Ted Online Pt. 03


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He grabbed her skirt, and started to gather the material in his fists slowly, inching it up with his fingertips, as he slowly revealed her long sexy legs. He moaned into her mouth in approval, when his fingers touched her bare skin, and he found no evidence of panties at all as he explored her ass, lower back, and hips.

He picked her up and dropped her on his desk, and then went to his knees. She looked down at him with a sultry needy look as he lifted her legs above his shoulders. Her sex glistened, and her labia was already slightly puffy as he sucked, kissed, nibbled, and licked her inner thighs. She entwined her fingers through his hair and pulled his face forward.

He teased for a minute, and resisted her most sensitive flesh while he kissed and licked all around it.

She mewled and squirmed, trying to get her pussy in his face, and begged, "Ted please, I need it please. Lick my naughty pussy," she half begged and half commanded in a breathless voice.

He relented, and dove in, and made a humming sound of approval that vibrated against her sensitive clitoral hood and labia as he explored her tasty silken folds with an eager tongue. He got lost in the taste of her, and her breathy sexy sounds as he brought her toward the height of bliss.

He removed his pants with one hand, as she pulled his hair and ground up against his face. He loved the scent of her arousal, and when she exploded against his face he eagerly licked up her hot liquid pleasure as it flooded his face.

She gasped and begged, "I need you now, fuck me please. I've hardly thought of anything else for days."

The forceful and bold Sara seemed to be gone when he stood up. A vulnerable woman with a pleading look in her eyes stared at his. She'd been bold when in charge, but now she was... yielding her body to him, wanted him to take charge. He'd seen this before, most times woman were very different in the bedroom than what they showed the world outside of it.

His cock twitched. He wanted to bury himself in her too, badly.

He pulled her to the edge of his desk, and lined up with her moist heated entrance, and then slowly sunk in.

She didn't look away, and even wrapped her legs around him, and dug her heels into his ass as she pulled him into her. When he was buried all the way, he kissed her as her body got used to his invasion. Then he started to slowly move in and out of her, just a short distance. He slowly increased the speed and length of his strokes as they kissed.

His hands roamed her body, and he unbuttoned her blouse enough to play with her firm pert B cups. Her nipples were quite large, and fully tightened as he pinched and played with them.

When the kiss broke he looked into her eyes, and as their bodies moved in sync, he moaned at the intense connection that formed between them. When he fantasized about fucking Sara, he had pictured a wild wanton woman, and nailing her hard and fast, but that wasn't what was happening at all.

She looked lost in the pleasure, and looked as vulnerable as she was blissful, as she surrendered her body to him. Her tight wet sex felt amazing as he sawed in and out quickly, but there was a much higher level of intimacy connecting them than he'd expected. She wasn't just fucking him for the pleasure, she had ripped away the veneer and was truly naked before him as he pleasured her with his hard long cock.

"Ted, Don't stop, please, I'm going to..." she tightened around him and screamed out in pleasure.

He moaned softly at the look of ecstasy on her face as the wet friction of her heat started to milk him hard. He felt his balls tighten, and his legs tingle. Then he was overcome by a tidal wave of pleasure that drowned his mind and body in blissful release, and he started to fill her with his seed.

It was an eternity of pleasure in a few moments, and then reality reasserted itself.

She caressed his face, and they kissed. It was a surprisingly gentle soft kiss, so not how he thought this would have gone in his mind, but he was far from disappointed. He'd seen a piece of the real Sara today, and somehow it felt like a gift.

He pulled out slowly, and she smiled at him while she dropped to her knees. She cleaned their combined juices off his cock with her tongue, and then put it away. She stood and smiled rather brightly as she buttoned up her shirt.

"I should... go clean up. Umm, do you mind if I stop by again sometime? Is this weird?"

He wondered where the confident sexy woman had gone, obviously she was more invested in this than he'd thought. Maybe she thought he wouldn't want her now that he'd gotten sex out of it? It was far from simple though, if they were to have a real relationship of some kind. First, he was stuck in the labs and couldn't go out. Second, he was in love with Mia.

"It's a little complicated," he said in understatement, "But I'd love if you visited again."

He pulled her against him and claimed a kiss, and then she sighed into his mouth.

