The Challenge Ch. 07: Fernanda's Turn


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Fernanda did nothing. One phone call to her father ended with her telling him how much she loved him, thinking of Dolly and her father, on the verge of tears.

"Are you alright?" Fernanada's father asked.

"Yes, I just miss you. I need to fly you here to visit soon."

There was a brief pause, "I miss you too darling. I'll see you again before Christmas."

That night, along with several others, Fernanda had a recurring dream.

She was on her back on a beach, her uncle on top, fucking her. She felt nothing. She looked to her left, seeing Dolly, naked, holding hands with a man Fernanda assumed was Dolly's father. They were laughing, happy, in love.

Fernanda turned to her right. She saw Jonny and Claudia, nude as well, holding hands, walking along the beach. They were laughing, happy, in love.

She turned to her uncle. He grinned and stuck his tongue in her mouth. When he ended the kiss, he went to his knees, stood and started jacking his cock, aiming it at Fernanda's face. Then he started changing. He got a little older, hair slightly grayer; he was morphing into Fernanda's father.

"Si! Si!" she called out in Spanish, but her father stopped stroking his cock, shook his head and moved away from her. Fernanda chased after him, but moved much slower in this dream. She watched him walk into the ocean, fading from view, the dream ending.


Fernanda sat across from Dolly and her father at lunch the following week. They held hands, looking like more of a couple than parent and child. Fernanda did her best to be polite, even though on the inside she was miserable.

That afternoon, she adjusted Jonny's tie, sighing heavily. "You sure your ok, mom?"

"Yeah, just work has been really rough since the promotion. I'll be fine," she said. "What are you doing after the prom?

"Probably drop Aunt Claudia off, and then head over to my friends. He's having a few folks over," Jonny lied.

"I see. Well have fun," She said, seeing him off.

She had a busy night ahead of her, one she was dreading. Fernanda was going to meet Dolly and her father for a nice dinner, then walk around South Beach to check out some of the night life. Fernanda would claim she felt ill, Dolly would sneak her a spare key to her apartment, and Fernanda would go there, waiting for them to return. Dolly suggested hiding in the shower. Dolly's bed was arranged so the large bathroom mirror caught its reflection. She'd have a perfect view of them.

Fernanda waited about 30 minutes, feeling slightly foolish, but needing to see this as proof and possibly needing to see this in order to live vicariously through Dolly.

The two lovers wasted no time getting to the action. Fernanda peaked behind the shower curtain, watching them reflected off the bathroom mirror.

Dolly practically tore her and her father's clothes off. She mounted him, she rode him, and she came so very quickly.

Fernanda was wet, watching them, unable to look away. The bed shook, banged against the wall. Dolly's ass slammed down on his cock over and over again. He rolled on top, kissing at her as he rolled; slamming his hips into her. He was an older man, but he went at Dolly like someone much younger.

Jonny entered Fernanda's mind for a split second; she wondered how good he'd be in bed, if she would ever be able to teach him anything. Her attention went back to the Dolly. She was on all fours, saying how much she loved him in Spanish.

He pulled out, and Dolly cleaned his cock, pulled him on top of her and kept going. Finally, he came inside her, both of them climaxing a final time, whispering sweet nothings in the other's ears. Fernanda was on the verge of tears, she couldn't even masturbate while watching it.

Dolly held her father, his face turned away from the bathroom entrance. Fernanda tip toed out of the shower, holding her shoes, slowly, quietly walking by them, the carpet hiding any sounds she might make. She opened the apartment door, closing it as quietly as she could. She slipped the key under the door and left.

Sitting in her car, she looked at the check for $20 million of Bob's money she wrote earlier. She sealed the envelope it was in and walked back to Dolly's door, sliding it underneath.

Fernanda left the complex, driving home. She changed her mind halfway there, sadness turning to anger. She drove to Claudia's instead.

"Eat my pussy, that's it, just like that," Claudia ordered her nephew. She was on her back, her legs hooked around his shoulders, holding Jonny in place. They had no idea Fernanda was on the way.

"Why couldn't I just tell Papi how I felt?" She asked herself, speeding to her aunts. "Why couldn't I say something? I was too scared."

She pulled into Claudia's apartment complex. Inside the apartment, Claudia was cumming hard on her nephew's face. She got up, pulled him to the living room, pushed him on the couch and grinned.

"Ready?" she asked.

"I am," he grinned back.

Fernanda stared at her son's car in the parking. "I knew it." She angrily slammed her car door and marched toward Claudia's apartment.

