The Slaving World Pt. 04


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"Come on," he said and pulled her forward by her leash. "Let's go."

Reluctantly, her mind full of the memories of her last time with him, she sat up.

"I'm Lucas, by the way," he said. "But you just call me 'sir'. I hope you read the book. I've decided you are going to stay with me."

"Just you, sir?" Lida said.

"Usually. Not always. You'll see, but things like the other night are going to be part of your world now. For the next week or two, it will just be me and maybe a friend or two. But you'll get gangbanged again."

He stood, and wrapped the leash around his hand. He gave it a tug and Lida rose. He opened the door and for the first time in how long? Three days? Lida left this little room. She had not remembered much when they brought her in, but saw that the floor was some sort of tile until they came to a locked door. Once they passed through that, the building became much more opulent and livable.

"When you are free from other duties and training, you will take care of my apartment and my needs," Lucas explained. "And the needs of any friends that drop by. Your owner has not thought you worthy of his time yet, so he has placed you in my care."

He stopped by a door and ushered her in. An older woman sat at a desk.

"Good morning, Lucas," she greeted him warmly.

"Good morning, Edith," Lucas said.

"This must be Lida," she said and looked the tall new slave up and down. "You guys did a number on her."

"Orders from the Boss," Lucas said with a shrug.

"And I'm sure you hated every minute of it," she said with a smile. "I see that she starts training tomorrow, what can I do for you now?"

"Cleaned up, trimmed and groomed, please."


"Lose it."




"Yes, medium to small-ish. I don't want her too loose yet."

"Where do you want her sent?"

"My apartment."

"You lucky dog," Edith said and took Lida's leash. "Give us a couple of hours," she checked the tablet in front of her, "nothing going on today, I'll feed her lunch and throw in a massage, have her at your place at 200pm?"

"You're the best, Edith," Lucas said and slid out.

Edith turned to Lida and the smile vanished from her face.

"You're new here and new to the collar by the looks of it," Edith said with a hint of a lilting brogue, "so let me explain things. You're nice to me and do what you're told, I'll be nice to you. You get out of line or give me trouble, and I'll knock your pretty little slave ass back in line so fast you won't know what hit you. I don't tolerate mouth and I have no patience for whatever baggage you left in the old world. You're a slave, you do what you do and I make sure you are best prepared to do it. I've handled hundreds of girls. You're nothing new or special and nothing I can't break."

She crossed her hands on her desk.

"Now, are we going to be nice?"

"Yes, ma'am," Lida said quickly.

"Good, let's get you back and look you over," Edith said, smiling again, and led Lida through a doorway.

Edith did not talk much or volunteer any information and it was not Lida's place as a slave to ask questions. It was all business as Lida was passed from bathing to hair removal and cutting, manicure, pedicure to buttplug insertion and finally massage (which crossed the boundary to foreplay several times). She was dressed in cuffs on her wrists and ankles and her collar.

Aroused, relaxed, cleaned and groomed, she was escorted to an apartment. Lida realized she had not seen a window yet. She assumed the few clocks she had seen were correct, but had no solid basis for that. She also assumed she was still somewhere near Las Vegas, but that was on faith, too. She had slept pretty soundly...

The apartment was empty, her escort left her there and closed the door behind her. Lida hurried to the outside window for a quick look. It seemed like she was in Las Vegas, that looked like the Stratosphere in the distance. She was searching for more landmarks, but she didn't know the area. All she knew was that she was somewhere in or near Las Vegas. And there was nothing she could do with that information.

She was a slave, subject to whatever they wanted to do to her. Lucas was going to fuck her; lots of people were going to fuck her. Everything that had been done to her in the warehouse had been done at his behest and following his lead. From the sex to the whipping, he had been first and gave the approval for the others to follow. He had not shown much kindness or even the slightest hint of gentleness towards her.

Lida stared out the window, longing for the outside world, to be able to run free outside.

The apartment door opened and Lucas filled the doorway.

"Good evening, sir," Lida said quickly. "May I get you anything?"

