All Comments on 'The Keeping of Lena Ch. 02'

by ablondegoddess

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Thank you

That was an incredible chapter, and I am reminded all over again of your undeniable talent! I am chomping at the proverbial bit to see what happens next, and I cannot even begin to tell you about how wonderfully fleshed out every inch of your prose is. Your characters are so thoughtfully, uniquely flawed that it quite seriously boggles my mind sometimes. You are utter perfection B! Not to mention, you are the sweetest author, treating angry fans, adoring fans, casual readers, and angry trolls, all with nothing but the utmost kindness. Seriously, I wanna be like you when I grow up (never you mind that I'm 27), and I just had to leave a comment letting you know how thankful I am that you decided to continue to share this tale with all of us here, fans and trolls alike! I will absolutely be re-reading this again and again, dissecting all the little nuances you've so lovingly layered into our hero and heroine. I really hope you publish this someday! You are a much more accomplished writer than the majority of the big league erotica out there! Obviously, a big ole 5* from me, and serious long distance, internet hugs and kisses to you for giving us this brilliant update! You are the best!!!! Thank you so much! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Please update again soon!!!!

All The Best!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

Oh, (sigh) do they always have to be this way with each other? It's exhausting!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

More more morewe

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

I love this story! But I wish Renz & Lena would just get their happily ever after! Maybe soon enough, I'm hopeful. But please keep writing!

ix3kyuhyukix3kyuhyukabout 7 years ago
Thanks for the update :D

Renz has some serious trust issues but I'm kinda disappointed that Lena didn't reveal the meeting with Illise.

Will she ever be honest to Renz over this issue?

Lena also seems in denial/upset about the possibility that she might be pregnant :O

I'm looking forward for more updates about her reaction once she knows ~

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Thank you!

Another wonderful, yet frustrating chapter. These two are their own worst enemies. They need to talk and hear each other. God they are frustrating. It is like it's their first time again and they've learned nothing. Lena's inability to express herself to EVERYONE is getting tiresome. She struggles to think, she senses danger but doesn't react, Ava injures her wrist and she says nothing, she's obviously ill, but says nothing. Her walking around in a constant fog needs to stop for the love of God!!! I keep screaming at her in my head "Say it, just spit it out" about nearly Everything!

I just pray Ava recovers quickly and screams at the both of them for me. Or knocks their heads together. I'll be happy with either.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

Oh god, I desperately need more. This story has developed a completely different tone from the last one, and I feel like crying at the end of each chapter. (Even though there's only been a few). Can Lena and Renz please, please actually talk about everything in the next update? This is wildly frustrating. I mean, obviously it's amazing too, but I wish this miserable disconnect between them would stop. That and the cliffhangers are destroying me. Please update more frequently if you can— you're an incredible writer.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

I'm so happy you're back!

Why is he so rough with her? He knows she is pregnant, yet he is rougher than ever, hurting her... on purpose. Is he trying to sabotage this? Hurting her before she can hurt him?

ablondegoddessablondegoddessabout 7 years agoAuthor
Thanks for reading everyone! xo

@Anon "OMD": Glad to be back! Thanks for the warm welcome!! =)

@Anon 'Thank you': I'm about to start blubbering reading this....thank you so much for this kind message! I'm so happy you've enjoyed reading this story, and thanks so much for your patience as I've worked on it =). Sending hugs and kisses right back to you!! xoxo

@Anon 'sigh ': I like my romances dramatic ;)

@Anon 'more': Working on it!

@Anon 'More!": It may be a twisty road, but they'll get their HEA. Promise =)

@ix3kyuhyuk: Thanks for the feedback! I agree that Lena definitely still has a lot of growing and maturing to do =) -xoB

@Anon 'Thank you!': Haha the head knocking is a very interesting idea! I hadn't considered that, but if I end up using something similar, I'll find a way to give you credit for it ;)

@Anon 'Oh god': I'm writing as quickly as I can! Rest assured Lena and Renz will be communicating quite openly soon -- they're going to need it with what's in store ;) -xoB

@Anon 'Finally': That's a definite possibility....bear with me for another chapter and I'll (hopefully) clear it up!

And as a general to everyone reading, thanks so much for giving this story a chance! I know it's been a while and I appreciate the support more than you know! I hope future chapters don't disappoint!

