The Djinni Slut


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The opulent, luxurious room was replaced by something more austere, with wood-paneled walls of mahogany and bamboo. Floating candles softly lit the room. Scents of spice, jasmine, and lavender filled the room. A soft flute and a biwa played in the background.

"Japanese," thought Marissa.

"Well of course," replied the djinn. "I served a shogun named Tokugawa Ieyasu for awhile. Love the Japanese aesthetic. I feel it's especially appropriate for our next session."

Marissa was standing on a bamboo mat in the middle of the room. Large jars of blue ceramic, decorated with ivory white figures, stood to the side. The figures seem to shift constantly, as if acting out a story.

The whole atmosphere exuded sensuality and beauty but still, "Would it help me if I told you I'm not looking forward to your session?"

"No, not really."

"Technically, what you're about to do is rape, you know?"

"So?" the djinn replied. "I'm not a gentleman. The djinn are not exactly known for chivalry. If it makes you feel a sense of balance, the female of our kind do this as well, and we make no distinction between sexes. So, basically I haven't gotten some in quite a while and, since you're very comely, I'm going to have some fun."

The djinn clapped his hands; the jars broke apart. Floating balls of liquid, clear and gleaming like glass but not, Marissa could tell, water, rose from the shards.

The djinn clapped his hands again. The balls of oil came together. The djinn gesticulated, moving his hands like a sculptor. He glanced occasionally at Marissa as he worked.

"This idea just came to me, you know. A good way to oil you up and enjoy a good show, I think."

"I'm not so sure I like your sense of humor."

"Too bad," the djinn replied. "I was thinking you might have some fun with this too."

The oil blob formed into the shape of a woman. Marissa glanced at the djinn, curious. What's he up to?

"Just watch," the djinn replied. "Remember, mind's an open book."

Marissa frowned and examined the oil sculpture. It looked very familiar. "Oh good grief!"

The light reflecting off its glassy surface might have made recognition difficult, at first, but Marissa recognized her doppelganger.

"Cute, very cute," she smirked, not knowing whether to be amused or angry.

"Glad you like it," the djinn smirked back.

"What are you going to do with it?"

"Actually, the question is what is it going to do with you?" The djinn turned to the oil girl, "Well, hop to it."

The oil girl's transparent face broke into a smile, a smirk really. It sashayed up to Marissa, a look of lust etched on her glassy face.

Marissa backed away nervously, "Look! I'm not into that!"

"Well as of this moment, you are," the djinn grinned. "Besides, you kissed a girl once so you don't have much right to complain."

"That was a game and I was drunk," Marissa said, backing into a wall. "What? How did the wall get here?"

"It wasn't a wall. It was an invisible barrier, preventing Marissa from moving further as the oil girl sidled up to her."

Marissa glared at the smirking djinn, smartass, and then at her slick double as she brought her hands around Marissa's waist. They felt pleasantly warm, she was reluctant to admit. Her attempts to pry off the oil girl's hands only grasped liquid. "Dammit!"

"Don't try to fight it, Marissa. Relax, it'll be fun . . . at least for me."

"I'd rather not give you the satisfaction, thank you," Marissa growled as the oil girl ran her hands over her buttocks.

The oil girl mashed her liquid boobs against Marissa's and flowed her hands up the coed's spine. She brought her lips up for a kiss. Marissa kept her mouth tightly shut. The djinn made an opening gesture with his fingers. Marissa's lips parted (Damn djinn!) and an oily tongue filled her mouth. "Blug! Bargle!"

The oil tasted like soap, with a hint of rose. The oil girl deep-kissed Marissa and smeared oil across her face. She ran her hands across Marissa's back, oiling the young woman to her neck. She broke off the kiss. Marissa sputtered and cursed, "You son of a bitch!"

"Oooo! Ouch! I should say my mother is an honorable woman, but you have a point."

The oil girl kissed down her body, tracing her hands down the coed's back.

"Oh!" Marissa squirmed. The experience wasn't unpleasant, and she felt a little moist between her legs.

"That's the spirit!"

"Fuck you!"

"I'm rubber, you're glue, but I don't have to say anymore."

The oil girl reached the flower between Marissa's thighs, knelt, and placed her hands around Marissa's ass, lubed fingers at the crack.

Marissa squirmed in several flavors: frustration, she couldn't push the oil girl away, her hands swam through the girl's body like thick water; anger, of course, at the djinn, she so wanted him dead right now ("Fat chance," he smirked.), and arousal. The tongue between her legs, however oily and invasive, was effective. Dammit! Marissa hated the idea of surrender, especially to the djinn.