"Good," Lucas chuckled and kicked off his shoes, "you did read the book. Scotch, two ice cubes. Make two then sit at the table and I'll explain things to you a little."

Lida went into the kitchen and quickly found what she needed. She remembered how spilt drinks had begun her brutalization at the hands of Hunter and she wanted to start this one off better. Two ice cubes in each glass and she poured the scotch. She put the bottle away, didn't see any tray so brought the drinks over by hand.

Lucas motioned for her to sit across from him.

"To my new toy," he said and raised his glass. Lida, reluctant to toast her own servitude, nonetheless raised her glass. This man had already been inside her, used her for his satisfaction.

They each took a sip and Lucas began to explain to Lida what her life was going to be like.

"This is your new world, Lida Mae the slave," Lucas said. "Your owner, Dominick Nikitaras, is one of the biggest slave owners in the Association. It is a passion of his. Most of them, he uses in operations like this. Members, guests, whatever, schedule hunts. Groups go out and hunt slave girls. The hunts vary, some are like laser tag, some go on for days outdoors in remote locations. But, in the end, the slave girl ends up getting fucked and usually gangbanged.

"That's where you come in. Starting tomorrow, you are going to start getting trained on how to make these chases last long enough to be worth the time and money of putting one on. If you get better and last longer, you'll be given more training and offered to a different, more select clientele. And if you ever get so good you are avoiding your hunters, then Dominick Nikitaras might make you one of his bodyguards. For some reason, he bought you thinking you might have what it takes. We'll see.

"But all that is a long way away. You're fresh meat, you're going to get fucked a lot until you figure out what the hell you're doing. And when you're not out there getting plowed, you'll be in here getting it from me. I am in charge of your training and development."

Almost as a side note he added, "Keep the place clean, too."

He opened a small box. There was a collar inside. It was black nylon webbing with a soft cloth lining on the inside.‭ ‬There was the obligatory loop for the leash and a small,‭ ‬strong looking lock on it.‭ ‬Next to the lock was a small box,‭ ‬about the size of a cigarette lighter.‭ ‬There were wires woven into the nylon,‭ ‬and Lida had a bad feeling about those.‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬

"Lift up your hair," Lucas commanded. Lida obeyed and he unlocked her current collar. He tossed it aside and took the new one out of the box. He secured it around her neck and, with a mechanical click, it locked shut.

"Let me explain your new collar," Lucas said and held up a small remote. "They don't want you marked up any more so at your first event you will be a blank canvas on which to work. But I still need to be able to hurt you if I need, or want, to do so. That's where this comes in." He pressed a button on the remote and the collar delivered a painful shock to her. "That's the lowest setting, it only hurts more from there."

Lida tried not to think about the pain box that had just been secured to her neck. She tried to concentrate on obeying because she wanted to be a good slave. If she could do that, she need not worry about getting shocked.

"Let's go the bedroom," Lucas said. He took her hand and led her to the bedroom. It was tidy but Spartan with a queen bed taking up most of the space. He pointed to the bed. "Lie down on your stomach."

"Yes, sir," Lida obeyed.

Lucas tied her spread eagle. There were loops at each corner and Lucas had adjustable straps and she was quickly secured. He sat down on the bed beside her and began caressing her butt and back. His hands worked their way between her thighs and into her moist slit.

"I really did luck out," he said as his fingers probed her. "The Boss wanted to buy you and get you trained. And that's going to take a while. In the meantime, I control your training, I control you." He climbed between her legs and guided his cock to her pussy. "But I'm not going to be selfish." He slid in slowly and deeply. "I liked watching you get gangbanged. I know you'll get it 'at work', but I'll make sure you spread it around otherwise, too. I'll reward people with you, pay back favors. Keep you busy."

He lay down on top of her and reached under to fondle her breasts while he continued to slowly fuck her.

"You were a rich woman, now you're a fuck toy slave. Word has already got around the other slaves that you used to own slaves, that you'd have a girl come in to eat your pussy. They are going to make things rough for you if they get a hold of you. I think at some point, I'll let them have you for a while. Just because I can, because I like thinking of what they will do to you."

