The Slave World Abductions Ch. 05

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The Kim issue is resolved. Max interviews the Duchess.
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Part 5 of the 9 part series

Updated 11/03/2023
Created 03/02/2022
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The Slave World Abductions

A Fanfiction

Part Five

by The Preve

Based upon characters and concepts created by Roxy Rex

The Author wishes to convey his thanks to Roxy Rex for his permission in writing this story.

It shouldn't have surprised me to see Miss O'Brien naked. Some owners preferred their slaves unclothed, especially if the primary function was sex. Kim's mousy demeanor didn't strike me as the type for nudity, even if her body was reasonably good for it.

Her looks were more cute than pretty, with a round face, wide blue eyes under square wire-rimmed glasses, a cute button nose, and flaming red hair braided in pigtails.

She sported a reasonably curvy body, average breasts, maybe a little big in the hips and ass. Lots of freckles, most of them around her face, shoulders, and forearms. No other hair on her body. She either shaved or waxed, or the slavers or the Duchess permanently removed it. Her height was average. Overall, a classic Irish red.

The only word she uttered was, "Uh."

I could say her reaction confused me but not exactly. I'm not some overzealous action hero out to save a poor ravaged damsel from a horrible monster. Sure, there were kidnappings, and the culprits needed to pay, and dearly.

Excess of zeal, however, didn't get you very far on Slave World, except dead, or slaved. There are nuances sometimes in rescue and punitive ops. Nuances like the lack of shell-shocked survivor on Kim's face. She looked mildly annoyed actually, as if I'd interrupted her at a task.

"Um... uh... this is... kind of awkward... Um, I don't want to be rescued. I'm... sorry if you came all this way."

Stockholm syndrome or mesmerism; a lot of Slave World victims have one or the other in some form. I needed to tread carefully.

"You've been through a traumatic experience Miss O'Brien, but however normal this seems to you, you had a life stolen from you and I'm here to restore it."

"My life back home sucked. Really, I'm fine."

Mesmerism then, either psychological or magical. I had to be sure, however.

"You say your life sucked. How do you know? Your mind could have been played."

"My mind's just fine. I remember everything since they brought me here."

No hint of uncertainty in her voice or face. "You were taken by force, tortured, broken, probably branded and sold. You could be in the middle of a breakdown."

"You mean the brand?" Kim turned around and showed the brand on her left butt cheek. The sign of the bull. The Taurus Group, a merchant organization founded by minotaurs. A significant clue.

"They gave me to all sorts of creatures," she continued, "I never experienced anything like it, not even in my craziest dreams."

I could see her pussy dripping even from where I sat. Her skin was flushed too. A pain luster or masochist as Muck Muck said? The responses could be written into her through mesmerism or magic.

"Come here."

Kim didn't move.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to force you or anything. I just want to take a closer look at you."

She was timid and suspicious but came forward.

I chanted a scan. No magic or spell on her. I took my oculus and examined her body. No tatts or hidden glyphs, she was clean.

"Well," I said pensively, "This complicates matters. You say your life sucked before this?"

Kim set the books down and sat in a chair. "Back in Boston I did everything everyone told me, but it wasn't like this. I was nothing to them, my family, my 'friends'."

"You're a slave. You're nothing to people here, except property. What's the difference?"

"I had feelings, thoughts, things I wanted to do, I couldn't do back home. I can here. Mistress Bellam gives me everything I want, and she lets me remodel her library. Books are the only other thing I love besides the Duchess."

I had my hand on my chin, thinking. I couldn't take her home obviously. The kidnapping was against her will, her decision to stay made the matter different.

"There's still the issue regarding your kidnapping."

"Perhaps, then, a solution can be discussed," a sultry, smoky voice sounded behind me. "Along with a reason not to flay you alive for bringing me here."

"Mistress!" Kim smiled standing up.

I turned around. "Perhaps you should give me a reason not to burn your library for violating several articles of the Compact."

Lady Averna Bellam, Duchess of Felldis, was a Lilium of the Asmodean branch. She was eight feet tall and built like a brick jailhouse. Her long jet black hair, pointed ears, light blue-gray skin, goat's legs, and cloven hooves shouted infernal race.

The glassy, translucent horns curving from her temples were far stronger than they looked. Her eyes, black with mauve pupils, seemed unnatural, even for Svartalfheim.

The Duchess wore the robes, bracelet, and diadem of her office.

"Do you think it wise to threaten me in my home?"

"Do you think it smart to pick a fight with the Department?"

"She was a fair purchase."

"A kidnapped woman from a closed realm."