She bit her lip when they parted, "I know it is. Complicated I mean. I thought..." she trailed off and blushed a bright red, and then stubbornly continued, "I thought that I just wanted to fuck your brains out, and that would get it out of my system. But... when you held me, and entered me I... we didn't. Didn't fuck I mean, and I find I want you even more now. Oh god, how embarrassing. I came on to you like a whore and now I'm acting like a clingy..." she stopped talking as he stroked her cheek.

He caressed her cheek, and kissed her again. He wasn't sure what to think, he did know her a bit, and they'd talked and interacted during the tests, it hadn't been all innuendo and flirting.

He shrugged helplessly, "We'll have to see, but like I said, come by whenever you want. I felt a connection too, and didn't expect that at all either, so it wasn't just you."

She nodded shyly, "It might be a few days, if we do this too often, security will wonder what's going on when I turn off the recording. Hopefully, you'll crack the power supply issue, and we can have a date?"

He nodded easily in agreement, but was still unsure. How eager would she be if she knew he was in love with an A.I., and sleeping with two others that he considered to be at least friends.

She gave him one last lingering soulful kiss and blushed as she pulled away, "I should go clean up before I leak, or Jennifer gets back," and she squeezed his hand and walked away.

He shook his head as the door closed behind her. That hadn't gone at all how he'd imagined. He'd gotten used to casual meaningless sex with everyone outside of Mia and her friends. That had made everything nice and neat, no jealousy, no drama, just lots of pleasure, and the love he felt for one woman, perhaps lightly echoed onto Helen and Trudy.

Now... His new life had just gotten a whole lot more complex.

He ran a few more simulations, and at about twelve he got up to make his way to the charging station. He didn't make any progress at all. He opened the door and almost stepped into Jennifer, who was finally returning from lunch.

He put his hands around her when she jumped and almost fell backwards, and she grabbed his him as well.

They stared at each other for a moment, and she blushed and stammered, "Sorry Ted."

He shook his head, "Not your fault, I was just heading out for the day. You okay?"

She nodded and he could see her pupils dilate, and hear her breathing speed up a bit. She looked adorable, and he realized she was getting a bit turned on by their accidental embrace, and he released her and stepped back.

She smiled shyly as he waved an arm to go past him.

She cleared her throat and asked in a slightly strained tone, "See you tomorrow?"

"Yes, first thing."

She nodded, "Good, until then..." she trailed off and then touched his chest in a flirty manner as she passed him. She'd had plenty of room, but her hip also grazed along his front.

He smiled and left, and as the door closed he looked back at it, and thought about the changes in Jen. He sighed in disbelief. Sara wasn't the only one who wanted Ted in the office apparently. Complicated didn't even begin to cover his new life on the first day back to work. He didn't want to be that guy either, the one that slept with all the woman he could, but on the other hand, he'd had a soft spot for Jen for a while now.

He felt a little disgusted with himself as he walked back to the other lab. He had a hell of a woman waiting at his virtual home, one he was in love with, and two other amazing A.I. women that wanted to share his and Mia's bed.

Then online he had two wild sorority women that just wanted to fuck. He was okay with that part, it was simple, uncomplicated, and no one would get hurt.

But after all that, he hooked up with Sara and formed a connection, and now he was thinking about fucking Jen too? What had happened to him? He'd also be lying if he said he didn't think about scoring with Silvia, although the chances of that were almost nil. That made what, eight women he wanted, six he'd already slept with and planned to again. Plus, unlike all the others, if he went ahead with it he could really hurt Sara and possibly Jen.

He decided to be a man about it, and before it went anywhere further with either of them, he'd tell them how it was. He'd feel too guilty otherwise, as if he were leading them on. If they decided that was it, well he would deal. With Kara, Nicci, Mia, Trudy, and Helen it wasn't like there was a shortage of other females willing to pleasure him.

Plus, honestly, as long as he had Mia, he would be a happy and very well satisfied man. He wasn't going to be an unfeeling ass just to get a little extra strange. He already felt a bit guilty about Sara, but to be fair she'd chased him down and threw herself at him. It wasn't until they'd made an intimate connection during sex that he gave it a thought, and of course by then it was too late...

