All Comments on 'The Man Next Door Ch. 03'

by GirlintheMoon

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KarenWoodsKarenWoodsover 10 years ago

Fantastic finale to a fantastic story. And ignore all the assholes who are going to claim that any reconciliation is a bad ending, I've liked your work ever since your old stories, Finding Normal was one of my old favorites and this has probably surpassed it. Please just keep up the great work.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Karen Woods you are the asshole! You and this author are selfish skanks. Buffalohawk

CybawulfCybawulfover 10 years ago
Nice one Karen woods

Typical heartless skank lipping off about the haters because we all know how much of a piece of shit this bitch was, will is a weak cunt for staying, she didn't deserve to keep her husband in the end. Fucken whore

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

This shit story really fucked up my day!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
All too true

It was 12 yrs ago when my wife ran off with the bad boy next door. I was the one that got the postcard... "You deserve better than me." I burned her clothes and our wedding pictures, got sent to jail for arson and was released to an empty house and a lost job.

She came back 7 yrs later when the fucker died in a car accident. I shut the door in her face and walked upstairs to spend time with my girlfriend and daughter.

CharlieB4CharlieB4over 10 years ago
Liked it.

Good End to the series. I really like your writing. 4*

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Nice job!

Good story with some heart wrenching moments from all of the characters. Some deep introspection going on.

I like reconciliation stories or stories that end up with an an amicable divorce. I hate psychopathic endings where the creeps reek some justice that reminds me of the middle ages or one of the modern day religions. I also hate comments where a bunch of anonymous bullies with Literotica names personally attack people. Different strokes from different folks, I guess, but not being part of the BTB crowd, I am proud that at I am not sociopath or a mysogynist who like to hurt people, especially women.

vazkor13vazkor13over 10 years ago
I loved it

I always though reconciliaaion stories are the hardest to write, you did it very well !!!


TheUnoriginalistTheUnoriginalistover 10 years ago

Before I see the rest, let me say that this was incredibly well-written and a step above most of the stuff that pops up here.

With that in mind, I do think that you undersold the husband's grief a little bit. Most of the dramatic stories here that aren't just "Hulk smash! Hulk get revenge on world!" do a pretty good job of presenting the betrayed spouse's grief and a terrible job of laying out the intense emotions and swirling uncertainty that a person in an affair experiences. You captured the latter in three glorious dimensions, but then you reduced a lot of the husbands pain to just a brief run of moodiness and half thought out "revenge." More than revenge, he should have been looking for and even needing immediate action that he could take as proof that she was ending the affair. The most obvious of these would have been a demand that they move, immediately.

It's a minor point, because it's not like you overlooked or just dismissed his response, I just think the urge to finish the story might have caused you to undersell the consequences that you spent so much time preparing us for, in such wonderful tension-building foreshadowing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Holy crap!!! That was fantastic! I mean really, REALLY fantastic!

Thank you for an insanely awesome story that made me mad and cry and happy for the two of them.

tiger46tiger46over 10 years ago
Slice of life

Gets at the human-ness of passionate people. Your characters are multi-dimensional that takes talent to pull off. Kudos 5*

HarddaysknightHarddaysknightover 10 years ago
This series is

an excellent example of extremely good writing. Everything seemed believable, if quite sad. The emotions this story created were very real. Good job!

TexasBBTexasBBover 10 years ago

Very well written. Will's feeling may have been understated a bit, but that's a very minor point. You made the reactions and emotions come across as very believable. Excellent work for your first LW story here. I will be looking forward to reading more of your work

looking4itlooking4itover 10 years ago

I don't really care for reconciliation stories because they are usually unbelievable and forced. You managed to convince me that they could reconcile and, while never the same, they could survive as a couple. I honestly don't really believe that the last meeting she had with Jackson was not a deal breaker for Will. They were on pretty shaky ground and to have her caught together would have been too much. The convenience of picking up a girl at the club was a little too easy as well. Perhaps it helped Will realize he could still attract women. What helped the most was being so wel written. You didn't make her out to be a bitch or him to be weak or secretly submissive. Two things I don't (and probably never will) understand is the capability for a woman to fall for "bad boys" like they have no self control or fall so deeply in love when they are already, supposedly, in love with their husband or boyfriend.

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggover 10 years ago
Drama Queen Cheats 2 Extreme, is Ever So Sorry & Thus is Duly Forgiven ( but not by me ) !

Its not about anger or revenge for me, but Ashley's cheating and lying was too blatant and egregious . Unless there's a compelling reason or something special about her, its time to turn the page and wish each other well. The therapy process was glossed over. No fresh insights or enlightened POVs were revealed to aid and abet the marital salvage process.

Apparently she and Jackson shared some ineffable carnal chemistry that commbined with a lull in her marriage led to the cheating. Not buying it, not me. To be a master in chess , one must excel eventually in end game process which has own unique rules. The same applies to reconciliation stories.

The natural flow of events and characters dictated divorce by my standards. Ashley was really, really sorry and repented after her cheating butt became one with the curb she was kicked to. Barring information unrevealed in the couple's history. Too bad, so sad her moment of enlightenment about the of the downside of forbidden and frenetic frolic with man next door arrived too little, too late.

Very emotive writing throughout by GIM but in this story that quality finished over the top. Hey tis bout the journey eh? Well it was a great ride for a good while . I thank the author.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Just like the One taken down

Some months ago Girl in the Moon wrote another story series she has taken down. This one is a carbon copy except for the ending. A wife suffering ennui, trying to find herself, not knowing if she loved her husband, being seduced by the Bad Boy, who she gets to fall in love with her. The only difference is the ending. Girl took the first story down I believe to change here style but she didn't. The wife was in this story was a weak cheater too. She couldn't quit loving the Bad Boy but decided to "settle" in this story, while still loving both men. Her husband will never have a full marriage, having to live with someone who settled for him since she was not brave enough to take a chance on "in another life." What would have made it different is if the wife would have been brave and true enough to skip the last encounter with The Man Next Door, and not tell him she loved him but was not brave enough to take a chance.

All the above being said, I still liked the story. Girl just has her themes like Matt Moreau, Xleglover, etc.