"I did not know it at the time."

"You knew later. You had to know. Or did your bedroom talk not include Midgardian terms?"

The two women's silence said everything.

"She wants to stay."

"I know, but that doesn't excuse the violation of the Compact. There's a penalty."

"What do I have to do?"

I thought. In some circumstances I can act as judge, jury, and sometimes executioner. Or I can send a recommendation to the Department. I decided to split the difference.

"Who handles the legal matters for your estate?"

"My steward, Artalik."

"Have him draw up emancipation papers."

The Duchess rang for Artalik, using codes for emancipation and legal.

I needed to walk very carefully here. I was dealing with one of the wealthiest, most powerful nobles on Svartalfheim. Plus, a member of a powerful branch of one of the most formidable of the infernal races. My personal shields were at ten plus.

Kim gnawed her lower lip, her gaze wavered between me and the Duchess. The librarian's blue eyes were wet and worried. She looked like a puppy. I marveled a cute package like her could contain such dark passions.

The Duchess' face was stone cold. Her kind never gave away emotion. Any concern in her was more from fear of losing a valued item. I don't know if Kim knew the Duchess felt no real love. Demons aren't capable of it. Free will, however, is one of the most important legal tenets of the Compact.

Artalik arrived with the papers, very prompt, and radiating ice cold hostility. He all but threw the papers, contemptuously, on the table, earning a disapproving cough from the Duchess.

Artalik, if any, paled even more. "Sorry milady," he muttered and stood at attention.

I went over the papers. They were in order. I had to admit, the Duchess displayed integrity.

"Duchess, if you may sign."

The Duchess took out a pen, stabbed her hand, and signed with her blood, under the statement which declared, "The slave, hitherto named as Kimberly O'Brien (I added, "As well as any such names given to her by family and/or owner, broker, and/or acquisition agent [slaver], plus undisclosed True Name,") was, from the present date, and retroactively at time of capture, a free, unbound woman and sentient, by soul, spirit, mind, and body, and is, by her own will, free to make any and all decisions as to her welfare, including all legal and medical decisions as regard to property, body, and progeny (I also added, "Such conditions apply to any progeny ensuing from any relationship she may hold, regardless of the status said paramour may currently hold, slave or free, criminal or otherwise, human or nonhuman,"). Nor any other condition of bondage shall be imposed upon her or her progeny by the signatories, or other parties. Involuntary servitude, as a condition of imprisonment upon breach of the laws of Svartalfheim, Alfheim, and/or other open realms, wherein which party has been duly convicted, is prohibited.

Under terms of the Compact,

Signed by Blood Vow (signatories below)"

I doubted Kim would break what passed for law here.

In Svartalfheim, especially Slaveworld, details on legal documents, particularly in regards to emancipation, are extremely important. Dark elves, demons, tieflings, humans, other slave owners, will exploit any loopholes (light elves do it too, only they're nicer about it).

"Miss O'Brien, your turn."

Kim leaned over and signed.

"Just a second Miss O'Brien. Your Ladyship, if I may borrow your pen."

The Duchess handed me her pen. "Miss O'Brien, your thumb please."


"You need to certify your signature with a thumbprint in blood. Only in this case."

Kim reluctantly allowed a prick and affixed her print.

"Artalik, you're a witness. Sign and affix."

Artalik's signature and thumbprint were made with considerable vigor. I pricked my thumb, signed and affixed as a second witness. Then wrote instructions on the back.

"I'm going to have to write a flash pentagram on the table, your Ladyship. Sorry."

"It can be cleaned."

Flash spelling is a relatively new concept in magic. Developed by human and light elf sorcerers, mostly to convey messages and small objects. Convenient for deep expeditionary agents to send and receive info.

I drew the pentagram, placed the papers in it, chanted a spell, and the papers disappeared, in a flash of course. The turnaround should take a couple of hours.

"We'll see how fast the bureaucracy takes," I said.

"Quick I should hope," Artalik replied with bitter frost.

"Well, this was easy. A bit too easy. I'd have expected more opposition from your Ladyship. Your acquiescence related to a try at a council position, perhaps?"

"You are very perceptive Mister...?"


"Mister Grant."

"It makes sense. A woman holding such wealth and power would see an open seat on the council as an opportunity. Any trouble with the Department would be inconvenient?"

"I'd prefer my campaign to be... uncomplicated."

"I see." I turned to Kim. "Miss O'Brien, a relationship with the Duchess means a relationship with every act she commits. Her politics, her atrocities, her enemies. They'll wash on you too. You'll be as much a target as her. Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Two of my brothers are Winter Hill. I did errands for them sometimes. I have an idea what I'm in for, Mister Grant. I'll take the risk. I love this life. I love her."