He raised up on his arms and began to fuck her harder. Lida relaxed, concentrated on getting her enjoyment out of the situation and managed to reach a lovely little climax before Lucas fired his cum inside her.

He kissed her sweaty back then pulled out.

"I've got to get back to work," he said and began dressing. "Don't go anywhere."

A minute later and he was gone. Lida lay tied to the bed, unable to do anything except await his return.



Roy had been working nonstop for most of the last twenty-four hours. He was subcontracting most of the data mining that went with his intelligence gathering. One group was in Las Vegas, the other in Mumbai. Between the two of them, Roy could get around the clock coverage.

Hunter had left for his place in the city. Shortly after arriving he sent a message that he was off after the bail jumper Syd had been watching. The house was quiet again.

Roy's former step-father and current friend and business associate Greg stopped in one afternoon. Officially, he had a bunch of papers for Roy from the Association and some other legal business that needed attention. Roy also suspected, and appreciated, that Greg still looked after him and wanted to make sure he wasn't moldering away in his house up against the mountain.

They sat in Roy's office. The bourbon was obligatory and on the rocks. This was how most of their conversations happened. All the official business had been taken care of, papers signed, and funds transferred, and Greg seemed satisfied that Roy was doing okay.

"I have a favor to ask of you, Roy," Greg said, bringing it to the other reason he was here rather than sending a courier.

"Anything, Greg," Roy said, "anything, anytime."

"Nicole just finished her graduate certification and needs a job."

"What's it in?"


Roy laughed. "And I need a slavekeeper. I'd be happy to have my step-sister taking the job."

"Technically, she is not your step-sister any more. Your mother and I have been divorced for a while now."

"So you tell me every time Nicole is brought up."

"Only when you call her your stepsister."

"We are happy with the way things are, Greg. If we ever want to get physically or romantically involved, we will."

"Okay, okay. When should she start?"

"After I get her résumé, cover letter and a letter of recommendation."

"You'd make your stepsister do that?"

"Oh, now she's my stepsister?" Roy chuckled. "Besides, she should have all of that ready already. If I had ever actually graduated college, I would." Roy did keep an up-to-date résumé for his assorted legal jobs and consulting.

Greg opened his briefcase and pulled out an envelope. He slid it over and Roy opened it. The young man pulled out a cover letter, résumé and three letters of recommendation.

"That's Nicole for you," he said with a smile on his face, his stepsister always dotted all her i's and crossed all her t's. "Do you ever wish she had gone military like you did?"

"Maybe a little. She went to a military high school, but decided something different after that. I was kind of surprised by her decision to go into slavekeeping, but I think she eventually wants to get into the research arm of the Association."

"Yup, says right here in paragraph three of the cover letter. 'I wish to eventually further my education and work in the Association Research Arm'." Roy read through the cover letter and moved onto the résumé and letters. "She can start whenever she's ready. I'll give her Anna's old apartment. With Lida gone and Amanda still on the prowl, we don't have any slaves at the moment to keep, so no hurry."

Nicole was Greg's adopted daughter. She was three years older than Roy and he would be the first to admit he had always had at least a little crush on her. She was Tanzanian on her mother's side, who had been working at the embassy in Washington, DC and met Greg at a social function. Her father was out of the picture (her mother had coyly said she "met him at the games"), so Greg adopted the ten-year-old girl as his own. When they inevitably divorced seven years later, Greg still had partial custody of his daughter and remained a major part of her life.

Nicole was tall, 5'10" and strikingly lovely. Her dark brown complexion, long legs and curly brown hair made for a beautiful woman. Where Roy had bounced from one thing to another, depending on his mood at the time; Nicole was razor focused and disciplined. She had excelled in sports and academics, but always kept her life plans hushed.

Stephens' College, where Nicole did her graduate work, was only about twenty minutes away from Monon and the Association headquarters in the cornfields of Indiana. While the Association enjoyed a long and productive working relation with the Kinsey Institute down the road in Bloomington, it based most of its academics out of Stephens'. There was an office in one of the older buildings under an assumed name, and the classes were usually only or two students and done in Monon. Classes like nutrition and psychology were done remotely through Stephens' with extra Association related additions studied in Monon.