ILienBagbyILienBagbyover 10 years ago

I am one of those readers who usually wants, as I read, to have a reconciliation, wants the hurt party to be able to forgive, desires for the guilty party to grow up, understand and truly become restored; I wanted that to happen to Ashley (and to Will). But this is one of those stories that leaves me unhappy.

Girlinthemoon writes well, her characters are real, the details ring true...yet Ashley, as GITM depicts her is not at the end of this tale trustworthy enough. She seems to put as much weight to the postcard as she does to the pregnancy. She is willing to accept Will's love but not sure enough to share the postcard and her thoughts with him. She wants and needs, but seems selfish and not giving, unable to let go of the memories even when the pregnancy appears to offer the perfect way to replace those memories with the promise of a new beginning.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
My 2 Cents

I would go one step further than ILienBagby her keeping the postcard shows she is not repentant just sorry she was caught. She decided to stay with the provider as opposed to the lover. Big deal. Now that she will have Will's child she is pretty much free to do as she wants with a guaranteed 50-50 payoff child support and alimony.

however it was the best story posted so far today

PultoyPultoyover 10 years ago
Superb wordsmith

Intriguing story, pounding with drama and the next unknown about to happen.

I sensed instability in her, wounding and rage in Will and bad boy wounding in Jackson.

You did a fine job of writing a well worded suspenseful tale of a woman on the brink of mental breakdown. She, loaded with the estrogen laden emotion, lost and trembling, wandering in a male world of confused leadership. Will and Jackson charging ahead in their worlds of raging bull emotion laden with pride, wounding and wounded little boy egos.

Quite an author. Very interesting. I appreciate your efforts here. Please keep writing.


Best Regards,


NeuroBillNeuroBillover 10 years ago
An engaging story

Actually, the postcard critique is negligible and should not be held against Ashley. Once a photographer, I still have 40 year old photos of the woman before the one I married and every so often, I think, "what if?" as an amusing fiction. I wouldn't change what eventually happened in my life, but is Ashley's act with the card any different than the myriad of stories based on re-do's? GirlintheMoon captured with the postcard something deep about human cannot ignore one's past and one's present can be a choice, rather than a sequence of consequences based on a random event. She had a choice and chose. Unfortunately for the depth of the story, she and Will did not discuss this issue within the story, which would have made the story even richer with many different outcomes possible. I would have been happier with this story knowing more from Will's point of view, especially given her passion with 'the other', but one takes what is offered by the author. Still, a 5 is low as this story is both written well and conveys fiction that might represent how a person really acts. An engaging story that is close to superb.

cueball961cueball961over 10 years ago

I knew a reconciliation was coming. It was about as telegraphed as a slow right cross by a drunken brawler. Unlike some here, I will not torch the story for that alone.

Reconciliation is possible. It is not easy, as a relationship is fragile enough when it benefits from only the normal hazards that are presented. Add the hurtful emotions of infidelity and betrayal into the mix and a truly uphill battle awaits.

This is my problem with this story. The reconciliation, in and of itself, was not the problem. It is that said reconciliation seemed to be a foregone conclusion, no matter what transpired in the story. This lent an air of unreality to the whole proceeding that I could not swallow.

The husband in this story was unbelievably insensitive. A man who is never at home, and fails to listen when his wife is clearly telling him that this is a problem, is setting himself up to wear the horns. I can understand him at some point realizing this fact and taking his wife back, despite her failings. What I cannot begin to believe is that after all that transpired, him witnessing the final tender moment between his wife and motorcycle boy did not end the relationship right then and there. Any man in his right mind would have seen that trusting her was impossible.

Now on to the wife. She has not learned a thing from her troubles. This is clearly shown in the aforementioned "famous final scene" and her hiding away motorcycle boy's postcard like some precious treasure. A woman who truly "got it" would realize that her illicit lover and anything to do with him was toxic and verbotten, as she is now trying to reestablish trust and that her behavior must be beyond reproach. She would communicate with him in no shape or form. Yet this selfish cow cannot help herself.

The whole thing is depressing. Not only are these two likely to wind up on the ash heap, as both are clearly displaying every sign of not having the tools to make a relationship work, now a child is coming into this toxic mix.

Damn, I need a drink.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
what I liked

was the way the anguish of the situation was worked out in an interaction - specifically, the husband's failed attempt at humiliation (or something like that) in a threesome. I realize it's not much of a compliment to compare this story to the more frequent 'revenge' stories where the husband-done-wrong walks away without talking to the wife, and magically lives happily and perfectly ever after with the next woman he meets. Meanwhile the wife descends to hell on earth in one form or another.

Your story had more realism to it, not only a revenge fantasy, which I appreciated, considering the way in which this story began. I did half expect something like this from you, even though I did have my doubts at the start.

I suppose what I would have like to see would be a development of the deeper motivations. She screwed up, yes, but her Mom's comment

"There are obviously problems much greater than Will not being around so much"

opens up a topic for another chapter, if not another story. Yes, there are always circumstantial reason, but there are also the personal, psychological reasons for the choices any one person makes.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

another shithead author playing with childrens life and think it is erotic.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

I'm sorry but I was highly disappointed with this chapter especially after liking the first 2 chapters so much. I really don't know a man who would take a woman back like that. Her lover fought her husband but yet she is still talking to him. That is not love. She doesn't love her husband no matter how much you want it to be. You don't do that to someone you love. It made the 3rd chapter ring hollow!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
his baby? Maybe!!!!

but I do the testing!!!!

fridayamfridayamover 10 years ago
I always enjoy

your well-written, thoughtful stories.

Ducky7Ducky7over 10 years ago
Well is it really finished.

She can't stop thinking about Jack and is in love with the idea. No time line so she could be having Jack's baby. She kept the postcard, for what if she really loved her husband. No this in not over and I may like the finish or it will stink. Will we see?

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Really good!! I enjoyed this so much. I hope you write more LW or maybe Romance.

You made me, a husband, feel sympathetic towards the wife. Glad both were persons we could relate to and understand. Neither was dumbed down, for the


Don't care for your incest or other types of stories.

