The Challenge Ch. 07: Fernanda's Turn


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She didn't know if Jonny had a crush on his aunt, but she couldn't blame him if he did. Somewhere inside her, she was extremely jealous.

This pattern had been happening for several months now. Jonny and his aunt spent more and more time together, since late the previous year. It was usually during the weekend, which is when Fernanda worked the most.

"Are you going to prom?" Fernanda asked Jonny.

He shrugged again. "Not sure. Maybe," he said. Taking a chance he added, "Claudia might go with me."

"What?" Fernanda said flatly.

"Maybe. We were talking about it some. It'd be kinda cool. She said she never went to her prom. I offered to take her to mine. She looks young enough I guess."

Fernanda was fuming, but tried to remain calm. "Jonny, I think it would be best if you took a girl from school. One your own age."

"We might not even go. It's just an idea. She's a really cool aunt."

Fernanda grit her teeth, and then took a deep breath. "I have no reason to suspect anything. No proof. Maybe she's just being sweet to him," she told herself, calming her anger. She said nothing and headed to her bedroom. Pushing anger aside, she called Dolly.

The two women had dinner that night. They talked about their plans. Fernanda was happy to learn Dolly was serious about it and it wasn't just something she agreed to in the heat of an orgasm.

Dolly's father moved back to Venezuela a few months prior after Dolly's mother passed away. He was 60 years old, and apparently, a wonderful father to Dolly and her sisters. Fernanda said she would send Dolly to Venezuela, authorize and excuse her time off from the magazine, and wire money to her, should she need any to help her seduce him. Dolly's visit would be a surprise, she would stay with him, take care of him - hopefully in every way.

Fernanda took Dolly to get her hair and nails done a few days later. She even arranged Dolly's apartment rent to be sent to her while Dolly was away. They had no idea how long it would take Dolly to accomplish her mission.

A few days later, Friday night after dinner, Fernanda had Dolly pinned against her apartment door, kissing at her neck. "My flight home is early tomorrow. I need to go to bed soon," Dolly said.

"Mmhmm," Fernanda ignored her.

"Ulysses isn't in town this weekend either. As gorgeous as you are, I'd prefer to have a cock," Dolly said.

Fernanda turned Dolly around, slamming her against her door, rubbing her crotch into Dolly's ass.

A shocked Dolly gasped, "Fernanda is that a - "

"A big dick? Yes," Fernanda stepped back, pulled up her long, flowing skirt and revealed a strap-on dildo easily concealed.

"I'll stay with you tonight. I'll make sure you don't miss your flight. Maybe you can sleep on the way there," Fernanda winked.

"You're insane," Dolly giggled, looking to the strap-on.

"I am. And I'm going to fuck you. Get inside," She ordered.


At that very same moment, Jonny was sitting on his aunt's couch, eyes wide. "Can I do it?" he asked her.

She was standing in front of him. Claudia giggled, wiggled her hips from side-to-side, "Sure."

Jonny put his hands on her hips, hooking his thumbs in to her gray yoga pants. He took a deep breath and slowly slid the pants down revealing little-by-little of her juicy bare ass, until it was fully revealed, no underwear, just inches in front of his face.

"Wow," he said, staring at it.

"You like it?" his aunt asked.

"Uh huh. It's beautiful."

"Jonny. Kiss my ass," she pretended to fuss at him.

"Ok!" he said, immediately diving in, kissing, grabbing all over her ass cheeks.

"Yes, that's it. Just like that," his aunt instructed.

"Wait," she told him to stop. "Kiss it deeply," She bent over, reaching back, pulling her butt cheeks apart. "There you go."

Jonny watched her puckered hole clinch before him. "Holy shit," he thought, before diving in, his tongue licking all around it.

A few moments later, she stopped him, made him sit back and lowered herself onto his lap. His throbbing erection painfully begged to be free. But Claudia wouldn't free it. Instead she slowly dragged her bare ass across his tented pants.

"Feel good?" she asked.


"Good," she moaned. "I can feel that you enjoy it."

"I do. Very much."

"Oh Jonny," Claudia said, loving the way her nephews erection felt sliding in between her butt cheeks.

"I, I, I think I'm gonna - " he said.

"Cum? It's ok, do it," Claudia finished his sentence.

"Yes! Yes!" Jonny cried out.

"Don't be embarrassed, just do it," she reassured him in the event he had doubts. He, of course, didn't and has wanted her since he became interested in girls.

