All Comments on 'Tears of the Fallen Ch. 07'

by JazCullen

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Iread2relaxIread2relaxabout 11 years ago
Yea Freya.

It is about time someone knocked Reesa on her ass.

donaldedonaldeabout 11 years ago
about time

someone put Ressa in her place. Loved the chapter looking forward to the next

mike2710mike2710about 11 years ago
Good start

I can see where things are starting to come together. Thanks for the entertainment.

Now being the impaitent want it now kind of person that I am bring on the next chapter (;

Ok I will wait patiently for you.

Mike from Texas.

willieonewillieoneabout 11 years ago

I just wish Freya had gotten there sooner to knocked her on her butt. Reasa is my least favourite character I find it hard to feel sorry for her. I adore Liam he is an awesome character and deserves happiness sooner rather than later.

DecadentdessertDecadentdessertabout 11 years ago

Always a wonderful read. Unless I breezed over Kothi birth what complications were presented?? The valorac are all looking for a sembalance of balance in their lives are we getting ready to see mass mating occur??

I am looking forward to return of take no prisoners Freya. Louis' coven visit to the compound is going to be shot in arm that Freya and Resa need to finally accept themselves. I can only imagine the adventure that looms greatly on the horizon for your characters.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
love it

just love it

more more more

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
omg...ok maybe its been a while but oh my frick i love ur stories and i love freya!!! amazing amazing amazing!! :) cant wait for the next :)

kuroukiphoenyxkuroukiphoenyxabout 11 years ago

Why is Reasa his destined mate? This angers me to such an extent. Its not fair to Liam who deserves better! Yes, I know she will learn where her true nature lies but I'm on the side of Freya...aaaargh!

Sorry...had to vent....

I'm cheering for Kothari....He and I have a similar way of approaching things and I really champion him.

Such a great story and thank you....

Tha Dark Phoenyx

SunshineChica73SunshineChica73about 11 years ago

I love Freya...I thought she should have beat that girls ass with the phone! Can we please torture that girl just a little more??? She has hurt way too many people already which will leave so much long term damage that I'm ok with her having more than a shoulder dislocation!

MySecretSideMySecretSideabout 11 years ago
Poor Reesa

Reesa has it hard. Imagine being taught one way and having the one thing you've been taught to hate capture you. Not only capture you, but take everything that makes you you from you. You have no one you can count on, so you are supposed to meekly accept the decision and not fight back or try to escape.

Oh, and just because their favorite so or daughter wants to sleep with you, you should forget everything you are and accept them. Hell no. This girl has had to fight her whole life, Not just against anyone, but the people who were supposed to be there for her as well. Those vamps resented her as well, I believe. She's hard and determined. So, yes if she got a chance to call out, she would. I don't blame her.

She's a bitch, and she's fighting. Until she realizes she's finally safe. She'll keep fighting. I may not like her, but I'm trying to see things from her point of view. Can we get a flashback on the birth of Kothi and Elina. I mean we know Lily's, and can assume the others went ahead without incident, but those two. A flashback, memory, something.

Jaz, i am really enjoying this story. One request, please don't let Freya beat her self up too much over smacking that bitch around. Liam needs to know and he needs to control himself. He knows his mates presence is a challenge. So he should be able to acknowledge what happened and deal with it.

cantfightfatecantfightfateabout 11 years ago
Yeah, Reasa is way too whiny for me.

I've had enough of everyone tiptoeing around her and Liam. She did something wrong and now she has to live with the consequences. No one is killing his mate, so Liam should be grateful. Tossing her around to protect the pack is acceptable.

There was a tiny bit of progress in this chapter, so I'm happy about that. But I'd still like a nice big step forward, since we've been treading water for so many chapters.

Your style of writing and execution is excellent as always but this story arc is definitely lacking some of the magic of the previous ones. I've been a fan since you posted the first chapter of FTI and love (or love to hate) most of your characters. It's disappointing to want to skim over Liam and Reasa (and Kothi) and not to feel invested in the story like I usually am.

Hopefully, this is just a slow starter and I'll be pulled back in once things progress. Looking forward to finding out in the next chapters.