GirlintheMoon write out more often.


svg1svg1over 10 years ago
Interesting reconsiliation

Girls In The Moon has written a very good story, and the story has stirred up strong emotion. Even the ones who so emphatically said they hate the story ironically give testimony to that emotion. This strong range of emotions show that the story is a success. I can empathize with the commenter who's wife left him and showed up 7 years later, to have the door slammed in her face. She deserved it, but that's a different story. Those who criticize a teacher for spending to much time at work need to understand the other side of the coin. Even the mundane task of entering grades can take more time than many people have any comprehension of. I work in a school, and I see how administration and board will pressure a teacher into getting involved in every extra thing that comes along, it's never ending. I'm old enough that I've learned to 'haul ass' and get my work done, and thumb my nose when they want me to pick up every little thing. I've advised new, younger ones to know where to draw the line, especially if they have a young family. Some have come back and profusely thanked me. Those who get so involved in these stories that it ruins their day need a reality check. This is only fiction. Granted, it's played on the theatre of the mind- the written work can evoke stronger emotion than a movie. But it's still fiction. This work had some interesting elements. When Will picked up the girl in the club, he literally rubbed Ashley's nose in how easy it would be for him to pick up a girl, and how shallow it really is. There's strong symbolism here. Ashley's Mom gave her some very sound advise when she told her that the problem is deeper than Will's work. The postcard is an issue, and well placed in this story. Sure, keeping memories of the past can be innocent, but in a fragile situation like this, it's very dangerous. Ashley's secretiveness about it is not good, and there's a good chance that Will could eventually discover it. There's aspects of the fling with Jackson that she's not giving up, she's just hiding it. Not giving it up is one thing, but hiding it is dangerous. And, as some comments say, a paternity test is not out of line. These stories are fun to read, in part, because they reflect reality. The reality is that there is a lot of infidelity, and there is also reconciliation. And, some of the reconciliation is actually successful. Not most, not even many, but some.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Would've rated this higher than a 3...

If the stupid slut had spit in Jackson's face for seducing her during their last confrontation would show more to herself & showing that she would stand up for her husband that she "loves" more than a piece of garbage. Honestly, Jackson got off light; Poetic justice would find Jackson killed in a motorcycle "accident"; let the stupid slut morn a stupid bastard; for not being smart enough that you leave married wives alone.

francis_toliverfrancis_toliverover 10 years ago
The problem...

is that the protagonist is pretty much a self absorbed child.

Ashley has just cheated on her husband, betrayed her marriage and ripped the heart out of the man she professes to love yet her internal monologue shows nothing of regret or concern for him. Mostly she thinks about herself and really only considers him when her mother shoves it in her face.

Throughout it all she maintains a level of self pity that makes her very unsympathetic. Even her self hate is all about her. She is willing to suffer. She deserves this punishment. She. She. She.

A human person, all grown up and everything would be thinking in terms of the harm she had done and about the focus of that harm and how she could help that person to heal. Compassion and love drive ones thoughts to the wronged and harmed. Ashley shows more compassion to her lover and her own loss of that lover then to her husband.

The result is a very well written story with lots of depth and great realism (no CIA/Special Forces/Ninjas thank goodness) about a shallow woman that was pretty much unlikable. If the husband were to see into her head would he still love her? My guess would be probably not.

Rockyderek_caRockyderek_caover 10 years ago
Nice conclusion

Not entirely sure of where the plot was going with the failed threesome versus just having the wife watch or have knowledge of his revenge sex, either way the wife apparently isn't Bi. My naughty mind would have wished for the other girl riding will reverse cowgirl with the repentent wife licking her pussy at the same time.... She did say she'd do anything to make it up to Will. Most stories lead to disaster when forced sex is involved . Glad to see she chose true honest love over shallow infatuiation with Jackson, a moraless ass-hat. Thanks for writing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
A small but important error

in your writing. A good editor can help you avoid this. You wrote her thought as "I love my man" and it should have been "I love my husband". He is nowhere close to being a man. No cum-slurping wimp ever is.

javmor79javmor79over 10 years ago
Forgiveness is not being a cuckold.

I actually liked this story. I don't think this guy is a wimp or a cuckold. Forgiving someone and choosing to reconcile after they cheat is not a "wimpy cuckold". He didn't accept that she was cheating on him. He didn't give her permission to cheat on him. She made a choice to make it work with her husband, and he forgave her.

If you think that the only way to be a "real man" is to flex your biceps every time somebody hurts you, then I feel sorry for you. You can be a real man and forgive. Life is all about learning from mistakes. The thing that sets "real men" from "little boys" is what you do with those mistakes.

Am I saying that I would have taken her back? Probably not. I don't think I could have trusted her again. What I am saying is that just because I couldn't take her back, doesn't mean that I feel he is less of a man because he reconciled. If he can forgive her, then that doesn't make him any less of a man than I am. Now, I will admit this. If he gave her permission to cheat on him and put up with being hurt and disrespected just because he was afraid to lose her, then I would have to question his manhood. But he didn't do that, so in my book he handled the situation with his manhood in tact. And in the end, he was happier for it. That is what really matters.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
get rid of the postcard dumb ass

just sayin stlcris

JounarJounarover 10 years ago

Like Francis Toliver and a few other commentator's have stated the reconciliation just didn't work for me. The wife's focus always felt more on her fuck buddy and herself, than the shit she put her husband through. Her almost next day make up with both hubby and the best friend who ratted her out seemed to fairytale like and not very believable.

Her final meeting with Jackson, never mind her crying over and then hiding the post card her sent, shows she didn't really love her husband, merely settled for him.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
No doubt she was just a worthless skank, but he was a complete wimp.

She will cheat again - that's a given. But really, why didn't he kill them the first time? Because he is a bloody wimp.

Rogn123Rogn123over 10 years ago
she keeps and hides the postcard

Hubby needs to find it and toss her ass out. Oh and get a dna test on the kid

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
My Take

I revisited the first and second installments since after a few weeks I forget the details. Some of the commentators have mentioned the husband's selfishness and working too hard. In the first installment, Ashley belittled her husband since he was "only a school teacher" whereas she was an accountant. No wonder he had to work extra hard to make money. He had to prove himself to his wife. In none of the three installments did the husband do any thing that was selfish or thoughtless to Ashley. Ashley went thru her "bad boy" phase in college before meeting her husband. Apparently, she never go over her bad boy desires since Jackson seems to fit that image and that is what attracted her to him. The husband is really screwed over in this story. Ashley describes the sex she had with Bad Boy as her best sex "ever." In the scene where she had sex with her husband, she can only say it was the best she ever had with her husband. Her best sex ever is reserved for Bad Boy.

