All Comments on 'The Next Summer'

by DDDDave

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AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Another masterpiece from DDDDave. Thank you so much for putting out the whole thing at once for maximum enjoyment!

ReiDeBastosReiDeBastosover 9 years ago
Know your Simpsons!

It's "Embiggen", not "Enbiggen".

DDDDaveDDDDaveover 9 years agoAuthor
Know what Simpsons?

Sorry, not a constant viewer of the longest running show on television. Didn't even realize it was a Simpson word. My bad, I suppose. Did you like the story?

Did you appreciate pulchritudinous?


AdrianBurnsAdrianBurnsover 9 years ago
Thanks For This, DDDDave!

"Oh, my pleasure, Mrs. Brown,"

My first thought was that this was the long-awaited sequel to "Mrs. B's Story" and you gave a name to the protagonist.

Mrs. Brown was no longer the prudish, anxiety ridden late thirty year old woman that she had been just months before. When her only son, Dickie, had left home to attend college in California she had gone thru a lot of changes. Today she was wearing a tight mini-skirt with a blouse tied off just below her boobs. It was unclear if she was wearing a bra. Her well toned stomach was on view. As was her fetching cleavage, visible thru the gaps between the buttons of her shirt.

Based on the above, I thought we were going to get a story in the vein of "Mommie and Her Lance". I wouldn't call it bait-and-switch, but Mrs. B. really didn't factor that much in this story.

Also, Dickie had me thinking of "The Breastacular World of Richard King". (Ah, Clara was so annoyingly cute in that first story adding a "y" to everything).

"Yeah, it was great," Dirk said. "But I'm sweating my ass off!"

I know that they're college age, but swearing in front of a friend's parents, still feels a bit taboo, I would've noted Dirk correcting himself or some line about how the "new" Mrs. B. was hard to offend.

For one thing, Dickie was pretty sure that his Mom had had enlargement surgery on her bosom. (Dickie couldn't bring himself to think 'tits' or 'boobs' about his Mom.)

I'm not one for BE via implants. I'm sure it will eventually make it in one of your stories, but I will always prefer natural growth, magic or something scientific like Kandi's experiment in this story.

Now she was rocking a lavish G-cup chest!

This early in the story and we already have cup-sizes! Thank you!

Closing the Enbiggen's apartment door behind him Dickie turned to see his friend Pamela Suckit

The name, Suckit, had me thinking of "That 69s Show" for a moment.

But that had changed when, within a couple weeks of graduating from High School, Pam's 'lady bits' had started to blossom.

I'm a sucker for blossoming characters. I was interested in Pam from this passage until her increased endowments were revealed. The way you described the former tom-boyish blonde, then dropped hints of her growth while telling how she became an employee of "The Rack Room" was masterfully done and probably my favorite part of the story.

The lap dance scene was sexy and filled with your usual high level descriptive prose. In terms of characterization (especially after a second read), I'm mixed on some things. On one hand, I can understand Pam wanting to test out her newly grown endowments and newly acquired "Rack Room" skills on an old classmate who hasn't had a chance to see the "new" her. Curiosity seems to be the reason why she's seducing Dickie and this somehow trumps the fact that he's with her best friend. I don't know about that.

Then you note that she thought Kandi was crazy for going steady with Dickie (so she knows that the two are in a relationship) but somehow the fact that said relationship hadn't gone beyond simple kissing and hand-holding seems to somehow invalidate it to Pam. An attitude that I sort of went with (the first time I read the story) when Dickie's concern about Kandi disappeared after noting how flat-chested she was and never let him do anything. Plus, what guy is going to resist a sexy H-cupper seducing them?

But after reading the story in its entirety, I'm wondering if it was your intention to show that all of the main characters were a bit selfish in their desires. I thought Kandi leaving Dickie to have sex with George was a tad cold; but after re-reading this beginning passage I'm wondering if you were trying to use this cavalier dismissal of the assumed flat-chested Kandi as a way to justify her "bad" behavior later.

"This is the most gorgeous cock I've ever seen!" she smiled, looking him in the eyes.

