The Method Pt. 01


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In fact, she seemed in generally happier and more vivacious - even his father had noticed. The change had reverted the image of the severe matron he had known for the last few years to the young woman he had a crush on in his youth. As he returned to class, trying his best to pay attention, he realized that, for the first time in years, he actually looked forward to seeing his mother.

Most impressively, he wasn't even pining for Candace. He'd even run into her as he waited for his ride, but her flirtatious looks and touches that usually filled him with painful longing now were just enjoyable. All he could think about was the last time he aced a test, when he woke up the next morning to the stink of his mother's flower in his face for a free cunnilingus clinic in lieu of the gym. His father was a heavy sleeper and the early morning was one the few available timeslots during the busy weekdays to "address his sexual growth" without raising alarm.

Fortunately for Greg, he had learned that he adored eating pussy - just the image of his mother's hands, complete with wedding ring, pulling open her buttocks to reveal her swollen clam made him dizzy. Best of all, it was no longer expensive; when they had started, an on demand clinic had cost 50 points, but with time, she'd discounted this down further and further. Now 5 points a pop, he'd been cashing it in a lot during their hotel stays on away games. Last time, she'd even loaned him some points on credit to let him keep practicing. Watching the mother that had raised and loved him, the usually stiff and serious married woman, pant, moan, scream, and shake with joy and pleasure was a goal that no son could resist.

Later in the afternoon, he entered his front door with his erection now painful and his heart throbbing.


Kathleen felt like she was going to go insane. She was staring at the front door. The boy was almost half an hour late.

Since he'd sprayed what looked like a galloon of jizz all over her in his bed, as predicted by the Method, the boy had reached new heights.

He was killing it in school. He was dominating subjects that were challenging him the semester prior and, after today's test, had done well enough in math to qualify for the honors class the following semester. While it annoyed her to know that the boy's primary motivation was still to get closer to Candace, she could not complain about the results.

He was killing it on the pitch. Far from the lazy defender standing around daydreaming, the boy was now playing more attacking roles, running his heart out, and giving it his all during setpieces. Just last week, she had to acknowledge the flutter in her heart and between her legs, when he conquered a defender in the air and headed a ball down into the net.

She was definitely losing herself in this. Many of her reservations at the onset of The Method already melted away as her teenager continued to improve dramatically in virtually every aspect of his life. This was true of his sexual prowess as well, and she was surprised by her reactivity to it.

Just today, she woke up soaking wet from a dream where she was being worked relentlessly by the cock she now thought about several times a day. Just 90 minutes later, she climaxed as she grinded her clam over the same cock, covered only by two pieces of thin cloth, as she tried her best not to make noise or lose composure. She felt dizzy, but having cashed in the 20 points, the boy'd demanded his fill; she found herself on her back, her eyes fixated on his great twitching thing as it rubbed her weeping lips, protected only by a thin thong. She'd jill herself to the intense memory and the bulging of his now muscular thighs as he thrusted hungrily in the simulated penetration.

During their last post-gym massage, the boy's rampant shaft had pressed unobstructed against her clamshell as his prone brone frottage had gradually undone both of their protective garments. She'd even felt his cap stretch her opening and in her heart, she knew that she'd let him go all the way if he dared. Only Simon's early arrival kept their sin at bay. The boy absconded to his room guiltily while she welcomed her husband with a hug and a kiss. When he'd been too tired to perform his husbandly duties, as was the custom, she frigged herself to a climax in the bathroom under the guise of a shower. She'd imagining Greg's thick pole splitting her open the entire time.

And oh god, the night in the motel. She couldn't forget one moment, when she grasped his hand to tolerate the incredible spasms rocking her body after her umpteenth orgasm. He kissed her lovingly and cooed into her ear, even as his hands expertly worked her clit, making her cry and scream.

She wasn't the only one who noticed his transformation. Of course, his female classmates began to pay him more attention, but to her surprise, she was also hearing comments nonstop from many of the PTA moms. In fact, during their first meeting, one of his teachers could not stop waxing on about him and his recent improvement. Kathleen had enjoyed the shower of praise, and hadn't thought much of it initially. But on the way out, the teacher, herself a woman of a similar age, grasped her hand and looked her in the eye with a strange expression.

"I really did mean what I said earlier. Your... methods... are not going unnoticed. We're all proud of you."