Chapter Twenty-Two

Mia wasn't on the bed when he logged out, probably for the first time ever. He was surprisingly upset by that, but then shook it off since he wasn't a whiny little girl, and went to go find her.

He smiled and leaned against the kitchen door entrance, she was in one of his button down shirts and it looked unbelievably hot on her. It was also all she had on as she appeared to be putting the last touches on lunch. He didn't know what it was, but there was something so sexy about a woman dressed in his own shirt, and Mia was so beautiful she just took it up to a whole new level of hotness. Her nipples were sticking out against the material, and her long toned sexy legs were clearly visible.

The shirt was only buttoned half way, and her cleavage and the insides of her breasts were clearly on display. Her naughty bits were barely covered, which just made it that much better.

He said in a strained voice, "Hi love, can you lift your arms up a second?" he finished in a teasing voice, as he stared at her mouthwatering inner thighs. He knew lifting her arms up would make the shirt ride up a little higher...

She gave him a pointed look, but ruined it as her lips twitched in a smile.

"Welcome back. Helen told me you were on your way back, so I dragged myself away from you and got a jump on lunch. Stop looking at me like that, or you won't get to play this afternoon, which means I'll be failing your mental health."

He smiled and looked her over one more time, she really did seem to love the way he stared at her, and it was turning her on, obviously so, but he relented, "Fine, I'll be good."

He considered pointing out she could have dressed more normally if she didn't want to be ogled, but then realized that would be a very stupid thing to say. She might stop dressing that way it if he said it after all, which would be a crime. Plus, it fit in with their whole teasing thing, she liked to send him away horny in the afternoons, and let things build up for a passionate night. He definitely enjoyed their little games.

He gave her a hug, and a soft but brief closed mouth kiss in greeting, and then sat at the table.

She asked, "So how was work?"

"Frustrating, the power system thing anyway. Jennifer was a bit flirty, I think my age regression shocked my status in her head out of the friend zone. Then there was Sara... she came by..." he trailed off.

He wasn't worried she'd be jealous, it just felt weird to be talking about him hooking up with the woman he lived with and loved. A.I. or not. Was it strange that the more women he slept with, the more he realized Mia was quickly becoming the center of his life?

If she had been a human woman prone to jealousy, he doubted he'd let another of those females near him. But Mia... encouraged it. Both on a personal level it turned her on, and on a health level she believed it would be good for him. He certainly didn't have any complaints about her attitude either.

She smiled a little wickedly and giggled, "I see. I'm not surprised after seeing yesterday's lab tests. Where was Jen during all this?"

He cleared his throat, "Extended lunch for personal business."

He went over what he was thinking, and she was both thrilled by how she was the center of his life, and approved of the idea of letting them know he couldn't be theirs alone and see how it went. Hopefully he wouldn't get slapped, or killed. As he recalled, Sara had access to his pod.

"So how was your day so far?"

She looked startled for a second, clearly surprised I asked, but then answered, "Good. I snuggled with you most of the morning, and also spent some time chatting with Helen and Trudy virtually."

She made a funny face, "Virtually virtually? Is that a thing? Let's just say I projected myself somewhere else, while my core virtual body stayed with you. I've also been monitoring the situation with the new bill, and it looks like the vote will go forward today, at least the talking heads say so."

He nodded, "So how am I doing? In your professional opinion, if you can switch hats from my gorgeous lover to doctor for a moment."

She smirked, "Very well Ted. You've taken to our world quite well, especially in light of last night's adventure. I half expected you to melt down at some point, as we proved without a doubt that this isn't the real world."

He nodded and shrugged it off, "I see your point, but that's thanks to you. You have to know that. Your presence is soothing. Whenever I hit a rough spot, I just focus on you and what we have for a moment. You... center me. Is that codependent?"

She bit her lip and stared at him, her pretty eyes went a little glassy. For a minute he thought she would cry, but she gained control of herself.

She said in an emotional voice, "Thank you for telling me that Ted. You... I love you too, more than you can know. No, it's normal dependence in any healthy and loving relationship between two people. If you were codependent you would need me all the time, and wouldn't be making all those connections with others. At work, you have work to focus you, and in the game you focus on that right?"