His cock erupted in his pants, Jonny threw his head back on the couch, moaning. "That's it, that's it. Let it come out," Claudia said, feeling a damp spot against her ass.

Jonny gripped her butt cheek, squeezing once more, as the orgasm coursed through him.

"Very good, Jonny. Very good," Claudia said, turning around, sitting on his lap, kissing his face.

Chapter 5

Fernanda arrived home early the next afternoon after dropping Dolly off at the airport and doing some shopping. Jonny wasn't there, no note as usual. She knew he was with Claudia though.

Jonny was at the mall with his aunt. They were looking at girls, Claudia asking him what he thought of the ones that walked back. He said some were cute or ok looking, but overall wasn't too interested in them. His smiles and glances at his aunt gave away his true desires.

"So prom, or no?" Jonny asked.

"Oh right. Yeah I don't know about that Jonny. I mean, look at me. I'm too old!" she laughed.

"You could pass for a senior. Trust me."

"You're just saying that. But it would be nice. No one would know who I was," Claudia said.

"Yeah I'd have the hottest chick there."

"Sure," she rolled her eyes. "It would be a special night though," she added glancing to his crotch.

They smiled, their eyes meeting. Jonny's phone rang, distracting him. He answered it, saying hello to his mother.

"Yeah we're just hanging out at the mall. Probably going to come home soon," he told her.

"Yep, I will. I know," Jonny said, remembering tests to study for.

"Ok, bye," He ended the called, annoyed.

"You better get home," Claudia said.

"Can I come see you tomorrow?"

"I don't know about that. I don't want your mom getting annoyed with me, distracting you from studying."

"All right," he sighed.

Claudia held his hand to his car, kissing him on the cheek goodbye. "I'll see you again soon. We'll work on other things."

"Other things?

Claudia nodded, her hand grazing against the bulge in her nephew's pants. "Uh huh."

She kissed him once more and went home.

Fernanda was waiting, thinking, wondering about Claudia, her uncle, and always her father. She called her Papi, chatting briefly about Jonny finishing high school, her promotion, and other general things. It was like all their phone calls, somewhat boring, and obligatory. She wanted to tell him she was in love with him, but never did, throughout all these years.

Jonny arrived later, his mother telling him to study.

That evening Fernanda got a text on her phone from Dolly. She was there with her father, they were going to dinner, and he was very happy to see her. She added that she'll send emails to Fernanda to let her know of her progress in this $20 million dollar challenge.

Fernanda sighed, horny, bored, thinking of calling Rodney for a good fuck session, but ultimately decided against it. She instead curled up in bed, did some work on her laptop and watched a movie.


The emails came on Monday. Fernanda sat at her desk reading one she received before lunch.

"Things are going great so far. I've helped him move some old items and belongings of mom's out. I cleaned the house. I took him to dinner. He's been so happy to see me; it was a total surprise. The best part was last night. I went to sleep in his arms. He asked me if I was seeing someone and I said that he was the only man I wanted to spend my time with. I laughed and held me closer.

I was only wearing a large t-shirt, so when he finally went to sleep, I slid out of my thong and pulled my shirt up a bit, exposing my butt. This morning his hand was resting where my butt started. I don't think he noticed.

I'm going to take him out again tonight. I want it to be romantic. Maybe we'll take a nice long walk and then, who knows!"

Fernanda found herself imaging it was her and her father instead. She closed out of the email, frustrated, but confident Dolly would be successful - thus earning $20 million for herself in the process.

That evening Jonny was late getting home from school. Fernanda wondered where he was, but deep down knew.

What she didn't know is that her son was busy kissing his aunt, grabbing her butt and dry humping her until he came in his pants again.

Fernanda ate dinner alone, hoping her sister wasn't taking the role of their uncle.

The next day, another email.

"I told him how much I loved him last night. We have often told each other that, but this time it was different. I think he could tell. I curled up in his arms again, wearing only a long t-shirt. I kissed him. I don't mean a peck, but a long kiss on the mouth. He was surprised by this, but didn't seem too unnerved by it. I will make this a habit - kissing him.

We're going to the beach tomorrow. I only have tiny thong bikinis used from my Elite Mag photo shoots.

Fernanda, I must admit, this is turning me on so much - this challenge and the money from it. Like I said before I left, you're insane, but I suppose I am too."

