The Music Festival Ch. 02


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She laid herself flat on the bed, as if presenting herself for my pleasure as she responded...

"My. We are the gentleman, aren't we? OK, my body is at your disposal for love making."

She watched me as I knelt straddling her lower thighs; bending down to kiss her bikini covered mons, then working up her torso with a line of kisses, taking a moment to swirl my tongue around inside her navel and all the time being careful to keep my erection out of contact with her.

When my arms could reach her neck, I reached around behind it to undo the top string of her bikini top. Then pushed my hand under her mid-back to undo the lower tie and let me remove the top completely.

I kissed her breast, licking the projected nipples of each of them for a while, before I moved back down her body to my starting point on her lower thigh. Putting a finger under each side of her pants, I pulled them down; helped by Kylie as she lifted her hips. Once they were on her thighs, I raised myself to kneel up, folded her shapely legs to bring them out from under me and then lifted them vertically to let me pull her bikini pants off.

I'd taken my time about all of this; giving my erection a chance to at least partly reset to a less sensitive starting point. As I placed her legs back either side of me, I bent down again to kiss her now naked mons where it capped her very aroused vulva, as a prelude to laying on top of her.

My penetration of her was pretty easy, given her state of arousal; just a matter of bringing the tip of my erection into her crease, surging it until it found the waiting void and then slowing submerging it into a vagina that offered not the least resistance.

I was pleased that the hypersensitivity of a few moments ago had seemingly settled. I was worried I might have ejaculated on my first penetration of her. Instead I felt a hard shaft comfortably immersed in her wondrous body, ready for action so to speak.

In no hurry, I gently bit her neck, then arched my back to suck her nipple before I even started to thrust. When my sucking of her nipple seemed to work Kylie up to a reasonable state of arousal, I flattened myself back over her again; suspending myself just close enough for my chest to brush her nipples.

My first thrust felt fantastic; her moderate grip, warm, wet, well lubricated vagina and my really hard shaft combining to send a delightful surge of pleasure to my brain. The next and succeeding thrusts were delivered as a leisurely pace, letting me take time to ensure her nipples got a good brushing from my chest as I first moved up and down with my thrust and then across her nipples as I screwed my deeply buried erection around inside her and nuzzled her neck and cheek.

My intention had been to try and stimulate Kylie again -- preferably to an orgasm -- and it seemed to be working. But that did mean I had to ration the stimulation of my shafts. The thrusts were mind blowing, but there was little I could do about that except enjoy them and space them out a bit. The screwing around felt nice -- really nice -- but wasn't brewing me up as powerfully. On the other hand, the screwing about did seem to have a strong effect on Kylie. Whether that was through nipple stimulation or the screwing about of my shaft, or both, I didn't know. All I knew was that something was working.

If I was reading Kylie, I could see it was going to be a near run thing. But I had only known her for less than a day; so there was no guarantee I was reading her right. Taking my time before penetrating her had helped, but it hadn't sent me back to zero in terms of my shaft's sensitivity. And now even the screwing about was starting to brew me up.

Even more than before, I tried 'making love' to her, rather than just fucking her; grinding my pubis into her vulva on full penetration, trying to stimulate her clit while I brushed my chest across her nipples and caressed her cheek and neck; even biting her ear. Always trying to read her reaction to make sure I was getting the best out of it.

Her breathing was getting really heavy, accompanying encouraging moans. It was clear she was on the edge. Rather than take any radical steps which might be counterproductive, I just kept doing what I'd being doing.

It was with some relief on my part, she came; pushing her hips up against mine and trying to grind them further; which given I was already on full penetration didn't get her far. I could feel her contractions pummelling my shaft as she reached an arm around my neck and put me in an inescapable hold as she brought my head down alongside hers; smothering my cheek with kisses.

But her grinding was pushing me even closer to the edge. I unleashed my shaft upon her; rapidly deep thrusting. The effect seemed to be to intensify her orgasm, but from my point of view it broke the dam holding back mine. It took only three thrusts before I was groaning in her ear as pulse after pulse of my orgasm emptied my cum into her.

