The Seducer: Origins Ch. 03


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She seemed to be at a loss for words. She sat silently for several minutes before continuing.

"I have come to look forward to my days of teaching you everything I know. I wake up in the morning with a sense of purpose. And I find myself relying on that feeling. You somehow have snuck beneath my defenses, without even knowing it."

She stopped to gauge his reaction. He could feel his heart beating loudly.

Control yourself. Remember what she taught you.

His heart slowed down and returned to a steady rhythm. He looked at her steadily. He thought he saw disappointment in her features before her mask slipped back into place.

"As I was saying, I have become vulnerable to you. Don't get me wrong; I have no strong feelings for you. I have strong feelings for this sense of purpose. For once in my life I feel...good. And that is very dangerous. Remember what I taught you about vulnerability, James."

"I remember. It sounds like you have come to some sort of conclusion, haven't you?"

"Yes. The fact is that I have been dragging out this arrangement. You are more than ready. So, starting tomorrow, I will be giving you practice assignments. I am releasing you back into the wild."

She smiled at her little joke. James felt a little jolt of excitement.

Finally! I can try out everything I have learned. I wonder...will I see the world differently now?

Isabell studied his reaction. "I see that pleases you. Your apprenticeship with me is almost finished. Once I test your skills, I will feel confident in turning my business over to you."

James nearly spit out his hot chocolate. "Turn over your business? Are you quitting?"

Her eyebrows rose up in surprise. "What do you think I was doing? Training my competition for jobs? No, I have been training my replacement. I have already told you that this job holds no satisfaction for me anymore."

James was stunned. "But...what are you going to do now? What will fill that void in you?"

"Let me worry about that James. For now, let's concentrate on the remainder of your training. How are the exercises coming along?"

James knew what exercise she was referring to. "Bad," he said bitterly. "I feel like I am banging my head against the wall."

"Patience," she said. "You will eventually come to the breaking point. And when that happens, you will have no weaknesses. But until then, you must guard those emotions very carefully or they will be used against you."

"I know," he replied. "I am trying, believe me."

"I do. But enough of that. I have a request. Consider it the one request from master to apprentice. I am in a weird mood tonight. I want you to make love to me."

"Ok...why is that so unusual? We have fucked many times these past few months."

She gazed into his eyes for such a long time that James fidgeted in his chair.

"I didn't ask you to fuck me," she replied softly. "I asked you to make love with me. That means I want you to drop the walls I have helped you build these past 5 months. And in return...I will drop mine."

If a single breeze from that fierce storm outside blew into the room, James would have been blown from his chair.

She will drop her walls? I will meet her for the first time? To offer that much of herself...

James could already feel his walls weakening. He wanted this. He wanted one last hurrah before the walls went up permanently.

He met her gaze. Her eyes were hard and fierce.

To offer this gift...

"Ok," he said hoarsely. "I accept."

She closed her eyes and leaned her head back against her chair. Her hands were clinched tight on the arms.

James waited for several minutes with bated breath. He saw muscles spasming on her face.

My god, if it takes this much to bring her walls down, they must be 100 times stronger than mine!

He felt very humbled. He watched with fascination as her walls came down, one by one. Tears had started falling down her cheeks. She was mumbling to herself. When she finally opened her eyes, James saw a soul laid bare.

"That was harder than I thought. I haven't let myself be this vulnerable since...Please, don't ask me any questions. Just make love to me."

She spoke in her true voice. James felt his heart clench to hear her voice so vulnerable. His walls had already crumbled down around him. He felt his heart reach out to her.

He quickly got out of his chair and went to her. He knelt down in front of her and hugged her. She hugged him back hard.

He kissed the tears off her cheeks and she laughed. He had never heard a more lovely sound.

This was a very precious soul once. Something terrible must of happened to corrupt it.

James didn't have the answers and he knew if he even tried asking she would put the walls back up. So instead he kissed her and she melted into his arms. Her hands were running all over his chest and back. She grabbed his face and kissed him fiercely.

He grabbed her blouse and ripped it open. She grabbed his shirt and pulled it over his head. He kissed her again and rejoiced in the feel of her tongue against his.