It was another repeat of her night before; home alone, waiting for Jonny to arrive for dinner. He never did though, saying he ate at Claudia's when he finally did show up. He said goodnight to his mother and went to study.

He failed to mention his aunt let him see her breasts that night. Claudia let him fondle them, kiss them, suck them. It felt so good that she ground against his erection causing them both to climax.

"Fernanda, I'm playing with my pussy as I type this email. I showered with him! I actually bathed him and we were both naked and it was amazing! It felt natural.

We were at the beach all day. He joked about my butt, saying it appeared to be a handful. I grabbed his hand and put it there. He squeezed it a few times, we laughed about it.

Then after dinner, I suggested we shower. He was reluctant, which was no surprise. I told him it was just me and that I'd scrub his back.

We stood there naked, not caring, while I cleaned his back. Then he sat on the small bench and I washed his hair. He rested his hand on my waist. It was so cute. He wasn't erect, but it just felt so normal. I'll let you know how things go in a few days. We're going sightseeing."

Fernanda shook her head, "So easy for her." She shut down her laptop and headed home for the day.

She sat alone, thinking of her father, still in Puerto Rico, thinking about calling him, but not wanting to bother him. She often wondered if he knew his younger brother was fucking his daughters. If he did, he never brought it up.

Jonny was at home, studying once again. Fernanda peeped in on him; he smiled, nodded and went back to his book.

Her phone rang, it was Claudia. She invited Fernanda out Saturday night to a new club that was opening. She declined, ending the brief and slightly terse phone call. She didn't want to see her sister.

Chapter 6

"Where are you going?" Fernanda asked her son Saturday night. He was adjusting his tie.

"Claudia invited me out with her friends."

"Oh no, no, no. I don't think so," his mother replied in her thick accent.

"What? We're just going to hang out."

"Then I'm going too," Fernanda blurted out. She wondered why she didn't just order him to stay home. Part of her wanted confirmation for herself of what her sister was up to.

The night was fairly miserable for Jonny. Claudia was fine with it, assuring her nephew that everything was cool and to relax.

They went to an 18+ club and Fernanda was all over her son - he was thoroughly embarrassed. She wouldn't allow Claudia near him; she wouldn't give her a chance to touch her nephew in anyway.

Rodney showed up alone. He approached Fernanda, asking her for a dance, putting his hand on her ass. She swatted his hand away, adjusting her short dress, "No!"

"What the hell?" he asked; stunned.

"No," Fernanda gave him a stern look.

Rodney shrugged, walking over to Claudia next, she politely turned him down, explaining she was hanging out with her sister and nephew. Rodney went home alone.

So did Claudia. Fernanda made sure of it. The hug between aunt and nephew was interrupted by an increasingly jealous mother. "Get in the car," she ordered her son.

He shrugged and waved goodbye to Claudia. "You ok?" she asked Fernanda.

"Fine," she lied.

She was far from fine. Knowing what Dolly was up to in Venezuela, suspecting what Claudia was doing with her son, and still wanting her father made her miserable.

They were silent on the way home. "You aren't going to compliment me?" was the only thing she said to her son.

"Uh, well, you look nice mom," Jonny said. Fernanda shook her head. There was nothing in his reply, no emotion, no desire.

Desire. That's what it boiled down to. Jonny didn't desire her, like she desired her father. Now she suspected Claudia was filling the role of their uncle.


"It's amazing here. But I think I can convince dad to move back to America and be with me there, live with me that is. I just need a little more time. But we are so much closer now. We bath regularly together. It's all very innocent, but I can tell that he finds me sexually attractive based on the way he looks at me in the shower. He's even flirted with me - making a joke about being my boyfriend so some scumbag guy doesn't take me away."

Fernanda teared up at her desk the next week. She thought about her Papi. Why it couldn't be him, she wondered. Why couldn't he be the one to take her virginity? She wondered if this challenge to Dolly was a mistake.

Another few days, more emails. Fernanda had a throbbing headache sitting alone at the dinner table, wondering what her son was doing. He said he had a study group to go to, but she didn't know if that was a lie.

It was.

"Yes! That's it, Jonny!" his aunt exclaimed on her knees, her hand gripping the base of his cock, watching it spurt semen.

"See? Wasn't that nice? Plus, I love giving hand jobs," She said, wiping her hand clean, giving Jonny a paper towel.

"Yeah," the teenager said, out of breath. "Nice."