MizTMizTabout 11 years ago

That's what this entire chapter was about. Whether it was Reasa and her self pity party, or Freya. More on Freya later. You had Liam and Kothi almost challenging each other over who was stronger or rather Kothi believing he is mentally stronger while Liam believes he is. And Elle has been so emotionless for so long that Liam is strarting to really worry despite the fact he got her to laugh for just a moment or two. And the worry of Liam about Pietro and his emotional confusion in dealing w/Reasa. And poor Freya seemed to cross all emotions know to man/vamp. She started out angry at Reasa, then joy at knowing her old self was still a part of her, she experienced happiness at knowing maybe she could teach Reasa a few things about being human, and annoyance at her nephew for his spying. And who can forget the love she experienced when Day wrapped is arms around her. And enough anger to bring the old Freya out in almost full force. Regret at her actions and finally disappointment in herself. Jaz you where really really hard on poor Freya after she has some so far, please let her be okay in the next chapter.

hotmama20092011hotmama20092011about 11 years ago

Reasa needs to get over herself! Aggravating crybaby.

DoctimeDoctimeabout 11 years ago

Your stories guarantee me three things- 1) I will have a smile on my face. 2) I will read slowly, and savor each paragraph & nuance. 3) They end too soon & I want more. . . .

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
I agree with cantfightfate's observations.

The writing is excellent as always, but the story is slow. Seven chapters is a lot of writing, but the main story advancements are few (Annie and Caleb reconciled, Liam made Elina laugh for the first time in years, and other similar emotional happenings), and most characters are in the same place they were at the start of the story. Emotional exploration is important to a good story, and that is one of your trademarks. But you are also one of the best action writers on Lit, and I am missing that.


geemeedeegeemeedeeabout 11 years ago

I agree with others who've said the pacing is too slow. I'm to the cruel point where I'm ok with Reasa dying, and Liam right after, if that's what it takes to rid us of her. Her stealing Freya's phone was the last straw. I just want her part of the story to end. It's probably because I have no patience for zealots.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Reasa is ... Arghh!

I have to agree with some readers here that Reasa is too whiney and obstinate. Doesn't she feel the mating pull too? How can she be so callous? At what length will she go to before she accepts Liam and the pack? She obviously don't feel the pull at all if not she won't be so sure when she made that call. Poor Liam with an idiotic woman.

Pls don't let this Reasa woman do too much damage. She's most probably my least favourite character in all your series.

Nonetheless, thank you JazCullen for the wonderful story.

cittrancittranabout 11 years ago
Look, I'm sorry; I truly am.

I REALLY hate people who refuse to change their views because they've been indoctrinated, or worse, because they've been too blindly asinine to see past their own cranial rectal inversion.

So good job making me hate the current Reasa.

Gods above I hope she changes.

(And, as other people have said, pacing is slow. Quality still very high, but DAMN I wish I could accelerate time.)

catman71catman71about 11 years ago
uh, have a weird idea

we know that reasa is not happy, but freya KNOWS louis, and unless the coven is massive, and brings allies, you think they stand much of chance in Hades against ancients, the kids( who i still think are hiding much from everyone, and Kothari , i think what he sees as his problem is going to be something that shakes EVERYONE and THING up ) and the weird thought, Annie did not strip, but suppressed reasas vampire side, put it into a dormant state, one that might just reappear when her mind allows for her situation ( Liam, being a mate to one of the kids, but most importantly, she comes to realize that she is possibly more than just a vampire )

blastwizardblastwizardabout 11 years ago
Hate, Ignorance & Beliggerence aka Reasa

I am just such a hard-headed person, that I cannot blindly follow anyone. Reasa gives me a headache. If she does not feel the mating pull, then maybe, hopefully Liam is wrong. Reasa has called the coven, I would guess that once Anne, Caleb, Dimitri, Pietro, Mac, Gard, Karn, the wonder twins and all of the Vârcolac go into battle mode it will be on. We just need to neutralize the poison and probably unleash Kothari - done & done. Jaz I am rambling and hoping and wishing. I will read anything you put into print. I hope the next chapter goes a little farther than Reasa and her hatefulness. I think Liam is right, there is something dark in all of the Vârcolac. I think it will be needed in the future. Just like Dayton was telling Freya her killer vamp is a part of her. it is not all of her. I predict a bad-ass battle. Remember when the counsel had Loretta & Ashley and Andrei & Nors and the posse went on a killing rescue. It was epic. You have me so wanting for more. This was a bit slow to me, because I find Reasa tiring, but I happily await an update. You are a fantastic writer, thank you for giving us a great story that we can gripe about :)

luv_romanceluv_romanceabout 11 years ago

Yet an update. Took u long enough but I am glad there is a new chapter.😄

Can't wait for the next one. Pls hurry with it. 😏

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Loving Your Story!