Marissa's body, though, cared a fuck what she thought. Especially as the oil girl buried her face in the young woman's groin, delved her oily tongue into her pussy, and swirled around her clit. Oily fingers flowed between her crack and up her backdoor.

"Fuck! Oh! Fuck! Oh! Uuughnn!" Marissa's mouth was open and moaning. Her body rocked back and forth, slamming against the invisible barrier.

Her glutes flexed and quivered; her belly pumped. She whipped her head side to side, eyes closed. Larry was never, ever this good. Marissa thought she heard an outraged squawk through her heat, but the thought vanished in a flood of ululations.

"Fuck! Ughn! That's . . . ughn! . . . I'm cumming!" Marissa detonated, "Ooohhh! Aaahh!" Her oily doppelganger slurped down her syrup.

The djinn watched the show with a wide grin and huge erection. Gods! I love watching oiled mortals fuck!

Marissa lay against the barrier, dripping with sweat and oil, glaring and hissing at the djinn through bared teeth. "Bastard!"

"Well yes I am. I never knew my father. Doesn't really matter to our kind."


The djinn and Marissa glanced up at the caged Larry. "Well, well, looks like he enjoyed the show too. Impressive erection, and quite a bit of cum, but the look on his face; lust, outrage, and intense jealousy. Really Marissa, why did you pick such a controlling, immature, womanizing prick like this?"

"That's . . . ughn! That's . . . what I'm asking . . . oh fuck! Myself." The oil girl was sucking Marissa's clit again. Marissa found concentration difficult.

"S'much as it's fun to watch, participation is better," said the djinn, "You two, hold that pose."

The smirking entity sidled to the oiled woman, his blue cock pointed before him.

Fuck! That's impressive, Marissa admitted with grudge. The djinn grinned wider, "Why thank you." Marissa flashed an annoyed scowl. "Reading minds, Marissa. Well look at that. You just came again."

"No shit asshole!" Marissa growled. She usually kept her profanity to a minimum, but the current situation brought out the blue language in her.

"I appreciate the compliment," smirked the djinn. "You know the convenience of an oil girl licking your pussy? Saves time on lubing up."

The djinn slid his cock through the back of the oil girl's head. Marissa grunted and hissed as the thick, long, veiny, and very oiled cock entered her tunnel. The djinn's hands were on either side of her, against the barrier. His face sported the smirk she found infuriating. His hips thrust and he began to drill.

Marissa had to deal with two maddening and simultaneous sensations: a tongue on her clit and a thick cock in her pussy. Her responses were involuntary yet emphatic.

"Ugh! . . . Ugh! . . . Uuughnnn! . . . Aw fuck!"

"You seem enthusiastic for someone so resistant earlier," the thrusting djinn grinned.

"Shut up!"


Marissa glanced up. Larry was staring, agape, from his cage. A spear hard erection jutted from his groin. Lust, shock, outrage, and humiliation was etched on his face. Like what you see fucker? You got me into this.

The djinn smiled. She knew he'd caught that thought.

Oiled up, cumming, and getting fucked by a genie and some oil thing girl. All because Larry had to be a fucking idiot. Marissa came to a decision. May as well. I can't go anywhere else. "Fuck you Larry!"

She wrapped her arms around the djinn's waist and put her hands on his ass.

"Now that's what I'm talking about!" the djinn smiled.

"Just shut up and get it over with."

"As you wish, or he wished." The djinn drilled forward. "I have to warn you, I've not gotten some in a long time, so it'll be a while."

"Ah! Fuck!"

"Yes, pretty much. I think we can dispense with the girl now."

The oil girl dissolved with a splash, into droplets which floated to the ceiling before drizzling down on the couple.

"Show . . . ugh . . . off!"

"I'm a djinn, showing off is what we do. Here's another trick."


"This," a voice next to her whispered. Marissa hadn't noticed the invisible barrier become flesh.

"Two of you?!"

"Djinns love to multiply," the djinn grinned. "And it's been awhile since I've done a threesome," his other self added.

An oiled cock slid into her very lubed anus.

"Hmmm, your boyfriend's done anal on you but this is your first threesome I see."

"I . . . ugh . . . didn't enjoy it . . . nnnnngh . . . the first time."

"You seem to be enjoying it now."

Marissa admitted grudgingly, the djinn's cock felt better than Larry's.

"But she still didn't want to give him that satisfaction."

Marissa frowned at the djinn's smug smile. "Stop that!"