Nicole arrived the next day in a Subaru stuffed with her belongings. They had a hug that was either a little too long or a little too short, depending on the intent. Roy helped her move into the basement apartment. They cleaned out the few belongings his former slavekeeper had left when she had absconded with Roy's slave.

After they were done, they went for a swim, then sat on the deck and drank a few cold beers as the sun set.

'Do you still do arms deals?" Nicole asked. She had a little bit of her mother's east African accent.

"A couple now and then," Roy said with a shrug. "The slaving business and assorted other projects take up most of my time. The numbers weren't really adding up for arms dealing. We had two literally blow up on us, two of our guys killed. Bunch of theirs, too. Now it's safer stuff and primarily just a way to justify having a group of trained armed men on call. Mostly, I do a lot of blowing people up for the Association and hope they will cover my expenses."

"Somehow, I never pictured you as the type to get into the slaving business," she said.

"I could say the same about you," he answered with a laugh. "It really wasn't something I planned, but your dad introduced me to the Association, then I got started working for him and the arms deals and that led to Hunter and that led to being a part of the Association administration/enforcement world and that led to a war with Mark and Sam and that led to us acquiring a roper slave and since we had a roper and we all the contacts, why not go into slaving?"

"Wow, that was all one sentence," Nicole said admiringly.

"How about you?"

"Well, both my parents were members," before Roy could ask any questions she hastily added, "the 'social function' at which they met was a slave party. She was looking to buy a girl and wound up meeting her second husband instead. The marriage didn't last, I suppose because my mother decided she'd rather own a girl than answer to a husband. The fact that there were slaves was always just accepted. My mother owned a few while I was growing up and when Dad wasn't married he had one.

"I guess I realized I wasn't submissive, but I was fascinated by the idea. I loved that some women needed that sort of thing, that they would willingly sign their lives away to fill that need. Most seemed so satisfied and happy and I wanted to know more about it. Why were they like that? Was it learned? Natural? How could they be found and helped? How could their time as a slave be safe and fulfilling? A few psychology and human sexuality classes in college started me down the road and by the time I graduated, I had already taken a few online classes at Stephens'. I mean, I've got a trust fund, I don't have to work to pay the bills, so this was a way for me to follow my passion."

"And slavekeeping is your passion."

"It is."

They watched the last of the sun dip below the mountain.

"We don't have any slaves right now, so your main job will be housekeeping," Roy said, hoping to get the conversation back to work and not be distracted by her copious amounts of exposed skin.

"You mean coordinating housekeeping. I'm not cleaning this place. I'll direct the slaves or hire a contractor. I don't do windows and I don't scrub any toilets but my own."

Roy paused for a second and thought about what he agreed to pay her. While it seemed like that for what she was earning, he could get clean windows, he also knew not to argue the point with Nicole. There was no way he was going to win. He shrugged his acquiescence and took another long drink of his beer.

"What's back there?" she asked and pointed to the mountains behind Roy's house.

"Some trails, old mines here and there. We can get dressed and go explore if you want," Roy said, trying not to look at Nicole's long lovely legs.

"Why get dressed?" She asked and smiled. "A sunset, moonrise naked walk would be wonderful."

Roy couldn't see any reason why not. He just hoped he could keep his eyes on the cactus and off his stepsister's wonderful body.

Roy went inside and grabbed a couple of camelbacks. He went to the safe and took out two pistols for the packs.

"We've got, enemies," Roy said and handed the pack to Nicole. "Best to be safe."

Nicole took the small .38 out of the pack and holster and checked its ammunition and action. Satisfied, she slid it back in the pack. Roy shed his swim trunks, shouldered the small pack, and put on his trail shoes. Nicole did the same and they went off the deck and into the desert.

The sun was behind the mountains to the west and a waxing three-quarters moon was well into the sky in the east. The temperature was perfect on their bare skins, a soft warm breeze flowed over the blooming desert, fragrant and caressing.

"Up the trail?" Nicole asked.

Roy nodded and before he could say anything else, Nicole had taken off uphill in a run.