Ashley never thinks or cares about how her actions have affected her husband. She is self indulgent and selfish; only thinking of herself. She totally disrespects her husband by telling Bad Boy that she still loves him. Obviously she wishes she had been with Bad Boy first but will settle with her husband since she already has a life with him and he is more stable and responsible.

She will miss Bad Boy for the rest of her life and places him on the same level as her husband. From the end of the story: "And both left their marks on me, for better or for worse. Like the masochist I was, I'd treasure those scars in the moonlight, running the fingers of my mind over the wounds with fondness for probably the rest of my life. It was an easy price to pay for my sins." Ashley is going to "treasure" her relationship with Bad Boy the rest of her life. Forget the pain it caused her husband. It's all about her.

I did find the story very entertaining and well written and will look for future stories of this writer. I wonder if Girl intended the protagonist to be selfish, self centered and self indulgent or if it is just me that feels that is how she is in the story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
F the haters

I just love how much the cheating wife haters despise the genre so much that they eagerly read EVERY CHAPTER so they can get their imaginary rocks off railing at the author. Hey douchebags, it's fine if you hate this genre and you can be annoyed if you're fooled into reading Chapter 1, but don't bellyache about Chapter 3. You already know what it is. Oops, sorry I forgot your real pleasure in this site is to read this genre and then bellyache about it.

I think the reconciliation story would have worked better had the woman burned the postcard, to show she was recommitting to the marriage. The sex in the first two chapters was pretty hot, so nice job there.

Oh, and to the commenter who said the husband was insensitive, WTF. Betrayed spouses usually are insensitive because they've been hurt by the betrayal. A cautious forgiveness is possible, necessary even if reconciliation is to occur. But hot off the discovery of cheating, insensitivity of the betrayed spouse is realistic.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Another "I can fuck some guy and my husband will take me back" fairy tale.

In real life, I wouldn't count on it.

LickideesplitLickideesplitover 10 years ago
Great believer in pregnancy!

Maternal hormones are usually much stronger for a woman than Getting Laid hormones. I think the marriage has a good chance now. Especially if Hubby is also Good Daddy.

It was a tough read ... not liking major aspects of most players much of the time. But I think LunaGal pulled it off well. Not sure a male author would have been able to do it that well!

reasonablemanreasonablemanover 10 years ago
Sad story

Moon girl's wives are all self-centered sluts who can't resist the bad boys. In this chapter she professes her love to motorcycle boy even after she resolved to reconcile with her husband. She came back to her husband only because it was the safe choice and she didn't want to be shunned by her mother and best friend. She "loves" Jackson even though they hardly knew each other. They were only together in about 4 scenes. He seduced a married woman and told her the things he needed to to get into her pants.

This stupid bitch thanked him for his service! He almost broke up their marriage and she thanks him! She went out with him the first night her husband went away to earn extra money for him. She cavorted in public as if she was Jackson's gf in public and then went back to fuck him for the weekend without a care in the world. She lied to her husband when he called her. Husband is working hard to make a better life for them, she dismisses her husband's job and even takes off work to fuck her boy toy. She provokes a fight between her husband and lover and doesn't stop it.

They don't have relationships on the moon. There is no dialogue in moon girl's stories between spouses. She reserves conversations to that between cheating wives and their lovers. Husband and wife go to counseling but that is a privileged conversation away from the readers. This wife comes home says she is sorry but does nothing to heal things with hubby but go to counseling. We don't know what is going on in hubby's life because in moon girl's stories it doesn't matter. Why wouldn't she offer to go with her husband on his chaperone trips? What did she ever do to support her husband? The pickup scene was stupid, out of character and of course hubby doesn't even get get even sex. This couple should not have children. What are they going to do when the stupid bitch runs off with the first traveling salesman who stops by? Three stars.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
re: F the haters

Hater: noun, 1) asshole who can't stand it when others dare to have a different opinion. 2) Moron who can't just comment on a story without trashing others.


BTW, believe it or not, as far as reconciliation stories go, this one actually works. It wasn't sudden. It took months and therapy. The pregnancy was a little cloying but not too much to derail the story.


You can disagree with others, but simply say you have a different opinion. When you trash others for daring to think the opposite that you do, YOU are the true hater.

greowulfgreowulfover 10 years ago
Pure Selfishness

Many have written about Ashley's selfishness, with great points. To me, the most telling passage is when she describes herself as a couch potato. No effort to make amends. No concern for Will's feelings. Just personal discomfort from being around the man whose heart she broke, and trying to escape through TV. Disgusting.

I'm all for a good reconcilliation story when it's deserved, but she didn't deserve anything but a swift kick in the pants. Too bad Cathy wasn't a better friend.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

This skank deserved none.

I wish Literotica had a way to give 2 scores, one for the writing and a second for the plot.

For the writing I give you a 4.5 because you write well and get me emotionally invested into the story.

For the plot I give it a 2 because Wil would be a moronic asshole to keep this whore in his life, much less procreate with her. She is a self-centered bitch who will likely damage her family again in the future with selfish behavior

ohioohioover 10 years ago
The whole story is very powerful and absorbing.

GIM writes beautifully, and we end up finding all 3 characters worth caring about (Jackson a bit less, but even he is more than a cardboard plot device).

Like many other readers, I find Ashley a disturbing character--deeply immature, perhaps not all that self-aware, and selfish. When she says near the end of this installment that "things were better than ever with Will and me," I simply found the statement utterly unbelievable. I'm hoping that GIM sees it that way too, and means for the reader to see it as a sign of Ashley's self-delusion. I simply was not persuaded that their relationship could possibly be that solid again so soon.

All in all, the reconciliation and pregnancy ending just didn't convince me--not because such a thing couldn't happen, simply because in this case, with these two people and this set of circumstances, I wasn't able to buy it.

Having said that--this is a great story, and GIM is a great writer! I look forward to more of your work.

Thanks, ohio

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Almost Great

The reconciliation worked and wifey seems settled on her future with her husband. Still, I wish you had not had her hide the postcard as that implies she still wants a relationship with Jackson. I thought she had washed him away.

gatorhermitgatorhermitover 10 years ago
Well written but depressing series

I respect Ohio's and HDK's comments and concede that the series was well written. Somehow I couldn't identify with any of the characters, though... the sex wasn't at all erotic... Mostly a depressing little slice of angst. In terms of plot resolution, I think I would have preferred her running away with the perp (seems like that is what she really wanted) and hubby upgrading.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Burn in Hell.

