All Comments on 'The Beautiful People'

by MSTarot

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AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
loved it

it appealed to the anarchist in me, the part that wants to tell the rich and powerful to got to hell and fuck themselves in the fire.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Dark story...

…. but really well written, with a good plot. It’s a wonder on this site.

I have loved your story.

Did you know that a french writer published a novel on this theme in 1948? But it’s more a parody of o thriller. The book’s title is « Et on tuera tous les affreux » (and we’ll kill all the ugly ones) . Boris Vian wrote this novel under the name « Vernon Sullivan ».

I don’t know if an english translation existe.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
You absolutely outdid yourself on the challenge!!!

Excellent story!

I was a little worried in the beginning that this story was going to be a little too 'weird' for my liking but I kept reading and thinking "well maybe I'll just read a little bit more"... and then it turned into a little more yet.... soon I found myself getting sucked deeper and deeper into your story and having to read it straight through to the end!

I love the concept of the challenge that you took to create your story line and I believe that you nailed the challenge 100%!


BTW.... I would love to see this story made into a movie....

Let's see.... maybe with Jason Statham playing the lead role and Amy Smart as his sister. Yes I understand that an X-rated film would never be made with these two actors but I would be extremely happy to go see the R-rated version!


My only beef?

Now I got that damn song playing in my head!

dbz50172dbz50172over 9 years ago

This was a truly well thought out and engaging story. It hooked me in and I could not stop reading. A true work of art.

belleamsbelleamsover 9 years ago

Awesome.....thank you

beachbum1958beachbum1958over 9 years ago
Dark, Dystopian, but hopeful

I normally love this author's work, she has an almost unique talent for finding 'le mot juste' every time, and writes bright, readable, not always happy but always worthwhile and rewarding stories, but I found this disturbing and unsettling, and I can't help but wonder how such an upbeat writer could bend her mind through such an obtuse angle as to be able to pen such a story, even if Marilyn Manson was the catalyst!

There's no doubting MSTarot's talent and ability to tell a proper, joined-up story, I just found this story, for reasons I can't fully formulate, disturbing and so far outside her normal approach that it jarred me; perhaps that was her intent; if it was, it succeeded in a big way.

Maybe MSTarot has more in common with George Orwell than Horatio Alger, but, despite my several moments of complete unsettlement (is there such a word?) this is still a solid 5. Well done; you gave my complacency a good kick, and I thank you.

panjetarkan1panjetarkan1over 9 years ago

This was masterfully done. Your stories can occasionally be dark and depressing when you allow them to be (like Shivering - NOT one of my favorite stories), but you have given this story the one thing that allows it to transcend the darkness - hope. Five stars.

gdjohn52gdjohn52over 9 years ago

Excellent story and your grasp of the New World Order is almost scary. I can hear the bells

trite_readertrite_readerover 9 years ago
Fuck that was good!

I cannot express how much I enjoyed this tale. Finally, a story written by someone who's put real effort in telling a tale! Love your work!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Vonnegut inspired?

Reminds me a bit of Harrison Bergeron

DragosLoveDragosLoveover 9 years ago
Do you hear the people sing? Singing a song of angry men?

It is the music of a people

Who will not be slaves again!

When the beating of your heart

Echoes the beating of the drums

There is a life about to start

When tomorrow comes!

I had that song stuck in my head through the entire last section.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Loved it

I don't know what else to say. Amazing, best story I've read in a long time.

celticwolf08celticwolf08over 9 years ago
Love it please continue

I didn't think I would like it at first but as I read more you sucked me in. A section of society mistreated and downright rejected and only to be rescued by brother sister duo. It got a bit dark near the end but I do love my dark stories only thing that could have made it better is if the brother sister we're vampires(what can say I have a dark vampire obsession). I would love to see a continuation.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Possibly the best.

Best story I've read in ages in this genre and if it develops like it started could easily rival jimmyjammys story as the top story in the genre. I hope you continue.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Best story in a minute

This story is like an episode of "black mirror" with some erotica in it. This story was so fucking dope!!! I truly hope you write more. This story is going to stay in my thoughts. Not something I would ever thjnk to find on this site. Bad ass sci fi. You have a talent.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

I definitely want more!

PolyLvrPolyLvrover 9 years ago
Holy Crap!

Amazing tale.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
glad its fiction!

Good story well written . . many thanks

LaRascasseLaRascasseover 9 years ago
Dark, dystopian, gothic... all my sweet spots

It's always a pleasant surprise to see a new offering by MSTarot. Right from the first sentence it gripped me and kept its grip. Strangely enough, the sex was actually a side-note to the rest of the story. It is easily as good as "The Chrysalids" or "Brave New World", albeit even darker (which I love). The closest comparison I can come up with is "Uglies" by Scott Westerfield, even though this story is more visceral in it's hatred. There is also a bit of "The Handmaid's Tale" with the pseudo-religious Church of the Perfect Man and women kept for breeding.