With all my love,

B xoxo

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Thanks again!

ablondegoddess yes, please do use the head knocking I suggested! They both need it desperately. If not from Ava, Karl will do just as well. Maybe a team head knocking from the both of them, that should wake up Renz and Lena. I love this story, I started reading the Taking of Lena when you started, waiting anxiously for each chapter, I love them so much and you for creating them. But they both need a swift kick in the pants and have for a while. Please let them speak to each other about their child! Something has to get them on the right track together even if they still have obstacles to face, like Ilise and the creepy new doctor! Anyway, had to write again since I forgot my signature. 😊 Keep up the great work.


(P.S. Loved the Tante Lena scene with Dot. I was hoping Renz was going to witness it, and tell her she'd make a wonderful mother to THEIR CHILD!)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Oh my god!!!

Please please please more!!!!! I just cant even explain. This was your best chapter to date!!!!! Please keep going. I think I'm more invested in this relationship than my own!

notusuallyshynotusuallyshyabout 7 years ago

A very enjoyable read, albeit teeth grindingly frustrating at times, yet still a very arousing chapter.

I am going right back to the beginning of Taking Lena to refresh my memories of how good you can write and to keep me going until your next posting.

madameescargotmadameescargotabout 7 years ago
well written as always but Renz and Lena are now borderline insufferable

I love Karl and Ava but what the hell is going on with the main characters? Half of the "conflict" in the story could be resolved if they just talked to each other. But they don't... for some reason...

Renz "the first time we had consensual sex it was so good I cried," "I'm going to spend the rest of my life proving I love you and by that I mean a week," "seeing you cry unnerves me except when it doesn't," "the last time I accused her of conspiring against me it led to tragedy, what could possibly go wrong now?," & "I'm haunted by the death of my unborn child, but I'm going to repeatedly rape my pregnant sorta-fiance violently anyway" Wolfenbarger is just ridiculous at this point. #TheresNothingInHimToLove

And then there's Lena "I refuse to take time to heal or stand up for myself," "the man I somehow still love raped me yet again but he stubbed his toe earlier so I guess we're even," & "good thing my rapist is a handsome zillionaire" {Insert Surname}. Its getting really hard to root for a loose collection of tragedies. Her story arc is "smile a lot until someone calls her pretty then promptly punches her in the vagina. repeat every 2 chapters."

Again, very well written but I'm truly only here now to see Karl and Ava's storyline and for the brothel to be shut down for good (I think I'm the only one who cares?).

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Now this is interesting

The goddess has returned, and once again I find myself at your mercy. I agree with the earlier comment that this chapter might be your most well-written one to date, and the standard of your writing was already impressive. The drama in this sequel is continues to be incredibly juicy and satisfying. Even though I hate her, I am really hoping we get to see more from Ilise or her POV, because she is an expert manipulator playing on the weaknesses of both Lena and Renz to lead them to destroy each other.

But what I'm finding MOST interesting about where it looks like you're headed is it almost seems like this sequel is almost more about Renz's sexuality than it is about Lena's. Renz softened up at the end of Taking and was remorseful for the rapes/etc, but Lena ended up asking him to force her at the end because there's a part of her that (maybe?) naturally craves rough sex, and it was written that Renz only gave that to her because he wanted to please her. But now we're seeing that Renz truly craves that force too (without Lena's request), and is apparently very ashamed of it but still can't help it and really doesn't know how to control it when he's drunk, as we first saw in Ch 1 at his birthday. Will Lena remain passive because she's afraid of losing him, or because she thinks he'll truly hurt her if she doesn't agree? Will Renz keep forcing Lena because he's so angry with her, or will he keep trying to force her because he's so afraid of losing her? Is Karl going to send Renz to rehab for alcoholism? So many questions!!!!

I agree these two are insufferable, I feel like my favorite show has returned after a long hiatus and I'm crying tears of joy and frustration while screaming at the screen. Damn these two! If only you could post all chapters at once so that I could binge to my hearts content (please?). But still, I don't recall any other stories here that venture as far into the emotional workings of a man realizing he has a rape fantasy for the woman he loves. It's dark and slightly twisted but still so so hot, and I'm happy you're brave enough to go there. Now I fearfully anticipate the fate of my favorite characters, as it looks like they're headed towards a violent implosion. But you're a masterful storyteller, and I trust you'll guide them through it. Brava!

aries420aries420about 7 years ago
Back with a vengence!