Will should have burned the neighbor's house down with the neighbor in it. And, kicked the cunt to the curb.

rjordanrjordanover 10 years ago
Absolutely riveting story

Excellent writing, interesting characters, and a surprisingly fast pace.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

This whole story, all 3 chapters...1* trash.

GirlintheMoonGirlintheMoonover 10 years agoAuthor
Thank you, everyone!

I treasure all of your comments! It's rare that I give a story in this genre a happy ending, as some might know, and even then I want to leave you wondering. I'm so pleased to see the results. See you all next time.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Her heart is still divided...

Ashley is still keeping secrets. If she wants to truly give her all to Will, she should have shown Will the post card and ripped it up in front of him, instead of hiding it from him.

On Will's part, I think he learned he needed to be a lot more assertive and be the man in the relationship. Sometimes, a man has to just take her, mark her as his and imbed in her consciousness she is no longer her own.

This is the first story I have read of yours, so I had no idea what to expect. There definitely was a lot of emotion. And this story did show that the realms of the heart are never as simple as adding 2+2.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
5 stars

All 3 chapters are five star material. I do agree with the last comment, Ashley is hiding something. I agree hiding the post card, instead of showing it and tearing it up as a sign of solidarity and love and commitment. Why hide it. Chapter 4 should explain a lot. There might be a few chapters. I regret, the other life, just might be sneaking off on made up business trips. Question is, who really is the father.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
wasted days and wasted nights, why stay with an unfaithful slut

yes people make mistakes, they put in salt instead of sugar. Fucking someone isn't a mistake its an action, and intended action, with an intended consequence. Its obvious she isn't over her love affair with Jackson. Will needs to grow a pair, dump her, and find a real wife. First thing out of his mouth should have been lets have an aminocentisis or villi test and see who the father is. She deserves that slap in the face. Why bring in the trash, throw it out. And what happens when Will finds the postcard?

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Like the Happy Ending

Well written as usual.Realistic enough to be believable.

JeffTomJeffTomover 10 years ago
Will should have left her

There was no remorse. She is still in love with Jackson. I am guessing there is a return address on the post card. I feel that she could easily cheat again. If this were my wife I would throw her out. I would definitely get a DNA test.

FireFox59FireFox59over 10 years ago

Well written and interesting story but I just can't stomach wimpy Will and Ashley even less. Bitch wanted to keep her safe and secure life with Will but also play on the wild side.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Anon says that he/she likes a "Happy Ending" ...

... what's happy about taking a cheating WHORE wife back that has no respect for her husband, can never be trusted and constantly has to be watched??? A well written story but a terrible ending .. A "1"!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
He should have thrown her to the curb

She developed strong feelings for another man that is enough to end the marriage. Those feeling would always be between them, you don't get over them. You can tell by her reaction to the post card that these feel will always be there. By keeping the post card she is keeping her options open, the whore. A weak/lame story with weak characters, she's a slut and he is a wimp. What more is there to say? I gave the story a (1) for effort. Lonewolf2013

rjordanrjordanover 10 years ago
She's a Witch!

Every time I read a mass comment gathering of Anonymice, I'm reminded of the witch scene from Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Go treat yourself on youtube even if you've seen it a million times.

Thanks again to GITM for an outstanding story and a glimpse of real people dealing with real and serious problems.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Nice work

I'm not a writer. I judge a story by how I react to it emotionally. This one brought out deep feelings in me. It was disturbing. I felt I had become the husband. I was sucked into the story. That's the best a writer can hope for. I hope you continue. Actually, I think you should begin a book. You certainly have the skills. Keep at it.

phill1cphill1cover 10 years ago
A couple remains together based on mutual need

I'm struck by the notion that the interloper made her feel, "different...not like a wife or an accountant..." Well, of course, since she wasn't his wife and he didn't employ her accounting skills.

I'm disappointed in both characters. Each has such a lack of integrity. But, quite frankly, they deserve each other.

He deserves her because he can't imagine being alone. His wife cheats on him, clearly expresses inappropriate feelings for another man and when he finds out, he just takes her back. He shows a lack of self-respect that would, in real life, inevitably see her exploit him again. He should have left her and made her work for his attention.

She deserves him because, let's face it, she doesn't deserve anyone better. In my opinion, she should have left her husband for the bad boy. She claimed to "love" him. So, if you love someone, you should commit to him. Commit to the bad boy. Find out what it's really like to have him. A motorcycle's cool, until it rains. The bad boy is desirable until he's "bad" with some other skank. Then, he's just a guy with a pack-a-day habit, stinky clothes, and medical bills to pay, cause he's on your insurance.

I don't know what makes any of these characters someone I could see as desirable. She seems dumpy, the husband seems wimpy, and Bad Boy seems boring, and, really, not so bad. I mean, the guy did "fall in love" with the wife. What bad boy falls for a dumpy wife when he could have real, attractive, single pussy? Lame @ss all around.

reasonablemanreasonablemanover 10 years ago
Happy ending?

It is highly unlikely that this couple will have a happy ending. Wife still pines for the bad boy she "loves." She was bored being a wife and an accountant. Wait till she gets to be a mom and loses sleep and personal time to take care of her child. Hope the kid really is her husband's.

The happy ending could have been her running off with motorcycle boy. Maybe the husband could have found someone who valued his job as a teacher and not been a self-centered cheating slut. Maybe she would have had a happy life with motorcycle boy. More likely, she would have gotten bored with his act after a few days. He would probably leave her for the next slut he runs into. If they stayed together, he would have probably beat her for wining about missing her old life and husband. Neither could trust the other not to cheat. It wouldn't take too long before she would learn why even Jackson's mom didn't like him.

GIM ends the chapter saying she "loved" her husband - past tense. She settled for security. She could easily take off with Jackson the next time he comes to town but now she'd be leaving a kid behind. This is not a happy ending.