Afterwards she pumped Stacey for information through text, even as she literally pumped Greg as a reward for his accolades. Stacey's reply made hair on the back of her neck stand up.


"I'm home!" Greg yelled as he quickly walked into the kitchen. As he put his backpack down onto the floor, he saw his mother, dressed in her work blouse and skirt, sitting at the dinner table. She stood up to face him with her arms crossed.

"You're late! Your father's going to be home any minute now. I don't even know why I bothered leaving work early."

"I'm sorry... Candace wanted to talk for a bit..."

"Oooh really?!" Kathleen said, her frown dissolving into a smile.


Kathleen ran towards him and jumped into his arms. Although shocked, Greg's strength training now allowed him to hold her up while she wrapped her legs around his hips and her arms around his shoulders.

"W-what are you d-doing?" the teen huffed from the effort.

"Girls love it when their man can hold them up like this. You gotta practice!"

"O-okay... but mom I'm gonna drop you if you don't..."

"Alright weakling..." Kathleen teased, shaking her head.

"Hey! I'm better than before."

"I know you are, sweetheart. I'm just teasing you. But it's a reminder to keep training - I can't wait until you hold me up effortlessly."

"So... you're happy I talked to Candace? I thought you didn't like her." Greg looked down into his mother's pretty face, less than foot away.

"Oh sweetheart, I don't like that she can't see how amazing my baby is. But, I'm happy for you. Remember, I WANT you to get a girlfriend!"

The teen blushed, "I- It's not like I asked her out or anything..."

"Yeah, but you'll be in the same class next semester! Now's your chance! Oh my handsome boy!" Kathleen beamed at her son, one hand on her chest, while the other loving grasped his cheek.

"T-thanks mom..." the teen muttered, trying to hide his big smile.

"And when you do..." Kathleen whispered into his ear as her hand slowly stroked down his chest and towards his crotch, "we'll make sure you're ready."

"Yesss..." Greg groaned as his mother's hands massaged his erection through his jeans before unzipping his fly to let it spring out.

"Ohh myy... it's soo hard today!" she giggled as she scratched his fat, purplish drooling glans and nibbled on his earlobe. "Your little crush got you all worked up, huh?"

"S-shut upp..." the teen groaned, his now practiced hands unbuttoning her blouse, revealing her frilly white brassiere underneath. When he saw her descend, he panted, "W-wait... let me do you first..."

"What a gentleman..." Kathleen beamed at him on her knees. "You can bet that your jaw is going to be sore before sunrise tomorrow. For now, we don't have time for both."

"Dang, I'll be down to 10 points already?! Oh well... I gu-... oh fuck!"

Kathleen's tongue was already massing the leaking glans. She popped him out briefly before returning to her work, "Don't worry, baby. This one's on me. Congratulations on your test and your progress with Candace."

Just as Simon rolled into the neighborhood, Greg placed both of his palms on his mother's head as he gently thrust back and forth. When she gave him the telltale sign with her eyes, he pushed forward until he heard his mother gag. His eyes rolled into the back of his head as the sensations overcame his cock.

"Ugghh... all the way dowwnnn... just like t-tha... oh fucckkkkkk..."

A minute later, Kathleen panted sweet gulps of air as she freed her throat. When she released the glans from her mouth, the combination of her spittle and his precum dripped in long strings, wetting her brassiere. The dizziness from holding her breath, the heady flavor and smell that suffused her senses, and the way Greg clutched his hair to bear the intense pleasure she brought him made a tingle go through Kathleen's entire spine. She smiled up at her son, lovingly rubbing his cock against her cheek, just as the sound of an engine in the driveway rained on their parade.

"Looks like he's home..."

"Goddamn it... every fucking time..." the teen groaned, hastily buttoning up his pants as he heard the engine turn off.

Kathleen patted herself as dry as necessary and buttoned up her blouse quickly. As she heard footsteps approach the door, she walked towards it. Her heart thudded as she stood in the foyer, waiting for the door to open. She always felt unnatural when she tried to act naturally in these increasingly familiar situations. Yet, Simon never seemed to notice. As she shivered from the adrenaline, she noted sardonically that, due to the thrill, she probably enjoyed her husband's arrival far more now than she had in years.