I'm glad to see you're back and writing better than ever. Thanks for moving forward with this story. These characters are some of my favorites. I was worried for a second there Ilise's tea might cause Lena to miscarry, which I simply could not handle on top of Ava's misfortune :(

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Lena, you in danger girl

Now the first time I read this I was fully in the camp of "get your shit together Lena, have you learned nothing???!!!" But now that I've read through this chapter a second time and really dissected it, I'm wondering if you've given us some subtle clues about the things that are really going on here. Now Lena staying silent about her wrist, I'll give her that. As someone whose popped out three monsters of my own, and naturally, I'd be damned if anyone whined about wrist pain while my hooha is being split open by my spawn. But Lena's defeatist submission with Renz seemed out of character to me, considering all of the progress they made in Vol I.

So I went back and re-read to see if I missed something, and the scene that is really sticking with me is the one with the doctor. Now apart from his basic creeper vibes, he reached out and touched her shoulder. In Victorian times, this would have been highly inappropriate since he's male and not a relative. So I thought that Lena was just freaking out because of that, but right before that the doctor was eyeing his needles and being all shifty. Then he touches her shoulder, and all of a sudden, our girl's inklings to standing up for her man completely disappear with her sudden illness, and she repeatedly feels like she's "forgotten something" for the rest of the day. And THEN, when she gets back to Karl, he says that these special needles are imperceptible, which is now making me wonder if the doctor drugged Lena somehow? Maybe a reach, but I do hope you explain this. 5*

lovingmyblondegoddesslovingmyblondegoddessabout 7 years ago
Compelled by your erotic imagination...

...when you know I really should be working. Well done baby. Proud of you.

DreadDelacroixDreadDelacroixabout 7 years ago
So Happy for Lena and Renz' return..

Although I could simply say my opinion of this latest installment could be summed up best by Madameescargot's comments on Renz and Lena, I'll always willingly wait to see what you do with them next. I definitely agree that most of their problems stem from lack of communication. It's a shame we can't see them as a strong united couple, perhaps with their problems coming from a bigger unknown place than just their imaginations running wild because neither knows what the other is thinking.

I understand while these couples are your creation and you simply don't see R&L going strictly down the 'Romance' path, maybe we could occasionally be teased as in the past with romantic moments mixed in with the Non-con. It seems something would need to keep reminding Lena why she's in love with this brute. How long can a woman, who's supposed to be strong to some degree, keep being terrorized by this rich handsome man? It could eventually sell your protagonist short.

I'll just keep in mind, just because we've waited years to keep this story going, not that much time has actually passed! I hope you keep choosing to feed us this tantalizing story.

Thank you BlondeGoddess :-)

joodlejoodleabout 7 years ago
Threw me

Well, after everything with Renz's brother and his ex wife, and his recent softening towards Lena, I did not expect him to be even more of a hellhound. I love that Lena is pregnant, or will be eventually. And I love love love the angry sex. It's to die for. I hope to see more from you soon. You and other similar authors have inspired me for years, and I recently published my own series on Lit. I'm sure I speak for all when I say that I hope you won't make us wait as long as usual! xoxo

cantfightfatecantfightfateabout 7 years ago
Poor Lena.

How does a strong, resilient girl always end up being the victim? This was well written but not at all enjoyable for me. I want to see their HAE though, so I guess I'd better toughen up and get used to this.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
In a quagmire?

i have absolutely loved this story so far but I feel like this chapter just gotten into a quagmire because of no communication. It feels like renz is making an effort but Lena is just being dumb with the robbery and now meeting Elise. She seems bright enough to realize Renz is at least more of an ally than Ilise. In my humble opinion I think this calls for wrapping the story up. If the story continues to be driven by Lena not talking there is nowhere to go but in a circle.

ablondegoddessablondegoddessabout 7 years agoAuthor
Feedback replies Pt. 2

@K: Okay you've convinced me...look forward to some head knocking soon ;)

@Anon 'Oh my god': I'm so happy you enjoyed this one! I'm working hard on editing so the delay for Ch. 3 shouldn't be too long! Now get back to your relationship =)

@notusuallyshy: I'm flattered you're willing to re-read the earlier stories! Forgive the grammar errors/typos in those, I've been meaning to go back and edit them!

@madameescargot: Thanks so much for the detailed feedback Madame! There will be more of Karl and Ava in the future, likely in further ".5"s, so it might make sense to avoid the other chapters and just read those as standalones if Lena/Renz aren't doing it for you anymore. Thanks for giving this series a chance though =)!

@Anon "Now this is interesting": Thank you so much for your sensitive reading! A number of these observations are quite spot will be seeing much more of Ilise soon =).

@aries420: I'm happy to be back, thanks so much for reading!