The djinns chuckled.

The djinns alternated fucks, pumping her front and behind. Marissa moaned, grunted, and fell into overlapping orgasms. "You're . . . ughn . . . not cumming."

"Of course not. We djinn have complete control over our orgasms. We just like the feel of mortal flesh and cum on our cocks. It is especially good if the mortal remains in constant orgasm. Greater activity means greater pleasure. We cum when we feel like it."

"What . . . ughn . . . what about me?"

"You'll just have to get used to constant orgasms I guess."

Marissa quivered with another orgasm. Cum squirted over the djinn's prodigious cock. "But . . . ohhh . . . I can't . . . mmnnn . . . keep this up . . . ugh . . . forever! I . . . ughn . . . need food . . . rest . . . gasp! . . . Water!"

"Well deal with that problem when we come to it," said the djinn at her back. "We love to improvise."

"Ooohhhh!" Marissa moaned. The djinn plumbed deeper.

"Here's what it is to be fucked by the djinn," the two sandwichers said in unison.

The front djinn's head divided into two, lowered, and planted two mouths on her nipples. Extra arms, limbs, and heads bloomed around her; two to lift her legs and wrap them around the djinn, the others to tease prick, and massage her body into maddening ecstasy.

"I think I've hung around the Hindus too much," the back djinn's two heads whispered in her ears, "But they sure do teach great lessons."

Marissa barely listened. Her mind and body were overloaded with orgasms. Grunts and moans were the only sounds issuing from her throat.

"Well, I think it's time we show you what happens when djinn cum. Get ready."

Marissa couldn't help but experience a flash of irritation. She'd heard ego boasts of sexual prowess before, most often from Larry. The mind-ripping, soul-blowing orgasm that raced through her body a second later, accompanied by an explosion of djinn cum back-blasting out of her holes, marked the first time a sexual partner actually matched his mouth with his cock.

She would say "Wow!" but was too busy floating towards the light with the angel in the center. Marissa looked down. Her nude cum-covered body, sandwiched between the two djinns, a look of bliss on her face, stared back sightlessly.

"Holy fuck! Killed by orgasm!"

"Not quite," said the djinn, interposing between her and the angel. "And you, stop that. That idiot gave her to us."

"What? An angel can't have a sense of humor?"


"Oh shut up," the angel said, "You're for the bad place, I heard. Really Marissa, there are better choices than that."

"I'm finding that out."

"Back to your body Marissa. I'll fix your heart in a second, and you," the djinn pointed to the angel, "Stay out of our business. Go play a harp or something."

"I'm not into harps, it's scythes."

"Just go."

"Okay but," the angel produced a list of names, more than a few crossed off. Marissa was on it but instead of drawing a line through hers, the angel took a rubber eraser to it. "Since she's been given to the djinn, this girl is officially out of my jurisdiction. Have a party."

"Ta-ta, D," the djinn said and went back to Marissa.

A magical dip into her chest cavity fixed her ruptured aorta and semi-liquified heart. Some dead cells were revived and her brain reactivated.

"Cough! Cough! Gasp! Oh fuck!"

"Definitely," the djinn smiled. "Some good news: Death's officially taken you off her list."

"Huh? What does that mean exactly?"

"We'll deal with that down the road. Let's just say, it would complicate matters if you die; we'll talk later. Right now . . ." The djinn placed his hands on her belly and groin.

"Now what? I thought you were done with my body."

"Just a few more adjustments. I'm turning your stomach and womb into pocket dimensions. If you're going to fuck all of us, no sense in dying from cum saturation."

"I thought it was the orga . . . wait a second. What do you mean 'All of us'?"

"Your boyfriend's wish was to make you a slut. His lack of specification made you ours by default. Since, as I've demonstrated, fucking djinn (and, I have to add, other entities. We're not the only supernaturals walking around.) can be fatal, adjustments are necessary to allow you to handle the load."

"I didn't ask for this."

"Hey! Don't blame me. Blame your idiot boyfriend. He's the one who made that dumbfuck wish."

"So what happens next?"

"This," the djinn clapped his hands. All the cum on Marissa's body sloughed off into the air. It swirled into a pearly white ball before forming into a whirlpool, like such seen in a draining sink, and corkscrewing into her spread pussy.

"Showing off again," Marissa frowned. She noticed he did not remove the oil.

"Thanks for the compliment. Oh, and in addition to your earlier question."

"And this," his clone said, and turned to a wall, put two fingers in his mouth, and whistled.