I love reading your stories! I love the detail in the story to show how Annie's predictions are coming about. Keep those wonderful chapters coming.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

So glad that the old Freya has returned! I simply adore Liam and can't wait for Reasa to accept him.....I don't like her.....but I'm not ready to have Liam die because of her hatred. She's done enough damage!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
What took you so long?

Seriously Jaz..I almost gave up on this story. Way too long between submissions. I adore Freya. She's so awesome. I love everything about her. Elina's a bit irritating though. Can you go back to Pietro and Cedar's daughter? See I've waited so long for the story to continue I'm forgetting the character's names :( Miss Caleb and Dimitri as well..

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

I love your story telling but I'm hooked now and can't handle these taunts. Please help this was to long to wait for so little.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Not worthy of a second chance

I still cannot abide Reasa. She is still a small-minded petty bigot. She still takes no responsibility for her own murderous actions. She MUST be aware that she is the architect to her own downfall, her behaviour led to her situation - torturing and almost killing Pietro. Trying to murder several other members of the pack, including her 'mate', and yet she continues to play the self-pitying victim card.

She sees evidence all around her of how wrong she has been about the pack and the Vârcolac, yet she still refuses to see anything but her own bias, her own hate, her own petty minded prejudice. She shows no remorse, hurts Liam, still plans to kill them all and quite frankly, I don't think the heartless little snake is worthy of yet another chance. She causes pain and turmoil to all who would help her and now she has given away their position to more murdering zealots, who she thinks are superior beings.

I think they should let her go back to her own 'loving' coven – her so-called superior beings will kill her in two seconds flat. Liam deserves better.

willieonewillieoneabout 11 years ago

If Reasa (being human now) does mate with Liam she will become what she has been trying to kill from the first moment her obnoxious character entered the story. Poetic justice? Perhaps but no matter how much she changes during the story, I still am disappointed you made her his mate his character deserved better! Plus I will not forgive her for what she did to Petro, he was such a happy, cheeky adorable character and now is so sad and lost, it breaks my heart! I miss the old Petro and would love him to find his happiness. I hope his mate will be able to get through to him and also find the cure.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Great as allways

jaz another great chapter ... have been following your stories for ever and hope you never stop writing ..... Richard

jaklanjaklanabout 11 years ago

Just have a feeling that Reasa is going to become very important in future storylines!! Jaz just loving it. Great as always !!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
I have always loved Freya and I think

her past is going to be instrumental.

EllieLavenEllieLavenabout 11 years ago
As always, LOVED IT!

The main problem I am having with your writing is that you have not given up your job, friends, signifigant other and or any other things that stop you from writing continuously. I don't want to be unreasonable, I do think you should be allowed to sleep, but all waking time should be spent writing this story. Seriously though, this story line has been my absolute favorite. I can't even pick a favorite out of all of the books - the new stories continue to amaze and the old books I read over and over. (The only other authors I do that with are Jennifer Crusie, Lori Foster and Susan Elizabeth Phillips!)

I can't wait to see what happens next; and I don't just mean the next chapter (although I can't wait to see how Reasa finally accepts Liam), I also want to read about Eliana and Karn, and Kothi, and I am DYING to find out how Kallum's story unfolds - he will need a great heroine (and my guess is his own pack)!!!

I do wish that you would publish your stories on Amazon for the Kindle. Even though I can read them over and over again for free (and I have) - I would gladly pay to have them on my kindle, and to be able to give them as gifts (some people just won't go to this site).

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

so far am not enjoying the story..lets see. still waiting for the bigbang

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Reasa needs to be Erased

I have followed all of your stories from Fighting the inevitable to Tears of the Fallen. I have to say Reasa makes it hard to root for her character. She has no likable and so far no redeemable qualities. She's a sniveling whiny broad. Ugh! Why couldn't you have paired one of the weres with Liam instead. Say Willow, Dayton's younger sister who seemed feisty and talkative the short time she appeared at the end of The Long Walk Home.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Louis against Freya! Ha!