"This is going to be so good," Jonny said, watching his aunt mount him, grabbing the base of his cock, guiding it to her pussy.

"Yep. Remember, it's ok if you don't last long at first. We got all night," she rubbed her clit with the tip of his cock. "Mmm," she moaned.

Fernanda burst through the door, mistakenly left unlocked, by her sister. She stood watching in horror as her son's cock was resting at the entrance of her sister's pussy. All three were paralyzed, shocked looks upon their faces.

"Get off him! Now!" was all Fernanda managed to yell. Claudia complied, unsure of what to say or do.

"Get dressed!" Fernanda grit her teeth, staring at her son. She looked to Claudia, shaking her head, while Jonny hastily put on his clothes.

"Sit in my car, wait for me," his mother ordered. Jonny ran outside, thoroughly embarrassed.

"How could you?" Fernanda asked her sister, tears streaming down her face, her suspicions proving true.

"Fernanda, I can explain, I thought I would - "

"Be like our uncle?"

"No! Nothing like that, not like him, it's different," Claudia pleaded.

Fernanda sat on the couch, holding her head, crying. "He's never asked me. He's never said he wanted me. He's never shown interest."

"Who?" Claudia said, sitting next to her sister, rubbing her shoulder.


"Oh Fernanda, I'm sorry," Claudia said.

"Here you were teaching him everything, just like our uncle did."

"I know how much you love Papi."

"The whole time I wished it was Papi doing it," Fernanda cried.

"I know, I know," Claudia hugged her.

"I wished Jonny was Papi's son, not - "

"Our uncle's. I know," Claudia kissed the side of her sister's head.

"And now Jonny and you. He's never once came to me about sex or asked me about it. He's never desired me at all," Fernanda managed to get out in between sobs. "You've already taught him everything!"

"No, I haven't though. Honestly. There's one thing that we haven't done," Claudia said. She tipped her sister's chin to face her. "He never penetrated me. We were going to, but," she shook her head, "you walked in and it didn't happen."

"You can teach him that," Claudia whispered in Fernanda's ear. "You can be the one he goes all the way with. Just like how you wanted to with Papi."

"But how? He doesn't want me like that."

Claudia giggled, "I think you'll find a way to make it happen. You've been known to be domineering at times. Take that boy and make him yours."

Fernanda wiped her tears. "I do it. Yes."

They both stood. "I'm sorry, Fernanda. I hope you can forgive me," Claudia said.

"I can. Just stay away from my son. Do you understand me?" Fernanda pointed her index finger in her sister's face. "At least until after I fuck him."

Chapter 8

Upon entering the car, Fernanda told her son that his ass was hers; Jonny had no idea it was a double meaning.

He became her house slave for the next couple weeks. He cleaned the house from top to bottom. Jonny also was made to apply lotion to his mother's long legs after her shower. She smiled watching him work, sitting there in her robe.

She made him feed her grapes, moaning suggestively with each bite, sometimes nibbling at his fingers.

She made him mow the yard, but didn't allow him to shower afterward. Fernanda ordered him to remove his shirt if he was hot. Jonny shrugged, following orders, fearing the punishment could be worse.

She made him rub suntan lotion onto her back, telling him to unhook her bikini top. He fumbled but did so without complaining.

At night, after studying for his final exams, she made him rub her back while sitting on her butt. She was naked and was covered by a thin sheet. He massaged her back until his hands were tired, never once complaining about the sexually charged moans his mother was making.

After his high school graduation, Fernanda ordered Jonny to take her out - secretly celebrating his achievement, but not telling him that.

As Fernanda predicted, Rodney was at the club, looking for pussy.

"See that guy there?" Fernanda pointed Rodney out to her son. "Defend me from him."

"What?" he asked, his mother not answering, making her way to the bar.

She hiked up her already short dress, waiting Rodney to make his move. The pinch on her ass let her know he was behind her. "Hi," she smiled, looking over to her son.

Jonny watched his mother, take Rodney's arm, following him on the dance floor. "Defend her?" he asked himself.

Moments later, he put two and two together. His mother was facing away from Rodney, grinding her butt against him. Jonny watched Rodney grab her breasts from behind. "Crap," he got up, realizing the game she was playing.

He tapped Rodney on the shoulder, "Excuse me."

"What?" he turned around, releasing a handful of tit.

"Um, she's with me tonight," Jonny awkwardly said.

