The Awakening of Ms. Keys Ch. 01

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Temptation strikes in the form of her son's friend.
3.5k words

Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 09/24/2005
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It was already warm out, even at five in the morning, and I knew the weathergirl on the radio was correct in saying it was going to be a scorcher. I was standing on my back step with a cup of tea, drinking in the peaceful calm of the earliness, admiring the way the morning sun made the dewdrops glitter on the leaves of my roses.

I had grabbed a clean t-shirt of my son's on the way through the laundry room and pulled it over my naked body before going outside. You never know who might wander by for an early morning stroll or jog, and even though I lived in a more secluded part of town, and had a good hedge built up around my yard, it was not entirely private.

Considering that this was a small town, and many opportunities are based on reputation, causing a scandal wasn't a really smart idea. The last thing I wanted was to be pushing my cart through the bread aisle of the grocery store while people stopped and whispered to each other about how Ms. Keys has an exhibitionistic streak in her.

DID I have an exhibitionist streak? I wondered to myself. It wasn't something I'd really considered before. I'd always been a discreet person, shying away from public sex, drawing my blinds when entertaining gentlemen callers, keeping my sexual activities far away from my 19 year old son's eyes and ears. I turned to go into the house, tugging the shirt down to my mid-thigh again as it rode up a little, threatening to expose my ass.

I was deep in thought, trying to recall if I'd always been this demure with sex or if it was just something that seemed prudent and had been adopted as a good policy. I'd never had done more than kiss outside of a bedroom, and had certainly never had sex in a public place like an elevator or department store dressing room! Why, I realized, I'd never even had sex in a car. I realized with dismay that I was more than tame: my sexual encounters were practically lethargic.

I scooped up the pile of laundry and was mourning my newfound realization when I came around the corner and collided with my son in the middle of the kitchen.

"You're up early," I said in surprise.

"Yeah, I'm heading to the lake with Alex," he replied, opening the door to the fridge and pulling out a carton of orange juice. He poured himself a glassful and then looked over at me. "Hey! You're going to stretch another one of my shirts!"

I stuck my tongue out at him and then looked down at my large breasts pushing out the shirt the Nike logo. "Don't worry. I'll just wash it and it will be just fine."

He just shook his head and smiled. "Why do girls always want to wear boys' t-shirts?"

"And what would YOU know about that, young man?" I was a little taken aback by his comment. As much as we had had a very open and honest relationship while he was growing up, having had many practical discussions about anatomy and the ins and outs of relationships and safe sex, all communication on the topic pretty much ceased once he had gotten his first real girlfriend. Oh well. Prepare them well and let them live their lives.

He grinned. "This year at college has been a good one."

I hopped up on the counter, tucking the shirt tightly around my thighs. "You're awfully open and talkative this morning, Tyler. I think I ought to drag you out of bed bright and early to chat on a regular basis."

He walked over and kissed my cheek. "I'd love to spill more of my secrets, mom, but I have to go." He grinned and tussled my hair playfully before striding away.

I listened to the door slam and wondered if my son was leading a more exciting sex life than I ever did. With a sigh I hopped off the counter to go shower and get dressed for work.

The water was cool and refreshing, and I savoured the feeling of it streaming down my body, my nipples hardening and my abdominal muscles tightening. It ran in rippling streams down my back and over my ass, curving into my crotch and down my inner thighs to my feet. I shivered a little as I put my head under the water, closing my eyes and opening my mouth, letting it flow over my cheekbones and upper lip until I had a good mouthful. I swallowed slowly, then reached down to shut off the taps.

I stepped out of the shower and into the warmth of the bathroom. As I stood in front of the mirror, drying off with a luxuriantly thick towel, I gave myself a close examination.

D sized breasts that miraculously had managed to retain most of their perkiness, fairly flat stomach with faint stretchmarks from when I was pregnant with Tyler, curvy hips leading to smooth thighs. I turned sideways to check out my ass. Still decent looking. All in all, not bad for a woman of my age.