There was just something about Kylie and making love to her that for quite a while blocked my erection from going flaccid after my climax. Sure, there were times with others -- especially after a good orgasm -- that it was reluctant to go down; just as much as there were time it fell out before I'd even stopped dribbling cum. But with Kylie, it just seemed reluctant to give up its hardness.

Kylie was keen to kiss after her orgasm, so I continued to support myself over her body for a few minutes. But my elbows were getting sore from my weight, so I again rolled her over to bring her on top where her light weight could rest on my body for as long as she wanted without any discomfort to me. And while I had a solid shaft penetrated into her, she could definitely have as long as she wanted.

She was kissing me, and I kissing her, for maybe five minutes before she pulled her head away...

"Why is your cock still so hard?"

"I don't know. It just seems to like making love to you. I think it's making a statement that it regards you as special."

"Flattery will get you just about anywhere. I'll let you in on a secret. I've never had multiple orgasms before. Goodness, I've generally been lucky to have one. So I think my vagina thinks you're pretty special too. That's why I got so randy and had to come back for a fuck...sorry, making love."

We kept kissing and nuzzling each other for another five minutes or so. It certainly wasn't a case of having shot my bolt, me wanting to escape the room. I was as engrossed as she was. Especially since I was still penetrated in her. It took a while, but eventually I had that feeling in my cock of like someone had pulled the plug out of an inflatable toy. It suddenly lost its extreme hardness. But in this case, it seemed that it was a toy with a retention valve; it might have lost its extreme hardness, but there was still a substantial erection inside her rather than a flaccid, limp, sausage slipping out of her.

And it stayed that way; at least until, in another fit of passion she kissed me and ground her body against me again. To my surprise, I felt it harden and fill her vagina again; a rather nice feeling it was too; once that came with a sense of masculine desire.

Kylie felt it...

"Have you cracked another boner?"

"I think so."

She rolled us back over, putting me on top...

"Fuck me. Fuck me good; like you really want to."

"What about you?"

"My vagina wants you to pleasure yourself in it. You've gone out of your way to pleasure it. Now it's your turn."

I started to reply...

"Are you...?"

She put a finger to my mouth to silence me...

"Yes I'm sure. Start now."

There's a limit to politeness. I had an order, which just happened to match my desire. I did as she wanted. I started thrusting; playing around until I felt the technique that best matched my inclinations and give me the nicest feelings.

At first I repeated what I'd done before; suspending myself just above her body and brushing her nipples with my movement. But this time it was just straight thrusting; albeit of a short deeply penetrating stroke mandated by my posture over her.

But then I raised myself on outstretched arms, looking down at her breasts as I lengthened my stroke to nearly two thirds out to nearly full penetration; long, medium fast strokes that I sped up as I looked for the most satisfying pace.

All the while, Kylie's hands were on my bottom, encouraging me; and, whether she knew it or not, reassuring me I wasn't doing anything that might hurt her.

When I took my eyes off her breasts and looked up at her face, she had the most beautiful smile; more like a cheeky grin, almost as if she was the one revelling in my pleasure. But I can't deny it. Looking at her breasts as I fucked her greatly contributed to my pleasure.

Her grip on me was medium; enough to stimulate me, but not so tight as to set me off prematurely and I suspected in that area she knew what she was doing. She didn't seem to be in any hurry for me to finish.

I was grunting and groaning a bit; it was certainly nice and somewhat energy consuming. But the pleasure contained in each individual stroke -- which was quite substantial - didn't yet seem to be accumulating towards an orgasm. I realised she'd given me an opportunity to enjoy the most cock focused -- as opposed to woman focused - sex I'd had in ages.

What happened next caught me by surprise. She climaxed. There was no build-up of heavy breathing or moans. One minute she was grinning at me, the next her eyes were rolled back and her mouth opened wide as she cried out and threw her hips up at my fast plunging cock. Her hands on my bottom told me to keep plunging; which seemed to intensify her orgasm.

But that changed the dynamics of what was happening. Between her contractions and a now firmer grip on my shaft, the now increased pleasure of the individual strokes was accumulating rapidly. Kylie had only just let her hips fall back onto the bunk and was still panting when my cock exploded in almost overwhelming erotic joy.