Again, without knowing about George, I thought you were going to have Dickie (like Eric in "That 69s Show") having sex with a multitude of large-breasted women. So, I guess it was a bit of a surprise to have the 10-incher be the "little guy" in the story.

"I'm glad! When I started to develop again I was a little embarrassed. I mean, who has a growth spurt after High School graduation? But they just got bigger and bigger." She shimmied her shoulders again, causing his dick to be pummeled from side to side by her titties.

Again, I LOVE dialogue like the above.

"So, how big are you now, Pam?" he gasped.

Wow, it was like he read my mind! ;-)

"I wear an 'H' cup bra, Dickie!" the pride in her voice glowed. "I have thirty-three inch hips, a twenty-three inch waist and measure forty-four inches around the fullest part of my big beautiful titties. It's a 32-H cup bra. When I wear one." Her voice was husky with lust while discussing her amazing measurements.

Ah, one of your trade-marked measuring scenes. Magnificent!

But something's going on with her."

I noted how Mrs. B. had a rather small part (after her initial build-up). Is there MORE to her transformation; something that might pop up in another story, perhaps?

"But I've got to get ready to go to work. You should come by the club sometime. I'll introduce you to the other girls. You'll like them!"

Seeing as how, "The Rack Room" has made an appearance in this story and "Teacher's Descent into Ecstasy", I think sooner or later you're really going to have to do a story with it as the main locale. I mean, with Pam going on about all the money she's making, I can't see the much-larger Kandi not getting a job there. An obvious plot is the big-dick owner/founder using his endowment Manhorse style to seduce some of the largest breasted women around into working for his establishment. Of course, he can have a franchise/cult "No-Maam" style (ala "Married With Children") in which he teaches his fellow brothers how to use their endowments to open their own Rack Rooms across the country; in which case the story becomes more of a hands-on seminar/testimonial in which he can regale his brothers on how he seduced various Rack Room employees and their ever-increasing cup sizes.

Personally, being the BE aficionado I am, I would have a chicken and the egg scenario in which a Rack Room is built and suddenly girls have late growth-spurts like Pam did in this story and somehow find their way into working for "The Rack Room".

Just as she was reaching for the handle it opened in front of her. Dickie slowly came into the room, leaning heavily on the handle for support.

"Hey, kids, how ya doing?" he asked.

"Super" Pam told him. "You look exhausted, Dickie."

"Dickie" should be "Dirk" in the above. I always feel like I'm being nit-picky when I point out stuff like this; so I'll list the rest of the misc. typos and such at the end of my comments.

"Wha? What time is it? 11 am? Kandi, it's the middle of the night! Can't this wait?"

I think am should be pm.

"HOLY FRIJOLES!" Pam gasped.

That's one way to convey astonishment over breast enlargement. Great.

They are calling me 'Anne Anomaly'!"

Not the biggest fan of puns, but I've heard worse.

"Hell no! Surprise him! I wish I could see the look on his face, he'll plotz!" she laughed a little sadly.

This was a good bit of characterization. The sad laugh showed in a concise way Pam surrendering to her friend's much bigger endowments while sort of lamenting the future sex she might no longer have with Dickie.

And for some reason, Kandi found that she didn't want him to ignore her pulchritudinous display.

Nice how you worked in the "new" word in a paragraph that sort of celebrated Kandi embracing her "magnificence".

'I must have trained him too well,' she thought to herself.

I felt for Dickie. He was cluelessly trying to do the right thing by being a gentleman and all he was doing was pissing off his girlfriend. I know that sets the story up for George to come into the picture, but still Kandi could have been a little bit more understanding. Would she want a more aggressive Dickie if she didn't grow enormous boobs?

I need you to help me find out what bra size I should get.

Yes, the suggestion that no breast lover can (or should be able to) refuse!

Slowly she pulled her sweater over her head. Revealed to Dickie's amazed stare was a mammoth bra.

I'm glad she had a bra. Often when a character is growing, a bra is put off until the growth slows or stops. But I'm interested in the story of the bra. Did the experiment provide the bra? Was it mail ordered? Was there a place like Discoveries (R.I.P. Al)? Inquiring minds want to know.