I toweled off my hair as I picked out what I'd wear to work. I wanted to walk today, so I picked out a pale blue lightweight cotton sundress, thin straps, fitted to the waist and then softly pleated, falling to just above my knees. I pulled my hair up into a twist, pulling down a few wisps around my face and then quickly applied some lipgloss. A quick hunt through the house and I was ready to leave, armed with my sunglasses, purse and keys.

Twenty minutes later I was at my desk, surrounded by paperwork and answering calls in what would turn out to be an incredibly busy day. I still managed to find some time to mull over my sexuality, as I filed and added columns and did all the mindless work before me. Maybe I just need to be more spontaneous. Less worried about hiding the fact that I was not just a mother, but also a woman with needs. Needs that had not been met for a couple months now and were bubbling beneath the surface constantly lately. Yes, I decided, the next time an opportunity presented itself, I would just grab it.

Before I knew it, the receptionist was flipping the sign to Closed and it was time to head home. I opened the door to find the blue sky had surrendered to a mass of thunderclouds and the sun was nowhere to be seen. It was still as hot as ever and I could feel the electricity crackling in the air.

"Looks like we're going to get quite a storm," my coworker commented.

"Yeah, and I walked today," I said ruefully. I dialed my house to see if Tyler was home yet to come pick me up.

There was no answer.

I looked over at the woman standing beside me. "You wouldn't be able to give me a ride home, would you?"

"I wish I could," she replied apologetically, "but my car is in the shop getting an oil change."

"Oh well. Maybe if I hurry I can beat the rain." I waved goodbye and with one more apprehensive glance at the sky, I briskly strode down the street towards home.

I was about halfway home when the occasional drop started falling on my face and I was happy to note that it was surprisingly not as cold as I'd expected.

Hopefully I can make it home before it starts to pour, I thought as I quickened my pace.

I hoped wrong, and as I turned off the main road and onto the long windy gravel road to my house, the heavens opened up and let loose. In a matter of moments I was drenched, my clothes clinging to me, my hair flattened and dripping, falling out of the clip, my face wet as can be. It was going to be at least another ten minutes until I reached my front door and for the first time I cursed our out of the way home, set by itself far away from neighbours.

It was absolutely pouring and I barely heard the car coming up the road behind me. The gravel crunched under the tires as it pulled up beside me and I looked in the window to see Aaron, my son's best friend.

The car came to a halt beside me and he leaned over to roll down the passenger window a bit. His eyes were huge as he suddenly recognized me and I knew I must have been quite a sight, as it was perfectly obvious that he was stifling a huge grin.

I gave him a "it's not very funny" look, narrowing my eyes and putting my hands on my hips, my lips twisted into a playful grimace. He turned his head for a moment to unsuccessfully hide his smile.

"I was just heading up to your house to see if Tyler was home yet. Want a ride, Ms. Keys?" he asked, grinning fully now. I raised an eyebrow at him. Out of all of Tyler's friends, Aaron was the one who had spent the most time at our house and we had long ago settled into a lively relationship based on him trying to get the best of me and me always keeping one step ahead of him.

"Are you laughing at my predicament, young man?"

"Nooooooo, not at all!!" He looked me over, taking in the absolutely drenched fabric stuck to my body. He chuckled impishly. "Althoooooooough, I'm not sure I want you in my car when you're as soaked as you are."

"Oh really?" I said in mock indignation. "Well, maybe I didn't want a ride anyway." I stuck out my tongue and started walking again. I could hear him laugh and pull up beside me once again.

"Oh, come on, get in. I'm only teasing you." If there was one character trait that stood out about me, it would be my stubbornness. I hated, hated, hated to lose. I grinned back and kept walking.

I could hear the engine idling, and I smiled as I imagined that he was frowning to himself, trying to decide exactly what to do. I resisted every urge to look behind me, totally curious about whether he'd drive to the house and wait, or pull up one more time to ask me again. I sure did enjoy the way we matched wits. Interacting with Aaron was like a chess game; you always had to think a few steps ahead. Tyler always just shook his head at us and after a while would bore of our bantering and pull his friend off to play video games or shoot some hoops.