In another life, I could of loved this woman.

He didn't want to have any more sad thoughts. So he did what she taught him to do. He fell into his primal state. He let his thinking mind take a break so he could revel in every touch of her skin.

Her lips were fire to him. Her moist pussy would drive his animal hunger. He would have no rational thought. He would simply take pleasure in every act.

She was in the same state as well. No words were spoken as they undressed each other. When they were both naked, James pulled her to the edge of the chair, put her legs against his shoulders, held onto her thighs, and plowed his cock into her waiting pussy.

She moaned as he began his steady pace. She looked up at him and he saw love and passion in that gaze. This turned him on more.

He picked her up and she wrapped her legs against his ass. He walked her over to the wall and placed her against it. Now most of her weight was supported by the wall and not his legs. His calves clenched tightly as he repeatedly pumped into her.

She bit his lip in pleasure. The thunderstorm continued to rage outside the window right next to them but it was nothing compared to the storm of passion between the two of them. He continued to pump away and she bit down on his shoulder as her first orgasm blazed through her.

His legs were starting to burn so he carried her, still on his cock, to her bedroom. He collapsed on the bed with his cock still inside of her.

Thunder boomed as he made his first thrust. In his newfound primal state, every thrust sent off sparks of electricity inside of him. Her pussy gave him the greatest feeling on this earth.

But he was also the master of his body. The pool of cum in his balls begged to be released but he held back. The pleasure was the sweetest agony. It threatened to burst out of him.

He kissed her everywhere to fight off the feeling. Her lips stayed by his ears and whispered things he couldn't consciously hear. All he could hear was the moan of pleasure in her words.

He denied his release so he could savor this moment. He was making love to her with no barriers. It was raw and passionate and true. She wasn't screaming vulgarities or begging him to cum on her face. He wasn't teasing her with his cock and smacking her with it. This wasn't just sex.

This was, he would later realize, the last time he made love with anybody.

The pressure became unbearable. He looked in her eyes and saw that she knew what was coming. He thrust one last time, deep inside of her, and came. Wave after wave of cum pumped out of his cock. He shuddered with the orgasm.

"Thank you," she whispered into his ear.

They fell asleep with his cock still buried inside of her.


James sat on the bench in the park and enjoyed the sunlight against his face. He was finally free. Last night was over and the walls were back. He woke up to find Isabell cooking breakfast. One look at her face told him that her walls were sealed tight again.

It didn't matter. He felt good. It felt like a burden had been lifted. Now he would no longer have any regrets. He would choose this life with his own free will.

There was no exchange of pleasantries that morning. They ate breakfast in silence. Afterwards, Isabell simply told him to go to the park and bang a married woman by the end of the day.

He felt very confident. So he enjoyed the sun and his new freedom as he surveyed the park. There were plenty of married women around. Groups of them were sitting together with baby strollers and watching the older kids play on the jungle gym. He saw other women wearing wedding rings jogging in the park. He saw several women with their husbands enjoying picnics.

James wasn't foolish enough to try to pick up the married women enjoying picnics with their husbands. Though that would be very challenging and erotic...

He shook his head and laughed quietly to himself. No, he had already decided to go after one of the joggers. He was wearing a jogging suit, after all.

He waited until he saw a good candidate and jogged to intercept her. He could tell she had just recently taken up jogging. She would loose clothing and was huffing and puffing. She wasn't the hottest woman he could bang, but she wasn't too bad. Her pale skin and slightly sunburned cheeks told him that she didn't get outside much.

She had long brown hair that was done up in a ponytail. She was slightly overweight but not too much. James decided she could be called "earthy." She was so out of shape that James caught up to her in no time.

"Hi," he said, slowing down to maintain her pace.

"Hi," she told him brusquely. She obviously didn't want to be bothered while she tried to get back into shape.

She glanced at him and James saw her eyes widened. She didn't notice how handsome he was.

"Sorry," she said quickly, "I didn't mean to's just that...I am out of shape and talking takes up all my breath." The red on her cheeks deepened in embarrassment.