For the first three pulses, I kept plunging. But then I just hung there, suspended on outstretched arms over Kylie, moaning, as my cock kept pulsing away. If those pulses were actually ejaculating cum, she was going to drown in the stuff. But my body isn't used to more than one orgasm in a day. I suspected it was dry shooting.

As the pulses faded, I lowered myself down onto Kylie. But as soon as my neck came within reach of her arm, she applied another of those post climatic strangleholds that seem to accompany her orgasms. I was too weak to resist. I simply face planted myself into the bunk and lay there, still moaning, as my orgasm played out its final phase with shudder inducing little mini climaxes.

As soon as Kylie perceived my orgasm was over, she rolled us over, putting herself on top again; instantly smothering me in kisses...

"Oh my god, I've never done that before. I didn't even know it could happen."

Immediately burying her tongue on my mouth, I sort of had to wait until she released my tongue from the full nelson hold she had it in and she came up for air before I could ask...

"What happened?"

Her reply was delivered so fast I only just managed to take it in...

"That climax. I don't know what caused it. You weren't stimulating my clit or nipples. I just suddenly came. I don't even know if it was a vaginal orgasm or some sort of mental one or a g spot one or something else again. There was almost no build up; it just happened. It was just crazy. Are you some sort of god like person who can will a woman to a climax?"

I recognised that last sentence as a joke, rather than evidence I was dealing with a deranged woman. Still I didn't have any answer for her...

"I'm only a god in my own mind and it's probably better not to encourage that thought. But I'm not aware of any power that lets me grant mental orgasms to women. We do seem to have a strange sexual effect on each other. Maybe our bodies are really compatible or something."

I'd barely finished what I said before I was wrestling her tongue in my mouth again. She was clearly on some endorphin driven high from her orgasms; something I found both endearing and flattering; and also highly erotic in a very sexual way.

After a while, she ground herself momentarily on the erection I still had in her...

"It's still a full woody. Are we going to keep going through his cycle for the rest of the night?"

It was a residual woody from the just finished orgasm, not a new one resulting from what I only later discovered was call a refraction. But I admit, like the last one, it was lasting longer than was normal...

"I have no idea of what it might be capable of. But if we're going to dance into the night and fulfil your ambition, we might have to resort to a manual extraction of my erection from your body so we can get ready for an evening of erotic dancing."

"Do we have to take it out right now?"

"No that's up to you; or it might just shrink and go flaccid."

"Or it might refresh and want more sex."

"Well I suppose that's possible. But it doesn't have to get what it wants."

We were kissing again when I felt that sensation of a valve opening and my erection losing its full hardness. Kylie felt it too...

"It's not as hard. Is it time to take it out or will you grow another?"

"Maybe it's time to take it out. I don't know what it's likely to do if we leave it in there."

Kylie lifted her hips and a half mongrel slipped out of her, together with a bit of a discharge, flopping onto my lower stomach where it became a bit squashed as she lowered herself back down. Sensing that, she rolled off me, laying on her back beside me before asking...

"Well, is it time to get ready for the evening?"

"Yes, but I think I need a shower. It's been a hot and sweaty day."

"Me too, but I don't know if I want to go and stand in the long queues for the showers."

"Ar well. It just so happens I have one of those bladder camping showers warmed up by the sun on the roof of my van."

"Is there enough for two?"

"I think we can manage that one way or another. Maybe we need to shower together."

"Kinky. Sounds like a good idea."

I climbed out of the bunk; hesitating for a moment before I took the next step. I have the shower bladder for when I go surfing along the coast. Sometimes things are remote enough I can shower naked; but generally there's enough other people around that wouldn't be acceptable. And that is certainly the case here.

Showering in a pair of board shorts -- my usual surf wear -- is a bit awkward, so I keep an old pair of speedos for the occasion. At least you can easily stick your hand down all the places you need to clean. But, speedos not exactly being a fashionable item these days, I felt quite strange about putting them on in front of Kylie.