@Anon "Lena, you in danger": I'm not sure if this is intentional but I have an image of Whopi Goldberg in my head from 'Ghost' with the title of your comment 😂. Very sensitive reading of the Dr. Engel ;). Thanks so much for the vote!

@lovingmyblondegoddess: I love you!

@DreadDelacroix: I promise you, there will be plenty of romance in the remainder of this tale =). Thank you so much for reading!

@joodle: Glad you enjoyed the angry sex (that sounds strange but I'm keeping it)! I'm so excited to hear you've started writing, I'll for sure start reading your pieces as well!!

@cantfightfate: Don't read something you don't enjoy (and I don't mean this in a negative way at all) -- I have a clear idea in my head of where I see Lena/Renz ending up. Obviously it's going to be very different than what some other readers hope for, which is perfectly okay for everyone. I truly appreciate you reading this far, and if you choose to stay, I can promise you a HEA (it just might be a twisty road getting there!).

@Anon 'In a quagmire': No quagmire here =). I have a clear path for Lena and Renz. Thanks for reading!

With love,

B xo

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

It took me rereading the previous chapter to remember the story, but damn am I glad you're back. I do truly hope though that you'll clear up the misunderstandings between Lena and Renz in the next chapter, because that sort of drama frustrates me. Other than that I really like the story so far, and I hope things clear up from there on (the pregnancy, Lena coming to terms with liking Renz's dark side, them actually talking...)

Keep up the good work! :)


AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

I never gave up on you because your story was just simply promising and youre such an amazing author!!!! I would regularly visit your page throughout these years hoping you would update and leave all those stupid, good for nothing copycats behind. And you did!


MEWatcherMEWatcherabout 7 years ago
This is a great story... please do not mess it up!

I totally get that Lena is only 18 .. but is she an amnesiac? Why is she even worrying about, let alone taking to heart anything his horrible ex-wife says... after what she knows about how she got rid of not only Renz baby.. but a baby that lived in her body. WTH kinda woman is that? .. and why is Lena smart in reacting to Giselle but totally forgetful about the ex-wife? How long is Lena going to be dazzled by all the rich people around her with all that she knows of society so far.. 1) Giselle is a liar and a tramp with money, 2) Ilse killed her own child to spite her husband.. and 3) Renz's brother trafficked in women in the worse way possible... When will she wake up to reason.why Renz love's her which is that she is real and not like all the rest? And when is she going to be some kind of woman and taking up for herself with others beside Renz. Renz needs a woman .. not a constant "woman-child" .. .. She has Karl and Ava as trusted friends .....I'm at my wits end here with Lena not participating .. and not just letting Renz do the heavy lifting emotionally for both of them, And really .. give her something to do besides have sex with Renz. What does she do? Please have her at least get together with Ava... a business .. something .. lol .. .. And please ..... let Lena rescue Renz .. for once.. no more damsel in distress.. because for all her cries of " not being a whore" .. what exactly does she do? Is she going to actually try and be the actual Lady House? Take the role already.... be the actual woman of the freaking house...She can't keep being both the ex-servant girl .. and not Renz's wife.. choose already . . it's 14 chapters already .. lol

.ok.. that said.. This is a fantastic story. Thank you for keeping me on the edge of my seat.. lol ok .. Again ... I love this series.. can't wait for more. :)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Not sure where the confusion comes from

She put the story in noncon and added a warning at the beginning. Why are folks so surprised that there's noncon in this chapter? Personally I found the sex scene frustratingly hot and wrong. I'm with earlier anon, this is like watching a television series and I'm about ready to THROW THE DAMN TV OUT THE WINDOW BECAUSE I CAN'T HANDLE THE DRAMA (but I love it). I swear I could kill these two. Mostly Lena. Renz I'd want to fuck first. Anxiously awaiting the next installment. And I agree that the doctor totally drugged Lena, the clues are there.

wondering_birdwondering_birdabout 7 years ago

Haven't even read it. I'm in so much shock, I don't even know how to react. Oddly enough, I started reading the whole thing for the third time and now boom. I'm so happy you decided to publish this for us ❤️

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

So happy that you are still writing the story! This was the very first story I read on Literotica. Thank you for not abandoning us!

That said, while your writing is incredible, I have to agree with some other other people commenting who have expressed their frustration with the lack of communication between the two main characters. That can only go on for so long. The angry sex is hot, very hot indeed, and you write those scenes so well. But I'm hoping to see some romance and tenderness creep back into their relationship, where they can find a happy balance that keeps both of their needs met.