GirlintheMoonGirlintheMoonover 10 years agoAuthor

I didn't mean to imply this was a happy ending. I said I don't usually give happy endings [insert dirty joke]. I believe I went out of my way to leave it open-ended... Whether it's happy or not is entirely up to you. And I think you've made up your mind ;)

starmanfivestarmanfiveover 10 years ago
This was the best

story in a while! Kudos for emotion, for superb writing, and a serious subject matter. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
I love your stories!

I thought this was a great story. Were the characters selfish sure, but they were well written. An I think it's funny because I must be a bitch an slut cause I kinda thought she should end up with Jackson. The husband was nice an sweet but I don't know, don't think the chemistry was there. I do not believe in cheating I do think she should have divorced her husband first but people do stupid things. Anyways great job I love your stories an hope you will eventually continue with your stories Lust for life an I think it was color me your baby. Not sure if the second title is right bout it was a great story! Great job an can't wait to read more!

Lonewolf2013Lonewolf2013over 10 years ago
Why would I read more?

Why would I read anymore of your stories if this the best you can do? This story was so predictable and the characters were weak. In your responses to comments you seem to be ok with a lame story as long as it generates responses. The way it works for me is if I don't like the first of your stories I read I am not going looking for more of them. Still gave all three a "1" I don't care how well its' written if the story sucks.


GirlintheMoonGirlintheMoonover 10 years agoAuthor

I don't typically write/answer stuff in the comments, but I'm snowed in so what the hell... And I want to make it clear that I'm never OK with a lame story. I absolutely never said that, and I don't think it. You may think it's a lame story, but don't presume to state how I feel about it. Also I can't send you feedback, apparently, but I really wanted to respond to you:

Why do you think I care if you don't read any more of my stories? I kind of hope you don't. You don't offer any kind of constructive criticism whatsoever and you're not someone I'll think about much past the posting of this response.


Lonewolf2013Lonewolf2013over 10 years ago
Did I get under your skin?

You seem a little annoyed by my comments. If you really want me to read the rest of your stories and provide ( constructive) comments I will, if you ask nicely. I think that is what you really want but you're playing hard to get aren't you.

Your goal was to stir an emotional response with your story and you did, but for me it was negative. I thought that I would return the favor and see if I could stir a similar emotion in you and you don't seem to like it.

I actually think that you write very well and the story was well constructed and had a good flow to it, but I hate it with a passion when authors leave readers hanging. I think it is cop out for not being able to come up with a good end themselves so they leave it to the reader. It was the storyline and ending I did not Like.

Thanks for your reply to my comments, I can tell you are passionate about you stories and that is a good thing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
re: javmor79

What are you saying? The definition of a "cuckold" per my dictionary is: a man whose wife has committed adultery" If she committed adultery he is a cuckold. Period. Willing or not, forgiving or not, he is still and always will remain a cuckold. In my world he will always be the husband who was made a cuckold by his wife. Forgiveness doesn't change that. Reconciliation in a story is the authors choice, that's how she wrote it and that's how it will remain, no matter what our personal feelings are on that matter. Either way is fine with me. I read for entertainment, not to analyze.

I love reading the comments, some are way over the top, other are patronizing, some are funny, others are vicious toward the author or other readers. My conclusion:

Somehow there are a lot of readers who seem to forget the intent of "public feedback"

It's much appreciated that most authors choose to allow all feedback be it good or bad. Kudos to this writer for allowing opposing opinion. This is an erotic porn site for all to enjoy. Another reader wrote: let's all agree that we can disagree. How true. Peace (ML)

ken philipsken philipsover 10 years ago
Brilliantly written story

I must follow on some of the other thoughtful comments (not the little dick he-man schmucks) about this brilliantly written story. We really get to understand the key characters, what drove the situation, and eventually how it resolved - at least for now as I am sure this marriage is far from fixed. One or two parts didn't quite work 100% (like the club pick-up & the lack of insight into the therapy sessions), but the overall narrative certainly did. Being now in my 50s, & from a large family (as is my wife), I have seen my fair share of failed & successful relationships. My wife & I have been together 25 years by the way & have wonderful fantasies (nothing more). Hence we love this site. This story is one of the best & I will show it to my hot lover to also read. The reason is because the author has wonderfully woven a tale with not one - but two - deeply flawed individuals. As several commentators picked up, Ashley has not got over bad boy Jackson. The postcard & best sex ever comments say it all. She is selfish. Getting pregnant in the middle of such a brittle marital situation in my experience never fixes things & is again the act of someone selfish using whatever hook she can think of to try & save a marriage that her own selfish actions put in jeopardy. I think most readers got that. But what most commentators missed (especially the mindless BTB types), with the honourable exception of people like Javmor79, is that Will is an in fact equally flawed & selfish individual. His job took precedence over his wife. Speaking from painful experience that a debilitating bout of depression fixed nearly 7 years ago, that is a recipe for marital disaster. Any man (or woman) who puts work over wife & family long enough is doomed to a life of misery, & events & situations such as set out here. Will put his job first. He put work & financial security ahead of emotional and sexual security, & has paid the full price. In my case, my wonderful wife was there with me to pick up the pieces & put me back together again with my therapist. We have never looked back. And I stopped being a workaholic. She didn't do what Ashley did because she is deeply loving, kind & considerate - not selfish. I am certain Ashley did love Will, but her selfish nature pushed him out. But, and this is a critical but, Will created the situation for it to happen by not tending to her needs in the marriage. Let us not forget that. Yes, Will was a true man to take her back, but unless he also changes his ways - and puts her first ahead of work, then the marriage remains doomed. And it will be equally his fault as much as hers. That is the deep moral of this tale, & it is there in many other of the better cheating wife tales here - the husbands (or wives in one or two cases) bring it on themselves by putting ego, work, money & material possessions ahead of their partner's emotional and sexual needs. 5* Ken

KarenWoodsKarenWoodsover 10 years ago

It seems like the author tried to be a bit diplomatic about it, but I think she shouldn't have been. You're a pathetic, insecure little troll who feels the need to bully anyone who writes stories you don't like. She shouldn't care if you like her stories or if you even read them. No one should, the whole site would be better off if you and the guys like you who think they run this section just fucked off and left.

Lonewolf2013Lonewolf2013over 10 years ago
Not sure if you read the same story Ken.