Even if you don't count the others, like lambs to the slaughter a coven goes down very soon. Bait is set.

katgoddess1katgoddess1about 11 years ago

I can't wait to see how you redeem Reasa and turn her into a likable character! Cause I just know you're gonna do it!

Iread2relaxIread2relaxabout 11 years ago
her history

You made me like Caleb again, by explaining what happened centuries ago. I bet Reasa's history will be the turning point that wins favor for her.

punkin1077punkin1077about 11 years ago

I love everything you have written so far but I'm just not feeling this story. I can't stand Reasa and I don't believe she is redeemable. I think Liam deserves way better. I'll hold off for now in not finishing but that seems like the likely conclusion for me:(

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Back at it...

...awww shit nah!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
good writing hate reasa

As always, your story telling is amazing. I do not like Reasa though, perhaps we could get to her redeemable qualities soon? Adored Liam and Elina's interaction. Can't wait for Kothi's story. Not feeling Reasa at all I'm afraid, hope that changes soon. Will of course continue to read-your stories are among the best on this site!

Seamless_HarmonySeamless_Harmonyabout 11 years ago
Little by little

These chapters seem to go by too quickly. Or maybe it's just that I was able to read a whole bunch of chapters in a row with your other stories. I'm with some other readers in that I don't like Reasa right now...hopefully that will change, if only because you have to like Liam and want to like his mate too. I am way more interested in Kothi and Pietro and the girls!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Once again....

Once again...wonderful story! I've really enjoyed all that you've written!

Thanks so much for sharing with us, I can't wait for the next chapter!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

I too am waiting to find out about Reasa's Redeemable qualities, but I have to respect her too because while her viewpoint is extremely screwed up, I don't think that I would be taking all that has happened to her as well as she is. I am waiting to see if I can actually end up liking her and eagerly awaiting the next story!

TheLastLetterTheLastLetterabout 11 years ago
I'm in love!!!!!!

Please oh please hurry with the next one. I've read everything I can't wait to see what is in store for us next.

pheobecharmedpheobecharmedabout 11 years ago

well it took a week but i finished reading every story up to this point. all i have to say is wow i've cried i've laughed i love these characters. can't wait for more thanks for sharing

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

Today was my birthday and I read the entire FTI series and I have to say that it was the best birthday present I ever got! :) Thank you JazCullen

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Love the ending!

Look like Reasa was trying to dial Louis' number, but she ended up calling 1-800-COLLECT AN ASS-WOOPING! And according to Freya, that ain't no toll-free call.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

Next chapter or chapters PLEASE!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

seems like jazcullen cant handle crticism..miss cullen here should understand that with bouquets comes the brickbats.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

I really hope this story gets finished...I have enjoyed it immensely and I can't wait to see what happens. Thanks soooo much for an incredible and high quality series of stories xxx

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

I've recently found this series, and have been reading them one by one. You clearly are one of the better writers on the site, and have some very engaging stories with well developed characters. I especially am drawn to Pietro, and can't wait for his happy ending.

I do have a few questions though, that I hope will be answered soon in a future chapter...

How is it that vampires are sterile yet Ana and Guard were born from a vampire mother? Why are all the older men (century +) so volatile when threatened even after many years of being mated. I understand the need to protect ones family, but to go from 0-60 after every little thing is exhausting to read, especially since most of their women/kids have proven able to hold their own. What happened to Reasa's gun?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Chapter 8 please

teaser on ur blog too short. post the chapter please pretty please!

superfeluously_esuperfeluously_ealmost 10 years ago
Ingredients and instructions, you may begin.

I love this line! This needs to be the new line for iron chef :)

fanfarefanfareover 9 years ago
Better living...

...through modern Chemistry!

The only difference between chemistry and cooking. Is that generally you would not want to eat what you chemist.

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31 January 2021 Storm of Shadows Ch 12 has been submitted today. Hopefully it will be with you all soon :) Jaz Also, Fighting the Inevitable is now available to buy on Amazon... Amazon US: Amazon UK: I have ...