He gave her his best smile. "No problem. I wasn't feeling very motivated today so I was about to quit and go home. But then I saw you. And I said to myself, 'What better motivation is there than to talk to a beautiful woman?' So I came over here to see if you could use a jogging partner."

Her cheeks were as red as they could go. "Beautiful? No...I...not me...umm yeah I don't mind if you jog with me. Just don't make fun of me, ok?"

James laughed. "I should be the one asking that! I just know my foolish tongue is going to say something inappropriate and I will be falling all over myself to apologize!"

She managed a laugh. She wasn't huffing as bad as she had been earlier. He knew that meant her adrenaline was really pumping right now.

I really am different. I see so many signs now. How did I miss those? Was I walking around blind all of these years? This is too easy. This slut will be sucking my dick in no time.

"Don't worry, I will look out for you if your tongue starts going in the wrong direction. And just so there isn't any confusion, I am married." She held up her hand and showed him her wedding ring.

I know you are married you stupid whore. I saw the wedding ring. You are about to find out how much that little band of silver really means.

He laughed. "I know; that was the first thing I looked for. I was hoping luck would be on my side today. Regardless, at least I have my motivation. How many more miles are you doing?"

"Umm...about 2 more laps around the park. What about you?"

"Why, what a coincidence! That is exactly how much I have left. Who would have guessed?"

She smiled at him. "Yeah, who would have guessed?"

"So, where is this husband of yours? Doesn't he want to keep you company and protect you from handsome strangers?"

"There goes your tongue! But since you asked so sweetly, he is too tired from work to come jogging with me."

James shook his head sadly. "Forgive me, but your husband is obviously not very smart. Any smart man would love to go jogging with his wife."

She looked confused. "Why do you say that?"

"Don't either of you know what physical activity does to your libido?" He winked at her.

The red in her cheeks came back in a hurry. "You weren't kidding about the tongue!" She was smiling.

Ah, you naïve slut. You don't even know that you are flirting with me. This is the beginning of the end for you.

"No, I wasn't. But my original point is still valid, don't you think?"

The smile faded from her face. "Well...I did try to get him to start jogging with me. After 7 years of marriage, we haven't been as physically active as we used to be. We both have kind of let ourselves go...a little bit."

"Nonsense! My dear, I thought you were jogging just to stay fit. Don't tell me you are trying to lose weight?"

"You certainly are a charmer. Yes I need to lose weight. I just don't show those places of my body to the public."

"Well I agree with you on that point. You should reserve those places for the people who deserve to see."

They jogged in silence for a few moments. James let her collect her thoughts.

"So what do you mean by 'people?' I thought only my husband gets to see my body?"

"Well...that depends doesn't it? This is just my opinion, but I believe that a husband who doesn't want to better himself for his wife doesn't deserve to have his wife better herself for him. And if she does better herself, I think other people should deserve an opportunity to view the results of her labor."

He didn't smile at her this time. He wasn't joking. He let her see the seriousness in his eyes. She looked scared...and underneath; excited.

Game, set, and match.

"Who...who are these other people you are referring to?" She wasn't smiling either. The color was high in her cheeks. She was flushed.

"They could be anyone. Maybe you met somebody in your office or it could your neighbor. It could even be a handsome stranger in the park..."

She stopped jogging. He stopped and looked at her. He could hear dogs barking and kids yelling. It was such an important moment in the life of this woman. For James, it was lunch time.

"This day is not turning out how I expected. I didn't think when I woke up this morning that I would be talking to a perfect stranger about my marriage. And I would have never thought in a million years that I would be flirting with him..."

"Life presents everybody with interesting choices."

"Yes it does," she said. "What...choice, exactly, are you presenting?"

James waited for a jogger to pass by before he responded. He leaned in toward her and whispered in her ear.

"I wanted you the minute I saw you in the park. You are absolutely gorgeous and I want to know what is under those loose clothes. Fuck your husband. He didn't come here with you. Follow me. I know a secluded spot over here."

He stepped back and waited for her response. She was breathing heavily. She didn't take her eyes off of his.