Bravo for keeping your readers so engaged with your writing. It's obvious from the comments that this story has a group of invested and devoted fans. Well done!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

Finally got around to reading The Taking of Lena and now this story and I am hooked! Love it, love the characters, and would really love for you not to vanish like so many of the other authors whose stories I love. Keep up the amazing writing! Can't wait for the next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
So good

It was a really good chapter. I reread from start to finish as I felt there was a bit of disconnect especially in Renz's character from previous chapters. Re-reading I can kind of see his motivation here but at the same time I feel like maybe he's taking it too far and that the good rational part of him would have stopped him from hurting her twice in a row. I agree that there will always be an element if submissive/dominant to their relationship, but I do also hope that we will see that softer side of him again soon. I really hope they talk and soon before Illise manages to take another baby's life. Don't think I could handle another stillbirth/misscarriage. Also rereading I found so many mysteries we are still yet to solve; Lena's father, what she feels like she's forgetting, if the kind inn owner survived, I also feel like Illise's motivations could go so much further. The way you wrote her in KOL chapter 1 set her up for so much more dimention, you made it sound like she was actually grieveing and that there is more to her than just a visicous vengeful ex and while there will be nothing that makes me feel sorry for her I will definetly be interested to see you expand on the set up you have created there. Once again beautiful writing and I can't wait for more.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Next chapter

Will the third chapter be the last? Were you able to upload it?

evonnaevonnaabout 7 years ago
Love it, worth the wait.

what an amazing chapter, love it. (still waiting for him to apologise for the pain...well, i guess he kind of did, a little)... his thought process is actually really well-written, considering his character, the way he makes sense of things.... "but she said hard is ok, so hard should have been ok, where is the problem?" :)... (ok he was a little better than that) ... his possessiveness is super hot by the way, he really goes heavy with it.... hotness... loving the hot and interesting sex and how they're learning about themselves sexually, and are well-matched with their preferences etc.... loving the whole story, if only Lena could be less silly and more honest with him.... (but it makes for good drama of course).... really looking forward to the next chapter! thank you for an amazing story xxx

TalesofaMermaidsTalesofaMermaidsalmost 7 years ago
Faithfully Yours

I've read this entire story 3 times now. It was the first story I'd ever read on Literotica and I am dying to see how it further develops! Please don't leave it unfinished and please don't kill the love between these characters! You've written a wonderful story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
My favorite noncon ever

You've done such an amazing job creating a seductive, evocative noncon, while still managing to humanize Renz without role reversal or making him appear weak. Aside from the obvious reason for reading (your well crafted and exquisitely authored erotic scenes), seeing cracks in Renz's steely demeanor that don't render him soft allow him to retain his authority (and titilating nature) without being absolutely barbaric, making for a particularly enjoyable character. And Lena's internal struggles for strength and understanding, both physically and emotionally, are so well crafted, no matter how many times she succumbs. You've written such a powerful story and I can't wait to read more.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Two miracles?

Do we find out in a later chapter what Gottfried meant by Lena giving him two miracles? Is it because he was alluding to her pregnancy? Like one miracle was surviving Ludovic and the other is her pregnancy? That conversation plagues me every time I read this. Can’t wait for more :)

Sorry if this posted twice—I didn’t see my original comment show up.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Now i remember

I was looking in the stories and when I came across this again I couldnt remember why I didnt finished.. but now I do.


I’m sorry, but all this shit is making me angry. This story could be a 10/10 but with all this misscomunication and running and beeing plain dumb i

j just cant read.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

I LOVE this storyline. And I can’t wait for these two to finally get it together and communicate so they can be the couple we know they can be. A force to be reckoned with. I’d love to see them finally united and take his ex-wife and his brother out. And anyone else (like that creepy doctor) who tries to stand in their way. I think if Lena starts to truly to draw her strength from Renz and find her footing the ex would finally know what it feels like to be played and get what’s coming to her! Please give us more! And maybe Karl can take care of her husband (with Renz help of course).

Thank you so much for sharing your writing with us. You are simply FANTASTIC! I can’t wait for more, lots more!

JasmijnJasmijnover 2 years ago

She is stupid because she is young and had no education. He should have known better. Why does he never juist talk to her, ask her a question? You are a great writer but it would be nice if you’re characters get more space to grow.

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Welcome! I hope you enjoy my stories! *************************************** It has also been brought to my attention that "The Taking of Lena" is appearing on other websites. I am an amateur author, and Literotica is the *only* website w...