"Hi sweetie!" she said with a big smile as the door opened. She walked towards her husband.

"Hey sexy..." Simon smiled before grasping his wife into his arms and French-kissing her. If he noticed the taste of his son's precum, he did not mention it.

Kathleen was surprised to find genuine passion in their embrace. She even felt a slight tingle in her belly. The slight hint of whisky in his breath was probably helping.

Simon turned to Greg, "Hey son. How's it going? I feel like we don't hang out anymore!"

Greg stood in the kitchen, pressing his dick into the counter to hide his throbbing erection. "O-oh um yeah, dad! Um... wanna play some games tonight?"

Simon shook his head sheepishly, "Sorry bud - your mom and I are busy tonight."

"Oh... with what?"

"It's our anniversary!" Simon announced. "Dinner, a show, and who knows where it'll go from there..."

"Teehee... cut it out..." Kathleen couldn't help but giggle at her tipsy husband's generous touch.

"Hey... I'm not going to see my wife for a week for this stupid work trip. Can you blame a guy?" He pulled her into his arms again for a protracted kiss.

"Mmm... I can't..." Kathleen said dreamily.

"That's right! And what do you think, Greg?...Greg?"

The married couple found themselves alone in the kitchen.


Hours later, Kathleen spoke to Stacey, on speakerphone, as she finalized her makeup. She checked for the sound of the shower before continuing.

"So yeah, I had to run it by you. He's been so weird for the rest of the day! He wouldn't even look me in the eye! I wonder what I did wrong?"

Stacey laughed.

"What's so funny?"

"Oh sweetheart, it's amazing how similar our boys are."


"You're doing nothing wrong - Greg's just jealous! It's working!"


"Yep. He saw you guys kissing and then lost it."

"But he's seen us do that before. Why would he care now?"

"The events of the last few months have changed everything, just like they did for us those years ago. Would you say you're Greg's favorite parent?"

"Historically? No way. It's good old Dad all the way." Kathleen said with a dismissive scowl.

"Well what about now?"

"It's the sam-. W- well... I mean... now, I don't know... things have changed so much..."

"See? Exactly. He longer sees it as good old boys vs the nagging mother. Now, it's the three of you, and he's competing with his dad!"

"Oh. Wow."

"Yup. Forgot the name of it. Something about some guy who stabs himself in the eyes after getting laid by his mom."

Kathleen couldn't help but chortle, "You're terrible. Okay, okay, I get it. So my son not talking to me is a good thing?"

"Yep, in this situation. Bryan was the same way."

"And how did you get him to start talking to you again?"

"I sealed the deal."


"You have to fuck your son."

"What?!!" Even with the shower loudly running, Kathleen felt herself blush, her heart race, and she looked up to make sure Simon had not heard. She whispered hotly into the phone "No!"

"Don't act surprised. You know the Method is clear on this."

"Y-yeah b-but there's a... l-line, isn't there?"

"Fuck the line. The Method's worked for hundreds of years. You know Greg wants it bad. And I know you want it too, even though you won't admit it."

"Shut up."

"I'll do whatever you want, as long as you fuck him. And soon. Before it gets awkward."

"And how soon is that?"


"That's insane! What... after I fuck his father first?"

"Bless your heart, Kath. How many broken promises must you suffer before you learn?"

"You're wrong Stacey. Simon seemed so eager! It's because he won't see me for a week."

"You're not the only one with a middle-aged husband with a drinking problem, sweetheart. Take my word for it. Someone's gonna be too tired tonight."

Suddenly the bathroom door opened. Kathleen's heart almost stopped as she realized that the sound of the shower was gone.

Simon yelled out, "Is that Stacey? Tell her I said hi!" before grabbing a towel and shutting the door again.

"Hi Simon!" yelled Stacey, before muttering, "you deaf old codger."

Kathleen giggled quietly, "Okay that's it I'm hanging up. You're such an asshole."

"You can call me whatever you like. Just do me a favor."


"Send me a picture once you've made our boy a man."


Greg slowly snuck up the stairs. His father's car in the driveway signaled that his parents had returned from their date, and he did not want to wake them up to him breaking curfew. He couldn't help but spend a quiet moment listening for any anniversary sex from his parent's room, but heard nothing but his father's snores. His cock aching from its near-release this afternoon and no prospects of secondhand drainage, the teen boy resolved to break his long Onanic fast tonight. With a sigh, he opened his bedroom door and stepped inside. When he turned on the light, he almost yelled out loud.