Looking back at her still lying naked on the bunk and giving her a grin and screwed up nose, sort of a visual apology for being so daggy, I did anyway; picking up the soap bottle and camping matt I use to keep my feet out of the mud while I'm showering. Opening the door, and putting my towel on the step, I moved to the rear passenger side of the van where the bladder sat on the roof and pulled the shower head down in readiness for use.

As I turned back to tell Kylie it was ready, she emerged from the van, in her bikini pants, but topless...

"So, is it ready to go?"


She stepped onto the matt and stood in intimately close contact with me as I jetted water over us and down between our bodies from chest level...

"Do you want your hair washed?"

"No I did it this morning. But I tell you what. You hold the hose and 'll wash you and then we can reverse the situation."

Telling me to turn my back to her, then standing close enough her mons was pushed against my bottom, she picked up the shower gel and started washing me, using her hands to scrub me with the soap then arcing back with her mons still on my bottom, to open a space for me to rinse myself off. Then she stuck her hands down the back of my speedos and repeated the process...

"OK. Turn around. Put your arms up"

I did as she asked to have her thrust her mons against what had already developed as a bit of a half mongrel as she'd been doing my back. As she soaped up and down under and along my arms, she was bouncing enough to trigger my manhood into an erection which the front of my speedos only just managed to contain because I hadn't done the drawstring up. Rinsing that off, she repeated the bouncing wash process as she did my chest and stomach.

Stepping back as little as would give her access, she pulled my erection out of my pants...

"This certainly needs a good clean."

What followed wasn't a quick once over up and down. It was more like a prolonged polish of my shaft, carried out as she put on a cheeky grin as she stared into my eyes, which left it rock hard. Then she stuck her hand further into my pants to wash my balls and pelvic floor.

Leaving my manhood exposed over the waistband, she stepped back a bit...

"That's much better isn't it? Time for a rinse. Give me the hose. I'll do it."

I surrendered the hose to her. She hosed down my shaft, polishing it again as she did so, then stuck it down my pants, her hand following it down to ensure my balls and pelvic floor were fully rinsed. Grinning again at me she added...

"Don't want it tasting of soap, do we."

Kneeling down with her forehead resting on my still exposed erection, she did my legs; having another turn at fondling my crotch through the speedos as she worked over the top of my thighs.

Standing up, she handed me the soap bottle, retaining the hose...

"OK, your turn. I hope you'll be as thorough as I was."

Then she turned her back to me; thrusting her bottom against the erection I'd at least managed to tuck back into me speedos.

Washing Kylie was one of those jobs you just don't feel in a hurry to finish. Still, given that the legs seem to be part of the front wash, it wasn't too long before I had my hand down the back of her bikini pants, washing her rather delightful bottom.

As she turned around to have her front washed, she thrust her crotch forward, capturing a length of my speedo contained vertical erection in the camel toe of her bikini pants, while arching back to let me wash her upper torso. I moved down from her neck and shoulders, not being too modest about giving her breasts and nipples a good going over and raising her nipples to full projection.

I started to move further down when she stopped me with another of her cheeky, challenging, grins...

"I think my breasts need a much better clean than that. Especially my nipples. After all, they've seen a lot of action today. Maybe three or four times as long as you've already taken to make sure they're really clean. A bit like the attention I had to give to you manhood."

Well, she certainly gave that some attention. Nearly enough to make me come. Realising this was meant to be a game with a much higher sexual content than I'd allowed for, I gladly moved back to her breasts; fondling them with soapy hands as I teased her nipples to a heightened state of projection. In the end, I well extended the 'three to four times' she'd suggested. More than enough to induce a squirm of pleasure and a moan or two.

Working down her stomach quickly brought me to the low slung line of the waist of her bikini pants. Had I washed her first, I might have hesitated at the next step, but by now her intention was clear. I slipped my hand down the front of the pants, washing her crease; and of course, fingering her clit as I did it. Like my manhood, it too had been through a busy day. A certain degree of attention could certainly be justified. I wasn't sure how much.

Like she had with me, I stood there, looking at her face as my hand explored her vulva; paying the clit more than its fair share of attention. She stared back at me, still with that cheeky, challenging grin; it being more than enough to let me know I wasn't finished yet. She'd started to breathe more heavily and hum a bit before, still looking at me, she indicated...