lifting one of Reika's arms and holding it out. While she scoured the limb, she spoke.

"You have experience in a lot of... things... I've never tried. But you've never been taken care of, have you?" she asked, glancing back at Reika's face.

The succubus' eyes darted away. She shrugged, feigning indifference.

Alyssa moved Reika about as she continued scrubbing in a business-like manner. Moving around behind, she noticed Reika finally beginning to relax. The demoness dipped slightly in the water, knees bent. She moved readily at Alyssa's touch. When the angel threaded the fingers of one hand up into her hair to pull it aside, Reika rolled her head to one side unbidden.

Alyssa smiled faintly and scrubbed slow circles up and down the demoness' neck. While scrubbing, she moved her other hand up to work her fingers through the crimson hair, just touching Reika's scalp with her fingertips.

"Mmmm." Oblivious to her own reaction, Reika practically purred.

When she had thoroughly rubbed down Reika's upper body, and abraded away most of the clump of moss in the process, Alyssa wrapped her arms around the demoness.

"Not bad, is it?" she murmured before gently kissing the side of Reika's neck.

"Mmmm." Reika purred again, having submitted too deeply to the comfort and relaxation to bother speaking.

"Good. Come over this way."

Alyssa bodily towed the demoness back to where she had left her jade combs. Reika stirred belatedly.


Alyssa shushed her while retrieving one of her combs. Settling the two of them in a shallow spot, she moved around behind and began combing out the demoness' long fiery hair.

By the time she had finished, Reika was like putty in her hands. She smiled fondly, having almost forgotten that, strictly speaking, they were supposed to be mortal -- or immortal -- enemies. Pressing forward, she craned her head over Reika's shoulder.

"Are you still awake?"

Reika's head lolled back. She cracked her eyelids to look at the angel.

"Hey." she said muzzily before shifting slightly to kiss the unsuspecting angel.

It wasn't a mere peck. Nor was it passionate and lustful. It was slow, lingering. Alyssa thought it might be the sort of thing humans did... to express love.

When Reika finally broke the kiss, Alyssa swallowed hard. Her heart beat and breathing had quickened. She stared at the demoness' sublime expression for a long moment.


The demoness blinked her eyes open. She returned Alyssa's gaze blankly.

"Hm? What happened?"

Alyssa scowled.

"Idiot." she mumbled.

"Uh, what?"

"Nevermind. It's time to wake up."

Reika stretched and yawned.

"Not planning to smite me now that we've had our fun, are you?" she asked.

"Actually," Alyssa favored her with a foreboding smile, "I was thinking that maybe we weren't finished having our fun yet."

Reika perked up at that.

"You should think about switching sides. You sound more and more like a succubus all the time." she quipped cheerfully.

"I was thinking about stories I've heard. Stories about the sorts of things Succubi do in the course of their work." Alyssa said, choosing to ignore Reika's comment.

Fully turning to face the angel, Reika rubbed her hands together in mock-sinister fashion.

"It's probably all true. We do all sorts of things." she stood and moved closer. Pitching her voice in a seductive contralto, "What would you like me to do?"

Alyssa stood as well, tossing her comb over near it's mates. She toyed, apparently absently, with her halo. As she ran a fingertip along it's curve, little flashes of eldritch energy arced between the glowing hoop and her hand. As Reika's smile faded a bit, Alyssa's grew.

"Oh, no... I think you misunderstand." the angel explained. "I was thinking that surely anything a succubus can do, an angel could do."

"Well, I don' know-" Reika began.

"Then I was thinking; there's only one way to find out." Alyssa carried on over the demoness' doubts.

Trailing coruscating bolts of energy, Alyssa's hand left her halo and moved slowly down. Miniscule flares of pure white glared as hair thin lines of energy blinked in and out of existence, grounding on the surface of the water or Alyssa's body.