"I can't...believe I want to do this. I never thought a man as handsome as you would ever go for a homely girl like me. You are so...and my husband is...disgusting. He gained over 50 pounds and he refuses to go jogging with me! He makes me feel so...ugly."

Tears formed in her eyes and splashed down her cheeks. James took her hand.

"Come with me and feel beautiful again. I will worship your body like your husband should have. And I will give you more pleasure than he has in the past year, I can guarantee it. Will you come with me?"

He tugged her hand and she nodded. Fresh tears spilled down her cheeks. He held her hand and began walking down a side path. The path took them through a heavily wooded area. James knew this park very intimately.

He veered off the path and pulled her along through chest-high brush. She followed him trustingly.

Stupid bitch, I could be a serial killer for all you know. I could have every STD in the book. But all you care about is looking pretty and getting your pussy pounded.

After a few minutes, the brush vanished. There was a small circle of dead grass around a big tree. The trunk of the tree split into two halves only a few feet from the ground. The area was completely surrounded by brush. They would not be interrupted.

"Here we are," he said. Now that they were secluded, she looked shy and timid.

"So...what is your name?" she asked.

James shook his head. "No names. After this, we will never see each other again. And I hope I give you enough confidence to leave that loser husband of yours."

I really don't care.

She nodded. James surprised her by taking her in his arms and kissing her. But after a few seconds she relaxed and kissed him back eagerly.

James made a show of admiring her body. He took off her baggy shirt and dropped it to the ground. She crossed her arms and flushed in embarrassment. Her boobs were massive; 36D would be James' guess. She had an extra roll around her stomach but nothing too bad.

He lifted her chin with his fingers and shook his head at her. He let her see that he loved her body. She dropped her arms slowly. He reached around her back and undid the clasp of her bra. The bra fell to the ground to join her shirt.

Her tits hung down her chest. James lifted each one and felt their weight. He bent down and sucked on each nipple. She gasped. He kissed his way back up her chest and to her lips. Her kiss was more passionate and filled with heat.

He knelt down and pulled her jogging pants down to her ankles. She made to cross her arms again but held them still. He pulled down her panties as he kissed her thighs. She shuddered.

Goosebumps broke out on her skin. She maintained a triangle of pubic hair around her glistening pussy. Her pussy lips were fat and pink. He trailed his hands along the inside of her thighs and heard a moan escape her lips. He rubbed a finger along the fold of her clit and she almost collapsed.

He stood up and held his finger out to her. She didn't even hesitate as she sucked his finger and tasted her own juices. He removed his finger and pulled off his running shorts and underwear. His 9 inch cock sprang up.

She gasped when she saw it. She grabbed it and stared at it with wide eyes.

"Let me guess, your husband is small?" James said.

She nodded her head, never breaking eye contact with his penis. She knelt down in the grass and stared at his penis for several seconds. Then she flicked her tongue out and tasted the pre-cum leaking out of the head of his cock.

Ok, time to put Isabell's teachings into practice.

James cleared his mind and fell into his primal state. This was a nice married woman he was about to fuck. He couldn't wait to put his penis in that hot pussy.

She gave him the best blowjob she could, but it wasn't doing anything for James. He picked her up and led her to the tree. She put a hand on each fork of the tree trunk and stuck her ass out.

It was definitely a meaty ass. And very pale. James felt a surge of lust in his primal state. This is what he was made for. This is what every man was made for.

He bent down and reached into the pocket of his jogging shorts. He grabbed a condom and put it over his cock. He positioned his cock by her pussy and grabbed her meaty hips.

He rammed her onto his cock.

She screamed in pain and pleasure. "Oh my god, you are so big! Oh god! Easy! Easy! Oh god..."

James didn't pay attention to what the whore was saying. He just listened in savage pleasure to the sound of his crotch banging into her heavy backside. Ripples ran through her ass at each thrust. James dug his hands into her sides and savagely pulled her back against his cock.

She moaned and grunted with each thrust. A tiny branch fell from the tree and landed on her back. She was leaning forward on her toes with the soles of her feet showing. There was dirt on her feet. The earthiness of this woman made the primal state of James go berserk.