"Hi Greg."


Kathleen sat on the bed in the black dinner dress that she had worn for the evening, taking a big drink of red wine from a glass. She uncrossed her long legs, covered in pantyhose, and undid her bun, letting her brown hair flow down. "I'm sorry if I scared you."

"What are you doing in here?" he snapped, deeply annoyed now that the surprise had left him.

"I wanted to wish you a early Happy Birthday."

"Oh... great... thanks," he muttered walking past her. He threw off his shirt, notably missing the laundry basket he'd been using on her accord. "I'm gonna get some sleep. Good night..." he grumbled, removing his jeans as he gestured to the door.

"Don't you want a birthday hug?" she stood up from the bed and put down the wine glass.

Greg's anger melted at the vulnerability in his mother's question, "Oh umm... yeah... sure... thanks mom."

Kathleen fell into her son's arms, feeling small against his increasingly firm chest. "Mmmm... my strong baby. I love you."

"I love you too..."

"Oh I can tell..." Kathleen looked up and smiled naughtily as she rubbed her own unfulfilled mons against his unmistakable erection. "Were you with Candace tonight?"

"No... she said she already had plans. I hung out with Jeff."

"Ohh... so I'm to blame for this then, huh?" Kathleen whispered, as her hands began to explore the muscles of his upper and then lower back. Soon, she was feeling his buttocks, feeling the large, powerful glutes that lay underneath his corpulence.

The horny teen did not waste the invitation. "Yeah, you are." His hands were soon at the hem of the black dress and his fingers were caressing her bare skin under the panty hose. She shuddered at the touch and felt her cleft moisten, but couldn't help but tease the lad as she whispered in his ear.

"You still want to get some sleep? I can be on my way if you'd like."

"No!" the teen almost yelled, breaking their embrace.

Kathleen giggled as she clasped both of her palms on either side of his round face. Her red fingernails lovingly scratched his face.

"Oh I forgot just how much of a cutie you were. You've been such a surly teenager."


"It's okay. You were worried your mean old dad was... having his way with me tonight, huh?"

Greg gulped as his mother slowly brought his face to hers. He could smell the wine on her breath. "N-no... I... I mean... it's your anniversary... don't... couples have sex then?"

"They do! Especially when one of them is going on a work trip for a week. Unfortunately, your father was too drunk to perform. And then he passed out."

"He's so dumb."

"He is. It seems like you want to take his place?"

"Um... I... uh..." the teen blushed and began stammering.

Kathleen saved him from confession by pressing her lips to his. She swung her left arm around his neck to pull him close to her, while her right hand reached down to his jeans to free his throbbing manhood.

"Ohh m-mommm..." Greg groaned at the tender handjob, his hands naturally exploring under his mother's black dress. When she raised her arms up, the teen instinctively pulled up.

Kathleen reciprocally pulled off the boy's shirt before pulling him by his manhood back towards his bed. She sat down on the edge of the bed and curled up her legs to help remove her panties.

"Wow, mom... you're beautiful..." the teen muttered in awe as he looked upon his mother, clad in nothing but pantyhose and a brassiere, her legs spread wide to reveal her drooling, swollen pussy.

"I'm glad you think so sweetie. I hope you enjoy your birthday present."


Kathleen grabbed his member again and pulled until his glans was at her wet folds. Both mother and son hissed at the forbidden contact.

"S-sex?" the teen gulped, eyes about to pop out of his head.

"Looks like it..." Kathleen whispered, suddenly shaking, as her eyes and fingers took in the thickness of the boy's shaft and the fat purple plumb that was about to be knocking at her womb. It was when she stared at his large, goose-egg testicles that the boy verbalized her next concern.

"Don't I need to get a condom?"

"V-very good!" she panted, rubbing his belly with genuine pride as her blue eyes penetrated his. She reached into her purse on the table and handed him a large black square. "I made a stop at the gas station when your father stopped for gas, just in case."

Greg took a moment to enjoy the sight of his mother gently stroking her pussy, the pearl bracelet on her wrist and her turquoise necklace shining in the light, before he tore the wrapper open and stared at the large black rubber circle blankly.