"What did you say?" Rodney glared at him, his mother smiling from behind the huge man.

"I s-said, she's with me."

"Fuck off. This pussy is mine tonight," Rodney said, turning around groping and dry humping his mother.

"Oh crap," Jonny was scared. Scared of the large man and scared that his mother would be even more difficult to deal with should he not do what she commanded.

Jonny grabbed his arm, quickly moved to Rodney's other side, put his arm around his mother's waist, pulling her tightly against his body. "I said," he glared back at Rodney, "she's with me tonight."

Rodney chuckled, looking around, not wanting to get arrested for beating up some young guy. He glanced at Fernanda who nodded her head. "Alright. Fine. Take her then. Bitch ass."

Jonny watched Rodney walk way, his heart racing.

"Very good," his mother said, throwing her arms around him, hoping he'll dance.

"Can we go home now? He could've hurt me."

"Not yet, I'm with you tonight. Remember?" Fernanda said. She grabbed her son's hands, guided them down her sides, and placed them on her ass. His eyes widened with embarrassment. She held them there for the rest of the song. "No, he wouldn't hurt you. Trust me."

Back home, a small towel draped over Fernanda's nude body. "This time rub my legs too."

Jonny did the best he could, getting reprimanded for not massaging hard enough. He ran his hands over the back of her thighs, listening to his mother moan seductively. He had no idea what sort of game she was playing, but mustered all the will power he could find to keep his cock from getting erect.


She made Jonny accompany her to Atlanta the following week. They flew up in Bob's private jet. Fernanda had money to collect.

"Congratulations," Bob said, handing her a check for $20 million. "What's wrong?"

Fernanda looked at it, shaking her head, thoughts of her father popping into her head again.

"Bob," she opened up. "My uncle took advantage of me and my sisters at a young age. It became very consensual. I loved it. I needed him regularly. Do you know why?"

Bob, a concerned look on his face, asked her to go on.

"Because I wished it was my father who I was with. I pretended it was him for so long. When my uncle impregnated me with Jonny, I wished my father had done it. But he never knew about what happened. My uncle died in a drunk driving accident when I was 19, my father never knew about us."

"Fernanda, I'm so sorry," Bob said.

"It was why I challenged Dolly to seduce her father. It's like I could experience it with her. But I never did. It only made me long for him more. There's more. My sister started showing signs of acting like my uncle with Jonny. I walked in on them, they were naked, and she was on top of him. Nothing had happened yet, but a second later - "

"I see," Bob said.

"I was more jealous than angry. I wanted Jonny to desire me like I did my father when my uncle was taking me," Fernanda shook her head, looking down at the check.

"Here I am, a millionaire thanks to you, and I'm thinking more and more everyday about seducing my son. Taking him, fucking him, just like I wanted my father to do to me."

"Then do it," Bob said flatly. "Do it. Go back to your hotel room, undress, and take him."

Bob rummaged through his desk, finding a brochure, tossing it to Fernanda, "Hell, go there and do it. Take time off if you want, go there this week."

Fernanda looked at the brochure. It was for a resort in the Bahamas.

"After you make him yours, move away from Miami. Move somewhere special where you and he can be together, just like you wanted you and your father to be. I know just the place."

"I don't know what to say," Fernanda sniffed.

"Go. Take the boy, make him a man, make love to him, and make him yours."

Fernanda started smiling, then laughing. She stood, hugging Bob, kissing him over and over, "I could fuck you right now. But I have a flight to book!"

"That's the spirit!" Bob said, slapping Fernanda's ass as she turned to leave.

Chapter 9

"Mom, what are we doing? Why are we going there?" Jonny asked, loading the car to head to the airport in Atlanta.

"Shut up," his mother snapped. "You and me, vacation, don't ask questions."

Jonny shrugged, wondering if this was part of his very, very bizarre punishment.


The resort was an immaculate, newly renovated, vacation spot. It had its own staff and the rooms were basically villas - each having their own back courtyard with a bubbling hot tub.

But Fernanda didn't care. She had one thing on her mind. Jonny followed behind her, making their way to their villa.

Upon entering, he set their luggage down and checked out the bathroom after noticing there was only one bed. He felt like pointing it out, but kept his mouth shut. Jonny noticed the shower was huge and there was a hot tub in the courtyard out back.

"I guess this is nice," he thought, turning to re-enter their room.

He was met by his mother, slamming and pinning him against the wall. "Mom?"