All in all, a splendid effort. The ending was perfect, in my opinion, since it drops off at the moment the tide turns. It still remains to be seen if MSTarot will make it into a full fledged multi-chapter effort or not, but he has definitely hit a home run with this, even as it is.

Oh and by the way, the names made me chuckle. Ares (the Greek God of War) and Bellatrix (latin for "female warrior"). Quite an apt reference to the classics, eh?

rightbankrightbankover 9 years ago
Les Mis anyone?

I will be thinking about this one for quite a while.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Could've done with more editing: lots of commas in weird places (most where they shouldn't have been at all), the occasional misspelling, or wrong word used.

But on the whole, a damn good read. Not every day you get the beginnings of a dark, twisted, dystopian, incest novel. And I say novel, not story, tale, novela, or anything like that. Novel. Please, write more. Even if it's not in the insect category, this needs a clear resolution.

NecroticgodNecroticgodover 9 years ago

She offered up a challenge, to several writers, to turn up the radio, and write a story based on the next song we heard. I got "The Beautiful People" by Marilyn Manson.

From the first few paragraphs of the story, that was the exact song i kept thinking of the whole time.

Im not even sure what to say. I feel like i could write a whole report on that writing; yet I find it hard to get past the very first line.

As to the anonymous a few replies down that said hes glad it fiction, Its rly not. Its the fact that this scenario has played out before that makes it so much more of a compelling story. I couldn't help but making quite the snort when i read the line of him reading that Third Reich book to her; being that that comparison was on my mind the whole time. And sadly, it seems to be a thing of the present as well. Which may be why this hits me even more. To anyone that has studied true history and the Constitution (for US readers) on there own, then you should be well aware of what im talking about. Those that haven't generally wont believe, because they've been brainwashed just as much as the sister in this story. And its truly scarey.

As a story it is incredibly well written in my opinion. Frighteningly so.

parthenogenesisparthenogenesisover 9 years ago
Most excellent

An absolutely great story, well written and well told. A nice twist to the tale--and reminiscent of the old Twilight Zone episode.

tazdevtazdevover 9 years ago
great story

loved this story could not stop reading it to the end

cncstevecncsteveover 9 years ago
Hall of Fame

This story belongs in the Hall of Fame. Fantastic!

sheabluesheablueover 9 years ago
Wonderfully dark

Such a gripping story, so dark and descriptive, the first person narrative was perfect. I love my dystopias, and this was one of the best I've read, especially on this site. You somehow wrote it in a way that took all the ick factor out of incest, mostly because the tale surrounding it was so rich that the sex somehow made sense. Well done!

ansdguyansdguyover 9 years ago
A true Masterpiece

This story is worthy of at least 10 stars. The imagination and writing skills of MSTarot is simply stunning. We read so many stories on this site that are simply unimaginative and unoriginal rehashes of the words of so many others. This effort stands head and shoulders above 90% of those others.

Thank you for making my day,


AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Compelling and masterful.

This story is that which could be said to represent, in dire times, the essence of humanity. The Twilight of sentient beings such as ourselves. who every generation grow greater in knowledge and lose more and more of our creativity. The(USA) educational system is a sham, an utter pile of streaming excretion, that is brainwashing the younger ones. The main focus of school being math, science, and writing all of which use the illogical brain instead of the creative Brain. Often times the first things to be removed from a school are the fine arts.

But these are not the only examples, go and look at ViceNews on youtube or some other source and you will find many truths of this world. I bring attention to them as they were brought to my attention with the ongoing issues being caused by a group called ISIS. Who are to my opinion a reborn Islamic variation of The Third Reich, that is to say that these men are mad. And wish destruction upon us all for being different and I fear that if nothing is done, we May face the same consequences again. . .

I digress this story was magnificent, dark and compelling. Masterfully written and artfully done I do say, I believe such a story is on par with The Hunger Games and various other stories that have shared underlining themes with variants. Like it was said before this very well could become a Novel released publicly and made into a movie even. But there is no pressure on the author for any of that, simply keep on enjoying what you write, because when you enjoy what you do others will follow.

After all, its always the darkest before the dawn.

~Malgrenz a.k.a LordKorbius

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Awesome story! Please consider doing more chapters to it so we can see him get his revenge for himself and his sister.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Wasted talent on this site

You could have published this and sold it for a lot of money. It's unfortunate that it originated on a site like this.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Great Story

Really great story, reminds me of an erotic version of the Uglies.

ToxicAtomToxicAtomover 9 years ago
Oh god please dont end it here.

Pleasepleaseplease. I almost never actually read a story word for word. I look for fap material, then Im done with it. I read this twice, word for word. The story is masterful, the imagery and descriptions left me with perfect pictures in my head, and the sex was so seamlessly added that it didnt read like a porno, but it was still erotic and beautiful.

Please, dont let it end here. Even if it isnt the same characters, please.