The descriptions of Kandi's massive bra followed by another one of your trademarked measuring scenes...well, you know those are my favorite DDDDave scenes/descriptions; so I was in heaven on page 3 of this story!

Apparently, the effects of the treatment were still ongoing, albeit, at a much slower rate. In the first couple of weeks she had grown over an inch a day!

If you ever re-visit these characters, I hope that Kandi has outgrown the alphabet thanks to her continuous growth.

"Ohhhh," groaned Dickie. Just the thought of it made him quiver. He was afraid he would ejaculate prematurely. 'I need to do some mental math to take my mind off it' he decided. 'Pam's gorgeous boobs fill a 32-H cup bra she told me. Now Kandi is saying she should wear a 32-Y cup bra? 32-H to 32-Y, what was the difference? H is the 8th letter. Y is the 25th. So Kandi is 17 cup sizes larger than Pam. Way over a foot! Not the kind of math to reduce my excitement!' he decided.

Nor mine! ;-)

She didn't sound at all hesitant! She really wanted to be FUCKED!

I want to know more about Kandi's experiment. Was increased sexuality part of it? Did the experiment help Kandi "take" George's endowments or could she always do that? Are there other Kandi's out there? Who's conducting this experiment? Did any of the other participants experience growth long after the experiment departed their area? What happens if it comes to their area and Pam undergoes the experiment? Couldn't someone analyze Kandi and find out why it worked so well on her (as oppose to the others) and make a fully workable BE treatment?

Even when I loosen them up, most can't manage even half of me. It's fucking frustrating. But as long and as thick as I am, it's what I have to live with.

Ah, the problems of the extremely-endowed; that's something you rarely see in these type of stories.

He knew that most women found him to be too large to really enjoy. And he didn't care. He got off. If they did, fine. If they didn't, it wasn't his fault. It wasn't as if he tried to hurt them.

This seemed like a very Manhorse-like philosophy. It's understandable giving George's size; but I thought it contrasted nicely with Dickie's more innocent, not as confident attitude regarding his size.

And that left Carl and George fending for themselves.

Who's Carl (unless you meant Kandi)? He just sort of appeared in this section of the story.

She didn't really care if Dickie noticed. He was too much of a gentleman to do anything about it.

This seemed harsh in the initial reading. I would love it if the experiment could be blamed for some of Kandi's lusting after George.

Kandi was necking with Dickie for George's benefit.

This was a sexy scene, but Kandi pretty much kicking Dickie to the curb by seducing George still bothered me. I don't know if it was Dickie being played as "the nice guy finishing last" or Kandi so quickly succumbing to George's larger cock, but I was feeling sorry for how Pam and Dickie were being treated in this scene.

"Their not coming back, are they?" he asked Pam.

I think "their" should be "they're". But this line seemed so sad. I mean, Charlie Brown missing the football sad. I know you spin it into a sort of happy ending of sorts; but having a girlfriend (who you haven't seen in a year) grow some of the biggest tits on the planet only to dump you (in a matter of days) for a younger guy with a much bigger dick IS harsh even if you end up with a beautiful H-cupper as a consolation prize.

"I just crushed my high school sweetheart because I couldn't believe how big you looked as I was teasing you with my giant tits!" Now that she had her hands on the massive pole she had been looking at all evening she knew that it was a decision that she would be able to live with.

Oh, c'mon, it HAS to be the experiment...Kandi CAN'T be that size-obsessed, can she?

'Talking about my super big titties gets all the guys excited,' she noted.

That's always been my philosophy, Kandi! ;-)

"Fifty-seven inches," she announced.

I like that her "go-to" in attempting to revive George is her measurements and cup size!

She was almost sneering as she compared herself to her best friend.

This seemed so oxymoronic: almost sneering at your BEST friend. I'm wondering about the friendship of Kandi and Pam after this story. Are they going to be content with Pam and Dickie being together or is there now going to be resentment with Kandi dumping Dickie for George and stealing George away from Pam?