Jonny watched his mother practically tear her blouse off, revealing large bare breasts. She quickly slid out of her skirt, kicking it aside.

"Mom! Are you insane?" Jonny cried. His question was met with a slap to the face by his mother.

"Yes! I mean, no! I mean," Fernanda paused, eyes darting to the side. She grabbed her son, kissing him as hard as she could.

"Mmmph," Jonny tried to speak, his mouth covered by his mother's. He struggled to push her away, but she clung to him tightly. She was moving backward, dragging him to the bed. She turned, pushing him down onto the mattress, breaking the kiss.

"Mom! What are you doing?" Jonny yelled. His mother pounced on top of him, straddling him, pinning him down.

"No talking," She said, tugging at his belt.

"No, wait! Please!" Jonny pleaded.

"I said no talking," Fernanda grabbed his face, staring into his eyes, inches from his lips. She kissed him again, a slow, long, soulful kiss.

"I'm going to finish what your aunt started. I'm going to be the one you give everything to. I'm the one whose name you'll scream. Me, your mother. Do I make myself clear?" she demanded.

Jonny's mouth hung open as he slowly nodded his head.

"Good. Now be still while I fuck you," she said.

She dragged her breasts across his chest, down his mid-section. She pulled at his shorts, Jonny watching on in disbelief. He pushed away from her, but it was no use. She pounced on him again, holding him place.

"Mom," he whispered, Fernanda tearing his t-shirt down the middle, ripping it from his body. She kissed him again as hard as she could, forcing her tongue into his reluctant mouth.

"Shhh," she silenced him again, breaking the kiss. Squatting over him, she grabbed the back of his head, pulling it to her chest. "Suck," she commanded.

Jonny paused a moment, looking at her large, round breasts. They were a little bigger than Claudia's. "They're nice," he thought, talking himself into doing it.

One final look to his mother's face, she nodded, and Jonny grabbed both her tits, bringing one to his mouth, licking and sucking the nipple. Fernanda closed her eyes, head arching to the ceiling, "That's it, just like that," she said.

"Very good," she said, releasing her son's head, she slid down his body, finishing her task of removing his pants. "Lift," she told Jonny.

He did as he was told, allowing his mother to remove his shorts and boxers. "Mmmm, beautiful," Fernanda said, grinning devilishly at the erect cock revealed to her. "I see it's ready for mother too."

Jonny backed away, reality kicking in, "No, wait, we can't."

"Yes we can. You were about to with your aunt," Fernanda said, crawling toward her slowly backing away son.

"But that was different," he pleaded.

"Incest is incest. Now let me take you how I always wanted my Papi to take me," Fernanda said.

"Wait, what?" Jonny's eyes widened, but didn't receive an answer. His mother buried her tongue in his mouth, her hand stroking his cock, guiding it to her waiting pussy.

They kissed and moaned throughout the entirety of Jonny's penetration into her. When he was balls deep inside her, Fernanda broke the kiss, arching her back, "Yes!"


Fernanda came to, reality kicking in for her next. She snarled like an animal at Jonny, grabbed his hands, pinning him down. She went to her feet in squatting position and proceeded fuck Jonny's brains out.

"Yes! Yes!" she cried out with each bounce. She impaled herself on his cock over and over, Jonny, helpless, watched this woman, his beautiful mother, take him, making him hers in every way.

"I, I'm, c-c," Jonny stuttered.

Fernanda released his hands, grabbed his face, "Cum inside me. I want your perfect cock to fill me up!" she said in between bounces.

"Ahhh!" he cried out, wrapping his arms around her, holding her tightly, while she completed the sex lessons his aunt started.

"Yes Jonny!" she yelled, feeling his cock erupt inside her, filling her with its warm, teenage sperm. It sent her over the edge. Their bodies tensed up, convulsed, as orgasmic wave after wave washed over each of them on that bed, in each other's arms. Just like Fernanda wanted with her father.

Jonny fell backward onto the bed, looking to the ceiling, out of breath, his mother lying on top of him, kissing his face and neck.

"Every day," she spoke up, in between kisses. "I want you every day."

Jonny, still in shock and panting heavily, "ok."

She kissed her way down his body, taking his weakened cock in her mouth, cleaning it lovingly. She smiled, stood, extended her hand to Jonny and led him to the huge shower.

Fernanda guided his hands to her ass in the shower, continuously kissing him. Jonny just went with it, no longer seeing this as punishment, but accepting that his mother wanted to fulfill this sexual role instead of his aunt.