Reika's eyes had widened and her expression become one best described as uncertain. She waded back half a step. As she watched, Alyssa slid the brilliant handful of unknowable energy down over her pelvis to rest between her legs. With creeping, slow movement she shifted her hand until she appeared to have her fingers curled around something more or less tubular. She lifted her hand up and out from her body and the light seemed to follow, filling in a solid shape. When Alyssa drew her fingers closed some nine inches from their starting point, the white energy became a blinding flash.

When, after some swearing, Reika regained her sight, she was uncharacteristically silent. As her vision faded back in, she saw the angel still standing in the same spot. Having an affinity for such things, being a succubus, she noticed the one new difference quickly enough. Not that it would have taken any special ability to notice the magnificent cock now rising, thick and erect, from above Alyssa's still present slit.

Mostly it was human-looking, though Reika surmised that it was at the upper limit of human girth. The head was thick, broad, and a reddish-pink. The shaft, as pale as the rest of the angel, sported the raised trails and squiggles of bulging veins beneath the surface. Mostly it was human-looking, but as Reika's eyes made their way down it's length, she saw that the angel had chosen a decidedly inhuman embellishment. From where the organ met the angel's body there emerged a sheath not entirely unlike the sort found on male horses. Like soft, supple black leather, it stood out against Alyssa's pale midsection where it gloved the first three inches of her shaft.

Reika's estimation of the angel went up a couple notches.

"You made me feel... very good," Alyssa was saying, "however unsavory the method. I thought it would only be fair if I returned the favor."

Reika nodded slowly, eyes still glued to the angel's new appendage. With some effort she pulled her gaze up to Alyssa's face.

"You mean you wanna fuck me." the demoness smiled. "Weren't you just complaining about unsavory methods?"

"It was an observation," the angel argued, the color rising in her cheeks betraying her nonchalant tone, "Certainly not a complaint."

Reika reached her right hand forth to rest the palm on the tip of the angel's swollen cockhead. She watched Alyssa's breath catch and felt a single hard throb travel up to push against her hand.

"But you do want to fuck me. Come on, Beautiful. Say it. Tell me what you want."

A fresh determination entered Alyssa's expression, though her blushing had yet to subside.

"Yes, you horrible gloating pervert, I do want to... fuck you." she defiantly held Reika's gaze as she spoke. "But at the moment I'm also inclined to give you a good spanking. I'm not one of your feckless human victims. I'll thank you not to speak to me that way."

"Spanking, huh? You're really getting into the spirit of-"

"Yes, a good thrashing on that pert backside with my halo might-"

"Okay, let's not get ahead of ourselves." Reika brought her hands up in surrender.

A long pause played out while the two stared at each other, motionless, awash in the sound of the waterfall at the other end of the pool.

"Um," Reika ventured, "before you return the favor... I'll confess a certain professional curiosity."

Eyebrows raised in curiosity, Alyssa watched as the demoness dropped to her haunches in front of her. She almost objected, but held her tongue as Reika leaned in close and pressed a wet kiss to the underside of her thick black sheath.

In truth, Reika was compelled by more than just professional curiosity. She harbored some trepidation regarding the nature of Alyssa's new tool. Given it's method of creation, she wondered if it didn't share certain characteristics with the angel's halo. She wondered, specifically, if it would burn the shit out of her upon contact. Not the kind of thing she wanted to figure out as it was being crammed into one of her orifices.

So the demoness stroked one hand gingerly up, fingers curled so as to just graze the shaft. There was no searing pain or shocking jolt. Just soft, taut skin and the rounded ridge lines of bulging veins. With that concern out of the way, Reika promptly began indulging in her natural sex-demon tendencies.

Along with an inherent aptitude for pleasing others, especially physically, Reika's kind were blessed with a fairly changeable physiology. As she moved her mouth up past Alyssa's sheath, she triggered a reaction in her salivary glands, causing them to immediately begin producing several times the normal output of fluids. Before her mouth could fill up she flattened her tongue to the underside of Alyssa's cock and moved upward. A gleaming band of stickiness trailed behind. Little dribbles of extraneous spit formed and fell from the corners of Reika's mouth.