GriffyD_BoyGriffyD_Boyover 9 years ago

I actually found myself getting angry while reading this story, but in a good way. I was angry at the sheer injustice of the world you created. You got all of the emotions you wanted out of me.

Good job.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Super cool!

Loved the premise of this story, and I would definitely like to see it continued, though probably with a bit more romance than this chapter had. keep it up!

DYNO224DYNO224about 9 years ago
A Truly Fine Effort

You have the touch keep writing let it out where it can be seen we thank you for the entertainment .Thankfully you are one of the exceptions that don't need vulgarity giant breasts or any of a number of things that writers with simple minds and little talent rely on.

tranzmanytranzmanyalmost 9 years ago
A Truly Great Read

MST as usual your writing is wonderful to devour. I must say your ability to build a world setting is amazing. I imagine you would run one hell of a role playing campaign. The truly sad part about this story is that when hearing about Ambrose and his history it could definitely have taken place in a time close to ours. Thank you for the reminder to embrace our uniqueness. Thank you for this!

sixxtat1sixxtat1over 8 years ago
Why is this not a novel?

I loved this story. I can also see it as a film and my friend, it is bad ass. With all of the post apocalyptic films that are screening now a days, I feel that it could be a big hit. The action, the romance, and the drama that shakes the very soul, they are all in this story. If you ever feel the need to continue this story, I will be one of the first to read it.

Kookaburra8Kookaburra8over 8 years ago
Definitely different

I was in two mines whether to read this story or not, its not the sort of story I would normally read. As I got into the story Itself, I started to enjoyed it more and more. But for me the story is not finished, far from it. There's so many way you can go with this story.You have to bring the downfall of the President and make him and his sister the real heroes of humanity. 5 stars anyway

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

I loved this story,and, I think it should be made into a movie. Please keep writing as I would love to read more of your work.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

I agree this needs finished. But a great read!!!

Ib_SaysIb_Saysabout 8 years ago
Not surgeries

it sounds so ridiculous calling it surgeries, there are so many other terms that would make more sense, such as genetherapy, or nanotreatment.

Having it grounded more in somewhat plausible future science will actually make it sound more like a science fiction story, and as if the author actually had ever read a science fiction book or two.

Ib_SaysIb_Saysabout 8 years ago

Or just call them 'Treatments' keeping it vague without being factually incorrect.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

I hope you have a another chapter or two because this is a great story line & deserves to have a second part to follow the revolution and fall of the president

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Left me in splits

Absolute masterclass.....

More shocking than a hair dryer thrown into a hot tub!


Bradp1974Bradp1974over 6 years ago
Very good!

Crazy thing, in today’s world, I can see things like this happening already. But, I would love to hear about these two in their future. 5 years down the road, maybe?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

I'd also love a sequel set a few years into their future, I think this is a great story world you've created.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

Could this be what the present day Liberal Progressives are striving for? Maybe not so much in the physical sense but at least in the mental state of all people. Beware of what you ask for and remember one important fact. Every law and regulation that is passed takes away someone's FREEDOM. How much of your own FREEDOM are you ready to give up?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Wow....just wow

Man u r really something didn't expected from this site and would like to read more. Wonderful story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

Well-written, but I can't say "enjoyable" -- it's far too disturbing for that. On the upside, the sexual and emotional relationship between the protagonists; the love they shared was the only thing in the story that was pure and good and (if you'll forgive me) beautiful in a world that, as you say, was "weird and twisted". I'm not entirely sure if this is a positive or negative review; I can't even say whether or not I'm happy to have read it, but apparently I had a strong reaction to it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I have read this story repeatedly over the years and greatly enjoyed it. I would truly love a sequel or a series that continues the tale of this literary world.

MutationsMutationsover 2 years ago

Fuckin' hell. Never thought I would read something like this on literotica. Try writing a novel with this plot, maybe lay off of that incest part. It would sell well.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago


AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

This is quite the story! Really reminds me of Vonnegut's work. Great quality and a great story! You could certainly make something big out of this premise.

Falstaff60Falstaff6010 months ago

Excellent story and the telling there-of. I could easily see this as a full length book or series of books, a movie or a series on a streaming platform. Well done!

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Wow. Engaging world building right off the bat, interesting premise and the final scene in the square is incredibly well-written. Lots of very interesting literary allusions throughout. And the names of the two characters: Ares (god of war) and bellatrix (female warrior) are well chosen. The allusion to Bellatrix as Aphrodite (ares’ consort, sister, and a war goddess as well).

ToughSailorToughSailor3 months ago

DAMN! My God, what a great and thought provoking story - Reminds me of a sci-fi story from a long time ago where in an effort to eliminate bigotry, everyone was given a mandatory shot rendering all people as dark skinned (negro) and the utterance of the "N" word was subject to major prison time.

'Cry Havoc' and let slip the dogs of war -

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