I read your response and all I read was "it was a brilliantly written story" then blah, blah, blah. I could hear all the crap that you learned in therapy about peoples flawed characters, feelings, emotional issues and selfishness. Every couple has issues, the couples that survive are the ones that work with their spouses to solve their problems. If she had an issue she should have talked to her husband not go over and fuck the neighbor. How did that solve her issues? It didn't because it was not about her issues it was about wanting to fuck a bad boy. Will being to focused on work was a minor issue, her going next door to fuck the neighbor was enough to end the marriage. You seem to be saying that her cheating should ignored or allowed because he was not paying her enough attention while he was trying to provide for his family. I think someone has had a few to many appointments on the therapists couch. It seems to me that therapists spend way to much time providing excuses for bad behavior, and getting people to embrace their short comings, blah, blah, blah.

Lonewolf2013Lonewolf2013over 10 years ago

I agree, the the author handled my comments well but you my dear did not. You are probably a little insecure house mouse that only comes out in the safety of the night. I would imagine that you were one of those poor over looked common girls that was always wanting to fit in. As for me I am just an old fart that doesn't care what people think about me, but I do enjoy stirring the pot and getting readers worked up. I was a professional facilitator in the past, I know how to read people and how to push their buttons. I will continue voicing my opinion and I don't give a shit if I offend you or anyone else. Have a nice life little mouse.

KarenWoodsKarenWoodsover 10 years ago

Look at the big man talking down to all the internet people. It is just so impressive, it makes you seem really cool and smart, and not sad at all that you get your thrills picking on people on a fucking porn site.

Lol, you're cute, you know that Lonewolf, I take it back, never go anywhere, I forget how amusing the sad, lonely little men on this site can be at times.

IronDragonIronDragonover 10 years ago
The Lowdown

The trust has been destroyed by Wifey. Period. No way in Hell would Hubby ever be able to trust her again after what she did. This is the reason I dislike RAAC tales.

Was she drugged? No. Was she raped? No. If one of those had been the case, I could see a reconciliation happening. However, neither of those happened.

Wifey was a weak willed slut that thought with the gash between her thighs. She ultimately didn't care about Hubby until she saw her meal ticket leaving out the door.

Hubby has absolutely no self-respect for taking her back, either. NO self-respecting man would take her back after what she'd done.

On the flip side, NO self-respecting woman would take back a cheating husband who did something like that, so you can't accuse me of being one-sided. It doesn't matter the gender of the cheating spouse. Once a cheater, always a cheater.

I rated this series 3 Stars, 5 Stars, 2 Stars. To be fair, the writing up until the RAAC at the end was good, but it should have ended with Chapter 2.

laptopwriterlaptopwriterover 10 years ago
As with all her stories,

I enjoyed this. GITM is one hell of a writer. You get a big 5* from me.

Lonewolf2013Lonewolf2013over 10 years ago

Oh poor Karen, did I push your buttons. You can be so mean and nasty when you want to be. I love it when you "squeakout" and share your opinions. As for me fire away, I could give a shit what you think house mouse but it's fun getting you going. The second paragraph took on a different tone, did someone else write it for you? That part was actually quite funny so I don't think you came up with it. Way to aggressive for a little house mouse.

CybawulfCybawulfover 10 years ago
Karen woods

The fucken cheek of it, hating on all those " guys" who seem to think they own this site, when you're just a sad man hating dyke festival like all those other sad divorced cheating bitches. Keyboard jockeying like those people you hate about, oh but it's all right when you are sitting in your little hole mashing away at the keys. Writing comments to fuck all the haters before they even get to comment, was that you that private messages me by the way, annonomouse of course, would surprise me. Your just another fucken man hating mutt that gets off on reading sluts get what they want. Probably old and pissy cos you had to share your dads cock with your grandma.

adgeonadgeonover 10 years ago
hey lonewolf

[ If you really want me to read the rest of your stories and provide ( constructive) comments I will, if you ask nicely. I think that is what you really want but you're playing hard to get aren't you. ]

Wow, you sure think highly of yourself, don't you? Go ahead and quit reading her stories. She already has a big fan base here on Lit- you won't be missed.

Lonewolf2013Lonewolf2013over 10 years ago

To answer your question "Yes" I do think pretty highly of myself. What a guppy didn't you see the hook before I set it in you. You not only did you come to the bait you swallowed it hook line and sinker. Why am I calling you a guppy? Because you think your a big fish standing up for your little group of readers but it only seems that way. Even a guppy will look like a big fish if the pool they're in is small enough.

adgeonadgeonover 10 years ago

jeezus, you still don't get it, do you? Your antics and douchebaggery don't mean SQUAT to her, to me, or everyone else on this board. But hey, keep 'em coming if they make you look smart. I'm out.

KarenWoodsKarenWoodsover 10 years ago

Oh wow, I can't believe he's still at it. Like I said Lonewolf, you're just adorable. We all get it, you're a big strong man and all of us are so impressed by the size of your internet cock.

And please, everyone, keep making guesses about my personal life based on my dislike of someone in a comments thread of a porn site. It really is the best way to get a look at someone's personality, judging them by a pen name and a handful of comments on some smutty stories.

Lonewolf2013Lonewolf2013over 10 years ago
@Karenwoods And @adgeon

My position has not changed, I still think this story only rated (1) for each chapter

( I rate the story as a whole not separately). It has been fun pulling your chains, my whole family followed along and thought our verbal sparring was incredibly funny. I had a riot, but it is time to move on, maybe we can do this again with another story and author. Bye for now Guppy and Mouse.

7daysuntil7daysuntilover 10 years ago
Wife doesn't deserve a second chance.

I wished the wife would have died in the end. Either way, it was a good read.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
A well written story...

That sucks. Perfect for RACC's and men haters.