When Reika's slippery tongue finally rubbed against Alyssa's frenulum, the angel's cock twitched again, this time pulling back slightly and then slapping forth with a juicy splat. The demoness grinned. Lifting her face just a bit further, she pressed her lips over the tip. Not yet bothering to open her mouth fully to try to take the whole head, she sucked at the tip. She felt Alyssa's fingers thread into her hair from above and heard a soft moan. She gradually worked her mouth down until she felt her lips slip over the rim.

As Reika began to bob her head, tickling her throat with Alyssa's manhood, the angel twitched and trembled with the intensity of the new sensations. To her surprise, she could feel her magical member growing even stiffer than it had been. At each pulsing contraction that caused her cock to jump, there was an accompanying surge of pleasure that coursed up into her. With the throbbing in her cock growing ever stronger and a sense of building pressure somewhere behind it, Alyssa drew one hand from the demoness' crimson locks to tap her uncertainly on the head.

Reika slowly pulled up. As she tipped her head back to look up at Alyssa, she let her mouth hang open. Her tongue lolled out over her bottom lip, trailing a great bubbly mouthful of saliva. Alyssa watched as the flow of hot spit ran down from Reika's tongue to coat the head of her cock and overflow down her shaft. The sight was so unexpectedly arousing that she almost lost it. As it was, she whimpered as precum seeped up, beading under the saliva at her tip for a moment before spilling over and running down the underside of her cock.

Mentally turning off her overactive saliva glands, Reika regarded Alyssa. She had thought maybe the angel was about to cum, and by the look on her face, she still might. Glancing back down, she noticed the leakage and happily sampled a fresh swell of pre. With strings of spit stretched between her lips and the angel's throbbing head, she savored the salty spunk as if it were fresh virgin honey.

Standing, Reika wiped at her lips before leaning in to give the angel a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Well, you're about as lubed up and ready as you're gonna get. And honestly, I'm pretty turned on myself. I think I might bend over here and just... see what happens." she gestured vaguely to the near edge of the pool where the water lapped at the moss covered stones.

So saying, Reika turned and leaned down until she could rest her upper body on a low, flat chunk of stone well blanketed in thick green moss. She held her firm, full bottom up, rolling her hips back to better display her pussy.

Moving to square herself behind Reika, Alyssa tentatively took hold of her cock just below the head. Sliding her hand down her spit-sloppy, magically pre-circumcised cock, she groaned with pleasure and need. She rested her free hand on one of Reika's cinnamon cheeks, guiding her cockhead down to kiss the demoness' moist pussy lips. Then, feeling the anticipation growing in her chest and elsewhere, she lifted just a little and pressed in again.

"Hmm? Is that what you had in mind?" Reika piped up, sounding a bit surprised.

Alyssa smeared the demoness' own spit up and down over her nethers, wielding her prick like the universe's least efficient paintbrush.

"Not scared, are you?"

"Pfft, I've lost count of how many loads this baby has milked." Reika boasted, slapping one of her own cheeks proprietarily.

Lining herself up with Reika's now sticky pucker, Alyssa pushed forward in one slow, steady thrust. For a moment she got nowhere, and wondered if she really were too big, but then her tip shifted angle slightly and began to spread the demoness' tight hole.

"Mmm, fuck, that's big." Reika enthused, punctuating the statement with a grunt when the angel's knob popped past her sphincter.

The angel gave an unintentional groan of pleasure, but was too intent on what she was doing to comment. She was feeling rather a lot of intense sensations for the first time. Reika's slutty demon ass was so tight around her miraculous girth, but somehow it was slowly stretching to receive more.

"Hmp, mmmm... fuck..." the term was coming more and more naturally to the angel as she experienced new pleasures for which she had no words. And the sensation of tight demon ass gloving her virgin conjured cock was definitely new, and definitely a pleasure.

To be continued...

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Felix921Felix921about 3 years agoAuthor

Thanks! It's always encouraging to hear from readers. I do plan on doing at least one follow up short with this pair.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

A demon/angel pair that's both kinky and wholesome. Looking forward to more!

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