I heard the car pull over and the engine stop. A moment later, I felt someone grab my arm and spin me around. I found myself looking up at 6'2" of boyishness. He took me by my shoulders and looked down at me sternly, getting wetter by the second. I had always thought he was a cute kid, but at this very moment, with his brown hair hanging just over his brow and his strong hands touching my bare skin, he was downright sexy.

"You're crazy. You DO know that, right?" He said with a shake of his head, his eyes sparkling. I tilted my head a little to the right and tried to put on an innocent look, and suspecting that I had not succeeded very well.

Oh my god, I thought to myself with a touch of horror, am I actually FLIRTING with my son's best friend???

"Okay, you win," he said. "I would hate to be responsible for you catching cold. Tyler would kick my ass for not taking care of his mom. So get in the car."

I stood on my tiptoes and brought my wet face close enough to his to smell the peppermint gum he was chewing. I looked deep into his hazel eyes for a moment before winking and whispering, "Nope."

Yes, I was definitely flirting. And shaking slightly with nervousness.

I turned on my heel, slipping out from under his hands and started walking again. I could hear his snort of disbelief, then the sound of a quick honk of the horn as he locked his car and set the alarm.

As much as we'd always teased, and I will admit there was a faint undertone of sexual tension that I had just chalked up to raging teenage hormones, our interactions had always stayed well within an acceptable set of boundaries. I was acutely aware that I was getting very close to challenging those boundaries. The question was: was Aaron feeling the same thing I was? Was this just more playful banter, or was his heart pounding like mine was? And if it came right down to it, was I actually capable of crossing that line, of...of...

OH MY GOD! What was I thinking??!! I shook my head and tried to regain my senses. There was no way I should be thinking anything butpure and motherly thoughts about my son's 19 year old best friend. I mean, what would Tyler think if I seduced Aaron? What would his MOTHER think?? I shuddered at the mere thought.

I could hear him jogging to catch up. When he had reached my side, he commented with a shake of his head that he couldn't believe he was walking to the house with me in this torrential downpour. I didn't look at him and made sure there was a good distance between our bodies.

"You really don't need to walk with me, Aaron." I said in a matter of fact voice. "Really, it's sweet, but I'm fine. There is no point in both of us getting all wet and you really shouldn't leave your car just sitting there."

"Well, ma'am," he said with chagrin. "My mom raised me to be a gentleman and it would be very poor manners to drive past a lady walking in the pouring rain. And besides, it's a little late now, since I'm also soaked now. So just stop your protesting and let me walk with you."

He leaned in close to my ear and whispered. "I can be very stubborn myself."

I stifled a shiver at the feel of his breath on my ear and hoped he hadn't heard my sharp intake of breath at his closeness. We walked the remainder of the way, chatting about everything and nothing, his summer job, my regular job, life, family. The tension had dropped off and I wasn't sure if I was relieved or disappointed.

Finally we reached the house, wet and slightly chilly as the temperature had started to suddenly drop. I unlocked the door, letting us in, and we stood inside the laundry room, dripping and staring at each other for a moment before bursting into laughter.

"What a rather pathetic sight we must be!" I exclaimed. "Let me find some clothes of Tyler's for you. Would you like to shower first to warm up?"

He looked down at his soggy clothes. "Yeah, a shower would be nice, but I don't want to drip on your carpet."

I looked down at my dress, clinging to me, sending little rivulets of water down my legs. "Good point."

I glanced around the room, wishing I hadn't taken all the clean laundry out this morning. "Okay, here's the plan. You are going to be a VERY good boy and look the other way while I peel these clothes off and run to grab you a robe."

I took him by the shoulders, grinning at his wide eyes, and turned him forcibly around.

"No peeking. I mean it." He promised not to but I waited a few seconds anyway to see if he showed any signs of turning around.

Satisfied, I peeled off my dress and clingy silk panties, letting them fall to the floor.