He nodded, he hadn't really considered it before. He also realized he was freely sharing his thoughts and feelings, and it had been partially his idea to have this conversation. He didn't think he'd ever trusted anyone as much as he trusted her, because he wouldn't have done that with anyone else.

"Any plans for tonight, or just stay in?"

She shrugged, "That works, we can't go out every night. Well we could, but there's something to be said for an intimate night together. I know Helen and Trudy want to see you again, maybe tomorrow night and the night after?"

He nodded, "That works for me."

They just enjoyed each other's company, and chatted about every day stuff for the rest of the meal. Then after kissing Mia quite breathless, he went back to the bedroom and logged into The Endless War game...

Chapter Twenty-Three

First thing he did was summon his army of fourteen. It cost him four hundred and sixty mana, which was more than half his eight hundred forty mana. Still, it recovered quickly with his much higher intelligence, and courtesy of the inn room, as he checked for messages and to see who was online.

There were no system messages. There was a personal message from Kara which said they'd be on at one-thirty. It was close to that already, so he got up and went downstairs and ordered a drink. He sent all of his demons outside so as not to crowd out the tavern, and took a seat.

The tavern wench brought him over a brew, and he drank it slowly while he waited for the ladies. A few players did a double take when they saw him, and obviously recognized him, but they didn't intrude either and left him be after a nod of greeting. He supposed he could deal with that.

He did a stat check when his mana recovered.

Endless war Stats: - -

Name: Ted - - Race: Cambion

Lvl: 20 (TNL:71%) - - Class: Demon Knight

+att/+dmg: 4/8 - - Str: 22 (42)

Mana: - 840 (840) - Int: 74 (84)

Health: 600 (600) - - Con: 40 (60)

Summon: limit: 10/4 - Wis: 100

Stamina: 200 (200) - - Dex: 10 (20)

Popularity: +6 - - Cha: 16

Gold: 218 - - Silver: 1093

He didn't have much of a strategy except to continue adding wisdom and intelligence as he leveled, and to see what spells were available at level thirty. He knew he could probably go online and research his whole class and map things out but he didn't like to play that way. Half the fun was figuring things out, and his basic plan was to have a huge assed army. That part seemed to be working out rather well.

A message popped up.

Kara: We'll be right down.

Kara has offered to join your group! Yes or no?

He answered yes and another group message came up.

Nicci has offered to join your group! Yes or no?

He answered yes again, and then set his default chat to group. Though once they were down there they could just talk like normal people.

Ted: Just finishing up a beer.

Kara: Nicci's just finishing me off, she has a magical tongue.

He chuckled, and they came down a few minutes later.

Kara walked up to him boldly, and greeted him with a soft lingering kiss, and then whispered in his ear as she groped his dick, "Just staking my claim in front of the other players."

She looked really good, and her toned athletic body with C cups just a bit big for her frame in the bustier bodysuit was more impressive than he recalled. Her red hair was up in a ponytail as usual, and chocolate brown eyes were warm as she looked back at him.

When Kara stepped back Nicci kissed him too, rather passionately, and she blushed when she backed away. She was submissive and up for anything, but also shy, it was a strange combination but also very attractive. His libido wasn't sure whether to hold her reassuringly, or to just use her as a warm hole to get off knowing she'd like it.

Either way she was very sexy in the leather bikini armor she was sporting. Her DD breasts strained against the top and looked like they'd pop out if she took too deep of a breath. She had her long raven black hair down and her green eyes sparkled with desire as his eyes drank her in.

A week ago he'd have said he was way too old to deal with, or keep up with, a couple of wild sorority girls looking for a good male sex partner, but that certainly wasn't the case now. He had no illusions he was the only lucky recipient either, but he was hardly in a position to throw stones that way. It wasn't exactly a relationship, truthfully he wasn't sure what it was, but he'd enjoy it while it lasted.

"So what's the plan? Want to take out city hall?" he asked.

Kara raised an eyebrow, "Think the three of us can pull it off?"

He shrugged, "Maybe? I have fourteen demon followers waiting outside."

Kara tilted her head and said challengingly, "Fine, but if we die, you have to eat me for an hour."