"I have bigger tits from behind than poor little Pam has from the front!" It was probably true he thought. Those tits were so fucking big!

Great boast. Not the sort of thing I would expect from a friend, but a great boast nevertheless.

"What am I going to do?" she whined. "How am I supposed to be happy with Dickie's little dick now that I've had a man's cock?"

"Yeah? Well what about me, Kandi? Why should I be satisfied with Pam's tiny titties after I had a chance to deal with your gigantic fun bags? You have the biggest set of tits, ya know! I can't be expected to settle for her H-cup boobs now that I've titty fucked your mammoth mammaries!" He was squeezing and playing with the items in question as they stood in the hallway.

This attitude always makes me long for someone bigger to put the above in their place.

Which seems to be a trend of sorts for me regarding some of your characters. I enjoy a woman becoming more confident and sexual via embracing her enormous tits but when it crosses the line into "meanness" then I'm just waiting for someone bigger to come along and put the character in their place. And I get that it's a fine line. I didn't mine, for example, Kandi comparing her greater attributes to Pam (partly because Pam was relishing the thought of comparing her H-cups to an A-cup); but stealing a friend's man seems to go too far to me. And when the "power" of being the biggest titted woman in the area seems to go to the character's head, I'm always going to wish that someone bigger comes around to sort of equalize things (i.e. Donna [in "That 69s Show"] when Jackie was power-tripping a little TOO much!).

My issues of the dumping of Dickie and stealing Pam's man aside, I really enjoyed this complete work of yours (vs installments). I guess I can never say goodbye to your characters, so I hope to see a much larger Kandi again, I hope to see what's going on with Mrs. B, and I want to see if Kandi and Pam are still friends.

Now here are the typos and such (disregard if they're too nit-picky):

And now was even more different.

Should "she" be inserted in the above.

As she had passed Dickies door in the hall way she had seen Mrs. Brown kissing a man goodbye.

Dickies needs an apostrophe.

Kandi had repeatedly said that she wanted to safe herself for marriage.

"safe" should be "save".

Dickie to make a pass at her.It was frustrating.

Spacing between sentences.

"Well, iI'm not laughing! I need you to help me find out what bra size I should get. I need to buy some new ones."

The little "i" before "I'm" needs to be remove.

She loved the look in Dickies eye as she stood proudly in front of him.

Another apostrophe needed.

Kandi liked the taste and enjoyed every moment even tho she hadn't had time to prepare.

I'm not 100% sure that "tho" needs to be spelled out. I looked it up and most hits had it spelled out but then modern slang may allow tho. And you used tho later in "It does feel good, tho!'

"Lets lose all these clothes," he demanded at last.

Another apostrophe needed.

From the looks of things George would just fuck hell out of her while worshipping her mountainous bosom

A "the" could be inserted in front of hell. And, according to spell-check, "worshipping" should only have one p.

"I cant' wait for this

The apostrophe is in the wrong spot.

How much cum do think I can produce?"

A "you" needed after do.

HIs dick was rock hard as he pushed her back on the sofa and began to mount her.

"I" should be lower-cased.

DDDDaveDDDDaveover 9 years agoAuthor
Feedback on your feedback.

Thanks Adrian for the detailed response. I think it was almost as long as the original story! LOL!

Such a detailed reaction deserves a response. So:

Please get over Mrs. B. I have. IF I ever continue her story it will be because I’ve had a brain storm. Hasn’t happened yet. Sorry about that. I get lots of great feedback and requests for a continuation. It’s like Lou Reed said when asked why he never wrote another song like “Walk On The Wild Side”. ‘Don’t you think I’ve tried, man?’

I also prefer my BE to be magical or scientific as opposed to surgical.

The “Lap Dance Scene”. It really should have quotes. I spent more time on this than almost any other part. The thing is that is kind of morphed as I was writing it. I started it intending to tease Dickie with no sex. But that went out the window on the first rewrite. Then it became a matter of Pam wanting to show Dickie how sexy she was ‘cause she never had a boyfriend in school because she was just too, well, abrupt and denigrating to all boys. She thought boys were stupid but was jealous of Kandi and Dickie anyway.