I slowly backed my way to the kitchen, then turned and ran wildly through the house, crossing my fingers that my son and any of his other friends didn't walk in the front door as I was streaking through the living room to the stairs. I couldn't imagine even trying to explain the situation. My cheeks burned at the very thought.

I pulled on my wonderfully thick terrycloth robe, pulling the tie tightly around my waist and went into Tyler's room to get his for Aaron.

When I came back to the laundry room, he was still standing with his back to the doorway and I took a moment to admire his broad shoulders and the way I could see the curve of his biceps under his shirt. My eyes skimmed down over his shoulder blades following the indent of his spine to the waistband of his shorts.

I cleared my throat. "You can turn around now."

He turned and I held out the robe for him, still feeling a flush in my cheeks and feeling too embarrassed to meet his eyes. "I'll just go put some of Ty's clothes in the bathroom upstairs while you get out of your wet ones."

I left and went back upstairs to find something that might fit Aaron. The two boys were about the same height, but my son had a slimmer build. I finally found a larger t-shirt stuffed at the back of the drawer and grabbed a pair of his athletic shorts and went to put them into the bathroom. I had just set them on the counter when I heard movement behind me and turned to see him standing in the doorway, his dark hair all tousled and still damp, his one hand swinging the tie of the robe, his other on the doorframe.

I looked up at him and found myself unable to tear my eyes from his. We stood in an awkward silence for a moment. I swallowed hard, trying not to look at the way the robe wasn't fully closed, exposing his chest hair. I finally succeeded in muttering something about Tyler's shampoo being in the shower and some clothes being on the countertop and then ducked under his arm and started down the hallway to my room.

"Are you sure you don't want to shower first?" he politely called after me.

"It's fine," I answered over my shoulder, "I'll use the shower in my ensuite, but thanks!"

I heard the water start to run as I headed back downstairs to collect my wet clothes. It would certainly not look good to have my son come home and find two piles of wet clothing dropped at the back door.

I picked up my dress and hung it over the washer, and then turned to pick up my panties. However, they were nowhere to be seen. I shook my dress out, thinking they must have gotten stuck to the wet fabric.

Nope. No panties.

I stood for a moment, mulling this over. I KNOW I was not wearing them when I ran naked through the house.

I picked up Aaron's clothes and laid them out on the dryer. I hesitated for a moment, and then impulsively checked his pockets.

Nothing there, either.

The truth about where my panties were most likely located started to dawn on me and I shook my head and headed back upstairs. There was no way I was going to let some college kid take my panties as a trophy, no matter how cute he was. I could just imagine him flashing them around his dorm room, grinning that infuriating smile and telling his story.

I stood outside the bathroom door for a moment, listening to him singing in the shower. If I was really sneaky, I should be able to open the door, quietly retrieve the undergarment from the pocket of the robe, where I was SURE it was, and be gone without him knowing.

Imagine his chagrin when he cockily went to pull them out, to hold them in his hand, to sniff them or whatever he planned on doing with them, only to find them gone. I grinned widely at the thought.

Silently I turned the handle of the door, glancing apprehensively at the shower curtain, waiting to see if there was any indication that he knew I was there.

He had just started a new song and was singing happily, totally unaware that I had crawled over to the robe and was quietly flipping it over, looking for the pocket.

Bingo! I thought to myself with satisfaction as my hand touched damp silk. I grinned and pulled them out, just as the water abruptly turned off and the shower curtain was whipped open.

I was frozen in place, on my knees, staring at a very wet, very naked young man who was now staring incredulously at his best friend's mom.

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jcmeoffjcmeoffover 2 years ago

The writing is nice; why was it not moved on to more of a completion...? is it to be part of a series ? if so, that should be stated

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago
A good start. My panties actually dampened.

Yes, I'd sure like more.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
more, more, more

I agree with all of the others -- more of this good stuff.

Still_meStill_meover 18 years ago
You have my attention!

Well, done! Your story is like great foreplay!

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
good build up

Nice build up to the story, but I admit I would have preferred to have some action in it. But the cliffhanger was effective in that I'll read over the next part you release

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