"She doesn't love you. She can't love you," I warned her, looking at the Duchess, "But it's your life. A life you chose, and on your head be it. But I don't think you have a good appreciation of what you're getting into. However, it won't be as a slave."

As if to illustrate my point, the pentagram glowed and a small stack of papers appeared.

"Quicker than I thought. They must have shoved them directly up the chain."

I took the papers. "Copies of your emancipation." I handed one to Kim, the other to the Duchess. "For your records."

I read out the next sheets, documents, and notes. "Hiring documents under Article Four slash A of the Compact." I handed the Duchess the papers. "As of this moment, Kim is your employee and not your slave. She has the option of leaving your employment at any time, for any reason. I strongly recommend thirty gold sovereigns per week."

I turned to Kim, "That's roughly 72K in US dollars per standard Midgardian year. About the salary of a librarian.

Back to the Duchess, "You also owe her wages for work since the time of purchase. On my recommendation, a fine of fifty thousand gold sovereigns could be imposed. It depends on the Committee. Does this agree with you?"

"It is... more generous than I expected."

"Kim's willingness to stay, the apparent good treatment, coupled with no other issues other than her treatment in the dungeons, were mitigating factors. She will be assigned a case worker, who will make periodic welfare checks. I suggest he or she be treated with the utmost courtesy. Well, that's mostly it. If you can sign the hiring documents, I can send them to the office, get you the copies, and settle this matter quickly. I do have more questions for you, your Ladyship, before I leave."

"I'm sure you do," the Duchess nodded, with a knowing cock of her eyebrow. Very little got past her.

The papers were signed, sent, and copies returned.

"Miss O'Brien, if you have other business you may leave. You too Artalik. The questions do not concern you."

Artalik looked at the Duchess, questioningly.

"You may go, Artalik," she said.

The steward departed with a sour look. I suspected he wanted the Duchess to do more than just talk. He has to learn, not all resolutions involve throw down fights with demons. Sometimes the boring minutiae of bureaucracy is enough.

I decided to stand up rather than make the Duchess sit. She had cooperated after all.

"I must admit, I'm a little surprised how the situation resolved itself, in spite the indications of Kim's proclivities. You seem to have some concern for her, your Ladyship."

"I am... fond of her. She is useful, and it has been a considerable time since I've had one such as her."

"Uh hmmm, strange how things turn out. However, my questions regard the auction itself. You paid the broker. Do you know of his contractor?"

"I paid the broker directly. The procuring agents were not present."

"Well, worth a shot. What about the bidders?"

"Most were dark elf nobility. If you are looking for council candidates, none were present at the auction. They would be saving money for their campaigns in any case."

"Ah, so you know what this is about then."

"I am the Duchess of Felldis. Ignorance is weakness for my station. Rumors have been swirling this past year of unauthorized procurements. I made the connection immediately to my new acquisition. I was considering how to handle the situation when you arrived."

"I suspect her wish to stay complicated matters?"

"It did. I do, however, have ideas on who might be behind the purchases. I would be willing to discuss the issue this evening, should you wish to stay the night."

"I am honored by your invitation, your Ladyship. However, these other purchases require my attention, and I would rather try for an inn before this evening."

"I offer you food and lodgings for the evening, and breakfast, with no conditions or obligations by the Laws of Hospitality. I swear, by my name and honor under the Gods of Light and Dark."

A pure offer, with the requisite vow, does not qualify as gifting. It's a genuine invitation. Very rare, and almost unheard of from high nobility to a commoner human.

"I am most highly honored, your Ladyship, and I graciously accept your invitation."

The Duchess extending this invite, after how I initiated the meeting, meant she was up to something. Not to do me harm, as it would violate the Laws of Hospitality and forswear her.

It had to be interesting, I knew that. I was glad. Besides, I was tired, hungry, and dusty from the road. I could use a breather.

To Be Continued

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Can we have More, please?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

When can we expect the new part of your excellent story I enjoyed very much?

subbrian773subbrian773about 2 years ago

Perhaps the protagonist's opinion of the Demon People's capacity for love says more about him than it does about the Demons. FUCKING HUMANS!

subbrian773subbrian773about 2 years ago

Anonymous seems not to be a "trained writer"...I would love to criticize the comment but I would need to understand it first.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

No way chattel slavery and bdsm,submission is are not the same slave owners and kidnappers deserve severe justice prevert one you seem like a trained writer don't take the easy way do something different

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