And she had discovered since that boys, and sex, were fun! So she went after Dickie in a big way. And remember, at this point she thought she was competing with the A cupper Kandi. Like a lot of people, Pam wants what she can’t have. Selfish? Sure. And human. From Dickie’s point of view, he’s held hands with his childhood sweetheart. They have kissed, (no tongue!) and nothing else. He’s between freshman and sophomore year in college. His hormones are practically carbonated by how Pam is teasing him. He should be forgiven for giving in to his desires.

Back to Mrs. Brown. It was my attention to have her being seen admitting men to her apartment and seeing them be let out. Often. Every time anyone passed her door. But I couldn’t work it into the story often enough. She was supposed to be a peripheral character. I guess I let her get TOO peripheral.

The Rack Room shows up in a couple of stories because I lack imagination to come up with another name. But placing a story of some type in a strip club may be interesting.

AM should be PM? No, the point was that she had worked late at “The Rack Room” and 11AM *is* the middle of the night for her!

“Anne Anomaly”? Hey, that’s a GREAT PUN! I’m going to use it in another story about a double blind drug trial that blows up, so to speak. Get it? Blows up? I crack me up!

Kandi could have been a little more understanding? Why? She has in fact been affected by her growth. She is now getting hit on all the time and she has found that she loves the attention her newly huge hooters have brought her. She never knew what it was like to be the center of attention. She was always pretty. But pretty girls are a dime a dozen in college and High School. A girl with a bust line approaching and then bursting through the 50 inch barrier? One in a hundred million?

Who is Carl? Jeeze, I can’t explain every little thing. I have no idea who Carl is. It’s a typo that I never caught. Should have been Kandi, of course.

Size obsessed? We are concerned about size obsession? I’m writing and you are reading size obsessed stories! How about this: Kandi discovers that the larger she grew the more she found her thoughts turning to sex. Sex with a man. A man with a dick as oversized as her huge hooters. A man who could tittie fuck her mammoth mounds and have enough length to allow her to suck his dick head on the upstroke! All the guys were obsessed with the size of her tits. No one noticed her cute smile, her showgirl legs or her perky tush! So she found she was concentrating on the size of her suitor’s genitals.

Now as to the dynamic between Kandi and Pam. BFF’s in HS. Then Pam grows some super hooters (and brags about them to Kandi) which ignites Kandi’s jealousy. Which in turn leads her to participate in the experiment which leads to her incredible growth. So Kandi, who had always been hating on Pam ‘cause she had bigger tits even in HS suddenly is the “bigger” person. She loves that Pam looks so inadequate in comparison to her now!

The problem I have with typos is a common one when it comes to spell checking. No matter how often I read and reread my stories it seems something always sips through. ( The slip/sip is on purpose to illustrate the point.)

But all in all, given the length of the story, I’ll take eleven errors as acceptable. If I ever edit it, I’ll make the changes. But to tell the truth, I’ve read a LOT of stories that are a lot worse, so I’m not upset.

Thanks for the feedback!

The following is a passage that I wrote without knowing where it should go in the story. Never did find a home for it.

Carly Exults in the Magnitude of her Enormous Bosom

“I have to admit when I first started to develop after entering the experiment at school, I was embarrassed by how large I was getting. When you are a freshman in college and are an A-cupper like I was it is a little strange to become a B or C cup babe. No one else was getting the results I was. And it just kept on going! Every week I grew another cup size. Or more!

“But now I love it! I love to watch all the guys get boners when they see how big I’ve become! It’s such an ego boost, knowing that I have the attention of every one in the room because I have the biggest tits. I’m so big, there’s no one even close to my size. It’s not as if I’m a fat-ass. Far from it. I have 33 inch hips and a skinny little waist below all of this bosom! And I love it!”

“I love to dress to tease. I love to show off my giant boobs! My giant fifty-seven inch, 32-Y Cup titties”

She smiled at the onlooker. “Watch”, she demanded.