Huedogg2Huedogg2over 10 years ago
GirlintheMoon, I honestly don't know what to think

I think your getting to be in the RAAC group with the likes of Murphy621, Ohio, Slirpuff and DG Hear. I think this was a well written RAAC story for a woman's point of view. Men don't make comments like; "I think I love you too much to divorce you." The world melted beneath my feet. His eyes flicked up. "I don't know much else. Except that I hate you just as much as I love you. I can't even look at your face without imagining..." He broke off and swallowed hard. "And we live next to him. I heard his motorcycle roaring this morning and it made me go crazy." A small smile tugged at his lips. "I shattered your grandmother's china." If this wife truly loved her husband she would have left and given him peace. She'll cheat again and now that a baby's involved. From a female point of view the man should stay just for the kid, not because she was really worth being loved. I did give it (3***'s)

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

A typical woman's fantasy eat your cake and have it too. Isn't that nice? She fucked her husband over with some moody loser, but her husband loved her so much that he took her back. Why? It is a bad move. From a logical point of view, she has proven herself to be disloyal. At that point, her disloyalty would only cost him a few bucks. Keeping her and having a kid with her is betting against the odds. She did it once when the going wasn't as tough as it would be down the line. Now with a kid, she can cheat, rape you in court and fuck up your kids for the rest of their lives! Talk about never ending heart break! By the way this is not a sexist point of view, if she was a man, I would say the same thing, cut the cheater loose. Once a cheater has shown their true colors and proven they are selfish, short sighted and foolish. It is a huge mistake to keep them as a life partner. If it was a business partner that had embezzled from your company you would have had them locked up. Same with a cheater.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

A woman is life support for a cunt. No brains just a slick hole. This woman should have a 38 special for her head.

javmor79javmor79over 10 years ago
Fantasy is fantasy.

Why do we call the women who write stories for this site "man-haters" because the guys in their stories tend to be more forgiving of female characters? If a story is written from a female point of view, it tends to lend itself to be a female's fantasy. That is how we act in their fantasy. It doesn't mean that they hate men. If you think that the macho authors who write stories are more realistic, think again. Since when does a man suddenly become completely irresistible after he gets cheated on and starts banging all of the women that his wife knows? When have you ever seen a woman so broken up over what she did that she allows the husband to run through all of her friends? Since when does a women's parents take their son-in-law's side over their own daughters? When have you ever seen a guy injure a wife's lover to the point of permanent damage and not receive any jail time? Who has ever gotten a restraining order against a wife just because she cheated? Since when is cheating a reason to get sole custody of the kids? How often does a guy get undeniable video and audio evidence of a wife's cheating? How many "perfect fathers and husbands" actually get cheated on because they were "too gentle and loving"? How often does a woman spend the rest of her life pining after the one she cheated on and never move on? These are as much fantasy as the guy who loves his wife so much that he can't bear life without her, even if she is in love with another male. If they are "man-haters" then that would make the other authors "women-haters".

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

The men on this site seem to find the "torch the bitch" stories more likeable than the forgiving spouse type of story. If the husband forgives the wife the writer is of course a "fan hater". Though I suspect these same men have no problem with the cheating husband stories.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Oh, sure! She loved her husband.

Loves him so damn much that she kept her lover's post card, hidden away to fantasize over. I can only hope my wife doesn't love me this much.

DunaDunaabout 10 years ago
This story and KK's "Flight Delay"

The story's positivity is the wife suffered a reverse cuckold scen with the prostitute. I remember more interesting Revenge stories (I forget Authors and titles) where the husbands used escort girls in the common house and the wives had to see the husband's extramarital sex after the wives cheating as revenge. Those stories were revenge stories and the readers knew the divorce was high likely in the future.

This marriage will be an constant danger for divorce. Against KK. master reconciliation story the "Flight Delay", in KK's story the kid possibility is the end of the marriage crissis, here it is the oposite

Will will not have high mind obstacle against cheating. A high erotic seductress may be successful for extramarital sex at Will (If the possibility to remain in secret), and she has low mind obstacle too.

Against baby(ies) this marriage is not a sure boat on the calm Ocean and at gale (at an erotic seductress???).

BTW 5***** for GIM

ForbiddenTemptationForbiddenTemptationabout 10 years ago
I thoroughly enjoyed this series.

A woman cheats on her decent husband, in the end her life isn't ruined and her husband doesn't leave her. There is a small but very vocal minority here that loathes a story like that. I won't go into why but a few simply cannot stand a story like that.

I like it though. Not that I condone cheating but I like a well written story that doesn't have a typical Hollywood ending of punishing the "bad". Real life isn't that simple, well written plots are not that simple.

Sometimes good people do bad things for complicated reasons. That doesn't mean they are the devil. That doesn't mean they are evil. That doesn't mean they deserve a lifetime of pain.

Sometimes married women cheat. Sometimes they even cheat on husbands who are not particularly awful. That doesn't mean they are horrible people.

Monogamy is a worthy ideal that should be aimed for, but only the naive and unrealistic would consider an affair an automatic dealbreaker. Affairs are not the problem, they're the symptoms of a problem. Irrational fury and condemnation do nothing and help nobody.

For me this story had deep complicated characters going through difficult situations and it came to a satisfying end. 5 stars.

DunaDunaabout 10 years ago
Reconciliation and future

@ ForbiddenTemptation The problem is the husband lost his inner obstacle for extramarital sex. GITM wrote Will is the dream husband for other women.....

Very few author writes the problem with non cuck material husbands, who do reconciliation if they will reamain faithful after 10-15-20 years later??????

Chilleywilley have excellent story to show the lost obstacle "The Symmetry of Sin".

chilleywilleychilleywilleyabout 10 years ago

You are a superb writer. Loved it

Lynn_MXXLynn_MXXabout 10 years ago

Very well written. GITM is a gifted story teller. Unfortunately, whilst chapters 1&2 were very, chapter three was more like a story from Peoples Friend (a Scottish magazine aimed at elderly women). It just wasn't erotic. I didn't like Will's bullying of Ashley and it would have been far sexier if the baby had have been Jack's, leaving Will to raise that child.

Scroll down (or is it up?) and another commenter reveals that this is a rewrite of an older story, which - unfortunately - has been deleted. I've came across a re-written story before. The re-write being a watered down version of a good original; the author succumbing to the barbed words of outraged commenters. Did this happen here?

DunaDunaabout 10 years ago
You are British!

@ Lynn_MXX In more USA states the husband does to DNA test his kid and the kid is under 4 years old the husband does not pay any child support. There a few USA states, where the ex husband does not pay any kid support and a plus service the other's kid project in marriage is FELONY!!! In these USA states this erotic thing works only with STUPID, DUMB and LOW IQ HUSBANDS, who do not check their kids with DNA test before their 4 years old birthday!

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I write filthy stories and drink too much coffee. *** Come find me on twitter: girlinthemoon7 ***