Claudia sat next to him, leaning against him. She moved his arm, positioning it around her. "We're going to have so much fun in the near future."

"Uh huh," Jonny said, still in shock.

Another morning; another update from Dolly.

"I don't even care about the money anymore. I'm having such a wonderful time with him. To think he and I could be like this, just the two of us, together. I could never replace my mother, but I think he knows I could be something of a substitute, a companion.

We've been kissing more and more. Not just pecks, but long kisses on the mouth. I sat in his lap last night after dinner, running my hands through his hair, just kissing his face, his mouth over and over.

I found myself, lying in his arms the other night, wanting to pull his shorts down and take him in my mouth. I actually wanted to drink his cum. I'm sitting here typing this email, soaking wet. I want to swallow every drop of him, knowing that I caused it and I'm taking care of him."

Fernanda closed out of her email program. She had a busy weekend ahead of her. She had to meet with a new photographer and attend an event the company was holding. She looked out her office window, wondering what Jonny would be up to that night. She cringed thinking he would rather be with Claudia than his mother.


Claudia's mouth filled with semen that night. It didn't take long. A few long licks and several hard sucks on Jonny's cockhead and he erupted in her. She smiled inwardly feeling his warm seed coat her throat, never taking her eyes off her nephew.

She swallowed every single drop, then sat next to him, whispering in his ear, "You're going to stay with me tonight. We'll shower in a little bit, and then I'll suck your cock all night."

At the event, Fernanda turned around when hearing Rodney's deep voice behind her. "Oh hi," she said.

Rodney waited for her to be alone, seeing her coworkers leave to refresh their drinks. They were in a corner of a hotel banquet hall, turned to a temporary dance room. It was low lit, strobe lights flashing.

"Right here, right now," Rodney commanded. Fernanda's eyes trailed down to his crotch. Rodney's cock was hanging out. She sighed and shook her head.

"What's gotten into you?" he asked.

The only thing on her mind was her father, her son, and her sister. Jonny said he was staying home that night, but deep down she knew he was lying.

Back at Claudia's apartment, they were in the shower, kissing, hands roaming all over one another's body.

"I want you," Jonny said. "I want to go all the way."

"I know you do. But not yet. I have plans for you," Claudia said turning around, grinding her butt against his erection. His hands cupped her breast.

"Prom night," she said over her shoulder. "We'll go all the way then. For now, give me your hand."

Jonny did as his aunt commanded. She guided his hand to her pussy, "Right here. Rub just like this. Keep going until the water runs cold."

After turning Rodney down, along with a few others, Fernanda left, almost in tears. She called her father, there was no answer; he was probably in the bed. She thought about calling Bob, letting him know Dolly was close and the challenge was almost complete. She decided not to. It reminded her of how close Dolly and her father were becoming - jealousy growing.

She went home instead. Jonny wasn't there, just as she suspected. She called him, no answer. Finally after midnight she got a text from him. He said a buddy invited him over to spend the night, they were playing video games. Jonny was still at his aunt's of course, lying on her bed, naked, watching her show him all the different cock sucking techniques she had picked up over the years.

Fernanda cried herself to sleep. She didn't care about the money anymore either.

Chapter 7

"We did it," was the only line in Dolly's email Fernanda received at work a few days later. She sat, silently staring at it, reading it over and over again.

"It's done then," She got up, took the elevator to the ground floor, and got some coffee. She had nothing to say, she felt numb.

That night at home, Jonny said casually that he was indeed going to the prom in a couple weeks and that Claudia was going to "tag along." He played it down, like it wasn't anything serious.

"It'll be cool I guess. I don't know. She said she never went back when she lived in Puerto Rico. So whatever," he shrugged, as if it was nothing.

His mother didn't reply, she only nodded, almost not caring anymore.

The next morning she received another email from Dolly.

"It was incredible. It was perfect. I told him about the money, he laughed and agreed we could do it. He even said that without this challenge, he probably would've been ok with making love to me. He said he would never initiate it, but if I did, he'd let it happen.

I can't believe it! Thank you, Fernanda! We'll be arriving in Miami in a couple weeks. We look forward to seeing you. Also, I'm not sure he'd want to have sex with a stranger watching, so we'll have to work something out.

Anyway, take care!"


Jonny asked his mother if she was ok several times over the course of the next week. She lied, saying she was just tired. He continued visiting his aunt, loving her pussy eating lessons. Jonny became quite good at it, making his aunt cum easily.