Placing her hands on the top of her mountains she pulled backward to force the tips of her tits to rise in front of her. She altered between lifting and releasing her tits. Her breasts rose and fell in rhythm.

Finally Kandi held her tits tightly in her arms to bring them to a halt.

“Now watch this. I love to do this when i’m wearing a sweater or a low cut blouse. I think it’s sexy as hell!”

She bounced on her heels. In response her massive tits bounced and shook. Leaning forward toward her partner she cupped her tits gently in her hands and bounced them up and down.

“Guy’s trip over themselves when they see me bouncing down the street! And when I get a guy alone, particularly a guy that’s crazy for big tits! Wow!” She grinned.

“Try to imagine what it feels like when I do this and your cock is caught in there! I’ve had men cum just from watching me play with my gigantic tits.

“I love that i can use my big titties and make men cum in their pants! I’ve even been able to coax a load out of a guy when he’s on a date with another woman! It makes me feel so sexy. And more than a little slutty, too!” she giggled.

“Me and my way beyond big tits! I fucking love ‘em!”

Shadowforce1Shadowforce1over 9 years ago
Great Story

I love the boob measurements. As a big boob fanatic. Loved the measurements. Great Pace, for a long story. Loved all of it. Keep up the good work!

leagleleagleover 9 years ago
Keep up the great work!

I must admit that I too really have liked getting a story all at once, I suppose I'm just too impatient!

Are you still working on more chapters for the 69s show or one of your other stories at the moment?

DDDDaveDDDDaveover 9 years agoAuthor

I'm always working on SOMETHING. I'm mulling an idea for 69's Show and Best.Job.Ever. Also sketching out a straight ahead BE story featuring "Anne Anomaly". I know it's a cheesy pun but I can't get it out of my head. What sort of girl, what sort of 'experiment' and what sort of results would cause a participant to be referred to as 'Anne Anomaly'?

Thanks to all for the feedback!


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Awesome story

The part where she makes him hard again by teasing and not even touching is one of my favorite parts of any story I have read here...give us more great work...please...

nividanividaover 8 years ago
In my honest opinion, this is your best work

Overall, just an amazing story. Your measuring scene's are always great, I always love when they involve the busty female teasing and flirting by highlighting just how insane their measurements are, and the measuring scenes and the "practice strip dance" scene in this story are all exceptional!

The entire scene where Kandi where teases while highlighting just outrageous her body is by comparing other women to her herself, especially her dialogue.

Actually, one of the things you do in your writing that I absolutely love is the fact that you make sure to reiterate the of details about the buxom women. I really enjoy it, since gives the feeling that the male character themselves are repeatedly flabbergasted at just how sexy and absurdly ludicrous these women's bodies are.

I've found that most stories where the main theme is breast expansion or just absurdly large breasts tend to just reiterate something along the lines of "how huge their tits are" or "how sexy they are" over and over again, only MAYBE mentioning some of the other details (their skin, legs, hair, waist, ect...). I think the fact that you do actually regularly remember to add either dialogue, internal monologue, or descriptions to say "slender her waist is" and "out of place such enormous breasts look as such a slender frame".

The fact that the female characters very well know how impossibly sexy their bodies are, but let their breasts speak for themselves and tease/flirt by drawing attention to other parts of their body and how sexy they are, but then also using these features to highlight the size of their breasts is what makes you my favorite smut author. Also the fact that you, without fail, remember to include measurements. I'm not sure why, but knowing the exact measurements is a huge turn on for myself.

So please keep writing more stories, since after reading your works I's become difficult to enjoy other breast smut works of lesser quality.

PS: The only of my kink of mine missing from one of your stories is giantesses/female-growth, or just very tall women. I know that's a much more niche fetish, but if that is something you like, and you do ever get the desire to write a story along those lines, know that you would make one of your biggest fans very happy!


AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
and ur best

1s I star

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Silly names

The silly names just ruined it for me.

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When I first started posting here I was more than a little fuzzy on how things worked. As a result the stories first posted went up as separate stories instead of chapters. Sorry about that. But I've put together this index to try to help. Be aware that there is a chapter miss...