The wall folded away, like a double-sided French door. The vista revealed was something out of a painting, almost psychedelic, with a touch of Waterhouse: lush green rolling hills and forests; exotic birds and animals both natural and mythical. The cerulean blue sky displayed multi-colored clouds, like cotton candy. Marissa gasped at its beauty. She gasped again as the clouds drifted towards the chamber. They weren't clouds.

"Genies!" Hundreds, thousands, quite possibly millions of djinn; of every color, stripe, and sex, and all flying toward her nude, oiled, and already thoroughly fucked body.

"Well, I wouldn't say thoroughly fucked," the djinn said, to Marissa's frown, "At least not yet."

"They're all going to fuck me?!"

"Pretty much, and vice versa eventually. This is what your boyfriend's wish did, more or less. Quite a few of us haven't gotten some in a long time; from a mortal at least. It gets kind of boring when it's djinn on djinn."

"But you nearly killed me, and it will take forever to get through all of them!"

"Approximately five thousand, two hundred, and fifteen years, plus three months and nine days, give or take two or three hours, by my calculations. Djinnistan time: there's a serious time discrepancy between our world and yours. Should only be a day or two on your world, tops. Not that it matters at the moment."

"You still almost killed me."

"I made adjustments, remember? I'll make more. If it's any satisfaction, depending on perspective, your idiot boyfriend gets to watch. The should be an ego fuck, don't you think?"

Larry's outraged "squawk," provided some satisfaction to Marissa. It didn't remove her apprehension at the oncoming pastel tsunami. I don't have a fucking choice. Fucking Larry.

The beginning wasn't subtle; no seductive foreplay or small talk. It was a tornado of faces, leering and grinning, huge, near perfectly shaped cocks and wide open pussies, uncountable arms, legs, hands, fingers, and horny, horny, horny djinn.

The fucking was more than some extended screw; it was existence itself.

It was hands that teased and stroked every inch of her body, and mashed, molded, and massaged her melons; thick, veiny, cocks drilling her ass, pussy, and mouth, pumping but not withdrawing, maintaining a constant presence. The djinn blended into one another, switching out positions constantly.

Pussies replaced cocks frequently, whether at her mouth or on her quim. Tribbing was a term not unknown to Marissa but never did she imagine days, weeks, months, years performing this act.

The djinn sometimes changed sex, so cocks became pussies and vice versa. Other times, cocks and pussies merged to fuck her simultaneously, the male and female djinns blending to experience her at the same time.

Mouths were on her tits constantly. Tits and cocks, sometimes both, like the pussy/penis hybrids, were in her mouth. Tongues went down her throat as well. Tongues licked her pussy. Tongues slithered into her bung.

The djinn enacted thousands of spells upon her body. They'd shrink and cover her clit with their minuscule bodies, stimulating her to maddening climaxes. They found ways of pleasuring every cell down to the atom. They'd flow through her pussy, taking residence in her womb, building and destroying entire worlds within. Every pleasure, every perversity was practiced on the young woman, every second of every day for uncounted years.

Marissa should have died by all accounts, or gone insane within just a few days of this titanic fuckfest. The wish of a foolish, toxic man taught them both the power of the djinn. A power which forced her mind and body to remain intact. Neither death, destruction, or insanity would touch her.

Marissa underwent an endless orgasm dwarfing anything in the mortal world. Her mind, while not broken in shards, descended into a red haze.

She'd stopped moaning early on, moving from cock to pussy to tit without thought. Her throat drank seas of cum; oceans rained on her body. Her womb took in enough sperm to populate planets.

The djinn amused themselves sometimes, and her as well. Marissa swallowed djinn cum with flavors as varied as chocolate, or mushroom soup, or butterscotch, or beef broth.

It wasn't just cum. Marissa was fed exotic meats and fruits, and given drinks from realms read in myth and fairy tale: peaches from Kunlun, mead from Asgard, dragon meat from Faerie, pomegranate wine from Hades.

Sometimes the djinn let her rest but even that contained some catches.

She woke once, some centuries after the orgy's start, in a room of red silk, on a sumptuous bed, djinn laying all around. The blue djinn lay across from her, sleeping quietly.

"He looks cute," came unbidden; a quiet surprise given his actions. I think that means I've changed more than I thought I would.

Marissa felt no exhaustion, just a languorous heat. She absorbed the perfection of the djinn's nearly hairless body, his pastel blue skin, his sculptured muscle, the long, thick cock betwixt his legs. She reached out and took it in hand, running her fingers around it.